Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and the conversion rules are here. |
####### # # E-scripts on Tcl/Tk. # # Note 1: use the eev command (defined in eev.el) and the # ee alias (in my .zshrc) to execute parts of this file. # Executing this file as a whole makes no sense. # An introduction to eev can be found here: # # (find-eev-quick-intro) # http://angg.twu.net/eev-intros/find-eev-quick-intro.html # # Note 2: be VERY careful and make sure you understand what # you're doing. # # Note 3: If you use a shell other than zsh things like |& # and the for loops may not work. # # Note 4: I always run as root. # # Note 5: some parts are too old and don't work anymore. Some # never worked. # # Note 6: the definitions for the find-xxxfile commands are on my # .emacs. # # Note 7: if you see a strange command check my .zshrc -- it may # be defined there as a function or an alias. # # Note 8: the sections without dates are always older than the # sections with dates. # # This file is at <http://angg.twu.net/e/tcl.e> # or at <http://angg.twu.net/e/tcl.e.html>. # See also <http://angg.twu.net/emacs.html>, # <http://angg.twu.net/.emacs[.html]>, # <http://angg.twu.net/.zshrc[.html]>, # <http://angg.twu.net/escripts.html>, # and <http://angg.twu.net/>. # ####### # «.emacs» (to "emacs") # «.single-step-wish» (to "single-step-wish") # «.bullseye» (to "bullseye") # «.debian» (to "debian") # «.basic-principles» (to "basic-principles") # «.6._Lists» (to "6._Lists") # «.upvar» (to "upvar") # «.uplevel» (to "uplevel") # «.catch_code» (to "catch_code") # «.eval» (to "eval") # «.source» (to "source") # «.info_complete» (to "info_complete") # «.info_script» (to "info_script") # «.tcl8.2-source» (to "tcl8.2-source") # «.tclbook_dl_fix» (to "tclbook_dl_fix") # «._tmp_tclbook.p1.txt» (to "_tmp_tclbook.p1.txt") # «.tclbook» (to "tclbook") # «.tkref» (to "tkref") # «.cgi.tcl» (to "cgi.tcl") # «.cgi.tcl:pkgIndex.tcl» (to "cgi.tcl:pkgIndex.tcl") # «.blt» (to "blt") # «.tuba» (to "tuba") # «.et» (to "et") # «.swig» (to "swig") # «.list-vs-concat» (to "list-vs-concat") # «.parsers_for_tcl» (to "parsers_for_tcl") # «.encode_entities» (to "encode_entities") # «.tclhttpd» (to "tclhttpd") # «.plplot» (to "plplot") # «.sciplot» (to "sciplot") # «.quickplot» (to "quickplot") # «.plotmtv» (to "plotmtv") # «.debugging-.sos» (to "debugging-.sos") # «.visual-tcl» (to "visual-tcl") # «.dustmote» (to "dustmote") # «.socket_servers_0» (to "socket_servers_0") # «.tcltutor» (to "tcltutor") # «.crim-2d» (to "crim-2d") # «.tkinspect» (to "tkinspect") # «.send» (to "send") # «.mktclapp_objcom» (to "mktclapp_objcom") # «.mktclapp_variadic» (to "mktclapp_variadic") # «.environment» (to "environment") # «.groupkit» (to "groupkit") # «.freehand» (to "freehand") # «.tkpaint» (to "tkpaint") # «.static_libs» (to "static_libs") # «.freewrap» (to "freewrap") # «.tk_ps» (to "tk_ps") # «.newdiaglib» (to "newdiaglib") # «.tcl_from_c» (to "tcl_from_c") # «.mousewheel_bug» (to "mousewheel_bug") # «.nam» (to "nam") # «.diaglib_blurb» (to "diaglib_blurb") # «.namespaces» (to "namespaces") # «.tclreadline» (to "tclreadline") # «.8.3-src» (to "8.3-src") # «.gepetto» (to "gepetto") # «.tkgate» (to "tkgate") # «.lrange_lreplace» (to "lrange_lreplace") # «.regexp_and_ranges» (to "regexp_and_ranges") # «.fundcomp» (to "fundcomp") # «.resizer» (to "resizer") # «.placer» (to "placer") # «.frames» (to "frames") # «.cursor» (to "cursor") # «.pack» (to "pack") # «.pack-slaves» (to "pack-slaves") # «.pack-2023» (to "pack-2023") # «.grid-2023» (to "grid-2023") # «.drag» (to "drag") # «.dragTs» (to "dragTs") # «.prompts» (to "prompts") # «.snack» (to "snack") # «.piano.tcl» (to "piano.tcl") # «.snack-upstream» (to "snack-upstream") # «.vkeybd» (to "vkeybd") # «.httpwiki» (to "httpwiki") # «.pkgIndex.tcl» (to "pkgIndex.tcl") # «.tk_chooseColor» (to "tk_chooseColor") # «.luatclbridge» (to "luatclbridge") # «.tcl8.4-deb-src» (to "tcl8.4-deb-src") # «.tk8.4-deb-src» (to "tk8.4-deb-src") # «.wish-event-loop» (to "wish-event-loop") # «.tkwait» (to "tkwait") # «.text-widget» (to "text-widget") # «.Img-screenshots» (to "Img-screenshots") # «.zgrep-tk-docs» (to "zgrep-tk-docs") # «.wm-geometry» (to "wm-geometry") # «.package-require-Tk» (to "package-require-Tk") # «.tkdiff» (to "tkdiff") # «.tkdiff-help» (to "tkdiff-help") # «.tkdiff-merge» (to "tkdiff-merge") # «.tkdiff-deb-src» (to "tkdiff-deb-src") # «.bibtex» (to "bibtex") # «.tclmagick» (to "tclmagick") # «.tclmagick-build» (to "tclmagick-build") # «.tclmagick-build2» (to "tclmagick-build2") # «.tclmagick-buildlogs» (to "tclmagick-buildlogs") # «.tclmagick-tests» (to "tclmagick-tests") # «.tclmagick-using» (to "tclmagick-using") # «.tclmagick-crop» (to "tclmagick-crop") # «.anonymous-functions» (to "anonymous-functions") # «.critcl» (to "critcl") # «.namespace» (to "namespace") # «.multiline-comments» (to "multiline-comments") # «.glue-languages» (to "glue-languages") # «.TH1» (to "TH1") # «.jim» (to "jim") # «.trap-2021» (to "trap-2021") # «.2021-emacs-tcl-bridge» (to "2021-emacs-tcl-bridge") # «.canvas» (to "canvas") # «.dragABC» (to "dragABC") # «.scrollbar» (to "scrollbar") # «.scale» (to "scale") # «.aloupe» (to "aloupe") # «.apave» (to "apave") # «.screenshooter» (to "screenshooter") # «.wibble» (to "wibble") # «.json-rpc» (to "json-rpc") ##### # # tcl and emacs # 2004may15 # ##### # «emacs» (to ".emacs") # (find-efile "") # (find-efile "progmodes/tcl.el") # (require 'tcl) # (find-evariable 'tcl-mode-map) # (find-efunction 'inferior-tcl) # (inferior-tcl "tclsh") ##### # # single-stepping with wish # 2004sep11 # ##### # «single-step-wish» (to ".single-step-wish") # (find-man "3tcl split") # (find-man "3tcl lindex") # (find-man "3tk bind") # (find-man "3tk bind" "event type is KeyPress or KeyRelease") # (find-man "3tk keysyms") #* wish =(<<'%%%' set i 0; set commands [split { puts hi ! canvas .c -background sienna4 ! pack .c -expand yes -fill both ! .c create line 10 20 30 50 ! puts bye ! exit } !] bind . <Button-1> {eval [lindex $commands $i]; incr i} %%%) #* ##### # # bullseye # 2021sep10 # ##### # «bullseye» (to ".bullseye") # (find-zsh "installeddebs | sort | grep tcl") # (find-zsh "availabledebs | sort | grep tcl") # (find-zsh "installeddebs | sort | grep tk") # (find-zsh "availabledebs | sort | grep tk") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # (find-status "tcl-doc") # (find-vldifile "tcl-doc.list") # (find-udfile "tcl-doc/") # (find-status "tcl8.6-doc") # (find-vldifile "tcl8.6-doc.list") # (find-udfile "tcl8.6-doc/") # (find-status "tk-doc") # (find-vldifile "tk-doc.list") # (find-udfile "tk-doc/") # (find-status "tk8.6-doc") # (find-vldifile "tk8.6-doc.list") # (find-udfile "tk8.6-doc/") # (find-udfile "tk8.6-doc/demos/") # (find-udfile "tk8.6-doc/demos/README") # (find-udfile "tk8.6-doc/demos/widget") # (find-fline "/usr/share/doc/tk8.6-doc/demos/widget") wish /usr/share/doc/tk8.6-doc/demos/widget ##### # # Tcl/Tk/Expect packaged for Debian # 2004nov07 / 2021nov02 # ##### # «debian» (to ".debian") # (find-dpkg-l "") # (find-status "tcl8.6") # (find-vldifile "tcl8.6.list") # (find-udfile "tcl8.6/") # (find-status "tcl8.6-doc") # (find-vldifile "tcl8.6-doc.list") # (find-udfile "tcl8.6-doc/") # (find-status "tk8.6") # (find-vldifile "tk8.6.list") # (find-udfile "tk8.6/") # (find-status "tk8.6-doc") # (find-vldifile "tk8.6-doc.list") # (find-udfile "tk8.6-doc/") # (find-status "expect") # (find-vldifile "expect.list") # (find-udfile "expect/") # (find-status "expectk") # (find-vldifile "expectk.list") # (find-udfile "expectk/") # (find-man "3tcl after") # (find-man "3tcl append") # (find-man "3tcl apply") # (find-man "3tcl argc") # (find-man "3tcl array") # (find-man "3tcl bgerror") # (find-man "3tcl binary") # (find-man "3tcl break") # (find-man "3tcl case") # (find-man "3tcl catch") # (find-man "3tcl cd") # (find-man "3tcl chan") # (find-man "3tcl clock") # (find-man "3tcl close") # (find-man "3tcl concat") # (find-man "3tcl continue") # (find-man "3tcl coroutine") # (find-man "3tcl dde") # (find-man "3tcl dict") # (find-man "3tcl encoding") # (find-man "3tcl eof") # (find-man "3tcl error") # (find-man "3tcl eval") # (find-man "3tcl exec") # (find-man "3tcl exit") # (find-man "3tcl expr") # (find-man "3tcl fblocked") # (find-man "3tcl fconfigure") # (find-man "3tcl fcopy") # (find-man "3tcl file") # (find-man "3tcl fileevent") # (find-man "3tcl filename") # (find-man "3tcl flush") # (find-man "3tcl for") # (find-man "3tcl foreach") # (find-man "3tcl format") # (find-man "3tcl gets") # (find-man "3tcl glob") # (find-man "3tcl global") # (find-man "3tcl history") # (find-man "3tcl http") # (find-man "3tcl if") # (find-man "3tcl incr") # (find-man "3tcl info") # (find-man "3tcl interp") # (find-man "3tcl join") # (find-man "3tcl lappend") # (find-man "3tcl lassign") # (find-man "3tcl library") # (find-man "3tcl lindex") # (find-man "3tcl linsert") # (find-man "3tcl list") # (find-man "3tcl llength") # (find-man "3tcl lmap") # (find-man "3tcl load") # (find-man "3tcl lrange") # (find-man "3tcl lrepeat") # (find-man "3tcl lreplace") # (find-man "3tcl lreverse") # (find-man "3tcl lsearch") # (find-man "3tcl lset") # (find-man "3tcl lsort") # (find-man "3tcl mathfunc") # (find-man "3tcl mathop") # (find-man "3tcl memory") # (find-man "3tcl msgcat") # (find-man "3tcl my") # (find-man "3tcl namespace") # (find-man "3tcl next") # (find-man "3tcl oo_class") # (find-man "3tcl oo_copy") # (find-man "3tcl oo_define") # (find-man "3tcl oo_object") # (find-man "3tcl open") # (find-man "3tcl package") # (find-man "3tcl packagens") # (find-man "3tcl pid") # (find-man "3tcl pkgMkIndex") # (find-man "3tcl platform") # (find-man "3tcl platform_shell") # (find-man "3tcl proc") # (find-man "3tcl puts") # (find-man "3tcl pwd") # (find-man "3tcl re_syntax") # (find-man "3tcl read") # (find-man "3tcl refchan") # (find-man "3tcl regexp") # (find-man "3tcl registry") # (find-man "3tcl regsub") # (find-man "3tcl rename") # (find-man "3tcl return") # (find-man "3tcl safe") # (find-man "3tcl scan") # (find-man "3tcl seek") # (find-man "3tcl self") # (find-man "3tcl set") # (find-man "3tcl socket") # (find-man "3tcl source") # (find-man "3tcl split") # (find-man "3tcl string") # (find-man "3tcl subst") # (find-man "3tcl switch") # (find-man "3tcl tailcall") # (find-man "3tcl tcl_prefix") # (find-man "3tcl tcltest") # (find-man "3tcl tell") # (find-man "3tcl throw") # (find-man "3tcl time") # (find-man "3tcl timerate") # (find-man "3tcl tm") # (find-man "3tcl trace") # (find-man "3tcl transchan") # (find-man "3tcl try") # (find-man "3tcl unknown") # (find-man "3tcl unload") # (find-man "3tcl unset") # (find-man "3tcl update") # (find-man "3tcl uplevel") # (find-man "3tcl upvar") # (find-man "3tcl variable") # (find-man "3tcl vwait") # (find-man "3tcl while") # (find-man "3tcl zlib") tclreadline tkdiff tclex tclparser ##### # # basic principles # 2001jun14 # ##### # «basic-principles» (to ".basic-principles") # (find-man "3tcl Tcl") # (find-man "3tcl expr") * (eepitch-tclsh) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-tclsh) # (find-man "3tcl puts") puts hello puts -nonewline hello puts -nonewline stdout hello puts stdout hello proc show {args} { foreach str $args {puts -nonewline " <$str>"}; puts "" } show hello world show "hello world" show {hello world} show hello\040world show hello\ world # (find-man "3tcl expr") expr 1+2 expr 2*3+4*5 expr 2* 3+ 4 *5 show 2* 3+ 4 *5 show 2*3+4*5 expr cos(0) expr 7/2 expr 7.0/2 * (eepitch-tclsh) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-tclsh) proc show {args} { foreach str $args {puts -nonewline " <$str>"}; puts "" } proc yes {} { puts yes } proc no {} { puts no } yes eval yes eval show hello eval show "hello world" eval show hello world set a 63 show $a show ".$a." show a$a[expr 1+$a] "foo $a[expr 1+2]" ##### # # The chapter "6. Lists" of Ousterhout's book # 2021nov02 # ##### # «6._Lists» (to ".6._Lists") # (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "ousterhout") # (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 51) "6. Lists") # (find-tcltktext (+ 8 51) "6" "Lists") # (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 52) "Table 6.1. A summary of the list-related commands") # (find-tcltktext (+ 8 52) "Table 6.1. A summary of the list-related commands") ##### # # upvar # 2000aug # ##### # «upvar» (to ".upvar") # (find-man "3tcl upvar") * (eepitch-tcl) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-tcl) proc myset {varname value} { upvar $varname localvar set localvar $value } if {[catch {puts "x = [list $x]"}]} {puts "x is unset"} set x 2 if {[catch {puts "x = [list $x]"}]} {puts "x is unset"} myset x "22 " if {[catch {puts "x = [list $x]"}]} {puts "x is unset"} * (eepitch-tcl) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-tcl) proc codetoset {varname} { upvar $varname localvar if {[catch {set str "set [list $varname] [list $localvar]"}]} { return "unset [list $varname]" } return $str } puts [codetoset x] set x {22 } puts [codetoset x] ##### # # uplevel # 2000nov14 # ##### # «uplevel» (to ".uplevel") # (find-man "3tcl uplevel") * (eepitch-tcl) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-tcl) set a 2 puts $a proc seta {newa} {uplevel #0 " set a $newa "} seta 3 puts $a proc broken_seta {newa} {uplevel #0 { set a $newa }} broken_seta 4 puts $a ##### # # The code returned by catch # 2000aug17 / 2012jun13 # ##### # «catch_code» (to ".catch_code") # (find-man "3tcl catch") # (find-man "3tcl catch" "0" "TCL_OK") # (find-man "3tcl catch" "1" "TCL_ERROR") # (find-man "3tcl catch" "2" "TCL_RETURN") # (find-man "3tcl catch" "3" "TCL_BREAK") # (find-man "3tcl catch" "4" "TCL_CONTINUE") # (find-man "3tcl return") * (eepitch-tcl) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-tcl) catch {expr 1+2} catch error catch return catch break catch continue # Using "return -code xxx" directly inside a catch doesnt work: catch {return -code ok} catch {return -code error} catch {return -code return} catch {return -code break} catch {return -code continue} # Nor do these other forms: catch {return -code 4} catch {return -errorcode 4} catch {return -code continue} catch {return -errorcode continue} # By calling a special function we can even return non-standard codes: proc retcode {code} {return -code $code} catch {retcode 4} catch {retcode continue} catch {retcode 6} catch {retcode -20} # Invalid code names are errors: catch {retcode xuum} ##### # # eval # 2000aug19 # ##### # «eval» (to ".eval") # (find-man "3tcl eval") * (eepitch-tcl) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-tcl) set foo 22 eval puts {$foo} eval {puts $foo} eval puts [list {$foo}] ##### # # source # 2019jun29 # ##### # «source» (to ".source") # (find-man "3tcl source") # (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 68) "7.6 Executing from files: source") ##### # # info complete # 2000oct17 / 2012jun13 # ##### # «info_complete» (to ".info_complete") # (find-man "3tcl info" "info complete") # (find-es "lua5" "loadstring_and_eof") # (find-fline "~/.tclshrc") * (eepitch-tcl) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-tcl) proc mygets {} { if {[gets stdin s]==-1} error; return "$s\n" } proc getcomplete {} { for { set s [mygets] } { ![info complete $s] } {} { append s [mygets] } return $s } proc gc {} { puts "#------- got:\n[getcomplete]#------- ok." } proc gc0 {} { getcomplete; return } proc gce {} { eval [getcomplete]; return } gc0 hello gc0 hello { you } aaa gc naa \ aaa { you } ppp gce puts \ "hello." exit ##### # # info script (or: how to execute another script in the same dir) # 2000nov30 # ##### # «info_script» (to ".info_script") #* cat > /tmp/ttis1.tcl <<'---' #!/usr/bin/tclsh puts " ttis1: [info script]" source [file dirname [info script]]/ttis2.tcl --- chmod 755 /tmp/ttis1.tcl cat > /tmp/ttis2.tcl <<'---' puts " ttis2: [info script]" --- ln -s ttis1.tcl /tmp/ttis3.tcl rm -Rv /tmp/tt mkdir /tmp/tt ln -sf ../ttis1.tcl /tmp/tt/ttis4.tcl cd /tmp/ttis1.tcl tclsh /tmp/ttis1.tcl cd /tmp/ ./ttis1.tcl tclsh ttis1.tcl ./ttis3.tcl tt/ttis4.tcl #* ##### # # tcl8.2 source # 2000jul18 # ##### # «tcl8.2-source» (to ".tcl8.2-source") pdsc $SPOTATO/main/source/libs/tcl8.2_8.2.3-1.dsc cd /usr/src/tcl8.2-8.2.3/ # (eeman "3tcl info" "info complete") # (find-tcl82file "tests/parse.test") # (find-tcl82file "generic/tclTest.c") # (find-fline "/snarf/ftp/ftp.neosoft.com/languages/tcl/all.files.list") # (find-fline "~/TK/diag.006") # (find-shttpfile "www.tclfaq.wservice.com/tcl-faq/part1-5.txt.gz" 4877) # (find-shttpfile "www.tclfaq.wservice.com/tcl-faq/part1-5.txt.gz" "-X- On what sites can I find archives for comp.lang.tcl?") ####### # # Draft of Osterhout's book # 2000feb29 # ####### # «tclbook_dl_fix» (to ".tclbook_dl_fix") # Download and fix the .ps of each part of the draft. They come with # just "%!" in the first line and that makes gv/ghostview very # unhappy, so we change the "%!"s to "%!PS-Adobe-2.0". # Is there a standard way to do that? # (find-fline "/usr/bin/fixfmps") # (find-fline "$S/http/www.cica.indiana.edu/cica/faq/tcl/") # (find-shttpfile "www.cica.indiana.edu/cica/faq/tcl/") psne http://www.cica.indiana.edu/cica/faq/tcl/book.p1.ps psne http://www.cica.indiana.edu/cica/faq/tcl/book.p2.ps psne http://www.cica.indiana.edu/cica/faq/tcl/book.p3.ps psne http://www.cica.indiana.edu/cica/faq/tcl/book.p4.ps cd $S/http/www.cica.indiana.edu/cica/faq/tcl/ # (find-man "patch" "--force") for i in 1 2 3 4; do patch -f book.p$i.ps <<'%%%' 1c1 < %! --- > %!PS-Adobe-2.0 %%% done # rm -v *.rej # rm -v *.orig ## ## View. ## # (find-fline "$S/http/www.cica.indiana.edu/cica/faq/tcl/book.p1.ps") # (find-fline "$S/http/www.cica.indiana.edu/cica/faq/tcl/book.p2.ps") # (find-fline "$S/http/www.cica.indiana.edu/cica/faq/tcl/book.p3.ps") # (find-fline "$S/http/www.cica.indiana.edu/cica/faq/tcl/book.p4.ps") # «tclbook» (to ".tclbook") # (find-angg ".emacs" "tclbook") gv /snarf/http/www.cica.indiana.edu/cica/faq/tcl/book.p1.ps & gv /snarf/http/www.cica.indiana.edu/cica/faq/tcl/book.p2.ps & gv /snarf/http/www.cica.indiana.edu/cica/faq/tcl/book.p3.ps & gv /snarf/http/www.cica.indiana.edu/cica/faq/tcl/book.p4.ps & ##### # # Making a txt version of the draft # 2000jul24 # ##### # «_tmp_tclbook.p1.txt» (to "._tmp_tclbook.p1.txt") # (find-es "ps" "pstotext") # (find-pl5podfile "perlop.pod" "\\000") # (find-angg ".zshrc" "pstotext") cd $S/http/www.cica.indiana.edu/cica/faq/tcl/ mypstotext book.p1.ps > ~/tmp/tclbook.p1.txt mypstotext book.p2.ps > ~/tmp/tclbook.p2.txt mypstotext book.p3.ps > ~/tmp/tclbook.p3.txt mypstotext book.p4.ps > ~/tmp/tclbook.p4.txt # (find-fline "~/tmp/" "tclbook") ##### # # Eedit # ##### # (find-fline "~/TK/Edit") # (find-fline "/hdd5/home/root/TK/Edit") ##### # # Tcl7.6 source # 99jun?? # ##### pdsc /big/slinks2/dists/slink/main/source/libs/tcl7.6_7.6p2-7.dsc cd /usr/src/tcl7.6-7.6p2/ etags $(find generic unix -name '*.[ch]') # (find-tcl7file "") # (find-tcl7file "generic/tclCmdIL.c") # (find-tcl7tag "Tcl_ListCmd") # (find-tcl7file "generic/tclUtil.c") # (find-tcl7tag "Tcl_Merge") ##### # # Some docs and examples # ##### (find-fline "/usr/doc/tcl8.0/") (find-fline "/usr/doc/tcl8.0/README.gz" "Tcl newsgroup") (find-fline "/usr/lib/tcl8.0/") (find-enode "Regexps") (find-elnode "Match Data") (find-fline "~/EXPECT/") (find-fline "/usr/doc/dotfile/") (w3-open-local "/usr/doc/dotfile/html/dotdotfiles.html") /snarf/http/www.cica.indiana.edu/cica/faq/tcl/ dpkg -L dotfile dotfile-doc ##### # # tix 4.1 # ##### # (find-slink "tix41") # (find-slink "tix41-dev") # (find-vldifile "tix41.list") # (find-vldifile "tix41-dev.list") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/tix41/") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/tix41/examples/") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/tix41/txt/") apti tix41 tix41-dev cd /usr/doc/tix41/examples/ ./widget ##### # # tkref # ##### # «tkref» (to ".tkref") rm -Rv /usr/src/tkref/ mkdir /usr/src/tkref/ cd /usr/src/tkref/ tar -xvzf /snarf/ftp/ftp.neosoft.com/languages/tcl/sorted/info/ref/QuickRef.tar.gz tar -xvzf /snarf/ftp/ftp.neosoft.com/languages/tcl/sorted/packages-7.6/info/ref/tkref-4.1.0.tar.gz tar -xvzf /snarf/ftp/ftp.neosoft.com/languages/tcl/sorted/packages-7.6/info/ref/tkrefcard.tar.gz tar -xvzf /snarf/ftp/ftp.neosoft.com/languages/tcl/sorted/packages-8.0/info/ref/tkref-8.0.2.tar.gz # needs "multicol.sty", which is in tetex-nonfree... # (find-es "tex" "tetex-0.9-nonfree") # (find-fline "/usr/src/tkref/tkref-8.0.2/") cd /usr/src/tkref/tkref-8.0.2/ make refbase.dvi xdvi refbase.dvi & cd /usr/src/tkref/tkref-8.0.2/ make PERL=perl TMPDIR=/tmp gv refguide.ps & xdvi /usr/src/tkref/tkref-8.0.2/refbase.dvi & ####### # # cgi.tcl-1.10 # 2000jun30 / 2006jun14 # ####### # «cgi.tcl» (to ".cgi.tcl") # http://expect.nist.gov/cgi.tcl/cgi.tcl.tar.gz # The new way, non-system-wide-ish but incomplete: # (code-c-d "cgitcl" "~/usrc/cgi.tcl-1.10/") # (find-cgitclfile "") # (find-cgitclfile "Makefile.in" "pkgIndex.tcl:") # (find-cgitclfile "pkgcreate") # (find-man "3tcl pkg_mkIndex") # (find-cgitclfile "cgi.tcl" "package provide cgi") # (find-cgitclfile "pkgIndex.tcl") #* rm -Rfv ~/usrc/cgi.tcl-1.10/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf $S/http/expect.nist.gov/cgi.tcl/cgi.tcl.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/cgi.tcl-1.10/ ./configure |& tee oc make |& tee om # Or: echo 'pkg_mkIndex . cgi.tcl' | tclsh #* # The old way, system-wide-ish: #* rm -Rv /usr/src/cgi.tcl-1.10/ cd /usr/src/ tar -xvzf $S/http/expect.nist.gov/cgi.tcl/cgi.tcl.tar.gz cd /usr/src/cgi.tcl-1.10/ rm -Rv /usr/lib/tcl8.4/cgi/ mkdir -p /usr/lib/tcl8.4/cgi/ cd /usr/lib/tcl8.4/cgi/ cp -v /usr/src/cgi.tcl-1.10/cgi.tcl . echo 'pkg_mkIndex . cgi.tcl' | tclsh rm -Rv /var/www/cgi-tcl/ mkdir /var/www/cgi-tcl/ cd /usr/src/cgi.tcl-1.10/example/ cp -v * /var/www/cgi-tcl/ for i in *.cgi; do echo Fixing: $i tclsh ../fixline1 /usr/bin < $i > /var/www/cgi-tcl/$i chmod 755 /var/www/cgi-tcl/$i done # (find-fline "/var/www/cgi-tcl/example.tcl" "production environment") cat >> /var/www/cgi-tcl/example.tcl <<'---' cgi_root {} # http://localhost/cgi-tcl --- # OLD!!! What was tclquery.cgi? # (find-fline "~/EXPECT/tclquery.cgi") #cd /var/www/cgi-tcl/ #ln -s ~/EXPECT/tclquery.cgi . lynx http://localhost/cgi-tcl/ # edrxnetscape http://localhost/cgi-tcl/ & #* # (find-fline "/var/www/cgi-tcl/") # (find-fline "/var/www/cgi-tcl/example.tcl") # (find-fline "/usr/lib/tcl8.0/cgi/") # (find-fline "/usr/lib/tcl8.0/cgi/cgi.tcl") # (find-fline "/var/log/apache/") # (find-fline "/var/log/apache/error.log") # (find-cgitclfile "") # (find-cgitclfile "fixline1") # (find-cgitclfile "example/") # (find-cgitclfile "example/README") # (find-cgitclfile "doc/ref.txt") # (find-cgitclfile "doc/ref.txt" "can be given arguments to fake input") # (find-cgitclfile "doc/ref.txt" "cgi_cgi_set") # (find-cgitclfile "cgi.tcl" "proc cgi_cgi") # (find-cgitclfile "cgi.tcl" "proc cgi_cgi_set") # (find-cgitclfile "doc/ref.txt" "** Getting at the input") # (find-fline "/usr/lib/tcl8.0/") # (find-fline "/usr/lib/tcl8.0/parray.tcl") expect -c ' package require cgi cgi_input "name=libes&old=foo&new1=bar&new2=hello" puts [cgi_import_list] puts "" foreach name [cgi_import_list] { puts "$name [cgi_import_as $name value]" # cgi_import_as $name value # puts "$name $value" } ' # (find-es "http" "tcl_http") # (find-vldifile "tcl8.0-dev.list") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/tcl8.0-dev/") # (eeman "pkgMkIndex") # (eeman "pkg_mkIndex") cd /usr/src/cgi.tcl-1.10/example/ for i in *; do printf "%-22s" $i:; head -n 1 < $i; done # (find-node "(sh-utils)printf invocation") ##### # # Using cgi.tcl # ##### lynx http://localhost/cgi-tcl/ cat # (find-fline "/var/www/cgi-tcl/") # (find-fline "/var/www/cgi-tcl/my.cgi") lynx http://localhost/cgi-tcl/my.cgi #!/usr/bin/tclsh # (find-cgitclfile "doc/ref.txt" "\ncgi_input") # (find-cgitclfile "doc/ref.txt" "-- Variables") # (find-cgitclfile "doc/ref.txt" "black & white") package require cgi cgi_input puts "Content-type: text/plain" puts "" puts [cgi_import_list] foreach v [cgi_import_list] { puts "$v [cgi_import $v]" } ##### # # cgi.tcl-0.7 (old) # ##### rm -Rv /usr/src/cgi.tcl-0.7/ cd /usr/src/ tar -xvzf /snarf/http/expect.nist.gov/cgi.tcl/cgi.tcl.tar.gz cd /usr/src/cgi.tcl-0.7/ ./configure # (find-cgitclfile "Makefile") make PREFIX=/usr rm -Rv /var/www/cgi.tcl mkdir /var/www/cgi.tcl cd /usr/src/cgi.tcl-0.7/example/ for i in *.cgi; do sed 's:#!/depot/path/tclsh:#!/usr/bin/tclsh: s:package require cgi:source cgi.tcl:' \ $i > /var/www/cgi.tcl/$i done cp README *.tcl *.pl *.cnt ../cgi.tcl /var/www/cgi.tcl/ chown -Rc edrx:edrx /var/www/cgi.tcl/ chmod 777 /var/www/cgi.tcl/*.{cgi,pl} # (find-fline "/var/www/cgi.tcl/example.tcl" "pitch.nist") # (find-fline "/var/www/cgi.tcl/") lynx lynx # «cgi.tcl:pkgIndex.tcl» (to ".cgi.tcl:pkgIndex.tcl") # (to "pkgIndex.tcl") # pkgIndex.tcl: # # (find-fline "/usr/lib/tcl8.0/") # (find-fline "/usr/lib/tcl8.0/tclIndex") # (find-fline "/usr/lib/tcl8.0/init.tcl" "# auto_mkindex --") # (find-fline "/usr/lib/tcl8.0/init.tcl" "# pkg_mkindex --") # (find-cgitclfile "pkgcreate") # (find-cgitclfile "pkgIndex.tcl") # (find-cgitclfile "Makefile" "updating of pkgIndex.tcl") # (find-cgitclfile "cgi.tcl") echo 'pkg_mkIndex /usr/src/cgi.tcl-0.7' | tclsh # (w3-open-local "/snarf/http/www.beedub.com/book/2nd/library.doc.html") mycat /var/lib/dpkg/info/tix41* |& l ln -s /usr/src/cgi.tcl-0.7/example /var/www/cgi.tcl chown -Rc edrx:edrx /usr/src/cgi.tcl-0.7/example sed 's:#!/depot/path/tclsh:#!/usr/bin/tclsh:' cookie.cgi cd /usr/src/cgi.tcl-0.7/ # (find-cgitclfile "") # (find-fline "~/TCL/h") # (find-fline "/snarf/http/www.tclfaq.wservice.com/tcl-faq/part1-5.txt.gz") http://expect.nist.gov/doc/tcl-debug.ps.Z http://conch.msen.com/~clif/TclTutor.0.96.tar.gz ftp://ftp.scriptics.com/pub/tcl/doc/engManual.tar.Z ftp://ftp.scriptics.com/pub/tcl/doc/styleGuide.tar.Z ftp://ftp.neosoft.com/languages/tcl/sorted/info/ref/tkrefcard.tar.gz ftp://ftp.neosoft.com/languages/tcl/sorted/info/ref/QuickRef.tar.gz # (find-fline "/snarf/ftp/ftp.neosoft.com/languages/tcl/all.files.list") ~/ICON/lslR2find < /snarf/ftp/ftp.neosoft.com/languages/tcl/all.files.list agrep -i ':^|debug' /snarf/ftp/ftp.neosoft.com/languages/tcl/all.files.list ./alcatel/code/debug.tar.gz ./alcatel/extensions/debugger.gz ./sorted/packages-7.6/devel/l-debug.tar.gz sne ftp://ftp.neosoft.com/languages/tcl/alcatel/code/tdebug-1.0.tar.gz ##### # # TDebug-1.7 # ##### rm -Rv /usr/src/tdebug-1.7/ mkdir /usr/src/tdebug-1.7/ cd /usr/src/tdebug-1.7/ tar -xvzf /snarf/ftp/ftp.neosoft.com/languages/tcl/stuff/TDebug-1.7.tar.gz cd /usr/src/tdebug-1.7/ patch TdChoose.tcl <<'%%%' 1c1 < #!/usr/local/bin/wish -f --- > #!/usr/bin/wish -f %%% cd /usr/src/tdebug-1.7/ lynx README.html # (find-fline "$S/ftp/ftp.neosoft.com/languages/tcl/stuff/TDebug-1.7.tar.gz") ##### # # Cookbook # ##### # Not working very well, and not very interesting. rm -Rv /usr/src/cookbook/ cd /usr/src/ tar -xvzf /snarf/ftp/ cd /usr/src/cookbook/ # (find-fline "/usr/src/cookbook/ch1/Make_htcl") # (find-fline "/usr/src/cookbook/ch1/htclInit.c") # (find-fline "/usr/src/cookbook/ch1/htclInit.c") # (find-fline "/usr/src/cookbook/ch1/hyper.tcl") # (find-fline "/usr/src/cookbook/ch1/contents") cd ch1/ gcc -c -o htclInit.o htclInit.c gcc -ltcl8.0 -ltk8.0 -o htcl htclInit.c $(LOCAL_LIBRARIES) ##### # # impress # ##### cd /usr/src/ rm -Rv 04alpha tar -xvzf /snarf/http/www.ntlug.org/~ccox/impress/impress_complete.tar.gz cd /usr/src/04alpha/ # (find-fline "/usr/src/04alpha/impress.tcl") lynx /snarf/http/www.ntlug.org/~ccox/impress/Docs.html lynx /snarf/http/www.tcltk.com/tclets/impress/ ##### # # tk8.0 examples # ##### # (code-c-d "tkex" "/usr/doc/tk8.0/examples/") # (find-tkexfile "widget") # Nice places to put tuba breakpoints: # (find-tkexfile "widget" "set demo") # (find-tkexfile "widget" "proc showCode") # (find-fline "/usr/lib/tk8.0/demos/widget" "The canvas item types") (cd /usr/src/tcl8.0-8.0p2/doc; ls -C echo; cd /usr/src/tk8.0-8.0p2/doc; ls -C) | l # (find-tkfile "") # (find-tkfile "generic/tkCmds.c") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/tk8.0/examples/plot.tcl") wget -r -nc -np -A htm,html,gif,jpg -l 20 -X man http://www.scriptics.com/ cd /usr/doc/tk8.0/examples/ a2ps -o ~/o.ps -M A4dj -6 -A --highlight-level=none \ widget plot.tcl arrow.tcl ruler.tcl items.tcl cd rm o.p[0-9][0-9] gs -sDEVICE=djet500 -r300 -sOutputFile=o.p%02d -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH o.ps rm o.zip; zip o.zip o.p0? laf o.zip ##### # # Tuba-2.5.b1 # 99nov11 # ##### # «tuba» (to ".tuba") rm -Rv /usr/src/tuba-2.5.b1/ cd /usr/src/ tar -xvzf /snarf/http/www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Ridge/2549/tuba/tuba-2.5.b1.tar.gz cd /usr/src/tuba-2.5.b1/ cd /usr/src/tuba-2.5.b1/src/ # make -f Makefile.Linux Tclparser.so |& tee ../om make -f Makefile.Linux SHLIB_LD='g++ -shared' Tclparser.so |& tee ../om # (find-fline "/usr/src/tuba-2.5.b1/") # (find-fline "/usr/src/tuba-2.5.b1/om") # (find-fline "/usr/src/tuba-2.5.b1/src/Makefile.Linux") # (find-tubafile "tuba") # (find-tubafile "tuba_lib.tcl") # (find-tubafile ".tubarc") # An example, using my "tubak" alias: # (find-fline "/usr/doc/tk8.0/examples/widget") cd /usr/doc/tk8.0/examples/ tubak widget ##### # # blt # 2019jul17 # ##### # «blt» (to ".blt") # (find-status "blt") # (find-vldifile "blt.list") # (find-udfile "blt/") # (find-status "blt-demo") # (find-vldifile "blt-demo.list") # (find-udfile "blt-demo/") ##### # # blt8.0_2.4f # ##### apti blt8.0 blt8.0-dev # (find-vldifile "blt8.0.list") # (find-vldifile "blt8.0-dev.list") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/blt8.0/") # (find-fline "/usr/lib/blt2.4/demos/") cd /usr/lib/blt2.4/demos/ ./barchart ./barchart2 ./barchart3 ./barchart4 ./barchart5 ./bgexec ./bgexec2 #./bgexec3 #./bgexec4 ./bitmap ./busy ./calendar #./eps ./form ./graph ./graph2 ./graph3 ./graph4 ./graph5 ./graph6 ./graph7 ./hier ./hier2 ./hier3 ./hier4 ./htext #./htext.txt ./spline ./stripchart ./tabset ./tabset2 ./tabset3 ./tabset4 pdsc /big/slinks2/dists/slink/main/source/libs/blt8.0_2.4f-3.dsc cd /usr/src/blt8.0-2.4f/ debian/rules binary |& tee odrb # (code-c-d "blt" "/usr/src/blt8.0-2.4f/") # (find-bltfile "src/bltDnd.c") # (find-bltfile "src/bltPs.c") # (find-bltfile "src/bltDebug.c") # (find-bltfile "src/bltGrHairs.c") # (find-bltfile "src/bltGraph.c") # (find-bltfile "demos/") # (find-bltfile "library/") ##### # # Tcl/Tk CD (infomagic, aug 95) # ##### # (find-fline "/cdrom/alcatel/code/INDEX" "tdcad") # (find-fline "/cdrom/alcatel/code/INDEX" "tkcron") # (find-fline "/cdrom/alcatel/code/INDEX" "make-a-wish") # (find-fline "/cdrom/alcatel/code/INDEX" "budge") # (find-fline "/cdrom/alcatel/code/INDEX" "picasso") # (find-fline "/cdrom/alcatel/code/INDEX" "tkprompt") # (find-fline "/cdrom/alcatel/code/INDEX" "replayxt") # (find-fline "/cdrom/alcatel/code/INDEX" "tkHelloWorld") # (find-fline "/cdrom/alcatel/code/INDEX" "evap") # (find-fline "/cdrom/alcatel/code/INDEX" "mankala") # (find-fline "/cdrom/alcatel/code/INDEX" "tkcvs") # (find-fline "/cdrom/alcatel/code/INDEX" "tcl-cgi") # (find-fline "/cdrom/alcatel/code/INDEX" "stl-0.3") # (find-fline "/cdrom/alcatel/code/") # (find-fline "/cdrom/alcatel/code/stl-0.3/stl/") # (find-fline "/cdrom/olive.kek.jp/News/") # (find-fline "/cdrom/olive.kek.jp/News/news92/comp.lang.tcl.92_digest") tdcad tkcron gv /cdrom/alcatel/workshop/1993/tcl93-proceedings/tcl93-proceedings/body/mclennan.ps # (defun tclndx (s) (find-fline "~/CB/tcltk95-ls-lR.i" s)) # (tclndx "xf") # (tclndx "TkSteal3.6h/TkSteal/") # (find-fline "/cdrom/alcatel/extensions/TkSteal3.6h/TkSteal/") # (find-fline "/cdrom/alcatel/extensions/raster0.1/README") # (find-fline "/cdrom/alcatel/extensions/INDEX") # (find-fline "/cdrom/alcatel/extensions/dlwish/dlwish.README") # (find-fline "/cdrom/alcatel/code/make-a-wish/make-a-wish-1.2.README") ##### # # et - Embedded Tcl/Tk # ##### # «et» (to ".et") # (find-slink "et") apti et # (find-fline "/usr/doc/et/") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/et/html/") # (find-etfile "") # (find-etfile "color.c") # (find-etfile "color.tcl") lynx /usr/doc/et/html/index.html # (find-vldifile "et.list") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/et/") pdsc /big/slinks1/dists/slink/main/source/devel/et_80b2-8.dsc cd /usr/src/et-80b2/ make CFLAGS="-O" \ LIBS="-ltk8.0 -ltcl8.0 -ldl -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lm -lc" \ ET2CFLAGS="-I/usr/lib/tk8.0 -I/usr/lib/tcl8.0" \ color |& tee omc cd /usr/src/et-80b2/ # (find-etfile "omc") # (find-etfile "doc/ET.doc" 1234) # (find-etfile "Makefile") # (find-etfile "doc/Makefile") # (find-etfile "debian/") # (find-etfile "debian/rules") # (find-etfile "et80.c" 562) # (find-etfile "et80.c" 754) # (find-etfile "doc/ET.doc") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/et/html/ET0015.html") lynx /usr/doc/et/html/ET0015.html # (code-c-d "et" "/usr/src/et-80b2/") # (find-etfile "Makefile") # (find-etfile "") # (find-etfile "" "httpd") ##### # # tclsh's interactive mode # ##### # (find-fline "/usr/lib/tcl8.0/init.tcl" "interactive") # (find-fline "/usr/lib/tcl8.0/tclAppInit.c" "interactive") # (find-tclfile "") # (find-tclfile "unix/Makefile" "\ntclsh:") # (find-tclfile "odrb" "tclsh") # (find-tclfile "unix/rl-tclMain.c") # (find-tclfile "unix/tclAppInit.c") ##### # # swig - a more pretentious et # 99nov21 # ##### # «swig» (to ".swig") apti swig swig-doc swig-examples # (find-vldifile "swig.list") # (find-vldifile "swig-doc.list") # (find-vldifile "swig-examples.list") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/swig/examples/OpenGL/") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/swig/examples/tcl/tree/") cd /usr/doc/swig/ gzip -dv Makefile.template cd /usr/doc/swig/examples/tcl/tree/ make SWIG=swig |& tee om cd /usr/doc/swig/examples/tcl/graph/ gzip -dv *.gz make SWIG=swig |& tee om # cd /usr/doc/swig/examples/tcl/graph/ wish graph.tcl # (find-swigefile "tcl/graph/graph.tcl" "Button 2 adds") cd /usr/doc/swig/html/ lynx /usr/doc/swig/html/Introduction.html edrxnetscape /usr/doc/swig/html/Introduction.html & rm -Rv /tmp/html/ mkdir /tmp/html/ cd /tmp/html/ wget -nv -r -A html |& tee o perl -nle 'm:^.*html/([^" ]+) : && print $1' < o | sort # (find-node "(sed)Addresses") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/swig/html/") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/swig/") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/swig/examples/") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/swig/examples/README.gz") edrxnetscape /usr/doc/swig/html/Contents.html # LIBS = -L$(MESA)/lib -lMesaaux -lMesatk -lMesaGLU -lMesaGL -lXext # XLIBS = -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 # INCLUDE = -I$(MESA)/include -I/usr/X11R6/include # (find-fline "/usr/doc/swig/examples/OpenGL/") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/swig/examples/OpenGL/Makefile") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/swig/Makefile.template") cd /usr/doc/swig/examples/OpenGL/ gzip -dv $(find *) ../../Makefile.template.gz cd /usr/doc/swig/examples/OpenGL/ make LIBS='-lMesaaux -lMesatk -lMesaGLU -lMesaGL -lXext' \ INCLUDE='-I/usr/include/GL -I/usr/X11R6/include' \ SWIG=swig \ tcl # Falta o glaux.h. ##### # # moodss # ##### # (find-fline "/usr/doc/moodss/") # (find-vldifile "moodss.list") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/moodss/INSTALL") wish moodss ps cpustats memstats ##### # # list versus concat # 2012jun13 # ##### # «list-vs-concat» (to ".list-vs-concat") * (eepitch-tclsh) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-tclsh) list a "b c" "d e" f concat a "b c" "d e" f concat "{" list "{" list "{a b" ##### # # Alguns programinhas educativos # ##### #* cat > $EEG <<'---' puts .[exec echo foo]. puts .[exec false 2> /dev/null]. puts .[system {echo foo; echo bar}]. puts .[catch [exec true]]. proc L {a} {puts -nonewline "$a; "; return [list $a]} puts [L [L [L a]]] puts [L [L [L ""]]] puts [L [L [L \\]]] puts [L [L [L \{]]] puts [L [L [L \}]]] puts [L [L [L {a b}]]] puts [L [L [L {a\{ b}]]] puts [L [L [L \n]]] puts "{" proc id {arg} {return $arg} proc E {script} { global errorInfo if [set err [catch "id $script" output]] { regexp "^\[^\n\]*" $errorInfo firstline puts $firstline } else { puts $output } } E $() E $ E {$foo} --- eeg tclsh #* expect -c 'foreach s [info globals] {puts $s}' | sort expect -c 'foreach s [info commands] {puts $s}' | sort echo 'foreach s [info globals] {puts $s}' | tclsh -f - | sort echo 'foreach s [info commands] {puts $s}' | tclsh -f - | sort echo 'foreach s [info commands ::*] {puts $s}' | tclsh -f - | sort # (find-fline "/usr/lib/tcl8.0/init.tcl") (global-set-key [f7] 'tcl-send-region) # (find-enode "Keyboard Macros") # (find-elnode "Keyboard Macros") last-kbd-macro (setq last-kbd-macro "\C-a\C-[xtosp\C-m\C-[[D\C-[w\C-a<li>{\C-e}\C-a\C-[[B-- \C-y \C-a\C-[[B") (insert-kbd-macro 'mf) C-c ESC r -- tcl-send-region ##### # # Parsers for Tcl (recycling) # ##### # «parsers_for_tcl» (to ".parsers_for_tcl") # (find-tcl7file "") # (find-tcl7file "generic/tclParse.c") # (find-tcl7file "generic/tclInt.h" "ParseValue") # (find-tcl7file "tests/parse.test") agrep Tcl /usr/src/tcl7.6-7.6p2/generic/tclParse.c (fooi "TCL_BACKSLASH, " "/" "TCL_CLOSE_BRACE, " "}" "TCL_COMMAND_END, " "0" "TCL_DOLLAR, " "$" "TCL_NORMAL, " "a" "TCL_OPEN_BRACE, " "{" "TCL_OPEN_BRACKET," "[" "TCL_QUOTE, " "\"" "TCL_SPACE, " " " ) 0aaaaaaaa 0 aa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a"a$aaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa0aaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa[/0aa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa{a}aa # (find-elfile "tcl-mode.el") # (find-fline "/usr/src/tuba-2.5.b1/") # (find-fline "/usr/src/tuba-2.5.b1/src/") # (find-fline "/usr/src/tuba-2.5.b1/src/README" "VERY QUICK") # (find-fline "/usr/src/tuba-2.5.b1/src/Tclparser.tcl") # Three parsers, each to be run with M-x eet: source /usr/src/tuba-2.5.b1/src/Tclparser.tcl proc tset {vname val} {puts "$vname:=$val"; upvar $vname v; set v $val} tset code {if [$a=="!"] {puts bang} else {puts $a}; [put${s} foo] bar} tset tp [new_Tclparser $code 1] while 1 { tset tok [$tp gettok] if {$tok==[geteof]} break } delete_Tclparser $tp source /usr/src/tuba-2.5.b1/src/Tclparser.tcl proc tset {vname val} {puts "$vname:=$val"; upvar $vname v; set v $val} proc parse_recursively {code {pre {}}} { set tp [new_Tclparser $code 1] while 1 { puts -nonewline $pre tset tok [$tp gettok] if {$tok==[geteof]} break if [regexp "^\[\[\{\"\]" $tok] { parse_recursively $tok " $pre" } } delete_Tclparser $tp } tset code {if {$a=="!"} {puts bang} else {puts $a}; [put${s} foo] bar} parse_recursively $code source /usr/src/tuba-2.5.b1/src/Tclparser.tcl proc tset {vname val} {puts "$vname := $val"; upvar $vname v; set v $val} proc parse_recursively {code {pre {}}} { set tp [new_Tclparser $code 1] while 1 { switch [set tok [$tp gettok]] \ [geteof] break \ [geteos] {puts "$pre<<EOS>>"} \ default { puts "$pre$tok" if [regexp "^\[\[\{\"\]" $tok] { parse_recursively $tok " $pre" } } } delete_Tclparser $tp } tset code {if {$a=="!"} {puts bang} else {puts $a}; [put${s} foo] bar} parse_recursively $code # (find-node "(flex)Top") ##### # # splitter # ##### proc splitter0 {str p1p2} { foreach {p1 p2} $p1p2 {} return [list [string range $str 0 [expr $p1-1]] \ [string range $str $p1 $p2] \ [string range $str [expr $p2+1] end]] } regexp -indices "2.*4" 0123456789 r foreach {beg line rest} [splitter0 0123456789 $r] {} puts [splitter0 0123456789 $r] # -> 01 234 56789 proc splitter {pat str} { set rest $str while {[regexp -indices $pat $rest {} range]} { foreach {prematch match rest} [splitter0 $rest $range] {} lappend pieces $prematch $match } lappend pieces $rest return $pieces } puts [splitter "(<\[^>\]*>)" "012<34>5<67>88"] # -> 012 <34> 5 <67> 88 set str [exec cat /home/root/ZHTML/escripts/kernel.e] set pat1 "\n((#+|;+|\\\\|\\\\;) «\[!-~\]+»\n)" set spl [splitter $pat1 $str] foreach {nonmatch match} $spl { puts -nonewline "([string length $nonmatch]), $match" } # Constant/linear/linear*log time? # (find-fline "/usr/src/tcl7.4/tclVar.c" "Tcl_AppendCmd(") # (find-fline "/usr/src/tcl7.4/tclVar.c" "Tcl_LappendCmd(") ##### # # encode_entities # ##### # «encode_entities» (to ".encode_entities") isoto850 < /usr/lib/perl5/HTML/Entities.pm isoto850 < /usr/lib/perl5/HTML/Entities.pm | grep "[Ç- ]" | tee ~/o # (find-fline "~/o") # (find-pl55ifile "HTML/Entities.pm") # (find-drfcfile "rfc1866.txt.gz") # (find-drfcfile "rfc1866.txt.gz" "9.7.2. ISO Latin 1 Character Entity Set") for {set x 128} {$x<256} {incr x} { set Entname([format "%c" $x]) [format "%c" $x] } # puts $Entname() -> foreach {char entname} { Æ AElig Á Aacute  Acirc À Agrave Å Aring à Atilde Ä Auml Ç Ccedil É Eacute Ê Ecirc È Egrave Ë Euml Í Iacute Ï Iuml Ó Oacute Ô Ocirc Ò Ograve Õ Otilde Ö Ouml Ú Uacute Û Ucirc Ù Ugrave Ü Uuml á aacute â acirc æ aelig à agrave å aring ã atilde ä auml ç ccedil é eacute ê ecirc è egrave ë euml í iacute î icirc ì igrave ï iuml ó oacute ô ocirc ò ograve õ otilde ö ouml ß szlig ú uacute û ucirc ù ugrave ü uuml ª ordf « laquo ° deg º ordm » raquo & amp > gt < lt " quot } { set Entname($char) "&$entname;" } ##### # # expand (Bill Duquette's html generator) # ##### cd $S/http/www.cogent.net/~duquette/expand/ psne http://www.cogent.net/~duquette/expand/expand1.2.tar.gz rm -Rv /usr/src/expand1.2/ mkdir /usr/src/expand1.2/ cd /usr/src/expand1.2/ unzip -a $S/http/www.cogent.net/~duquette/expand/expand12.zip # (find-fline "/usr/src/expand1.2/") # (find-fline "~/TCL/html.004") ##### # # Some notes on an old version of my html generator # ##### # (find-enode "Fill Commands") # (find-enode "Fill Commands" "adaptive-fill-mode") # (find-enode "Text Mode" "indented-text-mode") # (find-fline "~/.zshrc" "date") date --utc '+%Y%b%d %k:%M' | tr A-Z a-z date -u '+%Y%b%d %k:%M' | tr A-Z a-z date -r ~/TCL/html.004 -u '+%Y%b%d %k:%M' | tr A-Z a-z puts [exec date -u "+%Y%b%d %k:%M" | tr A-Z a-z] # My timezone is wrong. Shit. # (find-vldifile "libc6.list") # (find-vldifile "timezones.list") # (find-fline "/usr/sbin/tzconfig") # (find-fline "/usr/bin/tzselect") ##### # # finer control on evaluation # ##### proc id {arg} {return $arg} proc E {script} { global errorInfo if [set err [catch "id $script" output]] { regexp "^\[^\n\]*" $errorInfo firstline puts $firstline } else { puts $output } } set a1 {[set $a2]} set a2 a3 set a3 {[set $a4]} set s4 a5 proc jaa {args} { return [uplevel #0 eval list [list $args]] } puts {jaa $a1 $a1} puts [jaa {$a1 $a1}] puts [jaa "$a1 $a1"] puts [jaa {$a1} {$a1}] puts [jaa $a1 $a1] set a1 {$a2} set a2 foo proc id {x} { return $x } proc e {s} { uplevel #0 id [list $s] } puts [e {$a1}] proc map {F list1} { set list2 {} foreach item $list1 { lappend list2 [eval $F [list $item]] } return $list2 } proc le {ss} { map e $ss } puts [le {$a1 $a1}] proc es {args} { le $args } puts [es {$a1} {$a1}] puts [es {$a1 $a1}] puts aa puts [list aa] puts [list [list aa]] puts "" puts {$aa} puts [list {$aa}] puts [list [list {$aa}]] puts "" puts [lindex {$aa $aa} 0] puts [lindex {{$aa} {$aa}} 0] puts [lindex {{{$aa}} {{$aa}}} 0] puts "" puts [list {$a1} {$a1}] puts [list {{$a1}} {{$a1}}] puts "" puts [list aa {aa} {$aa}] puts [list \\ \{ \$a \$\{\\a ] puts \$\{\\a Acho que o "list" sempre põe chaves -- exceto pelos elementos que não têm nenhum caracter especial. # (find-tcl7file "") # (find-tcl7file "tclBasic.c" "\"append\"") Tcl_ListCmd Como é que eu faço um "eval" em que cada argumento passe protegido? Quero isso aqui, ó: proc map {F list1} { set list2 {} foreach item $list1 { lappend list2 [eval $F [list $item]] } return $list2 } proc foo {args} { eval map puts [list $args] eval map puts [list [map list $args]] } foo \{a \\a \$a Um grande mistério: o que é eval puts \{a b\} ? Ah, o concat faz algo bem bobo com os strings que ele concatena... ou não? Qual é a diferença entre concat e join? Como o concat age sobre não-listas? O concat só sanduícha espaços, i.e., ele é quase a mesma coisa que "join $list", só que o concat recebe seus argumentos separados. A transformação que leva um string em "list $string" é horrivelmente complicada e eu deveria pôr um nível de abstração em torno dela pra usá-la mais claramente; aí o tcl passaria a ter tipos (mesmo que só na cabeça do programador). Se eu esqueço os tipos com profundidades mistas os tipos básicos passam a ser string, lista de strings, lista de lista de strings... e uma lista de lista de strings, se tiver sido criada do jeito certo, não sintetizada às pressas com "$a $b"s (mas acho que "[list $a] [list $b]" dá o mesmo que [list $a $b], pela definição do concat) deve ser invariante por map {map list} $list, acho. ##### # # plugin # ##### /snarf/ftp/ftp.scriptics.com/pub/tcl/plugin/tclplug20-x86-linux2.tar.gz /snarf/http/sunscript.sun.com/dist/plugin /snarf/http/sunscript.sun.com/dist/plugin/index.html /snarf/http/sunscript.sun.com/dist/plugin/old /snarf/http/sunscript.sun.com/dist/plugin/old/index.html /snarf/http/sunscript.sun.com/dist/plugin/tclplug20-src.tar.gz tar -tvzf /snarf/ftp/ftp.scriptics.com/pub/tcl/plugin/tclplug20-x86-linux2.tar.gz # (find-fline "/snarf/ftp/ftp.scriptics.com/pub/tcl/plugin/tclplug20-x86-linux2.tar.gz") rm -Rv /usr/src/tclplug20-x86-linux2/ cd /usr/src/ tar -xvzf $S/ftp/ftp.scriptics.com/pub/tcl/plugin/tclplug20-x86-linux2.tar.gz cd /usr/src/tclplug20-x86-linux2/ su -s install.sh edrx # (find-fline "~/.netscape/") # (find-fline "~edrx/.netscape/") # (find-fline "~edrx/.netscape/plugin-list") /home/edrx/.netscape/plugins/libtclp2.0.so 885356030 application/x-tcl: .tcl:Tcl Web Applets; pluginName=Tcl Plugin 2.0 pluginDescription=Tcl Plugin 2.0 (2.0.200). Executes tclets found in Web pages. See the <a href=http://sunscript.sun.com/plugin/>Tcl Plugin</a> home page for more details. rm -Rv /usr/src/tclplugin2.0/ cd /usr/src/ tar -xvzf $S/http/sunscript.sun.com/dist/plugin/tclplug20-src.tar.gz cd /usr/src/tclplugin2.0/ # (find-fline "/usr/src/tclplugin2.0/") # (find-fline "/usr/src/tclplugin2.0/README" "--with") cd /usr/src/tclplugin2.0/tcl8.0/unix/ ./configure --enable-shared |& tee oc make |& tee om # (find-fline "/usr/src/tclplugin2.0/tcl8.0/unix/om" "duplicate case value") # (find-fline "/usr/src/tclplugin2.0/tcl8.0/generic/tclPosixStr.c" 328) cd /usr/src/tclplugin2.0/tk8.0/unix/ ./configure |& tee oc make |& tee om cd /usr/src/tclplugin2.0/plugin2.0/unix/ configure \ --with-tcl=/usr/src/tclplugin2.0/tcl8.0/unix \ --with-tk=/usr/src/tclplugin2.0/tk8.0/unix \ --with-mozilla=/home/root/.netscape |& tee oc ##### # # itcl # ##### apti itcl3.0 itcl3.0-dev # (find-vldifile "itcl3.0.list") # (find-vldifile "itcl3.0-dev.list") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/itcl3.0/") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/itcl3.0/iwidgets3.0.0/examples/catalog") # (find-fline "/usr/lib/iwidgets3.0.0/scripts/") apti itcl3.0 itcl3.0-dev cd /usr/doc/itcl3.0/iwidgets3.0.0/examples/ /usr/doc/itcl3.0/iwidgets3.0.0/examples/catalog pdsc /big/slinks2/dists/slink/main/source/libs/itcl3.0_3.0-1.dsc cd /usr/src/itcl3.0-3.0/ psner -A htm,html,gif,jpg -X TclTkMan -l 200 http://www.tcltk.com/ |& tee ~/o cd $S/http/www.tcltk.com/ setopt extendedglob # rm -Rv *~TclTkMan unsetopt extendedglob cd $S/http/ wget -A htm,html,gif,jpg -X TclTkMan -l 200 -r -k -nc http://www.tcltk.com/ rm -Rv /usr/src/itcl-intro/ cd /usr/src/ tar -xvzf $S/http/www.tcltk.com/itcl/doc/itcl-intro.tar.gz cd /usr/src/itcl-intro/ # On autoloading and auto_mkindex: gv -page 63 -scale 2 itclitk-a4.ps ##### # # xf4.3 # ##### rm /usr/src/xf/ cd /usr/src/ tar -xvzf $S/http/home.nycap.rr.com/drlabelle/download/xf43.tar.gz cd /usr/src/xf/ # (find-fline "/usr/src/xf/") # (find-fline "/usr/src/xf/Install.txt") edrxnetscape Help/index.html ##### # # tclhttpd # 99oct20 # ##### # «tclhttpd» (to ".tclhttpd") rm /usr/src/tclhttpd2.2.1/ cd /usr/src/ tar -xvzf $S/http/www.scriptics.com/ftp/httpd/tclhttpd2.2.1.tar.gz cd /usr/src/tclhttpd2.2.1/ # (find-fline "/usr/src/tclhttpd2.2.1/") # (find-fline "/usr/src/tclhttpd2.2.1/README") cd /usr/src/tclhttpd2.2.1/ tclsh bin/httpd.tcl -debug true lynx ##### # # modemtcl # 99may?? # ##### # I gave up running this in favor of Expect+minicom. cd /usr/src/ rm -Rv modemtcl-0.1/ mkdir modemtcl-0.1/ cd /usr/src/modemtcl-0.1/ tar -xvzf $S/http/www.fe.msk.ru/~vitus/works/modemtcl-0.1.tar.gz cd /usr/src/modemtcl-0.1/ make modemtcl man2t < modemtcl.1 | l # (find-fline "/usr/src/modemtcl-0.1/") # (find-fline "/usr/src/modemtcl-0.1/dumbterm.tcl" "/dev/ttyS") cd /usr/src/modemtcl-0.1/ rm /var/lock/LCK..ttyS2 modemtcl dumbterm.tcl # (find-fline "/usr/src/modemtcl-0.1/") man 3tcl fileevent ###### # # plplot on Slink (with Tcl) # ###### # «plplot» (to ".plplot") apti plplot plplot-doc plplot-dev plplot-tcl # (find-vldifile "plplot-tcl.list") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/plplot-tcl/") # (find-node "(plplot)Top") # (find-vldifile "octave-plplot.list") # (find-vldifile "plplot.list") # (find-vldifile "plplot-dev.list") # (find-vldifile "plplot-doc.list") # (find-vldifile "plplot-tcl.list") # (find-fline "/usr/lib/tcl8.0/plplot/") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/plplot/examples/tcl/") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/plplot/examples/tk/") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/plplot/examples/tcl/tcldemos.tcl") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/plplot/examples/tcl/") # (find-node "(plplot)API") # Working: cd /usr/doc/plplot/examples/tcl/ pltcl -e 'plsdev xwin; plinit; source tcldemos.tcl proc run {args} { foreach n $args { puts "$n:"; $n; puts "$n ok" }} run 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 exit' # (find-plpfile "bindings/tk/tkMain.c" "pltkMain(int") # (find-plpfile "bindings/tk/tkMain.c" "argTable") # (find-node "(plplot)Initializing") # Not working (but almost :-)) # rm -Rv /usr/src/plplote/ mkdir /usr/src/plplote/ cd /usr/src/plplote/ cp -iv /usr/doc/plplot/examples/c/* . gzip -dv * cd /usr/src/plplote/ gcc tutor.c cd /usr/src/plplote/ gcc -E tutor.c > tutor.E gcc -ltk8.0 -ltcl8.0 -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -ldl -lm \ -lplplotdtk -lMatrix tutor.c |& tee o # (find-fline "/usr/src/plplote/") # (find-fline "/usr/src/plplote/tutor.c") # (find-fline "/usr/src/plplote/plcdemos.h") # (find-fline "/usr/src/plplote/Makefile") # (find-plpfile "") # (find-plpfile "bindings/tcl/") # (find-plpfile "bindings/tk/") # (find-plpfile "bindings/tk/tkMain.c") pltcl -e 'puts foo' /usr/lib/libPLcxx.so /usr/lib/libplplotdtk.a /usr/lib/libplplotdX.a /usr/lib/libPLcxx.a /usr/lib/libMatrix.a /usr/lib/libplplotdX.so /usr/lib/libplplotdtk.so /usr/lib/libMatrix.so # (find-fline "/usr/doc/plplot-dev/") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/plplot-doc/") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/plplot-tcl/") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/plplot/") # (find-vldifile "plplot-dev.list") # (find-vldifile "plplot-doc.list") # (find-vldifile "plplot-tcl.list") # (find-vldifile "plplot.list") # (find-vldifile "plotmtv.list") # (find-vldifile "quickplot.list") # (find-vldifile "sciplot.list") ##### # # sciplot # ##### # «sciplot» (to ".sciplot") Pgrep m/sciplot/ apti sciplot lesstifg lesstifg-dev # (find-vldifile "sciplot.list") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/sciplot/") cd /usr/doc/sciplot/ edrxnetscape SciPlot.html # (find-fline "/usr/doc/sciplot/examples/") apti lesstifg-dev cd /tmp gcc -o ./xyplot -I/usr/X11R6/include /usr/doc/sciplot/examples/xyplot.c -lsciplot xyplot /usr/doc/sciplot/examples/data.txt cd /tmp gcc -o ./realtime /usr/doc/sciplot/examples/realtime.c -lsciplot realtime # (find-fline "/usr/doc/octave-plplot/") # (find-vldifile "octave-plplot.list") ##### # # quickplot # ##### # «quickplot» (to ".quickplot") Pgrep m/quickplot/ apti quickplot # (find-vldifile "quickplot.list") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/quickplot/") test_data | quickplot -Pv & man quickplot ##### # # plotmtv # ##### # «plotmtv» (to ".plotmtv") apti plotmtv # (find-vldifile "plotmtv.list") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/plotmtv/") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/plotmtv/examples/") cd /usr/doc/plotmtv/examples/ ./run.csh pdsc /big/slinks2/dists/slink/main/source/math/plplot_4.99j-8.dsc debian/rules binary |& tee odrb ##### # # Debugging ".so"s # ##### # «debugging-.sos» (to ".debugging-.sos") # (find-fline "$S/http/www.cica.indiana.edu/cica/faq/tcl/book.examples" "31") # (find-fline "~/TCL/simple2.c") # (find-fline "~/TCL/simple2.tcl") # (find-tclfile "odrb" " -shared") cd ~/TCL/ gcc -shared -o simple2.so simple2.c ##### # # visual-tcl # ##### # «visual-tcl» (to ".visual-tcl") apti visual-tcl # (find-vldifile "visual-tcl.list") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/visual-tcl/") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/examples/visual-tcl/") # (find-fline "/usr/bin/vtcl") # (find-fline "/usr/lib/visual-tcl/vt.tcl") # (find-fline "/usr/lib/visual-tcl/vt.tcl" "proc vTcl:main") cd /usr/doc/examples/visual-tcl/ vtcl cd /usr/doc/examples/visual-tcl/ tubak /usr/lib/visual-tcl/vt.tcl ##### # # very small httpd, from comp.lang.tcl/dejanews # ##### >> Forum: comp.lang.tcl >> Thread: simple httpd written in tk/tcl >> Message 1 of 1 Subject: Re: simple httpd written in tk/tcl Date: 1999/04/07 Author: Samy Zafrany <samy@mail.netanya.ac.il> Posting History David S Cargo wrote: > I am trying to find the simple httpd written in tk/tcl that has been > mentioned in the FAQ. The location given in the FAQ, > http://arsenio.mit.edu:8001 no longer responds to http requests. The > contact, jrq@mtl.mit.edu (John R. Gilbert) is no longer a valid user on > that system. > > I just want a supersimple httpd to run on a single system to serve up > static pages on a very small intranet. I have downloaded tclhttpd 2.1.7 > from Scriptics, but is more complex than I personally need. > > I have used Alta Vista to search the web and Deju News to search news > archives, but I didn't find an alternate source. > > --David S. Cargo The simplest httpd that I ever seen is due to Harald Kaplan. I do not recall were I got it, but since it's so short, here it is (it may look too short to be useful, but it is!), with the author's words in comment: # <html><head><title>DustMote source.</title></head> # <body bgcolor=white><plaintext> # This web server program has a smaller source than any other that I have # seen or heard of. Its name is DustMote, and I hereby place it in the # public domain. # I wrote it in the Tcl language because Tcl is free, easy, stable, and # well documented. For more documentation than comes with the Tcl # download, one may purchase Brent B. Welch's excellent book, "Practical # Programming in Tcl and Tk," second edition, Prentice Hall PTR. It is # well worth the money. It is true that Tcl is not remarkably speedy, but # it is fast enough for my site, and, though not multi-threaded, it can # handle many clients at the same time asynchronously, by the use of # non-blocking channels. # Of course, there are now many freeware server programs to be downloaded # from the web, and most of them are sturdy professional jobs that go like # lightning and swarm with useful features. The businessperson ought to # use one of those. I am an amateur, so I had to write the program myself. # There are nearly no features. All DustMote can do is serve files, both # text and image. I offer it to fellow amateurs, so they can ignore other # people's features and think up new features that have never been thought # up before. # If you do use my program, remember to change the definition of "root" to # suit your computer. Be sure to use forward slashes, not backward, or # else double them so Tcl will understand them rightly. # Please E-mail complaints to hmk@nadn.navy.mil and do not try to spare my # feelings. The date of this revision is May 26, 1998. # Yours truly, # Harold Kaplan. set root "/var/www" set default "index.html" set port 80 proc bgerror {trouble} {puts stdout "bgerror: $trouble"} proc answer {socketChannel host2 port2} { fileevent $socketChannel readable [list readIt $socketChannel] } proc readIt {socketChannel} { global root default fconfigure $socketChannel -blocking 0 set gotLine [gets $socketChannel] if { [fblocked $socketChannel] } then {return} fileevent $socketChannel readable "" set shortName "/" regexp {/[^ ]*} $gotLine shortName set many [string length $shortName] set last [string index $shortName [expr $many-1] ] if {$last=="/"} then {set shortName $shortName$default } set wholeName $root$shortName if [catch {set fileChannel [open $wholeName RDONLY] } ] { puts $socketChannel "HTTP/1.0 404 Not found" puts $socketChannel "" puts $socketChannel "<html><head><title><No such URL.></title></head>" puts $socketChannel "<body><center>" puts $socketChannel "The URL you requested does not exist on this site." puts $socketChannel "</center></body></html>" } else { fconfigure $fileChannel -translation binary fconfigure $socketChannel -translation binary -buffering full puts $socketChannel "HTTP/1.0 200 OK" puts $socketChannel "" set work [read $fileChannel] puts $socketChannel $work close $fileChannel } close $socketChannel } socket -server answer $port vwait forEver ##### # # dustmote 1.04 # 2000apr16 # ##### # «dustmote» (to ".dustmote") # (find-es "http" "dustmote") # ftp://ftp.unicamp.br/pub/simtelnet/win95/webbrows/dumo104.zip # (find-fline "$S/ftp/ftp.unicamp.br/pub/simtelnet/win95/webbrows/dumo104.zip") rm -Rv /usr/src/dustmote/ mkdir /usr/src/dustmote/ cd /usr/src/dustmote/ unzip -La $S/ftp/ftp.unicamp.br/pub/simtelnet/win95/webbrows/dumo104.zip patch dustmote.tcl <<'%%%' 1,3c1,3 < set root d:/mytcls/webpages < set default index.htm < set port 80 --- > set root /home/root/TH/L > set default index.html > set port 8080 141c141 < # vwait forEver --- > vwait forEver %%% # (code-c-d "dm" "/usr/src/dustmote/") # (find-dmfile "") # (find-dmfile "readme.txt" "tclsh") # (find-dmfile "dustmote.tcl") # (find-dmfile "dustmote.tcl" "proc answer") # (eeman "3tcl socket") tclsh /usr/src/dustmote/dustmote.tcl lynx ##### # # first experience with socket servers # 2000apr16 / 2021dec08 # ##### # «socket_servers_0» (to ".socket_servers_0") # (find-man "1 expect") # (find-man "3tcl vwait") expect -c ' proc ans {sock callerip clientport} { puts "$sock $callerip $clientport" puts [gets $sock] close $sock } socket -server ans 5000 vwait forever ' expect -c ' proc ans {sock callerip clientport} { puts "$sock $callerip $clientport" puts [eval [read $sock]] close $sock } socket -server ans 5000 vwait forever ' & telnet 5000 # Use "^] close" to end the telnet session. expect -c ' set sock [socket 5000] puts $sock "puts foo" close $sock ' ##### # # tcltutor - new version # ##### # «tcltutor» (to ".tcltutor") rm -Rv /usr/src/TclTutor/ cd /usr/src/ tar -xvzf $S/http/www.msen.com/~clif/tutor097.tar.gz cd /usr/src/TclTutor/ # (find-tcltfile "") # (find-tcltfile "conf.tk") patch conf.tk <<'%%%' 1094,1095c1094,1097 < set install_dir "/usr/local/lib/tcltutor/lessons" < set bin_dir "/usr/local/bin" --- > # set install_dir "/usr/local/lib/tcltutor/lessons" > # set bin_dir "/usr/local/bin" > set install_dir "/usr/src/TclTutor/local/lib/tcltutor/lessons" > set bin_dir "/usr/src/TclTutor/local/bin" %%% cd /usr/src/TclTutor/ # ./Configure tubak conf.tk # (find-tcltfile "conf.tk") cd /usr/src/TclTutor/local/bin/ ./TclTutor.tk ##### # # Crim - interface to the 2D diagram # ##### # «crim-2d» (to ".crim-2d") # (find-fline "~/TK/diaglib.013") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/tk8.0/examples/items.tcl") # Version 0: canvas .c -width 500 -height 350 -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 pack .c -expand yes -fill both proc blop {x y args} { eval .c create rectangle \ [expr $x*20+5] [expr $y*20+5] [expr $x*20+20] [expr $y*20+20] \ -tags $x,$y .c bind $x,$y <Enter> ".c itemconf $x,$y -fill yellow" .c bind $x,$y <Leave> ".c itemconf $x,$y -fill {}" } blop 0 0 blop 1 0 blop 2 1 # Version 1: canvas .c -width 500 -height 350 -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 pack .c -expand yes -fill both # Globals: (behaves like:) # xyrets() xyrets(1,0) -> 0,0 (or {}) # xyfail() xyfail(2,1) -> 3,0 (or {}) # xynow xynow -> 2,1 (or {}) set xynow {} proc blop {x y ret fail} { global xyrets xyfails eval .c create rectangle \ [expr $x*20+5] [expr $y*20+5] [expr $x*20+20] [expr $y*20+20] \ -tags $x,$y .c bind $x,$y <Enter> "enter-blop $x,$y" .c bind $x,$y <Leave> "leave-blop $x,$y" set xyrets($x,$y) $ret set xyfails($x,$y) $fail } proc color-blop {xy this_ret_fail_retfail} { global xyrets xyfails if {$xy==""} {return} set xyret $xyrets($xy) set xyfail $xyfails($xy) set xyretfail {} if {$xyret==$xyfail} {set xyretfail $xyret; set xyret {}; set xyfail {}} foreach axy [list $xy $xyret $xyfail $xyretfail] \ color $this_ret_fail_retfail { if {$axy!=""} {.c itemconf $axy -fill $color} } } proc enter-blop {xy} { global xynow; if {$xynow!=$xy} {leave-blop $xynow} color-blop $xy {mintcream yellow red orange} set $xynow $xy } proc leave-blop {xy} { global xynow if {$xy!={}} {color-blop $xy {{} {} {} {}}} set $xynow {} } blop 0 0 {} {} blop 1 0 0,0 {} blop 2 1 1,0 1,0 blop 2 2 1,0 2,1 Próximos passos: 1) passo a ter um array indexado por x,y que diz quem é o ret e quem é o fail de um cara; cada um deles pode ser {}. Na hora de colorir o fail fica em vermelho, o ret em amarelo, e se os dois forem o mesmo a gente colore de laranja. O próprio carinha sob o cursor ganha um verde bonito. 2) Passo a ter um outro array que diz o texto pra mostrar embaixo quando ##### # # tkinspect # ##### # «tkinspect» (to ".tkinspect") psne $ALCATCL/alcatel/code/tkinspect-5.1.6.tar.gz rm -Rv /usr/src/tkinspect-5/ cd /usr/src/ tar -xvzf $SALCATCL/alcatel/code/tkinspect-5.1.6.tar.gz cd /usr/src/tkinspect-5/ rm -Rv RCS patch install.tcl <<'%%%' 84c84 < set prefix /usr/local --- > set prefix /usr/src/tkinspect-5 153a154 > set wish /usr/bin/wish 219a220,221 > > do_install %%% patch version.tcl <<'%%%' 12c12 < if {$major != 4} { --- > if {$major != 4 && 0} { %%% mkdir -p bin lib/tkinspect agrep send $(find *) |& tee o cd /usr/src/tkinspect-5/ wish install.tcl # tubak install.tcl wish -f tkinspect.tcl # (find-fline "/usr/src/tkinspect-5/README") # (find-fline "/usr/src/tkinspect-5/install.tcl") # (find-fline "/usr/src/tkinspect-5/install.tcl" "proc do_install") # (find-fline "/usr/src/tkinspect-5/install.tcl" "proc install ") # set wish /usr/bin/wish # (find-fline "/usr/src/tkinspect-5/install.tcl" 130) # (find-fline "/usr/src/tkinspect-5/version.tcl") # (code-c-d "tki" "/usr/src/tkinspect-5/") # (find-tkifile "tkinspect.tcl") cd /usr/src/tkinspect-5/ agrep -w proc *.tcl */*.tcl | tee ~/o agrep -w target *.tcl */*.tcl | tee ~/o2 # (find-fline "~/o") # (find-fline "~/o2") # (find-tkifile "") # (find-tkifile "stl-lite/") # Not working AFAIK ##### # # send # 99oct?? # ##### # «send» (to ".send") # (eeman "xauth" ".n.extract") startx #* xauth nextract /tmp/0.0 :0.0 laf /tmp/0.0 cat /tmp/0.0 chmod 666 /tmp/0.0 # su -s /usr/X11R6/bin/xauth edrx nmerge /tmp/0.0 #* # Tests with my diagram editor: # echo 'puts [send tmpdiag {winfo children .buttons}]; exit' | wish proc listwithchildren {app parent} { puts $parent foreach child [send $app "winfo children $parent"] { listwithchildren $app $child } } listwithchildren [lindex $argv 0] . exit # (find-fline "~/TCL/") # (find-fline "~/TCL/winfo") # (find-fline "~/TCL/tclsendmail") # And for items in canvases?... cat > /tmp/w <<'---' proc ps {args} {puts [eval send tmpdiag $args]} ps winfo children . ps winfo children .c ps .c configure ps .c find all ps .c itemconfigure 1 ps .c type 1 --- wish /tmp/w ##### # # mktclapp: C functions with binary arguments # ##### # «mktclapp_objcom» (to ".mktclapp_objcom") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/mktclapp/mktclapp.html" "<a name=\"toc11\">") # (find-fline "~/MTA/") # (find-fline "~/MTA/test.tcl") # (find-fline "~/MTA/Makefile") # (find-fline "~/MTA/objcom.c") cd ~/MTA/ make clean cd ~/MTA/ make cd ~/MTA/ (cat ~/replace/ega1.8; gzip -cd /usr/share/consolefonts/iso01.f08.gz) \ > /tmp/512 objcom test.tcl 8 /tmp/512 # (find-node "(gdb)File Options") # (gdb "gdb -quiet -x ~/MTA/objcom.gdb objcom") # (find-fline "~/MTA/objcom.gdb") # (find-tcltag "Tcl_GetStringFromObj") # (find-tcltag "Tcl_GetIntFromObj") # (find-tcltag "Tcl_Obj") # (find-fline "~/MTA/objcom.E") # (find-fline "~/MTA/objcom_.E") ##### # # Enhancing mktclapp with a variadic argument parser # (Completely incomplete!) # ##### # «mktclapp_variadic» (to ".mktclapp_variadic") /* * (find-node "(libc)Variable Arguments Output") * (find-node "(gcc.info)Macro Varargs") * (find-node "(libc)Variadic Functions") * (find-node "(libc)Variadic Example") * (find-node "(cpp)Stringification") */ int add_em_up (int count,...) { va_list ap; int i, sum; va_start (ap, count); /* Initialize the argument list. */ sum = 0; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) sum += va_arg (ap, int); /* Get the next argument value. */ va_end (ap); /* Clean up. */ return sum; } int main (void) { /* This call prints 16. */ printf ("%d\n", add_em_up (3, 5, 5, 6)); /* This call prints 55. */ printf ("%d\n", add_em_up (10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)); return 0; } #define assert_nargs(n, msg) \ if (argc!=(n)+1) { \ Et_ResultF(interp, "wrong # args: should be %s %s", argv[0], msg); \ return TCL_ERROR; \ } #define get_intarg(n, name, iptr) \ { \ if (argc!=(n)+1) { \ Et_ResultF(interp, "wrong # args: should be %s %s", argv[0], msg); \ return TCL_ERROR; \ } /* char *tail; int n; errno = 0; next = strtol (string, &tail, 0); if (errno) printf ("Overflow\n"); else sum += next; string = tail; } int strtol (const char *STRING, char **TAILPTR, int BASE) 0004 int ET_COMMAND_add(ET_TCLARGS){ 0005 if( argc!=3 ){ 0006 Et_ResultF(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"%s NUM1 NUM2\"",argv[0]); 0007 return TCL_ERROR; 0008 } 0009 Et_ResultF(interp,"%d", atoi(argv[1]) + atoi(argv[2])); 0010 return TCL_OK; # (find-tclfile "") # (find-tclfile "changes" "Changes for Tcl 8.0 go below this line.") # (find-vldifile "tcl8.0-dev.list") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/tcl8.0-dev/") grep -i obj $(eefile vldi tcl8.0-dev.list) | sort > ~/o grep -i obj $(eefile vldi tcl8.0-dev.list) | sort \ | perl -nle 'm:man3/(.*).3tcl.gz: && print $1' \ | perl -nle 'print " [man3tcl $_]"' \ | tee ~/o http://angg/cgi-bin/man2html/usr/man/man3/CrtObjCmd.3tcl.gz#index # (find-fline "~/o") /usr/man/man3/BoolObj.3tcl.gz # (find-tcltag "Tcl_Obj") # (find-fline "$PAGE2/mktclapp.th") # (find-fline "~/MTA/objcom.c") grep -i tcl ~/osnl | sort | grep -i htm > ~/o2 grep -v /man ~/o2 > ~/o3 grep /man ~/o2 > ~/o4 # (find-fline "~/o3") # (find-fline "~/o4") grep -i tcl ~/osnl | sort | awk '{if ($0 ~ /htm/) print " "$0; else print $0}' 14839 Fundamental /var/lib/dpkg/info/tcl8.0-dev.list ##### # # environment variables # 2000mar11 # ##### # «environment» (to ".environment") #* expect -c 'puts $env(DOREMOTE)' export DOREMOTE=1; expect -c 'puts $env(DOREMOTE)' export DOREMOTE=; expect -c 'puts $env(DOREMOTE)' unset DOREMOTE; expect -c 'puts [info exists env(DOREMOTE)]' export DOREMOTE=1; expect -c 'puts [info exists env(DOREMOTE)]' unset DOREMOTE; unset DR; expect -c 'puts [expr {[info exists env(DR)]&&$env(DR)}]' export DR=1; expect -c 'puts [expr {[info exists env(DR)]&&$env(DR)}]' export DR=0; expect -c 'puts [expr {[info exists env(DR)]&&$env(DR)}]' unset DR; #* ##### # # groupkit-5.1 # 99sep11 # ##### # «groupkit» (to ".groupkit") #* rm -Rv /usr/src/groupkit-5.1/ cd /usr/src/ tar -xvzf $S/ftp/ftp.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/pub/projects/grouplab/software/groupkit-5.1.tar.gz cd /usr/src/groupkit-5.1/ cd /usr/src/groupkit-5.1/unix/ ./configure --with-tcl=/usr/lib make install prefix=/usr exec_prefix=/usr/local |& tee omi #* registrar & open.reg # (find-fline "/usr/local/bin/") # (find-fline "/usr/lib/gk5.1/") rm -Rv /usr/lib/gk5.1/ rm -v /usr/local/bin/registrar rm -v /usr/local/bin/open.reg # (find-fline "/usr/src/groupkit-5.1/") # (find-fline "/usr/src/groupkit-5.1/README") # (find-fline "/usr/src/groupkit-5.1/unix/omi") # (find-fline "/usr/src/groupkit-5.1/unix/Makefile") # cd /usr/src/groupkit-5.1/unix/ # ./configure --with-tcl=/usr/src/tcl8.0-8.0.4/unix # mkdir /tmp/p /tmp/ep # make install prefix=/tmp/p exec_prefix=/tmp/ep |& tee omi # find /tmp cd /usr/src/groupkit-5.1/unix/ strace-to ~/s wish open.reg |& tee ow ###### # # Freehand drawing # 99oct18 # ###### # «freehand» (to ".freehand") # (find-expfile "exp_main_tk.c" "-command") #* function wish-c () { echo $1 > ~/tmp/ee.tcl; wish ~/tmp/ee.tcl } wish-c ' * (eepitch-wish) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-wish) pack [canvas .c] # canvas .c bind .c <ButtonPress-1> { set %W(line) [list %W coords [%W create line %x %y %x %y] %x %y] } bind .c <B1-Motion> {eval [lappend %W(line) %x %y]} bind .c <ButtonRelease-1> {unset %W(line)} * (eepitch-wish) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-wish) # z = x+iy => z^2 = (x+iy)^2 = x^2-y^2+2ixy # # .d is the domain, .c is the image. z |-> z^2. # Bug: y is flipped, but that`s unnoticeable in this case. # proc bpress {W x y} { global $W-line set $W-line [list $W coords [$W create line $x $y $x $y] $x $y] } proc bmotion {W x y} { global $W-line eval [lappend $W-line $x $y] } # pack [canvas .c -width 200 -height 200] bind .c <ButtonPress-1> {bpress .c %x %y} bind .c <B1-Motion> {bmotion .c %x %y} # proc tof {n} {expr ($n-100)/50.0} proc toscr {x} {expr ($x*50)+100} proc imx {x y} {toscr [expr {pow([tof $x],2) - pow([tof $y],2)}]} proc imy {x y} {toscr [expr {2*[tof $x]*[tof $y]}]} # toplevel .d pack [canvas .d.e -width 200 -height 200] bind .d.e <ButtonPress-1> { bpress .d.e %x %y bpress .c [imx %x %y] [imy %x %y] } bind .d.e <B1-Motion> { # puts "%x %y" bmotion .d.e %x %y bmotion .c [imx %x %y] [imy %x %y] } ###### # # tkpaint # 99oct18 # ###### # «tkpaint» (to ".tkpaint") apti tkpaint # (find-vldifile "tkpaint.list") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/tkpaint/") # (find-fline "/usr/X11R6/bin/tkpaint") # (find-fline "/usr/X11R6/lib/tkpaint/") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/tkpaint/examples/") cd /usr/doc/tkpaint/examples/ tkpaint demo2.pic tkpaint demo3.pic ##### # # static tcl libs (for freewrap) # 99nov11 # ##### # «static_libs» (to ".static_libs") pdsc /big/slinks2/dists/slink/main/source/libs/tcl8.0_8.0.4-2.dsc cd /usr/src/tcl8.0-8.0.4/ # etags $(find generic unix -name '*.[ch]') debian/rules binary |& tee odrb # (find-tclfile "") # (find-tclfile "debian/") # (find-tclfile "odrb") # (find-tclfile "unix/") ##### # # freewrap # 99nov11 # ##### # «freewrap» (to ".freewrap") rm -Rv /usr/src/freewrap/ mkdir /usr/src/freewrap/ cd /usr/src/freewrap/ tar -xvzf $S/http/www.albany.net/~dlabelle/freewrap/download/freewrap33.tar.gz # (find-fline "/usr/src/freewrap/freewrap.mta") mv freewrap.mta freewrap.mta.old cat > freewrap.mta <<'---' # Configuration file generated by xmktclapp # Hand editing is not recommended # # The "xmktclapp" program reads the lines that begin with "##". # The "mktclapp" program reads lines that don't begin with "#". # Lines beginning with a single "#" are comment. # ## Autofork No ## CFile:tcl/encrypt.c 1 ## CmdLine Console ## ConfigFile freewrap.mta ## MainScript tcl/freewrap.tcl ## Mode Tcl/Tk ## NoSource No ## OutputFile tcl/freewrap.c ## Shroud No ## Standalone Yes ## TclFile:tcl/freewrap.tcl 1 ## TclLib /usr/lib/tcl8.0 ## TkLib /usr/lib/tk8.0 # -console -main-script "freewrap.tcl" -tcl-library "/usr/lib/tcl8.0" -tk-library "/usr/lib/tk8.0" -strip-tcl "/usr/lib/tcl8.0/history.tcl" -strip-tcl "/usr/lib/tcl8.0/init.tcl" -strip-tcl "/usr/lib/tcl8.0/ldAout.tcl" -strip-tcl "/usr/lib/tcl8.0/parray.tcl" -strip-tcl "/usr/lib/tcl8.0/pkgIndex.tcl" -strip-tcl "/usr/lib/tcl8.0/safe.tcl" -strip-tcl "/usr/lib/tcl8.0/tclIndex" -strip-tcl "/usr/lib/tcl8.0/word.tcl" -strip-tcl "/usr/lib/tk8.0/bgerror.tcl" -strip-tcl "/usr/lib/tk8.0/button.tcl" -strip-tcl "/usr/lib/tk8.0/clrpick.tcl" -strip-tcl "/usr/lib/tk8.0/comdlg.tcl" -strip-tcl "/usr/lib/tk8.0/console.tcl" -strip-tcl "/usr/lib/tk8.0/dialog.tcl" -strip-tcl "/usr/lib/tk8.0/entry.tcl" -strip-tcl "/usr/lib/tk8.0/focus.tcl" -strip-tcl "/usr/lib/tk8.0/listbox.tcl" -strip-tcl "/usr/lib/tk8.0/menu.tcl" -strip-tcl "/usr/lib/tk8.0/msgbox.tcl" -strip-tcl "/usr/lib/tk8.0/obsolete.tcl" -strip-tcl "/usr/lib/tk8.0/optMenu.tcl" -strip-tcl "/usr/lib/tk8.0/palette.tcl" -strip-tcl "/usr/lib/tk8.0/safetk.tcl" -strip-tcl "/usr/lib/tk8.0/scale.tcl" -strip-tcl "/usr/lib/tk8.0/scrlbar.tcl" -strip-tcl "/usr/lib/tk8.0/tclIndex" -strip-tcl "/usr/lib/tk8.0/tearoff.tcl" -strip-tcl "/usr/lib/tk8.0/text.tcl" -strip-tcl "/usr/lib/tk8.0/tk.tcl" -strip-tcl "/usr/lib/tk8.0/tkfbox.tcl" -strip-tcl "/usr/lib/tk8.0/xmfbox.tcl" "encrypt.c" -strip-tcl "freewrap.tcl" --- rm freewrap mktclapp -f freewrap.mta > freewrap.c mktclapp -header > freewrap.h make \ LIBS="/usr/lib/libtcl8.0.a /usr/lib/libtk8.0.a -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -ldl -lieee -lm -lc" \ CFLAGS="-pipe -fPIC -DSTATIC_BUILD -DTcl_GetByteArrayFromObj=Tcl_GetStringFromObj -DTcl_NewByteArrayObj=Tcl_NewStringObj" \ -f makefile.linux |& tee om cd /usr/src/freewrap/ laf file freewrap ldd freewrap laf /usr/lib/lib{tcl,tk}* # (find-fline "/usr/src/freewrap/freewrap.mta") # (find-fline "/usr/src/freewrap/makefile.linux") # (find-vldifile "tcl8.0-dev.list") ##### # # postscript # ##### # (find-tkfile "tests/") # (find-tkfile "tests/canvPs.test") # (find-tkfile "tests/canvRect.test") # (find-tkfile "tests/canvText.test") # (find-tkfile "tests/canvPsArc.tcl") # (find-tkfile "tests/canvPsBmap.tcl") # (find-tkfile "tests/canvPsGrph.tcl") # (find-tkfile "tests/canvPsText.tcl") canvPs.test: .c postscript -file bar.ps canvRect.test: set x [.c postscript] canvText.test: set x [.c postscript] font.test: set post [.b.c postscript] font.test: set x [.b.c postscript] visual: $c postscript -file tmp.ps ##### # # Tk - more on PostScript # 99nov06 # ##### # «tk_ps» (to ".tk_ps") # (find-tkfile "doc/CanvPsY.3") # (find-tkfile "doc/CrtItemType.3") # (find-tkfile "doc/canvas.n") # (find-man "3tk CanvPsY") # (find-man "3tk CrtItemType") # (find-man "3tk canvas" "postscript") # (find-fline "~/LATEX/") # (find-fline "~/LATEX/diaglib.013" "postscript -file") ##### # # New version of the diagram libs # 00jan?? # ##### # «newdiaglib» (to ".newdiaglib") # (find-fline "~/LATEX/basiclib.013") # (find-fline "~/LATEX/diaglib.013") # (find-fline "~/LATEX/diaglib.014") # (find-fline "~/LATEX/desenhos.013") # (find-fline "~/.emacs" "diaglib") # (find-angg ".emacs" "diags") (defun eediag-bounded () (interactive) (write-ee-bounded "----------\n" "\n#----------" "cd ~/LATEX; cat > tmpdiag <<'--%%--'\nsource diaglib.014\n" "\n--%%--\nwish tmpdiag &\n")) (global-set-key [f3] 'eediag-bounded) ##### # # Calling Tcl from C # 99dec14 # ##### # «tcl_from_c» (to ".tcl_from_c") # (find-fline "$S/http/www.cica.indiana.edu/cica/faq/tcl/book.examples" "Tcl_Interp") # (find-vldifile "tcl8.0-dev.list") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/tcl8.0-dev/") # (find-man "3tcl Tcl_Eval") # (find-man "3tcl Tcl_EvalObj") # (find-man "3tcl Tcl_GetStringResult") #* cd /tmp/ cat > calltcl0.c <<'---' #include <stdio.h> #include <tcl.h> main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Tcl_Interp *interp = Tcl_CreateInterp(); Tcl_Eval(interp, "puts Hello"); Tcl_Eval(interp, "expr 1+2"); printf("..%s..\n", Tcl_GetStringResult(interp)); } --- gcc -ltcl8.0 -o calltcl0 calltcl0.c calltcl0 #* ##### # # The "MouseWheel" bug on Tk # 2000may01 # ##### # «mousewheel_bug» (to ".mousewheel_bug") # (eeman "3tk bind" "MouseWheel") # (find-fline "/usr/lib/tk8.0/listbox.tcl" "MouseWheel") # (find-fline "/usr/lib/tk8.0/text.tcl" "MouseWheel") # (eeman "3tk event" "MouseWheel") # Problem: it seems that "bind ... <MouseWheel> {code}" on a raw tk8.0 # on Linux makes tk scream; MouseWheel is a windows-only event, that # (I guess) isn't event recognize by tk8.0 on Linux. I don't think # it's possible to define it as some sort of virtual event, as virtual # events have names like "<<...>>"; but I'm almost tk-illiterate. # Further problem: some programs (like tclcl, used by nam) pack files # from /usr/lib/tk8.0/ in strings that are fed directly to tk; to # avoid letting the "bind ... <MouseWhell>" lines go into this code, # I'll try to use an ugly dirty hack. # *UGLY DIRTY HACK*: # Comment out (by hand) the following code blocks. # Add a link to this e-script: # (find-es "tcl" "mousewheel_bug") # (find-fline "/usr/lib/tk8.0/listbox.tcl" "MouseWheel") # (find-fline "/usr/lib/tk8.0/text.tcl" "MouseWheel") ##### # # nam (network animator) # 2000apr24 / 2019jun17 # ##### # «nam» (to ".nam") # (find-available "nam") # (find-zsh "installeddebs | sort | grep nam") # (find-zsh "availabledebs | sort | grep nam") # (find-status "nam") # (find-vldifile "nam.list") # (find-udfile "nam/") # (find-man "1 nam") # (find-status "nam-examples") # (find-vldifile "nam-examples.list") # (find-udfile "nam-examples/") # (find-udfile "nam/examples/") # (find-udfile "nam/examples/edu/") # http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/nam/ # https://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/doc/node616.html # https://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/doc/node607.html 9 Visualization with Nam - The Network Animator # (find-status "ns3") # (find-vldifile "ns3.list") # (find-udfile "ns3/") # https://www.nsnam.org/ # https://www.nsnam.org/documentation/ # https://www.nsnam.org/wiki/Main_Page # https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~awm22/publications/hall2003multi.pdf rm -Rv /usr/src/otcl-1.0a4/ cd /usr/src/ tar -xvzf $S/http/www-mash.cs.berkeley.edu/dist/otcl-1.0a4.tar.gz cd /usr/src/otcl-1.0a4/ ./configure |& tee oc # make |& tee om make INCLUDES="-I. -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/tcl8.0/generic" |& tee om rm -Rv /usr/src/tclcl-1.0b8/ cd /usr/src/ tar -xvzf $S/http/www-mash.cs.berkeley.edu/dist/tclcl-src-1.0b8.tar.gz cd /usr/src/tclcl-1.0b8/ ./configure |& tee oc rm embedded-tk.cc make |& tee om rm -Rv /usr/src/nam-1.0a8/ cd /usr/src/ tar -xvzf $S/http/www-mash.cs.berkeley.edu/dist/vint/nam-src-1.0a8.tar.gz cd /usr/src/nam-1.0a8/ ./configure |& tee oc make |& tee om gzip -c6 nam.1 > /usr/man/man1/nam.1.gz cd /usr/src/nam-1.0a8/ex/ ../nam lan.nam # (code-c-d "otcl" "/usr/src/otcl-1.0a4/") # (find-otclfile "") # (code-c-d "tclcl" "/usr/src/tclcl-1.0b8/") # (find-tclclfile "") # (find-tclclfile "embedded-tk.cc") # (find-tclclfile "embedded-tk.cc" "bind Listbox <MouseWheel>") # (find-tclclfile "embedded-tk.cc" "bind Text <MouseWheel>") # (find-tclclfile "Makefile" "embedded-tk.cc:") # (find-es "tcl" "mousewheel_bug") # (code-c-d "nam" "/usr/src/nam-1.0a8/") # (find-namfile "") # (find-namfile "conf/") # (find-namfile "conf/configure.in.TclCL" "TclCL_VERS") # (find-namfile "ex/") # (eeman "nam") # (find-namfile "CHANGES.html" "port address") # (find-namfile "README" "QUICK START") lynx $S/http/www.neosoft.com/neoscript/commands/otcl-commands.html lynx $S/http/www.neosoft.com/neoscript/commands/otcl/ ##### # # blurb for diaglib.014 # 2000apr24 # ##### # «diaglib_blurb» (to ".diaglib_blurb") Hey. Do you want an editor for commutative diagrams that is intuitive and easy to use? If you do then you'd better look elsewhere. Try xfig or tkdraw. I wrote diaglib.014 because I needed something that I could hack easily to add more features, and that would let me write the diagrams in a real programming language. And I wanted to be able to edit the diagrams in Emacs, not just by pointing and clicking; the graphical interface was to be used only to drag some reference points until the final result looked reasonably pretty. <blurb> ...experience shows ( :-) that editing diagrams in ASCII-art in Emacs is always much more fun than editing them using graphical tools, and coding them after that in diaglib code is very quick and fun enough (especially when you're diaglib's author, of course). </blurb> Quick and messy description: Diagrams are made of text objects (see "TEXT ITEMS" in the manpage (3tk)canvas) and arrow objects ("LINE ITEMS" in (3tk)canvas). Arrow objects always go from a corner of a text object to a corner of another; they're generally straight but there are tricks to get curves. For the arrow objects we can specify line width, stipple, arrow shape and which ends get arrows. Text objects can be dragged with the mouse; when one of them is dragged all other text objects whose coordinates depended on it are dragged together with it and the diagram is redrawn; some arrows may move because their control points moved. Diagrams are written as Tcl code that is executed after sourcing diaglib.014. The code creates two strings, $OnCreate and $OnUpdate, that are in fact Tk scripts; these scripts can be inspected by pressing buttons on the main window. OnCreate is only eval'ed once and OnUpdate is eval'ed every time a drag is done. A third array, OnDump, has Tcl code to show the present coordinates of the text objects in a format that can be incorporated in the diagram code. Some text objects may be marked as auxiliaries. There's a button that deletes all auxiliary objects. Another button makes all objects black. Another one exports the current figure as encapsulated postscript to ~/LATEX/eps/<epsfilename>.eps, where <epsfilename> is set with the command "epsfile". The path ~/LATEX/eps/ is hardcoded but trivial to change. The contents of the variables OnCreate, OnUpdate and OnDump (and the result of eval'ing OnDump) can be sent to stdout or to ~/o; again the path is hardcoded but easy to change. A button toggles if the output goes to stodut or to ~/o. ##### # # Namespaces and packages # 2000may15 # ##### # «namespaces» (to ".namespaces") # (find-man "3tcl namespace") # (find-man "3tcl namespace" "namespace eval") # (find-man "3tcl namespace" "namespace export") # (find-man "3tcl package") # (find-man "3tcl pkg_mkIndex") # (find-man "3tcl pkg_mkIndex" "HOW IT WORKS") # (find-sh "locate init.tcl") # (find-fline "/usr/share/tcltk/tcl8.4/init.tcl") # (find-fline "/usr/share/tcltk/tcl8.5/init.tcl") # (find-man "3tcl PkgRequire") # (find-tcl82file "generic/tclPkg.c" "char *\nTcl_PkgRequireEx") ##### # # tclreadline # 2000oct24 # ##### # «tclreadline» (to ".tclreadline") # (find-fline "~/.tclshrc") # (find-status "tclreadline") # (find-vldifile "tclreadline.list") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/tclreadline/") ##### # # tcl8.3, tix4.1 and tk8.3 from the source (woody, on potato) # 2000nov04 # ##### # «8.3-src» (to ".8.3-src") # (find-es "dpkg" "local_apt_repository") # (find-fline "/usr/src/.debs/") # (find-angg ".zshrc" "apt") #* pdsc $SDEBIAN/dists/woody/main/source/libs/tcl8.3_8.3.1-3.dsc debian/rules binary |& tee odrb cd /usr/src/ mv -iv tcl8.3*.deb .debs/ # (code-c-d "tcl83" "/usr/src/tcl8.3-8.3.1/") # (find-tcl83file "") #* # (find-es "gdb" "invoking_gdbk") ldd /usr/bin/tclsh8.3 # This one is stripped: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/src/tcl8.3-8.3.1/debian/tcl8.3/usr/lib: \ ldd /usr/bin/tclsh # This one is not (I think): LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/src/tcl8.3-8.3.1/unix: \ #* aptu-local-i386 apt-get update apti tcl8.3 tcl8.3-dev tcl8.3-doc #* pdsc $SDEBIAN/dists/woody/main/source/libs/tk8.3_8.3.1-2.dsc cd /usr/src/tk8.3-8.3.1/ find * | sort > .files debian/rules binary |& tee odrb cd /usr/src/ mv -iv tk8.3*.deb .debs/ #* aptu-local-i386 apt-get update apti tk8.3 tk8.3-dev tk8.3-doc #* pdsc $SDEBIAN/dists/woody/main/source/libs/tix41_4.1.0.7-4.dsc cd /usr/src/tix41- chmod 755 unix/tk8.3/configure debian/rules binary |& tee odrb cd /usr/src/ mv -iv tix41*.deb .debs/ #* # (code-c-d "tix" "/usr/src/tix41-") # (find-tixfile "") # (find-status "tcl8.3") # (find-status "tcl8.3-dev") # (find-status "tcl8.3-doc") # (find-status "tix41") # (find-status "tix41-dev") # (find-status "tk8.3") # (find-status "tk8.3-dev") # (find-status "tk8.3-doc") # (find-vldifile "tcl8.3-dev.list") # (find-vldifile "tcl8.3-doc.list") # (find-vldifile "tcl8.3.list") # (find-vldifile "tix41-dev.list") # (find-vldifile "tix41.list") # (find-vldifile "tk8.3-dev.list") # (find-vldifile "tk8.3-doc.list") # (find-vldifile "tk8.3.list") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/tcl8.3-dev/") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/tcl8.3-doc/") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/tcl8.3/") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/tix41-dev/") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/tix41/") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/tk8.3-dev/") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/tk8.3-doc/") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/tk8.3/") ##### # # gepetto # 2000sep23 # ##### # «gepetto» (to ".gepetto") apti tix41-dev tk8.0-dev edrxnetscape http://laurent.riesterer.free.fr/gepetto/ & #* rm -Rv /usr/src/gepetto-0.12/ cd /usr/src/ tar -xvzf $S/http/laurent.riesterer.free.fr/gepetto/gepetto-0.12.tar.gz cd /usr/src/gepetto-0.12/ rm src/parser*.o #* cd /usr/src/gepetto-0.12/ cd src/ rm -v tkInt* make \ INCLUDES="-I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/include/tcl8.3 -I/usr/include/tk8.3 -I/usr/include/tcl8.3/tk-private/generic" \ LIBS="-ltcl8.3 -ltk8.3 -ltix -lGLU -lGL -lX11 -lXmu -lXext -lm -ldl" \ |& tee om #* cd /usr/src/gepetto-0.12/src/ echo exit \ | gepetto |& tee ~/o # (find-fline "~/o") # (find-vldifile "tix41.list" "/usr/share/tix4.1/Init.tcl") # (find-gepfile "src/Makefile") #* # (find-gepfile "src/" "tkInt") # (find-vldifile "tcl8.3-dev.list") # (find-vldifile "tcl8.3.list") # (find-vldifile "tix41-dev.list") # (find-vldifile "tix41.list") # (find-vldifile "tk8.3-dev.list") # (find-vldifile "tk8.3.list") # (find-gepfile "src/Makefile") /usr/include/tcl8.3 INCLUDES = -I/usr/X11R6/include #-I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/local/tcl8/include -I/home/moi/tcl/tk8.0.4/generic # Where to find Tcl, Tk, OpenGL/Mesa libraries: LIBDIRS = -L/usr/X11R6/lib #-L/usr/local/tcl8/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib # Libraries to link with (-ldl for Linux only?): LIBS = -ltcl8.0 -ltk8.0 -ltix4.1.8.0 -lGLU -lGL -lX11 -lXmu -lXext -lm -ldl #* cat > /tmp/test.c <<'---' #include <tkInt.h> --- cd /tmp/ gcc -I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/include/tcl8.3 -I/usr/include/tk8.3 test.c #* ##### # # tkgate # 2000sep08 # ##### # «tkgate» (to ".tkgate") #* rm -Rv /usr/src/tkgate-1.5c/ cd /usr/src/ tar -xvzf $S/ftp/gadoid.ices.cmu.edu/pub/tkgate/tkgate-1.5c.tgz cd /usr/src/tkgate-1.5c/ ./configure |& tee oc make |& tee om make install |& tee omi #* # (code-c-d "tkgate" "/usr/src/tkgate-1.5c/") # (find-tkgatefile "") # (find-man "3tcl update") #* rm -Rv /usr/src/snoopy-0.1/ cd /usr/src/ tar -xvzf $S/http/www.equi4.com/jcw/snoopy.tar.gz cd /usr/src/snoopy-0.1/ #* # (find-fline "$S/http/www.equi4.com/jcw/snoopy.tar.gz") # (find-fline "$S/http/www.equi4.com/previews/feddy.tar.gz") ##### # # lrange and lreplace # 2000? / 2012jun13 # ##### # «lrange_lreplace» (to ".lrange_lreplace") # (find-man "3tcl lrange") # (find-man "3tcl lreplace") * (eepitch-tclsh) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-tclsh) puts [lrange {a _b c_ d} 1 2] ;# -> b c puts [lreplace {a _b c_ d} 1 2 _E F G H_] ;# -> a _E F G H_ d set lst {a b c d} set n 3 ;# number of element to glue set lst2 [lreplace $lst [expr [llength $lst]-$n] end \ [join [lrange $lst [expr [llength $lst]-$n] end] \ +]] puts $lst2 ;# -> a b+c+d ##### # # regexp and ranges # 2002aug29 # ##### # «regexp_and_ranges» (to ".regexp_and_ranges") #* # (find-man "3tcl string" "string first") # (find-man "3tcl string" "string range") * (eepitch-tclsh) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-tclsh) string first FOO abcdefgh ;# -1 string first de abcdefgh ;# 3 string range abcdefgh 0 [expr 3-1] ;# abc string range abcdefgh 3 [expr 3+[string length de]-1] ;# de string range abcdefgh [expr 3+[string length de]] end ;# fgh # (find-man "3tcl regexp" "-indices") # (find-man "3tcl regexp" "-start") regexp -indices de abcdefgh where_all ;# 1 puts $where_all ;# 3 4 string range abcdefgh 3 4 ;# de string range abcdefgh 0 [expr 3-1] ;# abcd string range abcdefgh [expr 4+1] end ;# fgh proc before_regexp {re string} { regexp -indices $re $string where string range $string 0 [expr [lindex $where 0]-1] } puts [before_regexp de abcdefgh] ;# abc # Tcl 8.0 does not support this: puts [regexp -start 3 de abcdefgh] ;# 1 ##### # # fundcomp # 2004may19 # ##### # «fundcomp» (to ".fundcomp") ##### # # a resizer (of top-level windows) # 2005jan17 # ##### # «resizer» (to ".resizer") # (find-angg "TCL/resizer.tcl") # (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "ousterhout") # (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 217) "22. Window Managers") # (find-tcltktext (+ 16 217) "22. Window Managers") # (find-man "3tk wm") # (find-man "3tk wm" "wm geometry window ?newGeometry?") # (find-man "3tk wm" "in order to make the change happen") # (find-man "3tcl regexp") # (find-man "3tk bind") # (find-man "3tk bind" "toplevel window") * (eepitch-tclsh) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-tclsh) package-require-Tk proc incrsize {dx dy} { regexp {([0-9]+)(.)([0-9]+)(.)([0-9]+)(.)([0-9]+)} [wm geometry .] \ -> width sep1 height sep2 x sep3 y wm geometry . "[expr $width+$dx]$sep1[expr $height+$dy]$sep2$x$sep3$y" } bind . <Left> { incrsize -5 0 } bind . <Right> { incrsize 5 0 } bind . <Up> { incrsize 0 -5 } bind . <Down> { incrsize 0 5 } # Usage: now give the focus to the "wish" window and use the arrow # keys to resize it. # A little bug in fvwm-2.5.12 + tk-8.4.9 (?): move a "wish" window # around by dragging it with the mouse; after that "wm geometry ." # will confuse the origin of its fvwm borders and the origin of the # contained area. The effect of that in the resizer is that in the # next call to "incrsize" the window will jump a bit to the northwest. ##### # # the placer and frames # 2005jan17 # ##### # «placer» (to ".placer") # «frames» (to ".frames") # (find-angg "TCL/placer.tcl") # (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "ousterhout") # (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 179) "17. Geometry Managers: The Placer") # (find-tcltktext (+ 16 179) "17. Geometry Managers: The Placer") # (find-man "3tk place") # (find-man "3tk place" "-in master" "defaults to window's parent") # (find-man "3tk place" "-relx location") # (find-man "3tk place" "-anchor where") # (find-man "3tk place" "-x location") * (eechannel-xterm "A") wish * (eepitch-wish) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-wish) * (eepitch-tclsh) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-tclsh) package-require-Tk proc incrsize {dx dy} { regexp {([0-9]+)(.)([0-9]+)(.)([0-9]+)(.)([0-9]+)} [wm geometry .] \ -> width sep1 height sep2 x sep3 y wm geometry . "[expr $width+$dx]$sep1[expr $height+$dy]$sep2$x$sep3$y" } bind . <Left> { incrsize -5 0 } bind . <Right> { incrsize 5 0 } bind . <Up> { incrsize 0 -5 } bind . <Down> { incrsize 0 5 } # (find-man "3tk place") # (find-man "3tk frame") # frame .a -width 40 -height 20 -bg black frame .b -width 30 -height 60 -bg yellow frame .c -width 35 -height 35 -bg blue place .a -x 40 -y 20 place .b -x 30 -y 60 place .c -x 35 -y 35 place info . place info .a place slaves . place configure . place configure .a frame .c.d -width 10 -height 10 -bg red place .c.d -x 10 -y 10 place configure .c.d -anchor se frame .e -width 40 -height 40 -bg green frame .f -bg forestgreen place .e -anchor c -relx 0.5 -rely 0.5 place .f -anchor nw -relx 0.5 -rely 0.5 -relwidth 0.4 -relheight 0.4 frame .g -width 30 -height 30 -bg mediumvioletred place .g -in .e place .g -in .f frame .h -width 10 -height 10 -bg blueviolet place .h -in .f -relx 1 -rely 0.5 -anchor c frame .i -width 10 -height 10 -bg violet place .i -in .g -relx 1 -rely 0.5 -anchor c place .g -in .e place .g -in .f ##### # # cursor # 2004sep21 # ##### # «cursor» (to ".cursor") #* lua50 ~/LUA/rectxpm.lua '#ffff00' 2 2 > /tmp/cursor.xpm expectk =(<<'%%%' pack [canvas .c -background sienna4] -expand yes -fill both # .c config -cursor {@/tmp/cursor.xpm} .c config -cursor {arrow yellow red} . config -cursor {cross blue green} . config -cursor {cross black red} %%%) * (eechannel-xterm "A") wish . config -cursor {cross black red} . config -cursor {@/tmp/1.xpm yellow} # (find-es "x" "xpm") # not working #* # (find-fline "~/LUA/rectxpm.lua") # (find-fline "/tmp/cursor.xpm") # (find-tclbook2page (- 167 126)) # (find-tkexfile "widget") # (find-man "3tk options" "-cursor") # (find-man "3tk Tk_GetCursor") # (find-man "3tk Tk_GetCursor" "@sourceName fgColor") # (find-fline "/usr/X11R6/include/X11/cursorfont.h") # (find-vldifile "libx11-dev.list") # libx11-dev # (find-man "ImageMagick" "X Windows system pixmap") # (find-fline "/usr/X11R6/include/X11/Xcursor/Xcursor.h") # (find-sh "locate /cursor") # (find-man "3tk cursors") # (find-fline "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/icons/whiteglass/cursors/") # <azbridge> <GPS> $ wish8.4 # <azbridge> <GPS> % . config -cursor "@cursor.xbm orange" . config -cursor "@/usr/share/doc/tk8.3/examples/images/flagdown.bmp orange" . config -cursor "@/usr/X11R6/include/X11/bitmaps/card.xbm blue" convert ##### # # toplevel # 2005jan16 # ##### * (eechannel-xterm "A") * ;; (eechannel-kill "A") wish toplevel .t wm withdraw .t toplevel .t; wm geometry .t 100x200+10+20 wm withdraw .t wm geometry . -geometry +120+0-0-0 exit # (find-man "3tk toplevel") # (find-man "3tk wm") # (find-man "3tk wm" "wm geometry window ?newGeometry?") # http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.4/ # http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.4/TkCmd/toplevel.htm ##### # # text # 2005jan16 # ##### * (eechannel-xterm "A") wish set text .text destroy $text text .text \ -exportselection no \ -setgrid 1 \ -wrap word \ -width 12 \ -height 3 pack .text $text configure -width 20 $text configure -font {Helvetica 12} $text configure -font fixed $text cget -font; # The default is "Courier -12". Why -12? # Courier -12 and 12 are different!... # $text configure -font {Courier 12} $text configure -font {Courier -12} $text insert end "zero\n" song0 $text insert end "one\n" song1 $text insert end "two - this one is long and should be wrapped\n" song2 $text insert end "three\n" song3 $text insert end "four\n" song4 $text tag configure song2 -background yellow $text tag configure song2 -background {} $text see song0.first $text see song4.first $text see song2.first $text see "song2.last - 1 char" # (find-man "3tk text") # (find-man "3tk text" "may not be deleted with") # (find-man "3tk text" "pathName tag delete tagName ?tagName ...?") # (find-man "3tk text" "tag.first") # (find-man "3tk text" "pathName tag add tagName index1 ?index2") # (find-man "3tk text" "pathName tag configure tagName ?option? ?value?") # (find-man "3tk text" "pathName insert index chars ?tagList chars tagList ...?") # (find-man "3tk text" "usual rules for geometry management") ##### # # listbox # 2005jan16 # ##### # (find-tkexfile "colors.tcl") # (find-tkexfile "colors.tcl" "listbox $w.frame.list") # (find-man "3tk listbox") * (eechannel-xterm "A") wish listbox .list \ -exportselection no \ -setgrid 1 \ -selectforeground purple \ -selectbackground yellow pack .list set list .list $list delete 0 end $list insert 0 \ zero um dois tres quatro cinco seis sete oito nove \ dez onze doze "treze - esse tem um texto comprido que vai forcar line wrapping" quatorze # (find-man "3tk listbox" "INDICES" "active") # (find-man "3tk listbox" "pathName activate index") # (find-man "3tk listbox" "pathName see index") # (find-man "3tk listbox" "pathName selection set first ?last?") # (find-man "3tk listbox" "pathName selection clear first ?last?") proc listboxselect {listbox n} { $listbox selection clear active $listbox activate $n $listbox see active $listbox selection set active } listboxselect $list 0 listboxselect $list 1 listboxselect $list 9 listboxselect $list 10 listboxselect $list 11 listboxselect $list 12 listboxselect $list 13 listboxselect $list 14 listboxselect $list 0 # (find-man "3tk options" "exportselection") # (find-man "xset") # (find-man "3tk listbox") # (find-man "3tk listbox" "If the Up or Down key is pressed") # (find-man "3tk listbox" "pathName curselection") # (find-man "3tk listbox" "pathName see index") # (find-man "3tk listbox" "last element in the listbox") # (find-man "3tk selection") ##### # # foreach # 2005nov06 # ##### # (find-man "3tcl foreach") #* expect -c 'foreach {a b} {a1 b1 a2 b2 a3 b3} c {c1 c2 c3} { puts "$a $b $c" }' #* ##### # # pack # 2012may02 # ##### # «pack» (to ".pack") # (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "ousterhout") # (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 189) "18.1 Packer basics\n") # (find-tcltktext (+ 16 189) "18.1 Packer basics\n") # (find-man "3tk pack" "\nEXAMPLE\n") # (find-man "3tk pack") # (find-man "3tk button") # See: (find-es "tcl" "package-require-Tk") * (eepitch-wish) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-wish) * (ee-set-fullscreen nil) * (size 150 56) * (eepitch-tclsh) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-tclsh) package-require-Tk wm geometry . 240x125+1000+50 button .a -text A button .b -text B pack .a pack .b pack slaves . button .r -text R pack .r -side right pack .r -side left pack slaves . pack info .r * (ee-set-fullscreen nil) * (size 150 56) * (eepitch-tclsh) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-tclsh) package-require-Tk button .t -text T button .b -text B button .l -text L button .r -text R button .m -text M pack .t -side top -fill x pack .b -side bottom -fill x pack .l -side left -fill y pack .r -side right -fill y pack .m -expand 1 -fill both button .top -text Top pack .top label .t -text "This widget is at the top" -bg red label .b -text "This widget is at the bottom" -bg green label .l -text "Left\nHand\nSide" label .r -text "Right\nHand\nSide" text .mid pack .t -side top -fill x pack .b -side bottom -fill x pack .l -side left -fill y pack .r -side right -fill y pack .mid -expand 1 -fill both pack slaves . pack info .t pack info .b pack info .l pack info .r pack info .mid winfo children . winfo screen . .mid configure .mid configure -width 20 winfo parent .mid .mid foo .mid window .mid window foo ##### # # pack slaves # 2007feb16 # ##### # «pack-slaves» (to ".pack-slaves") # (find-man "3tk pack" "\nEXAMPLE\n") # (find-man "3tk pack") # (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 189) "18.1 Packer basics\n") # (find-tcltktext (+ 16 189) "18.1 Packer basics\n") # (find-man "3tk winfo" "winfo children window") # (find-man "3tk winfo" "winfo class window") # (find-man "3tk pack" "pack slaves master") # (find-man "3tk canvas") # (find-man "3tk canvas" "pathName find searchCommand") # (find-man "3tk canvas" "pathName addtag tag searchSpec" "all the items") * (eepitch-wish) * (ee-set-fullscreen nil) * (size 150 56) * (eepitch-tclsh) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-tclsh) package-require-Tk label .t -text "This widget is at the top" -bg red label .b -text "This widget is at the bottom" -bg green label .l -text "Left\nHand\nSide" label .r -text "Right\nHand\nSide" text .mid pack .t -side top -fill x pack .b -side bottom -fill x pack .l -side left -fill y pack .r -side right -fill y pack .mid -expand 1 -fill both pack slaves . pack info .t pack info .b pack info .l pack info .r pack info .mid winfo children . winfo screen . .mid configure .mid configure -width 20 winfo parent .mid .mid foo .mid window .mid window foo ##### # # pack-2023 # 2023feb25 # ##### # «pack-2023» (to ".pack-2023") # (find-es "squeak" "non-openInWorld-able") # (find-sshot-links "5" "2023-tk-pack") # (find-man "3tk pack" "\nEXAMPLE\n") # (find-man "3tk pack") # (find-man "3tk frame") # (find-man "3tk listbox") # (find-man "3tk text") # (find-man "3tk text" "pathName insert") # (find-man "3tk pack" "pack slaves master") # (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 189) "18.1 Packer basics\n") # (find-tcltktext (+ 16 189) "18.1 Packer basics\n") # (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 192) "Two invisible frame widgets") # (find-tcltktext (+ 20 192) "Two invisible frame widgets") * (ee-set-fullscreen nil) * (size 150 56) * (eepitch-tclsh) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-tclsh) package-require-Tk frame .top frame .bottom text .textbox -width 10 -height 5 listbox .listbox -width 10 -height 5 button .button1 -text B1 button .button2 -text B2 button .button3 -text B3 .textbox insert end "Foo\nBar" .listbox insert end "Item 1" .listbox insert end "Item 2" .listbox insert end "Item 3" pack .top -side top pack .bottom -side bottom -fill x -expand 1 pack .listbox -side left -in .top pack .textbox -side right -in .top pack .button1 -side left -in .bottom -fill x -expand 1 pack .button2 -side left -in .bottom -fill x -expand 1 pack .button3 -side left -in .bottom -fill x -expand 1 # (find-man "3tk text" "pathName insert") listbox .lb foreach o {{Item 1} {Item 2} {Item 3}} { .lb insert end $o } label .l -text "Left\nHand\nSide" label .r -text "Right\nHand\nSide" button .b1 -text B1 button .b2 -text B2 button .b3 -text B3 pack .top -side top pack .bottom -side bottom pack .l -side left -in .top -fill x pack .r -side right -in .top -fill x pack .b1 -side left -in .bottom pack .b2 -side left -in .bottom pack .b3 -side left -in .bottom pack [listbox .lb] -fill both pack [text .txt] -fill both -expand 1 foreach o {{Item 1} {Item 2} {Item 3}} { .lb insert end $o } .txt replace 1.0 end "Foo\nBar" label .t -text "This widget is at the top" -bg red label .b -text "This widget is at the bottom" -bg green label .l -text "Left\nHand\nSide" label .r -text "Right\nHand\nSide" text .mid pack .t -side top -fill x pack .b -side bottom -fill x pack .l -side left -fill y pack .r -side right -fill y pack .mid -expand 1 -fill both ##### # # grid-2023 # 2023mar17 # ##### # «grid-2023» (to ".grid-2023") # http://www.tcl-lang.org/man/tcl8.6/TkCmd/grid.htm#M29 ##### # # drag # 2007feb16 # ##### # «drag» (to ".drag") # (find-angg "LATEX/diaglib.014" "drag") # (find-man "3tcl global") # (find-man "3tk bind") # (find-man "3tk bind" "%x, %y") * (eepitch-tclsh) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-tclsh) package-require-Tk canvas .c -width 200 -height 200 pack .c -expand yes -fill both .c create text 100 100 -text abc -tag T proc myputs {args} { puts $args } .c bind T <1> "myputs T <1> %x %y" .c bind T <B1-Motion> "myputs T <B1-Motion> %x %y" .c bind T * (eepitch-tclsh) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-tclsh) package-require-Tk canvas .c -width 200 -height 200 pack .c -expand yes -fill both .c create text 100 100 -text abc -tag T proc dragx {x} { global oldx; set prevx $oldx; set oldx $x; expr $x-$prevx } proc dragy {y} { global oldy; set prevy $oldy; set oldy $y; expr $y-$prevy } .c bind T <1> {set oldx %x; set oldy %y} .c bind T <B1-Motion> {.c move T [dragx %x] [dragy %y]} .c bind T # (find-man "3tk bind") # (find-man "3tk bind" "KeyRelease") # (find-man "3tk event") # (find-man "3tk keysyms") # Is it possible to bind an event to key-release? (for piano.tcl) # Yes: * (eepitch-wish) proc myputs {args} { puts $args } bind . <KeyPress-d> "myputs T <kp-d> %x %y" bind . <KeyRelease-d> "myputs T <kr-d> %x %y" bind . # Oops, repetition generates fake releases ##### # # dragTs # 2007feb19 # ##### # «dragTs» (to ".dragTs") # (find-angg "TCL/dragTs.tcl") # An example: * (eepitch-tclsh) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-tclsh) package-require-Tk source $env(HOME)/TCL/dragTs.tcl ;# (find-angg "TCL/dragTs.tcl") canvas .c -width 200 -height 200 pack .c -expand yes -fill both .c configure -width 255 .c configure -height 500 set n 0; set placex 20; set placey 20 set n 0 T 20 51 {quinta 22:} T 20 62 {pegar B.O.} T 20 20 { } T 20 84 sexta: T 20 93 {aula da valeria} T 20 31 { } T 22 126 {baixar formulario da Karen} T 21 138 {preencher / imprimir} T 23 151 {British council} T 20 42 { } T 171 38 Halloween: T 173 49 __add T 173 64 Polys T 173 76 {Newton (getx)} T 172 85 getxs T 173 97 gnuplot writeTs ;# (find-fline "/tmp/Ts") ##### # # prompts # 2007feb17 # ##### # «prompts» (to ".prompts") # (find-angg ".tclshrc" "prompts") # (find-efile "progmodes/tcl.el") # (find-efile "progmodes/tcl.el" "defcustom inferior-tcl-source-command") # ^ why doesn't tcl-mode blah bother with this? <edrx> I've just started to use Tcl interactively inside shell buffers in Emacs (actually "comint" buffers) and I realized that Tcl's "PS1" prompt is "% ", and "PS2" prompt is "" - and PS2 being "" confuses comint, it thinks that it should wait more until it gets a prompt again... as a quick-and-dirty hack around that I could try to change Tcl's PS2 to, say, "%% ", until I learn more about comint, but how do I do that? :-| # (find-man "1 tclsh" "PROMPTS") # (find-man "1 wish" "PROMPTS") <ijchain> <dkf_> set tcl_prompt2 {puts -nonewline "> "} <ijchain> <dkf_> there's also a tcl_prompt1 if you don't like the % ;) * (eepitch-tclsh) proc foo {} { bar } ##### # # snack # 2007feb17 / 2012nov26 # ##### # «snack» (to ".snack") # «piano.tcl» (to ".piano.tcl") # (find-angg "TCL/piano.tcl") # Snack: http://wiki.tcl.tk/2647 # A toy piano: http://wiki.tcl.tk/3948 # Category Sound: http://wiki.tcl.tk/10057 # Reanimation of Snack: http://wiki.tcl.tk/21123 # http://www.speech.kth.se/snack/ # (find-status "libsnack2") # (find-vldifile "libsnack2.list") # (find-udfile "libsnack2/") # (find-status "libsnack2-doc") # (find-vldifile "libsnack2-doc.list") # (find-udfile "libsnack2-doc/") # (find-udfile "libsnack2-doc/examples/tcl/") # (find-udfile "libsnack2-doc/examples/tcl/generator.tcl") # (find-fline "/usr/lib/tcltk/snack2.2/snack.tcl") # (find-fline "/usr/lib/tcltk/snack2.2/pkgIndex.tcl") # (find-udfile "libsnack2-doc/html/") # file:///usr/share/doc/libsnack2-doc/html/tcl-man.html (code-c-d "snackexamples" "/usr/share/doc/libsnack2-doc/examples/tcl/") # (find-snackexamplesfile "") # (find-snackexamplesfile "tcl-demos.txt") # (find-snackexamplessh0 "./widget.tcl") # (find-snackexamplessh0 "wish formant.tcl") # http://wiki.tcl.tk/10159 # (find-angg "TCL/piano.tcl") # (find-man "3tcl namespace") * (eepitch-tclsh) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-tclsh) package require sound proc playwav {myWavFile} { snack::sound s -file $myWavFile s play -block 1 } playwav /sda6/CDs/HILSINGER-BEATTY/track01.cdda.wav playwav c:/path/to/wavfile.wav # (find-sh "locate wav | grep 'wav$'") ##### # # snack-upstream # 2007feb18 # ##### # «snack-upstream» (to ".snack-upstream") # http://www.speech.kth.se/snack/dist/snack2.2.10.tar.gz # Ooops, how do I install this?... #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/snack2.2.10/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/www.speech.kth.se/snack/dist/snack2.2.10.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/snack2.2.10/ # (find-fline "/usr/lib/tcl8.4/tclConfig.sh") # (find-fline "/usr/lib/tk8.4/tclConfig.sh") cd ~/usrc/snack2.2.10/unix/ ./configure \ --with-tcl=/usr/lib/tcl8.4/ \ --with-tk=/usr/lib/tk8.4/ \ |& tee oc make |& tee om #* cd ~/usrc/snack2.2.10/unix/ export TCLLIBPATH=$PWD make test #* # (code-c-d "snack" "~/usrc/snack2.2.10/" :grep) # (find-snackfile "") # (find-snackfile "README") # (find-snackfile "README" "snack2.2.10/unix") # (find-snackfile "README" "\nTesting\n") # (find-snackfile "unix/") # (find-snackfile "unix/oc") # (find-snackfile "unix/pkgIndex.tcl") # (find-man "3tcl package") # (find-man "3tcl package" "pkg_mkIndex") # (find-snackgrep "grep -niH -e tcl $(find * -name '*.c') | head -n 200") # (find-snackgrep "grep -niH -e SectionToPS $(find * -name '*.c') | head -n 200") ##### # # vkeybd # 2007feb18 # ##### # «vkeybd» (to ".vkeybd") # This thing seems to be able to distinguish between real keypresse / # keyrelease events and "fake" ones coming from autorepeat... but how # does it do that? # http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/v/vkeybd/ # http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/v/vkeybd/vkeybd_0.1.17-3.dsc # http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/v/vkeybd/vkeybd_0.1.17-3.diff.gz # http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/v/vkeybd/vkeybd_0.1.17.orig.tar.gz #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/vkeybd/ mkdir ~/usrc/vkeybd/ cd $S/http/ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/v/vkeybd/ cp -v vkeybd_0.1.17* ~/usrc/vkeybd/ cd ~/usrc/vkeybd/ dpkg-source -sn -x vkeybd_0.1.17-3.dsc cd ~/usrc/vkeybd/vkeybd-0.1.17/ dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -b -rfakeroot |& tee odb #* cd ~/usrc/vkeybd/ sudo dpkg -i vkeybd_0.1.17-3_i386.deb #* # (code-c-d "vkeybd" "~/usrc/vkeybd/vkeybd-0.1.17/") # (find-vkeybdfile "") # (find-status "vkeybd") # (find-vldifile "vkeybd.list") # (find-udfile "vkeybd/") # (find-man "1 xset" "autorepeat") # http://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2006/03/msg01449.html sudo modprobe snd_seq vkeybd # Remark: even with modporbe snd_seq I still get no sound... #* # (find-fline "/usr/share/vkeybd/vkeybd.tcl") # (find-fline "/usr/share/vkeybd/vkeybd.tcl" "filter autorepeats") # (find-fline "/usr/share/vkeybd/vkeybd.list") # (find-fline "/usr/share/vkeybd/vkeybdmap") # (find-fline "/usr/share/vkeybd/vkeybdmap-german") # (find-udfile "vkeybd/README.gz") # (find-udfile "vkeybd/README.gz" "--seqdev file") # (find-udfile "vkeybd/changelog.Debian.gz") ##### # # httpwiki # 2007feb18 # ##### # «httpwiki» (to ".httpwiki") # (find-anggfile "TCL/httpwiki") # (find-angg ".emacs" "wikit-edit") * (eepitch-tclsh) package require http 1.0 set wikiurl http://wiki.tcl.tk/edit # set N 33 set N 627 set s [http_data [http_get $wikiurl/${N}@]] regexp "<textarea \[^\n>\]*>(.*)</textarea>" $s -> text puts $text regsub -all {\"} $text "\"" text regsub -all {\<} $text {<} text regsub -all {\>} $text {>} text regsub -all {\&} $text {&} text puts $text ##### # # itcl / iwidgets # 2007feb18 # ##### * (eepitch-shell) # (find-fline "/usr/lib/iwidgets4.0.1/demos/") # (find-fline "/usr/lib/iwidgets4.0.1/demos/html/") cd /usr/lib/iwidgets4.0.1/demos/ ls wish notebook wish spinner wish shell # (find-dmissing "iwidgets") # (find-status "iwidgets4") # (find-vldifile "iwidgets4.list") # (find-udfile "iwidgets4/") # (find-status "iwidgets4-doc") # (find-vldifile "iwidgets4-doc.list") # (find-udfile "iwidgets4-doc/") # (find-status "itcl3") # (find-vldifile "itcl3.list") # (find-udfile "itcl3/") # (find-status "itk3") # (find-vldifile "itk3.list") # (find-udfile "itk3/") ##### # # pkgIndex.tcl # 2007feb18 # ##### # «pkgIndex.tcl» (to ".pkgIndex.tcl") # (to "cgi.tcl:pkgIndex.tcl") # (find-dmissing "pkgIndex.tcl") ##### # # tk_chooseColor # 2007apr22 # ##### # «tk_chooseColor» (to ".tk_chooseColor") # (find-angg ".emacs" "ee-choosecolor") # (find-vldifile "tk8.4.list") # (find-vldifile "tk8.4-doc.list") # (find-sh "grep -i color /var/lib/dpkg/info/tk8.4-doc.list") # (find-man "3tk tk_chooseColor") # (find-fline "/usr/lib/tk8.4/tk.tcl" "proc ::tk_chooseColor") # (find-fline "/usr/lib/tk8.4/clrpick.tcl") # (find-man "3tk tk_chooseColor") # (find-zsh0 "wish <<<'puts [tk_chooseColor -initialcolor gray]; exit'") (defun ee-choosecolor (&optional initialcolor) (find-zsh0 (format "wish <<<'puts [tk_chooseColor -initialcolor %s]; exit'" (or initialcolor "gray")))) (insert (ee-choosecolor)) #be3b44 ##### # # luatclbridge (the problem with "package") # 2007may21 # ##### # «luatclbridge» (to ".luatclbridge") # (find-es "lua5" "luatclbridge") # (find-fline "~/LOGS/2007may20.tcl") # «tcl8.4-deb-src» (to ".tcl8.4-deb-src") # (find-angg ".zshrc" "tcl-tk") # http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/t/tcl8.4/ # http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/t/tcl8.4/tcl8.4_8.4.12-1.1.dsc # http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/t/tcl8.4/tcl8.4_8.4.12-1.1.diff.gz # http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/t/tcl8.4/tcl8.4_8.4.12.orig.tar.gz #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/tcl8.4/ mkdir ~/usrc/tcl8.4/ cd $S/http/ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/t/tcl8.4/ cp -v tcl8.4_8.4.12* ~/usrc/tcl8.4/ cd ~/usrc/tcl8.4/ dpkg-source -sn -x tcl8.4_8.4.12-1.1.dsc cd ~/usrc/tcl8.4/tcl8.4-8.4.12/ dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -b -rfakeroot |& tee odb # (find-tcl84sh "cd unix/; objdump -xasf tclsh" "NEEDED") cd ~/usrc/tcl8.4/tcl8.4-8.4.12/unix/ cp -siv libtcl8.4.so libtcl8.4.so.0 cd ~/usrc/tcl8.4/tcl8.4-8.4.12/ find * -type f | sort > .files find * -name '*.[ch]' | sort > .files.ch etags $(cat .files.ch) #* # (code-c-d "tcl84" "~/usrc/tcl8.4/tcl8.4-8.4.12/" :grep) # (find-tcl84file "") # (find-tcl84tag "Tcl_FindExecutable") # (find-tcl84file "generic/tclEncoding.c" "Tcl_FindExecutable(argv0)") # (find-tcl84grep "grep -nH -e Tcl_FindExecutable $(cat .files.ch)") # (find-tcl84grep "grep -nH -e Tcl_CreateInterp $(cat .files.ch)") # (find-tcl84grep "grep -nH -e Tcl_Main $(cat .files.ch)") # http://www.tcl.tk/cgi-bin/tct/tip/66 # (find-tcl84file "odb" "-o tclsh") # (find-tcl84file "unix/tclAppInit.c" "Tcl_Main(argc, argv, TCL_LOCAL_APPINIT);") # (find-tcl84file "generic/tclMain.c" "Tcl_FindExecutable(argv[0]);") # (find-tcl84file "generic/tclMain.c" "interp = Tcl_CreateInterp();") # (find-tcl84file "generic/tclBasic.c" "Tcl_CreateInterp()") # (find-angg "LUA/luatclbridge.c") <edrx> I'm writing a bridge between Lua and Tcl, initialized from the Lua side - http://angg.twu.net/LUA/luatclbridge.c.html -, and I'm starting the Tcl interpreter in the simplest way possible, with just a Tcl_CreateInterp()... everything is working but "package" is not happy <ijchain> <arjen> edrx, you might want to consult http://www.tcl.tk/cgi-bin/tct/tip/66 <ijchain> <GPS> edrx: call Tcl_FindExecutable() before Tcl_CreateInterp() and it may work # (find-man "3 Tcl_FindExecutable") # (find-man "3 Tcl_Init") # (find-man "3tcl Tcl_Init") # (find-man "3tcl Tcl_Init") <edrx> I am grepping the source, trying to find where tclsh calls Tcl_FindExecutable()... pointers welcome :-\ <ijchain> <dkf> tclsh doesn't <ijchain> <dkf> it calls Tcl_Main <ijchain> <dkf> and Tcl_Main calls Tcl_FindExecutable internally ##### # # tk8.4 from the debian sources # 2007jul24 # ##### # «tk8.4-deb-src» (to ".tk8.4-deb-src") # (find-angg ".zshrc" "tcl-tk") # http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/t/tk8.4/ # http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/t/tk8.4/tk8.4_8.4.12-1.dsc # http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/t/tk8.4/tk8.4_8.4.12-1.diff.gz # http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/t/tk8.4/tk8.4_8.4.12.orig.tar.gz #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/tk8.4/ mkdir ~/usrc/tk8.4/ cd $S/http/ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/t/tk8.4/ cp -v tk8.4_8.4.12* ~/usrc/tk8.4/ cd ~/usrc/tk8.4/ dpkg-source -sn -x tk8.4_8.4.12-1.dsc cd ~/usrc/tk8.4/tk8.4-8.4.12/ dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -b -rfakeroot |& tee odb # (find-tk84sh "cd unix/; objdump -xasf wish" "NEEDED") cd ~/usrc/tk8.4/tk8.4-8.4.12/unix/ cp -siv libtk8.4.so libtk8.4.so.0 cd ~/usrc/tk8.4/tk8.4-8.4.12/ find * -type f | sort > .files find * -name '*.[ch]' | sort > .files.ch etags $(cat .files.ch) #* # (code-c-d "tk84" "~/usrc/tk8.4/tk8.4-8.4.12/" :grep) # (find-tk84file "") # «wish-event-loop» (to ".wish-event-loop") # (find-es "davinci" "wish-event-loop") # The source code for wish is at tkAppInit.c. # (find-tk84file ".files" "unix/wish") # (find-tk84file "unix/Makefile" "\nwish:") # (find-tk84file "odb" "-o wish") # (find-tk84file "unix/tkAppInit.c") # Here's why I'm looking for this: wish is able to handle Tk windows # (and their event loops), and an interactive prompt in a terminal # (readline?), and a signal handler (as in tcmd.tcl), plus, probably, # sockets... how does it do that? I need to implement something like # that for IupLua... # (find-man "2 select") # (find-man "3 ConnectionNumber") # (find-fline "~/LOGS/2007jul25.tcl") # (find-tk84grep "grep -nH -e ConnectionNumber $(cat .files.ch)") ##### # # tkwait # 2007aug14 # ##### # «tkwait» (to ".tkwait") # (find-man "3tk tkwait") # (find-man "3tcl vwait") # (find-tk84file "") # (find-tk84grep "grep -nH -e tkwait $(cat .files.ch)") # (find-tk84tag "Tk_TkwaitObjCmd") * (fvwm-click-to-focus) * (fvwm-sloppy-focus) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-tclsh) package require Tk button .b -text 2 -command { .b configure -text [expr [.b cget -text]+1] } button .q -text quit -command "destroy ." pack .b .q toplevel .w button .w.b -text 2 -command { .w.b configure -text [expr [.w.b cget -text]+1] } button .w.q -text quit -command "destroy .w" pack .w.b .w.q tkwait window .w expr 1+2 exit destroy .b destroy .q # destroy . # toplevel . # can't invoke "toplevel" command: application has been destroyed ##### # # the text widget # 2007jun26 # ##### # «text-widget» (to ".text-widget") # (find-sh "locate examples/widget") # (code-c-d "tkex" "/usr/share/doc/tk8.4/examples/" :grep) # (find-tkexfile "widget") # (find-tkexgrep "grep -nH -e 'See Code' *") # (find-tkexgrep "grep -nH -e showCode *") # (find-tkexfile "widget" "proc showCode") # (find-bgprocess "wish /usr/share/doc/tk8.4/examples/widget") #* cat > /tmp/eeglib.tcl <<'%%%' # (find-eevfile "eegchannel") proc readfile {fname} { set ch [open $fname r]; set str [read $ch]; close $ch; return $str } proc writefile {fname str} { set ch [open $fname w]; puts -nonewline $ch $str; close $ch } proc getenv {key {defaultvalue {}}} { global env; expr {[info exist env($key)]?$env($key):$defaultvalue} } proc EEVTMPDIR {} { getenv EEVTMPDIR [getenv HOME]/eev-current/tmp } proc rmlastnewline {str} { regexp "^(.*)\n\$" $str -> str; return $str } proc pidfile {} { global channel; return [EEVTMPDIR]/eeg.${channel}.pid } proc strfile {} { global channel; return [EEVTMPDIR]/eeg.${channel}.str } proc codefile {} { global channel; return [EEVTMPDIR]/eeg.${channel}.code } %%% #* * (eepitch-expect) source /tmp/eeglib.tcl set channel gnuplot writefile [pidfile] "[pid]\n" trap {send -- [readfile [strfile]]} USR1 trap {eval [readfile [codefile]]} USR2 package require Tk canvas .c -background sienna4 pack .c -expand yes -fill both .c create line 10 20 30 50 # (find-man "3tk text") # (find-man "3tk text" "\nTAGS\n") # (find-man "3tk text" "line.char") # (find-man "3tk text" "pathName tag delete tagName ?tagName ...?") spawn gnuplot interact expect -e set channel [lindex $argv 0]; # first argument set argv [lrange $argv 1 end]; # discard first argument writefile [pidfile] "[pid]\n" trap {send -- [readfile [strfile]]} USR1 ##### # # saving screenshots # 2008feb07 # ##### # «Img-screenshots» (to ".Img-screenshots") # (find-status "libtk-img") # (find-vldifile "libtk-img.list") # (find-udfile "libtk-img/") # (find-status "libtk-img-doc") # (find-vldifile "libtk-img-doc.list") # (find-udfile "libtk-img-doc/") # (find-fline "/usr/share/doc/libtk-img-doc/examples/") # (find-bgprocess "/usr/share/doc/libtk-img-doc/examples/demo.tcl") # (find-bgprocess "/usr/share/doc/libtk-img-doc/examples/tkv.tcl") # (find-man "3tk image") # (find-man "3tk photo") # (find-man "3tk photo" "imageName copy sourceImage") # (find-man "3tk img-gif") # (find-man "3tk img-ico") # (find-man "3tk img-intro") # (find-man "3tk img-jpeg") # (find-man "3tk img-pcx") # (find-man "3tk img-pixmap") # (find-man "3tk img-png") # (find-man "3tk img-ppm") # (find-man "3tk img-ps") # (find-man "3tk img-sgi") # (find-man "3tk img-sun") # (find-man "3tk img-tga") # (find-man "3tk img-tiff") # (find-man "3tk img-window") # (find-man "3tk img-xbm") # (find-man "3tk img-xpm") # (find-udfile "libtk-img/html/") # (find-udw3m "libtk-img/html/index.htm") # (find-udfile "libtk-img/html/img-pixmap.man") # (find-sh0 "rm -v /tmp/myfile.png") # (find-fline "/tmp/myfile.png") * (eepitch-wish) * (eepitch-kill) * (fvwm-sloppy-focus) * (eepitch-wish) * (fvwm-click-to-focus) canvas .c -width 400 -height 350 -relief flat pack .c -expand yes -fill both -side top package require Img .c create line 100 100 200 232 set im [image create photo -data .c] $im write /tmp/myfile.png -format PNG # (find-fline "/tmp/myfile.png") # Adding an modifying a text item: set t [.c create text 200 100 -text "abc\ndefgh"] puts $t .c itemconfigure $t -text "foo\nbar\nplicplic" -justify center .c itemconfigure $t -text "bar\nplicplic" -justify center .c itemconfigure $t -text "bar\nplicplic" -justify center -font 5x8 -fill sienna .c delete all # (find-man "3tk canvas") # (find-man "3tk canvas" "pathName create type") # (find-man "3tk canvas" "\nTEXT ITEMS\n") ##### # # zgrepping the tk docs # 2008feb07 # ##### # «zgrep-tk-docs» (to ".zgrep-tk-docs") # (find-status "tk8.4-doc") # (find-vldifile "tk8.4-doc.list") # (find-udfile "tk8.4-doc/") # (find-vldish "cat tk8.4-doc.list | grep man3/ | sort") # (find-vldish "zgrep -i relief $(cat tk8.4-doc.list | grep man3/ | sort)") # (find-vldish "zgrep '\\-relief' $(cat tk8.4-doc.list | grep man3/ | sort)") # (find-man "3tk options") # (find-man "3tk options" "-relief") ##### # # wm geometry # 2009may03 # ##### # «wm-geometry» (to ".wm-geometry") # «package-require-Tk» (to ".package-require-Tk") # https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/page/tclsh+vs.+wish # (find-esgrep "grep --color=auto -nH --null -e package-require-Tk tcl.e") # (to "resizer") # (to "placer") # (to "pack") # (to "pack-slaves") # (to "pack-2023") # (to "drag") # (to "dragTs") # (to "dragABC") # (to "scale") # # (find-angg ".tclshrc" "package-require-Tk") # (find-angg ".emacs" "size" "Tk") * (toggle-frame-fullscreen) * (size 164 56) # <edrx> I can tell Tk to open its toplevel window at a certain # position by invoking wish with a "-geometry" parameter, like # this: "wish -geometry +700+0" # <edrx> is there a way to set a preferred geometry for Tk from # tclsh? I mean, by running something before a "package # require Tk" in tclsh? # <ijchain> <stevel> just "wm withdraw ." immediately after "package # require Tk", then set the geom then deiconify it # <edrx> hm, like what is done in ::tk::PlaceWindow in # /usr/share/tcltk/tk8.5/tk.tcl?... lemme try, one min... # <edrx> stevel: perfect, thanks! 8-) # <ijchain> <stevel> np # (find-fline "/usr/share/tcltk/tk8.5/tk.tcl") # (find-fline "/usr/share/tcltk/tk8.5/tk.tcl" "wm geometry $w +$x+$y") # (find-man "3tk wm") # (find-man "3tk wm" "wm withdraw window") # (find-man "3tk wm" "wm geometry window ?newGeometry?") # (find-man "3tk wm" "wm deiconify") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) * (fvwm-sloppy-focus) wish exit wish -geometry +700+0 exit tclsh package require Tk wm withdraw . wm geometry . +700+0 wm deiconify . exit * (fvwm-click-to-focus) * (eepitch-tclsh) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-tclsh) package-require-Tk-with-geometry +1010+0 ##### # # tkdiff (2018) # 2018dec04 # ##### # «tkdiff» (to ".tkdiff") # https://tkcvs.sourceforge.io/ # https://sourceforge.net/projects/tkcvs/ # (find-status "tkcvs") # (find-vldifile "tkcvs.list") # (find-udfile "tkcvs/") # (find-man "1 tkdiff") # (find-fline "/usr/bin/tkdiff") # (find-fline "/usr/bin/tkdiff" "# Help menu") # (find-fline "/usr/bin/tkdiff" "proc do-help {}") # (find-fline "/usr/share/tkcvs/") # https://sourceforge.net/projects/tkcvs/files/tkcvs_9.2.3.tar.gz/download # https://sourceforge.net/projects/tkcvs/files/tkcvs_9.2.3.tar.gz * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rv ~/usrc/tkcvs_9.2.3/ mkdir ~/usrc/tkcvs_9.2.3/ # tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf /tmp/tkcvs_9.2.3.tar.gz tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf $S/https/sourceforge.net/projects/tkcvs/files/tkcvs_9.2.3.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/tkcvs_9.2.3/ # (find-fline "~/usrc/tkcvs_9.2.3/") ##### # # tkdiff-help # 2023dec23 # ##### # «tkdiff-help» (to ".tkdiff-help") # (find-fline "/usr/bin/tkdiff" "# Help menu") # (find-fline "/usr/bin/tkdiff" "proc do-help {}") # (find-angg ".tkdiffrc") ##### # # tkdiff-merge # 2023dec23 # ##### # «tkdiff-merge» (to ".tkdiff-merge") # (find-tkdiff "~/LUA/Repl1.lua" "~/emlua/Repl1.lua") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rfv /tmp/a/ /tmp/b/ mkdir /tmp/a/ /tmp/b/ cp -v ~/LUA/Repl1.lua /tmp/a/ cp -v ~/emlua/Repl1.lua /tmp/b/ # (find-tkdiff "/tmp/a/Repl1.lua" "/tmp/b/Repl1.lua") # (find-fline "/tmp/a") cd /tmp/a # (find-fline "/tmp/b") rm -Rv /tmp/b mkdir /tmp/b cd /tmp/b ##### # # tkdiff (from the debian sources) # 2010sep28 # ##### # «tkdiff-deb-src» (to ".tkdiff-deb-src") # (find-status "tkdiff") # (find-vldifile "tkdiff.list") # (find-udfile "tkdiff/") # (find-man "1 tkdiff") # (find-fline "/usr/bin/tkdiff") # http://tkdiff.sourceforge.net/ # http://sourceforge.net/projects/tkdiff/ # http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/t/tkdiff/ # http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/t/tkdiff/tkdiff_4.1.4-1.dsc # http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/t/tkdiff/tkdiff_4.1.4-1.diff.gz # http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/t/tkdiff/tkdiff_4.1.4.orig.tar.gz #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/tkdiff/ mkdir ~/usrc/tkdiff/ cd $S/http/ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/t/tkdiff/ cp -v tkdiff_4.1.4* ~/usrc/tkdiff/ cd ~/usrc/tkdiff/ dpkg-source -sn -x tkdiff_4.1.4-1.dsc cd ~/usrc/tkdiff/tkdiff-4.1.4/ dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -b -rfakeroot |& tee odb #* # (find-fline "~/usrc/tkdiff/") * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/tkdiff/ sudo dpkg -i *.deb #* # (code-c-d "tkdiff" "~/usrc/tkdiff/tkdiff-4.1.4/") # (find-tkdifffile "") # (find-tkdifffile "debian/") # (find-tkdifffile "debian/tkdiff.desktop") # (find-tkdifffile "debian/rules") ##### # # bibtex # 2011feb13 # ##### # «bibtex» (to ".bibtex") # (find-es "lua5" "ltcl") # (find-status "tcllib") # (find-vldifile "tcllib.list") # (find-udfile "tcllib/") # (find-udfile "tcllib/examples/bibtex/bibtex.tcl") # (find-man "3tcl bibtex") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) userocks() tcl = require("ltcl").new() tcl:call("package", "require", "bibtex") mybibtexstr = readfile(ee_expand("~/LATEX/catsem.bib")) bibtable = tcl:call("::bibtex::parse", mybibtexstr) PP(bibtable) ##### # # TclMagick # 2010dec12 # ##### # «tclmagick» (to ".tclmagick") # «tclmagick-build» (to ".tclmagick-build") # (find-es "imagemagick" "tclmagick") # http://tclmagick.sourceforge.net/ # http://tclmagick.sourceforge.net/TclMagick.html # http://tclmagick.sourceforge.net/TkMagick.html # http://www.imagemagick.org/www/api.html # (find-angg "TCL/tclmagick-patch.sh") # (find-TH "tclmagick") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) #* # (eev-bounded) # The slow part of the build: # Download the cvs version (and make a tarball from it) rm -Rv ~/usrc/TclMagick/ cd ~/usrc/ cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.graphicsmagick.org:/GraphicsMagick login cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.graphicsmagick.org:/GraphicsMagick co TclMagick tar -cvzf ~/tmp/tclmagick-cvs.tgz TclMagick/ # Run autoreconf (and make a tarball from it afterwards) rm -Rv ~/usrc/TclMagick/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf ~/tmp/tclmagick-cvs.tgz cd ~/usrc/TclMagick/ autoreconf cd ~/usrc/ tar -cvzf ~/tmp/tclmagick-cvs-a.tgz TclMagick/ #* * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) #* # (eev-bounded) # «tclmagick-build2» (to ".tclmagick-build2") # The personalized part of the build. # Unpack the post-autoreconf tarball, # and delete the previous .deb: rm -Rv ~/usrc/TclMagick/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf ~/tmp/tclmagick-cvs-a.tgz cd ~/usrc/TclMagick/ rm -v ~/usrc/tclmagick_0.45-1_i386.changes rm -v ~/usrc/tclmagick_0.45-1_i386.deb # (find-TH "tclmagick") # (find-angg "TCL/tclmagick-patch.sh") # Patch and build. # «tclmagick-buildlogs» (to ".tclmagick-buildlogs") . ~/TCL/tclmagick-patch.sh | tee opatch dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -b -rfakeroot |& tee odrb ldd debian/tclmagick/usr/lib/TclMagick0.45/libTclMagick.so |& tee oldd-tclmagick ldd debian/tclmagick/usr/lib/TclMagick0.45/libTkMagick.so |& tee oldd-tkmagick # More info that may be relevant to the upstream maintainers... # (find-other-debian-links "magick") # (find-angg ".zshrc" "installeddebs") # (find-zsh "installeddebs | sort | egrep 'tcl|tk|magick' | grep -v gtk") installeddebs | sort | egrep 'tcl|tk|magick' | grep -v gtk |& tee oinstdebs tar -cvzf /tmp/debian-tclmagick-build-info.tgz config.log config.status o* #* # (find-status "tclmagick") # (find-vldifile "tclmagick.list") # (find-udfile "tclmagick/") sudo dpkg -i ~/usrc/tclmagick_0.45-1_i386.deb #* # (find-tclmagickfile "") # (find-tclmagickfile "opatch") # (find-tclmagickfile "odrb") # (find-tclmagickfile "oldd-tclmagick") # (find-tclmagickfile "oldd-tkmagick") # (find-tclmagickfile "oinstdebs") # (find-tclmagickfile "debian/tclmagick/usr/lib/TclMagick0.45/") # (find-tclmagicksh "cd debian/tclmagick/ && find * | sort") #* # These links were useful while I was writing the patches... # (find-tclmagickfile "debian/") # (find-tclmagickfile "debian/rules") # (find-tclmagickfile "debian/control") # (find-tclmagickfile "tests/") # (find-tclmagickfile "tests/test-wand.tcl") # (find-tclmagickfile "tests/test-wand.tcl" "MontageImage") # (find-tclmagickfile "tests/test-wand.tcl" "proc MontageImage") # (kill-new "--with-tkinclude=/usr/include/tk/") # (find-tclmagickfile "debian/rules" "include/tcl$(TCLVERSION)/") # (find-tclmagickfile "debian/control" "Build-Depends:") # (find-tclmagickfile "debian/") ##### # # TclMagick: running the tests # 2010dec15 # ##### # «tclmagick-tests» (to ".tclmagick-tests") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/TclMagick/tests/ laf tclsh test-bmp-compare.tcl tclsh test-draw.tcl tclsh test-pixel.tcl tclsh test-wand.tcl tclsh tkmagick.tcl laf * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/TclMagick/tests/ nice tclsh test-wand.tcl # (find-tclmagickfile "") # (find-tclmagickfile "generic/") # (find-tclmagickfile "generic/TclMagick.c") # (find-tclmagickfile "generic/TkMagick.c") ##### # # TclMagick: using # 2010dec15 # ##### # «tclmagick-using» (to ".tclmagick-using") # (find-tclmagicksh "find * | sort") # (find-tclmagickfile "tmp/") # (find-tclmagickfile "tmp/x-Draw.jpg") # (find-tclmagickfile "tests/") # (find-tclmagickfile "tests/test-wand.tcl") # (find-tclmagickfile "tests/test-wand.tcl" "# Prepare tests") # (find-tclmagickfile "tests/test-wand.tcl" "$draw Rectangle") # (find-sh0 "cp -v ~/SCANS/caderno4/C2_VR_2010dec10_2.jpg /tmp/orig.jpg") # (find-sh0 "cp -v ~/IMAGES/logo_ict_martelo.png /tmp/orig.png") * (eepitch-wish) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-wish) set tcl_prompt2 {puts -nonewline "> "} # (find-tclmagickfile "tests/test-wand.tcl") package require TclMagick package require TkMagick proc debugLeave {cmdstr code result op} { puts [format " %s ==>{%s}" [string range $cmdstr 0 50] [string range $result 0 50]] update } proc debug {args} { foreach cmdMask $args { foreach cmd [info commands $cmdMask] { trace add execution $cmd leave debugLeave } } } debug magick set img [magick create wand img0] $img ReadImage "/tmp/orig.png" $img width $img height proc shrink {img divby} { $img resize [expr [$img width]/$divby] [expr [$img height]/$divby] } set small [$img clone imgsmall] shrink $small 8 $small WriteImage "/tmp/orig2.jpg" $small write "/tmp/orig2.jpg" # (find-fline "/tmp/orig2.jpg") # (find-tclmagickfile "tests/tkmagick.tcl") set tkimg [image create photo] magicktophoto $small $tkimg label .im .im configure -image $tkimg pack .im # (find-angg "LUA/vectors.tcl") # (find-LATEXfile "2009-1-C2-prova-1.tex" "~/LUA/vectors.tcl") canvas .c -width 200 -height 200 -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 pack .im .c -expand yes -fill both -side top pack .im .c -expand yes -fill both -side left .c create line 10 20 30 40 # (find-man "3tk canvas") # (find-man "3tk canvas" "IMAGE ITEMS") .c create image 5 5 -anchor nw -image $tkimg .c create line 10 20 30 40 .c configure -background .c configure -background red .c configure -background gray ##### # # TclMagick: cropping # 2011sep01 # ##### # «tclmagick-crop» (to ".tclmagick-crop") * (eepitch-wish) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-wish) # (find-es "tcl" "tclmagick-using") # (find-fline "~/FOTOS/camisetas/") set tcl_prompt2 {puts -nonewline "> "} package require TkMagick proc cam {stem} { return "/home/edrx/FOTOS/camisetas/$stem.jpg" } set w1 [magick create wand foo] set p1 [image create photo poo] $w1 read [cam roxo] magicktophoto $w1 $p1 canvas .c -width 350 -height 400 -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 pack .c .c create image 0 0 -anchor nw -image $p1 magick delete $w1 set w1 [magick create wand foo] $w1 read [cam laranja] magicktophoto $w1 $p1 set x 100 set y 120 proc move {dx dy} { global x y set x [expr $x+$dx] set y [expr $y+$dy] rset $x $y } set r1 [.c create rectangle 0 0 0 0 -fill {} -outline orange] proc rset {x y} { global r1 set x1 [expr $x-100] set x2 [expr $x+100] set y1 [expr $y-100] set y2 [expr $y+100] .c coords $r1 $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 } rset 20 30 rset 220 230 winfo children . .c find all .c itemconfigure 1 .c itemconfigure 2 .c type 1 .c type 2 bind . <Left> { move -5 0 } bind . <Right> { move 5 0 } bind . <Up> { move 0 -5 } bind . <Down> { move 0 5 } # Now use the arrows to move puts "$x $y" set w2 [$w1 clone woo2] $w2 crop 200 200 [expr $x-100] [expr $y-100] $w2 write /tmp/foo.jpg magick delete $w2 # (find-fline "/tmp/foo.jpg") # Interesting garbage: # (find-man "3tcl expr") magick fonts magick formats set img [magick create wand img0] set seq [magick create wand img1] debug $img $seq magick names set wand [$img clone imgX] set draw [magick create draw drawX] debug $wand $draw [magick create pixel whitePix] SetColor "white" [magick create pixel bluePix] SetColor "blue" [magick create pixel redPix] SetColor "red" $draw push graph $draw Rotate -45 $draw push graph $draw SetStrokeWidth 2 $draw SetFillColor whitePix $draw SetStrokeColor bluePix $draw Rectangle -200 280 +90 310 $draw pop graph $draw push graph $draw SetStrokeWidth 0.5 $draw SetStrokeColor bluePix $draw SetFillColor bluePix $draw SetFontSize 18 $draw Annotation -197 300 "Tcl/Tk + ImageMagick = TclMagick" $draw pop graph $draw pop graph # (find-status "tclmagick") # (find-vldifile "tclmagick.list") # (find-udfile "tclmagick/") # (find-udw3m "tclmagick/index.html") # (find-udw3m "tclmagick/TclMagick.html") # (find-udw3m "tclmagick/TkMagick.html") # (find-zsh "dmissing magick | grep api") # (find-fline "/usr/share/doc/imagemagick/www/api.html") # (find-fline "/usr/share/doc/imagemagick/www/") # (find-status "libmagickwand-dev") # (find-vldifile "libmagickwand-dev.list") # (find-udfile "libmagickwand-dev/") # (find-fline "/usr/include/ImageMagick/wand/") # (find-zsh "installeddebs | sort | grep magick") # (find-zsh "availabledebs | sort | grep magick") Hello TclMagick list... A few days ago I decided to install TclMagick on my machine - which runs Debian Testing -, and it seemed that the easiest way would be to use the scripts in the "debian/" directory to produce a .deb... after an "autoreconf" and just a few trivial changes everything worked. Here's what I did (remove the indentation to run it, of course): cd ~/usrc/ cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.graphicsmagick.org:/GraphicsMagick login cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.graphicsmagick.org:/GraphicsMagick co TclMagick cd ~/usrc/TclMagick/ autoreconf # Add "--with-tkinclude=/usr/include/tk/" # patch -p0 debian/rules <<'%%%' 28c28 < ./configure --with-tcl=/usr/lib/tcl$(TCLVERSION)/ --with-tk=/usr/lib/tk$(TCLVERSION)/ --with-magick=/usr/bin/Wand-config --enable-threads --with-tclinclude=/usr/include/tcl$(TCLVERSION)/ --- > ./configure --with-tcl=/usr/lib/tcl$(TCLVERSION)/ --with-tk=/usr/lib/tk$(TCLVERSION)/ --with-magick=/usr/bin/Wand-config --enable-threads --with-tclinclude=/usr/include/tcl$(TCLVERSION)/ --with-tkinclude=/usr/include/tk/ %%% # Here I should replace "libmagick6-dev" # by something else, but I was lazy... # patch -p0 debian/control <<'%%%' 5c5 < Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.0.0), libmagick6-dev, tcl8.4-dev, tk8.4-dev --- > Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.0.0), tcl8.4-dev, tk8.4-dev %%% # Skip the MontageImage test, that takes too long # to run (maybe forever). The tests don't go into # the .deb, but it is instructive to run them from # the source directory... # patch -p0 tests/test-wand.tcl <<'%%%' 133c133 < MontageImage seq 1 --- > MontageImage seq 0 %%% # The Debian build process builds these libs elsewhere. # Replace the "load" by a "package require" to use # the global libraries (after the .deb is installed). # patch -p0 tests/tkmagick.tcl <<'%%%' 9,10c9,11 < load [file join $dirname .. generic .libs libTclMagick[info sharedlibextension]] < load [file join $dirname .. generic .libs libTkMagick[info sharedlibextension]] --- > # load [file join $dirname .. generic .libs libTclMagick[info sharedlibextension]] > # load [file join $dirname .. generic .libs libTkMagick[info sharedlibextension]] > package require TkMagick %%% dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -b -rfakeroot sudo dpkg -i ~/usrc/tclmagick_0.45-1_i386.deb Then I was able to run the tests, i.e., this: cd ~/usrc/TclMagick/tests/ tclsh test-bmp-compare.tcl tclsh test-draw.tcl tclsh test-pixel.tcl tclsh test-wand.tcl tclsh tkmagick.tcl The last test in "test-bmp-compare.tcl" fails with this message: Checking epsilon 1.0e-6 difference in image comparison with only one pixel difference Comparing ../images/tclmagick-small.bmp and ../images/tclmagick-small-diff.bmp Images compared at 2.74747474747e-05 using meansquarederror FAIL compareOnePixelDiff And "test-wand.tcl" freezes after displaying this message: MontageImage: magick names ==>{img0 img1} img1 clone seqX ==>{seqX} magick create drawing drawX ==>{drawX} seqX MontageImage drawX 40x40 400x400 frame 4x4 img ==>{imgX} Except for that and for the (not few) compilation warnings everything seems to be fine, or at least fine enough 8-). I thought that maybe you were planning to update the scripts in the "debian/" directory, but that that could be a very low-priority task... and a report like this could help a bit. Cheers & thanks, Eduardo Ochs eduardoochs@gmail.com http://angg.twu.net/ # (code-c-d "tclmagick" "~/usrc/TclMagick/") # (find-tclmagickfile "") http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/graphicsmagick-tclmagick ##### # # Anonymous functions in Tcl8.5 # 2012dec26 # ##### # «anonymous-functions» (to ".anonymous-functions") (defun eepitch-tcl85 () (interactive) (eepitch-comint "tclsh8.5" "tclsh8.5")) * (eepitch-tcl85) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-tcl85) set foo {{x} {puts ">> $x <<"}} apply $foo 10 apply {{x} {puts ">> $x <<"}} 20 ##### # # CriTcl # 2013jan05 # ##### # «critcl» (to ".critcl") # http://wiki.tcl.tk/2523 ##### # # Namespaces # 2013jan19 # ##### # «namespace» (to ".namespace") # (find-man "3tcl namespace") # (find-man "3tcl namespace" "\nQUALIFIED NAMES") # (find-man "3tcl namespace" "\nNAME RESOLUTION") # (find-man "3tcl variable") ##### # # multiline-comments # 2019jun29 # ##### # «multiline-comments» (to ".multiline-comments") # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3368845/how-put-block-comments-in-tcl # (find-eev "eev-wrap.el" "ee-insert-test") # (find-eev "eev-wrap.el" "ee-insert-test" "ee-insert-test-tcl") ##### # # Glue languages # 2019aug18 # ##### # «glue-languages» (to ".glue-languages") # (find-sh "dict \"Ousterhout's dichotomy\"") # (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "ousterhout") ##### # # TH1 # 2020jan05 # ##### # «TH1» (to ".TH1") # https://fossil-scm.org/home/doc/trunk/www/th1.md ##### # # jim # 2021feb05 # ##### # «jim» (to ".jim") # http://jim.tcl.tk/index.html/doc/www/www/index.html # http://jim.tcl.tk/index.html/doc/www/www/download/ # http://jim.tcl.tk/index.html/doc/www/www/documentation/ # http://jim.tcl.tk/fossil/doc/trunk/Tcl_shipped.html # https://lists.btbrotary.org.au/pipermail/jimtcl/ # https://github.com/msteveb/jimtcl # (code-c-d "jimtcl" "~/usrc/jimtcl/") # (find-jimtclfile "") # (find-jimtclfile "examples/") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/jimtcl/ ./configure |& tee oc make |& tee om make test |& tee omt ##### # # Using trap to receive commands via SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2 # 2021dec07 # ##### # «trap-2021» (to ".trap-2021") # «2021-emacs-tcl-bridge» (to ".2021-emacs-tcl-bridge") # (find-fline "~/LOGS/2021dec07.tcl") # http://angg.twu.net/IMAGES/2021-emacs-tcl-bridge.png # (find-man "1 expect" "trap [[command] signals]") # (find-man "3tcl vwait") # (define-key eev-mode-map "\M-#" 'eewrap-two-eepitches) # (find-eevfile "eegchannel") # (eek "6*<down> M-2 C-l") ##### # # canvas # 2022mar02 # ##### # «canvas» (to ".canvas") # (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 155) "15.8 Canvases") # (find-sh "sort /var/lib/dpkg/info/tk8.6-doc.list") # (find-man "3tk canvas") # (find-man "3tk options") # (find-man "3tk canvas" "pathName coords tagOrId") # (find-man "3tk canvas" "pathName moveto") # «dragABC» (to ".dragABC") # (find-es "pharo" "dragging-objects") * (eepitch-tcl) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-tcl) package-require-Tk; # See: (find-es "tcl" "package-require-Tk") canvas .c -width 250 -height 250 pack .c -expand yes -fill both .c create text 100 100 -text A -anchor nw -tags "A" .c create text 120 100 -text B -anchor nw -tags "B" .c create text 120 80 -text C -anchor nw -tags "C" proc A_x {} { lindex [.c coords A] 0 } proc A_y {} { lindex [.c coords A] 1 } proc B_x {} { lindex [.c coords B] 0 } proc B_y {} { lindex [.c coords B] 1 } proc C_x {} { lindex [.c coords C] 0 } proc C_y {} { lindex [.c coords C] 1 } .c bind A <B1-Motion> {puts "%x %y"} .c bind B <B1-Motion> {puts "%x %y"} .c bind C <B1-Motion> {puts "%x %y"} .c bind A <B1-Motion> {.c moveto A %x %y} .c bind B <B1-Motion> {.c moveto B %x [A_y]} .c bind C <B1-Motion> {.c moveto C %x %y; .c moveto B [C_x] [B_y]} # .c delete A B C ##### # # scrollbar # 2023mar17 # ##### # «scrollbar» (to ".scrollbar") # https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/page/ttk%3A%3Ascrollbar # https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/page/Dissecting+a+scrollbar # https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/page/Minimal+scrolling+canvas # (find-sh "locate -i scrollbar | grep -i tk") # (find-man "3pm Tk::Scrollbar") # (find-man "3tk scrollbar") # (find-man "3tk ttk_scrollbar") # (find-fline "/usr/share/tcltk/tk8.6/ttk/scrollbar.tcl") ##### # # scale # 2023mar18 # ##### # «scale» (to ".scale") # https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/page/scale # (find-sh "locate -i scale | grep -i tk") # (find-man "3pm Tk::Scale") # (find-man "3tk scale") # (find-man "3tk ttk_scale") # (find-fline "/sda1/usr/share/tcltk/tk8.6/scale.tcl") # (find-fline "/sda1/usr/share/tcltk/tk8.6/ttk/scale.tcl") # (find-angg "TCL/scrollingcanvas.tcl") * (ee-set-fullscreen nil) * (size 150 56) * (eepitch-tclsh) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-tclsh) package-require-Tk set scalex .sx set scaley .sy set scaleR .sR scale $scalex -orient horiz scale $scaley -orient horiz scale $scaleR -orient horiz pack $scalex pack $scaley pack $scaleR ##### # # aloupe # 2023apr08 # ##### # «aloupe» (to ".aloupe") # https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/page/aloupe%2C+a+screen+loupe # https://aplsimple.github.io/en/tcl/aloupe/aloupe.html # https://chiselapp.com/user/aplsimple/repository/aloupe/download # https://chiselapp.com/user/aplsimple/repository/aloupe/tarball/trunk/aloupe.tar.gz # https://chiselapp.com/user/aplsimple/repository/aloupe/dir?ci=tip # (code-c-d "aloupe" "~/usrc/aloupe/") # (find-aloupefile "") # (find-aloupefile "README.md") # (find-aloupefile "README.md" "-zoom") # (find-aloupefile "README.md" "libtk-img" "tktreectrl") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rv ~/usrc/aloupe/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/https/chiselapp.com/user/aplsimple/repository/aloupe/tarball/trunk/aloupe.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/aloupe/ apti libtk-img tktreectrl * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) tclsh ~/usrc/aloupe/aloupe.tcl tclsh ~/usrc/aloupe/aloupe.tcl -zoom 16 -size 9 ##### # # apave # 2023apr08 # ##### # «apave» (to ".apave") # https://aplsimple.github.io/en/tcl/pave/index.html # https://aplsimple.github.io/en/tcl/booksum/index.html # https://aplsimple.github.io/en/tcl/screenshooter/screenshooter.html ##### # # screenshooter # 2023apr26 # ##### # «screenshooter» (to ".screenshooter") # https://aplsimple.github.io/en/tcl/screenshooter/screenshooter.html # https://chiselapp.com/user/aplsimple/repository/screenshooter/tarball/trunk/screenshooter.tar.gz # (find-bgprocess "tclsh ~/usrc/screenshooter/screenshooter.tcl") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rv ~/usrc/screenshooter/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/https/chiselapp.com/user/aplsimple/repository/screenshooter/tarball/trunk/screenshooter.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/screenshooter/ # (code-c-d "sshooter" "~/usrc/screenshooter/") # (find-sshooterfile "") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) tclsh ~/usrc/screenshooter/screenshooter.tcl ##### # # wibble # 2024jun30 # ##### # «wibble» (to ".wibble") # https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/search # https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/page/Wibble # https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/page/Wibble+help # https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/page/Wibble+implementation # https://chiselapp.com/user/andy/repository/wibble/timeline?y=ci ##### # # json-rpc # 2024jun30 # ##### # «json-rpc» (to ".json-rpc") # https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/page/JSON-RPC * (find-3EE '(eepitch-bash) '(eepitch-tcl)) * (find-3ee '(eepitch-bash) '(eepitch-tcl)) * (eepitch-bash) * (eepitch-tcl) package require Expect proc readfile {fname} { set ch [open $fname r]; set str [read $ch]; close $ch; return $str } proc writefile {fname str} { set ch [open $fname w]; puts -nonewline $ch $str; close $ch } proc savepid {} { writefile /tmp/bridge-pid "[pid]\n" } proc onsigusr1 {} { puts -nonewline [readfile /tmp/bridge-data] } proc onsigusr2 {} { eval [readfile /tmp/bridge-data] } trap {onsigusr1} USR1 trap {onsigusr2} USR2 savepid vwait forever * (eepitch-bash) function bridge-send () { echo "$2" > /tmp/bridge-data kill -s $1 $(cat /tmp/bridge-pid) } bridge-send SIGUSR1 'Hello' bridge-send SIGUSR2 ' puts "(Redefining onsigusr1)" proc onsigusr1 {} { puts -nonewline "![readfile /tmp/bridge-data]" } ' bridge-send SIGUSR1 'Hello 2' Tcl book examples # http://tcl.sourceforge.net/faqs/tcl/part1.html # ftp://ftp.tcl.tk/pub/tcl/doc/book.examples.Z set set set; [$set $set] $set $set set set set; [[set set] [set set]] [set set] [set set] Geometry managers: http://wiki.tcl.tk/443 Drawing program: http://wiki.tcl.tk/13257 Category Music: http://wiki.tcl.tk/references/14463! Pstack: http://wiki.tcl.tk/10631 PostgreSQL: http://wiki.tcl.tk/3744 ACID: http://wiki.tcl.tk/3129 Odyce/TCC: http://wiki.tcl.tk/20086 # (find-zsh "grep-available -i spreadsheet") https://0branch.com/highlight/snippets/twc.tcl world clock https://exercism.io/tracks/tcl https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29071339 A little backtracking Prolog interpreter in Tcl (2010) (tcl-lang.org) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29143346 Why is Tcl syntax so weird (2013) (tcl-lang.org) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9098859 before tcl got it's own native OO system, there were LOTS of competing OO systems https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32405713 Tcled: Pure Tcl Console Text Editor (2019) (github.com/slebetman) https://www.se-radio.net/2022/07/episode-520-john-ousterhout-on-a-philosophy-of-software-design/ http://antirez.com/articoli/tclmisunderstood.html http://oldblog.antirez.com/page/picol.html picol, a Tcl interpreter in 550 lines of C code http://antirez.com/picol/picol.c.txt https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34733120 A brief interview with Tcl creator John Ousterhout (pldb.com) https://eugenkiss.github.io/7guis/tasks # (find-telegachat "1487862914#214227" "exec-menu.tcl") # (find-telegachat "1487862914#214364" "exec {*}$cmd becomes exec \"/bin/bash\" -c $cmd") https://www.tcl-lang.org/cgi-bin/tct/tip/157.html TIP #157: Argument Expansion with Leading {expand} https://tcl.tk/man/tcl8.6.13/TclCmd/Tcl.htm#M9 https://www.magicsplat.com/blog/disassemble/ https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/page/List+the+call+stack https://www.magicsplat.com/blog/meta-html/ https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/page/The+Hello+World+program+as+implemented+in+Tcl%2FTk https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/page/Playing+with+Pipes%2C+Send+and+DDE https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35647364 Tcl Programming/Tk Examples (wikibooks.org) https://cohost.org/sakiamu/post/177439-tcl-on-the-brain https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41017367 A brief interview with Tcl creator John Ousterhout (2023) (pldb.io) https://github.com/zakirullin/cognitive-load?#too-many-small-methods-classes-or-modules https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41661906 Tcl 9.0 (tcl-lang.org) https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/page/List+of+ttk+Themes https://github.com/johnousterhout/aposd-vs-clean-code/blob/main/README.md https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=43166362 Clean Code vs. A Philosophy Of Software Design (github.com/johnousterhout) https://antirez.com/articoli/tclmisunderstood.html *** # Local Variables: # coding: utf-8-unix # End: