Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and the conversion rules are here. |
####### # # E-scripts on net-related things. # # Note 1: use the eev command (defined in eev.el) and the # ee alias (in my .zshrc) to execute parts of this file. # Executing this file as a whole makes no sense. # An introduction to eev can be found here: # # (find-eev-quick-intro) # http://angg.twu.net/eev-intros/find-eev-quick-intro.html # # Note 2: be VERY careful and make sure you understand what # you're doing. # # Note 3: If you use a shell other than zsh things like |& # and the for loops may not work. # # Note 4: I always run as root. # # Note 5: some parts are too old and don't work anymore. Some # never worked. # # Note 6: the definitions for the find-xxxfile commands are on my # .emacs. # # Note 7: if you see a strange command check my .zshrc -- it may # be defined there as a function or an alias. # # Note 8: the sections without dates are always older than the # sections with dates. # # This file is at <http://angg.twu.net/e/net.e> # or at <http://angg.twu.net/e/net.e.html>. # See also <http://angg.twu.net/emacs.html>, # <http://angg.twu.net/.emacs[.html]>, # <http://angg.twu.net/.zshrc[.html]>, # <http://angg.twu.net/escripts.html>, # and <http://angg.twu.net/>. # ####### # «.rfcs» (to "rfcs") # «.netcat» (to "netcat") # «.route» (to "route") # «.dig» (to "dig") # «.seashells» (to "seashells") # «.nmap» (to "nmap") # «.lsof» (to "lsof") # «.ctan_mirrors» (to "ctan_mirrors") # «.netselect» (to "netselect") # «.sniffit» (to "sniffit") # «.sendmail_conf_rh» (to "sendmail_conf_rh") # «.sendmail_conf» (to "sendmail_conf") # «.weblint» (to "weblint") # «.hping2» (to "hping2") # «.iwconfig» (to "iwconfig") # «.inetutils» (to "inetutils") ##### # # RFCs # 2004oct11 # ##### # «rfcs» (to ".rfcs") # In 2004oct09 my connection went down for two days - the ethernet # card was fine and I could ping myself, but I couldn't ping the # gateway machine in my building, and the support guy didn't know how # to fix it - so I started to collect links and texts... The next time # something like that happens I'll try to learn how to do some # low-level tests. # (find-k24file "include/net/udp.h") # (find-k24file "include/linux/udp.h") # (find-k24file "net/ipv6/udp.c") # (find-k24file "net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_nat_proto_udp.c") # (find-k24file "net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_conntrack_proto_udp.c") # (find-k24file "net/ipv4/udp.c") # (find-k24file "net/ipv4/") # (find-rfcfile "rfc0001.txt") # (find-rfcfile "") # TCP: (find-rfcfile "rfc0793.txt") # Layers: (find-rfcfile "rfc1122.txt") # Layers: (find-rfcfile "rfc1122.txt" "[Page 76]" "UDP") # (find-rfcfile "rfc1123.txt") ##### # # kernel calls # 2004dec25 # ##### # (find-man "2 socket") # (find-man "2 socketpair") # (find-man "2 bind") # (find-man "2 listen") # (find-man "2 connect") # (find-man "2 accept") # (find-man "7 unix") # (find-man "7 ip") # (find-man "7 netlink") # (find-man "7 packet") # (find-man "2 path_resolution") # (find-man "2 path_resolution" "search permission") ##### # # netcat # 2004oct12 # ##### # «netcat» (to ".netcat") # (find-status "netcat") # (find-vldifile "netcat.list") # (find-udfile "netcat/") # (find-udfile "netcat/README.gz") # (find-udfile "netcat/examples/data/") # (find-udfile "netcat/examples/scripts/") # (find-man "1 nc") # (find-udfile "netcat/README.gz" ".rhosts") # (find-udfile "netcat/README.gz" "syslogger") # (find-eev "examples/eev-tests.e" "eechannel") # https://blog.ikuamike.io/posts/2021/netcat/ ##### # # route # 2023nov05 # ##### # «route» (to ".route") # (find-man "8 route") # (find-esgrep "grep --color=auto -nH --null -e route *.e") # (find-man "arp") # (find-man "rarp") # (find-man "ip") ##### # # dig # 2023nov05 # ##### # «dig» (to ".dig") # (find-man "1 dig") # (find-es "linode" "https") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) dig denis.com.br dig anggtwu.net ##### # # seashells # 2021oct18 # ##### # «seashells» (to ".seashells") # https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28901580 Seashells: Pipe output from command-line programs to the web in real-time # https://seashells.io/ # https://github.com/anishathalye/seashells ##### # # nmap: finding which ports have daemons listening # 2004dec18 # ##### # «nmap» (to ".nmap") # (find-status "nmap") # (find-vldifile "nmap.list") # (find-udfile "nmap/") # (find-udfile "nmap/nmap.usage.txt.gz") # (find-man "1 nmap") # (find-man "1 nmap" "-P0") # (find-man "1 nmap" "-v") # (find-man "1 nmap" "-O") # (find-man "1 nmap" "-sS") # (find-man "1 nmap" "-sV") # (find-sh "nmap -P0 localhost") # (find-sh "nmap -v -v localhost") nmap nmap -v -sS -O ##### # # lsof # 2007may17 # ##### # «lsof» (to ".lsof") # (find-status "lsof") # (find-vldifile "lsof.list") # (find-udfile "lsof/") # (find-esgrep "grep -nH -e lsof *.e") # (find-es "modem" "efax" "lsof | grep /dev/") # (find-es "x" "xfs0" "lsof | grep $(pidof xfs)") # (find-node "(zsh)Redirection" "preceded by a digit") # (find-sh "lsof") # (find-sh "lsof 2> /dev/null ") # (find-sh "lsof | awk '$5==\"IPv4\"'") # (find-sh "lsof 2> /dev/null | awk '$5==\"IPv4\"'") # (find-sh "lsof |& awk '$5==\"IPv4\"'") # (find-man "8 lsof") # (find-man "8 lsof" "``IPv4'' for an IPv4 socket") # 2011aug11: # (find-udfile "lsof/00DIST.gz") # (find-udfile "lsof/00FAQ.gz") # (find-udfile "lsof/README.Debian") # (find-udfile "lsof/README.Debian-source") # (find-udfile "lsof/changelog.Debian.gz") # (find-udfile "lsof/copyright") # (find-udfile "lsof/examples/00MANIFEST") # (find-udfile "lsof/examples/00README") # (find-udfile "lsof/examples/big_brother.perl5.gz") # (find-udfile "lsof/examples/count_pf.perl") # (find-udfile "lsof/examples/count_pf.perl5") # (find-udfile "lsof/examples/identd.perl5") # (find-udfile "lsof/examples/idrlogin.perl.gz") # (find-udfile "lsof/examples/idrlogin.perl5.gz") # (find-udfile "lsof/examples/list_NULf.perl5.gz") # (find-udfile "lsof/examples/list_fields.awk.gz") # (find-udfile "lsof/examples/list_fields.perl.gz") # (find-udfile "lsof/examples/shared.perl5.gz") # (find-udfile "lsof/examples/sort_res.perl5") # (find-udfile "lsof/examples/watch_a_file.perl") # (find-udfile "lsof/examples/xusers.awk") # (find-man "8 lsof") # (find-man "8 lsof" "\nOUTPUT FOR OTHER PROGRAMS\n") # (find-sh "lsof -h") # (find-sh "lsof -F '?'") # (find-sh "sudo lsof") ##### # # CTAN mirrors # ##### # «ctan_mirrors» (to ".ctan_mirrors") # (find-fline "$SCTAN/") # (find-fline "$SCTAN/ls-lR.i") mynetselect $(grep '^ [a-z]' $SCTAN/CTAN.sites | awk '{print $1}') ####### # # netselect (old notes) # ####### # «netselect» (to ".netselect") # (find-es "apt" "netselect-apt") # (find-vldifile "netselect.list") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/netselect/") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/netselect/README.gz") # Debian mirrors: # cd /usr/doc/netselect/examples/ netselect -vvv $(cat debian-ftp-mirrors) |& tee ~/o agrep ' ok ' < ~/o \ | awk '{printf "%s %s %s\n", substr($0, 73), substr($0, 39, 33), substr($0, 1, 37)}' \ | sort -r \ | tee ~/o2 # (find-fline "~/o2") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/netselect/examples/debian-ftp-mirrors") # (find-fline "/big/slinkb1/README.mirrors.txt") # CPAN mirrors: # getlinks < $S/http/www.perl.com/CPAN/SITES.html |& tee ~/o3 perl -nle 'm%.*://([.0-z-]+)/.*% && print $1' < ~/o3 | sort | uniq > ~/o2 netselect -vvv $(<~/o2) |& tee ~/o agrep ' ok ' < ~/o \ | awk '{printf "%s %s %s\n", substr($0, 73), substr($0, 39, 33), substr($0, 1, 37)}' \ | sort -r \ | tee ~/o2 # (find-fline "~/o2") # (find-fline "~/o3") ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/perl/CPAN/ pdsc /debian/dists/slink/main/source/net/netselect_0.2-3.dsc cd /usr/src/netselect-0.2/ make |& tee om # Uh-oh - it's suid root, can't install it at my university account # Novo esquema: # (find-fline "~/.zshrc" "netselect") mynetselect $(cat /usr/doc/netselect/examples/debian-ftp-mirrors) # (find-fline "/big/slinkb1/README.mirrors.txt") ####### # # dip + expect # ####### # (find-fline "~/bin/inx.dip") # (find-fline "~/EXPECT/inx") port ttyS2 speed 115200 netmask reset # Meu string de inicializacao para o USR Sportster 14400: # send ATL3&A3&B1&H1&R2&S0=0X3\r wait OK 1 send ATDT///////5126882\r # inx: 512-688[012349] # 512-689[0126789] # 512-690[456] wait CONNECT 60 if $errlvl != 0 goto error login: wait rname: 10 edrx: # wait 1 # send spg\r send edrx\r if $errlvl != 0 goto error wait ord: 10 if $errlvl != 0 goto error send xxxxxxxx\n wait ing\sPPP if $errlvl != 0 goto error done: print CONNECTED $locip ---> $rmtip loggedin: default done: print CONNECTED to $remote with address $rmtip mode PPP exit error: print PPP to $remote failed. ####### # # urlget 3.12 # ####### cd /usr/src/ rm -Rv urlget-3.12/ tar -xvzf /snarf/http/www.inf.ufrgs.br/~sagula/urlget-3.12.tar.gz cd /usr/src/urlget-3.12/ make |& tee om ##### # # The dummy net device # ##### # (find-k22file "Documentation/Configure.help" "Dummy net driver") # (find-k2file "drivers/net/loopback.c") # (find-k2file "drivers/net/dummy.c") insmod $MODULES/dummy.o ifconfig dummy up ifconfig dummy down route add -net netmask dev lo route add netmask gw localhost dev lo route del /etc/init.d/netstd_init stop /etc/init.d/netbase stop /etc/init.d/netstd_misc stop /etc/init.d/netstd_init start /etc/init.d/netbase start /etc/init.d/netstd_misc start ###### # # News # ###### (load-library "gnus") # (find-node "(gnus)Summary Post Commands") # (find-node "(gnus)Article Caching") # (find-efile "gnus.el") # (find-efile "nntp.el") cd /usr/share/emacs/19.34/lisp/ agrep '^\(' nntp.el # (find-fline "/snarf/ftp/rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet/news.software.readers/") # (find-fline "/snarf/ftp/rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet/news.software.readers/Gnus_(Emacs_Newsreader)_FAQ" ": Q1.12") ###### # # Sending mail with the correct "from" field # ###### sendmail -fFritz.Cohen@somewhere.zz -Fedrx edrx@mat.puc-rio.br <<'EOF' blip blip poo EOF (find-efile "sendmail.el") (find-enode "Sending Mail") (find-etag "mail-send") (find-etag "sendmail-send-it") ####### # # sendmail configuration (RedHat; old) # ####### # «sendmail_conf_rh» (to ".sendmail_conf_rh") # I use "DMmat.puc-rio.br" # (find-fline "/etc/sendmail.cf" "my official domain name") # (find-fline "/etc/sendmail.cf" "\nDM") # (find-fline "/big/a42/live/usr/doc/sendmail/RELEASE_NOTES" "masq") # (find-sendmfile "cf/README" "who I claim to be") # (find-sendmfile "cf/README" "TION To M4") # (find-sendmfile "src/conf.c") # (find-sendmfile "src/macro.c" "DEFINE --") # (find-sendmfile "src/main.c" "\ninitmacros") groff -Tascii -me /big/a42/live/usr/doc/sendmail/doc/op/op.me | l /etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail.init stop /etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail.init start ####### # # sendmail configuration (Slink) # 00jan11 # ####### # «sendmail_conf» (to ".sendmail_conf") # (find-vldifile "sendmail.list") # (find-vldifile "" "sendmail") # (find-vldifile "sendmail.postinst") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/sendmail/") # (find-fline "/usr/share/sendmail.cf/feature/") # *ARGH*, I lost fetchmail'ed mail due to a misconfigured sendmail! # I have to be much more careful the next time... # (find-vldifile "s ###### # # Sniffit 0.3.5 # ###### cd /usr/src/ rm -Rv sniffit.0.3.5/ tar -xvzf /snarf/http/reptile.rug.ac.be/~coder/sniffit/files/sniffit.0.3.5.tar.gz cd sniffit.0.3.5/ tar -xvf /snarf/http/reptile.rug.ac.be/~coder/sniffit/files/sniffit.0.3.5.p1.tar patch < sniffit.0.3.5.patch.1 |& tee op cp -v sniffit.5 /usr/man/man5/ cp -v sniffit.8 /usr/man/man8/ cp -iv /home/root/config.cache . ./configure |& tee oc make |& tee om # using: # (find-fline "/usr/src/sniffit.0.3.5/README.FIRST" 160) # (find-fline "/usr/src/sniffit.0.3.5/PLUGIN-HOWTO" 155) sniffit -t @ -a -b -d -x |& tee o sniffit -t @ -a -b |& tee oasc sniffit -M1 -N -P UDP -t @ ##### # # sniffit # 2011oct13 # ##### # «sniffit» (to ".sniffit") # (find-zsh "grep-available sniffer") # http://reptile.rug.ac.be/~coder/sniffit/ # (find-status "sniffit") # (find-vldifile "sniffit.list") # (find-udfile "sniffit/") # (find-man "5 sniffit") # (find-man "8 sniffit") # (find-udfile "sniffit/PLUGIN-HOWTO.gz") # (find-udfile "sniffit/README.FIRST.gz") # (find-udfile "sniffit/README.FIRST.gz" "-t <IP nr/name>") # (find-udfile "sniffit/examples/dns_plugin.plug.gz") # (find-udfile "sniffit/examples/dummy_plugin.plug") # (find-udfile "sniffit/examples/sample_config_file") # (find-udfile "sniffit/sniffit-FAQ") # (find-sh "sudo iwconfig") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) sudo sniffit -t @ -a -b -d -x sniffit -t @ -a -b sniffit -M1 -N -P UDP -t @ sudo sniffit --help sudo sniffit -h sudo sniffit -t @ sudo sniffit -P tcp sudo sniffit -a -F wlan0 ####### # # old java links # ####### http://www.blackdown.org/java-linux.html http://www.blackdown.org/java-linux/docs/faq/FAQ-java-linux.htm http://www.cs.utsa.edu/research/plss.html http://www.redhat.com/linux-info/jolt/ http://www.transvirtual.com/kaffe/ http://www.transvirtual.com/kaffe/faq.html http://www.webteacher.com/javatour.htm http://www.best.com/~pvdl/javafaq.html http://www.lesstif.org/ http://www.bcpl.lib.md.us/~jspath/usenet-newbie.html ########## # # ppp over minicom # ########## (find-fline "/usr/doc/HOWTO/mini/PPP-over-minicom" 107) (find-fline "/etc/ppp/options") (write-heredoc "/etc/ppp/mini_options") asyncmap 0 lock defaultroute noipdefault crtscts modem EOF # Why? Well, strace'ing dip we see this: # # execve("/usr/sbin/pppd", ["pppd", "-detach", "defaultroute", # "noipdefault", "crtscts", "modem"], [/* 38 vars */]) = 0 # # which, by the way, corresponds to this source line: # # (find-fline "/usr/src/redhat/BUILD/dip-3.3.7o/ppp.c") # # I don't remember where did I get the asyncmap/lock lines from, maybe # (find-fline "/c1/home/root/Tips/PPP-Client-HOWTO-11.html" 118) # (find-fline "/c1/home/root/Tips/PPP-Client-HOWTO-14.html" 71) # (find-fline "/c1/home/root/Tips/PPP-Tips-7.html") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/HTML/ldp/PPP-HOWTO-12.html") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/HTML/ldp/PPP-HOWTO-13.html" 52) # (find-fline "/usr/doc/HTML/ldp/PPP-HOWTO-26.html" 118) # (find-fline "/usr/doc/HTML/ldp/ISP-Hookup-HOWTO-6.html" 31) /usr/sbin/pppd file /etc/ppp/mini_options < /dev/cua2 > /dev/cua2 & laf -R /var/lock /var/run Esse é o do INX: (write-heredoc "/etc/resolv.conf") search . nameserver EOF Esse é o do Plugue: (write-heredoc "/etc/resolv.conf") search . nameserver nameserver EOF cd /etc/rc.d/init.d/ /etc/rc.d/init.d/inet stop /etc/rc.d/init.d/inet start smtp mail.plugue.com.br pop mail.plugue.com.br ###### # # less (at saci) # ###### mkdir -p ~/ftp/prep.ai.mit.edu/pub/gnu cd ~/ftp/prep.ai.mit.edu/pub/gnu wget ftp://prep.ai.mit.edu/pub/gnu/ wget ftp://prep.ai.mit.edu/pub/gnu/less-332.tar.gz rm -Rv ~/less-332 cd ~ tar -xvzf ~/ftp/prep.ai.mit.edu/pub/gnu/less-332.tar.gz cd ~/less-332/ ./configure |& tee oc make |& tee om cp -iv less ~/bin-AIX/ ###### # # apache-1.3.0 (with -g) # ###### debsource /debian/main/source/web apache 1.3.0 -2 # (find-apafile "debian/rules") # find * -type f | glimpseindex -H . -F make -f debian/rules stamp-configure |& tee omsc make LDFLAGS_SHLIB="-Bshareable -lc" OPTIM="-g" |& tee om debian/rules binary |& tee odrb # Parece que o debhelper stripa os binários... # (find-apafile "odrb" "dh_strip") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/debhelper/") # Só que eu me lembrei que os cgis não podem ser owned by root, e isso # resolve o problema. O debugamento fica para outro dia. # (find-apafile "src/main/http_protocol.c" "You don't") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/lsof/") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/lsof/00QUICKSTART.gz" "\n13.") # (find-fline "/var/run/") # (find-fline "/var/run/apache.pid") ps ax --sort=pgrp pstree -pu mycat /var/lib/dpkg/info/apache.* # (find-fline "/usr/doc/apache/examples/") # (find-fline "/var/log/apache/error.log") ######## # # devinfo # ######## # (find-fline "/snarf/http/sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/ls-lR" "devinfo.tar.gz") # (find-fline "$SUNSITE/ls-lR" "devinfo.tar.gz") rm -Rv /usr/src/devinfo/ cd /usr/src/ tar -xvzf $SUNSITE/system/network/misc/devinfo.tar.gz cd /usr/src/devinfo/ gcc -o devinfo devinfo.c gcc -o gethost gethost.c gcc -o netmath netmath.c cp -v *.8 /usr/man/man8/ cp -v devinfo gethost netmath /usr/bin/ ###### # # configuring hostname, ip address, etc # ###### man ifconfig man route man netstat # (find-fline "/etc/rc.d/init.d/network") # (find-fline "/etc/sysconfig/network") find /etc/rc.d/ /etc/sysconfig/ -type f man init # (find-fline "/etc/inittab" "si::") # (find-fline "/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit") # (find-fline "/etc/sysconfig/network") # (find-fline "/var/log/dmesg") # (find-fline "/etc/rc.d/rc3.d/") # (find-fline "/etc/rc.d/init.d/network") # (find-fline "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/") # (find-fline "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup") # (find-fline "/etc/rc.d/init.d/inet") # (find-fline "/etc/rc.d/init.d/functions") # (find-fline "/etc/sysconfig/network") # (find-fline "/etc/rc.d/init.d/network") # (find-node "(zsh)Array Parameters") F=(`find /etc/rc.d/ /etc/sysconfig/ -type f`) agrep route $F agrep ifconfig $F agrep netstat $F agrep -l 'ifconfig|netstat|route' $F ##### # # plip device # ##### # O que é o tal do device plip0? É um symlink? cd /cdrom/ cp -diPv $(<<'---' debian/main/source/base/makedev_1.6-32.diff.gz debian/main/source/base/makedev_1.6-32.dsc debian/main/source/base/makedev_1.6.orig.tar.gz ---) / debsource /debian/main/source/base makedev 1.6 -32 # (find-k2file "Documentation/devices.txt") # (find-k2file "include/linux/major.h") # (find-fline "/etc/devinfo") # (find-fline "/etc/makedev.cfg") man devinfo man makedev.cfg # (find-k2file "drivers/cdrom/mcd.c" "MAJOR_NR") # (find-k2file "drivers/cdrom/mcd.c" "register_blkdev(") # (find-k2tag "register_blkdev") ####### # # cipe # ####### # (find-fline "/etc/cipe/") # (find-fline "/etc/cipe/options") cd /proxy/home/var/src/cipe-1.0.0/ insmod cip3b cd ~/cipe-1.0.0/ ciped telnet 12345 telnet ps ax | grep cipe # (find-fline "/proxy/home/var/src/cipe-0.5.3/") # (code-c-d "cipe" "/proxy/home/var/src/cipe-0.5.3/" "/proxy/home/var/src/cipe-0.5.3/cipe") # (find-cipenode "Top") # (find-cipenode "insmod") cd ~ rm -Rv cipe-1.0.0/ tar -xvzf /proxy/home/var/src/cipe-0.5.3/cipe-1.0.0.tar.gz cd ~/cipe-1.0.0/ make |& tee om cd / tar -cvzf ~/r2hsep3.tgz /proxy/etc/cipe /etc/cipe ~/CRIM/009ideas \ /proxy/home/var/src/cipe-0.5.3/cipe-1.0.0.tar.gz Problemas: não sei usar o kerneld, o msdos.o depende de um monte de módulos, não sei configurar o empilhamento automático, etc. O apache está reclamando de estar proibido de rodar os cgis. Quero ser capaz de carregar arquivos dos CDs da Debian mais facilmente. Quero ser capaz de mudar o repeat rate do teclado. O samba depende de uns pacotes básicos, como pam0 e libc5; quando eu tento intalá-lo eu me embaralho. Qual o modo standard? Dar um jeito de lidar com as dependências. Apagar as coisas desnecessárias da Debian do amendoim. ###### # # cipe at angg # ###### rm -Rv /usr/src/cipe-1.0.0/ cd /usr/src/ tar -xvzf ~/cipe/proxy/home/var/src/cipe-0.5.3/cipe-1.0.0.tar.gz cd /usr/src/cipe-1.0.0/ # (find-fline "/usr/src/cipe-1.0.0/") # (find-fline "/usr/src/cipe-1.0.0/Make") # (find-node "(make)Top") # (find-node "(make)Overriding") # (find-fline "/etc/cipe/options") make MODVERSIONS= |& tee om cp cipe.info /usr/info/ # # Esses são os que funcionam (ou pelo menos funcionaram na terça na raven): # telnet 12345 telnet 12345 kill $(ps ax | grep 'cip[e3]' | awk '{print $1}') rmmod cip3b ifconfig route ps ax | grep 'cip[e3]' cd /usr/src/cipe-1.0.0/ insmod cip3b.o ciped ping cd /var/log/ cat daemon.log kern.log messages syslog | grep -i 'cip[e3]' | sort | tail -n 100 perl # (find-k2file "Documentation/Configure.help") CONFIG_IP_FORWARD CONFIG_NET_IPIP # (find-fline "~/cipe/proxy/etc/cipe/") # (find-fline "/etc/cipe/") # (find-fline "/etc/cipe/options") # (find-fline "/var/log/daemon.log" "ciped") # (find-fline "/var/log/kern.log") # (find-fline "/var/log/messages") # (find-fline "/var/log/syslog") # (find-fline "/usr/src/cipe-1.0.0/ciped.c" "kxchg: recv") cd /var/log/ grep -i 'cip[e3]' daemon.log grep -i 'cip[e3]' kern.log grep -i 'cip[e3]' messages grep -i 'cip[e3]' syslog telnet 12345 telnet 12345 route del route del route add cip3b0 # route add cip3b0 ping -c 5 ping -c 5 # (find-node "(cipe)Top") # (find-fline "/etc/cipe/options") cd /usr/src/cipe-1.0.0/ insmod cip3b.o ciped ps ax | grep ciped cat /proc/modules sleep 2 ifconfig route lynx lynx telnet ol24-219.openlink.com.br 12345 telnet 10minutos.openlink.com.br 12345 # ol24-219.openlink.com.br: <- maus # 10minutos.openlink.com.br: ####### # # wwwoffle # ####### # (find-fline "/var/lib/dpkg/info/wwwoffle.list") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/wwwoffle/") # (find-fline "/etc/wwwoffle.conf") # (find-fline "/var/spool/wwwoffle/") pdsc /debian/main/source/web/wwwoffle_2.1c-1.dsc cd /usr/src/wwwoffle-2.1c/ etags *.[ch] # (code-c-d "wo" "/usr/src/wwwoffle-2.1c/") # (find-wotag "main") # (find-wofile "wwwoffled.c") # (find-wofile "upgrade-cache.c") # (find-fline "~/.zshrc" "wwwoffle") export http_proxy=http://localhost:8080/ export ftp_proxy=http://localhost:8080/ Set the environment variables http_proxy and ftp_proxy to http://localhost:8080/ # (find-fline "/var/lib/dpkg/info/lynx.list") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/lynx/") # (find-fline "~edrx/.netscape/preferences.js") user_pref("network.proxy.http", "localhost"); user_pref("network.proxy.http_port", 8080); mail majordomo@gedanken.demon.co.uk <<'---' subscribe wwwoffle-users --- mail majordomo@gedanken.demon.co.uk <<'---' auth 68101fda subscribe wwwoffle-users edrx@inx.com.br (Eduardo Ochs) --- ##### # # Links between dirs of Debian mirrors # (old) # ##### ftp://riksun.riken.go.jp/pub/Linux/debian/debian ftp://riksun.riken.go.jp/pub/Linux/debian/debian-non-US psne ftp://riksun.riken.go.jp/pub/Linux/debian/debian-non-US/ls-lR.gz function mksymlink () { mkdir -p $1 && cd $1 && [[ ! -e $2 ]] && ln -s $3 $2 && echo ok. && laf } mksymlink $S/ftp/riksun.riken.go.jp/pub/Linux/debian debian \ $S/ftp/ftp.debian.org/debian mksymlink $S/ftp/riksun.riken.go.jp/pub/Linux/debian debian-non-US \ $S/ftp/ftp.debian.org/debian-non-US mksymlink $S/ftp/slug.ctv.es debian \ $S/ftp/ftp.debian.org/debian psne $FDEBIAN/ls-lR.gz cd $SDEBIAN gzip -dv ls-lR.gz ~/ICON/lslR2find < ls-lR > ls-lR.i agrep non-free ls-lR.i | nolinks > ls-lR-nf.i ####### # # weblint # ####### # «weblint» (to ".weblint") # (find-es "net" "latte") # (find-vldifile "weblint.list") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/weblint/") # (find-fline "/usr/bin/weblint") cd ~/latte/ weblint out/*.html cd ~/latte/ weblint out/ ####### # # linbot # ####### # (find-vldifile "linbot.list") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/linbot/") lynx /usr/doc/linbot/index.html ####### # # allowing anonymous ftp # ####### # (eeman "ftpd" "authenticates") rm -Rv /home/ftp mkdir /home/ftp cd /home/ftp mkdir bin etc pub lib cd /home/ftp/bin ln -v /bin/ls /sbin/ldconfig . cd /home/ftp/lib ln -v /lib/libc.so.6 /lib/libc-2.1.1.so . ln -v /lib/ld-linux.so.2 /lib/ld-2.1.1.so . cd /home/ftp/etc cp -iv /etc/passwd /etc/group . chroot /home/ftp /bin/ldconfig /lib chroot /home/ftp /bin/ls ~/EXPECT/anonftp dir quit # (find-fline "/etc/passwd" "ftp") ##### # # libpcap # ##### apti libpcap0 libpcap-dev # (find-vldifile "libpcap0.list") # (find-vldifile "libpcap-dev.list") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/libpcap0/") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/libpcap-dev/") pdsc /big/slinks2/dists/slink/main/source/libs/libpcap_0.4a6-2.1.dsc cd /usr/src/libpcap-0.4a6/ ##### # # hping2 # 2001feb02 # ##### # «hping2» (to ".hping2") # (find-available "hping2") # (find-available "hping3") ##### # # iwconfig # 2014jan23 # ##### # «iwconfig» (to ".iwconfig") # (find-man "8 iwconfig") # (find-status "wireless-tools") # (find-vldifile "wireless-tools.list") # (find-udfile "wireless-tools/") # (find-man "8 iwlist") # (find-sh "sudo iwlist scan") ##### # # inetutils # 2024dec12 # ##### # «inetutils» (to ".inetutils") # https://packages.debian.org/source/bookworm/inetutils # (find-zsh "availabledebs | sort | grep inetutils") # (find-zsh "availabledebs | sort | grep inetutils-telnet") # 2013nov16: # (find-esgrep "grep -niH -e network *.e | grep -i manager") # http://canyouseeme.org/ # (find-man "8 mtr") # (find-sh "locate bin/mtr") https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27973020 Netcat – All you need to know (ikuamike.io) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34623604 tcpdump is amazing (2016) (jvns.ca) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34875109 Computer Networking Introduction: Ethernet and IP – Heavily Illustrated (2021) (iximiuz.com) https://jvns.ca/blog/2013/10/31/day-20-scapy-and-traceroute/ https://www.ip.network/ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41167800 IP.network: Check IP Address (ip.network) https://swagnik.netlify.app/posts/how-raw-sockets-behave-in-different-systems/ # Local Variables: # coding: utf-8-unix # End: