Eev and (My)Qdraw
My main page on Maxima is here.
This page is about my extensions to Ted Woollett's
Qdraw, a drawing package for Maxima.
I'm calling my extensions "MyQdraw". Its examples use eepitch blocks and test blocks.
The animations below were created with MyQdraw:
- 1. Maxima by Example
- 2. The "load"s
- 3. The core of MyQdraw
- 3.1. Eight functions
- 3.2. The rest of the core
- 4. Animations
One of the best places for learning Maxima from examples is a
(free) book whose name is - ta-daaa! - Maxima by Example.
It is divided into chapters, and my script to download a
local copy of it is here. Its chapter
13 is about Qdraw, that is a front-end to Maxima's draw2d command
(see also the Maxima Workbook).
This page is about my current extensions to Qdraw. I'm calling my
extensions "MyQdraw" - a bad name, chosen on purpose to
indicate that this is not a mature package.
The examples in this page will suppose that you have downloaded
myqdraw from its git repository, with something like
and that you have two lines like these ones in your init file:
load_qdraw () := load("/tmp/myqdraw/qdraw.mac");
load_myqdraw() := load("/tmp/myqdraw/myqdraw3.mac");
I use definitions that point to the directory ~/myqdraw/ - they are
Initially "myqdraw" was just this one-liner:
myqdraw([drargs]) := apply('qdraw, flatten([drargs]));
Here's why. The program below produces these two images:
Its call to `qdraw' produces the image at the left and its call to
`myqdraw' produces the image at the right. Here is the code:
* (eepitch-maxima)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-maxima)
P : [cos(t), sin(2*t)];
ts : [0, %pi/4, %pi/2];
define(P(t), P);
define(Pt(t), diff(P,t));
define(Ptt(t), diff(P,t,2));
para(P[1],P[2], t,0,2*%pi, lc(orange)),
vector(P(0), Pt(0), hl(0.1),lc(red)),
vector(P(%pi/4),Pt(%pi/4), hl(0.1),lc(red)),
vector(P(0), Ptt(0), hl(0.1),lc(forest_green)),
vector(P(%pi/4),Ptt(%pi/4), hl(0.1),lc(forest_green))
myqdraw([drargs]) := apply('qdraw, flatten([drargs]));
para(P[1],P[2], t,0,2*%pi, lc(orange)),
makelist(vector(P(t),Pt (t), hl(0.1),lc(red)), t, ts),
makelist(vector(P(t),Ptt(t), hl(0.1),lc(forest_green)), t, ts)
The `qdraw' in it is called - and it needs to be called - with
all its drawing commands "at the same level", but `myqdraw' flattens
its list of drawing commands and then passes the flattened version to
qdraw. The qdraw and the myqdraw above are called like this:
For complex drawings I found `myqdraw' much easier to use.
After a while I saw that it would be good karma to also include
some debugging functions. `qdraw' is a kind of preprocessor - first it
calls `qdraw1' to transform its drawing commands into a list of
drawing commands in the syntax of `draw2d', and then it calls
`draw2d'. In this program
the `qdraw' just draws a circle, and the `qdraw1' doesn't draw
anything, it just returns this list of drawing commands for `draw2d':
[ip_grid_in = [10, 10], grid = true, nticks = 100, key = "",
line_width = 3, transparent = true, point_size = 3, point_type = 7,
label_alignment = left, head_type = nofilled, head_angle = 30,
head_length = 0.5, parametric(cos(t), sin(t), t, 0, 2 %pi), xaxis = true,
xaxis_width = 2, yaxis = true, yaxis_width = 2]
and the `qdraw1v' - a function that I defined - returns that
list of drawing commands for `draw2d' "formatted vertically", like
ip_grid_in = [10,10]
grid = true
nticks = 100
key = ""
line_width = 3
transparent = true
point_size = 3
point_type = 7
label_alignment = left
head_type = nofilled
head_angle = 30
head_length = 0.5
xaxis = true
xaxis_width = 2
yaxis = true
yaxis_width = 2
So, qdraw.mac defines these two main functions:
- `qdraw1', that just translates the qdraw commands to draw2d commands, and
- `qdraw', that does that translation and calls draw2d to draw the result.
Let me invent some new verbs:
- `qdraw1' "qtranslates"
- `qdraw' qtranslates and draws the result - or, in short: "qdraws".
This part of myqdraw-core.mac complement
those two functions with six new ones to build this cube,
qdraw ------ myqdraw
| \ | \
| qdraw1 | myqdraw1
| | | |
qdrawv |---- myqdrawv |
\ | \ |
qdraw1v ---- myqdraw1v
- `qdraw' qdraws,
- `qdraw1' qtranslates,
- `qdrawv' formats vertically,
- `qdraw1v' qtranslates and formats vertically,
- `myqdraw' flattens and then qdraws,
- `myqdraw1' flattens and qtranslates,
- `myqdrawv' flattens and formats vertically,
- `myqdraw1v' flattens, qtranslates and formats vertically.
Qdraw is easy to extend. I generated the animation below
with these files:
Click on the animation to enlarge it; click here to see it in flipbook format.