Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
;; (find-sh "cd ~/books/ && find * | sort")
;; (find-sh "cd ~/books/__politics/ && find * | sort")

;; «.apolito»			(to "apolito")
;; «.arendt»			(to "arendt")
;; «.badiou»			(to "badiou")
;; «.black-bloc-papers»		(to "black-bloc-papers")
;; «.bottomore»			(to "bottomore")
;; «.chang»			(to "chang")
;; «.chomsky-ehrenreich»	(to "chomsky-ehrenreich")
;; «.coates»			(to "coates")
;; «.comehellorhighwater»	(to "comehellorhighwater")
;; «.cooper»			(to "cooper")
;; «.crutchfield»		(to "crutchfield")
;; «.decolonization-handbook»	(to "decolonization-handbook")
;; «.domarus»			(to "domarus")
;; «.empoli»			(to "empoli")
;; «.fabbri»			(to "fabbri")
;; «.fanon»			(to "fanon")
;; «.faoro»			(to "faoro")
;; «.fisher»			(to "fisher")
;; «.galeano»			(to "galeano")
;; «.gee»			(to "gee")
;; «.gelderloos»		(to "gelderloos")
;; «.graeber»			(to "graeber")
;; «.green»			(to "green")
;; «.han»			(to "han")
;; «.harvey»			(to "harvey")
;; «.hunt»			(to "hunt")
;; «.jupiara-otavio»		(to "jupiara-otavio")
;; «.kissinger»			(to "kissinger")
;; «.leirner»			(to "leirner")
;; «.newton»			(to "newton")
;; «.nozick»			(to "nozick")
;; «.nussbaum»			(to "nussbaum")
;; «.occupy»			(to "occupy")
;; «.politkovskaya»		(to "politkovskaya")
;; «.rawls»			(to "rawls")
;; «.skyrms»			(to "skyrms")
;; «.stenner»			(to "stenner")
;; «.tom-magalhaes»		(to "tom-magalhaes")
;; «.thucydides»		(to "thucydides")
;; «.varoufakis»		(to "varoufakis")
;; «.veiga-franca»		(to "veiga-franca")
;; «.witnessing-torture»	(to "witnessing-torture")
;; «.wolf»			(to "wolf")
;; «.zimbardo»			(to "zimbardo")
;; «.fascismo»			(to "fascismo")

;; «apolito»  (to ".apolito")
;; (find-books "__politics/__politics.el" "apolito")
;; Aurora Apolito: "The Problem of Scale in Anarchism and The Case for Cybernetic Communism"
;; http://www.its.caltech.edu/~matilde/ Matilde Marcolli
;; http://www.its.caltech.edu/~matilde/ScaleAnarchy.pdf
(code-pdf-page "apolitoscale" "$S/http/www.its.caltech.edu/~matilde/ScaleAnarchy.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "apolitoscale" "$S/http/www.its.caltech.edu/~matilde/ScaleAnarchy.pdf")
;; (find-apolitoscalepage)
;; (find-apolitoscaletext)

;; «arendt» (to ".arendt")
;; (find-books "__politics/__politics.el" "arendt")
(code-pdf       "toot" "~/books/__politics/arendt__the_origins_of_totalitarianism.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "toot" "~/books/__politics/arendt__the_origins_of_totalitarianism.pdf" 1)
;; (find-tootpage)
;; (find-tootpage 8)
;; (find-tootpage 12)
;; (find-tootpage 18)
;; (find-tootpage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-tootpage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-toottext "")

;; «badiou»  (to ".badiou")
(code-xpdf      "badiouetica" "~/books/__politics/badiou__la_etica_ensayo_sobre_la_consciencia_del_mal.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "badiouetica" "~/books/__politics/badiou__la_etica_ensayo_sobre_la_consciencia_del_mal.pdf")
;; (find-badioueticapage      1  "Contents")
;; (find-badioueticapage (+ 1 1) "Index")
;; (find-badioueticatext "")

;; «black-bloc-papers» (to ".black-bloc-papers")
;; http://www.infoshop.org/amp/bgp/BlackBlockPapers2.pdf
;; (find-fline "$S/http/www.infoshop.org/amp/bgp/")
(code-xpdf     "blackblocpapers" "$S/http/www.infoshop.org/amp/bgp/BlackBlockPapers2.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "blackblocpapers" "$S/http/www.infoshop.org/amp/bgp/BlackBlockPapers2.pdf" 17)
;; (find-blackblocpaperspage)
;; (find-blackblocpaperstext)
;; (find-blackblocpaperspage        6  "Table of Contents")
;; (find-blackblocpaperstext        6  "Table of Contents")
;; (find-blackblocpaperspage (+ 17 14) "Social Composition Of The North American Black Bloc")
;; (find-blackblocpaperstext (+ 17 14) "Social Composition Of The North American Black Bloc")
;; (find-blackblocpaperspage (+ 17 14) "what you've done.")
;; (find-blackblocpaperstext (+ 17 14) "what you've done.")
;; (find-blackblocpaperspage (+ 17 18) "immerses her/himself in a constant state of consumption")
;; (find-blackblocpaperstext (+ 17 18) "immerses her/himself in a constant state of consumption")

;; «bottomore» (to ".bottomore")
;; (find-books "__politics/__politics.el" "bottomore")
(code-pdf       "dicpmark" "~/books/__politics/bottomore__dicionario_do_pensamento_marxista_.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "dicpmark" "~/books/__politics/bottomore__dicionario_do_pensamento_marxista_.pdf" 1)
;; (find-dicpmarkpage)
;; (find-dicpmarkpage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-dicpmarkpage        13  "A")
;; (find-dicpmarkpage        76  "C")
;; (find-dicpmarkpage       134  "C" "Contradição")
;; (find-dicpmarkpage       361  "M")
;; (find-dicpmarkpage       487  "Q")
;; (find-dicpmarkpage       622  "V")
;; (find-dicpmarkpage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-dicpmarktext "")

;; «chang» (to ".chang")
;; (find-books "__politics/__politics.el" "chang")
(code-pdf       "badsamaritans" "~/books/__politics/chang__bad_samaritans_the_myth_of_free_trade_and_the_secret_history_of_capitalism.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "badsamaritans" "~/books/__politics/chang__bad_samaritans_the_myth_of_free_trade_and_the_secret_history_of_capitalism.pdf" 3)
;; (find-badsamaritanspage)
;; (find-badsamaritanspage         3  "Contents")
;; (find-badsamaritanspage (+ 26 213) "Notes")
;; (find-badsamaritanstext "")

;; «chomsky-ehrenreich»  (to ".chomsky-ehrenreich")
(code-xpdf      "taari" "~/books/__politics/chomsky_ehrenreich_hooks__talking_about_a_revolution_interviews.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "taari" "~/books/__politics/chomsky_ehrenreich_hooks__talking_about_a_revolution_interviews.pdf" 0)
;; (ee-page-parameters "taari" 0)
;; (find-taaritext  2 "CONTENTS")
;; (find-taaritext 14 "Noam Chomsky")
;; (find-taaritext 23 "BARBARA EHRENREICH")
;; (find-taaritext 30 "BELL HOOKS")
;; (find-taaritext 47 "WINONA LADUKE")
;; (find-taaritext 56 "MANNING MARABLE")

;; «coates» (to ".coates")
;; (find-books "__politics/__politics.el" "coates")
;; (find-es "calibre" "ebook-convert")
;; http://angg.twu.net/tmp/between_the_world_and_me/
;; https://www.brainpickings.org/2016/09/07/ta-nehisi-coates-kindness-fear/
(code-pdf-page "btwam" "~/books/__politics/coates__between_the_world_and_me.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "btwam" "~/books/__politics/coates__between_the_world_and_me.pdf" 1)
;; (find-btwampage)
;; (find-btwamtext "")
;; (find-btwampage 74 "Notre Dame")
;; (find-btwamtext 74 "Notre Dame")

(code-c-d "btwam" "~/books/__politics/coates__between_the_world_and_me.txt")
(defun find-btwam (&optional n &rest rest) (apply 'find-btwamfile "" rest))
;; (find-btwamfile "")
;; (find-btwam 26 "I saw it in their customs of war")
;; (find-btwam 51 "one-drop rule")
;; (find-btwam 68 "There was no room for softness")
;; (find-btwam 69 "Instead they saw in my unruly curiosity and softness")
;; (find-btwam 71 "that the bodies of women are set out for pillage")
;; (find-btwam 75 "that the struggle, in and of itself, has meaning")
;; (find-btwam 77 "Indeed, you must be responsible for the worst")
;; (find-btwam 84 "ask for forgiveness for the officer")
;; (find-btwam 87 "patron saint of the twice as good")
;; (find-btwam 88 "love their children with a kind of obsession")
;; (find-btwam 88 "The typhoon will not bend under indictment")
;; (find-btwam 89 "The politicians who empowered this")
;; (find-btwam 91 "They spent semesters abroad")
;; (find-btwam 92 "They were not\nhuman to me")
;; (find-btwam 93 "I always had people")
;; (find-btwam 95 "This need to be always on guard")

;; «comehellorhighwater»  (to ".comehellorhighwater")
;; (find-books "__politics/__politics.el" "comehellorhighwater")
(code-pdf-page "chovaoufacasol" "~/books/__politics/vannucci_singer__chova_ou_faca_sol.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "chovaoufacasol" "~/books/__politics/vannucci_singer__chova_ou_faca_sol.pdf" 1)
;; (find-chovaoufacasolpage)
;; (find-chovaoufacasolpage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-chovaoufacasolpage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-chovaoufacasoltext "")

(code-pdf-page "comehell" "~/books/__politics/vannucci_singer__come_hell_or_high_water.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "comehell" "~/books/__politics/vannucci_singer__come_hell_or_high_water.pdf" -2)
;; (find-comehellpage)
;; (find-comehelltext "")
;; (find-comehellpage         3  "Contents")
;; (find-comehellpage (+ -2   7) "PREFACE")
;; (find-comehellpage (+ -2  15) "INTRODUCTION")
;; (find-comehellpage (+ -2  19) "IS THIS REALLY DEMOCRACY?")
;; (find-comehellpage (+ -2  19) "Democratic Process Subverted")
;; (find-comehellpage (+ -2  21) "A Closer Look at Consensus")
;; (find-comehellpage (+ -2  25) "The Baggage of Collective Members")
;; (find-comehellpage (+ -2  28) "Power Sharing")
;; (find-comehellpage (+ -2  31) "Red Flags to Guard Against")
;; (find-comehellpage (+ -2  36) "Tactics Used to Subvert Democratic Process")
;; (find-comehellpage (+ -2  40) "The Particular Vulnerability of Collectives")
;; (find-comehellpage (+ -2  42) "The Problem with Politeness")
;; (find-comehellpage (+ -2  47) "The Need for Kindness")
;; (find-comehellpage (+ -2  49) "Creating Pariahs")
;; (find-comehellpage (+ -2  54) "Good-Faith and Bad- Faith Character Assassinations")
;; (find-comehellpage (+ -2  57) "Banning")
;; (find-comehellpage (+ -2  62) "Respect for Differences")
;; (find-comehellpage (+ -2  66) "Personal vs. Group Issues")
;; (find-comehellpage (+ -2  69) "Micro-Managing Other People's Behavior")
;; (find-comehellpage (+ -2  73) "Skepticism Is Healthy")
;; (find-comehellpage (+ -2  76) "Vagueness Leads to Authoritarianism")
;; (find-comehellpage (+ -2  81) "IS THIS THE JUST SOCIETY WE WANT TO MODEL?")
;; (find-comehellpage (+ -2  81) "A Model for Justice?")
;; (find-comehellpage (+ -2  83) "The Dearth of Due Process")
;; (find-comehellpage (+ -2  98) "Cruelty")
;; (find-comehellpage (+ -2 101) "Collective ls Not Always More Correct Than the Individual")
;; (find-comehellpage (+ -2 105) "MAKING IT WORK")
;; (find-comehellpage (+ -2 105) "For Newcomers")
;; (find-comehellpage (+ -2 106) "For Old-Schoolers")
;; (find-comehellpage (+ -2 108) "Relinquishing Control")
;; (find-comehellpage (+ -2 111) "Staying True to the Mission")
;; (find-comehellpage (+ -2 112) "What's a Lone Person to Do?")
;; (find-comehellpage (+ -2 114) "This Couldn't Happen in Our Collective")
;; (find-comehellpage (+ -2 115) "Getting Things Done")
;; (find-comehellpage (+ -2 116) "Some Cardinal Points to Keep in Mind When Conflict Arises")
;; (find-comehellpage (+ -2 121) "Codifying the Collective Process")
;; (find-comehellpage (+ -2 125) "There's Hope")

;; «cooper»  (to ".cooper")
;; (find-books "__politics/__politics.el" "cooper")
(code-pdf-page "familyvalues" "~/books/__politics/cooper__family_values_between_neoliberalism_and_the_new_social_conservatism.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "familyvalues" "~/books/__politics/cooper__family_values_between_neoliberalism_and_the_new_social_conservatism.pdf" 1)
;; (find-familyvaluespage)
;; (find-familyvaluespage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-familyvaluespage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-familyvaluestext "")

;; «crutchfield»  (to ".crutchfield")
;; (find-books "__politics/__politics.el" "crutchfield")
(code-pdf-page "crutchfield" "~/books/__politics/crutchfield__how_change_happens_why_some_social_movements_succeed_while_others_dont.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "crutchfield" "~/books/__politics/crutchfield__how_change_happens_why_some_social_movements_succeed_while_others_dont.pdf" 1)
;; (find-crutchfieldpage)
;; (find-crutchfieldpage        8  "Contents")
;; (find-crutchfieldtext        8  "Contents")
;; (find-crutchfieldpage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-crutchfieldtext "")

;; «decolonization-handbook»  (to ".decolonization-handbook")
;; (find-books "__politics/__politics.el" "decolonization-handbook")
;; https://pampalmater.com/publications
;; https://fpse.ca/sites/default/files/news_files/Decolonization%20Handbook.pdf
(code-pdf-page "decohandbook" "$S/https/fpse.ca/sites/default/files/news_files/Decolonization%20Handbook.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "decohandbook" "$S/https/fpse.ca/sites/default/files/news_files/Decolonization%20Handbook.pdf")
;; (find-decohandbookpage)
;; (find-decohandbooktext)
;; (find-decohandbookpage 73 "Decolonization is" "taking back our power" "Pamela Palmater")
;; (find-decohandbooktext 73 "Decolonization is" "taking back our power" "Pamela Palmater")

;; «domarus»  (to ".domarus")
(code-xpdf      "domarus" "~/books/__politics/domarus__hitler_speeches_and_proclamations_1932_1945.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "domarus" "~/books/__politics/domarus__hitler_speeches_and_proclamations_1932_1945.pdf" 0)
;; (find-domaruspage        6  "Contents")
;; (find-domaruspage (+ 1  75) "The year 1932")
;; (find-domaruspage (+ 1 735) "The year 1936")
;; (find-domaruspage (+ 1 1) "Index")
;; (find-domarustext "")

;; «empoli»  (to ".empoli")
;; (find-books "__politics/__politics.el" "empoli")
(code-pdf-page "engenheirosdocaos" "~/books/__politics/empoli__os_engenheiros_do_caos.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "engenheirosdocaos" "~/books/__politics/empoli__os_engenheiros_do_caos.pdf" 1)
;; (find-engenheirosdocaospage)
;; (find-engenheirosdocaospage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-engenheirosdocaospage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-engenheirosdocaostext "")
;; (find-engenheirosdocaospage 15 "acreditar no absurdo é uma real")
;; (find-engenheirosdocaostext 15 "acreditar no absurdo é uma real")
;; (find-engenheirosdocaospage 15 "demonstração de lealdade")
;; (find-engenheirosdocaostext 15 "demonstração de lealdade")

;; «fabbri»  (to ".fabbri")
;; (find-books "__politics/__politics.el" "fabbri")
;; https://www.facebook.com/eduardo.ochs/posts/10222735660609823
;; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luce_Fabbri
;; https://tendadelivros.org/lucefabbri/quem-foi-luce-fabbri/
;; https://tendadelivros.org/lucefabbri/fascismo-definicao-e-historia/
;; https://tendadelivros.org/lucefabbri/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/LuceFabbri_FINAL_ES_WEB-1.pdf
;; https://tendadelivros.org/lucefabbri/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/LuceFabbri_FINAL_PT_WEB-1.pdf
;; https://asminanahistoria.com/2019/06/26/livro-antifascista-da-pensadora-anarquista-luce-fabbri-e-editado-em-portugues/
;; Elena Schembri: "camisas negras. o fascismo explicado por luce fabbri"
;; https://revistas.pucsp.br/verve/article/view/45339
;; https://revistas.pucsp.br/verve/article/view/45339/29956
(code-pdf-page "fabbrischembri" "~/books/__politics/fabbri_scembri__camisas_negras.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "fabbrischembri" "~/books/__politics/fabbri_scembri__camisas_negras.pdf" 1)
;; (find-fabbrischembripage)
;; (find-fabbrischembripage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-fabbrischembripage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-fabbrischembritext "")
;; Luce Fabbri. Camisas negras. Estudio crítico histórico del
;; origen y evolución del fascismo, sus hechos y sus ideas, con
;; nota final proyectada a la actualidad autoritaria argentina por
;; José M. Lunazzi. Buenos Aires, Ediciones Nervio, 1935.

;; «fanon» (to ".fanon")
;; (find-books "__politics/__politics.el" "fanon")
(code-pdf       "fanonbswm" "~/books/__politics/fanon__black_skin_white_masks.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "fanonbswm" "~/books/__politics/fanon__black_skin_white_masks.pdf" 1)
;; (find-fanonbswmpage)
;; (find-fanonbswmpage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-fanonbswmpage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-fanonbswmtext "")
(code-pdf       "fanonwret" "~/books/__politics/fanon__the_wretched_of_the_earth.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "fanonwret" "~/books/__politics/fanon__the_wretched_of_the_earth.pdf" 1)
;; (find-fanonwretpage)
;; (find-fanonwretpage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-fanonwretpage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-fanonwrettext "")
(code-pdf       "fanonswret" "~/books/__politics/fanon_sartre__the_wretched_of_the_earth.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "fanonswret" "~/books/__politics/fanon_sartre__the_wretched_of_the_earth.pdf" 1)
;; (find-fanonswretpage)
;; (find-fanonswretpage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-fanonswretpage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-fanonswrettext "")

;; «faoro» (to ".faoro")
;; (find-books "__politics/__politics.el" "faoro")
(code-pdf       "faorodp" "~/books/__politics/faoro__os_donos_do_poder.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "faorodp" "~/books/__politics/faoro__os_donos_do_poder.pdf" 1)
;; (find-faorodppage)
;; (find-faorodppage        7  "Contents")
;; (find-faorodppage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-faorodptext "")
;; (find-faorodppage  12 "I. ORIGEM DO ESTADO PORTUGUÊS")
;; (find-faorodppage     "1. A guerra, o fundamento da ascendência dos reis. As bases da monarquia patrimonial; as contribuições e os concelhos")
;; (find-faorodppage     "2. Os fundamentos ideológicos da monarquia: o direito romano")
;; (find-faorodppage     "3. O Estado patrimonial e o Estado feudal")
;; (find-faorodppage  40 "II. A REVOLUÇÃO PORTUGUESA")
;; (find-faorodppage     "1. Preliminares da revolução de 1383-85: a nobreza, a burguesia e dom Fernando")
;; (find-faorodppage     "2. A Revolução de Avis: vitória da burguesia sob a tutela do rei")
;; (find-faorodppage     "3. O estamento: camada que comanda a economia, junto ao rei")
;; (find-faorodppage     "4. Da aventura ultramarina ao capitalismo de Estado")
;; (find-faorodppage     "5. A ideologia do estamento: mercantilismo, ciência e direito")
;; (find-faorodppage     "1. A cidade comercial: a corte barroca e o funcionário")
;; (find-faorodppage     "2. O congelamento e a paralisia do Estado barroco")
;; (find-faorodppage     "3. Elite e estamento")
;; (find-faorodppage 115 "IV. O BRASIL ATÉ O GOVERNO-GERAL")
;; (find-faorodppage     "1. A invenção edênica da América")
;; (find-faorodppage     "2. A integração da conquista no comércio europeu")
;; (find-faorodppage     "3. Colonização como prolongamento do sistema de feitorias")
;; (find-faorodppage     "4. A colonização: regime político e administrativo das capitanias. Vínculos da colônia com a metrópole")
;; (find-faorodppage     "5. A distribuição de terras: mudança do sentido da sesmaria, com o predomínio do conteúdo dominial sobre o administrativo")
;; (find-faorodppage     "6. O chamado feudalismo brasileiro")
;; (find-faorodppage 163 "V.  A OBRA DA CENTRALIZAÇÃO COLONIAL")
;; (find-faorodppage     "1. O governo-geral: causas de sua criação")
;; (find-faorodppage     "2. Os municípios e a centralização")
;; (find-faorodppage     "3. Os colonos e os caudilhos: a conquista do sertão")

;; (find-faorodppage     "1. A administração e o cargo público")
;; (find-faorodppage     "2 . O espectro político e administrativo da metrópole e da colônia")
;; (find-faorodppage     "3. As classes: transformações e conflitos")
;; (find-faorodppage     "4. A apropriação de rendas: o pacto colonial, monopólios, privilégios e tributos")

;; (find-faorodppage     "VII. OS PRÓDROMOS DA INDEPENDÊNCIA")
;; (find-faorodppage     "1. A vida rural do começo do século XIX: a autarquia agrícola")
;; (find-faorodppage     "2. A transmigração e a frustrada reorganização política e administrativa")
;; (find-faorodppage     "3. O dissídio e a transação")

;; (find-faorodppage     "VIII. AS DIRETRIZES DA INDEPENDÊNCIA")
;; (find-faorodppage     "1. A tentativa de reorganização política do país independente")
;; (find-faorodppage     "2. O Poder Moderador e a luta parlamentar")
;; (find-faorodppage     "3. O sistema político do 7 de abril")
;; (find-faorodppage     "4. As reformas do 7 de abril: a descentralização")

;; (find-faorodppage     "IX. A REAÇÃO CENTRALIZADORA E MONÁRQUICA")
;; (find-faorodppage     "1. A reorganização da autoridade: a conciliação geográfica e a reação centralizadora")
;; (find-faorodppage     "2. As bases econômicas da centralização")
;; (find-faorodppage     "3. Os fundamentos legais da centralização monárquica")

;; (find-faorodppage     "X. O SISTEMA POLÍTICO DO SEGUNDO REINADO")
;; (find-faorodppage     "1. O modelo francês e o inglês")
;; (find-faorodppage     "2. O parlamentarismo e o Poder Moderador")
;; (find-faorodppage     "3. A representação do povo: as eleições")
;; (find-faorodppage     "4. O estamento burocrático")

;; (find-faorodppage     "1. Economia dependente, sob a orientação do Tesouro")
;; (find-faorodppage     "2. O regime de terras, o agricultor e o comissário")
;; (find-faorodppage     "3. O centro estatal do crédito: o dinheiro e as emissões")
;; (find-faorodppage     "4. O político e o especulador")

;; (find-faorodppage     "XII. O RENASCIMENTO LIBERAL E A REPÚBLICA")
;; (find-faorodppage     "1. Do liberalismo à propaganda republicana")
;; (find-faorodppage     "2. A fazenda sem escravos e a República")
;; (find-faorodppage     "3. O Exército na monarquia e sua conversão republicana")

;; (find-faorodppage     "1. Liberalismo econômico e diretrizes econômicas do período republicano")
;; (find-faorodppage     "2. O militar e o militarismo")
;; (find-faorodppage     "3. A transição para o federalismo hegemônico: a política dos governadores")

;; (find-faorodppage     "1. A força e a fragilidade da política dos governadores. O consulado de Pinheiro Machado")
;; (find-faorodppage     "2. A ordem e a contestação. O novo presidencialismo")
;; (find-faorodppage     "3. O sistema coronelista")

;; (find-faorodppage     "XV. MUDANÇA E RENOVAÇÃO")
;; (find-faorodppage     "1. O abalo ideológico e as aspirações difusas")
;; (find-faorodppage     "2. A emergência do Estado forte e o chefe ditatorial")
;; (find-faorodppage     "3. Os novos rumos econômicos e sociais")

;; (find-faorodppage     "Capítulo final")

;; (find-faorodppage     "NOTAS")

;; «fisher»  (to ".fisher")
;; (find-books "__politics/__politics.el" "fisher")
;; (find-books "__politics/__politics.el" "fisher" "capitalismrealism")
;; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Fisher
;; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitalist_Realism
;; https://outraspalavras.net/crise-civilizatoria/fisher-e-o-estranho-encanto-da-ideologia-neoliberal/
;; Digital version:
;; https://monoskop.org/images/6/69/Fisher_Mark_Capitalist_Realism_Is_There_No_Alternative_2009.pdf
(code-pdf-page "capitalismrealism" "$S/https/monoskop.org/images/6/69/Fisher_Mark_Capitalist_Realism_Is_There_No_Alternative_2009.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "capitalismrealism" "$S/https/monoskop.org/images/6/69/Fisher_Mark_Capitalist_Realism_Is_There_No_Alternative_2009.pdf")
;; (find-capitalismrealismpage)
;; (find-capitalismrealismtext)
;; Scan:
;; https://libcom.org/files/Capitalist%20Realism_%20Is%20There%20No%20Alternat%20-%20Mark%20Fisher.pdf
;; (code-pdf-page "capitalismrealism" "$S/https/libcom.org/files/Capitalist%20Realism_%20Is%20There%20No%20Alternat%20-%20Mark%20Fisher.pdf")
;; (code-pdf-text "capitalismrealism" "$S/https/libcom.org/files/Capitalist%20Realism_%20Is%20There%20No%20Alternat%20-%20Mark%20Fisher.pdf")
;; (find-capitalismrealismpage)
;; (find-capitalismrealismtext)

;; Outro livro muito bom dele é Os fantasmas da minha vida. Da mesma
;; maneira que ele cunhou e conceituou a expressão Realismo
;; capitalista, ele também colocou a necessidade de um comunismo ácido
;; (com toda possibilidade semântica possível para a expressão)!

;; «galeano»  (to ".galeano")
(code-xpdf      "galeanoabracos" "~/books/__politics/galeano__o_livro_dos_abracos.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "galeanoabracos" "~/books/__politics/galeano__o_livro_dos_abracos.pdf")
;; (find-galeanoabracospage      1  "Contents")
;; (find-galeanoabracospage (+ 1 1) "Index")
;; (find-galeanoabracostext "")

;; «gee»  (to ".gee")
;; (find-books "__politics/__politics.el" "gee")
;; See: (find-books "__politics/__politics.el" "crutchfield")
;;      (find-books "__politics/__politics.el" "green")
;; http://angg.twu.net/tmp/counterpower/
;; http://angg.twu.net/tmp/counterpower/gee__counterpower.pdf
;; (find-fline "$S/http/angg.twu.net/tmp/counterpower/")
(code-pdf-page "counterpower" "$S/http/angg.twu.net/tmp/counterpower/gee__counterpower.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "counterpower" "$S/http/angg.twu.net/tmp/counterpower/gee__counterpower.pdf")
(code-pdf-page "counterpower" "~/books/__politics/gee__counterpower.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "counterpower" "~/books/__politics/gee__counterpower.pdf")
;; (find-counterpowerpage        8  "Contents")
;; (find-counterpowerpage (+ 1   9) "Introduction")
;; (find-counterpowerpage (+ 1  16) "1 How Counterpower helps movements win")
;; (find-counterpowertext (+ 1  16)   "How Counterpower helps\nmovements win")
;; (find-counterpowerpage (+ 1  41) "2 How India won its independence")
;; (find-counterpowertext (+ 1  41)   "How India won its independence")
;; (find-counterpowerpage (+ 1  58) "3 How governments respond to Counterpower")
;; (find-counterpowertext (+ 1  58) "3\nHow governments\nrespond to\nCounterpower")
;; (find-counterpowerpage (+ 1  83) "4 How the Vietnam War was stopped")
;; (find-counterpowerpage (+ 1 103) "5 How apartheid was ended in South Africa .")
;; (find-counterpowerpage (+ 1 129) "6 How the vote was won in Britain")
;; (find-counterpowerpage (+ 1 156) "7 How movements resists corporate power")
;; (find-counterpowerpage (+ 1 190) "8 How the Egyptians overthrew their president")
;; (find-counterpowerpage (+ 1 202) "9 Conclusion: making change happen")
;; (find-counterpowerpage (+ 1 215) "Index")
;; (find-counterpowertext "")

;; «gelderloos»  (to ".gelderloos")
;; https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/peter-gelderloos-how-nonviolence-protects-the-state
;; https://we.riseup.net/subta/como-a-n%C3%A3o-viol%C3%AAncia-protege-o-estado-peter-gelder
;; https://thecorrespondent.com/245/no-matter-what-you-think-of-protesters-you-have-them-to-thank-for-societys-progress/32432842750-005740a8
;; https://ethicalunicorn.com/2019/10/08/why-protests-are-necessary-even-when-they-inconvenience-people/
;; https://web.archive.org/web/20110717135644/http://www.lasthours.org.uk/archive/interviews/peter-gelderloos/
;; https://www.bmartin.cc/pubs/08gm2.html Brian Martin: How nonviolence is misrepresented
;; https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20190513-it-only-takes-35-of-people-to-change-the-world
;; Mário Márcio Pelajo, da' uma olhada nisso aqui. Essas
;; questoes vem sendo discutidas ha' pelo menos 200 anos e eu costumo
;; achar mais interessante ler textos escritos por quem conhece todos
;; os livros e artigos "canonicos" sobre o assunto... quer dizer,
;; costumo achar bem mais legal ler algo como o link abaixo do que os
;; argumentos que a gente improvisa no Facebook ou na midia
;; descartavel de hoje em dia. Ja' teve uma epoca em que eu `as vezes
;; escrevia coisas no padrao Gelderloos de qualidade, mas ai' eu
;; levava uma tarde inteira pra escrever meia pagina...
;; Obs/dica: pula pros capitulos com os nomes mais interessantes. Tem
;; um indice no inicio.
;; https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/peter-gelderloos-how-nonviolence-protects-the-state

;; «graeber» (to ".graeber")
;; (find-angg ".emacs.papers" "graeber")
;; https://rccs.revues.org/5409?lang=en Graeber, David (2011), Debt: The First 5,000 Years - resenha
;; https://www.amazon.com.br/D%C3%ADvida-Os-Primeiros-5-000-Anos/dp/8568493149
;; http://angg.twu.net/ tmp/graeber__debt_the_first_5000_years.pdf
(code-xpdf     "debt" "~/books/__politics/graeber__debt_the_first_5000_years.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "debt" "~/books/__politics/graeber__debt_the_first_5000_years.pdf" 8)
;; (find-debtpage 7)
;; (find-debttext)
;; (find-debtpage (+ 8 1) "1 On The Experience of Moral Confusion")
;; (find-debtpage (+ 8 21) "2 The Myth of Barter")
;; (find-debtpage (+ 8 43) "3 Primordial Debts")
;; (find-debtpage (+ 8 73) "4 Cruelty and Redemption")
;; (find-debtpage (+ 8 89) "5 A Brief Treatise on the Moral Grounds of Economic Relations")
;; (find-debtpage (+ 8 98)   "baseline communism")
;; (find-debttext (+ 8 98)   "baseline communism")
;; (find-debtpage (+ 8 114)   "children")
;; (find-debttext (+ 8 114)   "children")
;; (find-debtpage (+ 8 127) "6 Games with Sex and Death")
;; (find-debtpage (+ 8 165) "7 Honor and Degradation, or, On the Foundations of Contemporary Civilization")
;; (find-debttext (+ 8 165)   "H O N O R")
;; (find-debtpage (+ 8 166) "Equiano")
;; (find-debttext (+ 8 166) "Equiano")
;; (find-debtpage (+ 8 211) "8 Credit Versus Bullion, And the Cycles of History")
;; (find-debtpage (+ 8 223) "9 The Axial Age (800 BC-600 AD)")
;; (find-debtpage (+ 8 251) "10 The Middle Ages (600 AD-1450 AD)")
;; (find-debtpage (+ 8 307) "11 Age of the Great Capitalist Empires (1450-1971)")
;; (find-debtpage (+ 8 315)   "Cortez/greed")
;; (find-debtpage (+ 8 361) "12 (1971-The Beginning of Something Yet to Be Determined)")
;; (find-debtpage (+ 8 393) "Notes")
;; (find-debtpage (+ 8 455) "Bibliography")
;; (find-debtpage (+ 8 493) "Index")

(code-pdf       "graeberdae" "~/books/__politics/graeber__direct_action_an_ethnography.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "graeberdae" "~/books/__politics/graeber__direct_action_an_ethnography.pdf" 18)
;; (find-graeberdaepage)
;; (find-graeberdaepage        5  "Contents")
;; (find-graeberdaepage (+ -1 7) "Preface: Direct Action, An Ethnography")
;; (find-graeberdaepage (+ 18 1) "Introduction: You Begin With Rage, You Move on to Silly Fantasies")
;; (find-graeberdaepage (+ 17 17) "1: New York Diary: March 2001")
;; (find-graeberdaepage (+ 16 57) "2: A Trip to Quebec City ")
;; (find-graeberdaepage (+ 14 101) "3: From Burlington to Akwesasne")
;; (find-graeberdaepage (+ 12 143) "4: Summit of the Americas, Quebec City")
;; (find-graeberdaepage (+ 11 201) "5: Direct Action, Anarchism, Direct Democracy")
;; (find-graeberdaepage (+ 10 239) "6: Some Notes on \"Activist Culture\"")
;; (find-graeberdaepage (+ 9 287) "7: Meetings")
;; (find-graeberdaepage (+ 7 359) "8: Actions")
;; (find-graeberdaepage (+ 5 437) "9: Representation")
;; (find-graeberdaepage (+ 4 509) "10: Imagination")
;; (find-graeberdaepage (+ 3 539) "Bibliography")
;; (find-graeberdaepage (+ 2 555) "Index")
;; (find-graeberdaetext "")

(code-pdf       "graeberrir" "~/books/__politics/graeber__revolutions_in_reverse.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "graeberrir" "~/books/__politics/graeber__revolutions_in_reverse.pdf" 1)
;; (find-graeberrirpage)
;; (find-graeberrirpage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-graeberrirpage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-graeberrirtext "")

(code-pdf       "graeberatv" "~/books/__politics/graeber__toward_an_anthropological_theory_of_value.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "graeberatv" "~/books/__politics/graeber__toward_an_anthropological_theory_of_value.pdf" 1)
;; (find-graeberatvpage)
;; (find-graeberatvpage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-graeberatvpage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-graeberatvtext "")

;; «green»  (to ".green")
;; (find-books "__politics/__politics.el" "green")
(code-pdf-page "green" "~/books/__politics/green__how_change_happens.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "green" "~/books/__politics/green__how_change_happens.pdf" 1)
;; (find-greenpage)
;; (find-greenpage)
;; (find-greenpage 18 "CONTENTS")
;; (find-greentext 18 "CONTENTS")
;; (find-greenpage (+ 19 259) "Index")
;; (find-greentext "")

;; «han» (to ".han")
;; (find-books "__politics/__politics.el" "han")
;; http://www.poscritica.uneb.br/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/HAN_BYUNG_CHUL_Sociedade-do-cansa%C3%A7o.pdf
;; (find-fline "$S/http/www.poscritica.uneb.br/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/")
(code-pdf       "hantransp" "~/books/__politics/han__the_transparency_society.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "hantransp" "~/books/__politics/han__the_transparency_society.pdf" 1)
(code-pdf       "haneros"   "~/books/__politics/han_butler_badiou__the_agony_of_eros.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "haneros"   "~/books/__politics/han_butler_badiou__the_agony_of_eros.pdf" 1)
(code-pdf-page "hancansaco" "$S/http/www.poscritica.uneb.br/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/HAN_BYUNG_CHUL_Sociedade-do-cansa%C3%A7o.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "hancansaco" "$S/http/www.poscritica.uneb.br/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/HAN_BYUNG_CHUL_Sociedade-do-cansa%C3%A7o.pdf")
;; (find-hantransppage)
;; (find-hantransppage        6  "Contents")
;; (find-hantransppage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-hantransptext "")

;; (find-hanerospage)
;; (find-hanerospage        7  "Contents")
;; (find-hanerospage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-hanerostext "")

;; (find-hancansacopage)
;; (find-hancansacotext)

;; «harvey» (to ".harvey")
;; (find-books "__politics/__politics.el" "harvey")
;; http://digamo.free.fr/dhcompa.pdf
(code-pdf       "companioneng" "~/books/__politics/harvey__a_companion_to_marx_s_capital.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "companioneng" "~/books/__politics/harvey__a_companion_to_marx_s_capital.pdf" 1)
;; (find-companionengpage)
;; (find-companionengpage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-companionengpage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-companionengtext "")

(code-pdf       "companionpt" "~/books/__politics/harvey__para_entender_o_capital.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "companionpt" "~/books/__politics/harvey__para_entender_o_capital.pdf" 1)
;; (find-companionptpage)
;; (find-companionptpage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-companionptpage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-companionpttext "")

;; «hunt» (to ".hunt")
;; (find-books "__politics/__politics.el" "hunt")
(code-pdf       "invdirhum" "~/books/__politics/hunt__a_invencao_dos_direitos_humanos.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "invdirhum" "~/books/__politics/hunt__a_invencao_dos_direitos_humanos.pdf" 1)
;; (find-invdirhumpage)
;; (find-invdirhumpage           3  "Sumário")
;; (find-invdirhumpage (+ -137 273) "Índice remissivo")
;; (find-invdirhumtext "")

;; «jupiara-otavio»  (to ".jupiara-otavio")
;; (find-books "__politics/__politics.el" "jupiara-otavio")
(code-pdf-page "poroesc" "~/books/__politics/jupiara_otavio__os_poroes_da_contravencao.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "poroesc" "~/books/__politics/jupiara_otavio__os_poroes_da_contravencao.pdf" 1)
;; (find-poroescpage)
;; (find-poroescpage        6  "Contents")
;; (find-poroescpage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-poroesctext "")

;; «kissinger»  (to ".kissinger")
(code-xpdf      "kissinger" "~/books/__politics/kissinger__diplomacy.pdf")
(code-djvu      "kissinger" "~/books/__politics/kissinger__diplomacy.djvu")
(code-pdftotext "kissinger" "~/books/__politics/kissinger__diplomacy.pdf")
;; (find-kissingerpage         8  "Contents")
;; (find-kissingerpage (+  4  13) "Index")
;; (find-kissingerpage (+ -8 877) "Index")
;; (find-kissingertext "")

;; «leirner»  (to ".leirner")
;; (find-books "__politics/__politics.el" "leiner")
;; Segundo o Piero Leirner eles realmente acreditam que são
;; "administradores de uma fazenda que têm como tarefa domesticar
;; animais selvagens"... tem várias entrevistas com ele (Piero
;; Leirner) por aí, e essa do link abaixo é a melhor que eu encontrei
;; até agora. Se alguém encontrar um link pra baixar essa tese dele
;; por favor compartilhe com a gente...
;; https://revistaopera.com.br/2020/05/31/piero-leirner-militares-acabarao-por-criar-anomia-da-qual-tanto-falam/ administradores de uma fazenda que têm como tarefa domesticar animais selvagens
;; Dá pra baixar a introdução do livro dele aqui:
;; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/344286261_O_Brasil_no_Espectro_de_uma_Guerra_Hibrida_militares_operacoes_psicologicas_e_politica_em_uma_perspectiva_etnografica/link/5f6377ee458515b7cf39cd00/download
(code-pdf-page "leirnerintro" "~/books/__politics/leiner__o_brasil_no_espectro_de_uma_guerra_hibrida__introducao.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "leirnerintro" "~/books/__politics/leiner__o_brasil_no_espectro_de_uma_guerra_hibrida__introducao.pdf" 1)
;; (find-leirnerintropage)
;; (find-leirnerintropage        7  "Contents")
;; (find-leirnerintropage (+ -8 17) "Introdução")
;; (find-leirnerintrotext "")

;; «newton»  (to ".newton")
;; (find-books "__politics/__politics.el" "newton")
(code-pdf-page "hpnewtonreader" "~/books/__politics/newton__the_huey_p_newton_reader.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "hpnewtonreader" "~/books/__politics/newton__the_huey_p_newton_reader.pdf")
;; (find-hpnewtonreaderpage      1  "Contents")
;; (find-hpnewtonreaderpage (+ 1 1) "Index")
;; (find-hpnewtonreadertext "")

;; http://angg.twu.net/tmp/huey_p_newton__revolutionary_suicide.pdf
;; https://blackrosefed.org/komboa-why-i-am-an-anarchist/
(code-pdf-page "hpnewtonrs" "~/books/__politics/huey_p_newton__revolutionary_suicide.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "hpnewtonrs" "~/books/__politics/huey_p_newton__revolutionary_suicide.pdf" 1)
;; (find-hpnewtonrspage)
;; (find-hpnewtonrspage        2  "Contents")
;; (find-hpnewtonrspage  22 "A manifesto")
;; (find-hpnewtonrstext  22 "A manifesto")
;; (find-hpnewtonrspage  22 "Durkheim's classic study Suicide")
;; (find-hpnewtonrstext  22 "Durkheim's classic study Suicide")
;; (find-hpnewtonrspage 194 "Stokely Carmichael")
;; (find-hpnewtonrstext 194 "Stokely Carmichael")
;; (find-hpnewtonrstext "")

;; http://angg.twu.net/tmp/the_black_panther_party_service_to_the_people_programs.pdf
(code-pdf       "hpnewtonservice" "~/books/__politics/the_black_panther_party_service_to_the_people_programs.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "hpnewtonservice" "~/books/__politics/the_black_panther_party_service_to_the_people_programs.pdf" 1)
;; (find-hpnewtonservicepage)
;; (find-hpnewtonservicepage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-hpnewtonservicepage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-hpnewtonservicetext "")

;; https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/15722514-black-against-empire

;; «nozick»  (to ".nozick")
(code-xpdf      "nozick" "~/books/__politics/nozick__anarchy_state_and_utopia.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "nozick" "~/books/__politics/nozick__anarchy_state_and_utopia.pdf")
;; (find-nozickpage      1  "Contents")
;; (find-nozickpage (+ 1 1) "Index")
;; (find-nozicktext "")

;; «nussbaum» (to ".nussbaum")
;; (find-books "__politics/__politics.el" "nussbaum")
(code-pdf       "whydemneedshum" "~/books/__politics/nussbaum__not_for_profit_why_democracy_needs_the_humanities.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "whydemneedshum" "~/books/__politics/nussbaum__not_for_profit_why_democracy_needs_the_humanities.pdf" 18)
;; (find-whydemneedshumpage)
;; (find-whydemneedshumpage         7  "Contents")
;; (find-whydemneedshumpage (+ 18   1) "I The Silent Crisis")
;; (find-whydemneedshumpage (+ 18  13) "II Education for Profit, Education for Democracy")
;; (find-whydemneedshumpage (+ 18  27) "III Educating Citizens: The Moral (and Anti-Moral) Emotions")
;; (find-whydemneedshumpage (+ 18  47) "IV Socratic Pedagogy: The Importance of Argument")
;; (find-whydemneedshumpage (+ 18  79) "V Citizens of the World")
;; (find-whydemneedshumpage (+ 18  95) "VI Cultivating Imagination: Literature and the Arts")
;; (find-whydemneedshumpage (+ 18 121) "VII Democratic Education on the Ropes")
;; (find-whydemneedshumpage (+ 18 145) "Afterword to the Paperback Edition")
;; (find-whydemneedshumpage (+ 18 155) "Notes")
;; (find-whydemneedshumpage (+ 18 163) "Index")
;; (find-whydemneedshumtext "")

;; «occupy» (to ".occupy")
;; (find-books "__politics/__politics.el" "occupy")
(code-pdf       "occupy" "~/books/__politics/taylor_gessen__occupy.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "occupy" "~/books/__politics/taylor_gessen__occupy.pdf" 1)
;; (find-occupypage)
;; (find-occupypage        5  "Contents")
;; (find-occupypage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-occupytext "")

;; (find-occupypage 12 "Josh MacPhee" "Preface")
;; (find-occupytext 12 "Josh MacPhee" "Preface")
;; (find-occupypage 12  "Preface")
;; (find-occupytext 12  "Preface")

;; (find-occupypage 16 "Eli Schmitt, Astra Taylor & Mark Greif" "Scenes from an Occupation")
;; (find-occupytext 16 "Eli Schmitt, Astra Taylor & Mark Greif" "Scenes from an Occupation")
;; (find-occupypage 16  "Scenes from an Occupation")
;; (find-occupytext 16  "Scenes from an Occupation")

;; (find-occupypage 24 "Marina Sitrin" "One No, Many Yeses")
;; (find-occupytext 24 "Marina Sitrin" "One No, Many Yeses")
;; (find-occupypage 24  "One No, Many Yeses")
;; (find-occupytext 24  "One No, Many Yeses")

;; (find-occupypage 32 "Eli Schmitt & Astra Taylor" "Scenes from an Occupation")
;; (find-occupytext 32 "Eli Schmitt & Astra Taylor" "Scenes from an Occupation")
;; (find-occupypage 32  "Scenes from an Occupation")
;; (find-occupytext 32  "Scenes from an Occupation")

;; (find-occupypage 37 "Doug Henwood & the CBO" "It Really Is about the 1%")
;; (find-occupytext 37 "Doug Henwood & the CBO" "It Really Is about the 1%")
;; (find-occupypage 37  "It Really Is about the 1%")
;; (find-occupytext 37  "It Really Is about the 1%")

;; (find-occupypage 44 "Astra Taylor & Mark Greif" "Scenes from an Occupation")
;; (find-occupytext 44 "Astra Taylor & Mark Greif" "Scenes from an Occupation")
;; (find-occupypage 44  "Scenes from an Occupation")
;; (find-occupytext 44  "Scenes from an Occupation")

;; (find-occupypage 50 "Marco Roth" "Letters of Resignation from the American Dream")
;; (find-occupytext 50 "Marco Roth" "Letters of Resignation from the American Dream")
;; (find-occupypage 50  "Letters of Resignation from the American Dream")
;; (find-occupytext 50  "Letters of Resignation from the American Dream")

;; (find-occupypage 61 "Elizabeth Gumport" "Scenes from an Occupation")
;; (find-occupytext 61 "Elizabeth Gumport" "Scenes from an Occupation")
;; (find-occupypage 61  "Scenes from an Occupation")
;; (find-occupytext 61  "Scenes from an Occupation")

;; (find-occupypage 65 "Manissa Maharawal" "Standing Up")
;; (find-occupytext 65 "Manissa Maharawal" "Standing Up")
;; (find-occupypage 65  "Standing Up")
;; (find-occupytext 65  "Standing Up")

;; (find-occupypage 74 "Sarah Resnick, Keith Gessen & Sarah Leonard" "Scenes from an Occupation")
;; (find-occupytext 74 "Sarah Resnick, Keith Gessen & Sarah Leonard" "Scenes from an Occupation")
;; (find-occupypage 74  "Scenes from an Occupation")
;; (find-occupytext 74  "Scenes from an Occupation")

;; (find-occupypage 81 "L. A. Kauffman" "The Theology of Consensus")
;; (find-occupytext 81 "L. A. Kauffman" "The Theology of Consensus")
;; (find-occupypage 81  "The Theology of Consensus")
;; (find-occupytext 81  "The Theology of Consensus")

;; (find-occupypage 88 "Keith Gessen, Astra Taylor & Sarah Resnick" "Scenes from an Occupation")
;; (find-occupytext 88 "Keith Gessen, Astra Taylor & Sarah Resnick" "Scenes from an Occupation")
;; (find-occupypage 88  "Scenes from an Occupation")
;; (find-occupytext 88  "Scenes from an Occupation")

;; (find-occupypage 94 "Mark Greif" "Drumming in Circles")
;; (find-occupytext 94 "Mark Greif" "Drumming in Circles")
;; (find-occupypage 94  "Drumming in Circles")
;; (find-occupytext 94  "Drumming in Circles")

;; (find-occupypage 104 "Astra Taylor" "Scenes from an Occupation")
;; (find-occupytext 104 "Astra Taylor" "Scenes from an Occupation")
;; (find-occupypage 104  "Scenes from an Occupation")
;; (find-occupytext 104  "Scenes from an Occupation")

;; (find-occupypage 108 "Slavoj Zizek" "Don't Fall in Love with Yourselves")
;; (find-occupytext 108 "Slavoj Zizek" "Don't Fall in Love with Yourselves")
;; (find-occupypage 108  "Don't Fall in Love with Yourselves")
;; (find-occupytext 108  "Don't Fall in Love with Yourselves")

;; (find-occupypage 116 "Astra Taylor & Sarah Resnick" "Scenes from an Occupation")
;; (find-occupytext 116 "Astra Taylor & Sarah Resnick" "Scenes from an Occupation")
;; (find-occupypage 116  "Scenes from an Occupation")
;; (find-occupytext 116  "Scenes from an Occupation")

;; (find-occupypage "120 Alex Vitale" "NYPD and OWS: A Clash of Styles")
;; (find-occupytext "120 "Alex Vitale" "NYPD and OWS: A Clash of Styles")
;; (find-occupypage "120  "NYPD and OWS: A Clash of Styles")
;; (find-occupytext "120  "NYPD and OWS: A Clash of Styles")

;; (find-occupypage 133 "Sarah Leonard & Keith Gessen" "Scenes from an Occupation")
;; (find-occupytext 133 "Sarah Leonard & Keith Gessen" "Scenes from an Occupation")
;; (find-occupypage 133  "Scenes from an Occupation")
;; (find-occupytext 133  "Scenes from an Occupation")

;; (find-occupypage 139 "Jodi Dean" "Claiming Division, Naming a Wrong")
;; (find-occupytext 139 "Jodi Dean" "Claiming Division, Naming a Wrong")
;; (find-occupypage 139  "Claiming Division, Naming a Wrong")
;; (find-occupytext 139  "Claiming Division, Naming a Wrong")

;; (find-occupypage 147 "Sarah Resnick, Sarah Leonard & Astra Taylor" "Scenes from an Occupation")
;; (find-occupytext 147 "Sarah Resnick, Sarah Leonard & Astra Taylor" "Scenes from an Occupation")
;; (find-occupypage 147  "Scenes from an Occupation")
;; (find-occupytext 147  "Scenes from an Occupation")

;; (find-occupypage 155 "Audrea Lim" "Chinatown is Nowhere")
;; (find-occupytext 155 "Audrea Lim" "Chinatown is Nowhere")
;; (find-occupypage 155  "Chinatown is Nowhere")
;; (find-occupytext 155  "Chinatown is Nowhere")

;; (find-occupypage 163 "Svetlana Kitto & Celeste Dupuy-Spencer" "Stop Stop-and-Frisk")
;; (find-occupytext 163 "Svetlana Kitto & Celeste Dupuy-Spencer" "Stop Stop-and-Frisk")
;; (find-occupypage 163  "Stop Stop-and-Frisk")
;; (find-occupytext 163  "Stop Stop-and-Frisk")

;; (find-occupypage 170 "Nikil Saval" "Labor, Again")
;; (find-occupytext 170 "Nikil Saval" "Labor, Again")
;; (find-occupypage 170  "Labor, Again")
;; (find-occupytext 170  "Labor, Again")

;; (find-occupypage 179 "Mark Greif" "Occupy the Boardroom")
;; (find-occupytext 179 "Mark Greif" "Occupy the Boardroom")
;; (find-occupypage 179  "Occupy the Boardroom")
;; (find-occupytext 179  "Occupy the Boardroom")

;; (find-occupypage 191 "Kung Li" "Scenes from Occupied Atlanta")
;; (find-occupytext 191 "Kung Li" "Scenes from Occupied Atlanta")
;; (find-occupypage 191  "Scenes from Occupied Atlanta")
;; (find-occupytext 191  "Scenes from Occupied Atlanta")

;; (find-occupypage 200 "Angela Davis" "(Un)Occupy")
;; (find-occupytext 200 "Angela Davis" "(Un)Occupy")
;; (find-occupypage 200  "(Un)Occupy")
;; (find-occupytext 200  "(Un)Occupy")

;; (find-occupypage 202 "Sunaura Taylor" "Scenes from Occupied Oakland")
;; (find-occupytext 202 "Sunaura Taylor" "Scenes from Occupied Oakland")
;; (find-occupypage 202  "Scenes from Occupied Oakland")
;; (find-occupytext 202  "Scenes from Occupied Oakland")

;; (find-occupypage 218 "Rebecca Solnit" "Throwing Out the Master's Tools")
;; (find-occupytext 218 "Rebecca Solnit" "Throwing Out the Master's Tools")
;; (find-occupypage 218  "Throwing Out the Master's Tools")
;; (find-occupytext 218  "Throwing Out the Master's Tools")

;; (find-occupypage 233 "Nikil Saval" "Scenes from Occupied Philadelphia")
;; (find-occupytext 233 "Nikil Saval" "Scenes from Occupied Philadelphia")
;; (find-occupypage 233  "Scenes from Occupied Philadelphia")
;; (find-occupytext 233  "Scenes from Occupied Philadelphia")

;; (find-occupypage 240 "Christopher Herring & Zoltán Glück" "The Homeless Question")
;; (find-occupytext 240 "Christopher Herring & Zoltán Glück" "The Homeless Question")
;; (find-occupypage 240  "The Homeless Question")
;; (find-occupytext 240  "The Homeless Question")

;; (find-occupypage 249 "Stephen Squibb" "Scenes from Occupied Boston")
;; (find-occupytext 249 "Stephen Squibb" "Scenes from Occupied Boston")
;; (find-occupypage 249  "Scenes from Occupied Boston")
;; (find-occupytext 249  "Scenes from Occupied Boston")

;; (find-occupypage 257 "Astra Taylor & Sarah Resnick" "Rumors")
;; (find-occupytext 257 "Astra Taylor & Sarah Resnick" "Rumors")
;; (find-occupypage 257  "Rumors")
;; (find-occupytext 257  "Rumors")

;; (find-occupypage 278 "Judith Butler" "Bodies in Public")
;; (find-occupytext 278 "Judith Butler" "Bodies in Public")
;; (find-occupypage 278  "Bodies in Public")
;; (find-occupytext 278  "Bodies in Public")

;; (find-occupypage 281 "Keith Gessen" "Laundry Day")
;; (find-occupytext 281 "Keith Gessen" "Laundry Day")
;; (find-occupypage 281  "Laundry Day")
;; (find-occupytext 281  "Laundry Day")

;; (find-occupypage 281 "Thomas Paine" "The American Crisis")
;; (find-occupytext 281 "Thomas Paine" "The American Crisis")
;; (find-occupypage 281  "The American Crisis")
;; (find-occupytext 281  "The American Crisis")

;; (find-occupypage 306 "Dan Archer" "Occupied Oakland")
;; (find-occupytext 306 "Dan Archer" "Occupied Oakland")
;; (find-occupypage 306  "Occupied Oakland")
;; (find-occupytext 306  "Occupied Oakland")

;; «politkovskaya»  (to ".politkovskaya")
;; ~/books/__politics/politkovskaya__um_diario_russo.doc
(code-xpdf      "politkovskaya" "~/books/__politics/politkovskaya__um_diario_russo.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "politkovskaya" "~/books/__politics/politkovskaya__um_diario_russo.pdf" 0)
;; (find-politkovskayapage      1  "Contents")
;; (find-politkovskayapage (+ 1 1) "Index")
;; (find-politkovskayatext "")

;; «rawls» (to ".rawls")
(code-pdf       "rawlstoj"    "~/books/__politics/rawls__a_theory_of_justice_revised_edition.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "rawlstoj"    "~/books/__politics/rawls__a_theory_of_justice_revised_edition.pdf" 1)
(code-pdf       "rawlstojaic" "~/books/__politics/kukathas_pettit__rawls_a_theory_of_justice_and_its_critics.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "rawlstojaic" "~/books/__politics/kukathas_pettit__rawls_a_theory_of_justice_and_its_critics.pdf" 1)
(code-pdf       "rawlsoitoj"  "~/books/__politics/richardson_weithman__opponents_and_implications_of_a_theory_of_justice.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "rawlsoitoj"  "~/books/__politics/richardson_weithman__opponents_and_implications_of_a_theory_of_justice.pdf" 1)
;; (find-rawlstojpage)
;; (find-rawlstojpage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-rawlstojpage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-rawlstojtext "")
;; (find-rawlstojaicpage)
;; (find-rawlstojaicpage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-rawlstojaicpage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-rawlstojaictext "")
;; (find-rawlsoitojpage)
;; (find-rawlsoitojpage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-rawlsoitojpage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-rawlsoitojtext "")

;; «skyrms»  (to ".skyrms")
(code-xpdf      "skyrms" "~/books/__politics/skyrms__evolution_of_the_social_contract.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "skyrms" "~/books/__politics/skyrms__evolution_of_the_social_contract.pdf")
;; (find-skyrmspage      7  "Contents")
;; (find-skyrmspage (+ 14 143) "Index")
;; (find-skyrmstext "")

;; «stenner» (to ".stenner")
;; (find-books "__politics/__politics.el" "stenner")
;; http://www.vox.com/2016/3/1/11127424/trump-authoritarianism
;; http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/01/donald-trump-2016-authoritarian-213533
(code-pdf       "stenner" "~/books/__politics/stenner__the_authoritarian_dynamic.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "stenner" "~/books/__politics/stenner__the_authoritarian_dynamic.pdf" 1)
;; (find-stennerpage)
;; (find-stennerpage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-stennerpage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-stennertext "")

;; «tom-magalhaes» (to ".tom-magalhaes")
;; (find-books "__politics/__politics.el" "tom-magalhaes")
;; https://www.facebook.com/groups/692407277561890/permalink/776108549191762/
(code-pdf       "tommag" "~/books/__politics/tom_magalhaes_dissertacao.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "tommag" "~/books/__politics/tom_magalhaes_dissertacao.pdf" 0)
;; (find-tommagpage)
;; (find-tommagpage        7  "Sumário")
;; (find-tommagpage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-tommagtext "")

;; (find-tommagpage        7  "Sumário")
;; (find-tommagpage 9 "INTRODUÇÃO")
;; (find-tommagpage 27 "1. A DESCONSTRUÇÃO E O DIREITO")
;; (find-tommagpage 27 "1.1. A questão do começo")
;; (find-tommagpage 28 "1.2. A desconstrução")
;; (find-tommagpage 30 "1.2.1. "A desconstrução é o que acontece"")
;; (find-tommagpage 32 "1.2.2. Desconstruir")
;; (find-tommagpage 35 "1.2.3. O "desconstrucionismo"")
;; (find-tommagpage 36 "1.3. Breve glossário derridiano")
;; (find-tommagpage 37 "1.3.1. Estrutura, signo e jogo")
;; (find-tommagpage 40 "1.3.2. Escrita")
;; (find-tommagpage 41 "1.3.3. Performatividade e iterabilidade")
;; (find-tommagpage 44 "1.4. A recepção da desconstrução no seio dos estudos jurídicos")
;; (find-tommagpage 46 "1.4.1. A leitura liberal")
;; (find-tommagpage 49 "1.4.2. A leitura afirmativa")
;; (find-tommagpage 53 "1.4.3. Outras leituras")
;; (find-tommagpage 56 "1.5. Desconstrução, ética e política")
;; (find-tommagpage 59 "1.6. A recepção brasileira")
;; (find-tommagpage 63 "2. O DIREITO E A VIOLÊNCIA")
;; (find-tommagpage 63 "2.1. Um texto em ruínas")
;; (find-tommagpage 69 "2.2. "Para uma Crítica da Violência"")
;; (find-tommagpage 73 "2.3. A relação entre meios e fins segundo o jusnaturalismo e o positivismo")
;; (find-tommagpage 74 "2.4. Violência instituinte e violência mantenedora do direito")
;; (find-tommagpage 79 "2.5. A fundação "mística" do direito")
;; (find-tommagpage 83 "2.6. Violência e legibilidade")
;; (find-tommagpage 85 "2.7. A instituição da linguagem")
;; (find-tommagpage 90 "2.8. Força e interpretação")
;; (find-tommagpage 96 "2.9. Quem funda uma instituição?")
;; (find-tommagpage 98 "2.10. Formas jurídicas, dispositivos e sujeitos")
;; (find-tommagpage 102 "2.11. A violência do direito")
;; (find-tommagpage 103 "2.11.1. \"Manifesta-se de forma imediata\"")
;; (find-tommagpage 105 "2.11.2. Violência "mítica"")
;; (find-tommagpage 108 "2.11.3. Um cenário inquietante")
;; (find-tommagpage 115 "2.12. Para além da violência do direito")
;; (find-tommagpage 118 "3. A VIOLÊNCIA E A DESCONSTRUÇÃO")
;; (find-tommagpage 118 "3.1. Violência pura")
;; (find-tommagpage 119 "3.1.1. Benjamin vs. Schmitt")
;; (find-tommagpage 120 "3.1.2. Sangue, culpa e expiação")
;; (find-tommagpage 122 "3.1.3. Greve geral política e greve geral proletária")
;; (find-tommagpage 123 "3.1.4. A Linguagem como puro meio")
;; (find-tommagpage 125 "3.1.5. Idolatria")
;; (find-tommagpage 126 "3.1.6. Ruptura histórica")
;; (find-tommagpage 128 "3.2. À beira de um abismo")
;; (find-tommagpage 133 "3.3. Interpretação vs. afirmação")
;; (find-tommagpage 139 "3.4. Mudança")
;; (find-tommagpage 140 "3.5. Duas interpretações da interpretação")
;; (find-tommagpage 143 "3.6. Duas tentações da desconstrução")
;; (find-tommagpage 149 "3.7. Acontecimento")
;; (find-tommagpage 152 "3.8. Duas indecidibilidades (e talvez uma mais)")
;; (find-tommagpage 156 "3.9. Negociação")
;; (find-tommagpage 159 "3.10. Desconstrução e ação política")
;; (find-tommagpage 162 "4. MANIFESTAÇÕES")
;; (find-tommagpage 163 "4.1. Os acontecimentos de junho")
;; (find-tommagpage 172 "4.2. A escrita tomou as ruas!")
;; (find-tommagpage 174 "4.3. "Pacíficos" e "baderneiros"")
;; (find-tommagpage 178 "4.4. Interpretar as manifestações")
;; (find-tommagpage 183 "4.5. Demandas utópico-realistas de direitos")
;; (find-tommagpage 187 "4.6. Estratégias de ruptura")
;; (find-tommagpage 197 "4.7. O irrepresentável e a representação")
;; (find-tommagpage 204 "CONCLUSÃO")
;; (find-tommagpage 210 "Referências Bibliográficas")

;; «thucydides» (to ".thucydides")
;; (find-fline "~/books/")
(code-djvu      "thucydides" "~/books/__politics/thucydides_hobbes_grene__the_peloponnesian_war.djvu")
(code-djvu-text "thucydides" "~/books/__politics/thucydides_hobbes_grene__the_peloponnesian_war.djvu" 32)
;; (find-thucydidespage)
;; (find-thucydidespage 29 "Contents")
;; (find-thucydidestext)
;; (find-thucydidespage (+ 32 1))
;; (find-thucydidestext (+ 32 1))

;; «varoufakis» (to ".varoufakis")
;; (find-books "__politics/__politics.el" "varoufakis")
(code-pdf       "varoufakis93" "~/books/__politics/varoufakis__modern_and_postmodern_challenges_to_game_theory.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "varoufakis93" "~/books/__politics/varoufakis__modern_and_postmodern_challenges_to_game_theory.pdf" 1)
;; (find-varoufakis93page)
;; (find-varoufakis93page        1  "Contents")
;; (find-varoufakis93page (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-varoufakis93text "")

;; «veiga-franca» (to ".veiga-franca")
;; (find-books "__politics/__politics.el" "veiga-franca")
;; https://www.editorafi.org/329mariaveiga
(code-pdf       "oselvagem" "~/books/__politics/veiga_franca__o_selvagem_como_figura_da_natureza_humana.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "oselvagem" "~/books/__politics/veiga_franca__o_selvagem_como_figura_da_natureza_humana.pdf" 1)
;; (find-oselvagempage)
;; (find-oselvagempage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-oselvagempage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-oselvagemtext "")

;; «witnessing-torture»  (to ".witnessing-torture")
;; (find-books "__politics/__politics.el" "witnessing-torture")
;; https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-74965-5
;; https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2F978-3-319-74965-5.pdf
;; https://www.facebook.com/eduardo.ochs/posts/10222696498470794
(code-pdf-page "witntort" "~/books/__politics/moore_swanson__witnessing_torture.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "witntort" "~/books/__politics/moore_swanson__witnessing_torture.pdf" 1)
;; (find-witntortpage)
;; (find-witntortpage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-witntortpage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-witntorttext "")

;; «wolf» (to ".wolf")
(code-pdf       "beautymyth" "~/books/__politics/wolf__the_beauty_myth.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "beautymyth" "~/books/__politics/wolf__the_beauty_myth.pdf" 1)
;; (find-beautymythpage)
;; (find-beautymythpage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-beautymythpage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-beautymythtext "")

;; «zimbardo» (to ".zimbardo")
;; http://angg.twu.net/SCANS/operarios_da_violencia_cap.9_256-299.pdf
;; http://angg.twu.net/SCANS/operarios_da_violencia_cap.9_256-299.djvu
;; http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10201427901009150&set=a.4738288624844.187161.1523735650&type=1
(code-pdf       "violenceworkers" "~/books/__politics/huggins_haritos-fatouros_zimbado__violence_workers.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "violenceworkers" "~/books/__politics/huggins_haritos-fatouros_zimbado__violence_workers.pdf" 23)
;; (find-violenceworkerspage)
;; (find-violenceworkerspage         8  "Contents")
;; (find-violenceworkerspage (+ 23   1) "Introduction")
;; (find-violenceworkerspage (+ 23 283) "Index")
;; (find-violenceworkerstext "")

;; «fascismo»  (to ".fascismo")
;; https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12CTFO6JmrWDZIdWfLrIehlmVWPZWy7RO


;; The Role of Private Property in the Nazi
;; Economy: The Case of Industry
;; http://piketty.pse.ens.fr/files/capitalisback/CountryData/Germany/Other/Pre1950Series/RefsHistoricalGermanAccounts/BuchheimScherner06.pdf

;; A Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction:
;; Dismantling Racism in Mathematics Instruction
;; https://equitablemath.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/11/1_STRIDE1.pdf

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