How to use the "[Video links:]" blocks in the "intro"s of eevNote: I rewrote most of this in nov/2021!
This is 15-min long video - that I recorded in 2021may12 - that explains how to use the "[Video links:]" blocks that now appear in lots of places in the sandboxed tutorials of eev - for example, here: Here are: The video itself, (find-eevvlinksvideo "0:00") An index of the video: (find-eevvlinksvideo "0:00") (find-eevvlinksvideo "0:42" "pandemic -> shorter attention spans") (find-eevvlinksvideo "1:07" "Let's start the technical part") (find-eevvlinksvideo "1:14" "remember that the tutorials are sexps like") (find-eevvlinksvideo "1:27" "one of the main keys for beginners is M-j") (find-eevvlinksvideo "1:32" "M-j explains that you can... M-5 M-j") (find-eevvlinksvideo "1:44" "I'm going to explain how to use these blocks") (find-eevvlinksvideo "2:10" "If we open this tutorial in a browser") (find-eevvlinksvideo "2:33" "each line has two hyperlinks") (find-eevvlinksvideo "2:38" "the second one goes to the video") (find-eevvlinksvideo "3:41" "the first links go to help") (find-eevvlinksvideo "3:59" "let's try to go to help") (find-eevvlinksvideo "4:18" "it ends with this mysterious paragraph") (find-eevvlinksvideo "5:05" "Here we have a copy of these blocks") (find-eevvlinksvideo "5:11" "if I execute this `find-eevnavvideo'") (find-eevvlinksvideo "5:26" "the second line plays the local copy") (find-eevvlinksvideo "6:00" "the last line says `Local file found'") (find-eevvlinksvideo "6:09" "if I execute this `find-eevtestblsvideo'") (find-eevvlinksvideo "6:15" "the last line says `Local file NOT found'") (find-eevvlinksvideo "6:57" "We need to run this eepitch block") (find-eevvlinksvideo "7:14" "If you need help: (find-psne-intro)") (find-eevvlinksvideo "7:35" "(eepitch-shell) creates a target buffer") (find-eevvlinksvideo "8:05" "Now that I have a local copy") (find-eevvlinksvideo "8:08" "this `find-eevvideo' sexp is going to work") (find-eevvlinksvideo "8:20" "the last line says `Local file found'") (find-eevvlinksvideo "8:35" "To follow a `find-eev*video' sexp in Emacs") (find-eevvlinksvideo "8:44" "if we already have the local copy") (find-eevvlinksvideo "8:44" "the sexp in the second line plays it") (find-eevvlinksvideo "8:53" "if we don't have the local copy") (find-eevvlinksvideo "8:58" "message at the end of the buffer") (find-eevvlinksvideo "9:21" "Sections 1, 2, 3") (find-eevvlinksvideo "9:37" "Something that I forgot to explain") (find-eevvlinksvideo "9:58" "middle of the temporary buffer") (find-eevvlinksvideo "10:04" "URL of the .mp4 file") (find-eevvlinksvideo "10:15" "the directory with local copies") (find-eevvlinksvideo "10:28" "youtube URL") (find-eevvlinksvideo "10:44" "youtube URL: follow with M-x brg") (find-eevvlinksvideo "11:17" "Advanced features") (find-eevvlinksvideo "11:42" "source code of `find-eev2020video'") (find-eevvlinksvideo "12:02" "(find-efunction 'find-eev2020video)") (find-eevvlinksvideo "13:15" "I changed my mind, let me show") (find-eevvlinksvideo "13:30" "M-e <down> M-e") (find-eevvlinksvideo "13:44" "M-e <down> M-e") (find-eevvlinksvideo "13:52" "to play the video straight away") (find-eevvlinksvideo "14:07" "redefine: section in the tutorial") (find-eevvlinksvideo "14:25" "this sexp redefines") (find-eevvlinksvideo "14:31" "instead of creating a temp buffer") A link to this page: The "script" of the video: (find-angg "elisp/video-links-2021.el") How I adjust the time offsets: (find-audiovideo-intro "2. `eev-avadj-mode'") Announcements: |