Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and the conversion rules are here. |
-- This file: -- http://anggtwu.net/blogme3/sandwiches-defs.lua.html -- http://anggtwu.net/blogme3/sandwiches-defs.lua -- (find-angg "blogme3/sandwiches-defs.lua") -- Author: Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com> -- Version: 2022nov05 -- This file defines how many kinds of sexp hyperlinks are to be -- htmlized, using the classes SexpIntervals, SexpTarget, SexpHead, -- and HtmlizeLine of: -- -- (find-blogme3 "sandwiches.lua") -- -- This file supersedes my older methods of htmlizing lines of -- e-scripts, but it not yet default. To use it, run this: -- -- require "sandwiches-defs" -- use_sand_htmlizeline() -- «.get_1stclassvideo_field» (to "get_1stclassvideo_field") -- «.get_1stclassvideo_field-tests» (to "get_1stclassvideo_field-tests") -- «.sexp_to_target» (to "sexp_to_target") -- «.sexp_to_target-tests» (to "sexp_to_target-tests") -- «.code_c_m_bs» (to "code_c_m_bs") -- «.code_c_d_anggs» (to "code_c_d_anggs") -- «.code_c_d_remotes» (to "code_c_d_remotes") -- «.code_intros» (to "code_intros") -- «.code_intros-tests» (to "code_intros-tests") -- «.code_helponlys» (to "code_helponlys") -- «.find-node» (to "find-node") -- «.find-node-test» (to "find-node-test") -- «.to» (to "to") -- «.to-test» (to "to-test") -- «.code-pdf-page» (to "code-pdf-page") -- «.code-pdf-page-tests» (to "code-pdf-page-tests") -- «.code-ytvideo» (to "code-ytvideo") -- «.code-ytvideo-tests» (to "code-ytvideo-tests") -- «.find-youtubedl-links» (to "find-youtubedl-links") -- «.find-youtubedl-links-tests» (to "find-youtubedl-links-tests") -- -- «.code-eevvideo» (to "code-eevvideo") -- «.code-eevvideo-tests» (to "code-eevvideo-tests") -- «.code_eevshortvideo» (to "code_eevshortvideo") -- «.code_eevshortvideos» (to "code_eevshortvideos") -- «.code_eevshortvideo-tests» (to "code_eevshortvideo-tests") -- «.find-eevvideo-links» (to "find-eevvideo-links") -- «.find-1stclassvideos» (to "find-1stclassvideos") -- «.find-1stclassvideo-links» (to "find-1stclassvideo-links") -- «.find-1stclassvideo-links-tests» (to "find-1stclassvideo-links-tests") -- «.find-1stclassvideolsubs» (to "find-1stclassvideolsubs") -- «.find-1stclassvideolsubs-tests» (to "find-1stclassvideolsubs-tests") -- «.find-wgeteevsubtitles-links» (to "find-wgeteevsubtitles-links") -- «.find-wgeteevsubtitles-links-tests» (to "find-wgeteevsubtitles-links-tests") -- -- «.code_1stclassvideo» (to "code_1stclassvideo") -- «.code_1stclassvideo-tests» (to "code_1stclassvideo-tests") -- -- «.find-TH» (to "find-TH") -- «.find-TH-tests» (to "find-TH-tests") -- «.find-maximamsg» (to "find-maximamsg") -- «.find-maximamsg-tests» (to "find-maximamsg-tests") -- «.rstdoc» (to "rstdoc") -- «.find-pydoc» (to "find-pydoc") -- «.find-pydoc-tests» (to "find-pydoc-tests") -- «.use_sand_htmlizeline» (to "use_sand_htmlizeline") -- «.use_sand_htmlizeline-tests» (to "use_sand_htmlizeline-tests") -- «.Short_» (to "Short_") -- «.Short_-tests» (to "Short_-tests") -- «.code_helponly2» (to "code_helponly2") -- «.code_helponly2-tests» (to "code_helponly2-tests") -- «.agda» (to "agda") -- «.agda-tests» (to "agda-tests") -- «.find-hoogle» (to "find-hoogle") -- «.find-hoogle-tests» (to "find-hoogle-tests") -- «.find-cabal-links» (to "find-cabal-links") -- «.find-cabal-unpack» (to "find-cabal-unpack") -- «.find-cabal-links-tests» (to "find-cabal-links-tests") -- «.find-cabal-unpack-tests» (to "find-cabal-unpack-tests") -- «.code_helponly2_lines» (to "code_helponly2_lines") -- «.find-maximanode» (to "find-maximanode") -- «.find-maximanode-tests» (to "find-maximanode-tests") -- «.find-yttranscript-links» (to "find-yttranscript-links") -- «.find-yttranscript-links-tests» (to "find-yttranscript-links-tests") -- «.find-gitk» (to "find-gitk") -- «.find-gitk-tests» (to "find-gitk-tests") -- «.code_lsubs» (to "code_lsubs") -- «.code_lsubs-tests» (to "code_lsubs-tests") -- «.code-lsubs» (to "code-lsubs") -- «.code-lsubs-tests» (to "code-lsubs-tests") -- «.find-clhsdoci» (to "find-clhsdoci") -- «.find-clhsdoci-tests» (to "find-clhsdoci-tests") -- «.find-anchor» (to "find-anchor") -- «.find-anchor-tests» (to "find-anchor-tests") -- «.code-etex-tla» (to "code-etex-tla") -- «.code-etex-tla-tests» (to "code-etex-tla-tests") -- «.code-etex-tlas-load» (to "code-etex-tlas-load") -- «.code_c_m_b_1» (to "code_c_m_b_1") -- «.code_c_m_b_1-tests» (to "code_c_m_b_1-tests") -- «.code_c_m_b_1s» (to "code_c_m_b_1s") require "sandwiches" -- (find-blogme3 "sandwiches.lua") require "sandwiches-videos" -- (find-blogme3 "sandwiches-videos.lua") require "cruft-jan2024" -- (find-blogme3 "cruft-jan2024.lua") get_mp4stem = function (c) local video = sandwiches_videos[c] local mp4 = video and video.mp4 return mp4 and mp4:match("/([^/]+)%.mp4") end -- «get_1stclassvideo_field» (to ".get_1stclassvideo_field") get_1stclassvideo_field = function (c, field) local entry = sandwiches_videos[c] return entry and entry[field] end get_1stclassvideo_hash = function (c) local yturl = get_1stclassvideo_field(c, "yt") return yturl and (yturl:gsub("^.-v=", "")) end get_1stclassvideo_yturl = function (c, time) local hash = get_1stclassvideo_hash(c) if not hash then return end return youtube_make_url(hash, time) end get_1stclassvideo_hsubs = function (c, time) local baseurl = get_1stclassvideo_field(c, "hsubs") if not baseurl then return end if time then return baseurl:match("^.-#")..time end return baseurl end get_1stclassvideo_lsubs = function (c) local mp4stem = get_mp4stem(c) if not mp4stem then return end return format("http://anggtwu.net/SUBTITLES/%s.lua.html", mp4stem) end get_1stclassvideo_def = function (c) if sandwiches_videos[c] then return "http://anggtwu.net/eev-current/eev-videolinks.el.html#" .. c end end get_1stclassvideo_index = function (c) if get_1stclassvideo_field(c, "index") then return "http://anggtwu.net/.emacs.videos.html#" .. c end end -- «get_1stclassvideo_field-tests» (to ".get_1stclassvideo_field-tests") --[[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) Path.addLUAtopath() require "Tos3" -- (find-angg "LUA/Tos3.lua") dofile "sandwiches-defs.lua" PPI(sandwiches_videos) PPI(sandwiches_videos.oficina2021a) PPI(sandwiches_videos.oficina2021a.mp4) = get_1stclassvideo_field("foo", "mp4") = get_1stclassvideo_field("eev2021", "mp4") = get_1stclassvideo_field("eev2021", "hsubs") = get_1stclassvideo_hsubs("eev2021") = get_1stclassvideo_hsubs("eev2021", "02:34") = get_1stclassvideo_lsubs("eev2021", "02:34") = get_1stclassvideo_yturl("eev2021") = get_1stclassvideo_yturl("eev2021", "02:34") = get_1stclassvideo_hsubs("foo", "02:34") = get_1stclassvideo_lsubs("foo", "02:34") = get_1stclassvideo_def ("2022tikz") = get_1stclassvideo_index("2022tikz") = _SH["find-eev2021video"] PPI(_SH["find-eev2021video"]) --]] -- «sexp_to_target» (to ".sexp_to_target") -- (find-blogme3 "sandwiches.lua") -- (find-blogme3 "sandwiches.lua" "SexpIntervals") -- (find-blogme3 "sandwiches.lua" "SexpIntervals" "target_st =") -- sexp_to_target_si0 = function (linestr) -- for debugging local si = SexpIntervals.from(linestr) return si end sexp_to_target_si = function (linestr) -- for debugging local si = SexpIntervals.from(linestr) if not si then print("Bad linestr: "..linestr) end si:head_apply() return si end sexp_to_target_st = function (linestr) -- for debugging local si = SexpIntervals.from(linestr) local retval if not pcall(function () si:head_apply() retval = si:target_st() end) then error("Bad linestr: "..linestr) end return retval end sexp_to_target = function (linestr, altname) return sexp_to_target_st(linestr, altname):url() end -- «sexp_to_target-tests» (to ".sexp_to_target-tests") --[==[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "sandwiches-defs.lua" -- (find-blogme3 "sandwiches.lua" "SexpIntervals") -- (find-blogme3 "sandwiches.lua" "SexpIntervals" "target_st =") code_intro("foobar") = sexp_to_target_st [[ (foo) ]] --> error = sexp_to_target_si0 [[ (find-foobar-intro "42.3. plic") ]] = sexp_to_target_si [[ (find-foobar-intro "42.3. plic") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-foobar-intro "42.3. plic") ]] = sexp_to_target [[ (find-foobar-intro "42.3. plic") ]] = sexp_to_target_si [[ (find-lua51manual "#dofile") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-lua51manual "#dofile") ]] = sexp_to_target [[ (find-lua51manual "#dofile") ]] = sexp_to_target [[ (eepitch-shell) ]] --]==] -- «code_c_m_bs» (to ".code_c_m_bs") -- See: (find-blogme3 "sandwiches.lua" "code_c_m_b") -- (to "code_c_m_b_1") -- Some tests: -- (find-node "(emacs)Lisp Eval") -- (find-enode "Lisp Eval") -- (find-node "(elisp)Lisp Data Types") -- (find-elnode "Lisp Data Types") -- (find-node "(eshell)Built-ins") -- (find-eshellnode "Built-ins") -- (find-node "(cl)Loop Facility") -- (find-clnode "Loop Facility") -- (find-node "(org)Publishing") -- (find-orgnode "Publishing") code_c_m_b("e", "emacs", "https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/") code_c_m_b("el", "elisp", "https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/") code_c_m_b("eli", "eintr", "https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/emacs-lisp-intro/html_node/") code_c_m_b("efaq", "efaq", "https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/efaq/") code_c_m_b("cl", "cl", "https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/cl/") code_c_m_b("calc", "calc", "https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/calc/") code_c_m_b("eshell", "eshell", "https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/eshell/") code_c_m_b("eieio", "eieio", "https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/eieio/") code_c_m_b("eglot", "eglot", "https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/eglot/") code_c_m_b("gnus", "gnus", "http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/gnus/") code_c_m_b("message", "message", "http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/message/") code_c_m_b("woman", "woman", "http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/woman/") code_c_m_b("rcirc", "rcirc", "http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/rcirc/") code_c_m_b("erc", "erc", "https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/erc/") code_c_m_b("org", "org", "http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/org/") code_c_m_b("gst", "gst", "http://www.gnu.org/software/smalltalk/manual/html_node/") code_c_m_b("gstbase", "gst-base", "http://www.gnu.org/software/smalltalk/manual-base/html_node/") code_c_m_b("gstlibs", "gst-libs", "http://www.gnu.org/software/smalltalk/manual-libs/html_node/") code_c_m_b("pclcvs", "pcl-cvs", "http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/pcl-cvs/") code_c_m_b("autotype", "autotype", "http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/autotype/") code_c_m_b("libc", "libc", "http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/") code_c_m_b("make", "make", "http://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/") code_c_m_b("grub", "grub", "https://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub/html_node/") code_c_m_b("gawk", "gawk", "http://www.gnu.org/software/gawk/manual/html_node/") code_c_m_b("texi", "texinfo", "http://www.gnu.org/software/texinfo/manual/texinfo/html_node/") code_c_m_b("gcc", "gcc-4.1", "http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.2.2/gcc/") code_c_m_b("coreutils", "coreutils", "http://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/manual/html_node/") code_c_m_b("bash", "bash", "http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/") code_c_m_b("bash", "bashref", "http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/") code_c_m_b("wget", "wget", "http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/manual/html_node/") code_c_m_b("slime", "slime", "http://common-lisp.net/project/slime/doc/html/") code_c_m_b("slime", "slime", "https://slime.common-lisp.dev/doc/html/") code_c_m_b("bison", "bison", "http://www.gnu.org/software/bison/manual/html_node/") code_c_m_b("octave", "octave", "https://docs.octave.org/interpreter/") code_c_m_b("rcirc", "rcirc", "http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/rcirc/") code_c_m_b("binutils", "binutils", "http://sourceware.org/binutils/docs/binutils/") code_c_m_b("gdb", "gdb", "http://sourceware.org/gdb/download/onlinedocs/gdb/") code_c_m_b("parted", "parted", "https://www.gnu.org/software/parted/manual/html_node/") code_c_m_b("guile", "guile", "https://www.gnu.org/software/guile/manual/html_node/") -- «code_c_d_anggs» (to ".code_c_d_anggs") -- (find-blogme3 "angglisp.lua" "code_c_d_angg") code_c_d_angg("angg", "") code_c_d_angg("es", "e/", ".e.html") code_c_d_angg("LATEX", "LATEX/") code_c_d_angg("dednat4", "dednat4/") code_c_d_angg("dn4", "dednat4/") code_c_d_angg("dn4ex", "dednat4/examples/") code_c_d_angg("dn5", "dednat5/") code_c_d_angg("dn6", "LATEX/dednat6/") code_c_d_angg("dednat6", "dednat6/") code_c_d_angg("dednat6lua", "dednat6/dednat6/") code_c_d_angg("blogme", "blogme/") code_c_d_angg("blogme3", "blogme3/") code_c_d_angg("blogme4", "blogme4/") code_c_d_angg("eev", "eev-current/") code_c_d_angg("eevgit", "GIT/") code_c_d_angg("flua", "flua/") code_c_d_angg("rubyforth", "rubyforth/") code_c_d_angg("vtutil", "vtutil/") code_c_d_angg("vtutil4", "vtutil4/") code_c_d_angg("RETRO", "RETRO/") code_c_d_angg("gab", "gab/") code_c_d_angg("eevvideos", "eev-videos/") code_c_d_angg("quadr", "quadradinho/") code_c_d_angg("ydb", "youtube-db/") code_c_d_angg("fbcache", "fbcache/") code_c_d_angg("clg", "2019-CLG/") code_c_d_angg("books", "books/") code_c_d_angg("SUBS", "SUBTITLES/") code_c_d_angg("emlua", "emlua/") code_c_d_angg("repl3", "LUA/") code_c_d_angg("showconses", "show-conses/") code_c_d_angg("lisptree", "lisptree/") code_c_d_angg("myqdraw", "myqdraw/") -- «code_c_d_remotes» (to ".code_c_d_remotes") -- (find-blogme3 "angglisp.lua" "code_c_d_remotes") -- code_c_d_remote("lua40manual", "http://www.lua.org/manual/4.0/manual.html") code_c_d_remote("lua50manual", "http://www.lua.org/manual/5.0/manual.html") code_c_d_remote("lua51manual", "http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html") code_c_d_remote("lua52manual", "http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html") code_c_d_remote("lua53manual", "http://www.lua.org/manual/5.3/manual.html") code_c_d_remote("lua54manual", "http://www.lua.org/manual/5.4/manual.html") code_c_d_remote("luamanual", "http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html") code_c_d_remote("lpegmanual", "http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg/lpeg.html") -- «code_intros» (to ".code_intros") -- ee_intro_stems = [[ anchors audiovideo bounded brxxx channels code-c-d debootstrap defun dot-emacs edit-index eejump eepitch eev eev-exercises eev-install eev-levels eev-quick elisp emacs emacs-keys escripts eval git here-links kl-here kla lean4 lexical links-conv links lua-tutorial multiwindow org pdf-like prepared psne rcirc refining rstdoc saving-links show2 strange-functions templates three-main-keys try-sly videos video-links windows-beginner wrap lisptree show-conses ]] for _,stem in ipairs(split(ee_intro_stems)) do code_intro(stem) end -- «code_intros-tests» (to ".code_intros-tests") --[==[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "sandwiches-defs.lua" = sexp_to_target [[ (find-elisp-intro) ]] = sexp_to_target [[ (find-elisp-intro "2.34.") ]] --]==] -- «code_helponlys» (to ".code_helponlys") -- (to "code_morehelponlys") code_helponly_lines [[ eelatex-bounded (find-bounded-intro) eev-bounded (find-bounded-intro) eev-beginner (find-eev-quick-intro "1. Installing eev") ee-use-red-bullets (find-eev-quick-intro "6.4. Red stars") ee-use-red-stars (find-eev-quick-intro "6.4. Red stars") eek (find-eev-quick-intro "3. Elisp hyperlinks") find-efunction (find-eev-quick-intro "3. Elisp hyperlinks") find-efunctiondescr (find-eev-quick-intro "3. Elisp hyperlinks") find-efunctionpp (find-elisp-intro "11. Byte-compiled functions") find-elongkey-links (find-eev-quick-intro "4.2. `find-ekey-links' and friends") find-fline (find-eev-quick-intro "3. Elisp hyperlinks") find-man (find-eev-quick-intro "3. Elisp hyperlinks") find-node (find-eev-quick-intro "3. Elisp hyperlinks") find-sh (find-eev-quick-intro "3. Elisp hyperlinks") find-sh0 (find-eev-quick-intro "3. Elisp hyperlinks") brg (find-eev-quick-intro "3.1. Non-elisp hyperlinks") eepitch (find-eev-quick-intro "6. Controlling shell-like programs") eepitch-kill (find-eev-quick-intro "6. Controlling shell-like programs") eepitch-shell (find-eev-quick-intro "6. Controlling shell-like programs") eepitch-bash (find-eev-quick-intro "6.2. Other targets") eepitch-ghci (find-eev-quick-intro "6.2. Other targets") eepitch-lua51 (find-eev-quick-intro "6.2. Other targets") eepitch-lua52 (find-eev-quick-intro "6.2. Other targets") eepitch-lua53 (find-eev-quick-intro "6.2. Other targets") eepitch-python (find-eev-quick-intro "6.2. Other targets") eepitch-maxima (find-eev-quick-intro "6.2. Other targets") eepitch-tcl (find-eev-quick-intro "6.2. Other targets") eepitch (find-eepitch-intro "2.3. `eepitch'") eepitch-kill (find-eepitch-intro "2.2. `(eepitch-kill)'") find-3EE (find-eepitch-intro "1.2. Two targets") code-c-d (find-eev-quick-intro "9. Shorter hyperlinks") find-pdf-page (find-pdf-like-intro "4. Hyperlinks to pages of PDF files") find-pdf-text (find-pdf-like-intro "4. Hyperlinks to pages of PDF files") find-xpdfpage (find-pdf-like-intro "4. Hyperlinks to pages of PDF files") code-pdf-page (find-pdf-like-intro "7. Shorter hyperlinks to PDF files") code-pdf-text (find-pdf-like-intro "7. Shorter hyperlinks to PDF files") find-audio (find-audiovideo-intro "1. Time offsets") find-video (find-audiovideo-intro "1. Time offsets") code-audio (find-audiovideo-intro "4. Short hyperlinks to audio and video files") code-video (find-audiovideo-intro "4. Short hyperlinks to audio and video files") find-anchor (find-eev-quick-intro "8.5. Hyperlinks to anchors in other files") ]] -- «find-node» (to ".find-node") -- _SH["find-node"] = SexpHead { head = "find-node", help = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-eev-quick-intro "3. Elisp hyperlinks") ]], f = function (sh, si) si:add_filling(1, nil, "help", sh.help) local ab = si:sexp_strarg(2) if not ab then return end local a, b = ab:match("^%(([^()]+)%)(.*)$") if not a then return end local target = SexpTarget {f="find_node", manual=a, node=b} if target then si:add_filling("e", nil, "target", target) end end, } -- «find-node-test» (to ".find-node-test") --[==[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "sandwiches-defs.lua" = sexp_to_target [[ (find-node "(emacs)Keys") ]] linestr = [[ (find-node "(PATATA)Keys") ]] si = SexpIntervals.from(linestr) si:head_apply() = si = si:tosandwich() = si:target_st() = si:target_st():url() hl = HtmlizeLine {} = hl:line(linestr) --]==] -- «to» (to ".to") -- _SH["to"] = SexpHead { head = "to", help = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-eev-quick-intro "8.1. Introduction: `to'") ]], f = function (sh, si) si:add_filling(1, nil, "help", sh.help) local a = si:sexp_strarg(2) if not a then return end local target = SexpTarget.from("#"..a) if target then si:add_filling("e", nil, "target", target) end end, } -- «to-test» (to ".to-test") --[==[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "sandwiches-defs.lua" = sexp_to_target [[ (find-node "(emacs)Keys") ]] linestr = [[ (find-node "(PATATA)Keys") ]] si = SexpIntervals.from(linestr) si:head_apply() = si = si:tosandwich() = si:target_st() = si:target_st():url() hl = HtmlizeLine {} = hl:line(linestr) --]==] -- «code-pdf-page» (to ".code-pdf-page") -- _SH["code-pdf-page"] = SexpHead { head = "code-pdf-page", help = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-pdf-like-intro "7. Shorter hyperlinks to PDF files") ]], f = function (sh, si) si:add_filling(1, nil, "help", sh.help) local c = si:sexp_strarg(2) local fname = si:sexp_strarg(3) if c and fname then local pdfurl = code_pdf_geturl(fname) if pdfurl then si:add_filling(3, 1, "pdf", pdfurl) code_pdf(c, pdfurl) end end end, } code_pdf_geturl = function (fname) local prot,rest = fname:match("^%$S/(https?)/(.*)$") if prot then return prot.."://"..rest end local LATEXrest = fname:match("^~/(LATEX/.*)$") if LATEXrest then return "http://anggtwu.net/"..LATEXrest end local dednat6rest = fname:match("^~/(dednat6/.*)$") if dednat6rest then return "http://anggtwu.net/"..dednat6rest end end code_pdf = function (c, pdfurl) local find_cpage = "find-"..c.."page" _SH[find_cpage] = SexpHead { head = find_cpage, help = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-pdf-like-intro "7. Shorter hyperlinks to PDF files") ]], f = function (sh, si) si:add_filling(1, nil, "help", sh.help) local page = si:sexp_numericarg(2) if page then local target = SexpTarget {f="find_pdf", pdfurl=pdfurl, page=page} si:add_filling(2, 0, "target", target) end end, } end -- «code-pdf-page-tests» (to ".code-pdf-page-tests") -- --[==[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "sandwiches-defs.lua" linestr = [[ (code-pdf-page "foo" "$S/https/www2.cs.arizona.edu/icon/ftp/doc/lb1up.pdf") ]] linestr = [[ (code-pdf-page "foo" "~/LATEX/foo.pdf") ]] si = SexpIntervals.from(linestr) si:head_apply() = si = si:tosandwich() = _SH["find-foopage"] linestr = [[ (find-foopage (+ 2 3)) ]] si = SexpIntervals.from(linestr) si:head_apply() = si = si:tosandwich() = si:name_to_st("2") = si:name_to_st("2"):url() * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "sandwiches-defs.lua" = sexp_to_target_si [[ (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 19) "foo") ]] = sexp_to_target_si [[ (code-pdf-page "maximawb" "$S/http/roland-salz.de/Maxima_Workbook.pdf") ]] = sexp_to_target_si [[ (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 19) "foo") ]] linestr = [[ (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 19) "foo") ]] si = SexpIntervals.from(linestr) = si si:head_apply() = si = si:name_to_st("2") = si:name_to_st("2"):url() --]==] -- «code-ytvideo» (to ".code-ytvideo") -- Experimental, 2021dec13 -- _SH["code-ytvideo"] = SexpHead { head = "code-ytvideo", help = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-audiovideo-intro "4. Short hyperlinks to audio and video files") ]], f = function (sh, si) si:add_filling(1, nil, "help", sh.help) local c = si:sexp_strarg(2) local localfile = si:sexp_strarg(3) if localfile then local hash = to_youtube_hash(localfile) PP(c, localfile, hash) si:add_filling(3, 1, "localfile", youtube_make_url(hash)) code_youtube(c, hash) end end, } -- «code-ytvideo-tests» (to ".code-ytvideo-tests") -- --[==[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "sandwiches-defs.lua" = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-orglinks1video "5:00" "#MyID123") ]] --> err = sexp_to_target_si [[ (code-ytvideo "orglinks1video" "foo-eoIfLS4zMa8.mkv") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-orglinks1video "5:00" "#MyID123") ]] --]==] -- «find-youtubedl-links» (to ".find-youtubedl-links") -- _SH["find-youtubedl-links"] = SexpHead { head = "find-youtubedl-links", help = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-eev "eev-tlinks.el" "find-youtubedl-links") ]], f = function (sh, si) si:add_filling(1, nil, "help", sh.help) local hash = si:sexp_strarg(4) if hash then si:add_filling(4, 1, "yt", youtube_make_url(hash)) end end, } -- «find-youtubedl-links-tests» (to ".find-youtubedl-links-tests") --[==[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "sandwiches-defs.lua" = sexp_to_target_si [[ (find-youtubedl-links "/sda5/videos/" nil "eoIfLS4zMa8" nil "orglinks1") ]] --]==] -- _ _ _ -- ___ ___ __| | ___ ___ _____ ____ _(_) __| | ___ ___ -- / __/ _ \ / _` |/ _ \_____ / _ \/ _ \ \ / /\ \ / / |/ _` |/ _ \/ _ \ -- | (_| (_) | (_| | __/_____| __/ __/\ V / \ V /| | (_| | __/ (_) | -- \___\___/ \__,_|\___| \___|\___| \_/ \_/ |_|\__,_|\___|\___/ -- -- «code-eevvideo» (to ".code-eevvideo") -- _SH["code-eevvideo"] = SexpHead { head = "code-eevvideo", help = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-audiovideo-intro "7.1. `code-eevvideo'") ]], f = function (sh, si) si:add_filling(1, nil, "help", sh.help) local c = si:sexp_strarg(2) local mp4stem = si:sexp_strarg(3) local hash = si:sexp_strarg(4) if mp4stem then mp4url = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/"..mp4stem..".mp4" si:add_filling(3, 1, "mp4", mp4url) end if c and hash then -- 2022may21: do not override local f_cvideo = format("find-%svideo", c) if not f_cvideo then code_youtube(c.."video", hash) end si:add_filling(4, 1, "yt", youtube_make_url(hash)) end end, } -- «code-eevvideo-tests» (to ".code-eevvideo-tests") -- --[==[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "sandwiches-defs.lua" linestr = [[ (code-eevvideo "eev2019" "emacsconf2019" "86yiRG8YJD0") ]] si = SexpIntervals.from(linestr) si:head_apply() = si = si:tosandwich() linestr = [[ (find-eev2019video) ]] si = SexpIntervals.from(linestr) si:head_apply() = si = si:tosandwich() linestr = [[ (find-eev2019video "1:23") ]] si = SexpIntervals.from(linestr) si:head_apply() = si = si:tosandwich() --]==] -- «code_eevshortvideo» (to ".code_eevshortvideo") -- Similar to "code-eevvideo", but the help link points to: -- (find-video-links-intro "2. From the HTML") -- and the set of "code-eevshortvideo"s is small and hardcoded. -- -- TODO: rename this, as the "eevshortvideos" are now "1stclassvideos"... -- code_eevshortvideo = function (stem, mp4stem, hash) local head = "find-"..stem.."video" -- local help = sexp_to_target_st -- [[ (find-videos-intro "2. Short links to eev video tutorials") ]] local help = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-video-links-intro "2. From the HTML") ]] _SH[head] = SexpHead { ORIG = "code_eevshortvideo", head = head, help = help, f = function (sh, si) si:add_filling(1, nil, "help", sh.help) local time = si:sexp_strarg(2) if time then si:add_filling(2, 1, "yt", youtube_make_url(hash, time)) end end, } end -- «code_eevshortvideos» (to ".code_eevshortvideos") code_eevshortvideo("2021ffll", "2021-ffll", "h1CEL2fmkyc") code_eevshortvideo("2021orgfornonusers", "2021-org-for-non-users", "Eh5Wz9Vh_XM") code_eevshortvideo("2021workshop1", "2021-workshop-1", "HuqJFPD871E") code_eevshortvideo("2021workshop2", "2021-workshop-2", "hqqIlZBXNhk") code_eevshortvideo("2021workshop3", "2021-workshop-3", "r83inf9s8zo") code_eevshortvideo("2021workshop4", "2021-workshop-4", "lhpHHjBUxv8") code_eevshortvideo("2021workshop5", "2021-workshop-5", "VzRsterVSXs") code_eevshortvideo("2021workshop6", "2021-workshop-6", "-gi15-liGaU") code_eevshortvideo("2022eevmake0", "2022-eev-make-0", "Iql5C-yQk5c") code_eevshortvideo("2022findeevangg", "2022-find-eev-angg", "FoAzpGzFCSE") code_eevshortvideo("2022findelispintro", "2022-find-elisp-intro", "WowDSciGs1A") code_eevshortvideo("eev2019", "emacsconf2019", "86yiRG8YJD0") code_eevshortvideo("eev2020", "emacsconf2020", "hOAqBc42Gg8") code_eevshortvideo("eev2021", "emacsconf2021", "qM0Luz78qGw") code_eevshortvideo("eev2021b", "emacsconf2021-dednat6", "QUMo7vgkHJI") code_eevshortvideo("eev2022kla", "emacsconf2022-kla", "KRobfwXd7Cw") code_eevshortvideo("eev2022py", "emacsconf2022-py", "QeqCYQSlz-I") code_eevshortvideo("eev2023repls", "emacsconf2023-repls", "IDBQo_YYfA8") code_eevshortvideo("eev2023replsb", "emacsconf2023-repls-b", "s3enXsuXyNg") code_eevshortvideo("eevfherel", "2020-find-here-links", "8jtiBlaDor4") code_eevshortvideo("eevnav", "2020-list-packages-eev-nav", "kxBjiUo88_U") code_eevshortvideo("eevtempl", "2020-some-template-based", "91-9YfRPsuk") code_eevshortvideo("eevtestbls", "2021-test-blocks", "fpsF_M55W4o") code_eevshortvideo("eevvlinks", "2021-video-links", "xQqWufQgzVY") code_eevshortvideo("oficina20210", "2021projeto-de-ensino", "OW6WRnSQwc0") code_eevshortvideo("oficina2021a", "2021-oficina-1", "acFPMuZ5Jf4") code_eevshortvideo("oficina2021b", "2021-oficina-2", "XbuDnkfizYs") code_eevshortvideo("2022pict2elua", "2022-pict2e-lua", "hiHsUhGVLGM") code_eevshortvideo("2022eevwconfig", "2022-eev-wconfig", "Rm29XSdGCXw") code_eevshortvideo("2022eevwconfigpt1", "2022-eev-wconfig-pt-1", "bdLbocmo3r8") code_eevshortvideo("2022eevwconfigpt2", "2022-eev-wconfig-pt-2", "ZAAxrJX-Am8") code_eevshortvideo("2022yttranscript", "2022-yttranscript", "SW3Tx-lHX3o") code_eevshortvideo("2022tikz", "2022-eev-tikz", "d7nIzpXcV6c") code_eevshortvideo("2024git", "2024-eev-git", "lsVvokjqMY0") code_eevshortvideo("2024luaso", "2024-find-luaso-links", "zUW-6atPvUQ") code_eevshortvideo("cae0", "2023-caepro0", "XxnfW90kbZU") code_eevshortvideo("caev", "2023-caepro-VR", "JoAQ6TsFlto") code_eevshortvideo("caes", "2023-caepro-o-que-sobra", "sZq2PgbLN5k") code_eevshortvideo("c2m211somas1d", "2021-1-C2-somas-1-dicas", "pCD1p9FZYdI") code_eevshortvideo("2021saptleg", "2021aulas-por-telegram", "OofZQYkNVhg") code_eevshortvideo("2021sapt", "2021aulas-por-telegram", "OofZQYkNVhg") code_eevshortvideo("calceasy", "mathologer-calculus-easy", "kuOxDh3egN0") code_eevshortvideo("c3m211cn", "2021-1-C3-curvas-de-nivel", "mrNyBAMOyqo") code_eevshortvideo("c3m211cn2", "2021-1-C3-curvas-de-nivel-2", "usBNtNyZRCA") code_eevshortvideo("c3cd", "2021-2-c3-cabos-na-diagonal", "nxsIK0tPWAI") code_eevshortvideo("visaud", "2023-visual-vs-auditivo", "vVNpWTYR4wE") code_eevshortvideo("slogans", "2023-precisamos-de-mais-slogans", "qwTqIBlu9CM") code_eevshortvideo("2024algpergs", "2024-algumas-perguntas", "FjhyhTxN_-o") code_eevshortvideo("2024lean4of0", "2024-lean4-oficina-0", "vBkxGIrv2Q0") code_eevshortvideo("2024lean4of0a2", "2024-lean4-oficina-0-aula-2", "MXUJ8YLp5dU") code_eevshortvideo("2024convite", "2024-convite-maxima", "wVwxugy15cU") code_eevshortvideo("2024trywithasexp", "2024-trying-eev-with-a-sexp", "BzovupjRhQM") code_eevshortvideo("2024bashtest", "2024-bash-test-blocks", "hok5wH4XBYg") code_eevshortvideo("2024pianoroll", "2024-piano-roll-macros", "8vhynSPXJos") code_eevshortvideo("eev2024", "emacsconf2024", "ZQ4mUSRcqJc") code_eevshortvideo("2025modern", "2025-modern", "BRbOXmvkFFA") -- «code_eevshortvideo-tests» (to ".code_eevshortvideo-tests") --[==[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "sandwiches-defs.lua" = _SH = _SH["find-2021workshop3video"] linestr = [[ (find-eev2019video "1:23") ]] linestr = [[ (find-2021workshop3video "1:23") ]] si = SexpIntervals.from(linestr) si:head_apply() = si = si:tosandwich() --]==] -- «find-eevvideo-links» (to ".find-eevvideo-links") -- _SH["find-eevvideo-links"] = SexpHead { head = "find-eevvideo-links", help = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-audiovideo-intro "7.2. `find-eevvideo-links'") ]], f = function (sh, si) si:add_filling(1, nil, "help", sh.help) local c = si:sexp_strarg(2) local mp4stem = si:sexp_strarg(3) local hash = si:sexp_strarg(4) if mp4stem then local mp4url = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/"..mp4stem..".mp4" si:add_filling(3, 1, "mp4", mp4url) end if c and hash then code_youtube(c.."video", hash) si:add_filling(4, 1, "yt", youtube_make_url(hash)) end end, } -- «find-1stclassvideos» (to ".find-1stclassvideos") -- _SH["find-1stclassvideos"] = SexpHead { head = "find-1stclassvideos", help = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-video-links-intro "9. First-class videos") ]], f = function (sh, si) si:add_filling(1, nil, "help", sh.help) end, } _SH["find-1stclassvideoindex"] = SexpHead { head = "find-1stclassvideoindex", help = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-video-links-intro "9. First-class videos") ]], f = function (sh, si) si:add_filling(1, nil, "help", sh.help) local c = si:sexp_strarg(2) if c then local moreinfo = "http://anggtwu.net/.emacs.videos.html#"..c si:add_filling(2, 1, "moreinfo", moreinfo) end end, } _SH["find-1stclassvideodef"] = SexpHead { head = "find-1stclassvideodef", help = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-video-links-intro "9. First-class videos") ]], f = function (sh, si) si:add_filling(1, nil, "help", sh.help) local c = si:sexp_strarg(2) if c then local moreinfo = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-current/eev-videolinks.el.html#"..c si:add_filling(2, 1, "moreinfo", moreinfo) end end, } -- «find-1stclassvideo-links» (to ".find-1stclassvideo-links") -- Skel: (find-sandwiches-def-links "find-1stclassvideo-links") -- _SH["find-1stclassvideo-links"] = SexpHead { head = "find-1stclassvideo-links", help = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-video-links-intro "9. First-class videos") ]], f = function (sh, si) si:add_filling(1, nil, "help", sh.help) local c = si:sexp_strarg(2) if c then -- local moreinfo = "http://anggtwu.net/.emacs.videos.html#"..c local moreinfo = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-current/eev-videolinks.el.html#"..c si:add_filling(2, 1, "moreinfo", moreinfo) end end, } -- «find-1stclassvideo-links-tests» (to ".find-1stclassvideo-links-tests") --[==[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "sandwiches-defs.lua" = sexp_to_target_si [[ (find-1stclassvideo-links "eev2019") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-1stclassvideo-links "eev2019") ]] --]==] -- «find-1stclassvideolsubs» (to ".find-1stclassvideolsubs") -- Skel: (find-sandwiches-def-links "find-1stclassvideolsubs") -- _SH["find-1stclassvideolsubs"] = SexpHead { head = "find-1stclassvideolsubs", help = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos.html#subed", f = function (sh, si) si:add_filling(1, nil, "help", sh.help) local c = si:sexp_strarg(2) local mp4stem = c and get_mp4stem(c) local fmt = "http://anggtwu.net/SUBTITLES/%s.lua.html" local tgt = mp4stem and format(fmt, mp4stem) if mp4stem then si:add_filling(2, 1, "mp4stem", tgt) end end, } -- «find-1stclassvideolsubs-tests» (to ".find-1stclassvideolsubs-tests") --[==[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "sandwiches-defs.lua" = sexp_to_target_si [[ (find-1stclassvideolsubs "eev2019") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-1stclassvideolsubs "eev2019") ]] PPPV(_SH["find-1stclassvideolsubs"]) PPPV(_SH["find-1stclassvideolsubs"].help) --]==] -- «find-wgeteevsubtitles-links» (to ".find-wgeteevsubtitles-links") -- _SH["find-wgeteevsubtitles-links"] = SexpHead { head = "find-wgeteevsubtitles-links", help = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-eev "eev-tlinks.el" "find-wgeteevsubtitles-links") ]], f = function (sh, si) si:add_filling(1, nil, "help", sh.help) local hash = si:sexp_strarg(4) if hash then si:add_filling(4, 1, "yt", youtube_make_url(hash)) end end, } -- «find-wgeteevsubtitles-links-tests» (to ".find-wgeteevsubtitles-links-tests") --[==[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "sandwiches-defs.lua" = sexp_to_target_si [[ (find-wgeteevsubtitles-links "foo" "bar") ]] --]==] -- _ _ _ _ _ -- / |___| |_ ___| | __ _ ___ _____ _(_) __| | ___ ___ ___ -- | / __| __/ __| |/ _` / __/ __\ \ / / |/ _` |/ _ \/ _ \/ __| -- | \__ \ || (__| | (_| \__ \__ \\ V /| | (_| | __/ (_) \__ \ -- |_|___/\__\___|_|\__,_|___/___/ \_/ |_|\__,_|\___|\___/|___/ -- -- Written in 2024feb25. -- This should replace several of the functions above. -- -- «code_1stclassvideo» (to ".code_1stclassvideo") -- Skel: (find-sandwiches-def-links "code_1stclassvideo") code_1stclassvideo = function (c) local headvideo = "find-"..c.."video" local headlsubs = "find-"..c.."lsubs" local headhsubs = "find-"..c.."hsubs" local has_lsubs = get_1stclassvideo_field(c, "subs") local has_hsubs = get_1stclassvideo_field(c, "hsubs") local help = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-video-links-intro "2. From the HTML") ]] local help = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos.html#first-class-videos" -- _SH[headvideo] = SexpHead { ORIG = "code_1stclassvideo", head = headvideo, help = help, f = function (sh, si) si:add_filling(1, nil, "help", sh.help) local time = si:sexp_strarg(2) if time then si:add_filling(2, 1, "yt", get_1stclassvideo_yturl(c, time)) end end, } -- if has_lsubs then _SH[headlsubs] = SexpHead { ORIG = "code_1stclassvideo", head = headlsubs, help = help, f = function (sh, si) si:add_filling(1, nil, "help", sh.help) local time = si:sexp_strarg(2) if time then si:add_filling(2, 1, "lsubs", get_1stclassvideo_lsubs(c, time)) end end, } end -- if has_hsubs then _SH[headhsubs] = SexpHead { ORIG = "code_1stclassvideo", head = headhsubs, help = help, f = function (sh, si) si:add_filling(1, nil, "help", sh.help) local time = si:sexp_strarg(2) if time then si:add_filling(2, 1, "hsubs", get_1stclassvideo_hsubs(c, time)) end end, } end end code_1stclassvideos = function () for _,c in ipairs(sortedkeys(sandwiches_videos)) do code_1stclassvideo(c) end end code_1stclassvideos() -- «code_1stclassvideo-tests» (to ".code_1stclassvideo-tests") -- (find-2022tikzvideo "12:33") -- (find-2022tikzhsubs "12:33") -- (find-2022tikzlsubs "12:33") --[==[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "sandwiches-defs.lua" = sexp_to_target_si [[ (find-2022tikzvideo "12:33") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-2022tikzvideo "12:33") ]] = sexp_to_target_si [[ (find-2022tikzhsubs "12:33") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-2022tikzhsubs "12:33") ]] = sexp_to_target_si [[ (find-2022tikzlsubs "12:33") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-2022tikzlsubs "12:33") ]] --]==] -- «find-TH» (to ".find-TH") -- Skel: (find-sandwiches-def-links "find-TH") -- _SH["find-TH"] = SexpHead { head = "find-TH", -- help = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-eev "eev-tlinks.el" "find-TH") ]], f = function (sh, si) -- si:add_filling(1, nil, "help", sh.help) local fmt = "http://anggtwu.net/%s.html%s" local stem = si:sexp_strarg(2) local anchor = si:sexp_strarg(3) local hashanchor = anchor and "#"..anchor or "" local target = stem and format(fmt, stem, hashanchor) if stem then si:add_filling("e", nil, "target", target) end end, } -- «find-TH-tests» (to ".find-TH-tests") --[==[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "sandwiches-defs.lua" = sexp_to_target_si [[ (find-TH "eev-videos") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-TH "eev-videos") ]] = sexp_to_target_si [[ (find-TH "eev-videos" "mpv-keys") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-TH "eev-videos" "mpv-keys") ]] --]==] -- «find-maximamsg» (to ".find-maximamsg") -- (find-angg ".emacs.templates" "find-maximamsg") -- _SH["find-maximamsg"] = SexpHead { head = "find-maximamsg", help = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-TH "find-maximamsg") ]], f = function (sh, si) si:add_filling(1, nil, "help", sh.help) local msgspec = si:sexp_strarg(2) if msgspec then local yyyymm = split(msgspec)[1] or "" local url = "https://sourceforge.net/p/maxima/mailman/message/"..yyyymm.."/" si:add_filling(2, 1, "mml", url) end end, } -- «find-maximamsg-tests» (to ".find-maximamsg-tests") --[==[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "sandwiches-defs.lua" = sexp_to_target_si [[ (find-maximamsg "37675653 202207 1" "structural") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-maximamsg "37675653 202207 1" "structural") ]] --]==] -- «rstdoc» (to ".rstdoc") -- (find-eev "eev-rstdoc.el") rstdoc_help = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-current/eev-rstdoc.el.html" rstdoc_base_py = "https://docs.python.org/3/" rstdoc_base_sympy = "https://docs.sympy.org/latest/" rstdoc_base_mpl = "https://matplotlib.org/stable/" rstdoc_base_ghcug = "https://downloads.haskell.org/ghc/latest/docs/users_guide/" rstdoc_base_h98 = "https://www.haskell.org/onlinereport/" rstdoc_base_h98t = "https://www.haskell.org/tutorial/" rstdoc_base_clhs = "http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/" rstdoc_base_fennel = "https://fennel-lang.org/" rstdoc_base_gd3 = "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/3.5/" rstdoc_base_J = "https://www.jsoftware.com/help/" rstdoc_base_penlight = "https://lunarmodules.github.io/Penlight/" rstdoc_base_nodejs = "https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v20.x/docs/api/" rstdoc_base_leanref = "https://leanprover.github.io/reference/" rstdoc_base_leanmeta = "https://leanprover-community.github.io/lean4-metaprogramming-book/" rstdoc_base_lean4 = "https://lean-lang.org/lean4/doc/" rstdoc_base_leantpil = "https://lean-lang.org/theorem_proving_in_lean4/" rstdoc_base_fplean4 = "https://lean-lang.org/functional_programming_in_lean/" rstdoc_base_leanmaths = "https://leanprover-community.github.io/mathematics_in_lean/" rstdoc_base_mechprf = "https://hrmacbeth.github.io/math2001/" rstdoc_base_tclean4 = "https://ammkrn.github.io/type_checking_in_lean4/" rstdoc_base_tpil4 = "https://lean-lang.org/theorem_proving_in_lean4/" rstdoc_base_sqlite3 = "https://www.sqlite.org/" rstdoc_base_racket = "https://docs.racket-lang.org/" -- (find-blogme3-rstdoc-links "sqlite3") -- (find-blogme3-rstdoc-links "racket") rstdoc_url = function (base, str, htm) local a,b = str:match("^([^#]*)(#?.*)$") return base..a..(htm or ".html")..b end rstdoc_f = function (sh, si) si:add_filling(1, nil, "help", sh.help) local str = si:sexp_strarg(2) if str then si:add_filling(2, 1, "tgt", rstdoc_url(sh.base, str, sh.htm)) end end -- «find-pydoc» (to ".find-pydoc") -- (find-pydocw "index") -- (find-sympydocw "index") -- (find-pydoc "tutorial/index") -- _SH["find-pydoc"] = SexpHead { head = "find-pydoc", help = rstdoc_help, base = rstdoc_base_py, f = rstdoc_f, } _SH["find-sympydoc"] = SexpHead { head = "find-sympydoc", help = rstdoc_help, base = rstdoc_base_sympy, f = rstdoc_f, } _SH["find-mpldoc"] = SexpHead { head = "find-mpldoc", help = rstdoc_help, base = rstdoc_base_mpl, f = rstdoc_f, } _SH["find-ghcugdoc"] = SexpHead { head = "find-ghcugdoc", help = rstdoc_help, base = rstdoc_base_ghcug, f = rstdoc_f, } _SH["find-h98doc"] = SexpHead { head = "find-h98doc", help = rstdoc_help, base = rstdoc_base_h98, f = rstdoc_f, } _SH["find-h98tdoc"] = SexpHead { head = "find-h98tdoc", help = rstdoc_help, base = rstdoc_base_h98t, f = rstdoc_f, } _SH["find-clhsdoc"] = SexpHead { head = "find-clhsdoc", help = rstdoc_help, base = rstdoc_base_clhs, htm = ".htm", f = rstdoc_f, } _SH["find-fenneldoc"] = SexpHead { head = "find-fenneldoc", help = rstdoc_help, base = rstdoc_base_fennel, f = rstdoc_f, } _SH ["find-fenneldocw"] = _SH["find-fenneldoc"] _SH["find-gd3doc"] = SexpHead { head = "find-gd3doc", help = rstdoc_help, base = rstdoc_base_gd3, f = rstdoc_f, } _SH["find-Jdoc"] = SexpHead { head = "find-Jdoc", help = rstdoc_help, base = rstdoc_base_J, htm = ".htm", f = rstdoc_f, } _SH["find-penlightdoc"] = SexpHead { head = "find-penlightdoc", help = rstdoc_help, base = rstdoc_base_penlight, htm = ".html", f = rstdoc_f, } _SH["find-nodejsdoc"] = SexpHead { head = "find-nodejsdoc", help = rstdoc_help, base = rstdoc_base_nodejs, htm = ".html", f = rstdoc_f, } _SH["find-leanrefdoc"] = SexpHead { head = "find-leanrefdoc", help = rstdoc_help, base = rstdoc_base_leanref, htm = ".html", f = rstdoc_f, } _SH["find-leanmetadoc"] = SexpHead { head = "find-leanmetadoc", help = rstdoc_help, base = rstdoc_base_leanmeta, htm = ".html", f = rstdoc_f, } _SH["find-lean4doc"] = SexpHead { head = "find-lean4doc", help = rstdoc_help, base = rstdoc_base_lean4, htm = ".html", f = rstdoc_f, } _SH["find-leantpildoc"] = SexpHead { head = "find-leantpildoc", help = rstdoc_help, base = rstdoc_base_leantpil, htm = ".html", f = rstdoc_f, } _SH["find-fplean4doc"] = SexpHead { head = "find-fplean4doc", help = rstdoc_help, base = rstdoc_base_fplean4, htm = ".html", f = rstdoc_f, } _SH["find-leanmathsdoc"] = SexpHead { head = "find-leanmathsdoc", help = rstdoc_help, base = rstdoc_base_leanmaths, htm = ".html", f = rstdoc_f, } _SH["find-mechprfdoc"] = SexpHead { head = "find-mechprfdoc", help = rstdoc_help, base = rstdoc_base_mechprf, htm = ".html", f = rstdoc_f, } _SH["find-tclean4doc"] = SexpHead { head = "find-tclean4doc", help = rstdoc_help, base = rstdoc_base_tclean4, htm = ".html", f = rstdoc_f, } _SH["find-tpil4doc"] = SexpHead { head = "find-tpil4doc", help = rstdoc_help, base = rstdoc_base_tpil4, htm = ".html", f = rstdoc_f, } _SH["find-sqlite3doc"] = SexpHead { head = "find-sqlite3doc", help = rstdoc_help, base = rstdoc_base_sqlite3, htm = ".html", f = rstdoc_f, } _SH["find-racketdoc"] = SexpHead { head = "find-racketdoc", help = rstdoc_help, base = rstdoc_base_racket, htm = ".html", f = rstdoc_f, } -- «find-pydoc-tests» (to ".find-pydoc-tests") --[==[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "sandwiches-defs.lua" = sexp_to_target_si [[ (find-pydoc "foo#bar") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-pydoc "foo#bar") ]] = sexp_to_target_si [[ (find-sympydoc "foo#bar") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-sympydoc "foo#bar") ]] = sexp_to_target_si [[ (find-sympydoc "foo") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-sympydoc "foo") ]] = sexp_to_target_si [[ (find-ghcugdoc "foo") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-ghcugdoc "foo") ]] = sexp_to_target_si [[ (find-h98doc "foo") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-h98doc "foo") ]] = sexp_to_target_si [[ (find-h98tdoc "foo") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-h98tdoc "foo") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-clhsdoc "Front/Contents") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-gd3doc "foo") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-gd3doc "getting_started/first_2d_game/01.project_setup") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-Jdoc "index") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-penlightdoc "index") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-leanrefdoc "index") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-leanmetadoc "index") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-leanmathsdoc "index") ]] --]==] -- «use_sand_htmlizeline» (to ".use_sand_htmlizeline") -- Redefine htmlizeline to use the sandwich functions. -- use_sand_htmlizeline = function (fname) -- -- (find-blogme3 "escripts.lua") -- (find-blogme3 "escripts.lua" "htmlizeline") -- require "escripts" -- SpecialT = UrlT + AnchorT + SexpLinkT * Eol -- SpecialT = UrlT + AnchorT + PipeAmpT + PipeSnarfDirT + HereDocT + SexpLinkT * Eol SpecialT = UrlT + AnchorT + PipeAmpT + PipeSnarfDirT + HereDocT EtcChar = 1 - lpeg.S "\n" EtcSpecial = Pos * lpeg.P { [1] = Pos * SpecialT + EtcChar * lpeg.V(1) } EtcSpecials = EtcSpecial^0 EtcSpecialsEtc = EtcSpecials * Pos * EtcChar^0 * Pos -- htmlizelineleft = function (str) return lpeg.match(lpeg.Ct(EtcSpecialsEtc) / sbeconcat(str, Q), str) end -- hl_deluxe = HtmlizeLine { left = function (hl, str) return htmlizelineleft(str) end, plain = function (hl, str) return Q(str) end, } -- htmlizeline = function (linestr) return (hl_deluxe:line(linestr)) end -- if fname then local ddots = getpathtoroot(fname) SexpTarget.__index.ru = function (st, relativeurl) return ddots..relativeurl end end -- require "brackets" require "definers" def [[ STOH 1 line htmlizeline(line:gsub("%s+", " "):bitrim()) ]] def [[ STOT 1 line sexp_to_target(line:gsub("%s+", " ")) ]] def [[ STOSN 1 line '"'..R(STOT(line), (line:match'"(.*)"'))..'"' ]] -- youtube_time = youtube_time_hhmmss -- -- (find-angg ".emacs.templates" "find-eevvideopage-linkss") -- htmlizelines [[ -- (find-eevvideo-links "eev2019" "emacsconf2019" "86yiRG8YJD0") -- (find-eevvideo-links "eev2020" "emacsconf2020" "hOAqBc42Gg8") -- (find-eevvideo-links "2020sometbf" "2020_some_template-based_functions" "91-9YfRPsuk") -- (find-eevvideo-links "eevnav" "M-x-list-packages-eev-nav" "kxBjiUo88_U") -- (find-eevvideo-links "2020findherelinks" "2020-find-here-links" "8jtiBlaDor4") -- (find-eevvideo-links "2020ssr" "2020-short-find-ssr-links-2" "_0_NLXTVhBk") -- ]] end -- «use_sand_htmlizeline-tests» (to ".use_sand_htmlizeline-tests") -- --[==[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "sandwiches-defs.lua" use_sand_htmlizeline() = htmlizeline (" |& ") = htmlizeline [[ (code-eevvideo "eev2019" "emacsconf2019" "86yiRG8YJD0") ]] = htmlizeline [[ (find-eev2019video "1:23") ]] = htmlizeline [[ (find-eev2020video "1:23") ]] --]==] -- «Short_» (to ".Short_") -- Short_ = Class { type = "Short_", from = function (bigstr) return Short_({_={}}):add(bigstr) end, parseline = function (linestr) local pat_url = "^%s*([!-~]+)%s+%->%s+([!-~]+)" local pat_sexp = "^%s*([!-~]+)%s+=>%s+(.*)" local shorthand, url = linestr:match(pat_url) if shorthand then return shorthand, url end local shorthand, sexp = linestr:match(pat_sexp) if shorthand then -- print(sexp) local url = sexp_to_target(sexp) return shorthand, url end end, __tostring = function (s_) return mytostringv(s_._) end, __index = { add = function (s_, bigstr) for _,linestr in ipairs(splitlines(bigstr)) do local shorthand, url = Short_.parseline(untabify(linestr)) if shorthand then s_._[shorthand] = url end end return s_ end, expand = function (s_, shorthand, noerror) local url = s_._[shorthand] if url then return url end if noerror then return nil end error("No expansion for '"..shorthand.."'") end, }, } if def then def [[ _ 2 shorthand,text R(short_:expand(shorthand), text) ]] end -- «Short_-tests» (to ".Short_-tests") --[==[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "sandwiches-defs.lua" short_ = Short_.from [[ test => (find-eepitch-intro "3. Test blocks") ]] = short_ = short_:expand("test") = short_:expand("foo") --> error = sexp_to_target [[ (find-lua51manual "#pdf-dofile") ]] = _SH = _SH["find-lua51manual"] -- def [[ _ 2 shorthand,text R(short_:expand(shorthand), text) ]] --]==] -- «code_helponly2» (to ".code_helponly2") -- (find-angg "blogme3/sandwiches.lua" "code_helponly") -- code_helponly2 = function (head, url) _SH[head] = SexpHead { head = head, help = url, f = function (sh, si) si:add_filling(1, 0, "help", sh.help) end, } end code_helponly2_lines = function (bigstr) for _,linestr in ipairs(splitlines(bigstr)) do local head,url = Short_.parseline(linestr) if head and url then code_helponly2(head, url) end end end -- «code_helponly2-tests» (to ".code_helponly2-tests") --[==[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "sandwiches-defs.lua" code_helponly2_lines [[ hv => (find-es "tikz" "horiz-and-vert") ]] = _SH["hv"] = sexp_to_target_si [[ (hv "foo") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (hv "foo") ]] --]==] -- «agda» (to ".agda") -- (find-angg "AGDA/ha.agda") -- _SH["find-agdastdlibsrcfile"] = SexpHead { head = "find-agdastdlibsrcfile", -- help = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-video-links-intro "9. First-class videos") ]], f = function (sh, si) -- si:add_filling(1, nil, "help", sh.help) local ag = si:sexp_strarg(2) if ag then local ag2 = ag:gsub("%.agda$", "%.html"):gsub("/", ".") local ag3 = "https://agda.github.io/agda-stdlib/" .. ag2 si:add_filling(2, 1, "agdahtml", ag3) end end, } _SH["find-agdaprimfile"] = SexpHead { head = "find-agdaprimfile", -- help = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-video-links-intro "9. First-class videos") ]], f = function (sh, si) -- si:add_filling(1, nil, "help", sh.help) local ag = si:sexp_strarg(2) if ag then local ag2 = ag:gsub("%.agda$", "%.html"):gsub("/", ".") local ag3 = "https://agda.github.io/agda-stdlib/" .. ag2 si:add_filling(2, 1, "agdahtml", ag3) end end, } _SH["find-agdacatsfile"] = SexpHead { head = "find-agdacatsfile", -- help = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-video-links-intro "9. First-class videos") ]], f = function (sh, si) -- si:add_filling(1, nil, "help", sh.help) local ag = si:sexp_strarg(2) if ag then local ag1 = ag:gsub("^src/", "") local ag2 = ag1:gsub("%.agda$", "%.html"):gsub("/", ".") local ag3 = "https://agda.github.io/agda-categories/" .. ag2 si:add_filling(2, 1, "agdahtml", ag3) end end, } code_helponly2_lines [=[ find-agdatype => (find-angg "AGDA/find-agdatype.el") ]=] -- «agda-tests» (to ".agda-tests") --[==[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "sandwiches-defs.lua" = sexp_to_target_si [[ (find-agdastdlibsrcfile "Data/Product.agda") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-agdastdlibsrcfile "Data/Product.agda") ]] = sexp_to_target_si [[ (find-agdaprimfile "Agda/Builtin/Sigma.agda") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-agdaprimfile "Agda/Builtin/Sigma.agda") ]] = sexp_to_target_si [[ (find-agdatype "foo") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-agdatype "foo") ]] -- (find-agdaprimfile "Agda/Builtin/Sigma.agda") --> https://agda.github.io/agda-stdlib/Agda.Builtin.Sigma.html -- (find-agdastdlibsrcfile "Relation/Binary/Indexed/Heterogeneous/Definitions.agda") --> https://agda.github.io/agda-stdlib/Relation.Binary.Indexed.Heterogeneous.Definitions.html --]==] -- «find-hoogle» (to ".find-hoogle") _SH["find-hoogle"] = SexpHead { head = "find-hoogle", help = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-haskell.html", f = function (sh, si) si:add_filling(1, 0, "help", sh.help) -- not sh.help:url() local str = si:sexp_strarg(2) if str then local str1 = "https://hoogle.haskell.org/?hoogle=" .. str si:add_filling(2, 1, "tgt", str1) end end, } -- «find-hoogle-tests» (to ".find-hoogle-tests") --[==[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "sandwiches-defs.lua" = sexp_to_target_si [[ (find-hoogle "guard") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-hoogle "guard") ]] --]==] -- «find-cabal-links» (to ".find-cabal-links") _SH["find-cabal-links"] = SexpHead { head = "find-cabal-links", help = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-haskell.html", f = function (sh, si) si:add_filling(1, 0, "help", sh.help) -- not sh.help:url() local str = si:sexp_strarg(2) if str then local str1 = "https://hackage.haskell.org/package/" .. str si:add_filling(2, 1, "tgt", str1) end end, } -- «find-cabal-unpack» (to ".find-cabal-unpack") _SH["find-cabal-unpack"] = SexpHead { head = "find-cabal-unpack", help = "http://anggtwu.net/eev-haskell.html", f = function (sh, si) si:add_filling(1, 0, "help", sh.help) -- not sh.help:url() local str = si:sexp_strarg(2) if str then local str1 = "https://hackage.haskell.org/package/" .. str si:add_filling(2, 1, "tgt", str1) end end, } -- «find-cabal-links-tests» (to ".find-cabal-links-tests") -- «find-cabal-unpack-tests» (to ".find-cabal-unpack-tests") --[==[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "sandwiches-defs.lua" = sexp_to_target_si [[ (find-cabal-links "kan-extensions") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-cabal-links "kan-extensions") ]] = sexp_to_target_si [[ (find-cabal-unpack "kan-extensions") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-cabal-unpack "kan-extensions") ]] --]==] --[==[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "sandwiches-defs.lua" = sexp_to_target_si [[ (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:02:15" "many years") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:02:15" "many years") ]] --]==] -- «code_helponly2_lines» (to ".code_helponly2_lines") code_helponly2_lines [=[ find-find-links-links-new => (find-eev "eev-tlinks.el" "find-find-links-links-new") find-pdftools-page => (find-eev "eev-pdflike.el" "find-pdftools-page") find-pdftoolsr-page => (find-eev "eev-pdflike.el" "find-pdftoolsr-page") ]=] code_helponly2_lines [[ find-tikz1-links => (find-angg "LUA/tikz1.el" "find-tikz1-links") find-tikzsearch-links => (find-angg "LUA/tikz1.el" "find-tikzsearch-links") tiks => (find-angg "LUA/tikz1.el" "tiks") tikz-show => (find-angg "LUA/tikz1.el" "tikz-show") tikz-showtex => (find-angg "LUA/tikz1.el" "tikz-showtex") ee-copy-rest => (find-eev "eev-tlinks.el" "ee-copy-rest") ee-copy-rest-3 => (find-eev "eev-tlinks.el" "ee-copy-rest-3-intro") eepitch-sly => (find-try-sly-intro "6. Sly: basic keys") ]] code_c_d_remote("tikzgitfile", "https://github.com/pgf-tikz/pgf/tree/master/") code_c_d_remote("tikzmanfile", "https://github.com/pgf-tikz/pgf/tree/master/doc/generic/pgf/") code_c_d_remote("tikztgpgitfile", "https://github.com/pgf-tikz/pgf/tree/master/tex/generic/pgf/") code_c_d_remote("fennelfile", "https://git.sr.ht/~technomancy/fennel/tree/main/item/") code_c_d_remote("sbclfile", "https://sourceforge.net/p/sbcl/sbcl/ci/master/tree/") code_c_d_remote("maximagitfile", "https://sourceforge.net/p/maxima/code/ci/master/tree/") code_c_d_remote("slyfile", "https://github.com/joaotavora/sly/tree/master/") code_c_d_remote("slynkfile", "https://github.com/joaotavora/sly/tree/master/slynk/") code_c_d_remote("qlslyfile", "https://github.com/joaotavora/sly/tree/master/") code_c_d_remote("qlslynkfile", "https://github.com/joaotavora/sly/tree/master/slynk/") code_c_d_remote("lpegrexfile", "https://github.com/edubart/lpegrex/blob/main/") code_c_d_remote("efile", "https://github.com/emacs-mirror/emacs/blob/master/lisp/") code_c_d_remote("emacslibpqfile", "https://github.com/anse1/emacs-libpq/blob/master/") code_c_d_remote("grailfile", "https://github.com/bitcathedrals/grail/blob/develop/") code_c_d_remote("nodejssrcfile", "https://github.com/nodejs/node/tree/main/") code_c_d_remote("lean4prefile", "https://github.com/leanprover/lean4/blob/master/src/") code_c_d_remote("leanmetadocrfile", "https://github.com/leanprover-community/lean4-metaprogramming-book/tree/master/lean/") code_c_d_remote("lspmodegitfile", "https://github.com/emacs-lsp/lsp-mode/blob/master/") -- (find-squeakbyexpage 43) -- = _SH["find-squeakbyexpage"] code_pdf("squeakbyex", "http://anggtwu.net/SQUEAK/squeak-by-example-5.3.pdf") code_pdf("fplean4", "http://anggtwu.net/LEAN/fplean4.pdf") code_pdf("touretzky", "https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/LispBook/book.pdf") code_pdf("lisp15", "https://www.softwarepreservation.org/projects/LISP/book/LISP%201.5%20Programmers%20Manual.pdf") -- (find-es "maxima" "maxima-by-example-ccds") code_pdf("mbe01", "https://home.csulb.edu/~woollett/mbe1intro.pdf") code_pdf("mbe02", "https://home.csulb.edu/~woollett/mbe2plotfit.pdf") code_pdf("mbe03", "https://home.csulb.edu/~woollett/mbe3ode1.pdf") code_pdf("mbe04", "https://home.csulb.edu/~woollett/mbe4solve.pdf") code_pdf("mbe05", "https://home.csulb.edu/~woollett/mbe5matrix.pdf") code_pdf("mbe06", "https://home.csulb.edu/~woollett/mbe6calc1.pdf") code_pdf("mbe07", "https://home.csulb.edu/~woollett/mbe7sint.pdf") code_pdf("mbe08", "https://home.csulb.edu/~woollett/mbe8nint.pdf") code_pdf("mbe09", "https://home.csulb.edu/~woollett/mbe9bfloat.pdf") code_pdf("mbe10", "https://home.csulb.edu/~woollett/mbe10fltrans.pdf") code_pdf("mbe11", "https://home.csulb.edu/~woollett/mbe11fft.pdf") code_pdf("mbe12", "https://home.csulb.edu/~woollett/mbe12dirac3.pdf") code_pdf("mbe13", "https://home.csulb.edu/~woollett/mbe13qdraw.pdf") code_pdf("mbe14", "https://home.csulb.edu/~woollett/mbe14fit.pdf") -- (find-es "maxima" "maxima-workbook") code_pdf("maximawb", "https://roland-salz.de/Maxima_Workbook.pdf") -- (find-books "__logic/__logic.el" "martin-lof") code_pdf("martinlofitt", "https://archive-pml.github.io/martin-lof/pdfs/Bibliopolis-Book-retypeset-1984.pdf") -- (find-eev "eev-lean4.el" "ee-leandoc-:fplean4") code_pdf("lean4", "http://anggtwu.net/snarf/https/lean-lang.org/lean4/doc/print.pdf") code_pdf("tpil4", "http://anggtwu.net/snarf/https/lean-lang.org/theorem_proving_in_lean4/print.pdf") code_pdf("leanmeta", "http://anggtwu.net/snarf/https/leanprover-community.github.io/lean4-metaprogramming-book/print.pdf") code_pdf("fplean4", "http://anggtwu.net/snarf/https/lean-lang.org/functional_programming_in_lean/print.pdf") code_pdf("tclean4", "http://anggtwu.net/snarf/https/ammkrn.github.io/type_checking_in_lean4/print.pdf") -- «find-maximanode» (to ".find-maximanode") -- Skel: (find-sandwiches-def-links "find-maximanode") -- _SH["find-maximanode"] = SexpHead { head = "find-maximanode", help = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-TH "find-maximanode") ]], f = function (sh, si) si:add_filling(1, nil, "help", sh.help) local node = si:sexp_strarg(2) if node then local oldR = R require "maxima-index-html" -- (find-blogme3 "maxima-index-html.lua") R = oldR local html0 = maxima_index_table[node] local html = html0 and "https://maxima.sourceforge.io/docs/manual/"..html0 if html then si:add_filling(2, 1, "node", html) end end end, } -- «find-maximanode-tests» (to ".find-maximanode-tests") --[==[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "sandwiches-defs.lua" = sexp_to_target_si [[ (find-maximanode "fundef") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-maximanode "fundef") ]] = sexp_to_target_si [[ (find-maximanode "fundef0") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-maximanode "fundef0") ]] --]==] -- «find-yttranscript-links» (to ".find-yttranscript-links") -- Skel: (find-sandwiches-def-links "find-yttranscript-links") -- _SH["find-yttranscript-links"] = SexpHead { head = "find-yttranscript-links", help = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-TH "2022-yttranscript") ]], f = function (sh, si) si:add_filling(1, nil, "help", sh.help) local hash = si:sexp_strarg(3) if hash then si:add_filling(3, 1, "yt", youtube_make_url(hash)) end end, } -- «find-yttranscript-links-tests» (to ".find-yttranscript-links-tests") --[==[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "sandwiches-defs.lua" = sexp_to_target_si [[ (find-yttranscript-links "eev2023replsb" "s3enXsuXyNg") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-yttranscript-links "eev2023replsb" "s3enXsuXyNg") ]] --]==] -- «find-gitk» (to ".find-gitk") -- Skel: (find-sandwiches-def-links "find-gitk") -- _SH["find-gitk"] = SexpHead { head = "find-gitk", help = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-eev "eev-plinks.el" "find-gitk") ]], f = function (sh, si) si:add_filling(1, nil, "help", sh.help) end, } -- «find-gitk-tests» (to ".find-gitk-tests") --[==[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "sandwiches-defs.lua" = sexp_to_target_si [[ (find-gitk "/tmp/eevgit-test1/") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-gitk "/tmp/eevgit-test1/") ]] --]==] -- «code_lsubs» (to ".code_lsubs") -- See: (find-blogme3 "sandwiches.lua" "code_intro") -- code_lsubs = function (c, mp4stem) local find_clsubs = "find-"..c.."lsubs" local baseurl = format("http://anggtwu.net/SUBTITLES/%s.lua.html", mp4stem) _SH[find_clsubs] = SexpHead { head = find_clsubs, -- help = SexpTarget {f="find_intro", stem=stem, anchor=nil}, f = function (sh, si) -- si:add_filling(1, nil, "help", sh.help) local time = si:sexp_strarg(2) local target = baseurl .. (time and "#"..time or "") if time then si:add_filling(2, 1, "target", target) else si:add_filling("e", nil, "target", target) end end, } end -- «code_lsubs-tests» (to ".code_lsubs-tests") --[==[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "sandwiches-defs.lua" code_lsubs("2024luaso", "2024-find-luaso-links") = _SH["find-2024luasolsubs"] = sexp_to_target_si [[ (find-2024luasolsubs "00:00") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-2024luasolsubs "00:00") ]] = sexp_to_target_si [[ (find-2024luasolsubs) ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-2024luasolsubs) ]] --]==] -- «code-lsubs» (to ".code-lsubs") -- Skel: (find-sandwiches-def-links "code-lsubs") -- _SH["code-lsubs"] = SexpHead { head = "code-lsubs", -- help = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-eev "eev-tlinks.el" "code-lsubs") ]], f = function (sh, si) -- si:add_filling(1, nil, "help", sh.help) local c = si:sexp_strarg(2) local mp4stem = si:sexp_strarg(3) if c and mp4stem then code_lsubs(c, mp4stem) -- local lsubs = format("http://anggtwu.net/SUBTITLES/%s.lua.html", mp4stem) -- PP(c, mp4stem, lsubs) -- si:add_filling(2, 1, "yt", lsubs) -- si:add_filling(3, 1, "yt", lsubs) end end, } -- «code-lsubs-tests» (to ".code-lsubs-tests") --[==[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "sandwiches-defs.lua" = sexp_to_target_si [[ (code-lsubs "2024luaso" "2024-find-luaso-links") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (code-lsubs "2024luaso" "2024-find-luaso-links") ]] = sexp_to_target_si [[ (find-2024luasolsubs "00:00") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-2024luasolsubs "00:00") ]] = sexp_to_target_si [[ (find-2024luasolsubs) ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-2024luasolsubs) ]] --]==] -- «find-clhsdoci» (to ".find-clhsdoci") -- Skel: (find-sandwiches-def-links "find-clhsdoci") -- _SH["find-clhsdoci"] = SexpHead { head = "find-clhsdoci", help = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-try-sly-intro "2. Install some elisp packages") ]], f = function (sh, si) si:add_filling(1, nil, "help", sh.help) local symbol = si:sexp_strarg(2) if symbol then local tbl = require "clhs-symbols" local tgt0 = tbl[symbol:upper()] local tgt1 = tgt0 and "http://clhs.lisp.se/"..tgt0 if tgt1 then si:add_filling(2, 1, "tgt", tgt1) end end end, } -- «find-clhsdoci-tests» (to ".find-clhsdoci-tests") --[==[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "sandwiches-defs.lua" = sexp_to_target_si [[ (find-clhsdoci "require") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-clhsdoci "require") ]] --]==] -- «find-anchor» (to ".find-anchor") -- Skel: (find-sandwiches-def-links "find-anchor") -- _SH["find-anchor"] = SexpHead { head = "find-anchor", help = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-eev-quick-intro "8.5. Hyperlinks to anchors in other files") ]], f = function (sh, si) si:add_filling(1, nil, "help", sh.help) local fname = si:sexp_strarg(2) local tag = si:sexp_strarg(3) if fname and fname:sub(1,2) == "~/" then local target0 = "http://anggtwu.net/"..fname:sub(3)..".html" local target = target0..(tag and "#"..tag or "") si:add_filling(2, 1, "tgt", target) if tag then si:add_filling(3, 1, "tgt", target) end end end, } -- «find-anchor-tests» (to ".find-anchor-tests") --[==[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "sandwiches-defs.lua" = ("abcde"):sub(1,2) = sexp_to_target_si [[ (find-anchor "~/lisptree/lisptree.mac") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-anchor "~/lisptree/lisptree.mac") ]] --]==] -- «code-etex-tla» (to ".code-etex-tla") -- Skel: (find-sandwiches-def-links "code-etex-tla") -- See: (find-blogme3 "code-etex-tlas.lua") -- code_etex_tla_p = function (sh, si) local stem = sh.stem local url0 = format("http://anggtwu.net/LATEX/%s.pdf", stem) local p = si:sexp_numericarg(2) if p then local url = format("%s#page=%d", url0, p) si:add_filling(2, 0, "p", url) if si:sexp_strarg(3) then si:add_filling(3, 1, "p", url) end else si:add_filling(1, 0, "p", url0) end end code_etex_tla_a = function (sh, si) local stem = sh.stem local url0 = format("http://anggtwu.net/LATEX/%s.tex.html", stem) local tag = si:sexp_strarg(2) if tag then local url = format("%s#%s", url0, tag) si:add_filling(2, 1, "a", url) else si:add_filling(1, 0, "a", url0) end end code_etex_tla = function (tla, stem) _SH[tla.."p"] = SexpHead { head = tla.."p", tla = tla, stem = stem, f = code_etex_tla_p, } _SH[tla.."a"] = SexpHead { head = tla.."a", tla = tla, stem = stem, f = code_etex_tla_a, } end -- «code-etex-tla-tests» (to ".code-etex-tla-tests") --[==[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "sandwiches-defs.lua" code_etex_tla("pat", "2024panic-teresopolis") = sexp_to_target_si [[ (patp 2 "toc") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (patp 2 "toc") ]] = sexp_to_target_si [[ (patp) ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (patp) ]] = sexp_to_target_si [[ (pata "toc") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (pata "toc") ]] = sexp_to_target_si [[ (pata) ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (pata) ]] --]==] -- «code-etex-tlas-load» (to ".code-etex-tlas-load") -- (find-blogme3 "code-etex-tlas.lua") require "code-etex-tlas" -- «code_c_m_b_1» (to ".code_c_m_b_1") -- Skel: (find-sandwiches-def-links "code_c_m_b_1") -- See: (find-blogme3 "sandwiches.lua" "code_c_m_b") -- (find-blogme3 "sandwiches.lua" "SexpTarget" "find_node =") -- (find-blogme3 "sandwiches.lua" "SexpTarget-tests") -- (to "code_c_m_bs") -- code_c_m_b_1_f = function (sh,si) si:add_filling(1, nil, "help", sh.help) local a = si:sexp_strarg(2) if not a then return end local target = SexpTarget {text=sh.baseurl.."#"..find_node_encode(a)} if target then si:add_filling("e", nil, "target", target) end end code_c_m_b_1 = function (c, manual, baseurl) local find_cnode = "find-"..c.."node" _SH[find_cnode] = SexpHead { help = SexpTarget {f="find_intro", stem="eev-quick", anchor="3"}, head = find_cnode, baseurl = baseurl, f = code_c_m_b_1_f, } end -- «code_c_m_b_1s» (to ".code_c_m_b_1s") -- (to "code_c_m_bs") code_c_m_b_1("cffi", "cffi", "https://cffi.common-lisp.dev/manual/cffi-manual.html") code_c_m_b_1("geiser", "geiser", "https://elpa.nongnu.org/nongnu/doc/geiser.html") code_c_m_b_1("racketmode", "racketmode", "https://www.racket-mode.com/") code_c_m_b_1("sbcl", "sbcl", "https://www.sbcl.org/manual/") code_c_m_b_1("sly", "sly", "https://joaotavora.github.io/sly/") -- «code_c_m_b_1-tests» (to ".code_c_m_b_1-tests") --[==[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "sandwiches-defs.lua" = sexp_to_target_si [[ (find-geisernode "To err perchance to debug") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-geisernode "To err perchance to debug") ]] -- (find-cffinode "Tutorial-Comparison") = sexp_to_target_si [[ (find-cffinode "Tutorial-Comparison") ]] = sexp_to_target_st [[ (find-cffinode "Tutorial-Comparison") ]] = sexp_to_target [[ (find-cffinode "Tutorial-Comparison") ]] --]==] -- (find-blogme3 "sandwiches-defs.lua" "code-pdf-page")