Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and the conversion rules are here. |
####### # # E-scripts on using Arxiv. # # Note 1: use the eev command (defined in eev.el) and the # ee alias (in my .zshrc) to execute parts of this file. # Executing this file as a whole makes no sense. # An introduction to eev can be found here: # # (find-eev-quick-intro) # http://angg.twu.net/eev-intros/find-eev-quick-intro.html # # Note 2: be VERY careful and make sure you understand what # you're doing. # # Note 3: If you use a shell other than zsh things like |& # and the for loops may not work. # # Note 4: I always run as root. # # Note 5: some parts are too old and don't work anymore. Some # never worked. # # Note 6: the definitions for the find-xxxfile commands are on my # .emacs. # # Note 7: if you see a strange command check my .zshrc -- it may # be defined there as a function or an alias. # # Note 8: the sections without dates are always older than the # sections with dates. # # This file is at <http://angg.twu.net/e/arxiv.e> # or at <http://angg.twu.net/e/arxiv.e.html>. # See also <http://angg.twu.net/emacs.html>, # <http://angg.twu.net/.emacs[.html]>, # <http://angg.twu.net/.zshrc[.html]>, # <http://angg.twu.net/escripts.html>, # and <http://angg.twu.net/>. # ####### # «.jop-arxiv-zip» (to "jop-arxiv-zip") # «.jop-arxiv» (to "jop-arxiv") # «.ph1-arxiv» (to "ph1-arxiv") # «.biber» (to "biber") # «.texlive-2016» (to "texlive-2016") # «.texlive-2017» (to "texlive-2017") # «.texlive-2016-2017-email» (to "texlive-2016-2017-email") # «.texlive-2019» (to "texlive-2019") # «.texlive-2020» (to "texlive-2020") # «.pdflatex» (to "pdflatex") # «.mathjax» (to "mathjax") # «.orcid» (to "orcid") # «.hyperref» (to "hyperref") # «.biblatex-git» (to "biblatex-git") # «.biblatex-git-uninstall» (to "biblatex-git-uninstall") # «.biblatex-git-3.6» (to "biblatex-git-3.6") # «.biblatex-git-3.7» (to "biblatex-git-3.7") # «.biber-git» (to "biber-git") # «.biber-git-uninstall» (to "biber-git-uninstall") # «.biber-git-2.6» (to "biber-git-2.6") # «.biber-git-2.7» (to "biber-git-2.7") # «.biber-git-2.8» (to "biber-git-2.8") # «.favorite-conventions» (to "favorite-conventions") # «.trackbacks» (to "trackbacks") # «.j-to-X» (to "j-to-X") # «.arxiv-collector» (to "arxiv-collector") # (find-esgrep "grep --color -niH --null -e arxiv *.e") # (find-es "dednat" "arxiv-yoneda") # (find-es "luatex" "arxiv") # (find-es "tex" "arxiv") ##### # # Producing a .zip file with all files needed to compile 2019J-ops.tex with pdflatex # 2019dec03 # ##### # «jop-arxiv-zip» (to ".jop-arxiv-zip") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/LATEX/ ls 2019J-ops* | cat ls 2019J-ops.* | cat # (find-LATEXfile "2019.mk") rm -rfv 2019J-ops.{aux,fls,log,out,toc,bbl,bcf,blg,run.xml} lualatex 2019J-ops.tex rm -rfv 2019J-ops.{aux,fls,log,out,toc,bbl,bcf,blg,run.xml} pdflatex -record 2019J-ops.tex pdflatex -record 2019J-ops.tex # (find-latex-upload-links "2019J-ops" "/tmp/edrx-latex/") # cd ~/LATEX/ flsfiles-zip 2019J-ops.fls 2019J-ops.zip # rm -rfv /tmp/2019J-ops.zip rm -rfv /tmp/edrx-latex/ cd /tmp/ cp -v ~/LATEX/2019J-ops.zip . mkdir /tmp/edrx-latex/ unzip -d /tmp/edrx-latex/ /tmp/2019J-ops.zip cd /tmp/edrx-latex/ pdflatex 2019J-ops.tex pdflatex 2019J-ops.tex # (find-xpdfpage "/tmp/edrx-latex/2019J-ops.pdf") ##### # # Submitting my paper J-operators (PH2) to arxiv # 2019dec01 # ##### # «jop-arxiv» (to ".jop-arxiv") # (find-dednat6grep "grep --color -nH --null -e ifluatex *.tex") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/LATEX/ # (find-LATEX "2019J-ops.tex" "make") # (find-angg ".zshrc" "texlive-2017") export PATH=/usr/local/texlive/2017/bin/x86_64-linux:$PATH which lualatex which biber make -f 2019.mk STEM=2019J-ops veryclean lualatex 2019J-ops.tex biber 2019J-ops pdflatex -record 2019J-ops.tex # (find-LATEX "2019J-ops.tex") # (find-LATEX "2019J-ops-arxiv.tex") # (find-pdf-page "~/LATEX/2019J-ops.pdf") # (find-pdf-text "~/LATEX/2019J-ops.pdf") # (find-latex-upload-links "2019J-ops") flsfiles-zip 2019J-ops.fls 2019J-ops.zip # Test the .zip. # rm -rfv /tmp/2019J-ops.zip rm -rfv /tmp/edrx-latex/ cd /tmp/ cp -v ~/LATEX/2019J-ops.zip . mkdir /tmp/edrx-latex/ unzip -d /tmp/edrx-latex/ /tmp/2019J-ops.zip cd /tmp/edrx-latex/ cp -v ~/LATEX/2019J-ops-arxiv.tex /tmp/edrx-latex/2019J-ops.tex rm -rfv /tmp/2019J-ops-arxiv.zip zip /tmp/2019J-ops-arxiv.zip * pdflatex 2019J-ops.tex pdflatex 2019J-ops.tex # (find-xpdfpage "/tmp/edrx-latex/2019J-ops.pdf") # (find-fline "/tmp/edrx-latex/2019J-ops.bbl" "2.7") # (find-fline "/tmp/2019J-ops-arxiv.zip") ##### # # Submitting PH1 to arxiv # 2020feb21 # ##### # «ph1-arxiv» (to ".ph1-arxiv") # (find-math-b-links "zhas-for-children-2" "2017planar-has-1") # (find-LATEX "2019planar-has-1-main.tex" "2019planar-has-1-main.zip") # (ph1p) # (ph1) * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/LATEX/ # (find-LATEX "2019J-ops.tex" "make") # (find-angg ".zshrc" "texlive-2017") export PATH=/usr/local/texlive/2017/bin/x86_64-linux:$PATH which lualatex which biber make -f 2019.mk STEM=2019J-ops veryclean lualatex 2019J-ops.tex biber 2019J-ops pdflatex -record 2019J-ops.tex # (find-LATEXfile "2017planar-has-1.mk") # (find-latex-upload-links "2017planar-has-1") # (find-anggfile "LATEX/" "2017planar-has-1.tgz") # Test the .zip. # The e-script below downloads, unpacks and compiles the .zip in /tmp/edrx-latex/ # rm -rfv /tmp/2017planar-has-1.zip rm -rfv /tmp/edrx-latex/ cd /tmp/ cp -v ~/LATEX/2017planar-has-1.zip . mkdir /tmp/edrx-latex/ unzip -d /tmp/edrx-latex/ /tmp/2017planar-has-1.zip cd /tmp/edrx-latex/ lualatex 2017planar-has-1.tex # (find-xpdfpage "/tmp/edrx-latex/2017planar-has-1.pdf") % (defun u () (interactive) (find-latex-upload-links "2017planar-has-1")) ##### # # Using biber in papers submitted to arxiv # 2019dec03 # ##### # «biber» (to ".biber") # https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/181169/publishing-to-arxiv-using-biblatex-biber # https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/181169/publishing-to-arxiv-using-biblatex-biber/467471#467471 use texlive 2017 # https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/358831/biblatex-and-arxiv-error # https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/380343/biblatex-and-biber-best-practice-for-submitting-to-arxiv?noredirect=1&lq=1 # https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CLIC/ArXivNotes https://lpetrov.cc/2017/12/tex-distributions-again/ https://lpetrov.cc/2017/12/tex-distributions/ https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/320974/manual-install-of-previous-version-of-biber-biblatex-in-mactex-2016 https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/472001/how-can-you-get-the-correct-bbl-version-for-arxiv-in-mactex https://github.com/plk/biblatex/issues/663 https://github.com/plk/biblatex/wiki/biblatex-and-the-arXiv *** https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/438449/distribute-latex-projects-with-correct-biber-version https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/410512/matching-biblatex-in-two-machines ##### # # texlive-2016 # 2020jan19 # ##### # «texlive-2016» (to ".texlive-2016") # (find-es "texlive" "texlive-from-isos") # (find-angg ".zshrc" "texlive-2016") # https://arxiv.org/help/faq/texlive # -> "arXiv is now running under TeXLive 2016" # https://www.tug.org/texlive/acquire.html # https://www.tug.org/historic/ # http://ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/historic/ # http://ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/historic/systems/texlive/ # http://ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/historic/systems/texlive/2016/ # http://ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/historic/systems/texlive/2016/texlive2016.iso # http://ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/historic/systems/texlive/2016/texlive2016.iso.md5 * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) export S=$HOME/snarf mkdir -p $S/http/ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/historic/systems/texlive/2016/ cd $S/http/ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/historic/systems/texlive/2016/ wget -nc http://ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/historic/systems/texlive/2016/texlive2016.iso wget -nc http://ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/historic/systems/texlive/2016/texlive2016.iso.md5 * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # (find-fline "$S/http/ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/historic/systems/texlive/2016/") cd $S/http/ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/historic/systems/texlive/2016/ md5sum -c texlive2016.iso.md5 * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) mkdir -p /tmp/loop sudo umount /tmp/loop sudo mount -o loop,ro \ $S/http/ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/historic/systems/texlive/2016/texlive2016.iso \ /tmp/loop # (find-fline "/tmp/loop/") cd /tmp/loop/ sudo ./install-tl D 2 /usr/local/texlive/2016/texmf-local 7 ~/.texlive2016/texmf R O Y R # <D> directories: # TEXDIR (the main TeX directory): # /usr/local/texlive/2016 # TEXMFLOCAL (directory for site-wide local files): # /usr/local/texlive/2016/texmf-local # TEXMFSYSVAR (directory for variable and automatically generated data): # /usr/local/texlive/2016/texmf-var # TEXMFSYSCONFIG (directory for local config): # /usr/local/texlive/2016/texmf-config # TEXMFVAR (personal directory for variable and automatically generated data): # ~/.texlive2016/texmf-var # TEXMFCONFIG (personal directory for local config): # ~/.texlive2016/texmf-config # TEXMFHOME (directory for user-specific files): # ~/.texlive2016/texmf # # <O> options: # [ ] use letter size instead of A4 by default # [X] allow execution of restricted list of programs via \write18 # [X] create all format files # [X] install macro/font doc tree # [X] install macro/font source tree # [ ] create symlinks to standard directories # [ ] after install, use tlnet on CTAN for package updates sudo umount /tmp/loop ##### # # texlive-2017 # 2020jan22 # ##### # «texlive-2017» (to ".texlive-2017") # (find-es "texlive" "texlive-from-isos") # (find-fline "/usr/local/texlive/") # http://ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/historic/systems/texlive/2017/texlive2017.iso # http://ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/historic/systems/texlive/2017/texlive2017.iso.md5 * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # (find-fline "$S/http/ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/historic/systems/texlive/2017/") cd $S/http/ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/historic/systems/texlive/2017/ md5sum -c texlive2017.iso.md5 * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) mkdir -p /tmp/loop sudo umount /tmp/loop sudo mount -o loop,ro \ $S/http/ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/historic/systems/texlive/2017/texlive2017.iso \ /tmp/loop # (find-fline "/tmp/loop/") cd /tmp/loop/ sudo ./install-tl D 2 /usr/local/texlive/2017/texmf-local 7 ~/.texlive2017/texmf R O Y R I ##### # # texlive-2019 # 2021aug16 # ##### # «texlive-2019» (to ".texlive-2019") # (find-es "texlive" "texlive-from-isos") # (to "texlive-2016") # http://ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/historic/systems/texlive/2019/ # http://ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/historic/systems/texlive/2019/texlive2019.iso # http://ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/historic/systems/texlive/2019/texlive2019.iso.md5 * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # (find-fline "$S/http/ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/historic/systems/texlive/2019/") cd $S/http/ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/historic/systems/texlive/2019/ md5sum -c texlive2019.iso.md5 * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) mkdir -p /tmp/loop sudo umount /tmp/loop sudo mount -o loop,ro \ $S/http/ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/historic/systems/texlive/2019/texlive2019.iso \ /tmp/loop # (find-fline "/tmp/loop/") cd /tmp/loop/ sudo ./install-tl D 2 /usr/local/texlive/2019/texmf-local 7 ~/.texlive2019/texmf R O Y R I # (find-fline "/usr/local/texlive/2019/install-tl.log") ##### # # texlive-2020 # 2021aug16 # ##### # «texlive-2020» (to ".texlive-2020") # (find-es "texlive" "texlive-from-isos") # (to "texlive-2016") # http://ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/historic/systems/texlive/2020/ # http://ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/historic/systems/texlive/2020/texlive2020.iso # http://ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/historic/systems/texlive/2020/texlive2020.iso.md5 * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # (find-fline "$S/http/ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/historic/systems/texlive/2020/") cd $S/http/ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/historic/systems/texlive/2020/ md5sum -c texlive2020.iso.md5 * (eepitch-shell3) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell3) mkdir -p /tmp/loop sudo umount /tmp/loop sudo mount -o loop,ro \ $S/http/ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/historic/systems/texlive/2020/texlive2020.iso \ /tmp/loop # (find-fline "/tmp/loop/") cd /tmp/loop/ sudo ./install-tl D 2 /usr/local/texlive/2020/texmf-local 7 ~/.texlive2020/texmf R O Y R I # (find-fline "/usr/local/texlive/2020/install-tl.log") ##### # # My e-mail to the tex-live mailing list about installing texlive 2016 and 2017 # 2020apr15 # ##### # «texlive-2016-2017-email» (to ".texlive-2016-2017-email") # https://tug.org/pipermail/tex-live/2020-April/045392.html # (find-esgrep "grep --color -nH --null -e 'export PATH=/usr/local/texlive/2017/' *.e") A few months ago I had to install Texlive 2016 and Texlive 2017 in my Debian box for a paper that uses biber and that I needed to upload to arxiv... arxiv wouldn't run biber on it itself, so I had to generate a .bbl using the right version of Texlive. I took "executable notes" of everything that I did - in the sense of <http://angg.twu.net/emacsconf2019.html> - and the commands that I gave for Texlive 2016 were these (note that some lines are sent to the shell and some others to install-tl): --snip--snip-- export S=$HOME/snarf mkdir -p $S/http/ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/historic/systems/texlive/2016/ cd $S/http/ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/historic/systems/texlive/2016/ wget -nc http://ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/historic/systems/texlive/2016/texlive2016.iso wget -nc http://ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/historic/systems/texlive/2016/texlive2016.iso.md5 md5sum -c texlive2016.iso.md5 mkdir -p /tmp/loop sudo umount /tmp/loop sudo mount -o loop,ro \ $S/http/ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/historic/systems/texlive/2016/texlive2016.iso \ /tmp/loop cd /tmp/loop/ sudo ./install-tl D 2 /usr/local/texlive/2016/texmf-local 7 ~/.texlive2016/texmf R O Y R I --snip--snip-- To compile my paper with the old Texlive, what I did was: export PATH=/usr/local/texlive/2017/bin/x86_64-linux:$PATH which lualatex which biber # Some kind of "make clean", then: lualatex 2019J-ops.tex biber 2019J-ops pdflatex -record 2019J-ops.tex I think that if half a dozen people could share their recipes for installing old Texlives then we can consider that we've done our part, and we can delegate the next steps to people who are more web-savvy and more end-user-savvy than us... Cheers, Eduardo Ochs http://angg.twu.net/dednat6.html http://angg.twu.net/math-b.html http://angg.twu.net/emacsconf2019.html ##### # # Telling arxiv to process my .tex with pdflatex # 2020jan22 # ##### # «pdflatex» (to ".pdflatex") # (find-LATEXfile "2019J-ops-arxiv.tex" "\\pdfoutput=1") # https://arxiv.org/help/submit_tex # Considerations for PDFLaTeX submissions # # arXiv fully supports and automatically recognizes PDFLaTeX. You can # ensure pdflatex processing by setting the flag \pdfoutput=1 within # the first 5 lines of the preamble of the main .tex file. You should # not need any other special flag. ##### # # MathJax (for abstracts) # 2020jan22 # ##### # «mathjax» (to ".mathjax") # https://meta.mathoverflow.net/questions/2314/using-mathjax-for-formating-bold-italics # https://arxiv.org/help/mathjax # https://arxiv.org/help/prep ##### # # orcid # 2020feb06 # ##### # «orcid» (to ".orcid") # https://orcid.org/register # https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgxwGDDrtMJMJzcLVQqBNKZNbVQzm # https://orcid.org/my-orcid # https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3854-9181 Add: PH1, Lua Gem, Add: https://tug.org/TUGboat/tb39-3/ http://www.lua.org/gems/ ##### # # hyperref problems # 2020jun28 # ##### # «hyperref» (to ".hyperref") # (find-LATEX "2020favorite-conventions.tex" "make-for-arxiv") # (find-LATEXfile "2020favorite-conventions.tex" "{hyperref}") ##### # # biblatex-git # 2020jun29 # ##### # «biblatex-git» (to ".biblatex-git") # (find-es "tex" "biblatex-git") # https://github.com/plk/biblatex/wiki/biblatex-and-the-arXiv#bbl-files-in-arxiv-uploads # (find-fline "~/texmf/tex/latex/biblatex/") # (find-fline "~/texmf/tex/latex/biblatex/biblatex.sty" "\\def\\abx@version") # «biblatex-git-uninstall» (to ".biblatex-git-uninstall") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rfv ~/texmf/biber/ rm -Rfv ~/texmf/bibtex/ rm -Rfv ~/texmf/doc/latex/biblatex/ rm -Rfv ~/texmf/tex/latex/biblatex/ cd ~/usrc/biblatex/ obuild/build.sh uninstall ~/texmf/ # «biblatex-git-3.6» (to ".biblatex-git-3.6") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/biblatex/ export PAGER=cat git for-each-ref git checkout v3.6 git reset obuild/build.sh help obuild/build.sh build 3.6 obuild/build.sh install 3.6 ~/texmf/ # «biblatex-git-3.7» (to ".biblatex-git-3.7") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/biblatex/ export PAGER=cat git for-each-ref git checkout v3.7 git reset obuild/build.sh help obuild/build.sh build 3.7 obuild/build.sh install 3.7 ~/texmf/ # (find-fline "~/usrc/") # (find-fline "~/usrc/biblatex/") # (find-gitk "~/usrc/biblatex/") # (code-c-d "biblatex" "~/usrc/biblatex/") # (find-biblatexfile "") # (find-biblatexsh "find * | sort") # (find-biblatexfile "README.md" "obuild/build.sh") # (find-biblatexfile "obuild/build.sh") # (find-biblatexfile "obuild/test/examples/") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/biblatex/ ##### # # biber-git # 2020jun29 # ##### # «biber-git» (to ".biber-git") # (find-es "tex" "biber-2.8-from-git") # (code-pdf-page "biber" "/usr/local/texlive/2019/texmf-dist/doc/bibtex/biber/biber.pdf") # (code-pdf-text "biber" "/usr/local/texlive/2019/texmf-dist/doc/bibtex/biber/biber.pdf") # (find-biberpage 5 "Biber version Biblatex version") # (find-bibertext 5 "Biber version Biblatex version") # (find-biberpage 5 "2.8 3.8") # (find-bibertext 5 "2.8 3.8") # «biber-git-uninstall» (to ".biber-git-uninstall") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) sudo rm -Rfv /usr/local/bin/biber sudo rm -Rfv /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/Biber* sudo rm -Rfv /usr/local/man/man3/Biber* # «biber-git-2.6» (to ".biber-git-2.6") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/biber/ export PAGER=cat git branch --list -a git for-each-ref git reset git checkout v2.6 perl ./Build.PL |& tee opb ./Build help sudo ./Build fakeinstall |& tee obfi sudo ./Build install |& tee obi w biber export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH w biber biber --version # «biber-git-2.7» (to ".biber-git-2.7") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/biber/ export PAGER=cat git branch --list -a git for-each-ref git reset git checkout v2.7 perl ./Build.PL |& tee opb ./Build help sudo ./Build fakeinstall |& tee obfi sudo ./Build install |& tee obi w biber export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH w biber biber --version # «biber-git-2.8» (to ".biber-git-2.8") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/biber/ export PAGER=cat git branch --list -a git for-each-ref git reset git checkout v2.8 perl ./Build.PL |& tee opb ./Build help sudo ./Build fakeinstall |& tee obfi sudo ./Build install |& tee obi w biber export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH w biber biber --version ##### # # The paper "On my favorite conventions..." on Arxiv # 2020jun29 # ##### # «favorite-conventions» (to ".favorite-conventions") # https://arxiv.org/submit/3247896/preview # https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgxwJWXbnqLZBQkcXJgCbXdsldzdG # https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgxwJWXbqFpFbVsHZFDsnQKgCfljv # (find-LATEX "2020favorite-conventions.tex" "make-for-arxiv") ##### # # trackbacks # 2020jul10 # ##### # «trackbacks» (to ".trackbacks") # https://arxiv.org/help/trackback # https://arxiv.org/abs/1612.09375 ##### # # j-to-X # 2021jul17 # ##### # «j-to-X» (to ".j-to-X") # (find-LATEX "2021lindenhovius-j-to-X.tex") # (find-LATEX "2021lindenhovius-j-to-X.tex" "arxiv") # https://arxiv.org/submit/3842941 # https://arxiv.org/submit/3842941/view # https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgzGkZQNNWTRJRHkPGqTzWWvMfKdK # (linfp 1 "title") # (linfa "title") # (linfa "arxiv") ##### # # arxiv-collector - A small script to collect your LaTeX files for submission to the arXiv # 2021dec11 # ##### # «arxiv-collector» (to ".arxiv-collector") https://github.com/djsutherland/arxiv-collector Ahmed Khaled: "Managing a research workflow (bibliographies, note-taking, and arXiv)" https://emacsconf.org/2021/talks/research/ https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/450933/biblatex-v3-11-with-arxiv-how-fix-wrong-format-version-error https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/415703/which-biblatex-biber-version-produces-bbl-format-2-8?noredirect=1&lq=1 https://github.com/plk/biblatex/issues/663 https://github.com/plk/biblatex/wiki/biblatex-and-the-arXiv http://ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/historic/systems/texlive/2016/ http://ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/historic/systems/texlive/2016/tlnet-final/install-tl-unx.tar.gz # (find-texlive-links "20190809") # (find-texlive-links "20170413") # (find-fline "$S/http/ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/historic/systems/texlive/2016/tlnet-final/") # (find-fline "$S/http/ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/historic/systems/texlive/2016/tlnet-final/install-tl-unx.tar.gz") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rfv ~/usrc/install-tl-20170413/ mkdir ~/usrc/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf $S/http/ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/historic/systems/texlive/2016/tlnet-final/install-tl-unx.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/install-tl-20170413/ # sudo ./install-tl sudo ./install-tl -select-repository https://academia.stackexchange.com/questions/55626/is-there-a-more-user-friendly-way-to-download-multiple-articles-from-arxiv # Local Variables: # coding: utf-8-unix # End: