Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and the conversion rules are here. |
####### # # E-scripts on PForth, TinyScript/Minotaur, PFE and (old) GForth. # # Note 1: use the eev command (defined in eev.el) and the # ee alias (in my .zshrc) to execute parts of this file. # Executing this file as a whole makes no sense. # An introduction to eev can be found here: # # (find-eev-quick-intro) # http://angg.twu.net/eev-intros/find-eev-quick-intro.html # # Note 2: be VERY careful and make sure you understand what # you're doing. # # Note 3: If you use a shell other than zsh things like |& # and the for loops may not work. # # Note 4: I always run as root. # # Note 5: some parts are too old and don't work anymore. Some # never worked. # # Note 6: the definitions for the find-xxxfile commands are on my # .emacs. # # Note 7: if you see a strange command check my .zshrc -- it may # be defined there as a function or an alias. # # Note 8: the sections without dates are always older than the # sections with dates. # # This file is at <http://angg.twu.net/e/forth.e> # or at <http://angg.twu.net/e/forth.e.html>. # See also <http://angg.twu.net/emacs.html>, # <http://angg.twu.net/.emacs[.html]>, # <http://angg.twu.net/.zshrc[.html]>, # <http://angg.twu.net/escripts.html>, # and <http://angg.twu.net/>. # ####### # «.retro» (to "retro") # «.gforth-0.4» (to "gforth-0.4") # «.gforth_rr» (to "gforth_rr") # «.ts2» (to "ts2") # «.ts2b» (to "ts2b") # «.pforth» (to "pforth") # «.pforth-custom0» (to "pforth-custom0") # «.first_pfcustom.c» (to "first_pfcustom.c") # «.crim1_on_pfe» (to "crim1_on_pfe") # «.pforth_and_tcl» (to "pforth_and_tcl") # «.epforth» (to "epforth") # «.gforth-bytecode» (to "gforth-bytecode") # «.tasker» (to "tasker") # «.pfe-0.33» (to "pfe-0.33") # «.pforth-2011» (to "pforth-2011") # «.yforth» (to "yforth") # «.forth2012» (to "forth2012") # «.pentom» (to "pentom") # «.hakkinen-f» (to "hakkinen-f") # «.elforth» (to "elforth") # «.forth-mode» (to "forth-mode") # «.chuck-moore-5-lines» (to "chuck-moore-5-lines") ##### # # retro # 2000nov10 # ##### # «retro» (to ".retro") # (find-es "retro") #* # retro2 needs a drive "r" for mtools stuff. # We create one in /tmp. # Tcn said that retro2 is an abomination compared to retro3, but anyway. # (find-fline "/usr/src/retro/INSTALL") # (find-fline "/etc/mtools.conf" "drives_for_retro") #drive r: file="/tmp/floppy-r" dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/floppy-r bs=1024 count=1440 mkdosfs /tmp/floppy-r mdir r: #* rm -Rv /usr/src/retro/ cd /usr/src/ tar -xvzf $S/http/retro.tunes.org/pub/retro2/retro-19991119.tar.gz cd /usr/src/retro/ make options make |& tee om #* # (find-fline "/usr/src/retro/") # (find-fline "/usr/src/retro/INSTALL") # (find-fline "/usr/src/retro/om") # (find-fline "/etc/mtools.conf") #drive r: file="/r/retro/kernel/dosimage" #drive s: file="/r/retro/kernel/hdimage" offset=17920 #* # This is for retro3, that tcn said that doesn't do much. rm -Rv /usr/src/fos/ cd /usr/src/ tar -xvzf $S/http/retro.tunes.org/pub/retro3/fos-0812.tgz cd /usr/src/fos/ gforth retro.f #* # (code-c-d "retro3" "/usr/src/fos/") # (find-retro3file "") # (find-retro3file "README") # (find-retro3file "retro.f") # (find-fline "/usr/src/fos/") # (find-fline "/usr/src/fos/README") lynx http://retro.tunes.org/pub/retro3/ # (find-node "(gforth)Blocks") zcatinfo /usr/share/info/gforth > /tmp/gf # (find-fline "/tmp/gf") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/gforth/") ##### # # gforth 0.4.9 (potato) # 2000oct20 # ##### # (find-status "gforth") # (find-vldifile "gforth.list") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/gforth/") # (code-c-d "gfshare" "/usr/share/gforth/0.4.9-19990617/" "gforth") # (find-gfsharefile "") # (find-node "(gforth)Top") # (find-node "(gforth)Engine") # (find-node "(gforth)Emacs and Gforth") # (autoload 'forth-mode "gforth.el") # (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.fs\\'" . forth-mode) auto-mode-alist)) # (find-fline "/etc/emacs/site-start.d/50gforth.el") # (find-sitelispfile "gforth.el") # (find-sitelispfile "gforth.el" "defun run-forth") # (find-sitelispfile "gforth.el" "defun forth-send-string") # (find-sitelispfile "gforth.el" "'forth-send-buffer") # (find-sitelispfile "gforth.el" "'forth-send-paragraph") # (find-sitelispfile "gforth.el" "\n Forth-send-paragraph") # (load-library "gforth") # (forth-mode) # (define-key forth-mode-map "\eo" nil) # (run-forth "gforth") # (describe-mode) 1 2 + . # (kill-buffer "*forth*") ###### # # GForth 0.4.0 (potato, on hamm) # 99dec03 # ###### # (find-vldifile "gforth.list") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/gforth/") # (code-c-d "gfshare" "/usr/share/gforth/0.4.0/") # (find-gfsharefile "") # (find-es "zsh" "heredoc") # (find-gfsharefile "kernel/comp.fs" "Defers") #* clear heredoc /tmp/test0.fs -m 766 <<'---' #! /usr/bin/gforth : test0 40 4 at-xy ." Hi" 40 14 at-xy ." Bye" ; test0 bye --- /tmp/teste.fs #* gforth <<'---' : teste 40 11 at-xy ." Oi" ; :noname defers 'cold teste bye ; is 'cold savesystem /tmp/teste.fi bye --- gforth -i /tmp/teste.fi ##### # # x3j14 (pdf) # ##### # (find-fline "/snarf/ftp/ftp.uu.net/vendor/minerva/x3j14/") gv /snarf/ftp/ftp.uu.net/vendor/minerva/x3j14/drafts/dpans99a.pdf & ###### # # gforth 0.3.0 hamm # ###### pdsc /debian/main/source/interpreters/gforth_0.3.0-3.dsc cd /usr/src/gforth-0.3.0/ dpkg -i ~/HASH/gforth # (code-c-d "g4" "/usr/share/gforth/0.3.0/" "gforth") # (find-g4node "Top") # (find-g4file "") # (find-g4tag "words") words cr context @ @ name>string .s nip 2 + + .s .name cr 0 context @ .s name>string .s : vords ( -- ) \ tools cr 0 context @ BEGIN @ dup WHILE 2dup name>string ~~ nip 2 + dup >r + drop dup ~~ .name cr r> rot + swap REPEAT 2drop ; vords # (find-g4node "Concept Index" "debug tracer") # (find-g4node "Emacs and Gforth") # (find-fline "/etc/emacs/site-start.d/50gforth.el") # (find-fline "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/gforth.el") : foo cr 0 context @ @ 2dup name>string nip 2 + dup >r + dup .name cr r> rot + swap ; foo cr # (forth-mode) cd /usr/src/gforth-0.3.0/ cd /usr/share/gforth/0.3.0/ # (find-g4file "debug.fs") # (find-g4file "debugging.fs") ###### # # GForth 0.3.0 # ###### cd /usr/src/ rm -Rv gforth-0.3.0/ tar -xvzf /snarf/ftp/prep.ai.mit.edu/pub/gnu/gforth-0.3.0.tar.gz cd /usr/src/gforth-0.3.0/ ./configure |& tee oc # segfault loop at: # (find-gffile "om" "-o gforth-ditc") # (find-gffile "gforth-makeimage") # (find-gffile "Makefile" "GFORTHD=") # (find-gffile "om" "-o engine-ditc.o") # (find-gffile "om" "-o main-ditc.o") # (find-gffile "om" "-o io.o") # (find-gffile "om" "-o memcasecmp.o") # (find-gffile "engine.c") # (find-gffile "main.c") # (find-gffile "io.c") # (find-gffile "memcasecmp.c") cd /usr/src/gforth-0.3.0/ rm -v engine-ditc.o main-ditc.o io.o memcasecmp.o make DEBUGFLAG=-g gforth-ditc |& tee omgd make DEBUGFLAG=-g gforth.fi |& tee omgf make |& tee om make install |& tee omi : foo dup * ; : fee dup foo * ; 4 variable qa ' foo xt-see ' qa seevar ' foo S" bar" .defname ' foo S" bar" .defname drop drop drop drop drop drop drop \ (find-g4file "debug.fs" ": dbg") # (find-esfile "forth.e") # (find-g4tag ".s") # (find-g4tag ".name") # (find-g4tag "bounce") ##### # # GForth 0.4 # ##### # «gforth-0.4» (to ".gforth-0.4") dpkg -i $SDEBIAN/dists/potato/main/binary-i386/interpreters/gforth_0.4.0-2.deb cd /usr/share/gforth/0.4.0/ cp TAGS TAGS.0 # (find-gffile "TAGS.0") # (find-gffile "TAGS") cd /usr/share/gforth/0.4.0/ perl -nle 's:debian/tmp/usr/share/gforth/0.4.0/::; print $_' < TAGS.0 > TAGS # (find-gftag "(type)") # (find-gftag "count") mkdir -p /usr/share/gforth/0.4.0/debian/ ln -s / /usr/share/gforth/0.4.0/debian/tmp pdsc $SDEBIAN/dists/potato/main/source/interpreters/gforth_0.4.0-2.dsc find * -type f | sort > .files grep '\.fs$' .files > .files.fs debian/rules binary |& tee odrb # (find-fline "$SDEBIAN/dists/potato/main/source/interpreters/gforth_0.4.0-2.diff.gz") # (find-gffile "odrb") # (find-gffile "odrb" "gforth.fi") # (find-gffile "gforthmi" "savesystem") # (find-gffile "gforthmi2" "savesystem") # (find-gffile "Makefile" "\ngforth-ditc") # (find-gfstag "savesystem") cat > /tmp/x <<'---' #!/bin/bash cd /usr/src/gforth-0.4.0/ GFORTHD="./gforth-ditc -p .:." GFORTH="./gforth-ditc -p .:. -i kernl32l.fi startup.fs" ./gforthmi2 gforth.fi --die-on-signal -p ".:~+:." -i kernl32l.fi startup.fs --- chmod 777 /tmp/x /tmp/x > ~/o # (find-gfnode "Top") # (find-gfnode "Threading Words") # (find-gfnode "Threading") # (find-gfnode "Tokens for Words") # (find-gfstag "(type)") # (find-vldifile "gforth.list") # (find-fline "/usr/share/gforth/0.4.0/") # (find-fline "/etc/emacs/site-start.d/50gforth.el") # (find-fline "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/gforth.el") # (find-gffile "prim" "dlopen") # (find-gffile "prim" "SYSCALL") # (find-gfsrcfile "prim.b" "SYSCALL") # (find-gfsrcfile "Makefile" "engine/prim.i:") # (find-gfsrcfile "engine/prim.i") # (find-gfsrcfile "engine/engine.c") lynx /snarf/http/www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/forth/index.html lynx /snarf/http/www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/forth/dpans-html/dpansf.htm ##### # # gforth_rr # ##### # «gforth_rr» (to ".gforth_rr") # (find-gfnode "Top") # (find-gfnode "Word Index") # (find-gfnode "Words for Including") # (find-fline "~/FORTH/emacs.rr") cd ~/bin/ gforth <<'---' : rr s" ~/FORTH/emacs.rr" included ; savesystem gforth_rr bye --- chmod 755 gforth_rr # (find-gffile "") # (find-gfsrcfile "") # (find-fline "~/FORTH/tcl.fs") # (find-node "(gforth)Automatic Generation") ##### # # TinyScript2 (pforth+Tcl+Perl+Python+...) # 99sep?? # ##### # (code-c-d "ts2" "/usr/src/ts2/") rm -Rv /usr/src/ts2/ cd /usr/src/ tar -xvzf $S/http/mini.net/pub/ts2-19990704.tar.gz cd /usr/src/ts2/ # Remove some misterious binary files rm -v $(find * | grep 'mcp$') cd /usr/src/ts2/forth/csrc/ diff -b -c -rs . /usr/src/pforth/csrc/ | tee ~/o # diff -b -c -rs . /usr/src/pforth-21/csrc/ | tee ~/o cd /usr/src/ts2/forth/csrc/ for i in *; do if [[ -e /usr/src/pforth/csrc/$i ]] then # tkdiff $i /usr/src/pforth/csrc/$i else echo Only in ts2: $i fi done # lynx /usr/src/ts2/minotaur.html # (find-ts2file "minotaur.html" "ShLib") agrep -l ShLib $(find *) # (find-ts2file "forth/csrc/pfcustom.c") psner -nc -np http://mini.net/pub/ts2/ # (find-fline "$S/http/mini.net/pub/ts2/") forTcl forPl lynx http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/~meurig/TclHaskell/ ##### # # Minotaur/tinyscript # 99nov17 # ##### # (find-fline "$S/http/mini.net/pub/") # (find-fline "$S/http/mini.net/pub/ts2-19990704.tar.gz") # (find-fline "$S/http/mini.net/pub/ts2/") # (find-fline "$S/http/mini.net/pub/ts2/index.html" "Tcl (Windows):") # (find-fline "/usr/src/ts2/") # (find-fline "/usr/src/ts2/forth/") # (find-fline "/usr/src/ts2/forth/csrc/") # (find-node "(make)Selective Search") # (find-fline "/usr/src/ts2/forth/gnuc/Makefile") # «ts2» (to ".ts2") rm -Rv /usr/src/ts2/ cd /usr/src/ tar -xvzf $S/http/mini.net/pub/ts2-19990704.tar.gz cd /usr/src/ts2/ find * -type f | sort > .files cd /usr/src/ts2/forth/gnuc/ make -f ../gnuc/Makefile pforth |& tee omp make -f ../gnuc/Makefile dict |& tee omd cd /usr/src/ts2/forTcl/gnuc/ ./configure --with-tcl=/usr/lib |& tee oc sed 's/gluetcl.o/pfcustom.o common.o/' < Makefile > Makefile- diff Makefile{,-} cd /usr/src/ts2/forTcl/gnuc/ make -f Makefile- |& tee om cd /usr/src/ts2/forTcl/gnuc/ strace-to ~/s expect -c ' load ./forTcl.so forTcl::init puts [forTcl::eval {123 456 +}] puts [forTcl::eval {123 456 + .}] ' cd /usr/src/ts2/forTcl/gnuc/ expect -c ' load ./forTcl.so; forTcl::init set a [forTcl::eval {2 . 3 . 4 5}] puts b puts $a puts c ' # (find-ts2file "forth/csrc/") # (find-ts2file "forTcl/") # (find-ts2file "forTcl/initTcl.c" "int Fortcl_Init(") # (find-ts2file "forTcl/gnuc/") # (find-ts2file "forTcl/gnuc/om" "forTcl.so") # (find-ts2file "minotaur/") # (find-ts2file "minotaur/gnuc/") # How I discovered which files to include in forTcl/gnuc/Makefile: # (find-ts2file "forTcl/gnuc/om") cd /usr/src/ts2/ agrep CustomFunctionTable $(<.files) cd /usr/src/ts2/ agrep initForth $(<.files) cd /usr/src/ts2/ # (find-ts2file ".files") # (find-ts2file "forTcl/gnuc/") # (find-fline "/usr/src/ts2/forTcl/") # (find-fline "/usr/src/ts2/forTcl/gnuc/") # (find-fline "/usr/src/ts2/minotaur/") # (find-ts2file "forth/csrc/pfcustom.c") # (find-ts2file "forth/csrc/pfcustom.c" "CreateGlueToC( \"ShLibOpen\", 0") # (find-ts2file "forTcl/initTcl.c" "Fortcl_Init") # (find-ts2file "forTcl/initTcl.c" "&init_forTcl") ##### # # Minotaur/tinyscript: gdb'ing # 99nov30 # ##### # «ts2b» (to ".ts2b") # (find-es "forth" "ts2") # (find-ts2file "forTcl/gnuc/") # (find-ts2file "forTcl/gnuc/Makefile") rm -Rv /usr/src/ts2/ cd /usr/src/ tar -xvzf $S/http/mini.net/pub/ts2-19990704.tar.gz cd /usr/src/ts2/ find * -type f | sort > .files cd /usr/src/ts2/forTcl/gnuc/ ./configure --with-tcl=/usr/lib |& tee oc sed 's/gluetcl.o/pfcustom.o common.o/' < Makefile > Makefile- diff Makefile{,-} cd /usr/src/ts2/forTcl/gnuc/ echo -n > .before-make; sleep 2 make CC='gcc -g -DPF_USER_CUSTOM' -f Makefile- |& tee om find ../.. -name '*.[ch]' -and -anewer .before-make > .files.ch etags $(<.files.ch) cd /usr/src/ts2/forTcl/gnuc/ expect -c ' # exec $env(HOME)/TCL/attachgdb expect # load ./forTcl.so load $env(PWD)/forTcl.so exec $env(HOME)/TCL/attachgdb expect forTcl::init puts [forTcl::eval {123 456 +}] puts [forTcl::eval {123 456 + .}] ' # (find-ts2file "forTcl/") # (find-ts2file "forTcl/initTcl.c" "forTcl::init") # (code-c-d "4tcl" "/usr/src/ts2/forTcl/gnuc/") # (find-4tcltag "eval_forTcl") # (find-4tclfile "../initTcl.c" 77) if (EDRXOBJ_FLAG) { Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(EDRXOBJ_PTR, EDRXOBJ_LEN)); EDRXOBJ_FLAG = 0; return 0; } # (find-4tclfile "../../forth/csrc/") # (find-4tclfile "../../forth/csrc/common.h" 38) extern int EDRXOBJ_FLAG, EDRXOBJ_LEN; extern char *EDRXOBJ_PTR; # (find-4tclfile "../../forth/csrc/pfcustom.c") # (find-angg ".emacs" "f3") %* br TclLoadFile c info share %* # (find-tclfile "unix/" "tclLoadDl.c") # (find-node "(gdb)Files" "`load FILENAME'") # (find-node "(gdb)Files" "`info share'") strace-to ~/s ##### # # Minotaur/tinyscript: returning strings # 99nov30 # ##### rm -Rv /usr/src/ts2/ cd /usr/src/ tar -xvzf $S/http/mini.net/pub/ts2-19990704.tar.gz cd /usr/src/ts2/ find * -type f | sort > .files cd /usr/src/ts2/forTcl/gnuc/ ./configure --with-tcl=/usr/lib |& tee oc sed 's/gluetcl.o/pfcustom.o common.o/' < Makefile > Makefile- diff Makefile{,-} cd /usr/src/ts2/forTcl/gnuc/ cp -v ~/PFORTH/initTcl.c .. cp -v ~/PFORTH/{common.h,pfcustom.c} ../../forth/csrc/ cd /usr/src/ts2/forTcl/gnuc/ echo -n > .before-make; sleep 2 make CC='gcc -g -DPF_USER_CUSTOM' -f Makefile- |& tee om find ../.. -name '*.[ch]' -and -anewer .before-make > .files.ch etags $(<.files.ch) cd /usr/src/ts2/forTcl/gnuc/ # strace-to ~/s \ expect -c ' load $env(PWD)/forTcl.so forTcl::init # forTcl::eval {words} forTcl::eval {: shlibcall2 33 ;} # forTcl::eval {: mmm s" mmm -- aaah." ; mmm SetObjPtr} ' |& tee ~/o # (find-fline "~/PFORTH/") # (find-ts2file "forTcl/gnuc/") # (find-ts2file "forTcl/gnuc/om") # (find-ts2file "forth/csrc/") cd /usr/src/ts2/forTcl/gnuc/ expect -c ' # exec $env(HOME)/TCL/attachgdb expect # load ./forTcl.so load $env(PWD)/forTcl.so exec $env(HOME)/TCL/attachgdb expect forTcl::init puts [forTcl::eval {123 456 +}] puts [forTcl::eval {123 456 + .}] ' ##### # # shared libs on gforth # 99may10? # ##### mail -s 'Re: using shared libs' GForth@ChaosSolutions.com <<'---' > From: Ivan Tihonov <ivan> > > If someone mail to me how to use Linux shared-libs with GForth, > i'll write info page for this topic. :) Hi Ivan, here's some ugly code that links to libtcl8.0.so and invokes the tcl interpreter on a string. It works for me, but I would love to see a prettier version of it... \ s0" is like s" , but places a \0 after the string and works only \ in interpretation mode. : s0" ( "ccc<quote>" -- c-addr ) [char] " parse ( c-addr u ) 2dup s"-buffer swap cmove ( c-addr u ) s"-buffer over + 0 swap c! ( c-addr u ) 2drop s"-buffer ; : strlen ( c-addr -- len ) dup &1024 0 scan drop swap - ; s" libtcl8.0.so" open-lib dup . constant libtcl s" Tcl_CreateInterp" libtcl lib-sym dup . constant &Tcl_CreateInterp s" Tcl_Eval" libtcl lib-sym dup . constant &Tcl_Eval &Tcl_CreateInterp icall0 dup . constant &interp &interp s0" expr 22+3" &Tcl_Eval icall2 dup . drop cr &interp @ dup strlen type \ The last line should output "25". More hints later. [], Edrx edrx@inx.com.br edrx@mat.puc-rio.br http://www.mat.puc-rio.br/~edrx/ --- \ (find-gffile "kernel/basics.fs" ": scan") \ (find-fline "~/TCL/tclev.c") ##### # # pforth 21 (potato, on slink) # 99nov19 # ##### # «pforth» (to ".pforth") # (find-es "forth" "pforth-edrx") rm -Rv /usr/src/pforth-21/ pdsc $SDEBIAN/dists/potato/main/source/interpreters/pforth_21-2.dsc cd /usr/src/pforth-21/ for i in docs/* README.txt; do tr -d \\r < $i > tmpdoc mv -v tmpdoc $i done cd /usr/src/pforth-21/docs/ for i in *.htm; do unhtml < $i | sed -e 's/ / /g' -e 's/</</g' > $(basename $i .htm) done cd /usr/src/pforth-21/ cat >> debian/docs <<'---' docs/pf_ref docs/pf_tut --- etags csrc/*.[ch] debian/rules binary |& tee odrb # (find-pffile "odrb" "pforth -i") mv -v /usr/src/pforth*.deb /usr/src/.debs/ apt-update apti pforth # (find-vldifile "pforth.list") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/pforth/") echo words | pforth | tee ~/o echo see koo cr see foo | pforth | tee ~/o # (find-fline "~/o") # (find-pffile "trace.fth" "KOO") cd /usr/src/pforth/docs/ lynx 'pf_ref.htm#Single Step Trace' # (code-c-d "pf" "/usr/src/pforth-21/") # (find-pffile "") # (find-pffile "csrc/") # (find-pffile "docs/") # (find-pffile "utils/") # (find-pffile "see.fth") # (find-pffile "csrc/") # (find-pffile "csrc/pf_guts.h" 82) # (find-pffile "system.fth" ": >CODE") # (find-pffile "misc1.fth" ": >NAME") (defun eepf-bounded () (interactive) (ee-strbounded 'write-ee "%*" "%*" "" "" "/usr/src/pforth/ee.fth")) (global-set-key [f3] 'eepf-bounded) cd /usr/src/pforth/ pforth ee.fth %* hex cr see foo cr ' foo .xt cr ' foo . cr ' foo >code . cr ' foo >code 10 - 30 dump %* # (find-pffile "csrc/pf_words.c" "Stack<") '(s e pre post &optional other-ee-file fmode) (debug-on-entry 'eepf-bounded) # (find-elinode "Debugging") ##### # # pforth-21 with my own extensions # 99dec11 # ##### # «pforth-custom0» (to ".pforth-custom0") # (find-es "forth" "pforth") ### ### Part 1: understanding pfcustom.c ### rm -Rv /usr/src/pforth-21/ pdsc $SDEBIAN/dists/potato/main/source/interpreters/pforth_21-2.dsc cd /usr/src/pforth-21/ for i in $(find * -name '*.[ch]' -or -name '*.fth'); do tr -d \\r < $i > $i.lf; mv $i.lf $i done etags csrc/*.[ch] cp -v csrc/pfcustom.c csrc/pfcustom.c.orig debian/rules build |& tee odrbu laf csrc/*.c objects/* # (find-pffile "README.txt" "PF_USER_CUSTOM") # (find-pffile "csrc/pfcustom.c" "PF_USER_CUSTOM") # (find-pffile "csrc/pf_cglue.c") # (find-pffile "odrbu") g++ -DPF_SUPPORT_FP -E csrc/pfcustom.c > csrc/pfcustom.E grep -v '^[ ]*$' csrc/pfcustom.E \ | awk '{ if ($1=="#") { verbose = ($3 ~ /csrc/); print } else if (verbose) { print } }' \ > csrc/pfcustom.E- agrep '"C"' $(getstrings < csrc/pfcustom.E- | sort | uniq | grep usr) ### ### Part 2: printing and inspecting pfcustom.{c,E-} ### cd /usr/src/pforth-21/csrc/ a2ps850dj -o /tmp/o.ps pfcustom.c pfcustom.E- cd /tmp/ make -f ~/LATEX/Makefile o.p01 cd /usr/src/pforth-21/ find * -name '*.[ch]' -or -name '*.fth' > .files.chfth agrep LoadCustom $(<.files.chfth) # (find-pffile "csrc/pfcustom.c") # (find-pffile "csrc/pfcustom.E") # (find-pffile "csrc/pfcustom.E-") # (find-node "(gawk)Using Constant Regexps") # grep -v '^[ ]*$' csrc/pfcustom.E | l -S ### ### Part 3: writing my first pfcustom.c ### «first_pfcustom.c» (to ".first_pfcustom.c") ### cd /usr/src/pforth-21/ cat > csrc/pfcustom.c <<'--%%--' #include "pf_all.h" /***/ static int32 CTest0( int32 Val ); static void CTest1( int32 Val1, cell Val2 ); static int32 CTest0(int32 Val) { MSG_NUM_D("CTest0 (!!!): Val = ", Val); return Val+1; } static void CTest1(int32 Val1, cell Val2) { MSG("CTest1 (!!!): Val1 = "); ffDot(Val1); MSG_NUM_D(", Val2 = ", Val2); } /***/ void *CustomFunctionTable[]={ (void *)CTest0, (void *)CTest1 }; Err CompileCustomFunctions(void) { /* Params are: Name in UPPER CASE, Function, Index, #rets (0/1), NumParams */ CreateGlueToC( "CTEST0", 0, C_RETURNS_VALUE, 1 ); CreateGlueToC( "CTAST1", 1, C_RETURNS_VOID, 2 ); return 0; } --%%-- make |& tee om ./pforth <<'---' 22 55 ctest0 ctast1 --- ### ### Part 4: writing my own pf_main ### cd /usr/src/pforth-21/ for i in csrc/*.c; do echo $i '->' csrc/$(basename $i .c).E- g++ -DPF_SUPPORT_FP -E $i \ | grep -v '^[[:space:]]*$' \ | awk '{ if ($1=="#") { verbose = !($3 ~ /^..usr/); print } else if (verbose) { print } }' \ > csrc/$(basename $i .c).E- done # (find-pffile "csrc/pf_main.E-" "Result = pfDoForth(") # (find-pffile "csrc/pf_core.E-" "int32 pfDoForth(") # (find-pffile "csrc/pf_main.c") # (find-node "(libc)Table of Output Conversions") # (find-pffile "om") # (find-pffile "Makefile") cd /usr/src/pforth-21/csrc/ cat > mypfmain.c <<'---' #include "pforth.h" #include <stdio.h> #define S(ptr) (*(ptr)?ptr:0) /* */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { printf("pfDoForth result: %ld\n", pfDoForth(S(argv[1]), S(argv[2]), *(argv[3])&1)); } --- g++ -DPF_SUPPORT_FP -Wall -c -o mypfmain.o mypfmain.c g++ -o mypfmain mypfmain.o ../objects/pf{_{cglue,clib,core,inner,io,mem,save,text,words},compil,custom}.o cd /usr/src/pforth-21/csrc/ ./mypfmain ../pforth.dic '' 0 ./mypfmain '' '' 1 # All standard ".o"s: in ../objects/, # pf{_{cglue,clib,core,inner,io,main,mem,save,text,words},compil,custom}.o ### ### Part 5: replacing pfDoForth ### # (find-pffile "csrc/pf_core.E-" "int32 pfDoForth(") # (find-pffile "csrc/pf_core.c" "int32 pfDoForth(") cd /usr/src/pforth-21/csrc/ cat > mydoforth.c <<'---' #include "pf_all.h" #include <stdio.h> #define S(ptr) (*(ptr)?ptr:0) /* */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *DicName = argv[1]; cfTaskData *cftd; cfDictionary *dic; int32 Result = 0; ExecToken EntryPoint = 0; pfInitGlobals(); cftd = pfCreateTask( (512), (512) ); pfSetCurrentTask( cftd ); dic = pfLoadDictionary( DicName, &EntryPoint ); pfExecByName("AUTO.INIT"); Result = pfRunForth(); pfExecByName("AUTO.TERM"); pfDeleteDictionary( dic ); pfDeleteTask( cftd ); return 0; } --- g++ -DPF_SUPPORT_FP -Wall -c -o mydoforth.o mydoforth.c g++ -o mydoforth mydoforth.o ../objects/pf{_{cglue,clib,core,inner,io,mem,save,text,words},compil,custom}.o cd /usr/src/pforth-21/csrc/ ./mydoforth ../pforth.dic cd /usr/src/pforth-21/csrc/ ./mypfmain ../pforth.dic '' 0 ./mypfmain '' '' 1 # Almost the original pfDoForth: int32 pfDoForth(const char *DicName, const char *SourceName, int32 IfInit) { cfTaskData *cftd; cfDictionary *dic; int32 Result = 0; ExecToken EntryPoint = 0; pfInitGlobals(); cftd = pfCreateTask( (512), (512) ); if(cftd) { pfSetCurrentTask( cftd ); if( IfInit ) { dic = pfBuildDictionary( (120000), (300000) ); } else { dic = pfLoadDictionary( DicName, &EntryPoint ); } pfExecByName("AUTO.INIT"); if( EntryPoint != 0 ) { pfExecuteToken( EntryPoint ); } else { if( SourceName == __null ) { Result = pfRunForth(); } else { Result = pfIncludeFile( SourceName ); } } pfExecByName("AUTO.TERM"); pfDeleteDictionary( dic ); pfDeleteTask( cftd ); } return Result; } ### ### Part ??: calling Tcl from a pfcustom.c ### ####### # # Crim1 on PFE # 00jan24 # ####### # «crim1_on_pfe» (to ".crim1_on_pfe") # (code-c-d "pfe" "/usr/src/pfe-0.9.14/") # (find-pfefile "") # (find-pfefile "INSTALL" "of Linux, FreeBSD,") # (find-pfefile "src/config/Linux/") # (find-pfefile "src/config/Linux/options.mk" "ncurses") # cd /usr/src/pfe-0.9.14/src/ # diff config/Linux/options.mk{~,} |& tee ~/o # (find-fline "~/crim/patchpfe.txt") # (find-pfefile "src/config/default/depend.mk" "ENVOBJ") # diff config/default/depend.mk{~,} |& tee ~/o # # (find-fline "~/crim/patchpfe.txt" "At src/vocs.c") # (find-pfefile "src/vocs.c" "extern const Words") # diff vocs.c{~,} |& tee ~/o rm -Rv /usr/src/pfe-0.9.14/ cd /usr/src/ tar -xvzf $S/ftp/ftp.taygeta.com/Taygeta/Forth/Linux/pfe-0.9.14.tar.gz cd /usr/src/pfe-0.9.14/src/ ( patch config/Linux/options.mk <<'%%' 20,21c20,21 < OPTIONS = < LIBS = -ltermcap -lm --- > #OPTIONS = > #LIBS = -ltermcap -lm 25,26c25,26 < #OPTIONS = -I/usr/include/ncurses < #LIBS = -lncurses -lm --- > OPTIONS = -I/usr/include/ncurses > LIBS = -lncurses -lm %% cp -iv ~/crim/crim.c.txt crim.c # patch config/default/depend.mk <<'%%' 24c24 < yours$o --- > yours$o crim$o %% # patch vocs.c <<'%%' 47c47 < your_words; --- > your_words, crim_words; 55a56 > &crim_words, %% ) |& tee op ./config.sh |& tee oc make |& tee om rm -Rv /tmp/crim/ mkdir /tmp/crim/ cd ~/crim/ for i in *.txt; do cp -iv $i /tmp/crim/$(basename $i .txt); done cd /tmp/crim/ echo "INCLUDE 1.4th BYE" > 1q.4th echo "INCLUDE 2.4th BYE" > 2q.4th cd /tmp/crim/ /usr/src/pfe-0.9.14/src/pfe -q 1q.4th /usr/src/pfe-0.9.14/src/pfe -q 1-autod.4th /usr/src/pfe-0.9.14/src/pfe -q 2q.4th /usr/src/pfe-0.9.14/src/pfe -q 2-autod.4th ##### # # old notes on pforth and tcl # 00jan?? # ##### # (find-pffile "docs/") # (find-pffile "docs/pf_ref" " pf_main.c") # (find-pffile "csrc/pf_main.c") # (find-pffile "csrc/pf_main.c" "module from 'C' based application") # (find-pffile "csrc/pfcustom.c") # (find-pffile "csrc/") # (find-pffile "") # (find-pffile "Makefile") # (find-pffile "odrb") # (find-pftag "pfDoForth") cd /usr/src/pforth-21/ cat > testmain.c <<'---' /* */ #include <stdio.h> #include "pforth.h" int main(int argc, char **argv) { const char *DicName = "pforth.dic"; const char *SourceName = NULL; char IfInit = 0; char *s; int32 i; int Result; pfSetQuiet(1); Result = pfDoForth(DicName, SourceName, IfInit); printf("%d\n", Result); } --- g++ -c -I csrc -o testmain.o testmain.c g++ -o testmain $(ls objects/* | grep -v main) testmain.o -lm ###### # # Debugging pforth # 00jan23 # ###### rm -Rv /usr/src/pforth-21/ pdsc $SDEBIAN/dists/potato/main/source/interpreters/pforth_21-2.dsc cd /usr/src/pforth-21/ for i in $(find * -name '*.[ch]' -or -name '*.fth'); do tr -d \\r < $i > $i.lf; mv $i.lf $i done etags csrc/*.[ch] cp -v csrc/pfcustom.c csrc/pfcustom.c.orig # (find-pffile "Makefile" "$(COMPILE)") debian/rules CDEFS=-g build |& tee odrbu cd /usr/src/pforth-21/ for i in csrc/*.c; do echo $i '->' csrc/$(basename $i .c).E- g++ -DPF_SUPPORT_FP -E $i \ | grep -v '^[[:space:]]*$' \ | awk '{ if ($1=="#") { verbose = !($3 ~ /^..usr/); print } else if (verbose) { print } }' \ > csrc/$(basename $i .c).E- done # (find-pffile "csrc/pfcustom.c" "CustomFunctionTable[] =") cat > /tmp/4 <<'---' : square dup * ; 20 ctest0 square . bye --- /usr/src/pforth-21/pforth -q /tmp/4 %* set args -q /tmp/4 br CTest0 run bt %* # (gdb "gdb /usr/src/pforth-21/pforth") ##### # # Linking pforth and Tcl # 00feb14 # ##### # «pforth_and_tcl» (to ".pforth_and_tcl") # (find-fline "~/PFORTH/") # (find-fline "~/PFORTH/Makefile") # (find-fline "~/PFORTH/tclpforth.c") # (find-fline "~/PFORTH/tclpforth.tcl") # The "pf_runforth" in the script below enters pforth's interactive # mode. Use "bye" to return to Tcl. cd ~/PFORTH/ make CFLAGS=-g cat > /tmp/test.4th <<'---' 1 2 + . cr --- expect -c ' load ./tclpforth.so pf_init pforth.dic pf_includefile /tmp/test.4th pf_includefile $env(HOME)/crim.fth # pf_runforth pf_finish puts "bye from Tcl!" ' cd ~/PFORTH/ make clean cd ~/PFORTH/ make CFLAGS=-g expect -c ' source /home/root/PFORTH/tclpforth.tcl fdo "1 2 .s .s" # attachgdb expect fdo "99 100" fdo ".s" # pfevaluate "quit" # fdo "quit" puts [fdo "33 22 + N->TCL"] puts [fdo {: foo! s" foo!" ; foo! ->TCL}] fdo ".s" pf_finish ' %* br pfIncludeFile br ffIncludeFile cont %* # (find-fline "~/PFORTH/tclpforth.tcl") # (find-fline "~/PFORTH/tclpforth.c") cd /usr/src/pforth-21/csrc/ # (find-node "(gdb)Files") # (find-node "(gdb)Files" "add-symbol-file") # (find-node "(gdb)Source Path") # (find-node "(gdb)File Options" "-d ") cd /usr/src/pforth-21/csrc/ agrep gCurrentTask *.[ch] # (find-pffile "csrc/pf_core.c" "gCurrentTask") # (find-pftag "cfTaskData") # (find-pftag "ffOK") # (find-pftag "ffPushInputStream") # (find-pftag "ffPopInputStream") # (find-pftag "pfExecByName") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/mktclapp/examples/") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/mktclapp/examples/README") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/mktclapp/examples/Makefile") ## ## Adding stuff to let forth return a result to Tcl ## # (find-es "forth" "first_pfcustom.c") # (find-fline "~/PFORTH/mtamacros.h") # (find-fline "~/PFORTH/tclpf_custom.c") # (find-fline "~/PFORTH/tclpf_hook.c") # (find-vldifile "tcl8.0-dev.list") # (find-fline "/usr/doc/tcl8.0-dev/") # (eeman "Tcl_SetResult") # (eeman "Tcl_SetObjResult") # (eeman "Tcl_NewIntObj") # (find-fline "~/PFORTH/Makefile") cd ~/PFORTH/ make clean make |& tee ~/om # (find-fline "~/om") strings < tclpforth0 | grep -i TCL strings < tclpforth.dic | grep -i tcl ##### # # Understanding more of PForth # 2000mar10 # ##### # «epforth» (to ".epforth") # (find-fline "~/EXPECT/epforth") hex see foo ' foo . ' foo rel->use . ' foo rel->use 20 - 40 dump ' foo rel->use @ . ' dup . ' dup >name . ' dup >name 20 - 40 dump ' dup >name 4 - @ . ' dup >name 8 - @ use->rel . map \ see map \ (find-pffile "misc2.fth" "MAP") \ (find-pffile "") \ (find-pffile "misc1.fth" ">NAME") \ (find-pffile "system.fth" "nfa") \ (find-pffile "csrc/pfcompil.c") ##### # # box diagrams of pforth's memory # 2000mar22 # ##### # (find-fline "~/PFORTH/") \ BD = box diagram \ BDM = BD memory - where we are reading from. \ BDH = BD horizontal pos CREATE BD1 200 ALLOT CREATE BD2 200 ALLOT CREATE BD3 200 ALLOT CREATE BD4 200 ALLOT 0 VALUE BDH : H+ ( adr -- adr+bdh ) BDH + ; : H+= ( delta -- ) BDH + TO BDH ; : BDCLEAR ( -- ) BD1 200 BL FILL BD2 200 BL FILL BD3 200 BL FILL BD4 200 BL FILL 0 TO BDH ; : .BD ( -- ) CR BD1 BDH TYPE CR BD2 BDH TYPE CR BD3 BDH TYPE CR BD4 BDH TYPE ; BDCLEAR ASCII - VALUE ROOFCHAR ASCII - VALUE FLOORCHAR : VWALL ( c -- ) ASCII + BD1 H+ C! ( c ) BD2 H+ C! ASCII + BD3 H+ C! 1 H+= ; : SPVWALL ( -- ) SPC VWALL ; : |VWALL ( -- ) ASCII | VWALL ; : HWALLS ( -- ) ROOFCHAR BD1 H+ C! ROOFCHAR BD1 H+ 1+ C! FLOORCHAR BD3 H+ C! ROOFCHAR BD3 H+ 1+ C! 2 H+= ; : U>D ( u -- d ) 0 ; : <##> ( d -- $adr $len ) <# # # #> ; : <########> ( d -- $adr $len ) <# # # # # # # # # #> ; : $! ( adr len destadr -- ) SWAP MOVE ; \ The prefixes say the number of digits. \ 8VWALL advances BDH a lot, 2VWALL only one char. \ They're made to be called in hex mode (but we're in decimal now) NAMEBASE VALUE BDM : BDM+= ( delta -- ) BDM + TO BDM ; : 8VWALL ( -- ) BDM <########> BD4 H+ $! 6 H+= |VWALL ; : 2VWALL ( c -- ) BDM 255 AND <##> BD4 H+ $! |VWALL ; 32 CONSTANT SPC : 2HWALLS ( -- ) BDM C@ <##> BD2 H+ $! HWALLS 1 BDM+= ; : HHWALLS ( -- ) HWALLS SPC VWALL HWALLS ; : HHHHWALLS ( -- ) HHWALLS SPC VWALL HHWALLS ; : 8HWALLS ( -- ) BDM @ <########> BD2 H+ 2 + $! HHHHWALLS 4 BDM+= ; 8VWALL HHHHWALLS ASCII | 2VWALL ASCII | VWALL HWALLS ASCII i VWALL .BD \ <##> BD4 H+ $! ##### # # PForth's bytecode # ##### # (find-fline "~/crim/autodoc.4th.txt") # (find-fline "~/crim/2-autod.4th.txt") # (find-fline "~/crim/2.aud.txt") # (find-node "(emacs-e20)RegConfig") # (find-etag "window-configuration-to-register") # (find-etag "enlarge-window") # (find-node "(elisp)Index") # (find-node "(elisp)Size of Window") (set-windows 6 0 '(find-fline "~/crim/2-autod.4th.txt" "0 N~") 5 0 '(find-fline "~/crim/2-autod.4th.txt" "\\\\") 14 0 '(find-fline "~/crim/2.aud.txt" "%END-CRIM") 3 0 '(find-fline "~/crim/2-autod.4th.txt" "BOX\"") 9 0 '(find-fline "~/crim/2.aud.txt" "+--+") ) ##### # # More about GForth's bytecode # 2000jul26 # ##### # «gforth-bytecode» (to ".gforth-bytecode") #* cat > /tmp/gf <<'---' : hu.r ( n ndigits -- ) base @ >r hex u.r r> base ! ; : h. ( byte -- ) 2 hu.r ; : hadr ( adr -- ) 8 hu.r ." : " ; here value old-here : .bytes ( -- ) begin old-here here < while old-here c@ h. space old-here 1+ to old-here repeat ; : b" ( -- ;" ) cr old-here hadr .bytes ." " 34 parse type ; immediate here to old-here create foo b" foo" create bar b" bar" create bz b" bz" create baz b" baz" create bazz b" bazz" : nop ; b" nop" : sq dup * ; b" sq" : cub dup sq * ; b" cub" cr ' foo hadr ." ' foo" cr foo hadr ." foo" cr dovar: hadr ." dovar:" cr ' sq hadr ." ' sq" cr ' sq @ hadr ." ' sq @" cr ' sq 8 + @ hadr ." ' sq 8 + @" cr ' dup hadr ." ' dup" cr ' sq 12 + @ hadr ." ' sq 12 + @" cr ' * hadr ." ' *" cr ' sq 16 + @ hadr ." ' sq 16 + @" cr comp' exit hadr ." comp' exit" cr bye --- gforth /tmp/gf #* 4012DBC4: 84 DB 12 40 83 66 6F 6F 20 20 20 20 A0 A0 4 8 0 0 0 0 foo 4012DBD8: C4 DB 12 40 83 62 61 72 A0 A0 4 8 0 0 0 0 bar 4012DBE8: D8 DB 12 40 82 62 7A 20 A0 A0 4 8 0 0 0 0 bz 4012DBF8: E8 DB 12 40 83 62 61 7A A0 A0 4 8 0 0 0 0 baz 4012DC08: F8 DB 12 40 84 62 61 7A 7A 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 A0 A0 4 8 0 0 0 0 bazz 4012DBD0: ' foo 4012DBD8: foo 804A0A0: dovar: # (find-node "(gforth)DOES>") # (find-node "(nasm)Section 4.7.5") # (find-gfsrcfile "kernel/int.fs" "(name>x)") # (find-gfsrcfile "kernel/int.fs" ": '") # (find-gfsrcfile "kernel/comp.fs" "\n: ; ") # (find-gfsrcfile "kernel/comp.fs" ": POSTPONE ") # (find-gfsrcfile "kernel/comp.fs" ": postpone,") : name' name name-too-short? find-name ; : my' name' (name>x) drop ; : my'c name' (name>comp) drop ; ; HERE is here before CREATE FOO dd HERE0 align 4 db 0x80+3,'foo' align 8, db ' ' TICK_FOO: ; ' FOO returns this address dd DOVAR ; DOVAR: returns DOVAR dd 0 ; what's this 0? ADR_FOO: ; FOO returns this address ; HERE is here before CREATE BAR HERE2: dd HERE1 align 4 db 0x80+3,'foo' align 8, db ' ' TICK_FOO: ; ' FOO returns this address dd DOVAR ; DOVAR: returns DOVAR dd 0 ; what's this 0? ADR_FOO: ; FOO returns this address align 4 db 0x80+2,'bz' align 8, db ' ' dd DOVAR ; ( ) dovar: ( DOVAR ) dd 0 FOO_ADR: ##### # # tasker.fs in gforth # 2001apr19 # ##### # «tasker» (to ".tasker") #* cat > $EEG <<'---' require tasker.fs : testa $100 newtask activate $10 0 DO 'A emit LOOP stop ; : testb $100 newtask activate $10 0 DO 'B emit LOOP stop ; testa testb bye --- eeg gforth #* ##### # # pfe-0.33.66 # 2008apr20 # ##### # «pfe-0.33» (to ".pfe-0.33") # http://pfe.sourceforge.net/ # http://ufpr.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/pfe/pfe-0.33.66.tar.bz2 #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/pfe-0.33.66/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvjf \ $S/http/ufpr.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/pfe/pfe-0.33.66.tar.bz2 cd ~/usrc/pfe-0.33.66/ ./configure |& tee oc make |& tee om # make install #* # (code-c-d "pfe" "~/usrc/pfe-0.33.66/") # (code-ps "forthprimer" (ee-pfefile "doc/Forthprimer.pdf")) # (code-pdftotext "forthprimer" (ee-pfefile "doc/Forthprimer.pdf")) # (find-pfefile "") # (find-pfefile "INSTALL.TXT") # (find-pfefile "README") # (find-pfefile "README" "Forthprimer.pdf") # (find-pfefile "doc/") # (find-pfefile "doc/src/PFE.css") # (find-forthprimerpage 1) # (find-forthprimertext) * (eepitch-gforth) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-gforth) \ draw stars! : star ." *"; : stars 0 ?do star loop ; : triangle dup 1 do cr dup i - spaces i 2* 1- stars loop drop ; 12 triangle bye ##### # # PForth (2011) # 2011nov25 # ##### # «pforth-2011» (to ".pforth-2011") # (find-status "pforth") # (find-vldifile "pforth.list") # (find-udfile "pforth/") # (find-udfile "pforth/pf_ref.htm") # (find-udfile "pforth/pf_todo.txt") # (find-udfile "pforth/pf_tut.htm") # (find-udfile "pforth/pfmanual.txt") # (find-udfile "pforth/copyright") # (find-udfile "pforth/README.txt.gz") # (find-udfile "pforth/changelog.Debian.gz") # (find-man "1 pforth") * (eepitch-pforth) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-pforth) 1 2 + . words : square dup * ; : cube dup square * ; see cube ##### # # yforth # 2011nov25 # ##### # «yforth» (to ".yforth") # (find-status "yforth") # (find-vldifile "yforth.list") # (find-udfile "yforth/") * (eepitch-yforth) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-yforth) 1 2 + . words : square dup * ; : cube dup square * ; see cube ##### # # The Forth2012 standard # 2019feb11 # ##### # «forth2012» (to ".forth2012") # http://lars.nocrew.org/forth2012/ # http://lars.nocrew.org/forth2012/core/ # http://lars.nocrew.org/forth2012/core/DivMOD.html ##### # # pentom # 2021sep10 # ##### # «pentom» (to ".pentom") # https://github.com/benhoyt/python-pentomino/ # https://github.com/benhoyt/python-pentomino/blob/master/pentom.fs # https://benhoyt.com/writings/python-pentomino/ ##### # # hakkinen-f # 2021dec05 # ##### # «hakkinen-f» (to ".hakkinen-f") # https://github.com/petrihakkinen/f # (find-git-links "https://github.com/petrihakkinen/f" "hakkif") # (code-c-d "hakkif" "~/usrc/f/") # (find-hakkiffile "") # (find-hakkiffile "f.lua") # (find-hakkiffile "test/") # (find-hakkiffile "test/mandel.f") ##### # # elforth # 2021dec05 # ##### # «elforth» (to ".elforth") # (find-epackage-links 'elforth "elforth" t) # (find-epackage 'elforth) # https://github.com/lassik/elforth ##### # # forth-mode # 2021dec05 # ##### # «forth-mode» (to ".forth-mode") # (find-epackage-links 'forth-mode "forthmode" t) # (find-epackage 'forth-mode) # (code-c-d "forthmode" "~/.emacs.d/elpa/forth-mode-20210829.1824/") # (find-forthmodefile "") # https://github.com/larsbrinkhoff/forth-mode ##### # # chuck-moore-5-lines # 2022oct29 # ##### # «chuck-moore-5-lines» (to ".chuck-moore-5-lines") # https://retrocomputing.stackexchange.com/questions/25506/did-forths-inventor-charles-moore-really-write-a-cad-program-in-only-5-lines-of # https://wiki.osdev.org/Beginner_Mistakes#Memory_usage It can take a lot of time and thought to figure out how to reduce code size. Charles Moore, inventor of Forth, wrote a CAD program which was structured around just 5 lines of code. When asked how long it took to write those 5 lines, he replied, "Ooh, about 2 years"! # 2011jul13: # http://www.softsynth.com/pforth/ # http://www.mailsend-online.com/blog/flirting-with-forth.html # http://pygmy.utoh.org/forth.html # New links, 2019feb11: http://ficl.sourceforge.net/ficl.html http://www.forth.org/ http://www.forth.org/svfig/ http://www.forth.org/POL.pdf http://www.forth.org/svfig/zorkmail.html http://wiki.c2.com/?ForthLanguage http://www.ultratechnology.com/okad2.htm http://home.hccnet.nl/a.w.m.van.der.horst/figforth.html http://home.hccnet.nl/a.w.m.van.der.horst/forthlectureH.html https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30944881 ACM Opens First 50 Years Backfile (acm.org) "Looks like they have a bunch of papers about my current interest (FORTH - in fact there there is (was: final issue 1994) a SIGFORTH)" https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33180796 Programming a Problem-Oriented Language (1970) [pdf] (forth.org) - chuck moore https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34373279 What the hell is Forth? (2019) (information-superhighway.net) *** https://blog.information-superhighway.net/a-forth-vocabulary-for-iteration *** https://yosefk.com/blog/my-history-with-forth-stack-machines.html and largely dismisses the ANS standard as rooted in the past and bloated https://compilercrim.es/bootstrap/miniforth/ # Local Variables: # coding: utf-8-unix # End: