 Chapa 1)


Using eev to test make(files) - subtitles

The main page about this video is here.
Its subtitles in Lua are here.
The rest of this page contains a conversion of the subtitles in Lua
to a slightly more readable format.

00:00 Hi! My name is Eduardo Ochs, and I'm
00:02 the author of an Emacs package called
00:04 eev... and a few hours ago
00:06 I had an idea of how to use a new feature
00:08 of eev, that i'm going to explain soon,
00:14 to test makefiles, and to demonstrate
00:16 weird features of make...
00:19 and this is a demo about it, and it's
00:21 totally unrehearsed.

00:26 To make things work we need to
00:29 use this feature here, that is
00:31 described in this tutorial, in
00:33 section 3.3...
00:37 the description is quite long, but the
00:39 the thing is that we need to put this
00:42 defun here in our ~/.emacs file...
00:48 I'm always using that by default, and
00:50 also I can change the prefix that
00:54 eepitch ignores by just using a `setq'
00:57 like this one, so by using this setq
01:01 I make eepitch ignore prefixes like this,

01:06 and by using setq like this I disable
01:10 the prefix thing, so every line is
01:12 interpreted literally, without dropping
01:14 the prefix.
01:17 Let me show the demo...
01:19 this is the end of the technical part...
01:22 I will need to switch to a smaller font.
01:24 If we run this... oops, sorry -
01:32 if we run this thing here
01:37 we set up a target buffer
01:39 running a shell, and then
01:42 I can type f8 here to
01:48 create this directory... I mean, to
01:50 delete this directory, create it, and to
01:53 download the file into this directory...
01:55 which is this one: demo-1.gnumake -
01:57 this file here.

01:59 And then if we execute this thing here,
02:02 this make that says
02:05 that we have to use this makefile here
02:07 instead of the default, which
02:09 is "Makefile", with a capital "M"
02:11 in the beginning...
02:14 well, let's execute this... it runs the
02:17 target "help", that is here...
02:22 what "help" does is that it first
02:25 echoes this thing, the "# Targets:",
02:31 and then it runs this thing here...
02:38 and we can execute this thing here to
02:45 go to the help...
02:47 I mean, to the info manual of make, to
02:49 the page in which it explains
02:52 how to use this "@" sign
02:54 in the beginning of a recipe...
02:59 so let's try... I'm going to execute it
03:01 with `M-2 M-2' to show the target in
03:03 the the right window...

03:06 so we got the node "Concept Index" -
03:10 note that we see "Concept Index" here -
03:15 and if we type Enter here we go to the
03:20 page that explains how this thing
03:24 works, and by the way I can delete
03:26 this thing, and if execute this sexp

03:30 here I go straight to that node,
03:36 that is called "Echoing"...
03:40 here are a few more demos...

03:45 let me execute it again...
03:48 note that when I run this, by default
03:52 the directory is the directory in which
03:54 this file is... my file is in my
03:57 home directory, in the subdirectory MAKE/,
03:59 in all capital letters...
04:04 but the one that we saw here was just
04:06 a copy of that one. Well...
04:14 so, let me execute this thing, and
04:18 I'm going to to ask make to run
04:22 this target - I don't remember what is
04:24 the terminology for that...
04:28 well, whatever... let me run this line
04:33 and this line here... note that the

04:36 differences is that between the first
04:38 one and the second one each line
04:40 got a .tex in the end...
04:45 and the thing is that
04:48 in the first one we echoed the value
04:50 of this variable in a nice way,
04:54 with this "@echo" here and with this
04:58 "tr" here, that changes every space to a
05:01 new line... and in the second...
05:05 the second target, "show_basic_tex",
05:07 we do something similar but to this
05:09 other variable here, that was obtained
05:14 by this expression here, with the
05:17 "patsubst" in the beginning...

05:19 and if we want help about patsubst
05:22 we can execute this sexp here...
05:26 let me execute it with `M-2 M-e'...
05:32 it explains patsubst here, and
05:36 and if I execute this line
05:41 I show some help, and note that my help
05:44 is... I've done this before -
05:47 my help "@echo"es this thing here,
05:51 and then it shows...
05:53 and then it runs this -
05:56 it greps all the lines that do not start
05:59 with the hash sign, and that end
06:01 with a ":"... and note that
06:07 this ignores this this line because I
06:10 was too lazy to find a better pattern to
06:13 put here... and, well -
06:16 that's it for the moment, I just
06:18 wanted to show the mechanics of how to
06:21 to put tests in a makefile,
06:24 and the trick is simply to use this
06:27 new feature that allows eepitch to
06:29 ignore a prefix, and then we can put
06:31 these test blocks here, that can
06:36 run make with some specific
06:39 command line options.
06:41 And that's it for the moment!