Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
-- This file:
--   http://anggtwu.net/blogme3/cruft-jan2024.lua.html
--   http://anggtwu.net/blogme3/cruft-jan2024.lua
--          (find-angg "blogme3/cruft-jan2024.lua")
-- Author: Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com>
-- (defun e () (interactive) (find-angg "blogme3/cruft-jan2024.lua"))

-- Code removed from ~/LUA/lua50init.lua in 2024jan23.
-- See: (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" ".EevIntro")
--      (find-blogme3 "anggdefs.lua" "cruft-jan2024")
--      (find-blogme3 "angglisp.lua" "cruft-jan2024")

-- «.EevIntro»			(to "EevIntro")
-- «.youtube_make_url»		(to "youtube_make_url")
-- «.youtube_split»		(to "youtube_split")
-- «.getsexp»			(to "getsexp")
-- «.ELispHF»			(to "ELispHF")
-- «.SexpSkel»			(to "SexpSkel")
-- «.ELispH»			(to "ELispH")
-- «.Sexp»			(to "Sexp")
-- «.to_youtube_hash»		(to "to_youtube_hash")

-- Commented out:
---------- «.cruft-begins»	(to "cruft-begins")
-- «.url_split»			(to "url_split")
-- «.Blogme»			(to "Blogme")
-- «.code_video»		(to "code_video")
-- «.ELispInfo»			(to "ELispInfo")
-- «.getsexpskel»		(to "getsexpskel")
-- «.SexpLine»			(to "SexpLine")
-- --------«.cruft-ends»	(to "cruft-ends")

-- «EevIntro» (to ".EevIntro")
-- (find-es "lua5" "EevIntro")
-- Superseded by sandwiches:
--   (find-blogme3file "sandwiches.lua")
-- TODO: check which .blogme files still use this.
EevIntro = Class {
  type = "EevIntro",
  from = function (stem, sec)
      return EevIntro {stem=stem, sec=sec}
  fromshort = function (short)
      if short:match"#"
      then return EevIntro.from(short:match"^(.-)#(.*)")
      else return EevIntro.from(short)
  fromheadposspec = function (head, posspec)
      local stem = head:match "^find%-(.*)%-intro$"
      local sec = posspec and posspec:match "^(%d[%d%.]*)%. "
      return EevIntro.from(stem, sec)
  fromsexp = function (li)
      local head, rest = li:match "^%s*%(([!-~]+)(.*)%)%s*$"
      local posspec = rest:match "^%s+\"(.*)\"$"
      return EevIntro.fromheadposspec(head, posspec)
  __tostring = function (ei) return mytostring(ei) end,
  __index = {
    url = function (ei)
        return format("eev-intros/find-%s-intro.html%s",
                      ei.stem, ei.sec and "#"..ei.sec or "")
    short = function (ei)
        return ei.stem .. (ei.sec and "#"..ei.sec or "")

introhtml = function (stem, sec)
    return EevIntro.from(stem, sec):url()

-- «youtube_make_url»  (to ".youtube_make_url")
-- (find-es "youtube" "time-syntax")
youtube_make_url = function (hash, time)
    return "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=" .. hash .. youtube_time(time)
youtube_time = function (time)
    if type(time) ~= "string" then return "" end
    local mm,ss = time:match("^(%d?%d):(%d%d)$")
    if ss then return "&t="..(mm*60+ss) end
    local hh,mm,ss = time:match("^(%d?%d):(%d%d):(%d%d)$")
    if ss then return "&t="..(hh*3600+mm*60+ss) end
    return ""
youtube_time_hhmmss = function (time)
    if type(time) ~= "string" then return "" end
    local mm,ss = time:match("^(%d?%d):(%d%d)$")
    if ss then return format("&t=%sm%ss", mm, ss) end
    local hh,mm,ss = time:match("^(%d?%d):(%d%d):(%d%d)$")
    if ss then return format("&t=%sh%sm%ss", hh, mm, ss) end
    return ""

-- «youtube_split» (to ".youtube_split")
-- I was using this at too many places - including one-shot programs...
-- (find-angg "LUA/youtube-tags.lua")
-- (find-angg "LUA/youtube.lua")
-- (find-blogme3 "youtube.lua")
youtube_split_url0 = function (li)
    local a, url, b, title, c = li:match "^(.-)(https?://%S*)(%s*)(.-)(%s*)$"
    if not url then return end
    local hash, time
    for key,value in url:gmatch "[?&](%w*)=([^?&#'()]*)" do
      if key == "v" then hash = value end
      if key == "t" then time = value end  -- not being used now
    if not hash then return end
    return a, hash, b, title, c
youtube_split_url = function (li)
    local a, hash, b, title, c = youtube_split_url0(li)
    if a then return hash, youtube_make_url(hash), title end

-- «getsexp» (to ".getsexp")
-- Superseded by sandwiches:
--   (find-blogme3file "sandwiches.lua")
-- TODO: check which .blogme files still use this.
-- New version: (find-angg "LUA/SexpAtEol1.lua" "SexpAtEol-tests")
-- (find-es "lua5" "getsexp")
-- (find-blogme3 "sexp.lua" "getsexp")
-- Version: 2019jan08.
-- A low-level function that splits a line into a sexp, a skel, and other stuff.
-- If    str  = 'Hello  (find-xpdfpage "~/LATEX/foo.pdf" (+ 2 3))'
-- then  sexp =        '(find-xpdfpage "~/LATEX/foo.pdf" (+ 2 3))',
--       skel =        '(find-xpdfpage "_______________" (_____))',
--       head =         'find-xpdfpage',
--       left = 'Hello '.
getsexp = function (str)
    if str:sub(-1) ~= ")" then return end
    local rep = string.rep
    local simpq = function (s) return '"'..rep("_", #s-2)..'"' end  -- simplify '"'s
    local simpp = function (s) return '('..rep("_", #s-2)..')' end  -- simplify parens
    local leks = str:gsub("\\.", "__"):reverse():gsub('"[^"]*"', simpq):match("^%b)(")
    if not leks then return end
    local skel = leks:reverse()
    local sexp = str:sub(-#skel)
    local head = sexp:match("^%(([^ ()\"]+)")
    local skel = "(" .. skel:sub(2):gsub("%b()", simpp)
    local left = str:sub(1, -1-#skel)
    return sexp, head, skel, left

-- «ELispHF» (to ".ELispHF")
-- Superseded by sandwiches:
--   (find-blogme3file "sandwiches.lua")
-- TODO: check which .blogme files still use this.
-- (find-es "lua5" "ELispHF")
-- (find-es "lua5" "ELispHF-tests")
-- An ELispHF object holds an "elisp hyperlink function", that when
-- called produces an ElispH object.
ELispHF = Class {
  type    = "ELispHF",
  newangg = function (head, d, suffix)
      return ELispHF {head=head, d=d, suffix=suffix, f="angg"}
  newintro = function (head)
      return ELispHF {head=head, f="intro"}
  newnode = function (head, c, manual)
      return ELispHF {head=head, c=c, manual=manual, f="node"}
  newyoutube = function (head, hash)
      return ELispHF {head=head, hash=hash, f="youtube"}
  __tostring = function (ehf) return mytabletostring(ehf) end,
  __call = function (ehf, ...) return ehf[ehf.f](ehf, ...) end,
  __index = {
    angg = function (ehf, a, b, c)
        local target = suffixing(ehf.d..(a or ""), ehf.suffix, b)
        return ELispH {intro="eev-quick#9", target=target}
    intro = function (ehf, a)
        local ei = EevIntro.fromheadposspec(ehf.head, a)
        return ELispH {intro=ei.stem, target=ei:url()}
        -- return ELispH {intro=ei:short(), target=ei:url()}
    node = function (ehf, a)
        local manual, section = ehf.manual, a
        local target = ELispInfo{}:mstohtml(manual, section)
        return ELispH {intro="eev-quick#9.2", target=target}
    youtube = function (ehf, a)
        local hash, time = ehf.hash, a
        local target = youtube_make_url(hash, time)
        return ELispH {intro="audiovideo#4.3", target=target}
    codevideo = function (ehf, c, urlorfnameorhash)
        if c and urlorfnameorhash then code_video(c, urlorfnameorhash) end
        return ELispH {intro="audiovideo#4.3"}

_EHF = VerticalTable {}

-- «SexpSkel» (to ".SexpSkel")
-- (find-es "lua5" "SexpSkel")
-- (find-es "lua5" "SexpSkel-test")
-- A user-friendly class based on getsexp with a nice printing function.
SexpSkel = Class {
  type    = "SexpSkel",
  fromline = function (line)
      local str,right = line:match("^(.-%))([%s]*)$")
      if not str then return SexpSkel {line=line} end
      local sexp,head,skel,left = getsexp(str)
      if not sexp then return SexpSkel {line=line} end
      return SexpSkel {line=line, left=left, sexp=sexp, right=right,
                       skel=skel, head=head}
  __tostring = function (ss)
      if not ss.sexp then return ss.line.."\n[no sexp]" end
      local spacify = function (s, c) return string.rep(c or " ", #s) end
      local left0  = spacify(ss.left)
      local right0 = spacify(ss.right, ".")
      return ss.line                .."\n"..
             left0..ss.sexp..right0 .."\n"..
             left0..ss.skel         .."\n"..
             left0.." "..ss.head
  __index = {
    splitsexp = function (ss)
        local sexpmid = ss.sexp:sub(2, -2)   -- without the '(' and the ')'
        local skelmid = ss.skel:sub(2, -2)   -- without the '(' and the ')'
        local A = {}
        local f = function (p0, p1)                 -- positions from skelmid
            table.insert(A, sexpmid:sub(p0, p1-1))  -- substring from sexpmid
            -- PP(sexpmid:sub(p0, p1-1), skelmid:sub(p0, p1-1))
        skelmid:gsub("()[^%s]+()", f)
        return A
    parsestrargs = function (ss)
        local A = ss:splitsexp()
        local f = function (str) return str and str:match("^\"(.*)\"$") end
        return f(A[2]), f(A[3]), f(A[4])
    parseq = function (ss)
        local headpat = "("..string.rep(".", #ss.head)..")"
        local qppat   = "(\"?%))"   -- optional last quote, closing parenthesis
        local a,head,b,qp  = ss.sexp:match("^(.)"..headpat.."(.-)"..qppat.."$")
        -- print(table.concat({a,head,b,qp}, "|"))
        return a,head,b,qp
    -- (find-es "lua5" "SexpSkel")
    -- Interface with ELispH and ELispHF:
    ehtosexphtml = function (ss, eh, hzer)
        return eh:sexphtml(hzer, ss:parseq())
    ehftoeh = function (ss, ehf)
        return ehf(ss:parsestrargs()) end,
    toehf = function (ss)
        return _EHF[ss.head] end,
    toeh = function (ss)
        local ehf = ss:toehf(); return ehf and ss:ehftoeh(ehf)
    totarget = function (ss)
        local eh = ss:toeh(); return eh and eh:gettarget()
    tohelp = function (ss)
        local eh = ss:toeh(); return eh and eh:gethelp()
    tosexphtml = function (ss, hzer)
        local eh = ss:toeh(); return eh and ss:ehtosexphtml(eh, hzer)

-- «ELispH» (to ".ELispH")
-- Superseded by sandwiches:
--   (find-blogme3file "sandwiches.lua")
-- TODO: check which .blogme files still use this.
-- See: (find-es "lua5" "ELispH")
--      (find-es "lua5" "ELispH-tests")
-- An ELispH object holds data that can generate a "help url" and
-- a "target url". For example:
--   eh = ELispH({intro="eev-quick", target="index.html", anchor="eev"})
--   eh:gethelp()   --> "eev-intros/find-eev-quick-intro.html"
--   eh:gettarget() --> "index.html#eev"
-- The :sexphtml(...) method connects this to SexpSkel.
ELispH = Class {
  type    = "ELispH",
  __tostring = function (eh) return mytabletostring(eh) end,
  __index = {
    gethelp = function (eh)
        if eh.intro then
          local stem,section = eh.intro:match("^(.-)#(.*)")
          if section then return introhtml(stem, section) end
          return introhtml(eh.intro)
	return eh.help
    gettarget = function (eh)
        return eh.target and (eh.target .. (eh.anchor and "#"..eh.anchor or ""))
    sexphtml = function (eh, hzer, a, head, b, qp)
        hzer = hzer or id
        local help   = eh:gethelp()
        local target = eh:gettarget()
        return hzer(a) .. HREF1(help,   hzer(head)) ..
               hzer(b) .. HREF1(target, hzer(qp))
    test = function (eh)
        local outt = {help=eh:gethelp(), target=eh:gettarget()}
        return tostring(eh) .. " ->\n" .. mytabletostring(outt)

elispSPECIAL = {}

-- «Sexp» (to ".Sexp")
-- Used here: (find-blogme3 "anggdefs.lua" "Sexp")
elisp = {}
elisp["find-angg"] = meta_find_angg("")
elisp["find-es"]   = meta_find_angg("e/", ".e.html")

Sexp = Class {
  type    = "Sexp",
  __index = {
    getsexp = function (sexp)
        local line = sexp.line
        if line:sub(#line) ~= ")" then return end
        local len = #line
        local skel = line:gsub("\\.", "__")              -- backslash+c -> __
        skel = skel:revgsub("\"[^\"]*\"", underlinify)   -- "abc" -> "___"
        skel = skel:sub(1, len-1):revgsub("%b)(", underlinify)..skel:sub(len)
        local revsexp = line:reverse():match("^%b)(")
        if not revsexp then return end
        sexp.sexp = revsexp:reverse()
        sexp.pre  = line:sub(1, len-#sexp.sexp)
        -- sexp.sexpskel = skel:sub(#sexp.pre+1)
        sexp.midskel = skel:sub(#sexp.pre+2, len-1)
        sexp.head    = sexp.midskel:match("^%S*")
        return sexp.head
    getsexpargs = function (sexp)
        local n = 0
        sexp.ranges = {}
        for i,j in sexp.midskel:gmatch("()%S+()") do
          n = n + 1
          sexp[n] = sexp.sexp:sub(i+1, j)
          sexp.ranges[n] = {i+1, j+1}
    string = function (sexp, n)
        return sexp[n] and sexp[n]:match '^"(.*)"$'
    Q = function (text) return text end,
    hrefto = function (sexp, url)
        return function (text)
            return '<a href="'..url..'">'..sexp.Q(text)..'</a>'
    setrange = function (sexp, a, b, s_or_f)
          table.insert(sexp.htmlranges, {a, b, s_or_f})
    sethelp = function (sexp, url)
        local r = sexp.ranges[1]
        if url then sexp:setrange(r[1], r[2], sexp:hrefto(url)) end
        -- table.insert(sexp.htmlranges, {r[1], r[2], sexp:hrefto(url)})
        -- end
    settarget = function (sexp, url)
        local len = #sexp.sexp
        if url then sexp:setrange(len-1, len+1, sexp:hrefto(url)) end
        -- table.insert(sexp.htmlranges, {len-1, len+1, sexp:hrefto(url)})
        -- end
    tohtml0 = function (sexp)
        return replaceranges(sexp.sexp, sexp.htmlranges or {}, sexp.Q)
    getsexphtml = function (sexp)
        sexp.htmlranges = {}
        if not sexp.head then return end
        if elispSPECIAL[sexp.head] then    -- for all kinds of special hacks
        local find_aaa = elisp[sexp.head]
        if not find_aaa then return end
        sexp.target, sexp.help = find_aaa(sexp:string(2), sexp:string(3))
        sexp.sexphtml = sexp:tohtml0()
    getlinehtml = function (sexp)
        if sexp:getsexp() then sexp:getsexphtml() end
        if sexp.sexphtml
        then sexp.linehtml = sexp.Q(sexp.pre)..sexp.sexphtml
        else sexp.linehtml = sexp.Q(sexp.line)
        return sexp.linehtml

-- (find-blogme3 "anggdefs.lua" "basic-words-for-html" "HREF")
HREF  = function (url, str) return format('<a href="%s">%s</a>', url, str) end
HREF1 = function (url, str) return url and HREF(url, str) or str end

-- «to_youtube_hash»  (to ".to_youtube_hash")
to_youtube_hash = function (str)
    str = str:gsub("%.%w%w%w$", "")
    str = str:sub(-11)
    return str

-- «url_split» (to ".url_split")
-- Used here: (find-angg "LUA/redirect.lua")
url_percent_decode  = function (str)
    local f = function (hh) return string.char(tonumber(hh, 16)) end
    return (str:gsub("%%(%x%x)", f))
url_query_split = function (query)
    local Q = {}
    for key,value in query:gmatch "[?&](%w*)=([^?&#'()]*)" do
      Q[key] = url_percent_decode(value)
    return Q
url_split_re  = nil
url_split_re0 = function ()
    require "re"     -- (find-es "lua5" "lpeg-re")
    return re.compile [=[
        {|       {:scheme: [a-z]+ :} "://"
                 {:host:   [^/]+  :}
           ( "/" {:path:   [^?#]* :} ) ?
           ( "?" {:query:  [^#]*  :} ) ?
           ( "#" {:anchor: [^#]*  :} ) ?
url_split = function (url)
    url_split_re = url_split_re or url_split_re0()
    local parts  = url_split_re:match(url)
    if parts and parts.query then parts.q = url_query_split("?" .. parts.query) end
    return parts

-- «cruft-begins»  (to ".cruft-begins")

-- «Blogme» (to ".Blogme")
-- Deleted! Superseded by: (find-anggfile "LUA/BlogMe3.lua")

code_c_d_angg = function (c, d, suffix)
    local find_c     = "find-"..c
    local find_cfile = "find-"..c.."file"
    _EHF[find_c    ] = ELispHF.newangg(find_c, d, suffix or ".html")
    _EHF[find_cfile] = ELispHF.newangg(find_c, d, ".html")

-- (find-blogme3 "angglisp.lua" "code_c_m_b_s")
-- (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "ELispHF")
-- (find-es "blogme" "code_c_m_b")
infomanual_basedir = VerticalTable {}

code_c_m_b = function (c, manual, basedir)
    infomanual_basedir[manual] = basedir
    local find_cnode = "find-"..c.."node"
    _EHF[find_cnode] = ELispHF.newnode(find_cnode, c, manual)

-- «code_video»  (to ".code_video")
-- Superseded by sandwiches:
--   (find-blogme3file "sandwiches.lua")
-- TODO: check which .blogme files still use this.
-- Run this to make blogme3 process `(code-video "c" "fname")' sexps:
--   _EHF["code-video"] = ELispHF {f="codevideo"}
code_video = function (c, urlorfnameorhash)
    local find_c = "find-"..c
    local hash = to_youtube_hash(urlorfnameorhash)
    _EHF[find_c] = ELispHF.newyoutube(find_c, hash)

-- «ELispInfo» (to ".ELispInfo")
-- (find-es "lua5"  "ELispInfo")
-- (find-blogme3 "sexp.lua" "find-xxxnodes")
-- Superseded by sandwiches:
--   (find-blogme3file "sandwiches.lua")
-- TODO: check which .blogme files still use this.
ELispInfo = Class {
  type = "ELispInfo",
  new  = function (c, manual, basedir)
      infomanual_basedir[manual] = basedir
      return ELispInfo {c=c, manual=manual}
  __index = {
    -- convert [s]ection name to [h]tml
    shre    = "([-'/ &])",
    shtable = {["-"] = "_002d", ["'"] = "_0027", ["/"] = "_002f",
               [" "] = "-",     ["&"] = "-"},
    shexpand = function (eli, section)
        return section:gsub("%s+", " "):gsub(eli.shre, eli.shtable)
    -- convert a pair (manual, section) to html
    mstohtml = function (eli, manual, section)
        if not manual or not section then return end
        local basedir = infomanual_basedir[manual]
        if not basedir then return end
        local sectionh = eli:shexpand(section)
        return basedir..sectionh..".html"
    -- a "nodename" is a string like "(libc)I/O Overview"
    nodenametohtml = function (eli, nodename)
        if not nodename then return end
        local manual, section = string.match(nodename, "^%(([^()]+)%)(.*)$")
        return eli:mstohtml(manual, section)
    -- -- convert a section name to html
    -- stohtml = function (eli, section)
    --     return eli:mstohtml(eli.manual, section)
    --   end,
    -- -- convert a (manual, section) pair or a section to an ELispH
    -- mstoeh = function (eli, manual, section)
    --     return ELispH {intro="eev-quick#3", target=eli:mstohtml(manual, section)}
    --   end,
    -- stoeh = function (eli, section)
    --     return ELispH {intro="eev-quick#9.2", target=eli:stohtml(section)}
    --   end,

-- _E = {}
-- _E["to"] = ElispHF {intro="anchors", calctarget=calctarget_to}
-- _E["find-angg"] = ElispHF {intro="anchors", d=""}

-- «getsexpskel» (to ".getsexpskel")
-- Olbsolete.
-- Algorithm and tests: (find-es "lua5" "getsexpskel")
-- getsexpskel = function (str)
--     if str:sub(-1) ~= ")" then return end
--     local f = function (s) return '"'..string.rep("_", #s-2)..'"' end
--     local g = function (s) return ')'..string.rep("_", #s-2)..'(' end
--     local str2 = str:gsub("\\.", "__")      -- backslash+c -> __
--     local str3 = str2:reverse()
--     local str4 = str3:gsub('"[^"]*"', f)
--     local skel1 = str4:match("%b)(");    if not skel1 then return end
--     local skel2 = skel1:sub(2, -2):gsub("%b)(", g)
--     local skel3 = skel2:reverse()
--     return skel3
--   end

-- «SexpLine» (to ".SexpLine")
-- Obsolete. See: (find-es "lua5" "SexpLine")
-- This was intended to replace some parts of: (find-blogme3 "escripts.lua")
-- SexpLine = Class {
--   type = "SexpLine",
--   from = function (src)
--       return SexpLine {src=src, skel=getsexpskel(src)}
--     end,
--   __tostring = function (sl) return mytabletostring(sl) end,
--   __index = {
--     skelf = function (sl) return sl.skel:match"^(%S+)" end,
--     split = function (sl)
--         local f       = sl:skelf()
--         local len     = #sl.src
--         local lensexp = #sl.skel + 2
--         local lena    = len - lensexp
--         local lenb    = 1
--         local lenc    = #f
--         local lene    = (sl.src:sub(-2, -2) == "\"") and 2 or 1
--         local lend    = len - lena - lenb - lenc - lene
--         sl.a = sl.src:sub(1, lena)
--         sl.b = "("
--         sl.c = f
--         sl.d = sl.src:sub(lena + lenb + lenc + 1, lena + lenb + lenc + lend)
--         sl.e = sl.src:sub(-lene)
--         local p1, p2 = sl.skel:match"^%S+%s+()%S+()"
--         if p1 then
--           local offset = lena + 1
--           sl.arg1 = sl.src:sub(offset + p1, offset + p2):match"^\"(.*)\"$"
--         end
--         return sl
--       end,
--     splitt = function (sl)    -- for tests
--         return sl.a.."|"..sl.b.."|"..sl.c.."|"..sl.d.."|"..sl.e
--       end,
--     splitsexp = function (sl)
--         sl.nth = {}
--         for p1,p2 in sl.skel:gmatch("()%S+()") do
--           local b, e = #sl.a + 1 + p1, #sl.a + p2
--           local raw = sl.src:sub(b, e)
--           local str = raw:match"^\"(.*)\"$"
--           table.insert(sl.nth, {b=b, e=e, raw=raw, str=str})
--         end
--         return sl
--       end,
--     n      = function (sl)    return #sl.nth end,
--     rawarg = function (sl, n) return (sl.nth[n] or {}).raw end,
--     arg    = function (sl, n) return (sl.nth[n] or {}).str end,
--     --
--     q = function (sl, body) return body end,
--     r = function (sl, url, body)
--         return url and format('<a href="%s">%s</a>', url, body) or body
--       end,
--     sethtml = function (sl)
--         sl.f        = sl.skel and sl:skelf()
--         sl.ef       = sl.f and _E[sl.f]
--         if not sl.ef then
--           sl.html   = sl:q(sl.src)
--         else
--           sl:split()
--           sl:splitsexp()
--           sl.help     = sl.ef:calchelp()
--           sl.target   = sl.ef:calctarget(sl:arg(2), sl:arg(3))
--           sl.sexphtml = sl.b..
--                         sl:r(sl.help, sl.c)..
--                         sl:q(sl.d)..
--                         sl:r(sl.target, sl.e)
--           sl.html     = sl:q(sl.a) .. sl.sexphtml
--         end
--         return sl
--       end,
--   },
-- }

-- «cruft-ends»  (to ".cruft-ends")

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-- coding:  utf-8-unix
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