Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
#!/usr/bin/env -S make -f
# This file:
#   http://anggtwu.net/2024.2-C3/Makefile.html
#   http://anggtwu.net/2024.2-C3/Makefile
#          (find-angg "2024.2-C3/Makefile")
# Author: Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com>
# (defun m2 () (interactive) (find-anggfile "2024.2-C2/Makefile"))
# (defun m3 () (interactive) (find-anggfile "2024.2-C3/Makefile"))
# (find-copy-quadros-links)
# (defun e () (interactive) (find-angg "2024.2-C3/Makefile"))
# (defun o () (interactive) (find-angg "2023.2-C3/Makefile"))
# (defun eo () (interactive) (find-2a '(e) '(o)))
# Skel: (find-semestre-MM-quadros-links "24" "2" "C3"  "23" "2")
# Template: (find-angg "MAKE/2023.1-MM-template")

# (find-angg "2017.2-GA/Makefile")
# (find-angg "2023.2-C3/Makefile")
# (find-angg "SCANS/Makefile")
# (find-node "(make)Text Functions")
# (find-node "(make)Automatic Variables")
# (find-node "(make)Automatic Variables" "$@" "target of the rule")
# (find-node "(make)Automatic Variables" "$*" "stem")

THIS  = 2024.2-C3
PNGS  = $(patsubst %.jpg,%.png,$(wildcard *.jpg))
DJVUS = $(patsubst %.png,%.djvu,$(wildcard *.png))

# (find-angg "bin/whiteboard")
# (find-es "gimp" "whiteboard")
	echo $(PNGS)
pngs: $(PNGS)
%.png: %.jpg
	whiteboard $< $@

%.pgm: %.png
	convert $< $@
%.pbm: %.pgm
	mkbitmap -x -f 50 -t 0.4 $< -o $@
%.djvu: %.pbm
	cjb2 -lossy $< $@

	echo $(DJVUS)
djvus: $(DJVUS)

djvu: $(THIS).djvu
$(THIS).djvu: $(DJVUS)
	echo djvm -create $(THIS).djvu 2024????_C3???_?.djvu
	djvm      -create $(THIS).djvu 2024????_C3???_?.djvu

pdf: $(THIS).pdf
%.pdf: %.djvu
	ddjvu -format=pdf $< $@

# (find-fline "~/2023.2-quadros/")
# (find-fline "~/2024.2-quadros/")

# See: (find-eepitch-intro "3.3. `eepitch-preprocess-line'")
# (setq eepitch-preprocess-regexp "^")
# (setq eepitch-preprocess-regexp "^#T ?")
# (find-fline "~/2024.2-quadros/")
#T * (eepitch-shell)
#T * (eepitch-kill)
#T * (eepitch-shell)
#T f () { cp -av ~/2024.2-quadros/$1.jpg $2.jpg
#T        chmod 644 $2.jpg
#T        make $2.png $2.djvu
#T        make $2.pdf
#T      }
#T f 20240923_165944-C3-1 20240923-C3-1
#T f 20240923_165956-C3-2 20240923-C3-2
#T f 20240923_173933-C3-3 20240923-C3-3
#T f 20240923_180241-C3-4 20240923-C3-4
#T f 20240925_173658-C3-1 20240925-C3-1
#T f 20240925_173704-C3-2 20240925-C3-2
#T f 20240925_180435-C3-3 20240925-C3-3
#T f 20240930_175942-C3-1 20240930-C3-1
#T f 20240930_175948-C3-2 20240930-C3-2
#T f 20241002_171402-C3-1 20241002-C3-1
#T f 20241002_172203-C3-2 20241002-C3-2
#T f 20241002_175650-C3-3 20241002-C3-3
#T f 20241002_175656-C3-4 20241002-C3-4
#T f 20241007_175106-C3-1 20241007-C3-1
#T f 20241007_175112-C3-2 20241007-C3-2
#T f 20241009_175513-C3-1 20241009-C3-1
#T f 20241009_175523-C3-2 20241009-C3-2
#T cd ~/2024.2-C3/
#T 'ls' 2024*.jpg | sort | sed -e 's/jpg/djvu/g' | tee /tmp/odjvus
#T djvm -create C3-quadros.djvu $(cat /tmp/odjvus)
#T make         C3-quadros.pdf
#T # (find-pdf-page "~/2024.2-C3/C3-quadros.pdf" 16)
#T # (find-fline "~/TH/2024.2-C3.blogme")
#T # (c3q)
#T rsync -avvz -e ssh \
#T   *.jpg *.png C3-quadros.pdf \
#T     edrx@linode:slow_html/2024.2-C3
#T rsync -avvz -e ssh \
#T   *.jpg *.png C3-quadros.pdf \
#T     edrx@linode:public_html/2024.2-C3
#T # (find-linodesfile "2024.2-C3/")
#T # (find-linodepfile "2024.2-C3/")
#T http://anggtwu.net/2024.2-C3/C3-quadros.pdf
#T * (eepitch-linode)
#T * (eepitch-kill)
#T * (eepitch-linode)
#T cd ~/public_html/
#T makepageindexhtmls
#T # http://anggtwu.net/2024.2-C3/
#T # http://anggtwu.net/2024.2-C3/C3-quadros.pdf

# Local Variables:
# coding:  utf-8-unix
# End: