Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
-- Generated by:
-- (find-angg "LUA/Lisp2.lua" "write-sandwiches-videos")
sandwiches_videos = {
  ["2021ffll"] = {
    ["comment"] = "A tutorial on a very advanced feature.",
    ["date"]    = "2021dec25",
    ["hsubs"]   = "http://anggtwu.net/2021-ffll.html#00:00",
    ["index"]   = "",
    ["length"]  = "1:15:46",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2021-ffll.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/2021-ffll.html",
    ["subs"]    = ".vtt",
    ["title"]   = "How I write 5-minute hacks in eev using `M-x find-find-links-links-new'",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1CEL2fmkyc",
  ["2021orgfornonusers"] = {
    ["comment"] = "On why Org and eev follow opposite principles.",
    ["date"]    = "2021dec11",
    ["hsubs"]   = "http://anggtwu.net/2021-org-for-non-users.html#00:00",
    ["length"]  = "16:36",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2021-org-for-non-users.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/2021-org-for-non-users.html",
    ["subs"]    = ".vtt",
    ["title"]   = "Org for Non-Users (2021)",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eh5Wz9Vh_XM",
  ["2021ssr"] = {
    ["comment"] = "A bad video about a question that I sent to the Org mailing list.",
    ["date"]    = "2021jan04",
    ["length"]  = "4:52",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2021-ssr.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/2021-ssr.html",
    ["title"]   = "Short videos about workflows - and how to upload them",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0_NLXTVhBk",
  ["2021workshop1"] = {
    ["comment"] = "An advanced video about (find-saving-links-intro).",
    ["date"]    = "2021dec01",
    ["index"]   = "",
    ["length"]  = "2:26",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2021-workshop-1.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/2021-workshop.html",
    ["subs"]    = ".vtt",
    ["title"]   = "The base cases 1 and 2 (workshop 2021-dec-04)",
    ["yt"]      = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuqJFPD871E",
  ["2021workshop2"] = {
    ["comment"] = "Another advanced video about (find-saving-links-intro).",
    ["date"]    = "2021dec01",
    ["length"]  = "3:39",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2021-workshop-2.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/2021-workshop.html",
    ["subs"]    = ".vtt",
    ["title"]   = "Creating a link to a file with a 2-window setting (workshop 2021-dec-04)",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqqIlZBXNhk",
  ["2021workshop3"] = {
    ["comment"] = "A video on \"saving links to everything interesting\".",
    ["date"]    = "2021dec03",
    ["index"]   = "",
    ["length"]  = "18:22",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2021-workshop-3.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/2021-workshop.html",
    ["subs"]    = ".vtt",
    ["title"]   = "Material on `M-3 M-e' (workshop 2021-dec-04)",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r83inf9s8zo",
  ["2021workshop4"] = {
    ["comment"] = "How to create links to sections of intros.",
    ["date"]    = "2021dec04",
    ["length"]  = "5:42",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2021-workshop-4.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/2021-workshop.html",
    ["subs"]    = ".vtt",
    ["title"]   = "Invisible text (workshop 2021-dec-04)",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhpHHjBUxv8",
  ["2021workshop5"] = {
    ["comment"] = "This video explains how to read some diagrams.",
    ["date"]    = "2021dec04",
    ["length"]  = "8:50",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2021-workshop-5.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/2021-workshop.html",
    ["subs"]    = ".vtt",
    ["title"]   = "Copy from left to right (workshop 2021-dec-04)",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzRsterVSXs",
  ["2021workshop6"] = {
    ["comment"] = "Some exercises on how to use `M-h M-e'.",
    ["date"]    = "2021dec04",
    ["length"]  = "10:08",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2021-workshop-6.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/2021-workshop.html",
    ["subs"]    = ".vtt",
    ["title"]   = "`find-extra-file-links' (workshop 2021-dec-04)",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gi15-liGaU",
  ["2022eevmake0"] = {
    ["comment"] = "How to use test blocks in weird places. Unrehearsed.",
    ["date"]    = "2022jan04",
    ["hsubs"]   = "http://anggtwu.net/2022-eev-make-0.html#00:00",
    ["length"]  = "6:43",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2022-eev-make-0.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-make.html",
    ["subs"]    = ".vtt",
    ["title"]   = "Using eev to test make(files)",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iql5C-yQk5c",
  ["2022eevwconfig"] = {
    ["comment"] = "This is mainly for beginners who use Windows.",
    ["date"]    = "2022may15",
    ["hsubs"]   = "http://anggtwu.net/2022-eev-wconfig.html#00:01",
    ["index"]   = "",
    ["length"]  = "1:15:48",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2022-eev-wconfig.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-wconfig.html",
    ["subs"]    = ".vtt",
    ["title"]   = "Eev-wconfig.el: a way without \"magic\" to configure eev on M$ Windows",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rm29XSdGCXw",
  ["2022eevwconfigpt1"] = {
    ["comment"] = "A video in Portuguese about eev-wconfig.el.",
    ["date"]    = "2022may02",
    ["lang"]    = "portuguese",
    ["length"]  = "29:20",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2022-eev-wconfig-pt-1.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-wconfig.html",
    ["title"]   = "Configuração sem mágica: um experimento com o eev (versão em Português)",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdLbocmo3r8",
  ["2022eevwconfigpt2"] = {
    ["comment"] = "A video in Portuguese about eev-wconfig.el - second part.",
    ["date"]    = "2022may02",
    ["lang"]    = "portuguese",
    ["length"]  = "46:00",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2022-eev-wconfig-pt-2.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-wconfig.html",
    ["title"]   = "Configuração sem mágica: um experimento com o eev (versão em Português, parte 2)",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAAxrJX-Am8",
  ["2022findeevangg"] = {
    ["comment"] = "A very good video on a very useful trick.",
    ["date"]    = "2022jan16",
    ["hsubs"]   = "http://anggtwu.net/2022-find-eev-angg.html#00:00",
    ["index"]   = "",
    ["length"]  = "17:59",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2022-find-eev-angg.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-find-angg.html",
    ["subs"]    = ".vtt",
    ["title"]   = "Running executable notes from http://angg.twu.net/ with find-angg and find-wget",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoAzpGzFCSE",
  ["2022findelispintro"] = {
    ["comment"] = "A very good video on the design decisions behind `(find-elisp-intro)'.",
    ["date"]    = "2022jan23",
    ["hsubs"]   = "http://anggtwu.net/2022-find-elisp-intro.html#00:00",
    ["index"]   = "",
    ["length"]  = "21:12",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2022-find-elisp-intro.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/find-elisp-intro.html",
    ["subs"]    = ".vtt",
    ["title"]   = "Why eev has a weird elisp tutorial and how to use it",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WowDSciGs1A",
  ["2022pict2elua"] = {
    ["comment"] = "A very good demo of test blocks.",
    ["date"]    = "2022apr18",
    ["hsubs"]   = "http://anggtwu.net/2022-pict2e-lua.html#00:01",
    ["index"]   = "",
    ["length"]  = "8:13",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2022-pict2e-lua.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/pict2e-lua.html",
    ["subs"]    = ".vtt",
    ["title"]   = "Pict2e-lua: a library for diagrams that is being developed with eev and test blocks",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiHsUhGVLGM",
  ["2022tikz"] = {
    ["comment"] = "A way to learn TikZ using examples from the manual.",
    ["date"]    = "2022nov02",
    ["hsubs"]   = "http://anggtwu.net/2022-eev-tikz.html#00:01",
    ["index"]   = "",
    ["length"]  = "1:36:27",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2022-eev-tikz.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-tikz.html",
    ["subs"]    = ".vtt",
    ["title"]   = "Eev and TikZ, or: how to learn TikZ using a REPL",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7nIzpXcV6c",
  ["2022yttranscript"] = {
    ["comment"] = "A video about `find-yttranscript-links'.",
    ["date"]    = "2022oct20",
    ["hsubs"]   = "http://anggtwu.net/2022-yttranscript.html#00:01",
    ["index"]   = "",
    ["length"]  = "28:28",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2022-yttranscript.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/find-yttranscript-links.html",
    ["subs"]    = ".vtt",
    ["title"]   = "find-yttranscript-links: downloading transcripts of Youtube videos, in eev style",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SW3Tx-lHX3o",
  ["2024algpergs"] = {
    ["comment"] = "A video in Portuguese about installation on Windows.",
    ["date"]    = "2024jul13",
    ["hsubs"]   = "http://anggtwu.net/2024-algumas-perguntas.html#00:00",
    ["lang"]    = "portuguese",
    ["length"]  = "10:13",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2024-algumas-perguntas.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/2024-algumas-perguntas.html",
    ["subs"]    = ".vtt",
    ["title"]   = "Algumas perguntas pros estudantes de C2 que estão aprendendo Emacs, eev e Maxima",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjhyhTxN_-o",
  ["2024bashtest"] = {
    ["comment"] = "An introduction to test blocks to people who are afraid of them.",
    ["date"]    = "2024dec01",
    ["hsubs"]   = "http://anggtwu.net/2024-bash-test-blocks.html#0:00",
    ["length"]  = "7:12",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2024-bash-test-blocks.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/2024-bash-test-blocks.html",
    ["subs"]    = ".vtt",
    ["title"]   = "An example of a bash script with test blocks (2024)",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hok5wH4XBYg",
  ["2024butler"] = {
    ["comment"] = "See: http://anggtwu.net/emacsconf2024.html#butler",
    ["date"]    = "2024may17",
    ["hsubs"]   = "http://anggtwu.net/2024-philosophy-tube-butler.html#0:00",
    ["length"]  = "1:15:09",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2024-philosophy-tube-butler.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/2024-philosophy-tube-butler.html",
    ["subs"]    = ".vtt",
    ["title"]   = "I Read The Most Misunderstood Philosopher in the World (Philosophy Tube)",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUW-6atPvUQ",
  ["2024convite"] = {
    ["comment"] = "An invitation to (run) Maxima (from eev). In Portuguese.",
    ["date"]    = "2024aug06",
    ["hsubs"]   = "http://anggtwu.net/2024-convite-maxima.html#00:00",
    ["index"]   = "",
    ["lang"]    = "portuguese",
    ["length"]  = "20:22",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2024-convite-maxima.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/2024-convite-maxima.html",
    ["subs"]    = ".vtt",
    ["title"]   = "Convite: Maxima",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVwxugy15cU",
  ["2024git"] = {
    ["comment"] = "A video about (find-git-intro). Very accessible.",
    ["date"]    = "2024jan06",
    ["hsubs"]   = "http://anggtwu.net/2024-eev-git.html#00:00",
    ["length"]  = "33:25",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2024-eev-git.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/2023-eev-git.html",
    ["subs"]    = ".vtt",
    ["title"]   = "Learning git with \"try it!\"s (and eev)",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsVvokjqMY0",
  ["2024lean4of0"] = {
    ["comment"] = "A video in Portuguese about a workshop on Lean4.",
    ["date"]    = "2024jul04",
    ["hsubs"]   = "http://anggtwu.net/2024-lean4-oficina-0.html#00:00",
    ["index"]   = "",
    ["lang"]    = "portuguese",
    ["length"]  = "37:20",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2024-lean4-oficina-0.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/2024-lean4-oficina-0.html",
    ["subs"]    = ".vtt",
    ["title"]   = "Oficina de Lean4 - versão 0",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBkxGIrv2Q0",
  ["2024lean4of0a2"] = {
    ["comment"] = "A video in Portuguese about a workshop on Lean4.",
    ["date"]    = "2024aug09",
    ["hsubs"]   = "http://anggtwu.net/2024-lean4-oficina-0-aula-2.html#00:00",
    ["index"]   = "",
    ["lang"]    = "portuguese",
    ["length"]  = "29:53",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2024-lean4-oficina-0-aula-2.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/2024-lean4-oficina-0-aula-2.html",
    ["subs"]    = ".vtt",
    ["title"]   = "Oficina de Lean4 - versão 0 - aula 2",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXUJ8YLp5dU",
  ["2024luaso"] = {
    ["comment"] = "See: (find-lua-tutorial-intro)",
    ["date"]    = "2024jan16",
    ["hsubs"]   = "http://anggtwu.net/2024-find-luaso-links.html#00:00",
    ["length"]  = "14:16",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2024-find-luaso-links.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/find-luaso-links.html",
    ["subs"]    = ".vtt",
    ["title"]   = "Two ways of creating \".so\"s for Lua, one very fast, both using Emacs and eev",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUW-6atPvUQ",
  ["2024trywithasexp"] = {
    ["comment"] = "A way to install and try eev very quickly.",
    ["date"]    = "2024dec01",
    ["hsubs"]   = "http://anggtwu.net/2024-trying-eev-with-a-sexp.html#0:00",
    ["length"]  = "3:56",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2024-trying-eev-with-a-sexp.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/2024-find-tryit-links.html",
    ["subs"]    = ".vtt",
    ["title"]   = "Trying eev with a sexp (2024)",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzovupjRhQM",
  ["eev2019"] = {
    ["comment"] = "A good non-technical introduction to eev.",
    ["date"]    = "2019nov02",
    ["hsubs"]   = "http://anggtwu.net/emacsconf2019-subtitles.html#00:00",
    ["index"]   = "",
    ["length"]  = "19:21",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/emacsconf2019.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/emacsconf2019.html",
    ["subs"]    = ".vtt",
    ["title"]   = "How to record executable notes with eev - and how to play them back",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86yiRG8YJD0",
  ["eev2020"] = {
    ["comment"] = "A good technical introduction to eev.",
    ["date"]    = "2020nov28",
    ["hsubs"]   = "http://anggtwu.net/emacsconf2020.html#00:00",
    ["index"]   = "",
    ["length"]  = "47:08",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/emacsconf2020.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/emacsconf2020.html",
    ["subs"]    = ".vtt",
    ["title"]   = "On why most of the best features in eev look like 5-minute hacks",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOAqBc42Gg8",
  ["eev2021"] = {
    ["comment"] = "***START BY THIS VIDEO!!!***",
    ["date"]    = "2021nov21",
    ["hsubs"]   = "http://anggtwu.net/emacsconf2021.html#00:00",
    ["index"]   = "",
    ["length"]  = "6:04",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/emacsconf2021.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/emacsconf2021.html",
    ["subs"]    = ".vtt",
    ["title"]   = "Test blocks",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qM0Luz78qGw",
  ["eev2021b"] = {
    ["comment"] = "How I use test blocks (see above) in real life.",
    ["date"]    = "2021nov28",
    ["hsubs"]   = "http://anggtwu.net/emacsconf2021-dednat6.html#00:00",
    ["index"]   = "",
    ["length"]  = "8:11",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/emacsconf2021-dednat6.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/emacsconf2021.html#real-world-example",
    ["subs"]    = ".vtt",
    ["title"]   = "Test blocks in Dednat6",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUMo7vgkHJI",
  ["eev2022kla"] = {
    ["comment"] = "A video about eev-kla.el.",
    ["date"]    = "2022dec03",
    ["hsubs"]   = "http://anggtwu.net/emacsconf2022-kla.html#00:00",
    ["length"]  = "7:57",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/emacsconf2022-kla.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/emacsconf2022-kla.html",
    ["subs"]    = ".vtt",
    ["title"]   = "Bidirectional links with eev (@ EmacsConf 2022)",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRobfwXd7Cw",
  ["eev2022py"] = {
    ["comment"] = "A video about eev-rstdoc.el.",
    ["date"]    = "2022dec04",
    ["hsubs"]   = "http://anggtwu.net/emacsconf2022-py.html#00:00",
    ["length"]  = "14:03",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/emacsconf2022-py.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/emacsconf2022-py.html",
    ["subs"]    = ".vtt",
    ["title"]   = "Short hyperlinks to Python docs (eev @ EmacsConf2022)",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeqCYQSlz-I",
  ["eev2023repls"] = {
    ["comment"] = "My presentation at the EmacsConf2023. See: (find-show2-intro)",
    ["date"]    = "2023dec02",
    ["hsubs"]   = "http://anggtwu.net/emacsconf2023-repls.html#00:00",
    ["length"]  = "59:11",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/emacsconf2023-repls.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/emacsconf2023.html",
    ["subs"]    = ".vtt",
    ["title"]   = "REPLs in strange places: Lua, LaTeX, LPeg, LPegRex, TikZ (@ EmacsConf 2023)",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDBQo_YYfA8",
  ["eev2023replsb"] = {
    ["comment"] = "How to run the demos here: (find-show2-intro)",
    ["date"]    = "2023dec25",
    ["hsubs"]   = "http://anggtwu.net/emacsconf2023-repls-b.html#00:00",
    ["length"]  = "20:52",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/emacsconf2023-repls-b.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/emacsconf2023.html",
    ["subs"]    = ".vtt",
    ["title"]   = "REPLs in strange places: updates, a demo, and how to try it",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3enXsuXyNg",
  ["eev2024"] = {
    ["comment"] = "A non-technical video about teaching Emacs and eev to Brazilian students.",
    ["date"]    = "2024dec07",
    ["hsubs"]   = "http://anggtwu.net/emacsconf2024.html#0:00",
    ["lang"]    = "portuguese",
    ["length"]  = "30:33",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/emacsconf2024.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/emacsconf2024.html",
    ["subs"]    = ".vtt",
    ["title"]   = "Emacs, eev, and Maxima - Now!",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQ4mUSRcqJc",
  ["eevfherel"] = {
    ["comment"] = "A badly-rehearsed tutorial on an advanced feature.",
    ["date"]    = "2020dec26",
    ["hsubs"]   = "http://anggtwu.net/2020-find-here-links.html#0:00",
    ["index"]   = "",
    ["length"]  = "24:08",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2020-find-here-links.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/2020-find-here-links.html",
    ["subs"]    = ".vtt",
    ["title"]   = "How to create hyperlinks to \"here\" with `find-here-links'",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jtiBlaDor4",
  ["eevnav"] = {
    ["comment"] = "If you are learning Emacs start by this video!",
    ["date"]    = "2020oct04",
    ["hsubs"]   = "http://anggtwu.net/2020-list-packages-eev-nav.html#00:01",
    ["index"]   = "",
    ["length"]  = "12:41",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2020-list-packages-eev-nav.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/2020-list-packages-eev-nav.html",
    ["subs"]    = ".vtt",
    ["title"]   = "How to install eev with M-x list-packages and how to navigate its tutorials",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxBjiUo88_U",
  ["eevtempl"] = {
    ["comment"] = "This is a follow-up to my presentation at the EmacsConf2020.",
    ["date"]    = "2020dec24",
    ["hsubs"]   = "http://anggtwu.net/2020-some-template-based.html#00:00",
    ["index"]   = "",
    ["length"]  = "33:11",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2020-some-template-based.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/2020-some-template-based.html",
    ["subs"]    = ".vtt",
    ["title"]   = "Some template-based functions of eev that are not five-minute hacks",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91-9YfRPsuk",
  ["eevtestbls"] = {
    ["comment"] = "My first video on test blocks. Watch the video `eev2021' instead.",
    ["date"]    = "2021jan24",
    ["index"]   = "",
    ["length"]  = "4:45",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2021-test-blocks.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/2021-test-blocks.html",
    ["title"]   = "Using test blocks in eev (jan/2021)",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpsF_M55W4o",
  ["eevvlinks"] = {
    ["comment"] = "A very good tutorial on how the `(find-*video)' links work.",
    ["date"]    = "2021may10",
    ["index"]   = "",
    ["length"]  = "14:56",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2021-video-links.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/2021-video-links.html",
    ["title"]   = "How to use the `[Video links:]' blocks in the `intro's of eev",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQqWufQgzVY",
  ["oficina20210"] = {
    ["comment"] = "A (long) non-technical introduction to Free Software, Emacs, and eev.",
    ["date"]    = "2021sep05",
    ["index"]   = "",
    ["lang"]    = "portuguese",
    ["length"]  = "1:27:01",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2021projeto-de-ensino.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/2021-oficina.html",
    ["title"]   = "Introdução ao Software Livre: Python, Shell, Lua, Emacs, eev",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OW6WRnSQwc0",
  ["oficina2021a"] = {
    ["comment"] = "A very good introduction in Portuguese for beginners.",
    ["date"]    = "2021nov05",
    ["hsubs"]   = "http://anggtwu.net/2021-oficina-1.html#00:00",
    ["index"]   = "",
    ["lang"]    = "portuguese",
    ["length"]  = "14:58",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2021-oficina-1.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/2021-oficina.html",
    ["subs"]    = ".vtt",
    ["title"]   = "Como instalar o eev no Emacs",
    ["yt"]      = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acFPMuZ5Jf4",
  ["oficina2021b"] = {
    ["comment"] = "A few very basic exercises for beginners. In portuguese.",
    ["date"]    = "2021nov09",
    ["lang"]    = "portuguese",
    ["length"]  = "14:10",
    ["mp4"]     = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2021-oficina-2.mp4",
    ["page"]    = "http://anggtwu.net/2021-oficina.html",
    ["title"]   = "Exercícios de criar e guardar links (1)",
    ["yt"]      = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbuDnkfizYs",