Warning: this is an htmlized version!
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% (find-angg "dednat6/extra-comparisons.tex") % (defun c () (interactive) (find-dednat6sh "lualatex -record extra-comparisons.tex" :end)) % (defun d () (interactive) (find-pdf-page "~/dednat6/extra-comparisons.pdf")) % (defun e () (interactive) (find-dednat6 "extra-comparisons.tex")) % (defun u () (interactive) (find-latex-upload-links "extra-comparisons")) % (find-pdf-page "~/dednat6/extra-comparisons.pdf") % (find-sh0 "cp -v ~/dednat6/extra-comparisons.pdf /tmp/") % (find-sh0 "cp -v ~/dednat6/extra-comparisons.pdf /tmp/pen/") % file:///home/edrx/dednat6/extra-comparisons.pdf % file:///tmp/extra-comparisons.pdf % file:///tmp/pen/extra-comparisons.pdf % http://angg.twu.net/dednat6/extra-comparisons.pdf % «.a-few-samples» (to "a-few-samples") % «.samples-5x8» (to "samples-5x8") % «.samples-5x8-srcboxdefs» (to "samples-5x8-srcboxdefs") % «.samples-5x8-srcpage» (to "samples-5x8-srcpage") % «.samples-5x8-output» (to "samples-5x8-output") % «.samples-triangle» (to "samples-triangle") % «.samples-triangle-srcboxdefs» (to "samples-triangle-srcboxdefs") % «.samples-triangle-srcpage» (to "samples-triangle-srcpage") % «.samples-triangle-output» (to "samples-triangle-output") % «.other» (to "other") % «.other-hafagaka» (to "other-hafagaka") % «.other-xcx» (to "other-xcx") \documentclass[oneside]{article} \usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref} % (find-es "tex" "hyperref") \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{pict2e} \usepackage{verbatimbox} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{lipsum} \usepackage[x11names,svgnames]{xcolor} % (find-es "tex" "xcolor") %\usepackage{tikz} % % (find-dn6 "preamble6.lua" "preamble0") %\usepackage{proof} % For derivation trees ("%:" lines) \input diagxy % For 2D diagrams ("%D" lines) \xyoption{curve} % For the ".curve=" feature in 2D diagrams % \begin{document} \catcode`\^^J=10 \directlua{dofile "dednat6load.lua"} % (find-LATEX "dednat6load.lua") % (find-es "tex" "co") % \co: a low-level way to typeset code; a poor man's "\verb" \def\co#1{{% \def\%{\char37}% \def\\{\char92}% \def\^{\char94}% \def\~{\char126}% \tt#1% }} \def\qco#1{`\co{#1}'} \def\qqco#1{``\co{#1}''} %L forths[".mod="] = function () %L ds:pick(0).modifier = getword() or error() %L end % (find-dednat6 "2018dednat6-extras.tex") % (find-dednat6 "2018dednat6-extras.tex" "a-few-samples") % (find-es "tex" "verbatimbox") % (find-es "tex" "resizebox") % (find-es "tex" "newsavebox") % (find-kopkadaly4page (+ 12 87) "\\newsavebox") % (find-kopkadaly4text (+ 12 87) "\\newsavebox") % (find-kopkadaly4page (+ 12 87) "\\savebox{\\boxname}[width][pos]{text}") % (find-kopkadaly4text (+ 12 87) "\\savebox{\\boxname}[width][pos]{text}") \newsavebox{\barrdednatsix} \newsavebox{\barrorig} \newsavebox{\barrtridednatsix} \newsavebox{\barrtriorig} \newsavebox{\hafagaka} \newsavebox{\xcx} \title{Dednat6: some comparisons \\ with diagxy} \author{Eduardo Ochs} \maketitle A few weeks after my article about Dednat6 appeared in TUGBoat Michael Barr sent me an e-mail asking how I would do in Dednat6 two diagrams from the diagxy manual (sec.\ref{a-few-samples}) and two other diagrams (sec.\ref{other})... % _ __ _ % / \ / _| _____ __ ___ __ _ _ __ ___ _ __ | | ___ ___ % / _ \ | |_ / _ \ \ /\ / / / __|/ _` | '_ ` _ \| '_ \| |/ _ \/ __| % / ___ \ | _| __/\ V V / \__ \ (_| | | | | | | |_) | | __/\__ \ % /_/ \_\ |_| \___| \_/\_/ |___/\__,_|_| |_| |_| .__/|_|\___||___/ % |_| % «a-few-samples» (to ".a-few-samples") % (find-es "dednat" "diaxydoc-and-barrdoc") % https://ctan.org/pkg/diagxy % http://tug.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/generic/diagrams/diagxy/diaxydoc.pdf % http://tug.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/xypic/doc/barrdoc.pdf % (code-pdf-page "diaxydoc" "/usr/local/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/doc/generic/barr/diaxydoc.pdf") % (code-pdf-text "diaxydoc" "/usr/local/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/doc/generic/barr/diaxydoc.pdf") % (code-c-d "barrdoc" "/usr/local/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/doc/generic/barr/") % (code-pdf-page "barrdoc" "/usr/local/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/doc/generic/xypic/barrdoc.pdf") % (code-pdf-text "barrdoc" "/usr/local/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/doc/generic/xypic/barrdoc.pdf") % (find-diaxydocpage) % (find-diaxydoctext) % (find-barrdocpage) % (find-barrdoctext) % (find-diaxydocpage 1 "Version 2015-09-26") % (find-diaxydoctext 1 "Version 2015-09-26") % (find-barrdocpage 1 "Version 2011-06-18") % (find-barrdoctext 1 "Version 2011-06-18") % (find-barrdocpage 24 "5.3 Empty placement and moving labels") % (find-barrdoctext 24 "5.3 Empty placement and moving labels") % (find-barrdocpage 33 "5.9 A few samples") % (find-barrdoctext 33 "5.9 A few samples") % (find-diaxydocpage 34 "4.9 A few samples") % (find-diaxydoctext 34 "4.9 A few samples") % (find-es "xypic" "a-few-samples") \section{``A few samples''} \label{a-few-samples} The section ``A few samples'' in the diagxy manual --- section 4.9 or 5.9, depending on the version --- has big two diagrams, one based on a $5 \times 8$ grid and one based on a triangle. % ____ ___ % | ___|_ _( _ ) % |___ \ \/ / _ \ % ___) > < (_) | % |____/_/\_\___/ % % «samples-5x8» (to ".samples-5x8") % The diagram in the section "A few samples" that is based on a 5x8 grid % (find-dednat6 "2018dednat6-extras.tex" "a-few-samples") \subsection{The $5 \times 8$ diagram} Barr's $5 \times 8$ diagram uses splines for the outermost curved arrows, and he hardcodes their controls points: look for the \qco{c,(3000,0),(2700,2800),p} and the \qco{c,(-300,0),(-600,2400),p} in the last two \qco{\\arrow}s. In dednat6 the ``low-level coordinates'' of nodes are not trivial to get; I just hacked a way to insert these \qco{c,(\_,\_),(\_,\_),p}s into \qco{\\morphism}s and guessed values that gave a result that looked reasonably well. % «samples-5x8-srcboxdefs» (to ".samples-5x8-srcboxdefs") \begin{verbbox} % Source code for Barr's diagram: % $$\bfig \def\f{\bar f} \def\g{\bar g} \def\h{\bar h} \let\t\tau \node A11(0,2800)[(\h(\g\f))\t_A] \node A13(1200,2800)[((\h\g)\f)\t_A] \node A21(0,2400)[\h((\g\f)\t_A)] \node A22(600,2400)[\h(\g\f\t_A)] \node A23(1200,2400)[(\h\g(\f\t_A))] \node A32(600,2000)[\h(\g(\t_Bf))] \node A33(1200,2000)[(\h\g)(\t_Bf)] \node A34(1800,2000)[((\h\g)\t_B)f] \node A42(600,1600)[\h((\g\t_B)f)] \node A44(1800,1600)[(\h(\g\t_B))f] \node A52(600,1200)[\h((\t_C)g)f] \node A54(1800,1200)[(\h(\t_Cg))f] \node A62(600,800)[\h(\t_C(gf))] \node A63(1200,800)[(\h\t_C)(gf)] \node A64(1800,800)[\h(\t_C(gf))] \node A73(1200,400)[(\t_Dh)(gf)] \node A74(1800,400)[((\t_D)h)g] \node A75(2400,400)[(\t_D(hg))f] \node A83(1200,0)[\t_D(h(gf))] \node A85(2400,0)[\t_D((hg)f)] \arrow[A11`A13;] \arrow[A21`A11;] \arrow[A21`A22;] \arrow[A22`A23;] \arrow[A23`A13;] \arrow[A32`A22;\h(\g\t_f)] \arrow[A32`A33;] \arrow[A33`A23;(\h\g)\t_f] \arrow[A33`A34;] \arrow[A42`A44;] \arrow[A42`A32;] \arrow[A44`A34;] \arrow[A52`A42;\h(\t_gf)] \arrow[A52`A54;] \arrow[A54`A44;(\h\t_g)f] \arrow[A62`A52;] \arrow[A62`A63;] \arrow[A63`A64;] \arrow[A73`A63;\t_h(gf)] \arrow[A73`A74;] \arrow[A74`A64;\t_{(hg)f}] \arrow[A74`A75;] \arrow[A83`A73;] \arrow[A83`A85;] \arrow[A85`A75;] \arrow|r|/{@{>}@/_15pt/}/[A75`A34;\t_{hg}f] \arrow|l|/{@{>}@/^15pt/}/[A62`A21;\h(\t_C(gf))] \arrow|l|/{@{>}@`{c,(3000,0),(2700,2800),p}}/[A85`A13;\t_{hg}f] \arrow|r|/{@{>}@`{c,(-300,0),(-600,2400),p}}/[A83`A11;\t_{h(fg)}] \efig $$ \end{verbbox} \savebox\barrorig{\theverbbox} \begin{verbbox} % Source code for its translation to Dednat6: % %D diagram barr-dednat6 %D 2Dx 100 +40 +40 +40 +40 %D 2D 100 A11 --------> A13 %D 2D ^ ^ %D 2D | | %D 2D +27 A21 -> A22 -> A23 %D 2D ^ ^ ^ %D 2D | | | %D 2D +27 | A32 -> A33 -> A34 %D 2D | ^ ^ ^ %D 2D | | | \ %D 2D +27 | A42 --------> A44 \ %D 2D | ^ ^ \ %D 2D \ | | | %D 2D +27 \ A52 --------> A54 | %D 2D \ ^ | %D 2D \ | | %D 2D +27 A62 -> A63 -> A64 | %D 2D ^ ^ | %D 2D | | | %D 2D +27 A73 -> A74 -> A75 %D 2D ^ ^ %D 2D | | %D 2D +27 A83 --------> A85 %D 2D %D ren A11 A13 ==> (\h(\g\f))\t_A ((\h\g)\f)\t_A %D ren A21 A22 A23 ==> \h((\g\f)\t_A) \h(\g\f\t_A) (\h\g(\f\t_A)) %D ren A32 A33 A34 ==> \h(\g(\t_Bf)) (\h\g)(\t_Bf) ((\h\g)\t_B)f %D ren A42 A44 ==> \h((\g\t_B)f) (\h(\g\t_B))f %D ren A52 A54 ==> \h((\t_C)g)f (\h(\t_Cg))f %D ren A62 A63 A64 ==> \h(\t_C(gf)) (\h\t_C)(gf) \h(\t_C(gf)) %D ren A73 A74 A75 ==> (\t_Dh)(gf) ((\t_D)h)g (\t_D(hg))f %D ren A83 A85 ==> \t_D(h(gf)) \t_D((hg)f) %D %D (( # Horizontal arrows: %D A11 A13 -> %D A21 A22 -> A22 A23 -> %D A32 A33 -> A33 A34 -> %D A42 A44 -> %D A52 A54 -> %D A62 A63 -> A63 A64 -> %D A73 A74 -> A74 A75 -> %D A83 A85 -> %D %D # Simple vertical arrows: %D A11 A21 <- A13 A23 <- %D A22 A32 <- .plabel= r \h(\g\t_f) A23 A33 <- .plabel= r (\h\g)\t_f %D A32 A42 <- A34 A44 <- %D A42 A52 <- .plabel= r \h(\t_gf) A44 A54 <- .plabel= r (\h\t_g)f %D A52 A62 <- %D A63 A73 <- .plabel= r \t_h(gf) A64 A74 <- .plabel= r \t_{(hg)f} %D A73 A83 <- A75 A85 <- %D %D # Curved vertical arrows: %D A75 A34 -> .curve= _15pt .plabel= r \t_{hg}f %D A62 A21 -> .curve= ^15pt .plabel= l \h(\t_C(gf)) %D A83 A11 -> .mod= @`{c,(-300,-2835),(-800,-100),p} .plabel= r \t_{h(fg)} %D A85 A13 -> .mod= @`{c,(3000,-2000),(2700,-500),p} .plabel= l \t_{hg}f %D %D )) %D enddiagram %D $$\pu \def\f{\bar f} \def\g{\bar g} \def\h{\bar h} \let\t\tau \diag{barr-dednat6} $$ \end{verbbox} \savebox\barrdednatsix{\theverbbox} % (find-es "tex" "setbox") % (find-es "tex" "newbox") % «samples-5x8-srcpage» (to ".samples-5x8-srcpage") \fbox{\resizebox{0.4\textwidth}{!}{\usebox{\barrorig}}} \fbox{\resizebox{0.4\textwidth}{!}{\usebox{\barrdednatsix}}} \newpage % «samples-5x8-output» (to ".samples-5x8-output") Output of Barr's code: $$\bfig \def\f{\bar f} \def\g{\bar g} \def\h{\bar h} \let\t\tau \node A11(0,2800)[(\h(\g\f))\t_A] \node A13(1200,2800)[((\h\g)\f)\t_A] \node A21(0,2400)[\h((\g\f)\t_A)] \node A22(600,2400)[\h(\g\f\t_A)] \node A23(1200,2400)[(\h\g(\f\t_A))] \node A32(600,2000)[\h(\g(\t_Bf))] \node A33(1200,2000)[(\h\g)(\t_Bf)] \node A34(1800,2000)[((\h\g)\t_B)f] \node A42(600,1600)[\h((\g\t_B)f)] \node A44(1800,1600)[(\h(\g\t_B))f] \node A52(600,1200)[\h((\t_C)g)f] \node A54(1800,1200)[(\h(\t_Cg))f] \node A62(600,800)[\h(\t_C(gf))] \node A63(1200,800)[(\h\t_C)(gf)] \node A64(1800,800)[\h(\t_C(gf))] \node A73(1200,400)[(\t_Dh)(gf)] \node A74(1800,400)[((\t_D)h)g] \node A75(2400,400)[(\t_D(hg))f] \node A83(1200,0)[\t_D(h(gf))] \node A85(2400,0)[\t_D((hg)f)] \arrow[A11`A13;] \arrow[A21`A11;] \arrow[A21`A22;] \arrow[A22`A23;] \arrow[A23`A13;] \arrow[A32`A22;\h(\g\t_f)] \arrow[A32`A33;] \arrow[A33`A23;(\h\g)\t_f] \arrow[A33`A34;] \arrow[A42`A44;] \arrow[A42`A32;] \arrow[A44`A34;] \arrow[A52`A42;\h(\t_gf)] \arrow[A52`A54;] \arrow[A54`A44;(\h\t_g)f] \arrow[A62`A52;] \arrow[A62`A63;] \arrow[A63`A64;] \arrow[A73`A63;\t_h(gf)] \arrow[A73`A74;] \arrow[A74`A64;\t_{(hg)f}] \arrow[A74`A75;] \arrow[A83`A73;] \arrow[A83`A85;] \arrow[A85`A75;] \arrow|r|/{@{>}@/_15pt/}/[A75`A34;\t_{hg}f] \arrow|l|/{@{>}@/^15pt/}/[A62`A21;\h(\t_C(gf))] \arrow|l|/{@{>}@`{c,(3000,0),(2700,2800),p}}/[A85`A13;\t_{hg}f] \arrow|r|/{@{>}@`{c,(-300,0),(-600,2400),p}}/[A83`A11;\t_{h(fg)}] \efig $$ \newpage Output of my conversion of it to dednat6: $$\pu \def\f{\bar f} \def\g{\bar g} \def\h{\bar h} \let\t\tau \diag{barr-dednat6} $$ \newpage % _____ _ _ % |_ _| __(_) __ _ _ __ __ _| | ___ % | || '__| |/ _` | '_ \ / _` | |/ _ \ % | || | | | (_| | | | | (_| | | __/ % |_||_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__, |_|\___| % |___/ % % «samples-triangle» (to ".samples-triangle") % (find-barrdocpage 37 "all four diagonal arrows should be curved") % (find-barrdoctext 37 "all four diagonal arrows should be curved") % (find-diaxydocpage 38 "all four diagonal arrows should be curved") % (find-diaxydoctext 38 "all four diagonal arrows should be curved") % (find-barrdocfile "diaxydoc.tex") % (find-barrdocfile "diaxydoc.tex" "all four diagonal arrows should be curved") % (find-LATEX "2019barr2.tex" "TAC") \subsection{The triangle diagram} The source in diagxy for this triangle diagram can be found in diaxydoc.tex. I don't have support for ``holes'' in dednat6 yet, so I simplified the original diagram a bit; note that in the dednat6 version some arrows cross. % «samples-triangle-srcboxdefs» (to ".samples-triangle-srcboxdefs") \begin{verbbox} $$\bfig \node 1(1000,800)[Y] \node 21(0,0)[X] \node 22(2000,0)[Z] \node aa(300,400)[] \node ab(450,400)[] \node ba(1550,400)[] \node bb(1700,400)[] \arrow|a|/{@{>}@/^20pt/}/[21`1;f] \arrow|b|[21`1;g] \arrow[aa`ab;\beta] \arrow[bb`ba;\delta] \arrow|b|[1`22;i] \arrow|a|/{@{>}@/^20pt/}/[1`22;h] \arrow/{@{>}@/^15pt/@<5pt>^(.4)k}/[21`22;] \arrow/{@{>}@/^15pt/@<5pt>^(.4)k}/[21`22;] \arrow/{@{>}@<5pt>|(.4)j|(.5)\hole}/[21`22;] \arrow/{@{>}@<-10pt>|(.4){hf}|-\hole}/[21`22;] \arrow/{@{>}@/_15pt/@<-10pt>_(0.4){ig}}/[21`22;] \node c(1000,150)[] \node f(1000,-200)[] \arrow|l|[f`c;t] \node d(1100,25)[] \node e(1100,-75)[] \arrow|r|[e`d;s] \efig $$ \end{verbbox} \savebox\barrtriorig{\theverbbox} \begin{verbbox} %D diagram TAC %D 2Dx 100 +60 +60 %D 2D 100 Y %D 2D ^ \ %D 2D / v %D 2D +45 X ------> Z %D 2D %D (( X Y -> .curve= ^15pt sl^ .plabel= a f %D X Y -> .plabel= b g %D Y Z -> .curve= ^15pt sl^ .plabel= a h %D Y Z -> .plabel= b i %D X Z -> .curve= ^15pt .plabel= a k %D X Z -> .plabel= m j %D X Z -> .slide= -15pt .plabel= m hf %D X Z -> .curve= _15pt .slide= -15pt .plabel= m ig %D %D X Y harrownodes nil 15 15 -> .plabel= a \beta %D Y Z harrownodes 15 15 nil <- .plabel= a \delta %D %D X Z varrownodes 12 30 nil <- .slide= -15pt .plabel= l t %D X Z varrownodes 12 15 nil <- .slide= 15pt .plabel= r s %D )) %D enddiagram %D $$\pu \text{Edrx:} \quad \diag{TAC} $$ \end{verbbox} \savebox\barrtridednatsix{\theverbbox} % «samples-triangle-srcpage» (to ".samples-triangle-srcpage") \fbox{\resizebox{0.4\textwidth}{!}{\usebox{\barrtriorig}}} \fbox{\resizebox{0.4\textwidth}{!}{\usebox{\barrtridednatsix}}} % «samples-triangle-output» (to ".samples-triangle-output") $$\pu \text{Dednat6:} \quad \diag{TAC} $$ $$\text{Barr:} \quad \bfig \node 1(1000,800)[Y] \node 21(0,0)[X] \node 22(2000,0)[Z] \node aa(300,400)[] \node ab(450,400)[] \node ba(1550,400)[] \node bb(1700,400)[] \arrow|a|/{@{>}@/^20pt/}/[21`1;f] \arrow|b|[21`1;g] \arrow[aa`ab;\beta] \arrow[bb`ba;\delta] \arrow|b|[1`22;i] \arrow|a|/{@{>}@/^20pt/}/[1`22;h] \arrow/{@{>}@/^15pt/@<5pt>^(.4)k}/[21`22;] \arrow/{@{>}@/^15pt/@<5pt>^(.4)k}/[21`22;] \arrow/{@{>}@<5pt>|(.4)j|(.5)\hole}/[21`22;] \arrow/{@{>}@<-10pt>|(.4){hf}|-\hole}/[21`22;] \arrow/{@{>}@/_15pt/@<-10pt>_(0.4){ig}}/[21`22;] \node c(1000,150)[] \node f(1000,-200)[] \arrow|l|[f`c;t] \node d(1100,25)[] \node e(1100,-75)[] \arrow|r|[e`d;s] \efig $$ \newpage % ___ _ _ _ _ % / _ \| |_| |__ ___ _ __ __| (_) __ _ __ _ ___ % | | | | __| '_ \ / _ \ '__| / _` | |/ _` |/ _` / __| % | |_| | |_| | | | __/ | | (_| | | (_| | (_| \__ \ % \___/ \__|_| |_|\___|_| \__,_|_|\__,_|\__, |___/ % |___/ % % «other» (to ".other") % (find-LATEX "2019barr2.tex" "HAFAGAKA") \section{Other diagrams} \label{other} % «other-hafagaka» (to ".other-hafagaka") % (find-LATEX "2019barr2.tex" "HAFAGAKA") \begin{verbbox} %D diagram HAFAGAKA %D 2Dx 100 +30 +15 +15 +30 %D 2D 100 A %D 2D / | \ %D 2D v v v %D 2D +25 HA --> FA --> GA --> KA %D 2D %D (( A HA -> A FA |-> A GA |-> A KA -> %D HA FA -> FA GA -> .plabel= b TA GA KA -> %D A FA GA midpoint --> %D )) %D enddiagram %D $$\pu \diag{HAFAGAKA} $$ \end{verbbox} \savebox\hafagaka{\theverbbox} % \fbox{\resizebox{0.4\textwidth}{!}{\usebox{\barrtriorig}}} % \fbox{\resizebox{0.4\textwidth}{!}{\usebox{\barrtridednatsix}}} % «other-xcx» (to ".other-xcx") % (find-LATEX "2019barr2.tex" "XCX") \begin{verbbox} %D diagram XCX %D 2Dx 100 +30 +30 %D 2D 100 A --> X --> C %D 2D \ | ^ ^ %D 2D \ | | / %D 2D v v | / %D 2D +30 Y %D 2D %D ren A ==> C %D %D (( A X -> .plabel= a f X C -> .plabel= a g %D A Y -> .plabel= l kf Y C -> .plabel= r g\ell %D X Y -> sl_ .plabel= l k %D X Y <- sl^ .plabel= r \ell %D )) %D enddiagram %D $$\pu \diag{XCX} $$ \end{verbbox} \savebox\xcx{\theverbbox} \fbox{\resizebox{0.4\textwidth}{!}{\usebox{\hafagaka}}} \fbox{\resizebox{0.4\textwidth}{!}{\usebox{\xcx}}} \pu $$\diag{HAFAGAKA} $$ $$ \diag{XCX} $$ \end{document} % Local Variables: % coding: utf-8-unix % End: