Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and the conversion rules are here. |
-- This file: -- http://angg.twu.net/fbcache/fbcache.lua -- http://angg.twu.net/fbcache/fbcache.lua.html -- (find-angg "fbcache/fbcache.lua") -- See: (find-fbcache "README") -- (find-TH "ferramentas-para-ativistas" "fbcache") -- Author: Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com> -- Version: 2014dec03 -- License: GPL3 -- -- Fbcache is library for keeping a cache of interesting Facebook posts. -- More precisely, it is a set of functions that convert between Facebook -- URLs (permalinks) and names of local files in the cache; between -- Facebook URLs and IDs used internally by Facebook; that connects to -- Facebook with a subset of your user's permissions to download posts -- readable by you; and that converts these downloaded posts, which are -- in JSON, to text. -- -- WARNING: THIS IS A PROTOTYPE! -- For the design & more info, see the README. -- I am trying to make this easy to port to other languages. -- PLEASE DO GET IN TOUCH! -- -- «.requires» (to "requires") -- -- «.token» (to "token") -- «.curl» (to "curl") -- «.fbkinds» (to "fbkinds") -- «.all-fb-urls.lst» (to "all-fb-urls.lst") -- «.fburls» (to "fburls") -- «.json_parse» (to "json_parse") -- «.cache» (to "cache") -- «.sort-by-date» (to "sort-by-date") -- «.fbid_to_txt» (to "fbid_to_txt") -- «.good-and-bad-ids» (to "good-and-bad-ids") -- «.good-and-bad-urls» (to "good-and-bad-urls") -- _ -- _ __ ___ __ _ _ _(_)_ __ ___ ___ -- | '__/ _ \/ _` | | | | | '__/ _ \/ __| -- | | | __/ (_| | |_| | | | | __/\__ \ -- |_| \___|\__, |\__,_|_|_| \___||___/ -- |_| -- -- «requires» (to ".requires") require "re" require "posix" userocks() -- (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "userocks") pretty = require 'pl.pretty' -- (find-es "lua5" "pl.pretty") pp0 = function (o) return pretty.write(o) end pp = function (o) print(pretty.write(o)) end -- (find-es "lua5" "pl.pretty-fix") longquote = function (str) local T = {} local f = function (eqs) T[#eqs+1] = 1 end if str:gsub("%](=*)", f) then local eqs = string.rep("=", #T) return '['..eqs..'[\n'..str..']'..eqs..']' end return '[[\n'..str..']]' end -- (find-es "lua5" "pl.text.wrap") wrap = (require "pl.text").wrap wraps = function (bigstr) local f = function (li) return table.concat(wrap(li), "\n").."\n" end return (bigstr:gsub("([^\n]+)", f)) end -- (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "ee_ls") no_dots = function (L) for i=#L,1,-1 do if L[i]=="." or L[i]==".." then table.remove(L, i) end end return L end ee_ls = function (dir) return (posix.dir(ee_expand(dir))) end ee_ls_no_dots = function (dir) return sorted(no_dots(ee_ls(dir))) end cfmt = function (fmt) return function (...) return format(fmt, ...) end end ee_fmt = function (fmt) return cfmt(ee_expand(fmt)) end -- _ -- ___ _ _ _ __| | -- / __| | | | '__| | -- | (__| |_| | | | | -- \___|\__,_|_| |_| -- -- «curl» (to ".curl") fbcurl0 = function (url) return getoutput(format("curl -s '%s'", url)) end fbcurl = function (query) local c = query:match"%?" and "&" or "?" local url = "https://graph.facebook.com/v2.5/".. query .. c .. "access_token=" .. token local cmd = format("curl -s '%s'", url) return getoutput(cmd) end fbid_fetch_from_facebook = function (fbid) return fbcurl(fbid) end -- «token» (to ".token") -- (find-angg ".pythonrc.py") -- https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer token = "CAACEdEose0cBAJ4NZBqLZBqHP2vNyvyYfA2X2SVgUhiHZAGAA5UzSpnJym4YGKDGAf3jdhxZChqSzUNGZCJmNk4A5hEqSMGHQA6uk8brumqIjT3K2SyQz82LXsdoVokYTIjTNSHz3QV2MSVAhI6gERC4y9QZC4TQJ6Rpe0aWOJQOx7ZC3s2u8OqZCKsH2Y5FVbAAWNAlN9pSZAwZDZD" -- __ _ _ _ _ -- / _| |__ | | _(_)_ __ __| |___ -- | |_| '_ \| |/ / | '_ \ / _` / __| -- | _| |_) | <| | | | | (_| \__ \ -- |_| |_.__/|_|\_\_|_| |_|\__,_|___/ -- -- «fbkinds» (to ".fbkinds") -- (find-fbcache "urls.lua" "translations0") -- (find-fbcache "README") -- (find-fbcachefile "README" "Fburls") -- Some pages can't be retrieved because of this bug: -- https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/1569724479914127/ -- https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/1558407907724578/ fbkinds0 = [[ /events/N/permalink/N/R 21_ok /events/N/N/R 21_ok /events/N/R 1_ok /groups/N/permalink/N/R 21_ok /groups/W/permalink/N/R 0_nothingworks /groups/N/NR 1_whydoesnt2work /groups/W/NR 2_ok /groups/NR 1_ok /groups/WR 0_how_to_convert_name->id? /W/media_set?set=a.N.N.NR 0_nothingworks /media/set/?set=OR 0_nothingworks /notes/W/W/NR 0_3shouldworkbutdeprecated /notes/N/R 0_1shouldworkbutdeprecated /pages/W/NR 2_ok /permalink.php?story_fbid=N&id=NR 12_ok /photo.php?fbid=N&set=t.NR 0_nothingworks /photo.php?fbid=N&set=a.N.N.NR 0_nothingworks /photo.php?fbid=N&set=OR 1 /N/photos/t.N/N/R 13 /N/photos/gm.N/N/R 123 /N/photos/a.N.N.N/N/R 1245 /W/photos/a.N.N.N/N/R 0_untested /photo.php?v=N&set=OR 1 /photo.php?v=NR 1 /W/posts/NR 2 /video.php?v=NR 1 ]] fbkchars_make_fun = function (str) local tbl = {} for char,rgx in str:gmatch("(%S):(%S*)") do tbl[char] = rgx end return function (pat) return pat:gsub("[WNORL?.]", tbl) end end fbkchars_make_re = fbkchars_make_fun( " W:([^/]+) N:([0-9]+) O:([^/&?]+) R:(.*) L:([^_]+) .:%. ?:%? ") fbkchars_make_fmt = fbkchars_make_fun( " W:%s N:%s O:%s R: L:%s .:. ?:? ") fbpat_to_fbkind = function (fbpat, fields, n) local bigpat = "https://www.facebook.com"..fbpat local re = "^"..fbkchars_make_re(bigpat).."$" local fmt = fbkchars_make_fmt(bigpat) local fbkind = { pat = fbpat, re = re, fmt = fmt, fields = fields, n = n, } return fbkind end fbkinds = {} for _,li in ipairs(splitlines(fbkinds0)) do local pat,fields = li:match("(%S+)%s+(%S+)") if pat then local n = #fbkinds + 1 local fbkind = fbpat_to_fbkind(pat, fields, n) table.insert(fbkinds, fbkind) end end fburl_to_kparts = function (fburl) for kind,fbkind in ipairs(fbkinds) do local a,b,c,d,e,f,g = fburl:match(fbkind.re) if a then return kind, {a, b, c, d, e, f, g} end end end fburl_to_fbids = function (fburl) local kind,parts = fburl_to_kparts(fburl) if kind then local fbkind = fbkinds[kind] local fields = fbkind.fields local digits = fields:match("^[1-9]*") local fbids = {} for d in digits:gmatch(".") do local fbid = parts[0 + d] table.insert(fbids, fbid) end return fbids end end fburl_clean = function (fburl) local kind,parts = fburl_to_kparts(fburl) if kind then local fbkind = fbkinds[kind] local fmt = fbkind.fmt return format(fmt, unpack(parts)) end end --[[ -- (find-fbcache "urls.lua" "prubyks") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "fbcache.lua" pp(fbkinds) pp(fbkinds[2]) url = "https://www.facebook.com/132127443469288/photos/a.691819544166739.1073741827.132127443469288/964194186929272/?type=1" PP(fburl_to_kparts(url)) PP(fburl_to_fbids(url)) PP(fburl_clean(url)) --]] --[[ -- (find-fbcache "urls.lua" "prubyks") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "fbcache.lua" -- https://www.facebook.com/messages/conversation-729894833762832 -- https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v2.1/conversation -- https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v2.2/conversation/messages --]] -- _ _ __ _ _ _ _ -- __ _| | | / _| |__ _ _ _ __| |___ | |___| |_ -- / _` | | |___| |_| '_ \ ___| | | | '__| / __| | / __| __| -- | (_| | | |___| _| |_) |___| |_| | | | \__ \_| \__ \ |_ -- \__,_|_|_| |_| |_.__/ \__,_|_| |_|___(_)_|___/\__| -- -- «all-fb-urls.lst» (to ".all-fb-urls.lst") --[[ -- Here's how I produce my "all-fb-urls.lst"... -- (find-fbcache "all-fb-urls.lst") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cat ~/TODO \ ~/ORG/index.org \ ~/TH/ee.blogme \ ~/TH/2014-xs.blogme \ ~/TH/links-sobre-gaza.blogme \ | grep https://www.facebook.com/ \ | tr ' ' '\n' \ | grep https://www.facebook.com/ \ | sort | uniq \ | tee /tmp/all-fb-urls.lst ls -l /tmp/all-fb-urls.lst ~/fbcache/all-fb-urls.lst cp -v /tmp/all-fb-urls.lst ~/fbcache/all-fb-urls.lst --]] -- __ _ _ -- / _| |__ _ _ _ __| |___ -- | |_| '_ \| | | | '__| / __| -- | _| |_) | |_| | | | \__ \ -- |_| |_.__/ \__,_|_| |_|___/ -- -- «fburls» (to ".fburls") fburls = {} fbids = {} fburls_by_kind = {} fburls_by_fbid = {} fburls_fname = "~/fbcache/all-fb-urls.lst" fburls_read = function (fname) fburls = splitlines(ee_readfile(fname or fburls_fname)) fburls_read0() end fburls_read0 = function () fbids = {} fburls_by_kind = {} fburls_by_fbid = {} -- for i=0,#fbkinds do fburls_by_kind[i] = {} end -- for _,fburl in ipairs(fburls) do local kind,parts = fburl_to_kparts(fburl) table.insert(fburls_by_kind[kind or 0], fburl) for _,fbid in ipairs(fburl_to_fbids(fburl) or {}) do table.insert(fbids, fbid) if not fburls_by_fbid[fbid] then fburls_by_fbid[fbid] = {} end table.insert(fburls_by_fbid[fbid], fburl) end end -- fbids = uniq(sorted(fbids)) end --[[ -- (find-fbcache "all-fb-urls.lst") -- (find-fbcache "urls.lua" "prubyks") -- (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "Set") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # (find-fbcachefile "all-fb-urls.lst" "cezar.migliorin") cd ~/fbcache/cache_json/ rm -v 573841232680302 722285504502540 724202420977515 724497177614706 * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "fbcache.lua" -- fburls_read "~/fbcache/all-fb-urls.lst" fburls_read() -- pp(fburls_by_fbid) -- pp(fburls_by_kind[0]) Fbids = Set.from(fbids) Jsons = Set.from(json_ls()) Missing = Fbids - Jsons = Fbids = Jsons = Missing missing = Missing:ks() pp(missing) -- (find-fbcachefile "cache_json/") -- Dowload the missing jsons for _,fbid in ipairs(missing) do json = fbid_fetch_from_facebook(fbid) print(fbid.." "..#json.." bytes") fbid_write_json(fbid, json) end -- List the jsons that don't parse Jsons = Set.from(json_ls()) jsons = Jsons:ks() badjsons = {} for _,fbid in ipairs(jsons) do json = fbid_read_json(fbid) o = json_parse(json) fbid_to_json[fbid] = json fbid_to_o [fbid] = o if not o then local fmt = '(find-fbcachefile "cache_json/%s")' print(cfmt(fmt)(fbid)) table.insert(badjsons, fbid) end end --]] -- _ -- (_)___ ___ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ __ ___ ___ -- | / __|/ _ \| '_ \ | '_ \ / _` | '__/ __|/ _ \ -- | \__ \ (_) | | | | | |_) | (_| | | \__ \ __/ -- _/ |___/\___/|_| |_|____| .__/ \__,_|_| |___/\___| -- |__/ |_____|_| -- -- «json_parse» (to ".json_parse") -- http://www.json.org/ json_grammar0 = [=[ objrest <- obj {} [%s]* {.*} obj <- bool / num / str / table / list objp <- obj colon obj table <- ("{" (objp (comma objp)*)* "}") -> totable list <- ("[" (obj (comma obj )*)* "]") -> tolist colon <- [%s]* ":" [%s]* comma <- [%s]* "," [%s]* bool <- ("true" / "false") -> tobool num <- ("-"? [0-9.]+) -> tonum str <- (ustr / str0) ustr <- "u" str0 str0 <- ("'" (stritem / {'"'})* -> concat "'") / ('"' (stritem / {"'"})* -> concat '"') stritem <- strcnormals / strcc / strcx / strcu / strcU / strcother strcnormals <- {[^'"\]+} strcc <- "\" {['"\/]} strcx <- "\x" ({[%x][%x]} -> hextoc) strcu <- "\u" ({[%x][%x][%x][%x]} -> utoc) strcU <- "\U" ({[%x][%x][%x][%x][%x][%x][%x][%x]} -> Utoc) strcother <- "\" . -> otherc ]=] json_chars_b = {n="\n", r="\r", t="\t", b="\b", ["/"]="/"} json_chars_u = {["2018"]='"', ["2019"]='"', ["201c"]='"', ["201d"]='"', ["2013"]="---", } json_chars_U = {} json_defs = { tobool = function (s) return s == "True" and true or false end, tonum = function (s) return tonumber(s) end, tostr = function (s) return s end, tolist = function (...) return {...} end, totable = function (...) local L, T = {...}, {} for i=1,#L-1,2 do T[L[i]] = L[i+1] end return T end, hextoc = function (hh) return string.char(tonumber(hh, 16)) end, utoc = function (h4) local n = tonumber(h4, 16) if n < 256 then return string.char(n) end return json_chars_u[h4] or "\\u"..h4 end, Utoc = function (h8) return "\\U"..h8 end, concat = function (...) return table.concat {...} end, otherc = function (c) if json_chars_b[c] then return json_chars_b[c] end print("\\"..c) return "\\"..c end, } json_grammar = re.compile(json_grammar0, json_defs) json_parse = function (bigstr, pos) return json_grammar:match(bigstr, pos) end json_test = function (bigstr, pos) pp(json_parse(bigstr, pos)) end --[[ -- (find-fbcachecurlfile "") -- (find-fbcachecurlfile "10152027767115809") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "fbcache.lua" json = ee_readfile "~/fbcache/cache_by_id_curl/10152027767115809" -- (find-fline "~/fbcache/cache_by_id_curl/10152027767115809") json_test (json) -- (find-fbcachefile "cache_json/") --]] -- _ -- ___ __ _ ___| |__ ___ -- / __/ _` |/ __| '_ \ / _ \ -- | (_| (_| | (__| | | | __/ -- \___\__,_|\___|_| |_|\___| -- -- «cache» (to ".cache") json_dir = "~/fbcache/cache_json/" pplua_dir = "~/fbcache/cache_pplua/" json_ls = function () return ee_ls_no_dots(json_dir) end pplua_ls = function () return ee_ls_no_dots(pplua_dir) end json_fname = function (fbid) return ee_expand(json_dir ..fbid) end pplua_fname = function (fbid) return ee_expand(pplua_dir..fbid) end fbid_read_json = function (fbid) return readfile(json_fname (fbid)) end fbid_read_pplua = function (fbid) return readfile(pplua_fname(fbid)) end fbid_write_json = function (fbid, json) writefile(json_fname (fbid), json) end fbid_write_pplua = function (fbid, pplua) writefile(pplua_fname(fbid), pplua) end fbid_to_json = {} fbid_to_o = {} fbid_to_pplua = {} -- jsons_fetch (fbids): dowload jsons from FB and write them to the cache -- jsons_read (fbids): read jsons from the cache -- jsons_parse (fbids, errf): jsons_fetch = function (fbids_list) for _,fbid in ipairs(fbids_list or fbids) do local json = fbid_fetch_from_facebook(fbid) -- fetch json from Facebook print(fbid.." "..#json.." bytes") fbid_to_json[fbid] = json -- store json into fbid_to_json[] fbid_write_json(fbid, json) -- write json into the cache dir end end jsons_read = function (fbids) for _,fbid in ipairs(fbids or json_ls()) do local json = fbid_read_json(fbid) fbid_to_json[fbid] = json -- store json into fbid_to_json[] end end jsons_parse = function (fbids, errf) for _,fbid in ipairs(fbids or sorted(keys(fbid_to_json))) do local json = fbid_to_json[fbid] -- read json from fbid_to_json[] local o = json_parse(json) -- convert json to o if o then fbid_to_o[fbid] = o -- store o into fbid_to_o[] else if errf then errf(fbid, json) end end end end ppluas_write = function (fbids, f) for _,fbid in ipairs(fbids or sorted(keys(fbid_to_o))) do local o = fbid_to_o[fbid] -- read o from fbid_to_o[] local pplua = pp0(o) -- convert o to pplua fbid_to_pplua[fbid] = pplua -- store pplua into fbid_to_pplua[] fbid_write_pplua(fbid, pplua) -- write pplua into the cache dir if f then f(fbid, o, pplua) end end end ppluas_read = function (fbids) for _,fbid in ipairs(fbids or pplua_ls()) do local pplua = fbid_read_pplua(fbid) -- read pplua from cache dir local o = expr(pplua) -- convert pplua to o fbid_to_pplua[fbid] = pplua -- store pplua into fbid_to_pplua[] fbid_to_o [fbid] = o -- store o into fbid_to_o[] end end ppluas_single_fname = "~/fbcache/cache_pplua.lua" ppluas_single = function (fbids) local entries = {} for _,fbid in ipairs(fbids or sorted(keys(fbid_to_pplua))) do local pplua = fbid_to_pplua[fbid] local entry = format('["%s"] = \n%s,\n', fbid, pplua) table.insert(entries, entry) end return "{\n"..table.concat(entries).."}\n" end ppluas_write_single = function (fname, fbids) ee_writefile(fname or ppluas_single_fname, ppluas_single(fbids)) end ppluas_read_single = function (fname) fbid_to_o = expr(ee_readfile(fname or ppluas_single_fname)) end --[[ -- (find-fbcachefile "") -- (find-fbcachecurlfile "") -- (find-fbcachecurlfile "10152027767115809") 573841232680302 -- (find-fbcachefile "cache_json/") -- (find-fbcachefile "cache_json/573841232680302") -- (find-fbcachefile "cache_pplua/") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "fbcache.lua" jsons_read() jsons_parse() ppluas_write(nil, function (fbid) print(fbid) end) ppluas_write() ppluas_write_single() * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "fbcache.lua" ppluas_read() ppluas_write_single() ppluas_read_single() --]] -- _ _ _ _ -- ___ ___ _ __| |_ | |__ _ _ __| | __ _| |_ ___ -- / __|/ _ \| '__| __| | '_ \| | | | / _` |/ _` | __/ _ \ -- \__ \ (_) | | | |_ | |_) | |_| | | (_| | (_| | || __/ -- |___/\___/|_| \__| |_.__/ \__, | \__,_|\__,_|\__\___| -- |___/ -- -- «sort-by-date» (to ".sort-by-date") fbid_date = function (fbid) local o = fbid_to_o[fbid] local date = o.created_time or o.updated_time or " "..fbid return date end fbids_sorted_by_date = function (fbids) local good_fbids = {} local good_fbid = function (fbid) return not fbid_to_o[fbid].error end for _,fbid in ipairs(fbids or keys(fbid_to_o)) do if good_fbid(fbid) then table.insert(good_fbids, fbid) end end local fbid_date_lt = function (fbid1, fbid2) return fbid_date(fbid1) < fbid_date(fbid2) end return sorted(good_fbids, fbid_date_lt) end --[[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "fbcache.lua" ppluas_read_single() fburls_read() fbd = fbids_sorted_by_date() pp(fbd) for _,fbid in ipairs(fbd) do print(fbid, fbid_date(fbid)) end fbid = "580542262074186" = fbid_to_txt(fbid) bigstr = fbids_to_txt() ee_writefile("/tmp/huge", bigstr) -- (find-fline "/tmp/huge") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) ls -l /tmp/huge ~/fbcache/huge.txt cp -v /tmp/huge ~/fbcache/huge.txt # (find-fbcachefile "huge.txt") --]] -- «fbid_to_txt» (to ".fbid_to_txt") -- fbid_to_sexp = function (fbid) return format('(find-fbcachepplua "%s")', fbid) end fbid_to_txt_body = function (fbid) local o = fbid_to_o[fbid] local fmt = "From: $FROM\nDate: $DATE\n$URL\n $SEXP\n\n$BODY" local T = { FROM = o.from and o.from.name or "(no FROM)", DATE = o.created_time or o.updated_time or "(no DATE)", URL = o.link or "(no URL)", SEXP = fbid_to_sexp(o.id), BODY = wraps(o.caption or o.name or o.message or "(no NAME or MESSAGE)") } local f = function (name) return T[name] or error(name.." is nil") end return (fmt:gsub("%$([A-Z]+)", f)) end fbid_to_txt = function (fbid) local anchor = "\171"..fbid.."\187\n" local urls = mapconcat(cfmt "%s\n", fburls_by_fbid[fbid] or {}) return anchor..urls..fbid_to_txt_body(fbid) end fbids_to_txt = function (fbids) fbids = fbids or fbids_sorted_by_date() return mapconcat(fbid_to_txt, fbids, "\n\n---------------\n") end --[[ -- «good-and-bad-ids» (to ".good-and-bad-ids") -- «good-and-bad-urls» (to ".good-and-bad-urls") -- (find-fbcache "fburls_bad.lst") -- (find-fbcache "fburls_good.lst") -- (find-fbcache "fburls_noid.lst") -- http://angg.twu.net/fbcache/fburls_bad.lst.html -- http://angg.twu.net/fbcache/fburls_good.lst.html -- http://angg.twu.net/fbcache/fburls_noid.lst.html * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "fbcache.lua" ppluas_read_single() fburls_read() filter = function (f, A) local B = {} for _,a in ipairs(A) do if f(a) then table.insert(B, a) end end return B end fbid_error_yes = function (fbid) return fbid_to_o[fbid].error end fbid_error_no = function (fbid) return not fbid_to_o[fbid].error end fbids_to_fburls = function (fbids) local fburls = {} for _,fbid in ipairs(fbids) do for _,fburl in ipairs(fburls_by_fbid[fbid] or {}) do table.insert(fburls, fburl) end end return sorted(fburls) end fburls_bad = fbids_to_fburls(filter(fbid_error_yes, keys(fbid_to_o))) fburls_good = fbids_to_fburls(filter(fbid_error_no, keys(fbid_to_o))) pp(fburls_bad) ee_writefile("fburls_bad.lst", mapconcat(cfmt "%s\n", fburls_bad)) ee_writefile("fburls_good.lst", mapconcat(cfmt "%s\n", fburls_good)) pp(fburls_by_kind[0]) ee_writefile("fburls_noid.lst", mapconcat(cfmt "%s\n", fburls_by_kind[0])) -- (find-fbcache "fburls_bad.lst") -- (find-fbcache "fburls_good.lst") -- (find-fbcache "fburls_noid.lst") --]] -- Local Variables: -- coding: raw-text-unix -- End: