Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
;; (find-sh "cd ~/books/ && find * | sort")
;; (find-sh "cd ~/books/__modal/ && find * | sort")

;; «.carnielli»		(to "carnielli")
;; «.chellas»		(to "chellas")
;; «.cocchiarella»	(to "cocchiarella")
;; «.fitting»		(to "fitting")
;; «.goldblatt»		(to "goldblatt")
;; «.gorsky»		(to "gorsky")
;; «.marcos»		(to "marcos")
;; «.pfenning-platzer»	(to "pfenning-platzer")
;; «.handbook»		(to "handbook")

;; «carnielli»  (to ".carnielli")
;; http://gigapedia.org/items/158064/modalities-and-multimodalities--logic--epistemology--and-the-unity-of-science-
(code-xpdf      "carniellimodal" "~/books/__modal/carnielli_pizzi__modalities_and_multimodalities.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "carniellimodal" "~/books/__modal/carnielli_pizzi__modalities_and_multimodalities.pdf" 13)
;; (find-carniellimodalpage         7  "Preface")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage        11  "Contents")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13   1) "1 Modal logic and standard logic")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13   1)   "1.1 Modal notions and quantifiers")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13   4)   "1.2 A non-modal basis for modal logics")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13   9)   "1.3 The semantical analysis of PC")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13  12)   "1.4 Constructive completeness of PC")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13  14)   "1.5 Decidability of PC")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13  14)       "semantic tableaux")
;; (find-carniellimodaltext (+ 13  14)       "semantic tableaux")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13  17)   "1.6 Post-completeness and other properties of PC")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13  19)   "1.7 Exercises")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13  22)   "1.8 Further reading")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13  25) "2 The syntax of normal modal systems")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13  25)   "2.1 The relationship among modal operators")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13  31)   "2.2 Minimal properties of modal systems")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13  34)   "2.3 Systems between K and S5")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13  37)       "S4")
;; (find-carniellimodaltext (+ 13  37)       "S4")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13  43)   "2.4 Modalities in S5")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13  46)   "2.5 Exercises")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13  48)   "2.6 Further reading")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13  49) "3 The semantics of normal modal systems")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13  49)   "3.1 Matrices and Dugundji's Theorem")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13  53)   "3.2 Carnapian models and relational models")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13  60)       "relational frame")
;; (find-carniellimodaltext (+ 13  60)       "relational frame")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13  64)   "3.3 Correspondence theory and bisimulations")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13  72)   "3.4 The method of relational tableaux")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13  81)   "3.5 Exercises")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13  84)   "3.6 Further reading")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13  87) "4 Completeness and canonicity")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13  87)   "4.1 The constructive completeness of K and KT")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13  92)   "4.2 Completeness by Henkin's method")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13 104)   "4.3 Completeness: models versus frames")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13 107)   "4.4 The logic of arithmetical provability")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13 114)   "4.5 Exercises")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13 115)   "4.6 Further reading")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13 116)     "between S4 and Intuitionistic")
;; (find-carniellimodaltext (+ 13 116)     "between S4 and Intuitionistic")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13 117) "5 Incompleteness and finite models")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13 117)   "5.1 An incompleteness result")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13 123)   "5.2 Finite model property and filtrations")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13 136)   "5.3 Exercises")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13 138)   "5.4 Further reading")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13 141) "6 Temporal logics")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13 141)   "6.1 Logics with two primitive modal operators")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13 156)   "6.2 Completeness and incompleteness of PF-logics")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13 162)   "6.3 Monomodal fragments of PF-logics")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13 166)   "6.4 Other temporal systems")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13 174)   "6.5 US-logics, metric tense logics and hybrid logics")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13 178)   "6.6 Exercises")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 13 180)   "6.7 Further reading")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 12 183) "7 Epistemic logic: knowledge and belief")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 12 183)   "7.1 To know, to believe and their difficulties")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 12 187)   "7.2 Knowledge, belief and agents")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 12 189)   "7.3 The minimal logic of knowledge")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 12 194)   "7.4 The systems Km, KTm, S4m and S5m")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 12 196)   "7.5 Common knowledge and implicit knowledge")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 12 200)   "7.6 The logic of belief")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 12 202)   "7.7 Exercises")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 12 203)   "7.8 Further reading")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 12 205) "8 Multimodal logics")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 12 205)   "8.1 What are multimodalities?")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 12 206)   "8.2 Multimodal languages")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 12 209)   "8.3 The elementary multimodal systems")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 12 213)   "8.4 Axioms for multimodal logics")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 12 220)   "8.5 Multimodal systems and strict implication")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 12 222)   "8.6 Multimodal models and completeness")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 12 235)   "8.7 Exercises")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 12 237)   "8.8 Further reading")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 11 241) "9 Towards quantified modal logic")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 11 241)   "9.1 Propositional quantifiers")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 11 250)   "9.2 Necessary and contingent identities")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 11 256)   "9.3 The problem of completeness in first-order modal logic")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 11 263)   "9.4 Inclusive domains and arbitrary domains")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 11 267)   "9.5 Quantification and multimodalities")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 11 270)   "9.6 Exercises")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+ 11 271)   "9.7 Further reading")
;; (find-carniellimodalpage (+  9 297) "Index")
;; (find-carniellimodaltext  "")

;; (find-carniellimodalpage 73 "relational frame")
;; (find-carniellimodaltext 73 "relational frame")

;; «chellas»  (to ".chellas")
;; (find-books "__modal/__modal.el" "chellas")
(code-pdf-page "chellas" "~/books/__modal/chellas__modal_logic_an_introduction.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "chellas" "~/books/__modal/chellas__modal_logic_an_introduction.pdf" 8)
;; (find-chellaspage        4  "Contents")
;; (find-chellaspage (+ 8 132) "KT4" "S4")
;; (find-chellastext (+ 8 132) "KT4" "S4")
;; (find-chellaspage (+ 9 149) "Figure 4.2. Modalities in normal KT4 systems")
;; (find-chellaspage (+ 9 151) "Figure 4.3. Modalities in normal K5 systems")
;; (find-chellaspage (+ 9 287) "Index")
;; (find-chellastext)

;; «cocchiarella»  (to ".cocchiarella")
;; http://gigapedia.org/items/149524/modal-logic--an-introduction-to-its-syntax-and-semantics
(code-xpdf "cocchfreund" "~/books/__modal/cocchiarella_freund__modal_logic.pdf")
;; (find-cocchfreundpage        10  "Contents")
;; (find-cocchfreundpage (+ 15 263) "Index")

;; «fitting» (to ".fitting")
;; (find-books "__modal/__modal.el" "fitting")
;; (find-LATEX "catsem.bib" "bib-Fitting72")
;; Melvin Fitting: "Tableau Methods of Proof For Modal Logics" (1972)
;; http://comet.lehman.cuny.edu/fitting/bookspapers/pdf/papers/euclid.ndjfl.1093894722.pdf
;; (find-fline "$S/http/comet.lehman.cuny.edu/fitting/bookspapers/pdf/papers/")
(code-xpdf     "fitting72" "$S/http/comet.lehman.cuny.edu/fitting/bookspapers/pdf/papers/euclid.ndjfl.1093894722.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "fitting72" "$S/http/comet.lehman.cuny.edu/fitting/bookspapers/pdf/papers/euclid.ndjfl.1093894722.pdf")
;; (find-fitting72page)
;; (find-fitting72text)

;; «goldblatt»  (to ".goldblatt")
;; http://gigapedia.org/items/47441/mathematics-of-modality--center-for-the-study-of-language-and-information---lecture-notes-
(code-xpdf "goldblattmodal" "~/books/__modal/goldblatt__mathematics_of_modality.pdf")
;; (find-goldblattmodalpage        5  "Contents")
;; (find-goldblattmodalpage (+ 6 267) "Index")

;; «gorsky» (to ".gorsky")
;; https://sites.google.com/site/filosofiaelogica/livros-1/textos-de-logica
(code-pdf       "gorskymestr" "~/books/__modal/gorsky__a_semantica_algebrica_para_as_logicas_modais_e_seu_interesse_filosofico.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "gorskymestr" "~/books/__modal/gorsky__a_semantica_algebrica_para_as_logicas_modais_e_seu_interesse_filosofico.pdf" 8)
;; (find-gorskymestrpage)
;; (find-gorskymestrpage        9  "Contents")
;; (find-gorskymestrpage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-gorskymestrtext "")

;; «marcos» (to ".marcos")
;; https://sites.google.com/site/sequiturquodlibet/courses/lc-dgm
;; file:///home/edrx/TH/L/2016-optativa.html
;;    http://angg.twu.net/2016-optativa.html
;; (find-fline "$S/https/sites.google.com/site/sequiturquodlibet/courses/lc-dgm-pdfs/")
;; (find-books "__logic/__logic.el" "marcos")
(code-xpdf     "marcoslcdgm1" "$S/https/sites.google.com/site/sequiturquodlibet/courses/lc-dgm-pdfs/Cap1.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "marcoslcdgm1" "$S/https/sites.google.com/site/sequiturquodlibet/courses/lc-dgm-pdfs/Cap1.pdf")
(code-xpdf     "marcoslcdgm2" "$S/https/sites.google.com/site/sequiturquodlibet/courses/lc-dgm-pdfs/Cap2.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "marcoslcdgm2" "$S/https/sites.google.com/site/sequiturquodlibet/courses/lc-dgm-pdfs/Cap2.pdf")
(code-xpdf     "marcoslcdgm4" "$S/https/sites.google.com/site/sequiturquodlibet/courses/lc-dgm-pdfs/Cap4.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "marcoslcdgm4" "$S/https/sites.google.com/site/sequiturquodlibet/courses/lc-dgm-pdfs/Cap4.pdf")
;; (find-marcoslcdgm1page)
;; (find-marcoslcdgm1text)
;; (find-marcoslcdgm2page)
;; (find-marcoslcdgm2text)
;; (find-marcoslcdgm4page)
;; (find-marcoslcdgm4text)

;; «pfenning-platzer» (to ".pfenning-platzer")
;; Frank Pfenning and André Platzer
;; 15-816 Modal Logic
;; Spring 2010
;; https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~fp/courses/15816-s10/
;; https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~fp/courses/15816-s10/lectures/01-judgments.pdf
;; https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~fp/courses/15816-s10/lectures/02-pap.pdf
;; https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~fp/courses/15816-s10/lectures/03-categorical.pdf
;; https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~fp/courses/15816-s10/lectures/04-compmodal.pdf
;; https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~fp/courses/15816-s10/lectures/05-pml.pdf
;; https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~fp/courses/15816-s10/lectures/07-cor.pdf
;; https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~fp/courses/15816-s10/lectures/08-seqcalc.pdf
;; https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~fp/courses/15816-s10/lectures/09-combinators.pdf
;; https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~fp/courses/15816-s10/lectures/10-modtab.pdf
;; https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~fp/courses/15816-s10/lectures/11-tabsound.pdf
;; https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~fp/courses/15816-s10/lectures/12-foml.pdf
;; https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~fp/courses/15816-s10/lectures/13-folreduction.pdf
;; https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~fp/courses/15816-s10/lectures/13-noncor.pdf
;; https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~fp/courses/15816-s10/lectures/14-reconcil.pdf
;; https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~fp/courses/15816-s10/lectures/15-ikripke.pdf
;; https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~fp/courses/15816-s10/lectures/16-vkripke.pdf
;; https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~fp/courses/15816-s10/lectures/17-tethered.pdf
;; https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~fp/courses/15816-s10/lectures/18-modck.pdf
;; https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~fp/courses/15816-s10/lectures/19-PDL.pdf
;; https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~fp/courses/15816-s10/lectures/20-complete.pdf
;; https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~fp/courses/15816-s10/lectures/21-decidable.pdf
;; https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~fp/courses/15816-s10/lectures/23-linlog.pdf
;; https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~fp/courses/15816-s10/lectures/24-ressemantics.pdf
;; https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~fp/courses/15816-s10/lectures/25-DLtheo.pdf

;; «handbook» (to ".handbook")
;; (find-books "__modal/__modal.el" "handbook")
;; (find-LATEX "catsem.bib" "bib-ModalHandbook")
(code-pdf       "handbookmodal" "~/books/__modal/blackburn_van_benthem_wolter__handbook_of_modal_Logic.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "handbookmodal" "~/books/__modal/blackburn_van_benthem_wolter__handbook_of_modal_Logic.pdf" 39)
;; (find-handbookmodalpage)
;; (find-handbookmodalpage          2  "Contents")
;; (find-handbookmodalpage (+ 23 1215) "Index")
;; (find-handbookmodaltext "")
;; (find-handbookmodalpage (+ 39 427) "Wolter")
;; (find-handbookmodalpage (+ 39 449) "Transitive logics of finite depth and width")
;; (find-handbookmodaltext (+ 39 449) "Transitive logics of finite depth and width")

;; Local Variables:
;; mode:   emacs-lisp
;; coding: raw-text-unix
;; End: