Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
# This file: (find-angg ".pythonrc.py")
#    http://angg.twu.net/.pythonrc.py.html
# See:       (find-angg ".zshrc" "python")
#            (find-angg ".faceutils/vars.py")
#            (find-es "python" "PYTHONSTARTUP")
#            (find-es "python" "execfile")
#            (find-eevrc ".pythonrc.py")
# (defun u () (interactive) (find-angg-upload-links "" ".pythonrc.py"))
# (defun d () (interactive) (find-wget "http://angg.twu.net/.pythonrc.py"))

# «.imports»	(to "imports")
# «.ee_dofile»	(to "ee_dofile")

# (find-angg ".faceutils/vars.py")
# (find-es "facebook" "explorer")
# https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer
# (find-angg "fbcache/p.py")
# token = "CAACE..."

# «imports»  (to ".imports")
# (find-es "sympy" "re-regex-gitter-question")
# import re
import os
import re as stdlib_re

def ee_expand (fname):
  fname = stdlib_re.sub("^~", os.getenv("HOME"), fname)
  #    fname = re.sub("^\\$([A-Za-z0-9_]+)", lambda (m): os.getenv(m.group(1)), fname)
  fname = stdlib_re.sub("^\\$([A-Za-z0-9_]+)", lambda m: os.getenv(m.group(1)), fname)
  return fname

def ee_readfile(fname):
  f = open(ee_expand(fname))
  bigstr = f.read()
  return bigstr

def ee_writefile(fname, bigstr):
  f = open(ee_expand(fname), "w")

# «ee_dofile»  (to ".ee_dofile")
# (find-es "python" "execfile")
def ee_dofile (fname):
  fname = ee_expand(fname)
  exec(compile(open(fname).read(), fname, "exec"), globals())

# (find-es "python" "pprint")
import pprint
def pp (o):

# (find-pydoc "library/pprint")
# (find-pydoc "library/pprint#pprint.pprint")
# (find-pydoc "library/pprint#pprint.PrettyPrinter")
# (find-pydoc "library/os")
# (find-pydoc "library/os#os.getenv")
# (find-pydoc "library/re")
# (find-pydoc "library/re#re.sub")
# pprinter = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4, width=150)
# def pp(o):
#   pprint.pprint(o)
# def po(o):
#   pp(ggo(o))
# def ggo(o):
#   return graph.get_object(o)

# (find-es "python" "dict")

# import facebook
# graph = facebook.GraphAPI(token)
def ggo (query):
  return graph.get_object("/v2.1/%s" % (query))

def testid (id):
  try:    print(id + ":", ggo(id).keys())
  except: print("fail")