Some old links about mathematics
These links used to be in a section of my research page.
They are very old and most of them are broken.
Some articles and books that I'm reading:
(The next sections are links to online texts.)
Category Theory (in general):
Type Theory (mainly the Calculus of Constructions):
Non-standard Analysis, SDG and friends:
Natural Deduction:
Etc (unclassified):
Links to the home pages of some category theorists (and a few type
theorists): Abadi, Abramsky, Aczel, Adamek, Altenkirch, Aspinall, Atanassow, Avigad, Awodey, Baez, Barendregt, Barr, Bauer, Beeson, Bell, Berardi, Berg, Birkedal, Blass, Blute, Brown, Bunge, Butz, Caccamo, Cockett, Coquand, Crosilla,
Dawson, DePaiva, Diaconescu, Dosen, Dybjer, Egger, Ehrhard, Escardo, Fiore, Funk, Gaucher, Geuvers, Girard, Grandis, Gurevich, Hasegawa, Hermida, Hofmann, Hofstra, Honsell, Hyland, Jacobs, Jardine, Jibladze, Joyal, Kock, Koslowski, Lack, Lamarche, Lambek, Laurent, Lawvere, Leinster, Levy, Longo, Luo, MPJones, Maietti, Mairson, Makkai, Marcos, McLarty, Maltsiniotis, Milner, Mislove; Moerdijk, Moggi, Nelson, Negri, Niefield, Palmgren, Pare, Pastro,
Pavlovic, Petric, Phoa, Pierce, Pitts, Plotkin, Porter, Pratt, Pronk, Queiroz, Regnier,
Reynolds, Rosebrugh, Rosolini, Sambin, Scedrov, Schalk, Schuster, Scott, ScottD, Seely, Seldin,
Selinger, Simmons, Simpson, Spitters, Street, Streicher, Taylor, Tholen, VanOosten, Vickers, Wadler, Weirich, Wells, Wiedijk, Winskel, Wood,
Wraith, Yanofsky.