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(find-es "tcl") (find-es "expect") # «.tclbook» (to "tclbook") # «.single-step-wish» (to "single-step-wish") # «.eechannel-tcl» (to "eechannel-tcl") # «.channel.tcl» (to "channel.tcl") ##### # # Draft of Ousterhout's book # 2004nov07 # ##### # «tclbook» (to ".tclbook") # http://wwwcs.upb.de/cs/ag-szwillus/lehre/ws96_97/bss/tcltk.html # http://wwwcs.upb.de/cs/ag-szwillus/lehre/ws96_97/bss/book/p1.ps.gz # http://wwwcs.upb.de/cs/ag-szwillus/lehre/ws96_97/bss/book/p2.ps.gz # http://wwwcs.upb.de/cs/ag-szwillus/lehre/ws96_97/bss/book/p3.ps.gz # http://wwwcs.upb.de/cs/ag-szwillus/lehre/ws96_97/bss/book/p4.ps.gz # (code-c-d "tclbook" "$S/wwwcs.upb.de/cs/ag-szwillus/lehre/ws96_97/bss/book/") # (code-ps "tclbook1" (ee-tclbookfile "p1.ps.gz")) # (code-ps "tclbook2" (ee-tclbookfile "p2.ps.gz")) # (code-ps "tclbook3" (ee-tclbookfile "p3.ps.gz")) # (code-ps "tclbook4" (ee-tclbookfile "p4.ps.gz")) # (find-tclbook1page 1) # (find-tclbook2page 1) ##### # # single-stepping with wish # 2004sep11 # ##### # «single-step-wish» (to ".single-step-wish") # (find-man "3tcl split") # (find-man "3tcl lindex") # (find-man "3tk bind") # (find-man "3tk bind" "event type is KeyPress or KeyRelease") # (find-man "3tk keysyms") #* wish =(<<'%%%' set i 0; set commands [split { puts hi ! canvas .c -background sienna4 ! pack .c -expand yes -fill both ! .c create line 10 20 30 50 ! puts bye ! exit } !] bind . <Button-1> {eval [lindex $commands $i]; incr i} %%%) #* ##### # # notes about eegt # 2004nov08 # ##### # (find-expcommand "trap [[command] signals]") # (find-expcommand "send [-flags] string") # (find-eev "eeg4") # (find-eev "eegt") # #* expect -c ' source $env(HOME)/TCL/inc.tcl ;# (find-angg "TCL/inc.tcl") trap {send_user "Received a SIGUSR1\n"} USR1 writefile /tmp/eeg.A.pid [pid] spawn zsh interact ' #* # (find-sh0 "kill -USR1 $(cat /tmp/eeg.A.pid)") ##### # # sending code through a channel to any expect script # 2005jan03 # ##### # «eechannel-tcl» (to ".eechannel-tcl") # (find-expcommand "sleep") # (find-expcommand "trap") # (find-man "1 expect" "prompt1") * (eebg-channel-xterm "A") * (eechannel "A") expect proc prompt1 {} { return "% " } # proc readfile {fname} { set ch [open $fname r]; set str [read $ch]; close $ch; return $str } proc writefile {fname str} { set ch [open $fname w]; puts -nonewline $ch $str; close $ch } proc getenv {key {defaultvalue {}}} { global env; expr {[info exist env($key)]?$env($key):$defaultvalue} } proc EEVTMPDIR {} { getenv EEVTMPDIR [getenv HOME]/eev-current/tmp } proc EECHANNEL {} { getenv EECHANNEL tcl } proc pidfile {} { return [EEVTMPDIR]/eeg.[EECHANNEL].pid } proc strfile {} { return [EEVTMPDIR]/eeg.[EECHANNEL].str } writefile [pidfile] "[pid]\n" trap {uplevel #0 [readfile [strfile]]} USR1 set i 0 while 1 { puts $i; incr i; sleep 1 } * (eechannel "tcl") * puts hi puts "hi again" ##### # # channel.tcl # 2005jan03 # ##### # «channel.tcl» (to ".channel.tcl") # (find-eevrc "channel.tcl") * (eebg-channel-xterm "A") * (eechannel "A") expect proc prompt1 {} { return "% " } source $env(EEVRCDIR)/channel.tcl set i 0 while 1 { puts $i; incr i; sleep 1 } * (eechannel "tcl") * puts hi puts "hi again" * (error "Below this point use <f3> and M-e") #* # (eech-bounded) puts {a b c d} #* # (eech "puts foo!") ##### # # a resizer # 2005jan17 # ##### # «resizer» (to ".resizer") # (find-man "3tk wm") # (find-man "3tk wm" "wm geometry window ?newGeometry?") # (find-man "3tk wm" "in order to make the change happen") # (find-man "3tcl regexp") # (find-man "3tk bind") # (find-man "3tk bind" "toplevel window") * (eechannel-xterm "A") wish proc incrsize {dx dy} { regexp {([0-9]+)(.)([0-9]+)(.)([0-9]+)(.)([0-9]+)} [wm geometry .] \ -> width sep1 height sep2 x sep3 y wm geometry . "[expr $width+$dx]$sep1[expr $height+$dy]$sep2$x$sep3$y" } bind . <Left> { incrsize -5 0 } bind . <Right> { incrsize 5 0 } bind . <Up> { incrsize 0 -5 } bind . <Down> { incrsize 0 5 } # Usage: now give the focus to the "wish" window and use the arrow # keys to resize it. # A little bug in fvwm-2.5.12 + tk-8.4.9 (?): move a "wish" window # around by dragging it with the mouse; after that "wm geometry ." # will confuse the origin of its fvwm borders and the origin of the # contained area. The effect of that in the resizer is that in the # next call to "incrsize" the window will jump a bit to the northwest. ##### # # the placer and frames # 2005jan17 # ##### # «placer» (to ".placer") # «frames» (to ".frames") # (find-man "3tk place") # (find-man "3tk place" "-in master" "defaults to window's parent") # (find-man "3tk place" "-relx location") # (find-man "3tk place" "-anchor where") # (find-man "3tk place" "-x location") * (eechannel-xterm "A") wish proc incrsize {dx dy} { regexp {([0-9]+)(.)([0-9]+)(.)([0-9]+)(.)([0-9]+)} [wm geometry .] \ -> width sep1 height sep2 x sep3 y wm geometry . "[expr $width+$dx]$sep1[expr $height+$dy]$sep2$x$sep3$y" } bind . <Left> { incrsize -5 0 } bind . <Right> { incrsize 5 0 } bind . <Up> { incrsize 0 -5 } bind . <Down> { incrsize 0 5 } # (find-man "3tk place") # (find-man "3tk frame") # frame .a -width 40 -height 20 -bg black frame .b -width 30 -height 60 -bg yellow frame .c -width 35 -height 35 -bg blue place .a -x 40 -y 20 place .b -x 30 -y 60 place .c -x 35 -y 35 frame .c.d -width 10 -height 10 -bg red place .c.d -x 10 -y 10 place configure .c.d -anchor se frame .e -width 40 -height 40 -bg green frame .f -bg forestgreen place .e -anchor c -relx 0.5 -rely 0.5 place .f -anchor nw -relx 0.5 -rely 0.5 -relwidth 0.4 -relheight 0.4 frame .g -width 30 -height 30 -bg mediumvioletred place .g -in .e place .g -in .f frame .h -width 10 -height 10 -bg blueviolet place .h -in .f -relx 1 -rely 0.5 -anchor c frame .i -width 10 -height 10 -bg violet place .i -in .g -relx 1 -rely 0.5 -anchor c place .g -in .e place .g -in .f ###### # # Freehand drawing # This was borrowed from the Tcler's Wiki and needs comments and cleaning. # 2005jan18 # ###### # «freehand» (to ".freehand") # (find-man "3tk canvas") # (find-man "3tk canvas" "pathName create line x1 y1... xn yn") # (find-man "3tk bind") # (find-man "3tk bind" "%W") * (eechannel-xterm "A") wish pack [canvas .c] bind .c <ButtonPress-1> { set %W(line) [list %W coords [%W create line %x %y %x %y] %x %y] } bind .c <B1-Motion> {eval [lappend %W(line) %x %y]} bind .c <ButtonRelease-1> {unset %W(line)} # Local Variables: # coding: raw-text-unix # ee-delimiter-hash: "\n#*\n" # ee-anchor-format: "«%s»" # End: