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#!/bin/bash # This file: # http://anggtwu.net/myqdraw/mkanim1.sh.html # http://anggtwu.net/myqdraw/mkanim1.sh # (find-myqdraw "mkanim1.sh") # See: http://anggtwu.net/eev-qdraw.html # http://anggtwu.net/eev-qdraw.html#animations # http://anggtwu.net/2024-bash-test-blocks.html # (find-2024bashtesthsubs "0:00") # Author: Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com> # Version: 2024dec12 # Public domain. # # # Introduction # ============ # "mkanim1.sh" is a shell library to produce animated gifs. # This file is a friend of: # (find-myqdraw "topdf1.mac") # # In short: topdf1.mac is a library to produce animations in Maxima, # but it only produces frames, each one as a separate PDF; then we can # use the function "makeflipbook" in this file to produce a multipage # PDF that works as a flipbook, and the function "makeanim" to convert # the multipage PDF to an animated gif. # # I usually call just "makeboth" to produce the flipbook in PDF first, # and then the animated git. For example: # # ./mkanim1.sh makeboth anim.gif flipbook.pdf 001.pdf 002.pdf # # # This file was inspired by: # (find-git-intro "1. Preparation") # (find-git-intro "1. Preparation" "wget" "GIT/eevgitlib1.sh") # (find-git-intro "2. A first test") # (find-git-intro "2. A first test" "/tmp/eevgitlib1.sh") # «.variables» (to "variables") # «.makeanim» (to "makeanim") # «.makeanim-tests» (to "makeanim-tests") # «.latex» (to "latex") # «.latex-tests» (to "latex-tests") # «.why-library» (to "why-library") # «.eval» (to "eval") # «.eval-tests» (to "eval-tests") # _ _ _ # __ ____ _ _ __(_) __ _| |__ | | ___ ___ # \ \ / / _` | '__| |/ _` | '_ \| |/ _ \/ __| # \ V / (_| | | | | (_| | |_) | | __/\__ \ # \_/ \__,_|_| |_|\__,_|_.__/|_|\___||___/ # # «variables» (to ".variables") ECHO="" DELAY=50 DENSITY=200 VERBOSE="" IGOPTIONS="height=5cm" GEOMETRY="a5paper,landscape" # _ _ # _ __ ___ __ _| | _____ __ _ _ __ (_)_ __ ___ # | '_ ` _ \ / _` | |/ / _ \/ _` | '_ \| | '_ ` _ \ # | | | | | | (_| | < __/ (_| | | | | | | | | | | # |_| |_| |_|\__,_|_|\_\___|\__,_|_| |_|_|_| |_| |_| # # «makeanim» (to ".makeanim") # These functions call `qdpf' to glue several one-page/one-frame pdfs # into a multi-page/multi-frame pdf can be used as a flipbook, and # they call `convert' - from ImageMagick - to convert that flipbook to # an animated gif. # # Note that: # "ECHO=and_run commandandargs" echoes commandandargs and runs it, and # "ECHO=echo commandandargs" echoes commandandargs instead of running it. # # The test block uses "ECHO=echo" to test the functions in this # section in "dry run" mode. Compare with: # (find-node "(make)Instead of Execution" "-n" "--dry-run") # # See: # (find-bashnode "Environment" "parameter assignments") # (find-bashnode "Shell Parameter Expansion" "${@:7}") # (find-bashnode "Shell Parameter Expansion" "${PARAMETER:+WORD}") # (find-es "imagemagick" "pdf-to-animated-gif") # (find-es "ps" "qpdf") # (find-es "ps" "qpdf-merge") # (find-es "ps" "glue-pages") # and_run () { echo $*; $*; } cdr () { echo ${@:2}; } add_1zs () { for i in $*; do echo $i 1-z; done; } makeboth () { $ECHO makeflipbook $(cdr $*); $ECHO makeanim $1 $2; } makeflipbook () { $ECHO qpdf --empty --pages $(add_1zs $(cdr $*)) -- $1; } makeanim () { $ECHO convert -alpha deactivate ${VERBOSE:+-verbose} \ -delay $DELAY -loop 0 -density $DENSITY $2 $1 } # «makeanim-tests» (to ".makeanim-tests") : <<'%%%%%' * (eepitch-bash) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-bash) . mkanim1.sh cdr a b c d add_1zs b c d ECHO=echo makeflipbook flipbook.pdf 1.pdf 2.pdf 3.pdf ECHO=echo makeanim anim.gif flipbook.pdf ECHO=echo VERBOSE=1 makeanim anim.gif flipbook.pdf ECHO=echo DENSITY=100 makeanim anim.gif flipbook.pdf ECHO=echo DENSITY=100 makeboth anim.gif flipbook.pdf 1.pdf 2.pdf 3.pdf %%%%% # _ _____ __ __ # | | __ |_ _|__\ \/ / # | | / _` || |/ _ \\ / # | |__| (_| || | __// \ # |_____\__,_||_|\___/_/\_\ # # «latex» (to ".latex") includegraphics0 () { echo "\\includegraphics[$IGOPTIONS]{$1}"; } includegraphics1 () { echo "\\newpage \$$(includegraphics0 $1)\$"; } includegraphics () { for i in $*; do includegraphics1 $i; done; } includegraphics_fulltex () { echo "\\documentclass[oneside]{article}" echo "\\usepackage{graphicx}" echo "\\usepackage[$GEOMETRY]{geometry}" echo "\\begin{document}" includegraphics $* echo "\\end{document}" } # «latex-tests» (to ".latex-tests") : <<'%%%%%' * (eepitch-bash) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-bash) . mkanim1.sh includegraphics0 001.pdf includegraphics1 001.pdf includegraphics 001.pdf 002.pdf includegraphics_fulltex 001.pdf 002.pdf %%%%% # _ # _____ ____ _| | # / _ \ \ / / _` | | # | __/\ V / (_| | | # \___| \_/ \__,_|_| # # «why-library» (to ".why-library") # «eval» (to ".eval") # `mkanim1.sh' is a _library_ that defines several variables and shell # functions, but it ends with the # # eval "$*" # # below, and that `eval' runs the arguments to `mkanim1.sh' in an # environment in which all those variable and shell functions are # defined. For example, consider these three lines: # # [1] ./mkanim1.sh ECHO=echo makeboth anim.gif flipbook.pdf 001.pdf 002.pdf # [2] eval "ECHO=echo makeboth anim.gif flipbook.pdf 001.pdf 002.pdf" # [3] ECHO=echo makeboth anim.gif flipbook.pdf 001.pdf 002.pdf # # When we run [1] it defines several variables and functions, # including `ECHO=' and `makeboth () {...}', and then it runs the # `eval "$*"'; that `eval "$*"' runs [2], that runs [3] in that # environment; the `ECHO=echo' overrides the `ECHO=' from here, # # (to "variables") # # and then the `makeboth' just echoes this: # # makeflipbook flipbook.pdf 001.pdf 002.pdf # makeanim anim.gif flipbook.pdf # # it does a "dry run", in this sense: # # (find-node "(make)Instead of Execution" "-n" "--dry-run") # eval "$*" # «eval-tests» (to ".eval-tests") : <<'%%%%%' * (eepitch-bash) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-bash) ./mkanim1.sh ./mkanim1.sh ECHO=echo makeboth anim.gif flipbook.pdf 001.pdf 002.pdf ./mkanim1.sh ECHO=echo makeflipbook flipbook.pdf 001.pdf 002.pdf ./mkanim1.sh ECHO=echo makeanim anim.gif flipbook.pdf %%%%% # Local Variables: # coding: utf-8-unix # End: