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s;; (find-sh "cd ~/books/ && find * | sort") ;; (find-sh "cd ~/books/__analysis/ && find * | sort") ;; «.aaboe» (to "aaboe") ;; «.acker» (to "acker") ;; «.acker-o-novo-Rn» (to "acker-o-novo-Rn") ;; «.acrossdisc2023» (to "acrossdisc2023") ;; «.ahlfors» (to "ahlfors") ;; «.apex-calculus» (to "apex-calculus") ;; «.apex-calculus-C2» (to "apex-calculus-C2") ;; «.apex-calculus-C3» (to "apex-calculus-C3") ;; «.aref» (to "aref") ;; «.arnold» (to "arnold") ;; «.arthurs» (to "arthurs") ;; «.avila» (to "avila") ;; «.baldin-furuya» (to "baldin-furuya") ;; «.beneveri» (to "beneveri") ;; «.bortolossi» (to "bortolossi") ;; «.boyce-diprima» (to "boyce-diprima") ;; «.boyce-diprima-pt» (to "boyce-diprima-pt") ;; «.bressoud» (to "bressoud") ;; «.burachik» (to "burachik") ;; «.cabral» (to "cabral") ;; «.cabral-goldfeld» (to "cabral-goldfeld") ;; «.cajori» (to "cajori") ;; «.cederj» (to "cederj") ;; «.cederj-c1v1» (to "cederj-c1v1") ;; «.chandrasekhar» (to "chandrasekhar") ;; «.colosimo» (to "colosimo") ;; «.courant» (to "courant") ;; «.delgado-frensel» (to "delgado-frensel") ;; «.diomara» (to "diomara") ;; «.docarmo» (to "docarmo") ;; «.dunham» (to "dunham") ;; «.ellermeijer-heck» (to "ellermeijer-heck") ;; «.euclid» (to "euclid") ;; «.euclid-byrne» (to "euclid-byrne") ;; «.flemming» (to "flemming") ;; «.folland» (to "folland") ;; «.font-bolite-acevedo» (to "font-bolite-acevedo") ;; «.fortney» (to "fortney") ;; «.frensel-delgado» (to "frensel-delgado") ;; «.fusaro» (to "fusaro") ;; «.fusaro-tlatoc» (to "fusaro-tlatoc") ;; «.guidorizzi» (to "guidorizzi") ;; «.halmos» (to "halmos") ;; «.hartshorne» (to "hartshorne") ;; «.hassenpflug» (to "hassenpflug") ;; «.hefferon» (to "hefferon") ;; «.hernandez» (to "hernandez") ;; «.hilbert» (to "hilbert") ;; «.hoelportstone» (to "hoelportstone") ;; «.iezzi» (to "iezzi") ;; «.leithold» (to "leithold") ;; «.livshits» (to "livshits") ;; «.loomis» (to "loomis") ;; «.john» (to "john") ;; «.kelley» (to "kelley") ;; «.koerner» (to "koerner") ;; «.krantz» (to "krantz") ;; «.lang» (to "lang") ;; «.lax» (to "lax") ;; «.lebl» (to "lebl") ;; «.lippman-rasmussen» (to "lippman-rasmussen") ;; «.magalhaes-lima» (to "magalhaes-lima") ;; «.mahajan» (to "mahajan") ;; «.malajovich» (to "malajovich") ;; «.manga-calculus» (to "manga-calculus") ;; «.maria-laura» (to "maria-laura") ;; «.marsden» (to "marsden") ;; «.marsden-weinstein» (to "marsden-weinstein") ;; «.martcheva» (to "martcheva") ;; «.martins-martins» (to "martins-martins") ;; «.milnor» (to "milnor") ;; «.miranda» (to "miranda") ;; «.mirzakhani» (to "mirzakhani") ;; «.morettin-bussab» (to "morettin-bussab") ;; «.munem» (to "munem") ;; «.needham» (to "needham") ;; «.nelsen» (to "nelsen") ;; «.nevanlinna» (to "nevanlinna") ;; «.nussenzveig» (to "nussenzveig") ;; «.patrao» (to "patrao") ;; «.redish-gupta» (to "redish-gupta") ;; «.reis-silva» (to "reis-silva") ;; «.ripolls-silveira» (to "ripolls-silveira") ;; «.ramanujan» (to "ramanujan") ;; «.ross» (to "ross") ;; «.royden» (to "royden") ;; «.rudin» (to "rudin") ;; «.salsburg» (to "salsburg") ;; «.schey» (to "schey") ;; «.schwartz» (to "schwartz") ;; «.seco-patrao» (to "seco-patrao") ;; «.sfard» (to "sfard") ;; «.sloughter» (to "sloughter") ;; «.spivak» (to "spivak") ;; «.stanley» (to "stanley") ;; «.steinbruch-winterle» (to "steinbruch-winterle") ;; «.steinmetz» (to "steinmetz") ;; «.stewart» (to "stewart") ;; «.stewart-pt» (to "stewart-pt") ;; «.stewart8» (to "stewart8") ;; «.stitz-zeager» (to "stitz-zeager") ;; «.swokowski» (to "swokowski") ;; «.swokowski-atag» (to "swokowski-atag") ;; «.swokowski-precalc» (to "swokowski-precalc") ;; «.temple» (to "temple") ;; «.thomas» (to "thomas") ;; «.thompson-gardner» (to "thompson-gardner") ;; «.thompson» (to "thompson") ;; «.thrainer» (to "thrainer") ;; «.trench» (to "trench") ;; «.tu» (to "tu") ;; «.usiskin» (to "usiskin") ;; «.usnavy-prec» (to "usnavy-prec") ;; «.venturi» (to "venturi") ;; «.vilches-correa» (to "vilches-correa") ;; «.whitehead» (to "whitehead") ;; «.whittaker-watson» (to "whittaker-watson") ;; «.wilkes» (to "wilkes") ;; «.williams-leatham» (to "williams-leatham") ;; «.witte-witte» (to "witte-witte") ;; «.yuriko» (to "yuriko") ;; «.zeidler» (to "zeidler") ;; «.zill» (to "zill") ;; «.zill-cullen» (to "zill-cullen") ;; «.zill-cullen-pt» (to "zill-cullen-pt") ;; «aaboe» (to ".aaboe") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "aaboe") (code-pdf-page "aaboe" "~/books/__analysis/aaboe__episodes_from_the_early_history_of_mathematics.pdf") (code-pdf-text "aaboe" "~/books/__analysis/aaboe__episodes_from_the_early_history_of_mathematics.pdf" 1) ;; (find-aaboepage) ;; (find-aaboepage 10 "Contents") ;; (find-aaboepage (+ 11 1) "Introduction") ;; (find-aaboetext "") ;; «acker» (to ".acker") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "acker") ;; http://angg.twu.net/acker/README.html ;; http://angg.twu.net/acker/acker__ga_livro1_2019.pdf ;; http://angg.twu.net/acker/acker__ga_livro2_2020.pdf ;; http://angg.twu.net/acker/acker__ga_livro3_2021.pdf ;; http://angg.twu.net/acker/acker__ga_livro4_2019.pdf (code-pdf-page "ackerGA1" "$S/http/angg.twu.net/acker/acker__ga_livro1_2019.pdf") (code-pdf-text8 "ackerGA1" "$S/http/angg.twu.net/acker/acker__ga_livro1_2019.pdf" 16) (code-pdf-page "ackerGA2" "$S/http/angg.twu.net/acker/acker__ga_livro2_2020.pdf") (code-pdf-text8 "ackerGA2" "$S/http/angg.twu.net/acker/acker__ga_livro2_2020.pdf" 8) (code-pdf-page "ackerGA3" "$S/http/angg.twu.net/acker/acker__ga_livro3_2021.pdf") (code-pdf-text8 "ackerGA3" "$S/http/angg.twu.net/acker/acker__ga_livro3_2021.pdf") (code-pdf-page "ackerGA4" "$S/http/angg.twu.net/acker/acker__ga_livro4_2019.pdf") (code-pdf-text8 "ackerGA4" "$S/http/angg.twu.net/acker/acker__ga_livro4_2019.pdf" 8) ;; (find-ackerGA1page) ;; (find-ackerGA1page 3 "Sumário") ;; (find-ackerGA1text 3 "Sumário") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 1) "1 Sistemas de coordenadas") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 5) "2 Medindo distâncias") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 9) "3 Os objetos geométricos: retas e círculos") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 15) "4 Curvas e equações. Lugares geométricos") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 19) "5 Interseções. Sistemas de equações") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 21) "6 Geometria Analítica, Desenho Geométrico e Computação Gráfica") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 25) "7 Vetores") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 25) "7.1 Flechinhas") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 26) "7.2 Norma") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 26) "7.3 Produto por escalar") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 27) "7.4 Soma de vetores") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 29) "7.5 Somando vetores a pontos") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 30) "7.6 Vetores e parametrizações") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 31) "8 O mistério da Santíssima Trindade") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 31) "8.1 Vetores e coordenadas") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 33) "8.2 Pontos e vetores") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 33) "8.3 Vetores e pares ordenados") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 36) "8.4 A Santíssima Trindade") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 37) "9 Equações paramétricas") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 47) "10 Curvas de Bézier") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 51) "11 Transformações e animações") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 55) "12 Translações") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 55) "12.1 Movimento retilíneo uniforme") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 58) "12.2 Movimento retilíneo não uniforme") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 60) "12.3 Trajetórias não retilíneas") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 63) "12.4 Resumindo e Simplificando") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 65) "13 Rotações") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 65) "13.1 Rotações em torno da origem") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 67) "13.2 Rotação em torno de um ponto qualquer") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 68) "13.3 Rotação de vetores") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 73) "14 Homotetias") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 75) "15 Reflexões") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 75) "15.1 Reflexão de ponto através de reta passando pela origem") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 76) "15.2 Reflexão de vetores") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 79) "15.3 Animando reflexões") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 81) "16 Deformações") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 81) "16.1 Casos elementares") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 83) "16.2 Deformações em outras dimensões") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 85) "17 Transformações lineares") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 85) "17.1 Definição") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 86) "17.2 Transformações preservando distâncias") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 89) "18 Produto interno") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 95) "19 A Decomposição em Valores Singulares") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 95) "19.1 O Teorema") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 95) "19.2 A geometria do Teorema") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 96) "19.3 Agora com matrizes") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 97) "19.4 A SVD em termos de mudanças de base") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 100) "19.5 Mudanças de base") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 101) "19.6 De novo a Decomposição em Valores Singulares, versão matricial") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 103) "20 Otimização") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 103) "20.1 Amendoim torradinho") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 107) "21 Áreas e determinantes") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 108) "21.1 Orientação") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 109) "21.2 Áreas com sinal") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 112) "21.3 O determinante de uma transformação linear") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 117) "22 O Teorema Espectral") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 117) "22.1 Matrizes simétricas e transformações autoadjuntas") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 118) "22.2 O Teorema Espectral") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 120) "22.3 Matriz de transformação linear em uma base qualquer") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 121) "22.4 Teorema Espectral, agora com matrizes") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 122) "22.5 O polinômio característico") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 123) "22.6 O Teorema Espectral e a SVD") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 123) "Singulares") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 125) "23 Números complexos e coordenadas polares") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 125) "23.1 Os complexos") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 128) "23.2 Inversões") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 131) "24 Equações Polinomiais") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 131) "24.1 Equações polinomiais no Renascimento") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 132) "24.2 A fórmula de del Ferro-Tartaglia") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 133) "24.3 A fórmula de Ferrari") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 134) "24.4 Problemas inerentes à solução de del Ferro-Tartaglia") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 136) "24.5 A invenção dos números complexos") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 137) "25 O Teorema Fundamental da Álgebra") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 143) "26 O Número de Voltas") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 143) "26.1 O número de Voltas") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 143) "26.2 Curvas e Homotopias") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 144) "26.3 O princípio fundamental") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 145) "26.4 Lema de Brouwer") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 146) "26.5 Lema de Rouché") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 149) "27 Demonstração do Teorema Fundamental da Álgebra") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 153) "28 O Teorema de Brouwer") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 155) "29 Iterações") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 155) "29.1 De Ferrari a Galois") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 155) "29.2 Soluções aproximadas") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 156) "29.3 A iteração de Newton") ;; (find-ackerGA1page (+ 16 157) "29.4 A Ferradura de Smale") ;; (find-ackerGA1text) ;; (find-ackerGA2page) ;; (find-ackerGA2text) ;; (find-ackerGA2page 3 "Sumario") ;; (find-ackerGA2text 3 "Sumario") ;; (find-ackerGA2page (+ 8 79) "10.3 Interpretacao geometrica do produto vetorial") ;; (find-ackerGA2text (+ 8 79) "10.3 Interpretacao geometrica do produto vetorial") ;; (find-ackerGA3page) ;; (find-ackerGA3text) ;; (find-ackerGA3page 3 "Sumario") ;; (find-ackerGA3text 3 "Sumario") ;; (find-ackerGA3page (+ 8 115) "a O elipsoide") ;; (find-ackerGA3text (+ 8 115) "a O elipsoide") ;; (find-ackerGA4page) ;; (find-ackerGA4text) ;; (find-ackerGA4page 3 "Sumario") ;; (find-ackerGA4text 3 "Sumario") ;; (find-ackerGA4page (+ 8 13) "2" "Velocidade") ;; (find-ackerGA4text (+ 8 13) "2" "Velocidade") ;; (find-ackerGA4page (+ 8 19) "3" "Aceleracao") ;; (find-ackerGA4text (+ 8 19) "3" "Aceleracao") ;; «acker-o-novo-Rn» (to ".acker-o-novo-Rn") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "acker") ;; https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kObMDncOKU3w1oejKtXCSpGhL0J23uYI/view (code-pdf-page "onovoRn" "~/books/__analysis/acker__o_novo_Rn_e_o_ensino_de_algebra_linear.pdf") (code-pdf-text "onovoRn" "~/books/__analysis/acker__o_novo_Rn_e_o_ensino_de_algebra_linear.pdf" 1) ;; (find-onovoRnpage) ;; (find-onovoRnpage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-onovoRnpage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-onovoRntext "") ;; «acrossdisc2023» (to ".acrossdisc2023") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "acrossdisc2023") ;; https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgzGtxKKfRXKmCJLtLbFFSnXtKKlX (code-pdf-page "acrossdisc2023" "~/books/__analysis/the_learning_and_teaching_of_calculus_across_disciplines_proceedings_2023.pdf") (code-pdf-text "acrossdisc2023" "~/books/__analysis/the_learning_and_teaching_of_calculus_across_disciplines_proceedings_2023.pdf" 6) ;; (find-acrossdisc2023page) ;; (find-acrossdisc2023page 3 "Contents") ;; (find-acrossdisc2023text "") ;; (find-acrossdisc2023page (+ 6 85) "Maria Al Dehaybes") ;; (find-acrossdisc2023text (+ 6 85) "Maria Al Dehaybes") ;; «ahlfors» (to ".ahlfors") (code-xpdf "ahlfors" "~/books/__analysis/ahlfors__complex_analysis.pdf") (code-djvu "ahlfors" "~/books/__analysis/ahlfors__complex_analysis.djvu") ;; (find-ahlforspage 4 "Contents") ;; (find-ahlforspage (+ 11 1) "1") ;; (find-ahlforspage (+ 5 325) "Index") ;; «apex-calculus» (to ".apex-calculus") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "apex-calculus") ;; (find-angg ".emacs.papers" "apex-calculus") ;; https://aimath.org/textbooks/approved-textbooks/hartman-et-al/ ;; http://www.apexcalculus.com/ ;; http://www.apexcalculus.com/downloads ;; http://www.apexcalculus.com/APEX_Calculus_Version_4-small.pdf (fake url) ;; http://www.apexcalculus.com/APEX_Calculus_Version_4_BW.pdf (fake url) ;; (find-fline "$S/http/www.apexcalculus.com/") (code-pdf-page "apexcalculus" "$S/http/www.apexcalculus.com/APEX_Calculus_Version_4-small.pdf") (code-pdf-text "apexcalculus" "$S/http/www.apexcalculus.com/APEX_Calculus_Version_4-small.pdf" 10) (code-pdftools-page "apexcalculus" "$S/http/www.apexcalculus.com/APEX_Calculus_Version_4_BW.pdf") (code-pdf-page "apexcalculus" "$S/http/www.apexcalculus.com/APEX_Calculus_Version_4_BW.pdf") (code-pdf-text "apexcalculus" "$S/http/www.apexcalculus.com/APEX_Calculus_Version_4_BW.pdf" 10) ;; file:///home/edrx/snarf/http/www.apexcalculus.com/APEX_Calculus_Version_4_BW.pdf ;; (find-sh0 "cp -v $S/http/www.apexcalculus.com/APEX_Calculus_Version_4_BW.pdf /tmp/") ;; file:///tmp/APEX_Calculus_Version_4_BW.pdf ;; 1-5,177-205 APEX_Calculus_Version_4_cap_4.pdf ;; 1-5,363-414 APEX_Calculus_Version_4_cap_7.pdf ;; 1-5,693-768 APEX_Calculus_Version_4_cap_12.pdf ;; http://angg.twu.net/2022.2-C3/APEX_Calculus_Version_4_cap_4.pdf ;; http://angg.twu.net/2022.2-C3/APEX_Calculus_Version_4_cap_7.pdf ;; http://angg.twu.net/2022.2-C3/APEX_Calculus_Version_4_cap_12.pdf ;; (find-sh-at-dir "/home/angg_slow_html/" "find * | sort | grep -i apex") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage) ;; (find-apexcalculustext) ;; (find-apexcalculuspage 3 "Contents") ;; (find-apexcalculustext 3 "Contents") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 197)) ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 247)) ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 261)) ;; Cap 7: 363-414 ;; Cap 10: 569-640 ;; Cap 11: 641-692 ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 1) "1 Limits") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 1) "1.1 An Introduction To Limits") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 9) "1.2 Epsilon-Delta Definition of a Limit") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 18) "1.3 Finding Limits Analytically") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 30) "1.4 One Sided Limits") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 37) "1.5 Continuity") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 46) "1.6 Limits Involving Infinity") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 59) "2 Derivatives") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 59) "2.1 Instantaneous Rates of Change: The Derivative") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 75) "2.2 Interpretations of the Derivative") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 78) "Example 2.2.3 Understanding the derivative: the rate of change") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 79) "Example 2.2.4 Understanding the graph of the derivative") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 79) "Example 2.2.5 Approximation with the derivative") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 82) "2.3 Basic Differentiation Rules") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 84) "Constant Mul ple Rule:") ;; (find-apexcalculustext (+ 10 84) "Constant Mul ple Rule:") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 89) "2.4 The Product and Quotient Rules") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 100) "2.5 The Chain Rule") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 111) "2.6 Implicit Differentiation") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 122) "2.7 Derivatives of Inverse Functions") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 125) "Figure 2.7.3: Domains and ranges...") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 129) "3 The Graphical Behavior of Functions") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 129) "3.1 Extreme Values") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 137) "3.2 The Mean Value Theorem") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 142) "3.3 Increasing and Decreasing Functions") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 144) "Example 3.3.1 Finding intervals") ;; (find-apexcalculustext (+ 10 144) "Example 3.3.1 Finding intervals") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 151) "3.4 Concavity and the Second Derivative") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 159) "3.5 Curve Sketching") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 167) "4 Applications of the Derivative") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 167) "4.1 Newton's Method") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 174) "4.2 Related Rates") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 181) "4.3 Optimization") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 188) "4.4 Differentials") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 191) "integrals" "differentials") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 197) "5 Integration") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 197) "5.1 Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integration") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 201) "Theorem 5.1.2") ;; (find-apexcalculustext (+ 10 201) "Theorem 5.1.2") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 207) "5.2 The Definite Integral") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 211) "Theorem 5.2.1") ;; (find-apexcalculustext (+ 10 211) "Theorem 5.2.1") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 215) "Exercises 5.2") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 218) "5.3 Riemann Sums") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 234) "Exercises 5.3") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 236) "5.4 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 248) "5.5 Numerical Integration") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 263) "6 Techniques of Antidifferentiation") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 263) "6.1 Substitution") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 280) "Exercises 6.1") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 924 10) "Solutions 6.1") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 283) "6.2 Integration by Parts") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 292) "Exercises 6.2") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 294) "6.3 Trigonometric Integrals") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 303) "Exercises 6.3") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 304) "6.4 Trigonometric Substitution") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 312) "Exercises 6.4") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 313) "6.5 Partial Fraction Decomposition") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 321) "6.6 Hyperbolic Functions") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 332) "6.7 L'Hôpital's Rule") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 341) "6.8 Improper Integration") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 353) "7 Applications of Integration") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 354) "7.1 Area Between Curves") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 359) "Exercises 7.1") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 924 13) "Solutions 7.1") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 362) "7.2 Volume by Cross-Sectional Area; Disk and Washer Methods") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 370) "7.3 The Shell Method") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 378) "7.4 Arc Length and Surface Area") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 387) "7.5 Work") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 397) "7.6 Fluid Forces") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 405) "8 Sequences and Series") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 405) "8.1 Sequences") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 417) "Exercises 8.1") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 419) "8.2 Infinite Series") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 434) "8.3 Integral and Comparison Tests") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 443) "8.4 Ratio and Root Tests") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 449) "8.5 Alternating Series and Absolute Convergence") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 460) "8.6 Power Series") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 473) "8.7 Taylor Polynomials") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 485) "8.8 Taylor Series") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 497) "9 Curves in the Plane") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 497) "9.1 Conic Sections") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 511) "9.2 Parametric Equations") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 521) "9.3 Calculus and Parametric Equations") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 533) "9.4 Introduction to Polar Coordinates") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 546) "9.5 Calculus and Polar Functions") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 559) "10 Vectors") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 559) "10.1 Introduction to Cartesian Coordinates in Space") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 566) "Quadric Surfaces") ;; (find-apexcalculustext (+ 10 566) "Quadric Surfaces") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 574) "10.2 An Introduction to Vectors") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 588) "10.3 The Dot Product") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 601) "10.4 The Cross Product") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 612) "10.5 Lines") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 623) "10.6 Planes") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 629) "Exercises 10.6") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 631) "11 Vector Valued Functions") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 631) "11.1 Vector Valued Functions") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 637) "11.2 Calculus and Vector Valued Functions") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 651) "11.3 The Calculus of Motion") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 664) "11.4 Unit Tangent and Normal Vectors") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 673) "11.5 The Arc Length Parameter and Curvature") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 683) "12 Functions of Several Variables") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 683) "12.1 Introduction to Multivariable Functions") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 684) "Level curves") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 690) "12.2 Limits and Continuity of Multivariable Functions") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 700) "12.3 Partial Derivatives") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 711) "12.3 Exercises") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 712) "12.4 Differentiability and the Total Differential") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 713) "12.4.2 Showing a function is differentiable") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 720) "12.4 Exercises") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 721) "12.5 The Multivariable Chain Rule") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 728) "12.8 Exercises") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 729) "12.6 Directional Derivatives") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 731) "Definition 12.6.2. Gradient") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 738) "12.6 Exercises") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 739) "12.7 Tangent Lines, Normal Lines, and Tangent Planes") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 741) "Normal lines") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 749) "12.8 Extreme Values") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 759) "13 Multiple Integration") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 759) "13.1 Iterated Integrals and Area") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 769) "13.2 Double Integration and Volume") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 780) "13.3 Double Integration with Polar Coordinates") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 787) "13.4 Center of Mass") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 799) "13.5 Surface Area") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 806) "13.6 Volume Between Surfaces and Triple Integration") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 828) "13.7 Triple Integration with Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 839) "14 Vector Analysis") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 840) "14.1 Introduction to Line Integrals") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 850) "14.2 Vector Fields") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 859) "14.3 Line Integrals over Vector Fields") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 870) "14.4 Flow, Flux, Green's Theorem and the Divergence Theorem") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 880) "14.5 Parametrized Surfaces and Surface Area") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 891) "14.6 Surface Integrals") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 900) "14.7 The Divergence Theorem and Stokes' Theorem") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 924 1) "A. Solutions To Selected Problems") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 924 37) "Index") ;; (find-apexcalculustext (+ 924 37) "Index") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 924 42) "Differentiation rules") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 924 43) "Integration") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 924 44) "Common trigonometric identities") ;; «apex-calculus-C2» (to ".apex-calculus-C2") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "apex-calculus-C2") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "apex-calculus") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 197) "5 Integration") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 197) "5.1 Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integration") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 207) "5.2 The Definite Integral") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 215) "Exercises 5.2") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 218) "5.3 Riemann Sums") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 225) "Definition 5.3.2: Riemann Sum") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 234) "Exercises 5.3") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 236) "5.4 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 239) "the ball has travelled much farther") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 240) "The FTC and the chain rule") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 243) "The mean value theorem of integration") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 244) "average value") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 246) "Exercises 5.4") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 248) "5.5 Numerical Integration") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 263) "6 Techniques of Antidifferentiation") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 263) "6.1 Substitution") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 265) "Integration by substitution") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 280) "Exercises 6.1") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 283) "6.2 Integration by Parts") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 294) "6.3 Trigonometric Integrals") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 304) "6.4 Trigonometric Substitution") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 313) "6.5 Partial Fraction Decomposition") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 321) "6.6 Hyperbolic Functions") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 332) "6.7 L'Hôpital's Rule") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 341) "6.8 Improper Integration") ;; «apex-calculus-C3» (to ".apex-calculus-C3") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "apex-calculus-C3") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "apex-calculus") ;; (find-apexcalculuspage (+ 10 631) "11 Vector Valued Functions") ;; SOHCAHTOA ;; «aref» (to ".aref") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "aref") (code-pdf-page "aref1" "~/books/__analysis/aref_antar_neto__nocoes_de_matematica_vol_1_conjuntos_e_funcoes.pdf") (code-pdf-text "aref1" "~/books/__analysis/aref_antar_neto__nocoes_de_matematica_vol_1_conjuntos_e_funcoes.pdf" 1) (code-pdf-page "aref2" "~/books/__analysis/aref_antar_neto__nocoes_de_matematica_vol_2_progressoes_e_logaritmos.pdf") (code-pdf-text "aref2" "~/books/__analysis/aref_antar_neto__nocoes_de_matematica_vol_2_progressoes_e_logaritmos.pdf" 1) (code-pdf-page "aref3" "~/books/__analysis/aref_antar_neto__nocoes_de_matematica_vol_3__trigonometria.pdf") (code-pdf-text "aref3" "~/books/__analysis/aref_antar_neto__nocoes_de_matematica_vol_3__trigonometria.pdf" 1) (code-pdf-page "aref4" "~/books/__analysis/aref_antar_neto__nocoes_de_matematica_vol_4__combinatoria_matrizes_e_determinantes.pdf") (code-pdf-text "aref4" "~/books/__analysis/aref_antar_neto__nocoes_de_matematica_vol_4__combinatoria_matrizes_e_determinantes.pdf" 1) (code-pdf-page "aref5" "~/books/__analysis/aref_antar_neto__nocoes_de_matematica_vol_5__geometria_plana_e_espacial.pdf") (code-pdf-text "aref5" "~/books/__analysis/aref_antar_neto__nocoes_de_matematica_vol_5__geometria_plana_e_espacial.pdf" 1) (code-pdf-page "aref6" "~/books/__analysis/aref_antar_neto__nocoes_de_matematica_vol_6__geometria_analitica.pdf") (code-pdf-text "aref6" "~/books/__analysis/aref_antar_neto__nocoes_de_matematica_vol_6__geometria_analitica.pdf" 1) (code-pdf-page "aref7" "~/books/__analysis/aref_antar_neto__nocoes_de_matematica_vol_7__numeros_complexos_e_polinomios.pdf") (code-pdf-text "aref7" "~/books/__analysis/aref_antar_neto__nocoes_de_matematica_vol_7__numeros_complexos_e_polinomios.pdf" 1) (code-pdf-page "aref8" "~/books/__analysis/aref_antar_neto__nocoes_de_matematica_vol_8__introducao_ao_calculo_diferencial_e_integral.pdf") (code-pdf-text "aref8" "~/books/__analysis/aref_antar_neto__nocoes_de_matematica_vol_8__introducao_ao_calculo_diferencial_e_integral.pdf" 1) ;; (find-aref1page) ;; (find-aref1page 5 "Índice") ;; (find-aref2page) ;; (find-aref2page 5 "Índice") ;; (find-aref3page) ;; (find-aref3page 5 "Índice") ;; (find-aref4page) ;; (find-aref4page 5 "Índice") ;; (find-aref5page) ;; (find-aref5page 5 "Índice") ;; (find-aref6page) ;; (find-aref6page 5 "Índice") ;; (find-aref7page) ;; (find-aref7page 5 "Índice") ;; (find-aref8page) ;; (find-aref8page 5 "Índice") ;; «arnold» (to ".arnold") (code-djvu "arnold" "~/books/__analysis/arnold__mathematical_methods_of_classical_mechanics.djvu") (code-djvutext "arnold" "~/books/__analysis/arnold__mathematical_methods_of_classical_mechanics.djvu") ;; (find-arnoldpage 14 "Contents") ;; (find-arnoldpage (+ 17 88) "E. Noether's Theorem") ;; (find-arnoldpage (+ 17 511) "Index") ;; (find-arnoldtext "") ;; «arthurs» (to ".arthurs") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "arthurs") (code-pdf-page "arthurs" "~/books/__analysis/arthurs__calculus_of_variations.pdf") (code-pdf-text "arthurs" "~/books/__analysis/arthurs__calculus_of_variations.pdf" 1) ;; (find-arthurspage) ;; (find-arthurspage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-arthurspage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-arthurstext "") ;; «avila» (to ".avila") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "avila") (code-pdf-page "avila" "~/books/__analysis/avila__introducao_a_analise_matematica.pdf") (code-pdf-text "avila" "~/books/__analysis/avila__introducao_a_analise_matematica.pdf" 1) ;; (find-avilapage) ;; (find-avilapage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-avilapage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-avilatext "") ;; «baldin-furuya» (to ".baldin-furuya") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "baldin-furuya") ;; https://web.icmc.usp.br/SCATUSU/Boletim_aquisicao/Boletim_Novembro_2017/Capas/Baldin_Geometria0001.pdf (code-pdf-page "gaparatodos" "$S/https/web.icmc.usp.br/SCATUSU/Boletim_aquisicao/Boletim_Novembro_2017/Capas/Baldin_Geometria0001.pdf") (code-pdf-text "gaparatodos" "$S/https/web.icmc.usp.br/SCATUSU/Boletim_aquisicao/Boletim_Novembro_2017/Capas/Baldin_Geometria0001.pdf") ;; (find-gaparatodospage) ;; (find-gaparatodostext) ;; Yuriko Yamamoto Baldin ;; Yolanda K Saito Furuya ;; https://www.edufscar.com.br/geometria-analitica-para-todos-e-atividades-com-octave-e-geogebra ;; https://www.dm.ufscar.br/profs/yolanda/vga/index.html ;; https://arquivosbrasil.blob.core.windows.net/insulas/anexos/md7417_2402121446ss-407816.pdf ;; «beneveri» (to ".beneveri") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "beneveri") ;; (c2m202somas2p 34 "pierluigi") ;; (c2m202somas2 "pierluigi") ;; https://www.ime.usp.br/~pluigi/registro-MAT121-15.pdf (code-pdf-page "pierluigi" "$S/https/www.ime.usp.br/~pluigi/registro-MAT121-15.pdf") (code-pdf-text "pierluigi" "$S/https/www.ime.usp.br/~pluigi/registro-MAT121-15.pdf") ;; (find-pierluigipage) ;; (find-pierluigipage 3) ;; (find-pierluigipage 8) ;; (find-pierluigitext) ;; (find-pierluigipage 3 "e seria impróprio chamá-las de áreas") ;; (find-pierluigitext 3 "e seria impróprio chamá-las de áreas") ;; (find-pierluigipage 5 "Exercício 18. Seja f (x) = c constante") ;; (find-pierluigitext 5 "Exercício 18. Seja f (x) = c constante") ;; (find-pierluigipage 5 "3. Sexta-feira, 7 de agosto de 2015") ;; (find-pierluigitext 5 "3. Sexta-feira, 7 de agosto de 2015") ;; (find-pierluigipage 7 "Proposição 6 (Propriedade 2: produto por um escalar)") ;; (find-pierluigitext 7 "Proposição 6 (Propriedade 2: produto por um escalar)") ;; (find-pierluigipage 7 "Proposição 8 (Propriedade 4: aditividade a respeito do domínio") ;; (find-pierluigitext 7 "Proposição 8 (Propriedade 4: aditividade a respeito do domínio") ;; (find-pierluigipage 8 "Definição 9" "ideia intuitiva de área") ;; (find-pierluigitext 8 "Definição 9" "ideia intuitiva de área") ;; (find-pierluigipage 8 "4. Segunda-feira, 10 de agosto de 2015") ;; (find-pierluigitext 8 "4. Segunda-feira, 10 de agosto de 2015") ;; (find-pierluigipage 9 "Teorema 10 (integrabilidades das funções contínuas)") ;; (find-pierluigitext 9 "Teorema 10 (integrabilidades das funções contínuas)") ;; (find-pierluigipage 9 "Corolário 11") ;; (find-pierluigitext 9 "Corolário 11") ;; (find-pierluigipage 10 "integral com extremos na ordem inversa") ;; (find-pierluigitext 10 "integral com extremos na ordem inversa") ;; (find-pierluigipage 10 "teorema fundamental") ;; (find-pierluigitext 10 "teorema fundamental") ;; (find-pierluigipage 12 "5. Quarta-feira, 12 de agosto de 2015") ;; (find-pierluigitext 12 "5. Quarta-feira, 12 de agosto de 2015") ;; (find-pierluigipage 13 "Exercício 35. Calcule as integrais seguintes:") ;; (find-pierluigitext 13 "Exercício 35. Calcule as integrais seguintes:") ;; (find-pierluigipage 16 "6. Sexta-feira, 14 de agosto de 2015") ;; (find-pierluigitext 16 "6. Sexta-feira, 14 de agosto de 2015") ;; «bortolossi» (to ".bortolossi") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "bortolossi") ;; (find-angg ".emacs.papers" "bortolossi") ;; "Cálculo Diferencial a Várias Variáveis" ;; http://angg.twu.net/2019.2-C3/Bortolossi/bortolossi-cap-3.pdf ;; http://angg.twu.net/2019.2-C3/Bortolossi/bortolossi-cap-5.pdf ;; http://angg.twu.net/2019.2-C3/Bortolossi/bortolossi-cap-6.pdf ;; http://angg.twu.net/2019.2-C3/Bortolossi/bortolossi-cap-7.pdf ;; http://angg.twu.net/2019.2-C3/Bortolossi/bortolossi-cap-8.pdf ;; http://angg.twu.net/2019.2-C3/Bortolossi/bortolossi-cap-9.pdf ;; http://angg.twu.net/2019.2-C3/Bortolossi/bortolossi-cap-10.pdf ;; http://angg.twu.net/2019.2-C3/Bortolossi/bortolossi-cap-11.pdf ;; http://angg.twu.net/2019.2-C3/Bortolossi/bortolossi-cap-12.pdf ;; http://angg.twu.net/2019.2-C3/Bortolossi/bortolossi-caps-4-5.pdf ;; (find-fline "~/2019.1-C3/bortolossi/") ;; (find-fline "~/2019.2-C3/Bortolossi/") ;; (find-fline "~/2019.2-C3/Bortolossi/" "bortolossi-cap-3.pdf") ;; (find-fline "~/2019.2-C3/Bortolossi/" "bortolossi-caps-4-5.pdf") (progn (code-pdf-page "bortolossi3" "~/2019.2-C3/Bortolossi/bortolossi-cap-3.pdf" -78) (code-pdf-page "bortolossi4" "~/2019.2-C3/Bortolossi/bortolossi-cap-4.pdf" -120) (code-pdf-page "bortolossi5" "~/2019.2-C3/Bortolossi/bortolossi-cap-5.pdf" -162) (code-pdf-page "bortolossi6" "~/2019.2-C3/Bortolossi/bortolossi-cap-6.pdf" -186) (code-pdf-page "bortolossi7" "~/2019.2-C3/Bortolossi/bortolossi-cap-7.pdf" -238) (code-pdf-page "bortolossi8" "~/2019.2-C3/Bortolossi/bortolossi-cap-8.pdf" -290) (code-pdf-page "bortolossi10" "~/2019.2-C3/Bortolossi/bortolossi-cap-10.pdf" -350) (code-pdf-page "bortolossi11" "~/2019.2-C3/Bortolossi/bortolossi-cap-11.pdf" -364) (code-pdf-page "bortolossi12" "~/2019.2-C3/Bortolossi/bortolossi-cap-12.pdf" -456) ) ;; (code-pdf-page "bortolossi45" "~/2019.2-C3/Bortolossi/bortolossi-caps-4-5.pdf" 120) ;; (find-bortolossi3page (+ -78 79)) ;; (find-bortolossi3page (+ -78 79) "3. Funções escalares de várias variáveis") ;; (find-bortolossi3page (+ -78 79) "3.1. Lembrando Cálculo I") ;; (find-bortolossi3page (+ -78 79) "Domínio e contradomínio") ;; (find-bortolossi3page (+ -78 81) "3.2. Funções de duas variáveis") ;; (find-bortolossi3page (+ -78 86) "Vamos tentar outros cortes. (Figs: pp.90-95)") ;; (find-bortolossi3page (+ -78 93) "Exemplo 3.2. Sela de cavalo.") ;; (find-bortolossi3page (+ -78 97) "3.3. Curvas de nível") ;; (find-bortolossi3page (+ -78 98) "O desenho da curva de nível deve ser feito no plano") ;; (find-bortolossi3page (+ -78 100) "3.4. Funções de três variáveis e superfíceis de nível") ;; (find-bortolossi3page (+ -78 103) "3.5. Funções de n variáveis e hiperfíceis de nível") ;; (find-bortolossi3page (+ -78 104) "3.6. Exercícios") ;; (find-bortolossi3page (+ -78 106) "[14] (O plano)") ;; (find-bortolossi3page (+ -78 109) "[18] (Superfícies cilíndricas)") ;; (find-bortolossi3page (+ -78 110) "[19] (Superfícies de revolução)") ;; (find-bortolossi3page (+ -78 112) "[21] Esfera") ;; (find-bortolossi3page (+ -78 113) "[24] Faça a associação destas curvas") ;; (find-bortolossi3page (+ -78 114) "Curvas de nível de seis funções diferentes") ;; (find-bortolossi3page (+ -78 115) "Gráficos de seis funções diferentes") ;; (find-bortolossi3page (+ -78 119) "[42] O toro") ;; ;; (find-bortolossi4page) ;; (find-bortolossi4page (+ -120 121) "4. Continuidade, noções de topologia...") ;; (find-bortolossi4page (+ -120 121) "4.1. Porque contínuas são importantes") ;; (find-bortolossi4page (+ -120 123) "4.2. Continuidade em várias variáveis") ;; (find-bortolossi4page (+ -120 129) "4.3. Weierstrass em n variáveis") ;; (find-bortolossi4page (+ -120 130) "seis conjuntos abaixo") ;; (find-bortolossi4page (+ -120 139) "distância euclidiana") ;; (find-bortolossi4page (+ -120 142) "bola aberta") ;; (find-bortolossi4page (+ -120 142) "bola fechada") ;; (find-bortolossi4page (+ -120 143) "conjunto limitado") ;; (find-bortolossi4page (+ -120 143) "ponto de fronteira") ;; (find-bortolossi4page (+ -120 144) "fronteira de um conjunto") ;; (find-bortolossi4page (+ -120 145) "conjunto fechado") ;; (find-bortolossi4page (+ -120 146) "conjunto compacto") ;; (find-bortolossi4page (+ -120 147) "o teorema de Weierstrass") ;; (find-bortolossi4page (+ -120 148) "ponto interior") ;; (find-bortolossi4page (+ -120 148) "conjunto aberto") ;; (find-bortolossi4page (+ -120 151) "4.4. Exercícios") ;; ;; (find-bortolossi5page (+ -162 163) "5. Derivadas parciais") ;; (find-bortolossi5page (+ -162 163) "5.1. Lembrando Cálculo 1") ;; (find-bortolossi5page (+ -162 164) "5.2. Definições e exemplos") ;; (find-bortolossi5page (+ -162 164) "Fig. 5.1: Interpretação geométrica") ;; (find-bortolossi5page (+ -162 165) "Fig. 5.2: Interpretação geométrica") ;; (find-bortolossi5page (+ -162 167) "Exemplo 5.1: Cobb-Douglas") ;; (find-bortolossi5page (+ -162 170) "derivada parcial") ;; (find-bortolossi5page (+ -162 171) "a notação D_1 f é a mais clara") ;; (find-bortolossi5page (+ -162 172) "omitir os pontos onde as parciais são calculadas") ;; (find-bortolossi5page (+ -162 173) "podem causar confusão") ;; (find-bortolossi5page (+ -162 174) "5.3. Derivadas parciais de ordem superior") ;; (find-bortolossi5page (+ -162 175) "derivadas parciais mistas") ;; (find-bortolossi5page (+ -162 176) "5.4. O teorema de Young") ;; (find-bortolossi5page (+ -162 177) "outra notação para derivadas de 2a ordem: f_xy") ;; (find-bortolossi5page (+ -162 177) "5.5. Exercícios") ;; (find-bortolossi5page (+ -162 177) "[01] ...parciais de primeira ordem") ;; (find-bortolossi5page (+ -162 181) "[17] Calcule todas as derivadas de terceira ordem") ;; (find-bortolossi5page (+ -162 182) "[22] Qual é a diferença entre D_xx f e (D_x f)^2?") ;; (find-bortolossi5page (+ -162 183) "[26] (Aplicações)") ;; (find-bortolossi5page (+ -162 186) "5.6. Nota histórica") ;; (find-bortolossi6page (+ -186 187) "6. Curvas parametrizadas, transformações lineares...") ;; (find-bortolossi6page (+ -186 188) "traço") ;; (find-bortolossi6page (+ -186 195) "Figura 6.6. Traço da hélice") ;; (find-bortolossi6page (+ -186 197) "6.2. O vetor tangente a uma curva parametrizada") ;; (find-bortolossi6page (+ -186 199) "limite de vetores secantes") ;; (find-bortolossi6page (+ -186 200) "6.3. Funções de Rn para Rm") ;; (find-bortolossi6page (+ -186 202) "6.4. Transformações lineares") ;; (find-bortolossi6page (+ -186 208) "6.5. Exercícios") ;; (find-bortolossi6page (+ -186 215) "A ciclóide") ;; (find-bortolossi6page (+ -186 217) "O vetor aceleração") ;; (find-bortolossi6page (+ -186 228) "[36] Campos vetoriais") ;; (find-bortolossi6page (+ -186 238) "6.6. Leitura suplementar") ;; (find-bortolossi7page (+ -238 239) "7. Aproximação linear e a regra da cadeia") ;; (find-bortolossi7page (+ -238 239) "7.1. Lembrando Cálculo 1: a equação da reta tangente") ;; (find-bortolossi7page (+ -238 240) "vai para zero mais rapidamente") ;; (find-bortolossi7page (+ -238 242) "7.2. Aproximação linear em Cálculo 2") ;; (find-bortolossi7page (+ -238 243) "plano tangente") ;; (find-bortolossi7page (+ -238 252) "Teorema 7.3") ;; (find-bortolossi7page (+ -238 252) "tende a zero mais rapidamente") ;; (find-bortolossi7page (+ -238 253) "Funções vetoriais: o caso geral") ;; (find-bortolossi7page (+ -238 256) "matriz jacobiana") ;; (find-bortolossi7page (+ -238 261) "Teorema 7.6") ;; (find-bortolossi7page (+ -238 263) "7.3. Composição de funções") ;; (find-bortolossi7page (+ -238 266) "7.4. Lembrando Cálculo 1: a regra da cadeia") ;; (find-bortolossi7page (+ -238 266) "7.5. A regra da cadeia em Cálculo 2") ;; (find-bortolossi7page (+ -238 266) "Teorema 7.7") ;; (find-bortolossi7page (+ -240 278) "Um abuso de notação") ;; (find-bortolossi7page (+ -240 279) "7.6. Exercícios") ;; (find-bortolossi8page (+ -290 291) "8. Derivadas direcionais e o vetor gradiente") ;; (find-bortolossi8page (+ -290 291) "8.1. Derivadas direcionais") ;; (find-bortolossi8page (+ -290 296) "Definição 8.1. (Derivada direcional)") ;; (find-bortolossi8page (+ -290 298) "8.2. O vetor gradiente") ;; (find-bortolossi8page (+ -290 302) "direção de maior crescimento") ;; (find-bortolossi8page (+ -290 304) "8.3. Exercícios") ;; (find-bortolossi8page (+ -290 311) "8.4. Nota histórica") ;; (find-bortolossi10page (+ -350 351) "10. Máximos e mínimos de funções de várias variáveis") ;; (find-bortolossi10page (+ -350 351) "10.1. Definições e exemplos") ;; (find-bortolossi10page (+ -350 355) "máximos de x^2+y^2 numa elipse") ;; (find-bortolossi10page (+ -350 356) "máximos de x^2+y^2 na borda da elipse") ;; (find-bortolossi10page (+ -350 357) "10.2. Exercícios") ;; (find-bortolossi11page (+ -364 365) "11. Otimização sem restrições") ;; (find-bortolossi11page (+ -364 365) "Teorema 11.1: A regra de Fermat") ;; (find-bortolossi11page (+ -364 367) "mas o vetor gradiente é não-nulo") ;; (find-bortolossi11page (+ -364 371) "11.2. Polinômios de Taylor") ;; (find-bortolossi11page (+ -364 371) "O Polinômio de Taylor de ordem 2") ;; (find-bortolossi11page (+ -364 375) "Teorema 11.3: Condições de segunda ordem") ;; (find-bortolossi11page (+ -364 376) "Polinômios de Taylor de ordem k") ;; (find-bortolossi11page (+ -364 379) "Teorema 11.5: O polinômio de Taylor de ordem 2") ;; (find-bortolossi11page (+ -364 380) "matriz hessiana") ;; (find-bortolossi11page (+ -364 383) "11.3. Formas quadráticas e matrizes definidas") ;; (find-bortolossi11page (+ -364 383) "gráfico da forma quadrática") ;; (find-bortolossi11page (+ -364 388) "positiva semidefinida") ;; (find-bortolossi11page (+ -364 391) "Teorema 11.7: Condições de segunda ordem") ;; (find-bortolossi11page (+ -364 393) "completar os quadrados") ;; (find-bortolossi11page (+ -364 395) "11.4. Menores de uma matriz") ;; (find-bortolossi11page (+ -364 405) "11.5. Questões de globalidade e convexidade") ;; (find-bortolossi11page (+ -364 406) "estudo do sinal de f'") ;; (find-bortolossi11page (+ -364 420) "11.6. O método dos mínimos quadrados") ;; (find-bortolossi11page (+ -364 426) "11.7. Exercícios") ;; (find-bortolossi12page (+ -456 457) "12. Otimização com restrições") ;; (find-bortolossi12page (+ -456 457) "multiplicadores de Lagrange") ;; (find-bortolossi12page (+ -456 459) "12.1. Otimização com uma restrição em igualdade") ;; (find-bortolossi12page (+ -456 462) "Teorema 12.1") ;; (find-bortolossi12page (+ -456 463) "Lagrangeano") ;; (find-bortolossi12page (+ -456 472) "Teorema 12.3") ;; (find-bortolossi12page (+ -456 473) "12.2. Otimização com várias restrições em igualdade") ;; (find-bortolossi12page (+ -456 485) "12.2. Otimização com uma restrição em desigualdade") ;; (find-bortolossi12page (+ -456 495) "12.4. Otimização com várias restrições em desigualdade") ;; (find-bortolossi12page (+ -456 506) "12.5. Otimização com restrições mistas") ;; (find-bortolossi12page (+ -456 512) "12.6. Alternativas para a condição de regularidade") ;; (find-bortolossi12page (+ -456 514) "12.7. Problemas de minimização") ;; (find-bortolossi12page (+ -456 515) "12.8. Condições de segunda ordem") ;; (find-bortolossi12page (+ -456 520) "12.9. Questões de globalidade") ;; (find-bortolossi12page (+ -456 521) "12.10 Exercícios") ;; Bort10 ;; Bort12 ;; http://angg.twu.net/2019.2-C3/Bortolossi/bortolossi-cap-3.pdf ;; «boyce-diprima» (to ".boyce-diprima") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "boyce-diprima") (code-pdf-page "boycediprima11" "~/books/__analysis/boyce_diprima__elementary_differential_equations_and_boundary_value_problems_11th_ed.pdf") (code-pdf-text "boycediprima11" "~/books/__analysis/boyce_diprima__elementary_differential_equations_and_boundary_value_problems_11th_ed.pdf" 14) ;; (find-boycediprima11page) ;; (find-boycediprima11text "") ;; (find-boycediprima11page 12 "Brief Contents") ;; (find-boycediprima11text 12 "Brief Contents") ;; (find-boycediprima11page 13 "Contents") ;; (find-boycediprima11text 13 "Contents") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 1) "1 Introduction") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 1) "1.1 Some Basic Mathematical Models; Direction Fields") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 1) "1.1" "Direction Fields") ;; (find-boycediprima11text (+ 14 1) "1.1" "Direction Fields") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 8) "Problems") ;; (find-boycediprima11text (+ 14 8) "Problems") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 9) "1.2 Solutions of Some Differential Equations") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 16) "1.3 Classification of Differential Equations") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 24) "2 First-Order Differential Equations") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 24) "2.1 Linear Differential Equations; Method of Integrating Factors") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 31) "Problems") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 33) "2.2 Separable Differential Equations") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 33) "2.2 Separable Differential Equations") ;; (find-boycediprima11text (+ 14 33) "2.2 Separable Differential Equations") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 38) "Problems") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 39) "2.3 Modeling with First-Order Differential Equations") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 51) "2.4 Differences Between Linear and Nonlinear Differential Equations") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 58) "2.5 Autonomous Differential Equations and Population Dynamics") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 70) "2.6 Exact Differential Equations and Integrating Factors") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 75) "Problems") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 76) "2.7 Numerical Approximations: Euler's Method") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 83) "2.8 The Existence and Uniqueness Theorem") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 91) "2.9 First-Order Difference Equations") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 103) "3 Second-Order Linear Differential Equations") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 103) "3.1 Homogeneous Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients") ;; (find-boycediprima11text (+ 14 103) "with Constant Coefficients") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 110) "3.2 Solutions of Linear Homogeneous Equations; the Wronskian") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 110) "differential operator") ;; (find-boycediprima11text (+ 14 110) "differential operator") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 112) "Theorem 3.2.2 | (Principle of Superposition)") ;; (find-boycediprima11text (+ 14 112) "Theorem 3.2.2 | (Principle of Superposition)") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 120) "3.3 Complex Roots of the Characteristic Equation") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 123) "Figure 3.3.1") ;; (find-boycediprima11text (+ 14 123) "Figure 3.3.1") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 127) "3.4 Repeated Roots; Reduction of Order") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 133) "3.5 Nonhomogeneous Equations; Method of Undetermined Coefficients") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 135) "Example 1") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 135) "Example 2") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 136) "(Example 2.5)") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 142) "3.6 Variation of Parameters") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 147) "3.7 Mechanical and Electrical Vibrations") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 159) "3.8 Forced Periodic Vibrations") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 169) "4 Higher-Order Linear Differential Equations") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 169) "4.1 General Theory of nth Order Linear Differential Equations") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 174) "4.2 Homogeneous Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 181) "4.3 The Method of Undetermined Coefficients") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 185) "4.4 The Method of Variation of Parameters") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 189) "5 Series Solutions of Second-Order Linear Equations") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 189) "5.1 Review of Power Series") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 195) "5.2 Series Solutions Near an Ordinary Point, Part I") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 205) "5.3 Series Solutions Near an Ordinary Point, Part II") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 211) "5.4 Euler Equations; Regular Singular Points") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 219) "5.5 Series Solutions Near a Regular Singular Point, Part I") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 224) "5.6 Series Solutions Near a Regular Singular Point, Part II") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 230) "5.7 Bessel's Equation") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 241) "6 The Laplace Transform") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 241) "6.1 Definition of the Laplace Transform") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 248) "6.2 Solution of Initial Value Problems") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 257) "6.3 Step Functions") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 264) "6.4 Differential Equations with Discontinuous Forcing Functions") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 270) "6.5 Impulse Functions") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 275) "6.6 The Convolution Integral") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 281) "7 Systems of First-Order Linear Equations") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 281) "7.1 Introduction") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 286) "7.2 Matrices") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 295) "7.3 Systems of Linear Algebraic Equations; Linear Independence, Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 304) "7.4 Basic Theory of Systems of First-Order Linear Equations") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 309) "7.5 Homogeneous Linear Systems with Constant Coefficients") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 319) "7.6 Complex-Valued Eigenvalues") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 329) "7.7 Fundamental Matrices") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 337) "7.8 Repeated Eigenvalues") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 345) "7.9 Nonhomogeneous Linear Systems") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 354) "8 Numerical Methods") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 354) "8.1 The Euler or Tangent Line Method") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 363) "8.2 Improvements on the Euler Method") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 367) "8.3 The Runge-Kutta Method") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 371) "8.4 Multistep Methods") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 376) "8.5 Systems of First-Order Equations") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 378) "8.6 More on Errors; Stability") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 388) "9 Nonlinear Differential Equations and Stability") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 388) "9.1 The Phase Plane: Linear Systems") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 398) "9.2 Autonomous Systems and Stability") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 407) "9.3 Locally Linear Systems") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 417) "9.4 Competing Species") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 428) "9.5 Predator-Prey Equations") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 435) "9.6 Liapunov's Second Method") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 444) "9.7 Periodic Solutions and Limit Cycles") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 454) "9.8 Chaos and Strange Attractors: The Lorenz Equations") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 463) "10 Partial Differential Equations and Fourier Series") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 463) "10.1 Two-Point Boundary Value Problems") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 469) "10.2 Fourier Series") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 477) "10.3 The Fourier Convergence Theorem") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 480) "FIGURE 10.3.3 The partial sum" "for the square wave") ;; (find-boycediprima11text (+ 14 480) "FIGURE 10.3.3 The partial sum" "for the square wave") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 482) "10.4 Even and Odd Functions") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 485) "FIGURE 10.4.3 A partial sum" "for the sawtooth wave") ;; (find-boycediprima11text (+ 14 485) "FIGURE 10.4.3 A partial sum" "for the sawtooth wave") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 488) "10.5 Separation of Variables; Heat Conduction in a Rod") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 496) "10.6 Other Heat Conduction Problems") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 504) "10.7 The Wave Equation: Vibrations of an Elastic String") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 514) "10.8 Laplace's Equation") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 529) "11 Boundary Value Problems and Sturm-Liouville Theory") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 529) "11.1 The Occurrence of Two-Point Boundary Value Problems") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 535) "11.2 Sturm-Liouville Boundary Value Problems") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 545) "11.3 Nonhomogeneous Boundary Value Problems") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 556) "11.4 Singular Sturm-Liouville Problems") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 562) "11.5 Further Remarks on the Method of Separation of Variables: A Bessel Series Expansion") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 566) "11.6 Series of Orthogonal Functions: Mean Convergence") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 573) "ANSWERS TO PROBLEMS") ;; (find-boycediprima11page (+ 14 606) "INDEX") ;; ;; file:///home/edrx/books/__analysis/boyce_diprima__elementary_differential_equations_and_boundary_value_problems_11th_ed.pdf ;; 5,13-14,38-116 boyce-diprima__cap2.pdf ;; 5,13-14,117-182 boyce-diprima__cap3.pdf ;; 5,13-14,183-202 boyce-diprima__cap4.pdf ;; 5,13-14,203-254 boyce-diprima__cap5.pdf ;; BoyceDipEng2 -> tmp/boyce-diprima__cap2 ;; BoyceDipEng3 -> tmp/boyce-diprima__cap3 ;; BoyceDipEng4 -> tmp/boyce-diprima__cap4 ;; BoyceDipEng5 -> tmp/boyce-diprima__cap5 ;; «boyce-diprima-pt» (to ".boyce-diprima-pt") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "boyce-diprima-pt") (code-pdf-page "boycediprimapt" "~/books/__analysis/boyce_diprima__equacoes_diferenciais_elementares_e_problemas_de_contorno.pdf") (code-pdf-text "boycediprimapt" "~/books/__analysis/boyce_diprima__equacoes_diferenciais_elementares_e_problemas_de_contorno.pdf" 1) ;; (find-boycediprimaptpage) ;; (find-boycediprimaptpage 3 "Sumário") ;; (find-boycediprimaptpage (+ 4 23) "2. Equações diferenciais de primeira ordem") ;; (find-boycediprimaptpage (+ 4 23) "2.1. Equações lineares; método dos fatores integrantes") ;; (find-boycediprimaptpage (+ 4 29) "Problemas") ;; (find-boycediprimaptpage (+ 4 31) "2.2. Equações separáveis") ;; (find-boycediprimaptpage (+ 4 72) "2.6. Equações Exatas e Fatores Integrantes") ;; (find-boycediprimaptpage (+ 4 76) "Problemas") ;; (find-boycediprimaptpage (+ 4 105) "3. Equações lineares de segunda ordem") ;; (find-boycediprimaptpage (+ 4 105) "3.1. Equações homogêneas com coeficientes constantes") ;; (find-boycediprimaptpage (+ 4 111) "operador diferencial") ;; (find-boycediprimaptpage (+ 4 113) "princípio da superposição") ;; (find-boycediprimaptpage (+ 4 121) "3.3. Raízes complexas da equação característica") ;; (find-boycediprimaptpage (+ 4 123) "Figura 3.3.1") ;; (find-boycediprimaptpage (+ 4 134) "3.5. Equações não-homogêneas; método dos coeficientes indeterminados") ;; (find-boycediprimaptpage (+ 4 136) "Exemplo 1") ;; (find-boycediprimaptpage (+ 4 143) "3.6. Variação dos Parâmetros") ;; (find-boycediprimaptpage (+ 3 171) "4. Equações lineares de ordem mais alta") ;; (find-boycediprimaptpage (+ 3 176) "4.2. Equações homogêneas com coeficientes constantes") ;; (find-boycediprimaptpage (+ 3 183) "4.3. O método dos coeficientes indeterminados") ;; (find-boycediprimaptpage (+ 2 191) "5. Soluções em série para equações lineares de segunda ordem") ;; (find-boycediprimaptpage (+ 2 191) "5.1. Revisão de Séries de Potências") ;; (find-boycediprimaptpage (+ 1 239) "6. A Transformada de Laplace") ;; (find-boycediprimapttext "") ;; ;; file:///home/edrx/books/__analysis/boyce_diprima__equacoes_diferenciais_elementares_e_problemas_de_contorno.pdf ;; 1-4,27-108 boyce-diprima_pt__cap2.pdf ;; 1,3-4,109-173 boyce-diprima_pt__cap3.pdf ;; 1,3-4,174-192 boyce-diprima_pt__cap4.pdf ;; 1,3-4,193-239 boyce-diprima_pt__cap5.pdf ;; BoyceDip2 ;; BoyceDip3 ;; BoyceDip4 -> tmp/boyce-diprima_pt__cap4 ;; BoyceDip5 -> tmp/boyce-diprima_pt__cap5 ;; «bressoud» (to ".bressoud") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "bressoud") ;; http://patthompson.net/ThompsonCalc/ (code-pdf-page "bressoud" "~/books/__analysis/bressoud__calculus_reordered.pdf") (code-pdf-text "bressoud" "~/books/__analysis/bressoud__calculus_reordered.pdf" 19) ;; (find-bressoudpage) ;; (find-bressoudpage 8 "Contents") ;; (find-bressoudtext "") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 1) "CHAPTER 1. ACCUMULATION") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 1) "1.1. Archimedes and the Volume of the Sphere") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 7) "1.2. The Area of the Circle and the Archimedean Principle") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 11) "1.3. Islamic Contributions") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 17) "1.4. The Binomial Theorem") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 19) "1.5. Western Europe") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 21) "1.6. Cavalieri and the Integral Formula") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 25) "1.7. Fermat's Integral and Torricelli's Impossible Solid") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 29) "1.8. Velocity and Distance") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 32) "1.9. Isaac Beeckman") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 35) "1.10. Galileo Galilei and the Problem of Celestial Motion") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 38) "1.11. Solving the Problem of Celestial Motion") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 42) "1.12. Kepler's Second Law") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 44) "1.13. Newton's Principia") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 49) "CHAPTER 2. RATIOS OF CHANGE") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 50) "2.1. Interpolation") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 57) "2.2. Napier and the Natural Logarithm") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 64) "2.3. The Emergence of Algebra") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 70) "2.4. Cartesian Geometry") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 75) "2.5. Pierre de Fermat") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 81) "2.6. Wallis's Arithmetic of Infinitesimals") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 87) "2.7. Newton and the Fundamental Theorem") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 90) "2.8. Leibniz and the Bernoullis") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 93) "2.9. Functions and Differential Equations") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 99) "2.10. The Vibrating String") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 103) "2.11. The Power of Potentials") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 104) "2.12. The Mathematics of Electricity and Magnetism") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 108) "CHAPTER 3. SEQUENCES OF PARTIAL SUMS") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 110) "3.1. Series in the Seventeenth Century") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 114) "3.2. Taylor Series") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 120) "3.3. Euler's Influence") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 125) "3.4. D'Alembert and the Problem of Convergence") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 128) "3.5. Lagrange Remainder Theorem") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 134) "3.6. Fourier's Series") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 141) "CHAPTER 4. THE ALGEBRA OF INEQUALITIES") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 142) "4.1. Limits and Inequalities") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 144) "4.2. Cauchy and the Language of and") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 149) "4.3. Completeness") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 151) "4.4. Continuity") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 154) "4.5. Uniform Convergence") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 157) "4.6. Integration") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 163) "CHAPTER 5. ANALYSIS") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 163) "5.1. The Riemann Integral") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 166) "5.2. Counterexamples ... of Integral Calculus") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 173) "5.3. Weierstrass and Elliptic Functions") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 178) "5.4. Subsets of the Real Numbers") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 183) "5.5. Twentieth-Century Postscript") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 186) "TEACHING OF CALCULUS") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 186) "Teaching Integration as Accumulation") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 189) "Teaching Differentiation as Ratios of Change") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 191) "Teaching Series as Sequences of Partial Sums") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 193) "Teaching Limits as the Algebra of Inequalities") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 196) "THE LAST WORD") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 199) "Notes") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 209) "Bibliography") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 215) "Index") ;; (find-bressoudpage (+ 19 223) "Image Credits") ;; «burachik» (to ".burachik") (code-xpdf "burachik" "~/books/__analysis/burachik_iusem__set-valued_mappings_and_enlargements_of_monotone_operators.pdf") (code-pdftotext "burachik" "~/books/__analysis/burachik_iusem__set-valued_mappings_and_enlargements_of_monotone_operators.pdf") ;; (find-burachikpage 8 "Contents") ;; (find-burachikpage (+ 12 289) "Index") ;; (find-burachiktext "") (code-xpdf "burachik" "~/books/__analysis/burachik_iusem__set-valued_mappings_and_enlargements_of_monotone_operators__no_cover.pdf") (code-pdftotext "burachik" "~/books/__analysis/burachik_iusem__set-valued_mappings_and_enlargements_of_monotone_operators__no_cover.pdf") ;; (find-burachikpage 7 "Contents") ;; (find-burachikpage (+ 12 289) "Index") ;; (find-burachiktext "") ;; «cabral» (to ".cabral") ;; Marco Cabral: "Curso de calculo de uma variavel" ;; http://www.im.ufrj.br/images/EBOOK_MarcoAurelio_calculoI.pdf ;; https://www.gitlab.com/mapcabral/livro-calculo-uma-variavel (code-pdf-page "cabralc1v" "$S/http/www.im.ufrj.br/images/EBOOK_MarcoAurelio_calculoI.pdf") (code-pdf-text8 "cabralc1v" "$S/http/www.im.ufrj.br/images/EBOOK_MarcoAurelio_calculoI.pdf" 17) ;; (find-cabralc1vpage) ;; (find-cabralc1vtext) ;; (find-cabralc1vpage (+ 17 75) "3.4 Derivada da Composta") ;; (find-cabralc1vtext (+ 17 75) "3.4 Derivada da Composta") ;; «cabral-goldfeld» (to ".cabral-goldfeld") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "cabral-goldfeld") ;; https://drive.google.com/file/d/17KkuSgXjeN-tSDMFYWaODF2m093k49ay/view ;; https://sites.google.com/matematica.ufrj.br/mapcabral/livros-e-videos/livro-curso-de-%C3%A1lgebra-linear (code-pdf-page "cabralgoldfeld" "~/books/__analysis/cabral_goldfeld__curso_de_algebra_linear_3a_ed.pdf") (code-pdf-text "cabralgoldfeld" "~/books/__analysis/cabral_goldfeld__curso_de_algebra_linear_3a_ed.pdf" 1) ;; (find-cabralgoldfeldpage) ;; (find-cabralgoldfeldpage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-cabralgoldfeldpage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-cabralgoldfeldtext "") ;; «cajori» (to ".cajori") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "cajori") (code-pdf-page "cajori1" "~/books/__analysis/cajori__a_history_of_mathematical_notations_2vols.pdf") (code-pdf-text "cajori1" "~/books/__analysis/cajori__a_history_of_mathematical_notations_2vols.pdf" 16) (code-pdf-page "cajori2" "~/books/__analysis/cajori__a_history_of_mathematical_notations_2vols.pdf") (code-pdf-text "cajori2" "~/books/__analysis/cajori__a_history_of_mathematical_notations_2vols.pdf" 480) ;; (find-cajori1page) ;; (find-cajori1page 7 "Contents") ;; (find-cajori1page (+ 16 1) "Notations in elementary mathematics") ;; (find-cajori1page (+ 16 433) "Alphabetical index") ;; ;; (find-cajori2page 471 "TABLE OF CONTENTS") ;; (find-cajori2text 471 "TABLE OF CONTENTS") ;; (find-cajori2page (+ 480 1) "I" "388.") ;; (find-cajori2page (+ 480 196) "DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL CALCULUS") ;; (find-cajori2text (+ 480 196) "DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL CALCULUS") ;; (find-cajori2page (+ 480 196) "566.") ;; (find-cajori2page (+ 480 211) "b) CRITICISMS OF EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY NOTATIONS") ;; (find-cajori2text (+ 480 211) "b) CRITICISMS OF EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY NOTATIONS") ;; (find-cajori2page (+ 480 211) "579.") ;; (find-cajori2page (+ 503 351) "Alphabetical Index") ;; (find-cajori1text "") ;; «cederj» (to ".cederj") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "cederj") (code-pdf-page "cederjc1v0" "~/books/__analysis/cederj__calculo_1_vol_0.pdf") (code-pdf-text8 "cederjc1v0" "~/books/__analysis/cederj__calculo_1_vol_0.pdf" 2) ;; (find-cederjc1v0page) ;; (find-cederjc1v0text "") ;; (find-cederjc1v0page 7 "SUMÁRIO") ;; (find-cederjc1v0text 7 "SUMÁRIO") ;; (find-cederjc1v0page (+ 2 7) "1. Cálculo I - um curso para quem quer viver no limite!") ;; (find-cederjc1v0page (+ 2 21) "2. Limites de funções - algumas propriedades") ;; (find-cederjc1v0page (+ 2 35) "3. Limites laterais e mais algumas propriedades dos limites de funções") ;; (find-cederjc1v0page (+ 2 49) "4. O limite trigonométrico fundamental") ;; (find-cederjc1v0page (+ 2 65) "5. Limites envolvendo infinito - primeira parte") ;; (find-cederjc1v0page (+ 2 81) "6. Limites envolvendo infinito - segunda parte") ;; (find-cederjc1v0page (+ 2 97) "7. Continuidade das funções reais") ;; (find-cederjc1v0page (+ 2 113) "8. O Teorema do Valor Intermediário") ;; ;; CederjC1V0 ;; «cederj-c1v1» (to ".cederj-c1v1") (code-pdf-page "cederjc1v1" "~/books/__analysis/cederj__calculo_1_vol_1_reduzido.pdf") (code-pdf-text8 "cederjc1v1" "~/books/__analysis/cederj__calculo_1_vol_1_reduzido.pdf" 1) ;; (find-cederjc1v1page) ;; (find-cederjc1v1text "") ;; (find-cederjc1v1page 7 "SUMÁRIO") ;; (find-cederjc1v1text 7 "SUMÁRIO") ;; (find-cederjc1v1page (+ 2 7) "1. Limite, Continuidade e Derivação") ;; (find-cederjc1v1page (+ 2 9) "1. O limite de uma seqüência") ;; (find-cederjc1v1page (+ 2 17) "2. Operações com limites de seqüências. A noção de limite") ;; (find-cederjc1v1page (+ 2 29) "3. Propriedades de limites. Limites laterais") ;; (find-cederjc1v1page (+ 2 39) "4. Um limite fundamental") ;; (find-cederjc1v1page (+ 2 47) "5. Limites infinitos. Assíntotas verticais") ;; (find-cederjc1v1page (+ 2 57) "6. Funções contínuas. Propriedades") ;; (find-cederjc1v1page (+ 2 67) "7. Os teoremas de Weierstrass e do valor intermediário") ;; (find-cederjc1v1page (+ 2 75) "8. Limites no infinito. Assíntotas horizontais") ;; (find-cederjc1v1page (+ 2 85) "9. Funções deriváveis") ;; (find-cederjc1v1page (+ 2 95) "10. Propriedades de funções deriváveis") ;; (find-cederjc1v1page (+ 2 105) "11. Exercícios resolvidos") ;; (find-cederjc1v1page (+ 2 113) "12. A regra da cadeia") ;; (find-cederjc1v1page (+ 1 117) "Exemplo 12.6") ;; (find-cederjc1v1text (+ 1 117) "Exemplo 12.6") ;; (find-cederjc1v1page (+ 2 123) "13. Derivação implícita") ;; (find-cederjc1v1page (+ 2 131) "14. Velocidade e aceleração. Taxa de variação") ;; (find-cederjc1v1page (+ 2 139) "15. Exercícios resolvidos") ;; ;; CederjC1V1 (code-pdf-page "cederjc1v2" "~/books/__analysis/cederj__calculo_1_vol_2.pdf") (code-pdf-text8 "cederjc1v2" "~/books/__analysis/cederj__calculo_1_vol_2.pdf" 1) ;; (find-cederjc1v2page) ;; (find-cederjc1v2text "") ;; (find-cederjc1v2page 7 "SUMÁRIO") ;; (find-cederjc1v2text 7 "SUMÁRIO") ;; (find-cederjc1v2page (+ 2 7) "Derivação e Aplicações") ;; (find-cederjc1v2page (+ 2 9) "16. O Teorema do valor médio") ;; (find-cederjc1v2page (+ 2 17) "17. Funções crescentes e decrescentes") ;; (find-cederjc1v2page (+ 2 27) "18. Concavidade do gráfico de funções") ;; (find-cederjc1v2page (+ 2 39) "19. Pontos de inflexão. Derivadas de ordem superior") ;; (find-cederjc1v2page (+ 2 47) "20. Exercícios resolvidos") ;; (find-cederjc1v2page (+ 2 55) "21. Máximos e mínimos relativos") ;; (find-cederjc1v2page (+ 2 65) "22. O teste da derivada segunda para extremos relativos") ;; (find-cederjc1v2page (+ 2 71) "23. Exercícios resolvidos") ;; (find-cederjc1v2page (+ 2 79) "24. Extremos absolutos") ;; (find-cederjc1v2page (+ 2 89) "25. Exercícios resolvidos") ;; (find-cederjc1v2page (+ 2 95) "26. A regra de L'Hôpital") ;; (find-cederjc1v2page (+ 2 107) "27. O Teorema da função inversa") ;; (find-cederjc1v2page (+ 2 115) "28. Funções trigonométricas inversas") ;; (find-cederjc1v2page (+ 2 123) "29. Funções trigonométricas inversas. Continuação") ;; ;; CederjC2V0 (code-pdf-page "cederjc2v1" "~/books/__analysis/cederj__calculo_2_vol_1.pdf") (code-pdf-text8 "cederjc2v1" "~/books/__analysis/cederj__calculo_2_vol_1.pdf") ;; (find-cederjc2v1page) ;; (find-cederjc2v1text) ;; (find-cederjc2v1page (+ 2 7) "Módulo 1: A integral definida") ;; (find-cederjc2v1page (+ 2 9) "1. A integral definida. Motivação") ;; (find-cederjc2v1page (+ 2 17) "2. A integral definida") ;; (find-cederjc2v1page (+ 2 27) "3. O Teorema Fundamental do Cálculo") ;; (find-cederjc2v1page (+ 2 33) "4. O Teorema Fundamental do Cálculo. Continuação") ;; (find-cederjc2v1page (+ 2 43) "5. Cálculo de áreas. O teorema do valor médio para integrais") ;; (find-cederjc2v1page (+ 2 55) "6. Exercícios resolvidos") ;; (find-cederjc2v1page (+ 2 61) "7. A função logarítmica") ;; (find-cederjc2v1page (+ 2 71) "8. A função logarítmica. Continuação") ;; (find-cederjc2v1page (+ 2 79) "9. A função exponencial") ;; (find-cederjc2v1page (+ 2 87) "10. A função exponencial. Continuação") ;; (find-cederjc2v1page (+ 2 93) "11. Exercícios resolvidos") ;; (find-cederjc2v1page (+ 2 101) "12. Outras indeterminações da regra de L'Hôpital") ;; (find-cederjc2v1page (+ 2 107) "13. Gráficos de funções.") ;; (find-cederjc2v1page (+ 2 115) "14. Exercícios resolvidos") ;; (find-cederjc2v1page (+ 2 123) "15. Exercícios resolvidos") ;; ;; CederjC2V1 (code-pdf-page "cederjc2v2" "~/books/__analysis/cederj__calculo_2_vol_2.pdf") (code-pdf-text8 "cederjc2v2" "~/books/__analysis/cederj__calculo_2_vol_2.pdf") ;; (find-cederjc2v2page) ;; (find-cederjc2v2text) ;; (find-cederjc2v2page (+ 2 9) "16. Apresentação da disciplina Cálculo II") ;; (find-cederjc2v2page (+ 2 17) "17. Técnicas de integração - substituição simples") ;; (find-cederjc2v2page (+ 2 25) "18. Técnicas de integração - substituição simples - continuação") ;; (find-cederjc2v2page (+ 2 29) "ou escrevemos todo o integrando com a variável t") ;; (find-cederjc2v2page (+ 2 33) "19. Técnicas de integração - integração por partes") ;; (find-cederjc2v2page (+ 2 43) "20. Técnicas de integração - integração de potências e produtos de funções trigonométricas") ;; (find-cederjc2v2page (+ 2 53) "21. Técnicas de integração - integração de potências e produtos de funções trigonométricas") ;; (find-cederjc2v2page (+ 2 63) "22. Técnicas de integração - substituição trigonométrica") ;; (find-cederjc2v2page (+ 2 66) "Os três casos típicos") ;; (find-cederjc2v2page (+ 2 75) "23. Técnicas de integração - frações parciais - primeira parte") ;; (find-cederjc2v2page (+ 2 91) "24. Técnicas de integração - frações parciais - segunda parte") ;; (find-cederjc2v2page (+ 2 101) "25. Técnicas de integração - aulas de exercícios") ;; (find-cederjc2v2page (+ 2 109) "26. Integrais impróprias - primeira parte") ;; (find-cederjc2v2page (+ 2 121) "27. Integrais impróprias - segunda parte - critérios de convergência") ;; (find-cederjc2v2page (+ 2 131) "28. Aplicação de integrais - volumes") ;; (find-cederjc2v2page (+ 2 143) "29. Aplicação de integrais - áreas e comprimentos") ;; (find-cederjc2v2page (+ 2 153) "30. Técnicas de integração - miscelânea") ;; (find-cederjc2v2page (+ 2 163) "31. Funções vetoriais de uma variável real") ;; (find-cederjc2v2page (+ 2 175) "32. Curvas em coordenadas polares") ;; (find-cederjc2v2page (+ 2 185) "33. Limite e continuidade") ;; (find-cederjc2v2page (+ 2 199) "34. Derivadas de funções vetoriais") ;; (find-cederjc2v2page (+ 2 211) "35. Funções vetoriais - integrais") ;; ;; CederjC2V2 ;; «chandrasekhar» (to ".chandrasekhar") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "chandrasekhar") (code-pdf-page "chandrasekhar" "~/books/__analysis/chandrasekhar__newton_s_principia_for_the_common_reader.pdf") (code-pdf-text "chandrasekhar" "~/books/__analysis/chandrasekhar__newton_s_principia_for_the_common_reader.pdf" 25) ;; (find-chandrasekharpage) ;; (find-chandrasekharpage 8 "Contents") ;; (find-chandrasekharpage (+ 25 1) "1") ;; (find-chandrasekharpage (+ 25 595) "Epilogue") ;; (find-chandrasekhartext "") ;; «colosimo» (to ".colosimo") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "colosimo") (code-pdf-page "enricoc" "$S/https/www.est.ufmg.br/~enricoc/pdf/medicina/aula9_10.pdf") (code-pdf-text "enricoc" "$S/https/www.est.ufmg.br/~enricoc/pdf/medicina/aula9_10.pdf") ;; (find-enricocpage) ;; (find-enricoctext) ;; «courant» (to ".courant") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "courant") (code-pdf-page "courant1" "~/books/__analysis/courant__differential_and_integral_calculus_vol_1_2nd_ed.pdf") (code-pdf-text "courant1" "~/books/__analysis/courant__differential_and_integral_calculus_vol_1_2nd_ed.pdf" 16) ;; (find-courant1page) ;; (find-courant1page 11 "Contents") ;; (find-courant1text 11 "Contents") ;; (find-courant1page (+ 16 1) "Intro") ;; (find-courant1page (+ 16 611) "Index") ;; (find-courant1text "") (code-xpdf "courantjohn1" "~/books/__analysis/courant_john__introduction_to_calculus_vol1.pdf") ;; (find-courantjohn1page 9 "Contents") ;; (find-courantjohn1page (+ 24 21) "definition of functions by mapping") ;; (find-courantjohn1page (+ 24 44) "Inverse functions") ;; (find-courantjohn1page (+ 24 52) "Inverse functions") ;; (find-courantjohn1page (+ 24 178) "Definition of Differentials") ;; (find-courantjohn1page (+ 21 653) "Index") ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/80868/differential-and-integral-calculus---vol-1--1937- ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/82010/differential--amp--integral-calculus-volume-2 (code-djvu "courantmcshane1" "~/books/__analysis/courant__differential_and_integral_calculus_vol_1.djvu") (code-xpdf "courantmcshane2" "~/books/__analysis/courant__differential_and_integral_calculus_vol_2.pdf") ;; (find-courantmcshane1page 7 "Contents") ;; (find-courantmcshane1page (+ 12 107) "differential") ;; (find-courantmcshane1page (+ 12 501) "Differential equations") ;; (find-courantmcshane1page (+ 12 611) "Index") ;; (find-courantmcshane2page 5 "Contents") ;; (find-courantmcshane2page (+ 8 412) "Differential equations") ;; (find-courantmcshane2page (+ 8 429) "The general linear differential equation of the first order") ;; (find-courantmcshane2page (+ 6 679) "Index") ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/15324/volume-1--methods-of-mathematical-physics ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/15325/volume-2--methods-of-mathematical-physics (code-djvu "couranthilbert1" "~/books/__analysis/courant_hilbert__methods_of_mathematical_physics_vol_1.djvu") (code-djvu "couranthilbert2" "~/books/__analysis/courant_hilbert__methods_of_mathematical_physics_vol_2_partial_differential_equations.djvu") ;; (find-couranthilbert1page 4 "Contents") ;; (find-couranthilbert1page (+ 20 551) "Index") ;; (find-couranthilbert2page 5 "Contents") ;; (find-couranthilbert2page (+ 27 1) "Chapter I. Introductory Remarks") ;; (find-couranthilbert2page (+ 27 819) "Index") ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/35730/what-is-mathematics---an-elementary-approach-to-ideas-and-methods (code-djvu "courantwhat" "~/books/__analysis/courant_robbins_stewart__what_is_mathematics.djvu") (code-djvutotext "courantwhat" "~/books/__analysis/courant_robbins_stewart__what_is_mathematics.djvu") ;; (find-courantwhatpage 7 "Contents") ;; (find-courantwhatpage (+ 25 559) "Index") ;; (find-courantwhattext "") ;; «delgado-frensel» (to ".delgado-frensel") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "delgado-frensel") (code-pdf-page "delgadoGA1" "~/books/__analysis/delgado_frensel_nedir__GA_I.pdf") (code-pdf-text8 "delgadoGA1" "~/books/__analysis/delgado_frensel_nedir__GA_I.pdf" 1) (code-pdf-page "delgadoGA2" "~/books/__analysis/delgado_frensel_nedir__GA_II.pdf") (code-pdf-text8 "delgadoGA2" "~/books/__analysis/delgado_frensel_nedir__GA_II.pdf" 2) ;; (find-delgadoGA1page) ;; (find-delgadoGA1text "") ;; (find-delgadoGA1page 6 "SUMÁRIO") ;; (find-delgadoGA1text 6 "SUMÁRIO") ;; (find-delgadoGA1page (+ 1 7) "Módulo 1 – Geometria Analítica Plana") ;; (find-delgadoGA1page (+ 1 9) "Aula 1 – Vetores no Plano – Segmentos Orientados") ;; (find-delgadoGA1page (+ 1 19) "Aula 2 – Vetores no Plano – Operações") ;; (find-delgadoGA1page (+ 1 33) "Aula 3 – A Reta e a Dependência Linear") ;; (find-delgadoGA1page (+ 1 33) "equação vetorial paramétrica da reta") ;; (find-delgadoGA1text (+ 1 33) "equação vetorial paramétrica da reta") ;; (find-delgadoGA1page (+ 1 39) "Posição relativa de duas retas no plano") ;; (find-delgadoGA1text (+ 1 39) "Posição relativa de duas retas no plano") ;; (find-delgadoGA1page (+ 1 40) "Determinantes") ;; (find-delgadoGA1text (+ 1 40) "Determinantes") ;; (find-delgadoGA1page (+ 1 49) "Aula 4 – Produto Interno") ;; (find-delgadoGA1page (+ 1 69) "Aula 5 – Produto interno – Aplicações") ;; (find-delgadoGA1page (+ 1 79) "Aula 6 – Produto interno – Aplicações (continuação)") ;; (find-delgadoGA1page (+ 1 97) "Aula 7 – Simetrias e simetrias das cônicas") ;; (find-delgadoGA1page (+ 1 111) "Aula 8 – Cônicas – Translação de sistemas de coordenadas") ;; (find-delgadoGA1page (+ 1 123) "Aula 9 – Cônicas – Rotação de sistemas de coordenadas") ;; (find-delgadoGA1page (+ 1 143) "Aula 10 – Regiões e inequações no plano") ;; (find-delgadoGA1page (+ 1 161) "Aula 11 – Coordenadas polares") ;; (find-delgadoGA1page (+ 1 181) "Aula 12 – Equações paramétricas das cônicas") ;; (find-delgadoGA1page (+ 1 191) "Aula 13 – Apêndice: Parametrizações de curvas planas") ;; (find-delgadoGA1page (+ 1 207) "Aula 14 – Círculo") ;; (find-delgadoGA1page (+ 1 217) "Aula 15 – Parábola") ;; (find-delgadoGA1page (+ 1 225) "Aula 16 – Parábola – continuação") ;; (find-delgadoGA1page (+ 1 233) "Aula 17 – Parábola – aplicações") ;; (find-delgadoGA1page (+ 1 243) "Aula 18 – Elipse") ;; (find-delgadoGA1page (+ 1 253) "Aula 19 – Elipse – continuação") ;; (find-delgadoGA1page (+ 1 263) "Aula 20 – Hipérbole") ;; (find-delgadoGA1page (+ 1 273) "Aula 21 – Hipérbole – continuação") ;; (find-delgadoGA2page) ;; (find-delgadoGA2text "") ;; (find-delgadoGA2page 7 "SUMÁRIO") ;; (find-delgadoGA2text 7 "SUMÁRIO") ;; (find-delgadoGA2page (+ 2 7) "Módulo 1: Vetores e coordenadas espaciais") ;; (find-delgadoGA2page (+ 2 9) "Aula 1 - Coordenadas no espaço") ;; (find-delgadoGA2page (+ 2 19) "Aula 2 - A distância no espaço") ;; (find-delgadoGA2page (+ 2 31) "Aula 3 - Vetores no espaço") ;; (find-delgadoGA2page (+ 2 43) "Aula 4 - Colinearidade, coplanaridade e dependência linear") ;; (find-delgadoGA2page (+ 2 53) "Aula 5 - Equações paramétricas de retas e planos") ;; (find-delgadoGA2page (+ 2 65) "Aula 6 - Produto interno") ;; (find-delgadoGA2page (+ 2 81) "Aula 7 - Equação cartesiana do plano") ;; (find-delgadoGA2page (+ 2 95) "Aula 8 - Orientação, produto vetorial e área") ;; (find-delgadoGA2page (+ 2 105) "Módulo 2: Geometria Analítica Espacial") ;; (find-delgadoGA2page (+ 2 107) "Aula 9 - Produto vetorial, produto misto e volume de paralelepípedo") ;; (find-delgadoGA2page (+ 2 121) "Aula 10 - Produto vetorial e misto – aplicações") ;; (find-delgadoGA2page (+ 2 131) "Aula 11 - Produto interno, vetorial e misto – Aplicações I") ;; (find-delgadoGA2page (+ 2 145) "Aula 12 - Produto interno, vetorial e misto – Aplicações II") ;; (find-delgadoGA2page (+ 2 157) "Aula 13 - Produto interno, vetorial e misto – Aplicações III") ;; (find-delgadoGA2page (+ 2 167) "Aula 14 - Produto interno, vetorial e misto – Aplicações IV") ;; (find-delgadoGA2page (+ 2 179) "Aula 15 - Superfícies regradas e de revolução") ;; (find-delgadoGA2page (+ 2 193) "Aula 16 - Superfícies quádricas – elipsóides") ;; (find-delgadoGA2page (+ 2 209) "Aula 17 - Superfícies quádricas – cones quádricos") ;; (find-delgadoGA2page (+ 2 223) "Aula 18 - Superfícies quádricas – hiperbolóides") ;; (find-delgadoGA2page (+ 2 239) "Aula 19 - Superfícies quádricas – parabolóides") ;; (find-delgadoGA2page (+ 2 259) "Aula 20 - Cilindros quádricos e identificação de quádricas") ;; (find-delgadoGA2page (+ 2 9) "Aula 1" "Coordenadas no espaco") ;; (find-delgadoGA2text (+ 2 9) "Aula 1" "Coordenadas no espaco") ;; (find-delgadoGA2page (+ 2 19) "Aula 2" "A distancia no espaco") ;; (find-delgadoGA2text (+ 2 19) "Aula 2" "A distancia no espaco") ;; (find-delgadoGA1page 6 "Contents") ;; (find-delgadoGA1page (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-delgadoGA2page 7 "Contents") ;; (find-delgadoGA2page (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; 4) Quais são os livros que você está usando e que você está recomendando? ;; basicamente é usei o livro de: ;; J. Delgado; K. R. Frensel; Nedir. Geometria Analítica I , CECIERJ. ;; https://canal.cecierj.edu.br/recurso/4690 (Geometria plana) ;; juntamente com a apostila, ;; https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13ixoX5VPk6c6zwooY9QnOvwnJWnT91ql?usp=sharing ;; a continuação, (Geometria no espaço) seria ;; J. Delgado; K. R. Frensel; Nedir. Geometria Analítica II, CECIERJ. ;; https://canal.cecierj.edu.br/recurso/4549 ;; «diomara» (to ".diomara") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "diomara") (code-pdf-page "diomara" "~/books/__analysis/diomara__calculo_diferencial_e_integral_de_funcoes_de_varias_variaveis.pdf") (code-pdf-text "diomara" "~/books/__analysis/diomara__calculo_diferencial_e_integral_de_funcoes_de_varias_variaveis.pdf" 12) ;; (find-pdftoolsr-page "~/books/__analysis/diomara__calculo_diferencial_e_integral_de_funcoes_de_varias_variaveis.pdf" 9) ;; (find-diomarapage) ;; (find-diomarapage 9 "Sumário") ;; (find-diomarapage (+ 12 1) "1. Funções com valores vetoriais") ;; (find-diomarapage (+ 11 47) "2. Algumas superfícies especiais") ;; (find-diomarapage (+ 11 69) "3. Cálculo diferencial de funções de várias variáveis") ;; (find-diomarapage (+ 12 128) "4. Máximos e mínimos") ;; (find-diomarapage (+ 12 154) "5. Integrais múltiplas") ;; (find-diomarapage (+ 12 207) "6. Integrais de linha") ;; (find-diomarapage (+ 12 224) "6.4. Teorema de Green") ;; (find-diomarapage (+ 12 247) "7. Integrais de superfície") ;; (find-diomarapage (+ 12 280) "7.9. Teorema de Stokes") ;; (find-diomarapage (+ 12 296) "7.11. Teorema de Gauss") ;; (find-diomarapage (+ 12 309) "Apêndice: Funções definidas implicitamente ") ;; (find-diomarapage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-diomaratext "") ;; «docarmo» (to ".docarmo") (code-djvu "docarmo" "~/books/__analysis/do_carmo__riemannian_geometry.djvu") (code-djvutotext "docarmo" "~/books/__analysis/do_carmo__riemannian_geometry.djvu") ;; (find-docarmopage 5 "Contents") ;; (find-docarmopage (+ 15 297) "Index") ;; (find-docarmotext "") ;; «dunham» (to ".dunham") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "dunham") ;; the calculus gallery masterpieces from newton to lebesgue (code-pdf-page "calcgallery" "~/books/__analysis/dunham__the_calculus_gallery.pdf") (code-pdf-text "calcgallery" "~/books/__analysis/dunham__the_calculus_gallery.pdf" 21) ;; (find-calcgallerypage) ;; (find-calcgallerypage 8 "Contents") ;; (find-calcgallerypage (+ 21 1) "Index") ;; (find-calcgallerypage (+ 21 189) "Index") ;; (find-calcgallerytext "") ;; (find-calcgallerypage (+ 21 5) "1. Newton") ;; (find-calcgallerypage (+ 21 20) "2. Leibniz") ;; (find-calcgallerypage (+ 21 35) "3. The Bernoullis") ;; (find-calcgallerypage (+ 21 52) "4. Euler") ;; (find-calcgallerypage (+ 21 69) "5. First Interlude") ;; (find-calcgallerypage (+ 21 76) "6. Cauchy") ;; (find-calcgallerypage (+ 21 96) "7. Riemann") ;; (find-calcgallerypage (+ 21 116) "8. Liouville") ;; (find-calcgallerypage (+ 21 128) "9. Weierstrass") ;; (find-calcgallerypage (+ 21 149) "10.Second Interlude") ;; (find-calcgallerypage (+ 21 158) "11. Cantor") ;; (find-calcgallerypage (+ 21 170) "12. Volterra") ;; (find-calcgallerypage (+ 21 183) "13. Baire") ;; (find-calcgallerypage (+ 21 200) "14. Lebesgue") ;; (find-calcgallerypage (+ 21 220) "Afterword") ;; (find-calcgallerypage (+ 21 223) "Notes") ;; (find-calcgallerypage (+ 21 233) "Index") ;; «ellermeijer-heck» (to ".ellermeijer-heck") ;; Ellermeijer/Heck: "Differences between the use of mathematical ;; entities in mathematics and physics and the consequences for an ;; integrated learning environment." ;; https://staff.fnwi.uva.nl/a.j.p.heck/research/art/girep2001.pdf (code-pdf-page "ellermeijerheck" "$S/https/staff.fnwi.uva.nl/a.j.p.heck/research/art/girep2001.pdf") (code-pdf-text8 "ellermeijerheck" "$S/https/staff.fnwi.uva.nl/a.j.p.heck/research/art/girep2001.pdf") ;; (find-ellermeijerheckpage) ;; (find-ellermeijerhecktext) ;; (find-ellermeijerheckpage 6 "The meaning of variable is variable in mathematics") ;; (find-ellermeijerhecktext 6 "The meaning of variable is variable in mathematics") ;; EllermeijerHeckP6 ;; PanicT16 ;; «euclid» (to ".euclid") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "euclid") ;; (find-es "metapost" "euclid-byrne") ;; http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/java/elements/bookI/bookI.html (code-djvu "euclidheath1" "~/books/__analysis/euclid_heath__the_thirteen_books_of_the_elements_books_1-2.djvu") (code-djvutotext "euclidheath1" "~/books/__analysis/euclid_heath__the_thirteen_books_of_the_elements_books_1-2.djvu") ;; (find-euclidheath1page 8 "Contents") ;; (find-euclidheath1page (+ 10 152) "Definitions") ;; (find-euclidheath1page (+ 10 240) "Propositions") ;; (find-euclidheath1page (+ 9 241) "Proposition 1") ;; (find-euclidheath1page (+ 9 244) "Proposition 2") ;; (find-euclidheath1page (+ 9 246) "Proposition 3") ;; (find-euclidheath1page (+ 9 247) "Proposition 4") ;; (find-euclidheath1page (+ 9 251) "Proposition 5") ;; (find-euclidheath1page (+ 9 255) "Proposition 6") ;; (find-euclidheath1page (+ 9 258) "Proposition 7") ;; (find-euclidheath1page (+ 9 261) "Proposition 8") ;; (find-euclidheath1page (+ 9 264) "Proposition 9") ;; (find-euclidheath1page (+ 9 267) "Proposition 10") ;; (find-euclidheath1page (+ 9 269) "Proposition 11") ;; (find-euclidheath1page (+ 9 270) "Proposition 12") ;; (find-euclidheath1page (+ 9 275) "Proposition 13") ;; (find-euclidheath1page (+ 9 276) "Proposition 14") ;; (find-euclidheath1page (+ 9 277) "Proposition 15") ;; (find-euclidheath1page (+ 9 279) "Proposition 16") ;; (find-euclidheath1page (+ 9 289) "Proposition 21") ;; (find-euclidheath1page (+ 9 311) "Proposition 29") ;; (find-euclidheath1page (+ 9 337) "Proposition 40") ;; Book 2 ;; (find-euclidheath1page (+ 9 375) "Proposition 1") ;; (find-euclidheath1page (+ 9 378) "Proposition 3") ;; (find-euclidheath1page (+ 9 382) "Proposition 5") ;; (find-euclidheath1page (+ 9 395) "Proposition 10") ;; (find-euclidheath1page (+ 9 406) "Proposition 13") ;; (find-euclidheath1page (+ 9 413) "Index") ;; (find-euclidheath1text "") (code-djvu "euclidheath2" "~/books/__analysis/euclid_heath__the_thirteen_books_of_the_elements_books_3-9.djvu") (code-djvutotext "euclidheath2" "~/books/__analysis/euclid_heath__the_thirteen_books_of_the_elements_books_3-9.djvu") ;; (find-euclidheath2page 1 "Contents") ;; (find-euclidheath2page (+ 1 1) "Index") ;; (find-euclidheath2text "") (code-djvu "euclidheath3" "~/books/__analysis/euclid_heath__the_thirteen_books_of_the_elements_books_10-13.djvu") (code-djvutotext "euclidheath3" "~/books/__analysis/euclid_heath__the_thirteen_books_of_the_elements_books_10-13.djvu") ;; (find-euclidheath3page 1 "Contents") ;; (find-euclidheath3page (+ 1 1) "Index") ;; (find-euclidheath3text "") (code-xpdf "euclidfitz" "~/books/__analysis/euclid_fitzpatrick__euclid_s_elements_of_geometry.pdf") (code-pdftotext "euclidfitz" "~/books/__analysis/euclid_fitzpatrick__euclid_s_elements_of_geometry.pdf") ;; (find-euclidfitzpage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-euclidfitzpage (+ 1 1) "Index") ;; (find-euclidfitztext "") ;; «euclid-byrne» (to ".euclid-byrne") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "euclid-byrne") ;; (find-es "metapost" "euclid-byrne") (code-pdf-page "byrneeuclid" "$S/https/github.com/jemmybutton/byrne-euclid/releases/download/0.4%2B0.1/byrne_context.pdf") (code-pdf-text "byrneeuclid" "$S/https/github.com/jemmybutton/byrne-euclid/releases/download/0.4%2B0.1/byrne_context.pdf") ;; (find-byrneeuclidpage) ;; (find-byrneeuclidtext) ;; «flemming» (to ".flemming") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "flemming") ;; https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgxvzKbNqDPwprcfxZrmwLtShDlrT (code-pdf "flemming" "~/books/__analysis/flemming_goncalves__calculo_a_6a_ed.pdf") (code-pdftotext "flemming" "~/books/__analysis/flemming_goncalves__calculo_a_6a_ed.pdf" 1) ;; (find-flemmingpage) ;; (find-flemmingpage 4 "Sumario") ;; (find-flemmingpage (+ 8 139) "4.13 Derivada de função composta") ;; (find-flemmingpage (+ 8 240) "6. Introdução à integração") ;; (find-flemmingpage (+ 8 293) "7. Métodos de integração") ;; (find-flemmingpage (+ 8 335) "8. Aplicações da integral definida") ;; (find-flemmingpage (+ 8 409) "8. Aplicações da integral definida (fim dos exercícios)") ;; (find-flemmingpage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-flemmingtext "") ;; «folland» (to ".folland") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "folland") ;; https://www.maa.org/press/maa-reviews/quantum-field-theory-a-tourist-guide-for-mathematicians ;; http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/books.html#quantum_field_theory (code-pdf-page "follandqft" "~/books/__analysis/folland__quantum_field_theory_a_tourist_guide_for_mathematicians.pdf") (code-pdf-text "follandqft" "~/books/__analysis/folland__quantum_field_theory_a_tourist_guide_for_mathematicians.pdf" 1) ;; (find-follandqftpage) ;; (find-follandqftpage 4 "Contents") ;; (find-follandqftpage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-follandqfttext "") ;; «font-bolite-acevedo» (to ".font-bolite-acevedo") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "font-bolite-acevedo") (code-pdf-page "fontboac" "~/books/__analysis/font_bolite_acevedo__metaphors_in_mathematics_classroom.pdf") (code-pdf-text "fontboac" "~/books/__analysis/font_bolite_acevedo__metaphors_in_mathematics_classroom.pdf" 1) ;; (find-fontboacpage) ;; (find-fontboacpage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-fontboacpage (+ -130 131) "Index") ;; (find-fontboactext "") ;; «fortney» (to ".fortney") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "fortney") (code-pdf-page "fortney" "~/books/__analysis/fortney__a_visual_introduction_to_differential_forms_and_calculus_on_manifolds.pdf") (code-pdf-text "fortney" "~/books/__analysis/fortney__a_visual_introduction_to_differential_forms_and_calculus_on_manifolds.pdf" 11) ;; (find-fortneypage) ;; (find-fortneypage 8 "Contents") ;; (find-fortneypage (+ 11 1) "Background material") ;; (find-fortneypage (+ 11 465) "Index") ;; (find-fortneytext "") ;; «frensel-delgado» (to ".frensel-delgado") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "frensel-delgado") (code-pdf-page "frenselga" "~/books/__analysis/frensel_delgado__geometria_analitica.pdf") (code-pdf-text "frenselga" "~/books/__analysis/frensel_delgado__geometria_analitica.pdf" 10) ;; (find-frenselgapage) ;; (find-frenselgapage 3 "Contents") ;; (find-frenselgapage (+ 10 1) "Index") ;; (find-frenselgatext "") ;; Jorge J. Delgado Gómez; Kátia Rosenvald Frensel; Nedir do Espírito Santo: ;; https://canal.cecierj.edu.br/recurso/4690 Geometria Analítica I ;; https://canal.cecierj.edu.br/recurso/4549 Geometria Analítica II ;; https://fnaufel.github.io/site/pt/ga/ ;; «fusaro» (to ".fusaro") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "fusaro") (code-pdf-page "fusaroep" "~/books/__analysis/fusaro__emerging_perspectives_in_mathematical_cognition_co.pdf") (code-pdf-text "fusaroep" "~/books/__analysis/fusaro__emerging_perspectives_in_mathematical_cognition_co.pdf" -356) (code-pdf-page "fusaroce" "~/books/__analysis/fusaro__o_conhecimento_esperado_sobre_limites.pdf") (code-pdf-text "fusaroce" "~/books/__analysis/fusaro__o_conhecimento_esperado_sobre_limites.pdf" -257) (code-pdf-page "fusarosm" "~/books/__analysis/fusaro__sense_making_in_mathematics.pdf") (code-pdf-text "fusarosm" "~/books/__analysis/fusaro__sense_making_in_mathematics.pdf" -15) (code-pdf-page "fusaromsoss" "~/books/__analysis/fusaro__making_sense_of_students_sense-making_of_mathematics.pdf") (code-pdf-text "fusaromsoss" "~/books/__analysis/fusaro__making_sense_of_students_sense-making_of_mathematics.pdf" 1) (code-pdf-page "fusarotfs" "~/books/__analysis/fusaro_tall__following_students_development_in_a_traditional.pdf") (code-pdf-text "fusarotfs" "~/books/__analysis/fusaro_tall__following_students_development_in_a_traditional.pdf" 1) (code-pdf-page "tallinc" "~/books/__analysis/tall__inconsistencies_in_the_learning_of_calculus_and.pdf") (code-pdf-text "tallinc" "~/books/__analysis/tall__inconsistencies_in_the_learning_of_calculus_and.pdf" 1) ;; «fusaro-tlatoc» (to ".fusaro-tlatoc") (code-pdf-page "tlatoc" "~/books/__analysis/monaghan_ely_pinto_thomas__the_learning_and_teaching_of_calculus_ideas_insights_and_activities.pdf") (code-pdf-text "tlatoc" "~/books/__analysis/monaghan_ely_pinto_thomas__the_learning_and_teaching_of_calculus_ideas_insights_and_activities.pdf" 11) ;; (find-tlatocpage) ;; (find-tlatoctext "") ;; (find-tlatocpage 8 "Contents") ;; (find-tlatoctext 8 "Contents") ;; (find-tlatocpage (+ 11 1) "1 Introduction") ;; (find-tlatocpage (+ 11 19) "2 Calculus across time and over countries") ;; (find-tlatocpage (+ 11 34) "fearlessly substituting variables") ;; (find-tlatoctext (+ 11 34) "fearlessly substituting variables") ;; (find-tlatocpage (+ 11 54) "3 Making sense of limits and continuity") ;; (find-tlatocpage (+ 11 91) "4 Making sense of differentiation") ;; (find-tlatocpage (+ 11 133) "5 Integration and the fundamental theorem of calculus") ;; (find-tlatocpage (+ 11 178) "6 Interlude: the ordering of chapters 3, 4 and 5") ;; (find-tlatocpage (+ 11 179) "not in the public domain until the 1970s") ;; (find-tlatoctext (+ 11 179) "not in the public domain until the 1970s") ;; (find-tlatocpage (+ 11 181) "supremum of the lower sums") ;; (find-tlatoctext (+ 11 181) "supremum of the lower sums") ;; (find-tlatocpage (+ 11 183) "7 Calculus applications: differential equations and integration") ;; (find-tlatocpage (+ 11 248) "8 Beyond elementary calculus") ;; (find-tlatocpage (+ 11 286) "Index") ;; (find-tlatoctext (+ 11 286) "Index") ;; (find-fusaroeppage) ;; (find-fusaroeptext "") ;; (find-fusaroeppage (+ -356 357) "1 Introduction") ;; (find-fusaroeptext (+ -356 357) "1 Introduction") ;; (find-fusaroeppage (+ -356 364) "he drew the image") ;; (find-fusaroeptext (+ -356 364) "he drew the image") ;; (find-fusaroeppage (+ -356 366) "meaning-making") ;; (find-fusaroeptext (+ -356 366) "meaning-making") ;; (find-fusaroeppage (+ -356 369) "deficit-oriented") ;; (find-fusaroeptext (+ -356 369) "deficit-oriented") ;; (find-fusarocepage) ;; (find-fusarocetext "") ;; (find-fusarocepage (+ -257 259) "Resumo") ;; (find-fusarocetext (+ -257 259) "Resumo") ;; (find-fusarocepage (+ -257 273) "gabaritos das provas") ;; (find-fusarocetext (+ -257 273) "gabaritos das provas") ;; (find-fusarosmpage) ;; (find-fusarosmtext "") ;; (find-fusarosmpage (+ -15 17) "Sense-making is a") ;; (find-fusarosmtext (+ -15 17) "Sense-making is a") ;; (find-fusaromsosspage) ;; (find-fusaromsosstext "") ;; (find-fusaromsosspage 6 "Advanced Mathematical Thinking book") ;; (find-fusaromsosstext 6 "Advanced Mathematical Thinking book") ;; (find-fusaromsosspage 8 "visual or") ;; (find-fusaromsosstext 8 "visual or") ;; (find-fusaromsosspage 10 "Those who extract meaning") ;; (find-fusaromsosstext 10 "Those who extract meaning") ;; (find-fusaromsosspage 11 "Inventory of Learning Styles") ;; (find-fusaromsosstext 11 "Inventory of Learning Styles") ;; (find-fusaromsosspage 11 "did not offer") ;; (find-fusaromsosstext 11 "did not offer") ;; https://canalce.uab.cat/img/pafiu/ILS-HE%20English.pdf inventory ;; (find-fusarotfspage) ;; (find-fusarotfstext "") ;; (find-fusarotfspage 2 "as formal and natural") ;; (find-fusarotfstext 2 "as formal and natural") ;; (find-tallincpage) ;; (find-tallinctext "") ;; (find-tallincpage 2 "probed in unusual ways") ;; (find-tallinctext 2 "probed in unusual ways") ;; (find-tallincpage 2 "rose-tinted") ;; (find-tallinctext 2 "rose-tinted") ;; (find-tallincpage 4 "perceived as dynamic") ;; (find-tallinctext 4 "perceived as dynamic") ;; (find-tallincpage 5 "infinitesimals (Tall 1980a") ;; (find-tallinctext 5 "infinitesimals (Tall 1980a") ;; (find-tallincpage 7 "given by a single formula") ;; (find-tallinctext 7 "given by a single formula") ;; (find-tallincpage 14 "line through two close points") ;; (find-tallinctext 14 "line through two close points") ;; «guidorizzi» (to ".guidorizzi") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "guidorizzi") ;; https://sites.icmc.usp.br/manfio/GuidorizziVol1.pdf (code-pdf-page "guidorizzi1" "~/books/__analysis/guidorizzi__calculo_vol_1.pdf") (code-pdf-text8 "guidorizzi1" "~/books/__analysis/guidorizzi__calculo_vol_1.pdf" 1) ;; (find-guidorizzi1page) ;; (find-guidorizzi1page 11 "Sumário") ;; (find-guidorizzi1page 445 "11" "INTEGRAL DE RIEMANN") ;; (find-guidorizzi1text 445 "11" "INTEGRAL DE RIEMANN") ;; (find-guidorizzi1page 473 "11.7. MUDANÇA DE VARIÁVEL NA INTEGRAL") ;; (find-guidorizzi1text 473 "11.7. MUDANÇA DE VARIÁVEL NA INTEGRAL") ;; (find-guidorizzi1page 536 "12.4. MUDANÇA DE VARIÁVEL") ;; (find-guidorizzi1text 536 "12.4. MUDANÇA DE VARIÁVEL") ;; (find-guidorizzi1page 937 "ÍNDICE") ;; (find-guidorizzi1text 937 "ÍNDICE") ;; (find-guidorizzi1text "") ;; «halmos» (to ".halmos") (code-djvu "halmoshilbspb" "~/books/__analysis/halmos__a_hilbert_space_problem_book.djvu") ;; (find-halmoshilbspbpage 10 "Contents") ;; (find-halmoshilbspbpage (+ 17 357) "Index") (code-djvu "halmosfdvs" "~/books/__analysis/halmos__finite-dimensional_vector_spaces.djvu") (code-djvutotext "halmosfdvs" "~/books/__analysis/halmos__finite-dimensional_vector_spaces.djvu") ;; (find-halmosfdvspage 6 "Contents") ;; (find-halmosfdvspage (+ 5 197) "Index") ;; (find-halmosfdvstext "") (code-xpdf "halmosintrohilb" "~/books/__analysis/halmos__introduction_to_hilbert_space.pdf") (code-pdftotext "halmosintrohilb" "~/books/__analysis/halmos__introduction_to_hilbert_space.pdf") ;; (find-halmosintrohilbpage 5 "Contents") ;; (find-halmosintrohilbpage (+ 1 1) "Index") ;; (find-halmosintrohilbtext "") (code-djvu "halmoslapb" "~/books/__analysis/halmos__linear_algebra_problem_book.djvu") (code-djvutotext "halmoslapb" "~/books/__analysis/halmos__linear_algebra_problem_book.djvu") ;; (find-halmoslapbpage 8 "Contents") ;; (find-halmoslapbpage (+ 13 169) "Hints") ;; (find-halmoslapbtext "") (code-djvu "halmosmeasure" "~/books/__analysis/halmos__measure_theory.djvu") (code-djvutotext "halmosmeasure" "~/books/__analysis/halmos__measure_theory.djvu") ;; (find-halmosmeasurepage 7 "Contents") ;; (find-halmosmeasurepage (+ 10 299) "Index") ;; «hartshorne» (to ".hartshorne") (code-djvu "hartshorneeuclid" "~/books/__analysis/hartshorne__geometry_euclid_and_beyond.djvu") (code-djvutotext "hartshorneeuclid" "~/books/__analysis/hartshorne__geometry_euclid_and_beyond.djvu") ;; (find-hartshorneeuclidpage 9 "Contents") ;; (find-hartshorneeuclidpage (+ 12 9) "Plato" "Republic") ;; (find-hartshorneeuclidpage (+ 12 22) "not" "drawn on paper" "absolute") ;; (find-hartshorneeuclidpage (+ 12 31) "The method of superposition") ;; (find-hartshorneeuclidpage (+ 12 51) "nine point circle") ;; (find-hartshorneeuclidpage (+ 12 53) "medians" "centroid") ;; (find-hartshorneeuclidpage (+ 12 54) "Euler line") ;; (find-hartshorneeuclidpage (+ 12 57) "nine point circle") ;; (find-hartshorneeuclidpage (+ 12 481) "Appendix: Brief Euclid") ;; (find-hartshorneeuclidpage (+ 12 495) "References") ;; (find-hartshorneeuclidpage (+ 12 507) "Index") ;; (find-hartshorneeuclidtext "") ;; Dodgson ;; Heath ;; «hassenpflug» (to ".hassenpflug") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "hassenpflug") (code-pdf-page "hassenpflug" "~/books/__analysis/hassenpflug__revised_notation_for_partial_derivatives.pdf") (code-pdf-text "hassenpflug" "~/books/__analysis/hassenpflug__revised_notation_for_partial_derivatives.pdf" 1) ;; (find-hassenpflugpage) ;; (find-hassenpflugpage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-hassenpflugpage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-hassenpflugtext "") ;; «hefferon» (to ".hefferon") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "hefferon") ;; https://aimath.org/textbooks/approved-textbooks/hefferon/ Linear Algebra ;; https://hefferon.net/linearalgebra/ ;; https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgzGqRZhScLnPBCkKnGZcvCdcXRhW (code-pdf-page "hefferon" "~/books/__analysis/hefferon__linear_algebra.pdf") (code-pdf-text "hefferon" "~/books/__analysis/hefferon__linear_algebra.pdf" 10) ;; (find-hefferonpage) ;; (find-hefferontext "") ;; (find-hefferonpage 7 "Contents") ;; (find-hefferontext 7 "Contents") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 1) "Chapter One: Linear Systems") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 1) "I Solving Linear Systems") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 2) "I.1 Gauss's Method") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 13) "I.2 Describing the Solution Set") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 23) "I.3 General = Particular + Homogeneous") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 35) "II Linear Geometry") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 35) "II.1 Vectors in Space*") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 42) "II.2 Length and Angle Measures*") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 50) "III Reduced Echelon Form") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 50) "III.1 Gauss-Jordan Reduction") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 56) "III.2 The Linear Combination Lemma") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 65) "Topic: Computer Algebra Systems") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 67) "Topic: Input-Output Analysis") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 72) "Topic: Accuracy of Computations") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 76) "Topic: Analyzing Networks") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 84) "Chapter Two: Vector Spaces") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 84) "I Definition of Vector Space") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 84) "I.1 Definition and Examples") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 95) "the real-valued functions") ;; (find-hefferontext (+ 10 95) "the real-valued functions") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 96) "I.2 Subspaces and Spanning Sets") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 108) "II Linear Independence") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 108) "II.1 Definition and Examples") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 121) "III Basis and Dimension") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 121) "III.1 Basis") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 129) "III.2 Dimension") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 136) "III.3 Vector Spaces and Linear Systems") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 144) "III.4 Combining Subspaces*") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 153) "Topic: Fields") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 155) "Topic: Crystals") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 159) "Topic: Voting Paradoxes") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 165) "Topic: Dimensional Analysis") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 173) "Chapter Three: Maps Between Spaces") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 173) "I Isomorphisms") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 173) "I.1 Definition and Examples") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 183) "I.2 Dimension Characterizes Isomorphism") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 191) "II Homomorphisms") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 191) "II.1 Definition") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 199) "II.2 Range Space and Null Space") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 212) "III Computing Linear Maps") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 212) "III.1 Representing Linear Maps with Matrices") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 223) "III.2 Any Matrix Represents a Linear Map") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 232) "IV Matrix Operations") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 232) "IV.1 Sums and Scalar Products") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 236) "IV.2 Matrix Multiplication") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 244) "IV.3 Mechanics of Matrix Multiplication") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 254) "IV.4 Inverses") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 262) "V Change of Basis") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 262) "V.1 Changing Representations of Vectors") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 267) "V.2 Changing Map Representations") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 275) "VI Projection") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 275) "VI.1 Orthogonal Projection Into a Line*") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 280) "VI.2 Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization*") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 285) "VI.3 Projection Into a Subspace*") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 295) "Topic: Line of Best Fit") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 301) "Topic: Geometry of Linear Maps") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 308) "Topic: Magic Squares") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 313) "Topic: Markov Chains") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 319) "Topic: Orthonormal Matrices") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 326) "Chapter Four: Determinants") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 326) "I Definition") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 326) "I.1 Exploration*") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 331) "I.2 Properties of Determinants") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 337) "I.3 The Permutation Expansion") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 346) "I.4 Determinants Exist*") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 355) "II Geometry of Determinants") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 355) "II.1 Determinants as Size Functions") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 363) "III Laplace's Formula") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 363) "III.1 Laplace's Expansion*") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 369) "Topic: Cramer's Rule") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 372) "Topic: Speed of Calculating Determinants") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 376) "Topic: Chiò's Method") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 380) "Topic: Projective Geometry") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 392) "Topic: Computer Graphics") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 397) "Chapter Five: Similarity") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 397) "I Complex Vector Spaces") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 398) "I.1 Polynomial Factoring and Complex Numbers*") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 400) "I.2 Complex Representations") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 402) "II Similarity") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 402) "II.1 Definition and Examples") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 407) "II.2 Diagonalizability") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 412) "II.3 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 424) "III Nilpotence") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 424) "III.1 Self-Composition*") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 428) "III.2 Strings*") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 440) "IV Jordan Form") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 440) "IV.1 Polynomials of Maps and Matrices*") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 448) "IV.2 Jordan Canonical Form*") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 464) "Topic: Method of Powers") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 468) "Topic: Stable Populations") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 470) "Topic: Page Ranking") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 474) "Topic: Linear Recurrences") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 482) "Topic: Coupled Oscillators") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 487) "Appendix: Statements") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 488) "Appendix: Quantifiers") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 489) "Appendix: Techniques of Proof") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 491) "Appendix: Sets, Functions, and Relations") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 499) "Bibliography") ;; (find-hefferonpage (+ 10 506) "Index") ;; «hernandez» (to ".hernandez") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "hernandez") ;; (find-THgrep "grep --color -nH -e ndez *.blogme") ;; http://angg.twu.net/2015.1-C2/CALCULOIIA_EAD_Versao_Final_correcao_aulas_25_a_30.pdf (code-pdf-page "hernandez" "$S/http/angg.twu.net/2015.1-C2/CALCULOIIA_EAD_Versao_Final_correcao_aulas_25_a_30.pdf") (code-pdf-text "hernandez" "$S/http/angg.twu.net/2015.1-C2/CALCULOIIA_EAD_Versao_Final_correcao_aulas_25_a_30.pdf" 10) ;; (find-hernandezpage) ;; (find-hernandeztext) ;; (find-hernandezpage (+ 10 1) "1 Integral denida") ;; (find-hernandezpage (+ 10 2) "As Figuras de 2 a 5") ;; (find-hernandeztext (+ 10 2) "As Figuras de 2 a 5") ;; (find-hernandezpage (+ 10 4) "sobre todas as possíveis partições") ;; (find-hernandeztext (+ 10 4) "sobre todas as possíveis partições") ;; (find-hernandezpage (+ 10 9) "2 O Teorema Fundamental do Cálculo") ;; (find-hernandezpage (+ 10 17) "3 Aplicações do Teorema Fundamental do Cálculo") ;; (find-hernandezpage (+ 10 27) "4 Integração por substituição") ;; (find-hernandezpage (+ 10 39) "5 Integração por partes") ;; (find-hernandezpage (+ 10 47) "6 Integrais de Funções Trigonométricas") ;; (find-hernandezpage (+ 10 47) "principais identidades trigonométricas") ;; (find-hernandeztext (+ 10 47) "principais identidades trigonom" "tricas") ;; (find-hernandezpage (+ 10 53) "7 Substituição trigonométrica") ;; (find-hernandezpage (+ 10 61) "8 Integração por frações parciais") ;; (find-hernandezpage (+ 10 71) "9 Substituições diversas") ;; (find-hernandezpage (+ 10 79) "10 Volumes de sólidos de revolução usando o método dos discos") ;; (find-hernandezpage (+ 10 91) "11 Volumes de sólidos de revolução por cascas cilíndricas") ;; (find-hernandezpage (+ 10 99) "12 Comprimento de arco") ;; (find-hernandezpage (+ 10 105) "13 Integral imprópria em intervalos não limitados") ;; (find-hernandezpage (+ 10 111) "14 Integral imprópria de funções não limitadas") ;; (find-hernandezpage (+ 10 119) "15 Critério de comparação para integrais impróprias") ;; (find-hernandezpage (+ 10 127) "16 Introdução às equações diferenciais ordinárias") ;; (find-hernandezpage (+ 10 135) "17 EDO de primeira ordem") ;; (find-hernandezpage (+ 10 143) "18 Teorema de Existência e Unicidade") ;; (find-hernandezpage (+ 10 151) "19 Equações Diferenciais Homogêneas") ;; (find-hernandezpage (+ 10 159) "20 Equações lineares de primeira ordem") ;; (find-hernandezpage (+ 10 167) "21 Equações exatas e equações redutíveis às exatas") ;; (find-hernandezpage (+ 10 179) "22 Equações de Bernoulli, Ricatti e Clairaut") ;; (find-hernandezpage (+ 10 191) "23 Aplicações das EDOs de 1ª ordem") ;; (find-hernandezpage (+ 10 203) "24 EDOs homogêneas lineares de ordem n 2") ;; (find-hernandezpage (+ 10 213) "25 Método da redução de ordem") ;; (find-hernandezpage (+ 10 219) "26 EDO lineares homogêneas de grau n com coeficientes constantes") ;; (find-hernandezpage (+ 10 229) "27 Método dos coecientes a determinar") ;; (find-hernandezpage (+ 10 237) "28 Método da variação dos parâmetros") ;; (find-hernandezpage (+ 10 249) "29 Equações de Euler-Cauchy") ;; (find-hernandezpage (+ 10 259) "30 Aplicações das Equações de Segunda Ordem") ;; (find-hernandezpage (+ 10 277) "Bibliograa") ;; «hilbert» (to ".hilbert") ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/122920/geometry-and-the-imagination (code-djvu "hilbertcvgati" "~/books/__analysis/hilbert_cohn-vossen__geometry_and_the_imagination.djvu") (code-djvutotext "hilbertcvgati" "~/books/__analysis/hilbert_cohn-vossen__geometry_and_the_imagination.djvu") ;; (find-hilbertcvgatipage 9 "Contents") ;; (find-hilbertcvgatipage (+ 12 345) "Index") ;; (find-hilbertcvgatitext "") ;; «hoelportstone» (to ".hoelportstone") ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/256/introduction-to-probability-theory--norton-critical-edition- ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/257/introduction-to-statistical-theory--houghton-mifflin-series-in-statistics- ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/285/introduction-to-stochastic-processes--the-houghton-mifflin-series-in-statistics- (code-djvu "hoelportstone1" "~/books/__analysis/hoel_port_stone__introduction_to_probability_theory.djvu") (code-djvutotext "hoelportstone1" "~/books/__analysis/hoel_port_stone__introduction_to_probability_theory.djvu") (code-djvu "hoelportstone2" "~/books/__analysis/hoel_port_stone__introduction_to_statistical_theory.djvu") (code-djvutotext "hoelportstone2" "~/books/__analysis/hoel_port_stone__introduction_to_statistical_theory.djvu") (code-djvu "hoelportstone3" "~/books/__analysis/hoel_port_stone__introduction_to_stochastic_processes.djvu") (code-djvutotext "hoelportstone3" "~/books/__analysis/hoel_port_stone__introduction_to_stochastic_processes.djvu") ;; (find-hoelportstone1page 9 "Contents") ;; (find-hoelportstone1page (+ 12 255) "Index") ;; (find-hoelportstone2page 9 "Contents") ;; (find-hoelportstone2page (+ 10 235) "Index") ;; (find-hoelportstone3page 9 "Contents") ;; (find-hoelportstone3page (+ 10 201) "Index") ;; (find-hoelportstone1text "") ;; (find-hoelportstone2text "") ;; (find-hoelportstone3text "") ;; «iezzi» (to ".iezzi") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "iezzi") (code-pdf-page "iezzi1" "~/books/__analysis/iezzi__FME__01_conjuntos_e_funcoes_9a_ed_2013.pdf") (code-pdf-text8 "iezzi1" "~/books/__analysis/iezzi__FME__01_conjuntos_e_funcoes_9a_ed_2013.pdf" 8) (code-pdf-page "iezzi2" "~/books/__analysis/iezzi__FME__02_logaritmos_3a_ed_1977.pdf") (code-pdf-text "iezzi3" "~/books/__analysis/iezzi__FME__02_logaritmos_3a_ed_1977.pdf") (code-pdf-page "iezzi3" "~/books/__analysis/iezzi__FME__03_trigonometria_2a_ed_1978.pdf") (code-pdf-text "iezzi3" "~/books/__analysis/iezzi__FME__03_trigonometria_2a_ed_1978.pdf") (code-pdf-page "iezzi4" "~/books/__analysis/iezzi__FME__04_sequencias_2e_ed_1977.pdf") (code-pdf-text "iezzi4" "~/books/__analysis/iezzi__FME__04_sequencias_2e_ed_1977.pdf") (code-pdf-page "iezzi5" "~/books/__analysis/iezzi__FME__05_combinatoria_3a_ed_1977.pdf") (code-pdf-text "iezzi5" "~/books/__analysis/iezzi__FME__05_combinatoria_3a_ed_1977.pdf") (code-pdf-page "iezzi6" "~/books/__analysis/iezzi__FME__06_complexos_polinomios_e_equacoes_2a_ed_1977.pdf") (code-pdf-text "iezzi6" "~/books/__analysis/iezzi__FME__06_complexos_polinomios_e_equacoes_2a_ed_1977.pdf") (code-pdf-page "iezzi7" "~/books/__analysis/iezzi__FME__07_geometria_analitica_2a_ed_1977.pdf") (code-pdf-text "iezzi7" "~/books/__analysis/iezzi__FME__07_geometria_analitica_2a_ed_1977.pdf") (code-pdf-page "iezzi8" "~/books/__analysis/iezzi__FME__08_limites_3a_ed_1985.pdf") (code-pdf-text "iezzi8" "~/books/__analysis/iezzi__FME__08_limites_3a_ed_1985.pdf") (code-pdf-page "iezzi9" "~/books/__analysis/iezzi__FME__09_geometria_plana_7a_ed_1997.pdf") (code-pdf-text "iezzi9" "~/books/__analysis/iezzi__FME__09_geometria_plana_7a_ed_1997.pdf") (code-pdf-page "iezzi10" "~/books/__analysis/iezzi__FME__10_geometria_espacial_5a_ed_1977.pdf") (code-pdf-text "iezzi10" "~/books/__analysis/iezzi__FME__10_geometria_espacial_5a_ed_1977.pdf") (code-pdf-page "iezzi10" "~/books/__analysis/iezzi__FME__10_geometria_espacial_7a_ed_2013.pdf") (code-pdf-text8 "iezzi10" "~/books/__analysis/iezzi__FME__10_geometria_espacial_7a_ed_2013.pdf") ;; (find-iezzi1page) ;; (find-iezzi1page 1 "Conjuntos e funções") ;; (find-iezzi1page (+ 8 12) "IX. Sentenças abertas, quantificadores") ;; (find-iezzi1page (+ 8 13) "12. O quantificador universal") ;; (find-iezzi1page (+ 8 21) "21. Descrição por uma propriedade") ;; (find-iezzi1page (+ 8 22) "IV. Conjunto universo") ;; (find-iezzi1text (+ 8 22) "IV. Conjunto universo") ;; (find-iezzi1page (+ 8 53) "V. Intervalos") ;; (find-iezzi1page (+ 8 54) "54. Representação gráfica") ;; (find-iezzi1page (+ 8 57) "Apêndice: Princípio da indução finita") ;; (find-iezzi1page (+ 8 64) "I. Par ordenado") ;; (find-iezzi1page (+ 8 74) "V. Domínio e imagem") ;; (find-iezzi1page (+ 8 79) "V. Introdução às funções") ;; (find-iezzi1page (+ 8 82) "73. Gráfico cartesiano") ;; (find-iezzi1page (+ 8 84) "III. Notação das funções") ;; (find-iezzi1page (+ 8 85) "75. Imagem de um elemento") ;; (find-iezzi1page (+ 8 90) "78. Domínio das funções numéricas") ;; (find-iezzi1page (+ 8 97) "VI. Função constante e função afim") ;; (find-iezzi1page (+ 8 114) "XI. Sinal de uma função") ;; (find-iezzi1page (+ 8 129) "102. Quadro de sinais") ;; (find-iezzi1page (+ 8 141) "113. Significado geométrico das raízes") ;; (find-iezzi1page (+ 8 159) "XI. Sinal da função quadrática") ;; (find-iezzi1page (+ 8 184) "I. Função definida por várias sentenças abertas") ;; (find-iezzi1page (+ 8 205) "I. Função f(x)=x^3") ;; (find-iezzi1page 3 "Índice") ;; (find-iezzi1text) ;; (find-iezzi2page) ;; (find-iezzi2page 1 "Logaritmos") ;; (find-iezzi2page 5 "Índice") ;; (find-iezzi2page 7 "Euler") ;; (find-iezzi2page (+ 8 1) "a^1 = a") ;; (find-iezzi2page (+ 8 3) "Propriedades") ;; (find-iezzi2page (+ 8 50) "Leibniz") ;; (find-iezzi2page (+ 8 68) "Lagrange") ;; (find-iezzi2page (+ 8 76) "Monge") ;; (find-iezzi3page) ;; (find-iezzi3page 1 "Trigonometria") ;; (find-iezzi3page 5 "Índice") ;; (find-iezzi3page 9 "Cauchy") ;; (find-iezzi4page) ;; (find-iezzi4page 1 "Sequências, matrizes, determinantes, sistemas") ;; (find-iezzi4page (+ 8 2) "Lei de formação") ;; (find-iezzi4page 5 "Índice") ;; (find-iezzi5page) ;; (find-iezzi5page 1 "Combinatória e probabilidade") ;; (find-iezzi5page 5 "Índice") ;; (find-iezzi5page (+ 8 2) "Diagrama da árvore") ;; (find-iezzi6page) ;; (find-iezzi6page 1 "Complexos, polinômios, equações") ;; (find-iezzi6page 5 "Índice") ;; (find-iezzi7page) ;; (find-iezzi7page 1 "Geometria Analítica") ;; (find-iezzi7page 5 "Índice") ;; (find-iezzi7page (+ 8 143) "7. Cônicas") ;; (find-iezzi8page) ;; (find-iezzi8page 1 "Limites, derivadas, noção de integral") ;; (find-iezzi8page 5 "Índice") ;; (find-iezzi8page (+ 10 10) "Composição de funções") ;; (find-iezzi9page) ;; (find-iezzi9page 1 "Geometria plana") ;; (find-iezzi9page 3 "Índice") ;; (find-iezzi10text) ;; (find-iezzi10page) ;; (find-iezzi10page 1 "Geometria espacial") ;; (find-iezzi10page 3 "Índice") ;; ;; Iezzi1p122 ;; «leithold» (to ".leithold") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "leithold") (code-pdf-page "leitholdpt" "~/books/__analysis/leithold__o_calculo_com_geometria_analitica_vol_1_3a_ed.pdf") (code-pdf-text "leitholdpt" "~/books/__analysis/leithold__o_calculo_com_geometria_analitica_vol_1_3a_ed.pdf" 17) ;; (find-leitholdptpage) ;; (find-leitholdptpage 6 "Conteúdo") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 1) "1. Números reais, funções e gráficos") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 3) "variável") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 3) "set comprehension") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 6) "intervalo aberto") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 8) "valor absoluto") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 10) "raiz quadrada principal") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 14) "distância orientada") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 16) "retas em R2") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 17) "inclinação") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 18) "forma ponto-inclinação") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 30) "xy=1") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 32) "uma função é um conjunto de pares ordenados") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 32) "variável dependente") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 33) "gráfico de f será o conjunto dos pontos") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 33) "interceptado por uma reta vertical") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 36) "f+g, f-g, f*g") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 36) "função composta") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 38) "função constante, função linear") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 39) "função polinomial") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 41) "várias funções definidas por casos") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 41) "Exemplo 4" "em todos os números exceto 3") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 42) "Exemplo 5" "2" "se x=3") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 43) "função maior inteiro") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 49) "ângulo de inclinação") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 66) "se ... então") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 55) "2. Limites e continuidade") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 73) "2.3. Limites laterais") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 74) "definição por casos") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 73) "2.4. Limites infinitos") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 92) "limites recursivamente") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 107) "2.7. Continuidade de uma função composta") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 114) "2.8. Teorema do confronto ou do sanduíche") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 122) "2.9. Provas de alguns teoremas sobre limites") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 131) "2.10. Teoremas adicionais de limites") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 138) "3. A derivada e a derivação") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 139) "3.1. A reta tangente e a derivada") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 145) "at") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 146) "D_t[g(t)]") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 148) "3.2. Derivabilidade e continuidade") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 150) "|x|") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 156) "3.3. Teoremas sobre derivação de funções algébricas") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 160) "3.3.7. Teorema: derivada do quociente") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 163) "3.4. Movimento retilíneo...") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 167) "taxa de variação") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 173) "3.5. Derivadas das funções trigonométricas") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 181) "3.6. Regra da Cadeia") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 190) "3.7. A derivada da função potência") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 195) "3.8. Derivação implícita") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 199) "3.9. Taxas relacionadas") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 205) "3.10. Derivadas de ordem superior") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 216) "4. Valores extremos ... e a diferencial") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 217) "4.1. Valor funcional máximo e mínimo") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 224) "4.2. Aplicações envolvendo extremos absolutos...") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 230) "4.3. Teorema de Rolle e teorema do valor médio") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 232) "4.3.2. Teorema do Valor Médio") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 236) "4.4. Funções crescentes e decrescentes e o teste...") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 241) "4.5. Concavidade e pontos de inflexão") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 249) "4.6. O teste da derivada segunda") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 254) "4.7. Traçando um esboço do gráfico de uma função") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 260) "4.8. Tratamento adicional dos extremos absolutos") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 269) "4.9. A diferencial") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 275) "reescritas usando notação de Leibniz") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 277) "4.10. Solução numérica de equações usando o método de Newton") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 285) "5. Integração e integral definida") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 286) "5.1. Antidiferenciação") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 286) "num intervalo I") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 286) "5.1.2. Teorema") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 287) "5.1.3. Teorema: ...em um intervalo I") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 288) "teoremas" "sobre antidiferenciação") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 294) "Exercícios 5.1") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 295) "5.2. Algumas técnicas de antidiferenciação") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 296) "5.2.1. Regra da cadeia para a antidiferenciação") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 299) "Exemplo 5") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 302) "Exercícios 5.2") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 303) "5.3. Equações diferenciais e o movimento retilíneo") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 312) "5.4. Área") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 313) "5.4.1. Definição: somatória") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 318) "Figura 3") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 319) "Figura 4") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 324) "5.5. A integral definida") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 324) "ponto escolhido") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 324) "norma da partição") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 331) "5.6. Propriedades da integral definida") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 340) "5.7. O teorema do valor médio para integrais") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 344) "5.8. Os Teoremas Fundamentais do Cálculo") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 345) "5.8.1. TFC1") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 347) "5.8.2. TFC2") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 348) "notação para diferença") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 352) "5.9. Área de uma região plana") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 359) "5.10. Integração numérica") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 373) "6. Aplicações da integral definida") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 374) "6.1. Volumes de sólidos por cortes") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 383) "6.2. Volumes de sólidos por invólucros cilíndricos") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 388) "6.3. Comprimento de arco do gráfico de uma função") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 394) "6.4. Centro de massa de uma barra") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 400) "6.5. Centróide de uma região plana") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 407) "6.6. Trabalho") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 413) "6.7. Pressão líquida") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 421) "7. Funções inversas, logarítmicas e exponenciais") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 422) "7.1. Funções inversas") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 425) "É essencial ... biunívoca") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 431) "7.2. Teoremas da função inversa e") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 431) "Exercícios 19 a 40") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 433) "7.2.2. derivada da função inversa") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 439) "7.3. A função logarítmica natural") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 449) "7.4. Diferenciação logarítmica e") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 455) "7.5. A função exponencial natural") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 463) "7.6. Outras funções exponenciais e logarítmicas") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 469) "7.7. Aplicações da função exponencial natural") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 481) "7.8. EDOs de primeira ordem") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 495) "8. Funções Trigonométricas Inversas e Funções Hiperbólicas") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 496) "8.1. Funções Trigonométricas Inversas") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 529) "9. Técnicas de Integração") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 531) "9.1. Integração por partes") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 536) "Exercícios 9.1") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 537) "9.2. Integração de potências de seno e co-seno") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 542) "9.3. (tangente etc)") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 545) "9.4. Integração por substituição trigonométrica") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 551) "9.5. (frações parciais)") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 561) "9.6. (frações parciais 2)") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 566) "9.7. Outras substituições") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 570) "9.8. (hiperbólicas)") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 577) "10. Coordenadas Polares e Secções Cônicas") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 614) "10.6. Gráficos de equações em coordenadas polares") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 650) "11. Formas indeterminadas, integrais impróprias e ... Taylor") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 651) "11.1. A formas indeterminada 0/0") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 660) "11.2. Outras formas indeterminadas") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 665) "11.3. Integrais impróprias") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 677) "11.5. A fórmula de Taylor") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 680) "Figura 6") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 17 618) "Limaçon") ;; (find-leitholdptpage 760 "Limaçon") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 704) "A.1. Uso de uma tabela de integrais") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 710) "A.2. Fórmulas") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 716) "Respostas dos Exercícios de Número Ímpar") ;; (find-leitholdptpage (+ 764) "Índice remissivo") ;; (find-leitholdpttext "") ;; (find-sh0 "cp -v ~/books/__analysis/leithold__o_calculo_com_geometria_analitica_vol_1_3a_ed.pdf /tmp/leithold-pt.pdf") ;; (find-twusfile "tmp/" "leithold") ;; file:///tmp/leithold-pt.pdf ;; 6,18-71 leithold-pt-cap1.pdf ;; 6,72-154 leithold-pt-cap2.pdf ;; 6,155-232 leithold-pt-cap3.pdf ;; 7,233-301 leithold-pt-cap4.pdf ;; 7,302-389 leithold-pt-cap5.pdf ;; 7,390-437 leithold-pt-cap6.pdf ;; 7-8,438-511 leithold-pt-cap7.pdf ;; 8,512-545 leithold-pt-cap8.pdf ;; 8,546-593 leithold-pt-cap9.pdf ;; 8,594-666 leithold-pt-cap10.pdf ;; 8,667-702 leithold-pt-cap11.pdf ;; 9,704-708 leithold-pt-apA.pdf ;; 9,710-715 leithold-pt-apF.pdf ;; ;; http://anggtwu.net/ tmp/leithold-pt.pdf ;; http://anggtwu.net/ tmp/leithold-pt-cap1.pdf ;; http://anggtwu.net/ tmp/leithold-pt-cap2.pdf ;; http://anggtwu.net/ tmp/leithold-pt-cap3.pdf ;; http://anggtwu.net/ tmp/leithold-pt-cap4.pdf ;; http://anggtwu.net/ tmp/leithold-pt-cap5.pdf ;; http://anggtwu.net/ tmp/leithold-pt-cap6.pdf ;; http://anggtwu.net/ tmp/leithold-pt-cap7.pdf ;; http://anggtwu.net/ tmp/leithold-pt-cap8.pdf ;; http://anggtwu.net/ tmp/leithold-pt-cap9.pdf ;; http://anggtwu.net/ tmp/leithold-pt-cap10.pdf ;; http://anggtwu.net/ tmp/leithold-pt-cap11.pdf ;; http://anggtwu.net/ tmp/leithold-pt-apA.pdf ;; http://anggtwu.net/ tmp/leithold-pt-apF.pdf (code-pdf-page "leithold" "~/books/__analysis/leithold__the_calculus_with_analytic_geometry.pdf") (code-pdf-text "leithold" "~/books/__analysis/leithold__the_calculus_with_analytic_geometry.pdf" 12) ;; (find-leitholdpage) ;; (find-leitholdpage 6 "Contents") ;; (find-leitholdpage (+ 15 12) "Index") ;; (find-leitholdpage (+ 15 251) "5.1. The Differential") ;; (find-leitholdpage (+ 15 256) "5.2. Differential Formulas") ;; (find-leitholdpage (+ 15 262) "F(x)+C") ;; (find-leitholdpage (+ 15 265) "Chain rule for antidifferentiation") ;; (find-leitholdpage (+ 15 268) "5.4. Differential Equations with Variables Separable") ;; (find-leitholdpage (+ 15 282) "6. The Definite Integral") ;; (find-leitholdpage (+ 15 288) "6.2. Area") ;; (find-leitholdpage (+ 15 517) "6.2. Area") ;; (find-leitholdpage (+ 15 655) "14.1. Sequences") ;; (find-leitholdpage (+ 1029 41) "Index") ;; (find-leitholdtext "") ;; «livshits» (to ".livshits") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "livshits") ;; Michael Livshits: "You Could Simplify Calculus" ;; http://www.mathfoolery.com/ ;; http://www.mathfoolery.com/calculus.html ;; https://arxiv.org/abs/0905.3611 ;; https://arxiv.org/pdf/0905.3611.pdf (code-pdf-page "livshits" "$S/https/arxiv.org/pdf/0905.3611.pdf") (code-pdf-text "livshits" "$S/https/arxiv.org/pdf/0905.3611.pdf") ;; (find-livshitspage) ;; (find-livshitstext) ;; «loomis» (to ".loomis") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "loomis") (code-pdf-page "loomis" "~/books/__analysis/loomis__the_pythagorean_proposition.pdf") (code-pdf-text "loomis" "~/books/__analysis/loomis__the_pythagorean_proposition.pdf" 17) ;; (find-loomispage) ;; (find-loomispage 10 "Contents") ;; (find-loomispage (+ 17 3) "The Pythagorean Proposition") ;; (find-loomistext "") ;; «john» (to ".john") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "john") (code-pdf-page "johnpdes" "~/books/__analysis/john__partial_differential_equations.pdf") (code-pdf-text "johnpdes" "~/books/__analysis/john__partial_differential_equations.pdf" 1) ;; (find-johnpdespage) ;; (find-johnpdespage 6 "Contents") ;; (find-johnpdespage (+ 9 1) "1. The single first-order equation") ;; (find-johnpdespage (+ 8 245) "Index") ;; (find-johnpdestext "") ;; «kelley» (to ".kelley") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "kelley") (code-pdf-page "complidiotgc" "~/books/__analysis/kelley__the_complete_idiots_guide_to_calculus.pdf") (code-pdf-text "complidiotgc" "~/books/__analysis/kelley__the_complete_idiots_guide_to_calculus.pdf" 14) ;; (find-complidiotgcpage) ;; (find-complidiotgcpage 3 "Contents") ;; (find-complidiotgcpage (+ 14 1) "Index") ;; (find-complidiotgctext "") ;; «koerner» (to ".koerner") ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/314051/fourier-analysis (code-djvu "koerner" "koerner__fourier_analysis.djvu") (code-djvutotext "koerner" "koerner__fourier_analysis.djvu") ;; (find-koernerpage 5 "Contents") ;; (find-koernerpage (+ 10 3) "1. Introduction") ;; (find-koernerpage (+ 10 24) "7. The importance of linearity") ;; (find-koernerpage (+ 10 429) "83. An example of outstanding statistical treatment I") ;; (find-koernerpage (+ 10 433) "tendency to underestimate the IQ of unskilled workers") ;; (find-koernerpage (+ 10 473) "91. The future of mathematics viewed from 1800") ;; (find-koernerpage (+ 10 585) "Index") ;; (find-koernertext "") ;; «krantz» (to ".krantz") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "krantz") (code-pdf-page "krantzhttm" "~/books/__analysis/krantz__how_to_teach_mathematics.pdf") (code-pdf-text "krantzhttm" "~/books/__analysis/krantz__how_to_teach_mathematics.pdf" 1) ;; (find-krantzhttmpage) ;; (find-krantzhttmpage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-krantzhttmpage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-krantzhttmtext "") ;; «lang» (to ".lang") ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/35167/real-analysis (code-djvu "langrealanalysis_" "~/books/__analysis/lang__real_analysis.djvu") (code-djvutotext "langrealanalysis_" "~/books/__analysis/lang__real_analysis.djvu") ;; (find-langrealanalysis_page 7 "Contents") ;; (find-langrealanalysis_page (+ 19 529) "Index") ;; (find-langrealanalysis_text "") ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/100532/real-and-functional-analysis--graduate-texts-in-mathematics- (code-djvu "langrfanalysis" "~/books/__analysis/lang__real_and_functional_analysis.djvu") (code-djvutotext "langrfanalysis" "~/books/__analysis/lang__real_and_functional_analysis.djvu") ;; (find-langrfanalysispage 10 "Contents") ;; (find-langrfanalysispage (+ 15 575) "Index") ;; (find-langrfanalysistext "") ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/73084/fundamentals-of-differential-geometry--graduate-texts-in-mathematics- (code-djvu "langfdiffgeom" "~/books/__analysis/lang__fundamentals_of_differential_geometry.djvu") (code-djvutotext "langfdiffgeom" "~/books/__analysis/lang__fundamentals_of_differential_geometry.djvu") ;; (find-langfdiffgeompage 11 "Contents") ;; (find-langfdiffgeompage (+ 13 4) "Categories") ;; (find-langfdiffgeompage (+ 12 531) "Index") ;; (find-langfdiffgeomtext "") ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/93182/a-first-course-in-calculus--3rd-edition (code-djvu "langfirstcc" "~/books/__analysis/lang__a_first_course_in_calculus.djvu") (code-djvutotext "langfirstcc" "~/books/__analysis/lang__a_first_course_in_calculus.djvu") ;; (find-langfirstccpage 9 "Contents") ;; (find-langfirstccpage (+ 13 5) "Chapter I") ;; (find-langfirstccpage (+ 13 233) "piecewise continuous") ;; (find-langfirstccpage (+ 12 247) "Substitution") ;; (find-langfirstccpage (+ 12 251) "Integration by parts") ;; (find-langfirstccpage (+ 480 1) "Answers to Exercises") ;; (find-langfirstccpage (+ 508 1) "Index") ;; (find-langfirstcctext "") ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/100884/undergraduate-analysis--undergraduate-texts-in-mathematics- (code-djvu "langundergradanalysis" "~/books/__analysis/lang__undergraduate_analysis.djvu") (code-djvutotext "langundergradanalysis" "~/books/__analysis/lang__undergraduate_analysis.djvu") ;; (find-langundergradanalysispage 14 "Contents") ;; (find-langundergradanalysispage (+ 19 371) "Partial Derivatives") ;; (find-langundergradanalysispage (+ 19 584) "Change of variables") ;; (find-langundergradanalysispage (+ 19 637) "Index") ;; (find-langundergradanalysistext "") ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/100822/complex-analysis--graduate-texts-in-mathematics--fourth-edition- (code-djvu "langcomplexanalysis" "~/books/__analysis/lang__complex_analysis.djvu") (code-djvutotext "langcomplexanalysis" "~/books/__analysis/lang__complex_analysis.djvu") ;; (find-langcomplexanalysispage 12 "Contents") ;; (find-langcomplexanalysispage (+ 15 481) "Index") ;; (find-langcomplexanalysistext "") ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/331502/calculus-of-several-variables--addison-wesley-series-in-mathematics- (code-xpdf "langcsv" "~/books/__analysis/lang__calculus_of_several_variables.pdf") (code-pdftotext "langcsv" "~/books/__analysis/lang__calculus_of_several_variables.pdf") ;; (find-langcsvpage 5 "Contents") ;; (find-langcsvpage (+ 8 211) "The Jacobian matrix") ;; (find-langcsvpage (+ 8 213) "Jacobian determinant") ;; (find-langcsvpage (+ 8 220) "Implicit function") ;; (find-langcsvpage (+ 8 283) "Change of variables formula in two dimensions") ;; (find-langcsvpage (+ 8 293) "Green's Theorem") ;; (find-langcsvpage (+ 8 327) "Divergence Theorem") ;; (find-langcsvpage (+ 8 334) "Stokes' Theorem") ;; (find-langcsvpage (+ 8 374) "Index") ;; (find-langcsvtext "") ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/102401/math-talks-for-undergraduates (code-djvu "langmathtalks" "~/books/__analysis/lang__math_talks_for_undergraduates.djvu") (code-djvutotext "langmathtalks" "~/books/__analysis/lang__math_talks_for_undergraduates.djvu") ;; (find-langmathtalkspage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-langmathtalkspage (+ 1 1) "Index") ;; (find-langmathtalkstext (+ 1 1) "Index") (code-djvu "langcomplex" "~/books/__analysis/lang__complex_analysis.djvu") (code-djvutotext "langcomplex" "~/books/__analysis/lang__complex_analysis.djvu") ;; (find-langcomplexpage 12 "Contents") ;; (find-langcomplexpage (+ 15 481) "Index") ;; (find-langcomplextext "") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "lang") (code-djvu "langgeom" "~/books/__analysis/lang_murrow__geometry_2nd_ed.djvu") (code-djvutotext "langgeom" "~/books/__analysis/lang_murrow__geometry_2nd_ed.djvu" 13) ;; (find-langgeompage) ;; (find-langgeompage 6 "Contents") ;; (find-langgeompage (+ 13 391) "Index") ;; (find-langgeomtext "") ;; «lax» (to ".lax") (code-xpdf "laxlinearalgia" "~/books/__analysis/lax__linear_algebra_and_its_applications.pdf") (code-pdftotext "laxlinearalgia" "~/books/__analysis/lax__linear_algebra_and_its_applications.pdf") ;; (find-laxlinearalgiapage 6 "Contents") ;; (find-laxlinearalgiapage (+ 17 373) "Index") ;; (find-laxlinearalgiatext "") ;; «lebl» (to ".lebl") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "lebl") ;; https://aimath.org/textbooks/approved-textbooks/lebl-de/ ;; https://www.jirka.org/diffyqs/diffyqs.pdf (code-pdf-page "diffyqs" "$S/https/www.jirka.org/diffyqs/diffyqs.pdf") (code-pdf-text "diffyqs" "$S/https/www.jirka.org/diffyqs/diffyqs.pdf" 0) ;; (find-diffyqspage) ;; (find-diffyqspage 3 "Contents") ;; (find-diffyqstext "") ;; (find-diffyqspage 7 "Introduction") ;; (find-diffyqspage 7 "0.1 Notes about these notes") ;; (find-diffyqspage 10 "0.2 Introduction to differential equations") ;; (find-diffyqspage 17 "0.3 Classification of differential equations") ;; (find-diffyqspage 21 "1 First order equations") ;; (find-diffyqspage 21 "1.1 Integrals as solutions") ;; (find-diffyqspage 27 "1.2 Slope fields") ;; (find-diffyqspage 33 "1.3 Separable equations") ;; (find-diffyqspage 40 "1.4 Linear equations and the integrating factor") ;; (find-diffyqspage 43 "1.4.1 Exercises") ;; (find-diffyqspage 46 "1.5 Substitution") ;; (find-diffyqspage 51 "1.6 Autonomous equations") ;; (find-diffyqspage 57 "1.7 Numerical methods: Euler's method") ;; (find-diffyqspage 63 "1.8 Exact equations") ;; (find-diffyqspage 68 "1.8.2 Integrating factors") ;; (find-diffyqspage 70 "1.8.3 Exercises") ;; (find-diffyqspage 72 "1.9 First order linear PDE") ;; (find-diffyqspage 79 "2 Higher order linear ODEs") ;; (find-diffyqspage 79 "2.1 Second order linear ODEs") ;; (find-diffyqspage 84 "2.2 Constant coefficient second order linear ODEs") ;; (find-diffyqspage 90 "2.3 Higher order linear ODEs") ;; (find-diffyqspage 96 "2.4 Mechanical vibrations") ;; (find-diffyqspage 104 "2.5 Nonhomogeneous equations") ;; (find-diffyqspage 107 "2.5.3 Variation of parameters") ;; (find-diffyqstext 107 "Variation of parameters") ;; (find-diffyqspage 109 "but do not solve") ;; (find-diffyqstext 109 "but do not solve") ;; (find-diffyqspage 111 "2.6 Forced oscillations and resonance") ;; (find-diffyqspage 119 "3 Systems of ODEs") ;; (find-diffyqspage 119 "3.1 Introduction to systems of ODEs") ;; (find-diffyqspage 127 "3.2 Matrices and linear systems") ;; (find-diffyqspage 136 "3.3 Linear systems of ODEs") ;; (find-diffyqspage 140 "3.4 Eigenvalue method") ;; (find-diffyqspage 147 "3.5 Two-dimensional systems and their vector fields") ;; (find-diffyqspage 152 "3.6 Second order systems and applications") ;; (find-diffyqspage 162 "3.7 Multiple eigenvalues") ;; (find-diffyqspage 169 "3.8 Matrix exponentials") ;; (find-diffyqspage 177 "3.9 Nonhomogeneous systems") ;; (find-diffyqspage 189 "4 Fourier series and PDEs") ;; (find-diffyqspage 189 "4.1 Boundary value problems") ;; (find-diffyqspage 198 "4.2 The trigonometric series") ;; (find-diffyqspage 208 "4.3 More on the Fourier series") ;; (find-diffyqspage 218 "4.4 Sine and cosine series") ;; (find-diffyqspage 226 "4.5 Applications of Fourier series") ;; (find-diffyqspage 232 "4.6 PDEs, separation of variables, and the heat equation") ;; (find-diffyqspage 243 "4.7 One-dimensional wave equation") ;; (find-diffyqspage 252 "4.8 D'Alembert solution of the wave equation") ;; (find-diffyqspage 258 "4.9 Steady state temperature and the Laplacian") ;; (find-diffyqspage 264 "4.10 Dirichlet problem in the circle and the Poisson kernel") ;; (find-diffyqspage 273 "5 More on eigenvalue problems") ;; (find-diffyqspage 273 "5.1 Sturm-Liouville problems") ;; (find-diffyqspage 282 "5.2 Higher order eigenvalue problems") ;; (find-diffyqspage 286 "5.3 Steady periodic solutions") ;; (find-diffyqspage 293 "6 The Laplace transform") ;; (find-diffyqspage 293 "6.1 The Laplace transform") ;; (find-diffyqspage 300 "6.2 Transforms of derivatives and ODEs") ;; (find-diffyqspage 308 "6.3 Convolution") ;; (find-diffyqspage 313 "6.4 Dirac delta and impulse response") ;; (find-diffyqspage 320 "6.5 Solving PDEs with the Laplace transform") ;; (find-diffyqspage 327 "7 Power series methods") ;; (find-diffyqspage 327 "7.1 Power series") ;; (find-diffyqspage 335 "7.2 Series solutions of linear second order ODEs") ;; (find-diffyqspage 342 "7.3 Singular points and the method of Frobenius") ;; (find-diffyqspage 351 "8 Nonlinear systems") ;; (find-diffyqspage 351 "8.1 Linearization, critical points, and equilibria") ;; (find-diffyqspage 357 "8.2 Stability and classification of isolated critical points") ;; (find-diffyqspage 364 "8.3 Applications of nonlinear systems") ;; (find-diffyqspage 373 "8.4 Limit cycles") ;; (find-diffyqspage 378 "8.5 Chaos") ;; (find-diffyqspage 385 "A Linear algebra") ;; (find-diffyqspage 385 "A.1 Vectors, mappings, and matrices") ;; (find-diffyqspage 396 "A.2 Matrix algebra") ;; (find-diffyqspage 407 "A.3 Elimination") ;; (find-diffyqspage 421 "A.4 Subspaces, dimension, and the kernel") ;; (find-diffyqspage 428 "A.5 Inner product and projections") ;; (find-diffyqspage 436 "A.6 Determinant") ;; (find-diffyqspage 443 "B Table of Laplace Transforms") ;; (find-diffyqspage 445 "Further Reading") ;; (find-diffyqspage 447 "Solutions to Selected Exercises") ;; (find-diffyqspage 461 "Index") ;; (find-diffyqstext "") ;; «lippman-rasmussen» (to ".lippman-rasmussen") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "lippman-rasmussen") ;; https://www.opentextbookstore.com/precalc/ ;; https://www.opentextbookstore.com/precalc/2.3/ ;; https://www.opentextbookstore.com/precalc/2.3/Chapter%201.pdf (code-pdf-page "lippmanras" "~/books/__analysis/lippman_rasmussen__precalculus_an_investigation_of_functions.pdf") (code-pdf-text "lippmanras" "~/books/__analysis/lippman_rasmussen__precalculus_an_investigation_of_functions.pdf" 10) (code-pdf-page "lippmanras01" "$S/https/www.opentextbookstore.com/precalc/2.3/Chapter%201.pdf") (code-pdf-text "lippmanras01" "$S/https/www.opentextbookstore.com/precalc/2.3/Chapter%201.pdf") ;; (find-lippmanras01page) ;; (find-lippmanras01text) ;; (find-lippmanras01page 51 "1.4 Composition of Functions") ;; (find-lippmanras01text 51 "1.4 Composition of Functions") ;; (find-lippmanraspage) ;; (find-lippmanrastext) ;; (find-lippmanraspage 8 "Contents") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 1) "1" "Functions") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 1) "1.1" "Functions and Function Notation") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 21) "1.2" "Domain and Range") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 34) "1.3" "Rates of Change and Behavior of Graphs") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 49) "1.4" "Composition of Functions") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 61) "1.5" "Transformation of Functions") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 90) "1.6" "Inverse Functions") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 99) "2" "Linear Functions") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 99) "2.1" "Linear Functions") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 111) "2.2" "Graphs of Linear Functions") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 126) "2.3" "Modeling with Linear Functions") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 138) "2.4" "Fitting Linear Models to Data") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 146) "2.5" "Absolute Value Functions") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 155) "3" "Polynomial and Rational Functions") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 163) "3.2" "Quadratic Functions") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 176) "3.3" "Graphs of Polynomial Functions") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 188) "3.4" "Rational Functions") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 206) "3.5" "Inverses and Radical Functions") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 215) "4" "Exponential and Logarithmic Functions") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 215) "4.1" "Exponential Functions") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 232) "4.2" "Graphs of Exponential Functions") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 242) "4.3" "Logarithmic Functions") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 253) "4.4" "Logarithmic Properties") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 262) "4.5" "Graphs of Logarithmic Functions") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 270) "4.6" "Exponential and Logarithmic Models") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 289) "4.7" "Fitting Exponentials to Data") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 297) "5" "Trigonometric Functions of Angles") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 297) "5.1" "Circles") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 307) "5.2" "Angles") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 321) "5.3" "Points on Circles using Sine and Cosine") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 333) "5.4" "The Other Trigonometric Functions") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 343) "5.5" "Right Triangle Trigonometry") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 353) "6" "Periodic Functions") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 353) "6.1" "Sinusoidal Graphs") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 369) "6.2" "Graphs of the Other Trig Functions") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 379) "6.3" "Inverse Trig Functions") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 387) "6.4" "Solving Trig Equations") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 397) "6.5" "Modeling with Trigonometric Equations") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 409) "7" "Trigonometric Equations and Identities") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 409) "7.1" "Solving Trigonometric Equations with Identities") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 417) "7.2" "Addition and Subtraction Identities") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 431) "7.3" "Double Angle Identities") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 442) "7.4" "Modeling Changing Amplitude and Midline") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 451) "8" "Further Applications of Trigonometry") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 467) "8.2" "Polar Coordinates") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 480) "8.3" "Polar Form of Complex Numbers") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 491) "8.4" "Vectors") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 504) "8.5" "Parametric Equations") ;; (find-lippmanraspage (+ 10 555) "Index") ;; (find-lippmanrastext "") ;; «magalhaes-lima» (to ".magalhaes-lima") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "magalhaes-lima") (code-pdf "magalima" "~/books/__analysis/magalhaes_lima__nocoes_de_probabilidade_e_estatistica.pdf") (code-pdftotext "magalima" "~/books/__analysis/magalhaes_lima__nocoes_de_probabilidade_e_estatistica.pdf" 1) ;; (find-magalimapage) ;; (find-magalimapage 3 "Contents") ;; (find-magalimapage (+ 7 1) "1. Introdução à análise exploratória de dados") ;; (find-magalimapage (+ 7 37) "2. Probabilidades") ;; (find-magalimapage (+ 7 41) "2.2. Probabilidade condicional e independência") ;; (find-magalimapage (+ 7 57) "3. Variáveis aleatórias discretas") ;; (find-magalimapage (+ 7 93) "4. Medidas resumo") ;; (find-magalimapage (+ 7 93) "4.2. Medidas de posição") ;; (find-magalimapage (+ 7 98) "Def 4.2. Medidas de posição para variáveis aleatórias discretas") ;; (find-magalimapage (+ 7 100) "Tabela 4.1. Medidas de tendência central") ;; (find-magalimapage (+ 7 102) "4.3. Medidas de dispersão") ;; (find-magalimapage (+ 7 104) "Def 4.4. Variância e desvio padrão") ;; (find-magalimapage (+ 7 111) "Tabela 4.2. Medidas de dispersão") ;; (find-magalimapage (+ 7 115) "4.4. Exercícios") ;; (find-magalimapage (+ 7 405) "1.") ;; (find-magalimatext "") ;; «mahajan» (to ".mahajan") ;; https://hapax.github.io/physics/teaching/hacks/napkin-hacks/ ;; https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42418309 Hacking physics from the back of a napkin (hapax.github.io) ;; https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/res-6-011-the-art-of-insight-in-science-and-engineering-mastering-complexity-fall-2014/3bca850386a3005c22134fa62fb3bad5_MITRES_6-011F14_art_insfin.pdf (code-pdf-page "mahajan" "$S/https/ocw.mit.edu/courses/res-6-011-the-art-of-insight-in-science-and-engineering-mastering-complexity-fall-2014/3bca850386a3005c22134fa62fb3bad5_MITRES_6-011F14_art_insfin.pdf") (code-pdf-text "mahajan" "$S/https/ocw.mit.edu/courses/res-6-011-the-art-of-insight-in-science-and-engineering-mastering-complexity-fall-2014/3bca850386a3005c22134fa62fb3bad5_MITRES_6-011F14_art_insfin.pdf") ;; (find-mahajanpage) ;; (find-mahajantext) ;; «malajovich» (to ".malajovich") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "malajovich") ;; Gregorio Malajovich: "Álgebra Linear" ;; https://www.labma.ufrj.br/~gregorio/livros/alglin.pdf ;; (find-fline "$S/https/www.labma.ufrj.br/~gregorio/livros/") (code-pdf-page "malajovich" "$S/https/www.labma.ufrj.br/~gregorio/livros/alglin.pdf") (code-pdf-text "malajovich" "$S/https/www.labma.ufrj.br/~gregorio/livros/alglin.pdf") ;; (find-malajovichpage) ;; (find-malajovichtext) ;; «manga-calculus» (to ".manga-calculus") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "manga-calculus") (code-pdf-page "mangacalc" "~/books/__analysis/kojima_togami__the_manga_guide_to_calculus.pdf") (code-pdf-text "mangacalc" "~/books/__analysis/kojima_togami__the_manga_guide_to_calculus.pdf" 1) ;; (find-mangacalcpage) ;; (find-mangacalcpage 9 "Contents") ;; (find-mangacalctext 9 "Contents") ;; (find-mangacalcpage (+ 14 235) "Index") ;; (find-mangacalctext "") ;; «maria-laura» (to ".maria-laura") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "maria-laura") ;; Maria Laura Magalhães Gomes: "Álgebra e Funções na Educação Básica" ;; (to "usiskin") ;; E-mail do wacs (Wilhelm Alexander Cardoso Steinmetz): ;; https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#search/from%3Ame+slides/FMfcgzGrbRQshMGBlkKjLmqDdlPdHWxH (code-pdf-page "marialaura" "~/books/__analysis/maria_laura_magalhaes_gomes__algebra_e_funcoes_na_educacao_basica.pdf") (code-pdf-text8 "marialaura" "~/books/__analysis/maria_laura_magalhaes_gomes__algebra_e_funcoes_na_educacao_basica.pdf" 1) ;; (find-marialaurapage) ;; (find-marialauratext "") ;; (find-marialaurapage 13 "Cada uma das igualdades tem um caráter diferente") ;; (find-marialauratext 13 "Cada uma das igualdades tem um caráter diferente") ;; (find-marialaurapage 14 "traduzir e generalizar") ;; (find-marialauratext 14 "traduzir e generalizar") ;; (find-marialaurapage 15 "não como algo que varia, mas como uma incógnita") ;; (find-marialauratext 15 "não como algo que varia, mas como uma incógnita") ;; (find-marialaurapage 28 "o produto de seis por um número") ;; (find-marialauratext 28 "o produto de seis por um número") ;; (find-marialaurapage 37 "Eis as duas maneiras de se" "conceituar a equação nesses livros") ;; (find-marialauratext 37 "Eis as duas maneiras de se" "conceituar a equação nesses livros") ;; (find-marialaurapage 38 "balanças ou" "gangorras") ;; (find-marialauratext 38 "balanças ou" "gangorras") ;; (find-marialaurapage 52 "ab tem o mesmo significado que a +b") ;; (find-marialauratext 52 "ab tem o mesmo significado que a +b") ;; (find-marialaurapage 52 "se x = 6, 4x = 46") ;; (find-marialauratext 52 "se x = 6, 4x = 46") ;; «marsden» (to ".marsden") ;; Marsden/Tromba: ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/125746/vector-calculus--5th-edition--2003- (code-djvu "marsdentromba" "~/books/__analysis/marsden_tromba__vector_calculus_5th_ed.djvu") ;; (find-marsdentrombapage 7 "Contents") ;; (find-marsdentrombapage (+ 30 1)) ;; (find-marsdentrombapage (+ 30 668) "Index") ;; «marsden-weinstein» (to ".marsden-weinstein") ;; https://aimath.org/textbooks/approved-textbooks/ ;; https://aimath.org/textbooks/approved-textbooks/marsden-weinstein/ ;; https://authors.library.caltech.edu/25030/1/Calc1w.pdf ;; https://authors.library.caltech.edu/25031/1/Calc1studentw.pdf ;; https://authors.library.caltech.edu/25036/2/Calc2w.pdf ;; https://authors.library.caltech.edu/25043/1/Calc3w.pdf ;; (find-fline "$S/https/authors.library.caltech.edu/25030/1/") ;; (find-fline "$S/https/authors.library.caltech.edu/25031/1/") ;; (find-fline "$S/https/authors.library.caltech.edu/25036/2/") ;; (find-fline "$S/https/authors.library.caltech.edu/25043/1/") (code-pdf-page "marsdenw1" "$S/https/authors.library.caltech.edu/25030/1/Calc1w.pdf") (code-pdf-text "marsdenw1" "$S/https/authors.library.caltech.edu/25030/1/Calc1w.pdf") (code-pdf-page "marsdenws" "$S/https/authors.library.caltech.edu/25031/1/Calc1studentw.pdf") (code-pdf-text "marsdenws" "$S/https/authors.library.caltech.edu/25031/1/Calc1studentw.pdf") (code-pdf-page "marsdenw2" "$S/https/authors.library.caltech.edu/25036/2/Calc2w.pdf") (code-pdf-text "marsdenw2" "$S/https/authors.library.caltech.edu/25036/2/Calc2w.pdf" -319) (code-pdf-page "marsdenw3" "$S/https/authors.library.caltech.edu/25043/1/Calc3w.pdf") (code-pdf-text "marsdenw3" "$S/https/authors.library.caltech.edu/25043/1/Calc3w.pdf") ;; (find-marsdenw1page) ;; (find-marsdenw1text) ;; (find-marsdenw1page 2 "Formulas") ;; (find-marsdenw1text 2 "Formulas") ;; (find-marsdenw1page 13 "Contents") ;; (find-marsdenw1text 13 "Contents") ;; (find-marsdenwspage) ;; (find-marsdenwstext) ;; (find-marsdenwspage 15 "CONTENTS") ;; (find-marsdenwstext 15 "CONTENTS") ;; (find-marsdenw2page) ;; (find-marsdenw2text) ;; (find-marsdenw2page 15 "Contents") ;; (find-marsdenw2text 15 "Contents") ;; (find-marsdenw2page (+ -319 337) "7. Basic Methods of Integration") ;; (find-marsdenw2page (+ -319 337) "7.1. Calculating Integrals") ;; (find-marsdenw2page (+ -319 347) "7.2. Integration by Substitution") ;; (find-marsdenw2page (+ -319 354) "7.3. Changing Variables in the Definite Integral") ;; (find-marsdenw2page (+ -319 358) "7.4. Integration by Parts") ;; (find-marsdenw2page (+ -320 369) "8. Differential Equations") ;; (find-marsdenw2page (+ -320 369) "8.1. Oscillations") ;; (find-marsdenw2page (+ -320 378) "8.2. Growth and Decay") ;; (find-marsdenw2page (+ -320 384) "8.3. The Hyperbolic Functions") ;; (find-marsdenw2page (+ -320 392) "8.4. The Inverse Hyperbolic Functions") ;; (find-marsdenw2page (+ -320 398) "8.5. Separable Differential Equations") ;; (find-marsdenw2page (+ -320 408) "8.6. Linear First-Order Equations") ;; (find-marsdenw2page (+ -321 419) "9. Applications of Integration") ;; (find-marsdenw2page (+ -321 419) "9.1. Volumes by the Slice Method") ;; (find-marsdenw2page (+ -321 428) "9.2. Volumes by the Shell Method") ;; (find-marsdenw2page (+ -321 433) "9.3. Average Values and the Mean Value Theorem for Integrals") ;; (find-marsdenw2page (+ -321 437) "9.4. Center of Mass") ;; (find-marsdenw2page (+ -321 445) "9.5. Energy, Power, and Work") ;; (find-marsdenw2page (+ -321 457) "10. Further Techniques and Applications of Integration") ;; (find-marsdenw2page (+ -321 457) "10.1. Trigonometric Integrals") ;; (find-marsdenw2page (+ -321 465) "10.2. Partial Fractions") ;; (find-marsdenw2page (+ -321 477) "10.3. Arc Length and Surface Area") ;; (find-marsdenw2page (+ -321 489) "10.4. Parametric Curves") ;; (find-marsdenw2page (+ -321 500) "10.5. Length and Area in Polar Coordinates") ;; (find-marsdenw2page (+ -321 509) "11. Limits, L'Hopital's Rule, and Numerical Methods") ;; (find-marsdenw2page (+ -321 509) "11.1. Limits of Functions") ;; (find-marsdenw2page (+ -321 521) "11.2. L'Hopital's Rule") ;; (find-marsdenw2page (+ -321 528) "11.3. Improper Integrals") ;; (find-marsdenw2page (+ -321 537) "11.4. Limits of Sequences and Newton's Method") ;; (find-marsdenw2page (+ -321 550) "11.5. Numerical Integration") ;; (find-marsdenw2page (+ -321 561) "12. Infinite Series") ;; (find-marsdenw2page (+ -321 561) "12.1. The Sum of an Infinite Series") ;; (find-marsdenw2page (+ -321 570) "12.2. The Comparison Test and Alternating Series") ;; (find-marsdenw2page (+ -321 579) "12.3. The Integral and Ratio Tests") ;; (find-marsdenw2page (+ -321 586) "12.4. Power Series") ;; (find-marsdenw2page (+ -321 594) "12.5. Taylor's Formula") ;; (find-marsdenw2page (+ -321 607) "12.6. Complex Numbers") ;; (find-marsdenw2page (+ -321 617) "12.7. Second-Order Linear Differential Equations") ;; (find-marsdenw2page (+ -321 632) "12.8. Series Solutions of Differential Equations") ;; (find-marsdenw3page) ;; (find-marsdenw3text) ;; (find-marsdenw3page 15 "Contents") ;; (find-marsdenw3text 15 "Contents") ;; (find-marsdenw3page (+ -627 645) "13. Vectors") ;; (find-marsdenw3page (+ -627 695) "14. Curves and surfaces") ;; (find-marsdenw3page (+ -627 765) "15. Partial Differentiation") ;; (find-marsdenw3page (+ -627 797) "16. Gradients, Maxima, and Minima") ;; (find-marsdenw3page (+ -628 839) "17. Multiple Integration") ;; (find-marsdenw3page (+ -628 885) "18. Vector Analysis") ;; «martcheva» (to ".martcheva") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "martcheva") (code-pdf-page "martcheva" "~/books/__analysis/martcheva__an_introduction_to_mathematical_epidemiology.pdf") (code-pdf-text "martcheva" "~/books/__analysis/martcheva__an_introduction_to_mathematical_epidemiology.pdf" 1) ;; (find-martchevapage) ;; (find-martchevapage 10 "Contents") ;; (find-martchevapage (+ 9 449) "Index") ;; (find-martchevatext "") ;; «martins-martins» (to ".martins-martins") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "martins-martins") ;; https://conexao.ufrj.br/2020/11/03/ufrj-reune-2-650-e-books-para-baixar-de-graca/ ;; https://www.editora.ufop.br/index.php/editora/catalog/view/49/34/114-1 ;; Martins/Martins: "Elementos de Cálculo Diferencial e Integral" (code-pdf-page "martinscdi" "~/books/__analysis/martins_martins__elementos_de_calculo_diferencial_e_integral.pdf") (code-pdf-text "martinscdi" "~/books/__analysis/martins_martins__elementos_de_calculo_diferencial_e_integral.pdf" 10) ;; (find-martinscdipage) ;; (find-martinscdipage 11 "Sumário") ;; (find-martinscditext 11 "Sumário") ;; (find-martinscdipage (+ 10 17) "Funcoes Elementares") ;; (find-martinscdipage (+ 10 17) "1.1 Introducao") ;; (find-martinscdipage (+ 10 17) "1.2 Definicao") ;; (find-martinscdipage (+ 10 18) "1.3 Grafico de uma funcao") ;; (find-martinscdipage (+ 10 19) "1.4 Dominio de uma Funcao") ;; (find-martinscdipage (+ 10 19) "1.4.1 Funcao Polinomial") ;; (find-martinscdipage (+ 10 20) "1.4.2 Funcao Racional") ;; (find-martinscdipage (+ 10 21) "1.4.3 Funcao Irracional") ;; (find-martinscdipage (+ 10 23) "1.5 Composicao de Funcoes") ;; (find-martinscdipage (+ 10 24) "1.6 Tipos de Funcoes") ;; (find-martinscdipage (+ 10 24) "1.6.1 Funcao Polinomial do Primeiro Grau") ;; (find-martinscdipage (+ 10 24) "1.6.2 Funcao Polinomial do Segundo Grau") ;; (find-martinscdipage (+ 10 25) "1.6.3 Funcao Modular") ;; (find-martinscdipage (+ 10 26) "1.6.4 Funcoes Periodicas") ;; (find-martinscdipage (+ 10 26) "1.6.5 Funcao Par") ;; (find-martinscdipage (+ 10 27) "1.6.6 Funcao Impar") ;; (find-martinscdipage (+ 10 27) "1.6.7 Funcao Injetora") ;; (find-martinscdipage (+ 10 27) "1.6.8 Funcao Sobrejetora") ;; (find-martinscdipage (+ 10 28) "1.6.9 Funcao Bijetora") ;; (find-martinscdipage (+ 10 28) "1.6.10 Funcao Inversa") ;; (find-martinscdipage (+ 10 29) "1.6.11 Caso Especial") ;; (find-martinscdipage (+ 10 31) "1.6.12 Funcao Exponencial") ;; (find-martinscdipage (+ 10 104) "4.1.4 Derivada da Funcao Inversa") ;; (find-martinscditext (+ 10 104) "4.1.4 Derivada da Funcao Inversa") ;; (find-martinscdipage (+ 10 109) "4.2 Integral") ;; (find-martinscditext (+ 10 109) "4.2 Integral") ;; (find-martinscdipage (+ 10 109) "4.2.2 Integral Indefinida") ;; (find-martinscditext (+ 10 109) "4.2.2 Integral Indefinida") ;; (find-martinscdipage (+ 10 124) "4.4.38 Tabela de Integrais") ;; (find-martinscditext (+ 10 124) "4.4.38 Tabela de Integrais") ;; (find-martinscdipage (+ 10 165) "6" "Metodos de Integracao") ;; (find-martinscditext (+ 10 165) "6" "Metodos de Integracao") ;; (find-martinscdipage (+ 10 165) "6.1 Metodo da Substituicao") ;; (find-martinscditext (+ 10 165) "6.1 Metodo da Substituicao") ;; (find-martinscdipage (+ 10 176) "6.2 Metodo de Integracao por Partes") ;; (find-martinscditext (+ 10 176) "6.2 Metodo de Integracao por Partes") ;; (find-martinscdipage (+ 10 187) "6.3 Metodo das Fracoes Parciais") ;; (find-martinscditext (+ 10 187) "6.3 Metodo das Fracoes Parciais") ;; (find-martinscdipage (+ 10 203) "6.5 Integral Definida") ;; (find-martinscditext (+ 10 203) "6.5 Integral Definida") ;; (find-martinscdipage (+ 10 205) "6.9 Calculo de Areas") ;; (find-martinscditext (+ 10 205) "6.9 Calculo de Areas") ;; (find-martinscditext "") ;; «milnor» (to ".milnor") (code-djvu "milnor" "~/books/__analysis/milnor__topology_from_the_differentiable_viewpoint.djvu") (code-djvutotext "milnor" "~/books/__analysis/milnor__topology_from_the_differentiable_viewpoint.djvu") ;; (find-milnorpage 4 "Contents") ;; (find-milnorpage (+ -26 63) "Index") ;; (find-milnortext "") ;; «miranda» (to ".miranda") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "miranda") ;; (find-es "ead" "daniel-miranda") ;; https://danielmiranda.prof.ufabc.edu.br/ ;; http://hostel.ufabc.edu.br/~daniel.miranda/calculo/calculo.pdf (code-pdf-page "dmirandacalc" "$S/http/hostel.ufabc.edu.br/~daniel.miranda/calculo/calculo.pdf") (code-pdf-text8 "dmirandacalc" "$S/http/hostel.ufabc.edu.br/~daniel.miranda/calculo/calculo.pdf") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage) ;; (find-dmirandacalctext) ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 9 "I Limites e Continuidade") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 10 "1 Limites e Continuidade de Funções ") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 10 "1.1 Motivação") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 10 "1.1.1 O Problema da Reta Tangente") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 12 "1.2 Intuições sobre Limite") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 17 "1.3 Definição de Limite") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 22 "1.4 Limites Laterais") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 29 "Teorema do confronto") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 25 "1.5 Propriedades do Limite de Funções") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 33 "1.6 Continuidade") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 40 "1.7 Propriedades das Funções Contínuas") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 40 "1.7.1 Teorema do Valor Intermediário") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 44 "1.7.2 Valores Extremos") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 45 "1.8 Demonstração das Propriedades Básicas de Limite") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 48 "1.9 Continuidade Uniforme") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 52 "2 Limites Infinitos e no Infinito") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 52 "2.1 Limites no Infinito") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 54 "2.2 Limites Infinitos") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 56 "2.2.1 Propriedades do Limite Infinito e no Infinito") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 60 "2.3 O Número e e as Funções Exponencial e Logaritmo") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 63 "2.3.1 Juro Composto") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 63 "2.3.2 Crescimento demográfico") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 65 "II Derivadas") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 66 "3 Derivadas") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 66 "3.1 Motivações") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 66 "3.1.1 O Problema da Reta Tangente") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 68 "3.1.2 O Problema da Velocidade") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 70 "3.2 Definição de Derivada") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 71 "3.2.1 Função Derivada") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 72 "3.2.2 Definição Equivalente de Derivada") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 73 "Notação de Leibniz" "at") ;; (find-dmirandacalctext 73 "Notação de Leibniz") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 74 "3.2.3 Derivadas Laterais") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 77 "3.3 Derivadas das Funções Clássicas") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 80 "3.4 Regras de Derivação") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 83 "3.10 Teorema 4. : Derivada do Quociente") ;; (find-dmirandacalctext 83 "3.10 Teorema 4. : Derivada do Quociente") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 87 "3.5 A Regra da Cadeia") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 90 "3.6 Derivada da Função Inversa") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 93 "3.7 Taxas de Variação") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 97 "4 Tópicos em Diferenciação") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 97 "4.1 Derivação Implícita") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 101 "4.2 Derivadas das Funções Exponencial e Logaritmo") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 102 "4.2.1 Derivada de f (x)g(x) ") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 104 "4.3 Derivação das Funções Trigonométricas Inversas") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 108 "4.4 Taxas Relacionadas") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 112 "4.5 Derivadas das Funções Hiperbólicas") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 116 "4.6 Derivada de Ordem Superior") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 117 "4.7 Aproximações Lineares e Diferencial") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 119 "Definição 7" "A diferencial") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 120 "Exemplo 4.4" "Uma tigela") ;; (find-dmirandacalctext 120 "Exemplo 4.4" "Uma tigela") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 122 "5 Aplicações de Derivadas") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 122 "5.1 Valores Extremos") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 122 "5.1.1 Extremos Absolutos") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 124 "5.1.2 Extremos Relativos") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 126 "5.1.3 Extremos em Intervalos Fechados") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 130 "5.2 Teorema do Valor Médio") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 132 "5.2.1 Teorema do Valor Médio de Cauchy Generalizado") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 133 "5.2.2 Consequências do Teorema do Valor Médio") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 135 "5.3 Funções Crescentes e Decrescentes") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 136 "5.3.1 Teste da derivada primeira para a determinação de máximos e mínimos") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 138 "5.4 Concavidade") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 139 "5.4.1 Pontos de inflexão") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 140 "5.4.2 Teste da derivada segunda para a determinação de máximos e mínimos") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 143 "5.5 A Regra de L'Hospital") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 146 "5.5.1 Diferenças e Produtos Indeterminados") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 147 "5.5.2 Potência Indeterminadas") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 152 "5.6 Assíntotas") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 154 "5.6.1 Assíntotas e Funções Racionais") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 156 "5.7 Esboço de Curvas") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 162 "5.8 Problemas de Otimização") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 168 "5.9 Polinômio de Taylor") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 168 "5.9.1 Polinômio de Taylor de Ordem 1 e 2") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 170 "5.9.2 Polinômio de Taylor de Ordem n") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 177 "5.9.3 Irracionalidade de e") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 178 "5.9.4 Demonstração da Fórmula de Taylor com Resto de Lagrange") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 180 "III Integrais") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 181 "6 Integral Indefinida") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 181 "antiderivada") ;; (find-dmirandacalctext 181 "antiderivada") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 181 "6.1 Integral Indefinida") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 182 "6.1.1 Regras Básicas de Integração") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 184 "A integral indefinida é linear") ;; (find-dmirandacalctext 184 "A integral indefinida é linear") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 185 "Exercícios") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 186 "6.1.2 Problemas de Valores Iniciais") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 189 "6.2 Integração por Substituição") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 191 "Exercícios") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 192 "Exemplo 6.6") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 193 "Não podemos") ;; (find-dmirandacalctext 193 "Não podemos") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 196 "Exercícios") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 199 "6.3 Integração por Partes") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 203 "6.3.1 Fórmulas de recorrência") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 205 "Exercícios") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 207 "7. Integração definida") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 208 "extremo esquerdo") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 212 "7.2. Integral definida") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 213 "marcas") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 217 "7.3. Funções contínuas são integráveis") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 217 "soma superior e inferior") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 218 "min_") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 220 "7.4 Propriedades da Integral") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 224 "Teorema do valor médio para integrais") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 225 "7.5 Teorema Fundamental do Cálculo") ;; (find-dmirandacalctext 225 "Teorema Fundamental do C" "lculo") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 228 "notação para diferença") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 228 "7.5.1 Segundo Teorema Fundamental do Cálculo") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 230 "7.6 Integração por Substituição na Integral Definida") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 232 "7.6.1 Integração por Partes na Integral Definida") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 234 "7.7 Deslocamento e Espaço Percorrido") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 235 "7.8 A Função Logaritmo e Exponencial Revisitadas") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 236 "7.8.1 Gráfico do logaritmo.") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 240 "8 Técnicas de Integração") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 240 "8.1 Frações Parciais") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 242 "8.1.1 Fatores Lineares") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 246 "8.1.2 Fatores quadráticos") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 251 "Exercícios") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 252 "8.2 Decomposição em Frações Parciais") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 255 "8.3 Integrais Trigonométricas") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 263 "8.4 Substituição Trigonométrica") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 269 "8.5 A Substituição de Weierstrass u = tg(x/2)") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 270 "8.6 Estratégias de Integração") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 278 "9 Aplicações da Integral") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 278 "9.1 Construção de Fórmulas Integrais") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 279 "9.2 Áreas") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 279 "9.2.1 Área entre duas curvas") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 281 "9.2.2 Integrando em Relação a y") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 282 "9.2.3 Curvas que se Entrelaçam") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 285 "9.3 Volume") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 288 "volume da esfera") ;; (find-dmirandacalctext 288 "volume da esfera") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 285 "9.3.1 Secções Transversais") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 289 "9.3.2 Sólidos de Revolução") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 294 "9.3.3 Cascas Cilíndricas") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 297 "9.4 Trabalho") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 301 "9.5 Comprimento de Arco") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 302 "9.6 Área Superficial") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 304 "9.7 Centro de Massa") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 307 "9.7.1 Teoremas de Pappus") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 310 "10 Integrais Impróprias") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 310 "10.1 Intervalos Infinitos") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 314 "10.2 Integrandos Descontínuos") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 316 "10.3 Compreendendo Convergência e Divergência ") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 316 "A resposta absurda") ;; (find-dmirandacalctext 316 "A resposta absurda") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 322 "10.4 Probabilidade") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 324 "10.4.1 Valores Esperados") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 326 "10.4.2 Distribuições Normais") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 328 "A Notação de Somatório") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 331 "B Tabela de Derivadas") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 334 "C Tabela de Integrais") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 336 "D Identidades Trigonométricas ") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 337 "Referências") ;; (find-dmirandacalcpage 337 "Índice Remissivo") ;; «mirzakhani» (to ".mirzakhani") ;; Anton Zorich: "The Magic Wand Theorem of A. Eskin and M. Mirzakhani" ;; https://arxiv.org/abs/1502.05654 ;; https://arxiv.org/pdf/1502.05654.pdf (code-pdf-page "zorichthemagicwand" "$S/https/arxiv.org/pdf/1502.05654.pdf") (code-pdf-text "zorichthemagicwand" "$S/https/arxiv.org/pdf/1502.05654.pdf") ;; (find-zorichthemagicwandpage) ;; (find-zorichthemagicwandtext) ;; «morettin-bussab» (to ".morettin-bussab") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "morettin-bussab") (code-pdf-page "mbest6" "~/books/__analysis/morettin_bussab__estatistica_basica_6a_ed.pdf") (code-pdf-text8 "mbest6" "~/books/__analysis/morettin_bussab__estatistica_basica_6a_ed.pdf" 1) (code-pdf-page "mbest9" "~/books/__analysis/morettin_bussab__estatistica_basica_9a_ed.pdf") (code-pdf-text8 "mbest9" "~/books/__analysis/morettin_bussab__estatistica_basica_9a_ed.pdf" 1) ;; (find-mbest6page) ;; (find-mbest6text "") ;; (find-mbest6page 12 "S U M Á R I O") ;; (find-mbest6text 12 "S U M Á R I O") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 1) "Capítulo 1 — Preliminares") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 1) "1.1 Introdução") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 1) "1.2 Modelos") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 2) "1.3 Técnicas Computacionais") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 3) "1.4 Métodos Gráficos") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 4) "1.5 Conjuntos de Dados") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 5) "1.6 Plano do Livro") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 9) "Capítulo 2 — Resumo de Dados") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 9) "2.1 Tipos de Variáveis") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 11) "2.2 Distribuições de Freqüências") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 15) "2.3 Gráficos") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 15) "2.3.1 Gráficos para Variáveis Qualitativas") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 16) "2.3.2 Gráficos para Variáveis Quantitativas") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 20) "2.4 Ramo-e-Folhas") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 23) "2.5 Exemplos Computacionais") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 26) "2.6 Problemas e Complementos") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 35) "Capítulo 3 — Medidas-Resumo") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 35) "3.1 Medidas de Posição") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 37) "3.2 Medidas de Dispersão") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 38) "Desvio médio e variância") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 41) "3.3 Quantis Empíricos") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 47) "3.4 Box Plots") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 51) "3.5 Gráficos de Simetria") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 52) "3.6 Transformações") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 54) "3.7 Exemplos Computacionais") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 56) "3.8 Problemas e Complementos") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 68) "Capítulo 4 — Análise Bidimensional") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 68) "4.1 Introdução") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 70) "4.2 Variáveis Qualitativas") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 73) "4.3 Associação entre Variáveis Qualitativas") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 76) "4.4 Medidas de Associação entre Variáveis Qualitativas") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 80) "4.5 Associação entre Variáveis Quantitativas") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 86) "4.6 Associação entre Variáveis Qualitativas e Quantitativas") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 90) "4.7 Gráficos q x q") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 92) "4.8 Exemplos Computacionais") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 94) "4.9 Problemas e Complementos") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 103) "Capítulo 5 — Probabilidades") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 103) "5.1 Introdução") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 106) "5.2 Algumas Propriedades") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 111) "5.3 Probabilidade Condicional e Independência") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 116) "5.4 O Teorema de Bayes") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 121) "5.5 Probabilidades Subjetivas") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 122) "5.6 Problemas e Complementos") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 128) "Capítulo 6 — Variáveis Aleatórias Discretas") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 128) "6.1 Introdução") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 129) "6.2 O Conceito de Variável Aleatória Discreta") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 135) "6.3 Valor Médio de uma Variável Aleatória") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 137) "6.4 Algumas Propriedades do Valor Médio") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 138) "6.5 Função de Distribuição Acumulada") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 140) "6.6 Alguns Modelos Probabilísticos para Variáveis Aleatórias Discretas") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 140) "6.6.1 Distribuição Uniforme Discreta") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 142) "6.6.2 Distribuição de Bernoulli") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 143) "6.6.3 Distribuição Binomial") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 147) "6.6.4 Distribuição Hipergeométrica") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 148) "6.6.5 Distribuição de Poisson") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 153) "6.7 O Processo de Poisson") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 154) "6.8 Quantis") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 156) "6.9 Exemplos Computacionais") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 157) "6.10 Problemas e Complementos") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 163) "Capítulo 7 — Variáveis Aleatórias Contínuas") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 163) "7.1 Introdução") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 167) "7.2 Valor Médio de uma Variável Aleatória Contínua") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 170) "7.3 Função de Distribuição Acumulada") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 173) "7.4 Alguns Modelos Probabilísticos para Variáveis Aleatórias Contínuas") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 174) "7.4.1 O Modelo Uniforme") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 176) "7.4.2 O Modelo Normal") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 181) "7.4.3 O Modelo Exponencial") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 182) "7.5 Aproximação Normal à Binomial") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 185) "7.6 Funções de Variáveis Contínuas") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 188) "7.7 Outros Modelos Importantes") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 188) "7.7.1 A Distribuição Gama") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 189) "7.7.2 A Distribuição Qui-Quadrado") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 191) "7.7.3 A Distribuição t de Student") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 192) "7.7.4 A Distribuição F de Snedecor") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 193) "7.8 Quantis") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 195) "7.9 Exemplos Computacionais") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 196) "7.10 Problemas e Complementos") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 203) "Capítulo 8 — Variáveis Aleatórias Multidimensionais") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 203) "8.1 Distribuição Conjunta") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 206) "8.2 Distribuições Marginais e Condicionais") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 209) "8.3 Funções de Variáveis Aleatórias") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 214) "8.4 Covariância entre Duas Variáveis Aleatórias") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 220) "8.5 Variáveis Contínuas") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 224) "8.6 Distribuições Condicionais Contínuas") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 228) "8.7 Funções de Variáveis Contínuas") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 229) "8.8 Distribuição Normal Bidimensional") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 231) "8.9 Problemas e Complementos") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 235) "Capítulo 9 — Noções de Simulação") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 235) "9.1 Introdução") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 240) "9.2 Simulação de Variáveis Aleatórias") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 244) "9.3 Simulação de Alguns Modelos") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 247) "9.4 Exemplos Computacionais") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 252) "9.5 Problemas e Complementos") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 261) "Capítulo 10 — Introdução à Inferência Estatística") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 261) "10.1 Introdução") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 261) "10.2 População e Amostra") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 264) "10.3 Problemas de Inferência") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 267) "10.4 Como Selecionar uma Amostra") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 268) "10.5 Amostragem Aleatória Simples") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 271) "10.6 Estatísticas e Parâmetros") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 272) "10.7 Distribuições Amostrais") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 277) "10.8 Distribuição Amostral da Média") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 281) "10.9 Distribuição Amostral de uma Proporção") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 283) "10.10 Outras Distribuições Amostrais") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 287) "10.11 Determinação do Tamanho de uma Amostra") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 289) "10.12 Exemplos Computacionais") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 290) "10.13 Problemas e Complementos") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 296) "Capítulo 11 — Estimação") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 296) "11.1 Primeiras Idéias") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 298) "11.2 Propriedades de Estimadores") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 304) "11.3 Estimadores de Momentos") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 305) "11.4 Estimadores de Mínimos Quadrados") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 308) "11.5 Estimadores de Máxima Verossimilhança") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 310) "11.6 Intervalos de Confiança") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 316) "11.7 Erro Padrão de um Estimador") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 317) "11.8 Inferência Bayesiana") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 320) "11.9 Exemplos Computacionais") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 324) "11.10 Problemas e Complementos") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 330) "Capítulo 12 — Testes de Hipóteses") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 330) "12.1 Introdução") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 330) "12.2 Um Exemplo") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 337) "12.3 Procedimento Geral do Teste de Hipóteses") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 339) "12.4 Passos para a Construção de um Teste de Hipóteses") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 339) "12.5 Testes sobre a Média de uma População com Variância Conhecida") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 341) "12.6 Teste para Proporção") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 344) "12.7 Poder de um Teste") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 348) "12.8 Valor-p") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 351) "12.9 Teste para a Variância de uma Normal") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 355) "12.10 Teste sobre a Média de uma Normal com Variância Desconhecida") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 358) "12.11 Problemas e Complementos") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 361) "Capítulo 13 — Inferência para Duas Populações") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 361) "13.1 Introdução") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 365) "13.2 Comparação das Variâncias de Duas Populações Normais") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 367) "13.3 Comparação de Duas Populações: Amostras Independentes") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 368) "13.3.1 Populações Normais") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 372) "13.3.2 Populações Não-Normais") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 382) "13.4 Comparação de Duas Populações: Amostras Dependentes") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 382) "13.4.1 População Normal") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 384) "13.4.2 População Não-Normal") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 387) "13.5 Comparação de Proporções em Duas Populações") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 390) "13.6 Exemplo Computacional") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 394) "13.7 Problemas e Complementos") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 399) "Capítulo 14 — Análise de Aderência e Associação") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 399) "14.1 Introdução") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 402) "14.2 Testes de Aderência") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 406) "14.3 Testes de Homogeneidade") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 409) "14.4 Testes de Independência") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 411) "14.5 Teste para o Coeficiente de Correlação") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 414) "14.6 Outro Teste de Aderência") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 417) "14.7 Problemas e Complementos") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 420) "Capítulo 15 — Inferência para Várias Populações") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 420) "15.1 Introdução") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 425) "15.2 Modelo para Duas Subpopulações") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 425) "15.2.1 Suposições") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 426) "15.2.2 Estimação do Modelo") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 430) "15.2.3 Intervalos de Confiança") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 432) "15.2.4 Tabela de Análise de Variância") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 435) "15.3 Modelo para Mais de Duas Subpopulações") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 439) "15.4 Comparações entre as Médias") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 441) "15.5 Teste de Homocedasticidade") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 443) "15.6 Exemplo Computacional") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 444) "15.7 Problemas e Complementos") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 449) "Capítulo 16 — Regressão Linear Simples") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 449) "16.1 Introdução") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 452) "16.2 Estimação dos Parâmetros") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 454) "16.3 Avaliação do Modelo") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 454) "16.3.1 Estimador de σ 2e") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 456) "16.3.2 Decomposição da Soma de Quadrados") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 458) "16.3.3 Tabela de Análise de Variância") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 460) "16.4 Propriedades dos Estimadores") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 461) "16.4.1 Média e Variância dos Estimadores") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 462) "16.4.2 Distribuições Amostrais dos Estimadores dos Parâmetros") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 463) "16.4.3 Intervalos de Confiança para α e β") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 465) "16.4.4 Intervalo de Confiança para μ (z) e Intervalo de Predição") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 467) "16.5 Análise de Resíduos") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 473) "16.6 Alguns Modelos Especiais") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 473) "16.6.1 Reta Passando pela Origem") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 475) "16.6.2 Modelos Não-Lineares") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 479) "16.7 Regressão Resistente") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 481) "16.8 Exemplos Computacionais") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 484) "16.9 Problemas e Complementos") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 495) "Referências") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 497) "Conjuntos de Dados") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 507) "Tabelas") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 522) "Respostas") ;; (find-mbest6page (+ 17 537) "Indice remissivo") ;; (find-mbest9page 10 "SUMÁRIO") ;; (find-mbest9text 10 "SUMÁRIO") ;; «munem» (to ".munem") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "munem") (code-pdf-page "munem" "~/books/__analysis/munem_foulis__calculo_vol_1.pdf") (code-pdf-text "munem" "~/books/__analysis/munem_foulis__calculo_vol_1.pdf" 1) ;; (find-munempage) ;; (find-munempage 11 "Índice") ;; (find-munempage (+ 15 1) "0. Revisão") ;; (find-munempage (+ 15 479) "10. Técnicas de integração") ;; (find-munempage (+ 15 491) "10.3. Integração por substituição trigonométrica") ;; (find-munempage 631 "Respostas dos problemas selecionados") ;; (find-munemtext "") ;; «needham» (to ".needham") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "needham") (code-pdf-page "needham" "~/books/__analysis/needham__visual_complex_analysis.pdf") (code-pdf-text "needham" "~/books/__analysis/needham__visual_complex_analysis.pdf" 21) ;; (find-needhampage 6 "Contents") ;; (find-needhamtext 6 "Contents") ;; (find-needhampage (+ 21 6) "Mathematics must not be visualized") ;; (find-needhamtext "Mathematics must not be visualized") ;; (find-needhampage (+ 21 189) "Differentiation: The Amplitwist") ;; (find-needhamtext (+ 21 189) "Differentiation: The Amplitwist") ;; (find-needhampage (+ 21 222) "nearer to Truth") ;; (find-needhamtext "nearer to Truth") ;; (find-needhampage (+ 21 579) "Index") ;; (find-needhamtext "") ;; «nelsen» (to ".nelsen") (code-xpdf "mathmadevisual" "~/books/__analysis/alsina_nelsen__math_made_visual.pdf") (code-pdftotext "mathmadevisual" "~/books/__analysis/alsina_nelsen__math_made_visual.pdf") (code-xpdf "whenlessismore" "~/books/__analysis/alsina_nelsen__when_less_is_more__visualizing_basic_inequalities.pdf") (code-pdftotext "whenlessismore" "~/books/__analysis/alsina_nelsen__when_less_is_more__visualizing_basic_inequalities.pdf") (code-djvu "proofswithoutwords" "~/books/__analysis/nelsen__proofs_without_words.djvu") (code-djvutotext "proofswithoutwords" "~/books/__analysis/nelsen__proofs_without_words.djvu") ;; (find-mathmadevisualpage 12 "Contents") ;; (find-mathmadevisualpage (+ 17 36) "Pythagorean Theorem") ;; (find-mathmadevisualpage (+ 17 169) "Index") ;; (find-mathmadevisualtext "") ;; (find-whenlessismorepage 10 "Contents") ;; (find-whenlessismorepage (+ 21 179) "Index") ;; (find-whenlessismoretext "") ;; (find-proofswithoutwordspage 7 "Contents") ;; (find-proofswithoutwordspage (+ 7 28) "Trigonometry, Calculus & Analytic Geometry") ;; (find-proofswithoutwordspage (+ 7 31) "The Law of Cosines I") ;; (find-proofswithoutwordspage (+ 4 35) "The Half-Angle Tangent Formulas") ;; (find-proofswithoutwordspage (+ 4 39) "Sums of Arctangents") ;; (find-proofswithoutwordspage (+ 4 47) "Inequalities") ;; (find-proofswithoutwordspage (+ 4 67) "Integer Sums") ;; (find-proofswithoutwordspage (+ 4 113) "Sequences and Series") ;; (find-proofswithoutwordspage (+ 4 131) "Miscellaneous") ;; (find-proofswithoutwordspage (+ 7 147) "Index of Names") ;; (find-proofswithoutwordstext "") ;; «nevanlinna» (to ".nevanlinna") (code-djvu "nevanlinna" "~/books/__analysis/nevanlinna_paatero__introduction_to_complex_analysis.djvu") (code-djvutotext "nevanlinna" "~/books/__analysis/nevanlinna_paatero__introduction_to_complex_analysis.djvu") ;; (find-nevanlinnapage 4 "Contents") ;; (find-nevanlinnapage (+ 6 343) "Index") ;; (find-nevanlinnatext "") ;; «nussenzveig» (to ".nussenzveig") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "nussenzveig") ;; (code-pdf-page "nuss1" "~/books/__analysis/nussenzveig__curso_de_fisica_basica_vol_1_mecanica.pdf") ;; (code-pdf-text "nuss1" "~/books/__analysis/nussenzveig__curso_de_fisica_basica_vol_1_mecanica.pdf" 1) (code-pdf-page "nuss1" "~/books/__analysis/nussenzveig__curso_de_fisica_basica_1.pdf") (code-pdf-page "nuss2" "~/books/__analysis/nussenzveig__curso_de_fisica_basica_vol_2_fluidos_oscilacoes_e_ondas_calor.pdf") (code-pdf-text "nuss2" "~/books/__analysis/nussenzveig__curso_de_fisica_basica_vol_2_fluidos_oscilacoes_e_ondas_calor.pdf" 1) (code-pdf-page "nuss3" "~/books/__analysis/nussenzveig__curso_de_fisica_basica_vol_3_eletromagnetismo.pdf") (code-pdf-text "nuss3" "~/books/__analysis/nussenzveig__curso_de_fisica_basica_vol_3_eletromagnetismo.pdf" 1) ;; (find-pdftoolsr-page "~/books/__analysis/nussenzveig__curso_de_fisica_basica_1.pdf") ;; (find-nuss1page) ;; (find-nuss1page 9 "Conteúdo") ;; (find-nuss1page (+ 12 1) "Introdução") ;; (find-nuss1page (+ 12 1) "1.1. Para que serve a física?") ;; (find-nuss1page (+ 12 2) "1.2. Relações entre a física e outras ciências") ;; (find-nuss1page (+ 12 3) "1.3. O método científico") ;; (find-nuss1page (+ 12 5) "1.4. Ordens de gradeza. Algarismos significativos") ;; (find-nuss1page (+ 12 7) "1.5. Medidas de comprimento") ;; (find-nuss1page (+ 12 12) "1.6. Sistemas de coordenadas") ;; (find-nuss1page (+ 12 13) "1.7. Medida do tempo") ;; (find-nuss1page (+ 12 21) "Problemas do capítulo 1") ;; (find-nuss1page (+ 12 23) "2. Movimento unidimensional") ;; (find-nuss1page (+ 12 23) "2.1. Velocidade média") ;; (find-nuss1page (+ 12 25) "2.2. Velocidade instantânea") ;; (find-nuss1page (+ 12 28) "2.3. O problema inverso") ;; (find-nuss1page (+ 12 30) "2.4. Aceleração") ;; (find-nuss1page (+ 12 32) "2.5. Movimento retilíneo uniformemente acelerado") ;; (find-nuss1page (+ 12 34) "2.6. Galileu e a queda dos corpos") ;; (find-nuss1page (+ 12 37) "Problemas do capítulo 2") ;; (find-nuss1page (+ 12 40) "3. Movimento bidimensional") ;; (find-nuss1page (+ 12 40) "3.1. Descrição em termos de coordenadas") ;; (find-nuss1page (+ 12 41) "3.2. Vetores") ;; (find-nuss1page (+ 12 44) "3.3. Componentes de um vetor") ;; (find-nuss1page (+ 12 47) "3.4. Velocidade e aceleração vetoriais") ;; (find-nuss1page (+ 12 49) "3.5. Movimento uniformemente acelerado") ;; (find-nuss1page (+ 12 51) "3.6. Movimento dos projéteis") ;; (find-nuss1page (+ 12 54) "3.7. Movimento circular uniforme") ;; (find-nuss1page (+ 12 56) "3.8. Acelerações tangencial e normal") ;; (find-nuss1page (+ 12 59) "3.9. Velocidade relativa") ;; (find-nuss1page (+ 12 64) "4. Os princípios da dinâmica") ;; (find-nuss1page (+ 12 82) "5. Aplicações das leis de Newton") ;; (find-nuss1page (+ 12 105) "6. Trabalho e energia mecânica") ;; (find-nuss1page (+ 12 126) "7. Conservação da energia no movimento geral") ;; (find-nuss1page (+ 12 148) "8. Conservação do momento") ;; (find-nuss1page (+ 12 168) "9. Colisões") ;; (find-nuss1page (+ 12 186) "10. Gravitação") ;; (find-nuss1page (+ 12 223) "11. Rotações e momento angular") ;; (find-nuss1page (+ 12 248) "12. Dinâmica de corpos rígidos") ;; (find-nuss1page (+ 12 288) "13. Forças de inércia") ;; (find-nuss1page (+ 12 312) "Bibliografia") ;; (find-nuss1page (+ 12 315) "Respostas dos problemas propostos") ;; (find-nuss2page) ;; (find-nuss2page 5 "Conteúdo") ;; (find-nuss2page (+ 10 1) "1. Estática dos fluidos") ;; (find-nuss2page (+ 10 17) "2. Noções de hidrodinâmica") ;; (find-nuss2page (+ 10 28) "Escoamentos rotacionais e irrotacionais") ;; (find-nuss2page (+ 10 34) "Perfil parabólico") ;; (find-nuss2page (+ 10 308) "Índice alfabético") ;; (find-nuss2text "") ;; (find-nuss3page) ;; (find-nuss3page 4 "Conteúdo") ;; (find-nuss3page (+ 9 313) "Índice") ;; (find-nuss3text "") ;; «patrao» (to ".patrao") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "patrao") ;; Mauro Patrão: "Cálculo 1: derivada e integral em uma variável" ;; https://conexao.ufrj.br/2020/11/03/ufrj-reune-2-650-e-books-para-baixar-de-graca/ ;; https://livros.unb.br/index.php/portal/catalog/view/7/7/38-1 (code-pdf-page "patraocalc1" "~/books/__analysis/patrao__calculo_1_derivada_e_integral_em_uma_variavel.pdf") (code-pdf-text "patraocalc1" "~/books/__analysis/patrao__calculo_1_derivada_e_integral_em_uma_variavel.pdf" 1) ;; (find-patraocalc1page) ;; (find-patraocalc1page 5 "Sumário") ;; (find-patraocalc1text 5 "Sumário") ;; (find-patraocalc1page 213 "5.1 Á REA LÍQUIDA E VARIAÇÃO") ;; (find-patraocalc1text 213 "5.1 Á REA LÍQUIDA E VARIAÇÃO") ;; (find-patraocalc1page (+ 315) "Índice") ;; (find-patraocalc1text "") ;; «redish-gupta» (to ".redish-gupta") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "redish-gupta") ;; Redish/Gupta: "Making Meaning with Math in Physics: A Semantic Analysis" ;; https://arxiv.org/abs/1002.0472 ;; https://arxiv.org/pdf/1002.0472.pdf (code-pdf-page "redishgupta" "$S/https/arxiv.org/pdf/1002.0472.pdf") (code-pdf-text "redishgupta" "$S/https/arxiv.org/pdf/1002.0472.pdf") ;; (find-redishguptapage) ;; (find-redishguptatext) ;; (find-redishguptapage 3 "Corinne's Shibboleth: The meaning of function attributes") ;; (find-redishguptatext 3 "Corinne's Shibboleth: The meaning of function attributes") ;; (find-redishguptapage 3 "polar coordinates") ;; (find-redishguptatext 3 "polar coordinates") ;; «reis-silva» (to ".reis-silva") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "reis-silva") (code-pdf-page "reissilva" "~/books/__analysis/reis_silva__geometria_analitica.pdf") (code-pdf-text "reissilva" "~/books/__analysis/reis_silva__geometria_analitica.pdf" 6) ;; (find-reissilvapage) ;; (find-reissilvapage 4 "Contents") ;; (find-reissilvapage (+ 6 90) "4. O espaço") ;; (find-reissilvatext "") ;; «ripolls-silveira» (to ".ripolls-silveira") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "ripolls-silveira") ;; Ripoll/Ripoll/Silveira: "Números racionais, reais e complexos" ;; https://www.lume.ufrgs.br/handle/10183/212829 ;; https://www.lume.ufrgs.br/bitstream/handle/10183/212829/000783342.pdf (code-pdf-page "ripollsnumeros" "~/books/__analysis/ripoll_ripoll_silveira__numeros_racionais_reais_e_complexos.pdf") (code-pdf-text "ripollsnumeros" "~/books/__analysis/ripoll_ripoll_silveira__numeros_racionais_reais_e_complexos.pdf" 1) ;; (find-ripollsnumerospage) ;; (find-ripollsnumerospage 12 "Contents") ;; (find-ripollsnumerospage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-ripollsnumerostext "") ;; «ramanujan» (to ".ramanujan") ;; https://arxiv.org/abs/1208.2694 ;; https://arxiv.org/pdf/1208.2694.pdf ;; Uncovering Ramanujan's "Lost" Notebook: An Oral History (code-pdf-page "uncoveringrlnoh" "$S/https/arxiv.org/pdf/1208.2694.pdf") (code-pdf-text "uncoveringrlnoh" "$S/https/arxiv.org/pdf/1208.2694.pdf") ;; (find-uncoveringrlnohpage) ;; (find-uncoveringrlnohtext) ;; «ross» (to ".ross") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "ross") (code-pdf-page "ross" "~/books/__analysis/ross__elementary_analysis_the_theory_of_calculus.pdf") (code-pdf-text8 "ross" "~/books/__analysis/ross__elementary_analysis_the_theory_of_calculus.pdf" 13) ;; (find-rosspage) ;; (find-rosstext) ;; (find-rosspage 10 "Contents") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 1) "1 Introduction") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 1) "1 The Set N of Natural Numbers") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 6) "2 The Set Q of Rational Numbers") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 13) "3 The Set R of Real Numbers") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 20) "4 The Completeness Axiom") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 22) "inf and sup") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 28) "5 The Symbols + and -") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 28) "The Symbols +∞ and −∞") ;; (find-rosstext (+ 13 28) "The Symbols +∞ and −∞") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 30) "6 * A Development of R") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 33) "2 Sequences") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 33) "7 Limits of Sequences") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 39) "8 A Discussion about Proofs") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 45) "9 Limit Theorems for Sequences") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 56) "10 Monotone Sequences and Cauchy Sequences") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 66) "11 Subsequences") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 71) "every bounded sequence has a convergent") ;; (find-rosstext (+ 13 71) "every bounded sequence has a convergent") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 78) "12 lim sup's and lim inf's") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 83) "13 * Some Topological Concepts in Metric Spaces") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 90) "13.12 Heine-Borel Theorem") ;; (find-rosstext (+ 13 90) "13.12 Heine-Borel Theorem") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 95) "14 Series") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 105) "15 Alternating Series and Integral Tests") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 109) "16 * Decimal Expansions of Real Numbers") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 123) "3 Continuity") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 123) "17 Continuous Functions") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 133) "18 Properties of Continuous Functions") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 139) "19 Uniform Continuity") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 153) "20 Limits of Functions") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 164) "21 * More on Metric Spaces: Continuity") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 178) "22 * More on Metric Spaces: Connectedness") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 187) "4 Sequences and Series of Functions") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 187) "23 Power Series") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 193) "24 Uniform Convergence") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 200) "25 More on Uniform Convergence") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 208) "26 Differentiation and Integration of Power Series") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 216) "27 * Weierstrass's Approximation Theorem") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 223) "5 Differentiation") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 223) "28 Basic Properties of the Derivative") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 232) "29 The Mean Value Theorem") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 241) "30 * L'Hospital's Rule") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 249) "31 Taylor's Theorem") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 269) "6 Integration") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 269) "32 The Riemann Integral") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 280) "33 Properties of the Riemann Integral") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 291) "34 Fundamental Theorem of Calculus") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 298) "35 * Riemann-Stieltjes Integrals") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 331) "36 * Improper Integrals") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 339) "7 Capstone") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 339) "37 * A Discussion of Exponents and Logarithms") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 347) "38 * Continuous Nowhere-Differentiable Functions") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 365) "Appendix on Set Notation") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 367) "Selected Hints and Answers") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 394) "A Guide to the References") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 397) "References") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 403) "Symbols Index") ;; (find-rosspage (+ 13 405) "Index") ;; (find-rosstext "") ;; ;; (brg "~/books/__analysis/ross__elementary_analysis_the_theory_of_calculus.pdf") ;; (kill-new "4,10-12,69-79,282-310") ;; (kill-new "ross__elementary_analysis_secs_10_32_33_34.pdf") ;; (find-extra-file-links "~/2022.1-C2/ross__elementary_analysis_secs_10_32_33_34.pdf" "ross20221") ;; http://angg.twu.net/2022.1-C2/ross__elementary_analysis_secs_10_32_33_34.pdf (code-pdf-page "ross20221" "~/2022.1-C2/ross__elementary_analysis_secs_10_32_33_34.pdf") (code-pdf-text "ross20221" "~/2022.1-C2/ross__elementary_analysis_secs_10_32_33_34.pdf") ;; (find-ross20221page) ;; (find-ross20221text) ;; (find-ross20221page (+ 295 -253) "34.4 Theorem [Change of Variable]") ;; (find-ross20221text (+ 295 -253) "34.4 Theorem [Change of Variable]") ;; «royden» (to ".royden") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "royden") (code-pdf-page "royden" "~/books/__analysis/royden__real_analysis_4th_ed.pdf") (code-pdf-text "royden" "~/books/__analysis/royden__real_analysis_4th_ed.pdf" 1) ;; (find-roydenpage 8 "Contents") ;; (find-roydenpage (+ 11 54) "2 Lebesgue Measure") ;; (find-roydenpage (+ 11 64) "Littlewood's three principles") ;; (find-roydenpage (+ 11 222) "11 Topological spaces") ;; (find-roydenpage (+ 11 419) "16 The Daniell Integral") ;; (find-roydenpage (+ 11 497) "Subject index") ;; (find-roydentext "") ;; «rudin» (to ".rudin") ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/5919/principles-of-mathematical-analysis--international-series-in-pure--amp--applied-mathematics- ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/39383/real-and-complex-analysis--mcgraw-hill-international-editions--mathematics-series- (code-xpdf "rudinpma" "~/books/__analysis/rudin__principles_of_mathematical_analysis.pdf") (code-xpdf "rudinrca" "~/books/__analysis/rudin__real_and_complex_analysis.pdf") ;; (find-rudinpmapage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-rudinpmapage 172 "Index") ;; (find-rudinrcapage 6 "Contents") ;; (find-rudinrcapage (+ 11 405) "Index") ;; «salsburg» (to ".salsburg") ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/362470/the-lady-tasting-tea--how-statistics-revolutionized-science-in-the-twentieth-century (code-djvu "ladytastingtea" "~/books/__analysis/salsburg__the_lady_tasting_tea.djvu") (code-djvutotext "ladytastingtea" "~/books/__analysis/salsburg__the_lady_tasting_tea.djvu") ;; (find-ladytastingteapage 6 "Contents") ;; (find-ladytastingteapage (+ 13 161) "16. Doing Away With Parameters") ;; (find-ladytastingteapage (+ 13 327) "Index") ;; (find-ladytastingteatext "") ;; «schey» (to ".schey") ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/116337/div--grad--curl--and-all-that--an-informal-text-on-vector-calculus--3ed (code-pdf-page "divgradcurl" "~/books/__analysis/schey__div_grad_curl_and_all_that.pdf") (code-pdf-text "divgradcurl" "~/books/__analysis/schey__div_grad_curl_and_all_that.pdf") ;; (find-divgradcurlpage) ;; (find-divgradcurltext) ;; (find-divgradcurlpage 6 "Contents") ;; (find-divgradcurlpage (+ 8 1) "I. Introduction, Vector Functions, and Electrostatics") ;; (find-divgradcurlpage (+ 8 11) "II. Surface Integrals and the Divergence") ;; (find-divgradcurlpage (+ 8 17) "Definition of Surface Integrals") ;; (find-divgradcurlpage (+ 8 21) "Evaluating Surface Integrals") ;; (find-divgradcurlpage (+ 8 29) "reduced to the computation of a double integral") ;; (find-divgradcurlpage (+ 8 29) "Flux") ;; (find-divgradcurlpage (+ 8 36) "Divergence") ;; (find-divgradcurlpage (+ 8 43) "The Del Notation") ;; (find-divgradcurlpage (+ 8 43) "The Divergence Theorem") ;; (find-divgradcurlpage (+ 8 44) "Gauss's Theorem") ;; (find-divgradcurlpage (+ 8 49) "Two simple applications of the Divergence Theorem") ;; (find-divgradcurlpage (+ 8 50) "stuff is conserved") ;; (find-divgradcurlpage (+ 8 63) "III. Line Integrals and the Curl") ;; (find-divgradcurlpage (+ 8 63) "Work and Line Integrals") ;; (find-divgradcurlpage (+ 8 63) "Line Integrals Involving Vector Functions") ;; (find-divgradcurlpage (+ 8 70) "Path Independence") ;; (find-divgradcurlpage (+ 8 75) "The Curl") ;; (find-divgradcurlpage (+ 8 80) "irrotational") ;; (find-divgradcurlpage (+ 8 82) "The Curl in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates") ;; (find-divgradcurlpage (+ 8 85) "The Meaning of the Curl") ;; (find-divgradcurlpage (+ 8 89) "a small paddle wheel would spin") ;; (find-divgradcurlpage (+ 8 90) "Differential Form of the Circulation Law") ;; (find-divgradcurlpage (+ 8 92) "Stokes' Theorem") ;; (find-divgradcurlpage (+ 8 98) "An Application of Stokes' Theorem") ;; (find-divgradcurlpage (+ 8 98) "Ampère's circuital law") ;; (find-divgradcurlpage (+ 8 100) "Stokes' Theorem and Simply Connected Regions") ;; (find-divgradcurlpage (+ 8 101) "Path Independence and the Curl") ;; (find-divgradcurlpage (+ 8 114) "IV. The Gradient") ;; (find-divgradcurlpage (+ 8 114) "Line Integrals and the Gradient") ;; (find-divgradcurlpage (+ 8 121) "Finding the Electrostatic Field") ;; (find-divgradcurlpage (+ 8 122) "Laplacian") ;; (find-divgradcurlpage (+ 8 122) "Poisson's equation") ;; (find-divgradcurlpage (+ 8 123) "Laplaces's equation") ;; (find-divgradcurlpage (+ 8 130) "Directional Derivatives and the Gradient") ;; (find-divgradcurlpage (+ 8 137) "Geometrical Significance of the Gradient") ;; (find-divgradcurlpage (+ 8 140) "The Gradient in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates") ;; (find-divgradcurlpage (+ 8 148) "Green's Theorem") ;; (find-divgradcurlpage (+ 8 163) "Index") ;; (find-divgradcurltext "") ;; «schwartz» (to ".schwartz") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "schwartz") (code-pdf-page "schwartzmps" "~/books/__analysis/schwartz__mathematics_for_the_physical_sciences.pdf") (code-pdf-text "schwartzmps" "~/books/__analysis/schwartz__mathematics_for_the_physical_sciences.pdf" 1) ;; (find-schwartzmpspage) ;; (find-schwartzmpspage 7 "Contents") ;; (find-schwartzmpspage (+ -1 357) "Index") ;; (find-schwartzmpstext "") ;; «seco-patrao» (to ".seco-patrao") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "seco-patrao") ;; https://conexao.ufrj.br/2020/11/03/ufrj-reune-2-650-e-books-para-baixar-de-graca/ ;; https://livros.unb.br/index.php/portal/catalog/view/37/24/134-1 (code-pdf-page "spedos" "~/books/__analysis/seco_patrao__edos_e_series_de_potencias.pdf") (code-pdf-text "spedos" "~/books/__analysis/seco_patrao__edos_e_series_de_potencias.pdf" 1) ;; (find-spedospage) ;; (find-spedospage 6 "Sumário") ;; (find-spedospage (+ 1 13) "Index") ;; (find-spedospage (+ 1 353) "Referências") ;; (find-spedostext "") ;; «sfard» (to ".sfard") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "sfard") (code-pdf-page "sfard" "~/books/__analysis/sfard__thinking_as_communicating_human_development_the_growth_of_discourses_and_mathematizing.pdf") (code-pdf-text "sfard" "~/books/__analysis/sfard__thinking_as_communicating_human_development_the_growth_of_discourses_and_mathematizing.pdf" 35) ;; (find-sfardpage) ;; (find-sfardpage 9 "Contents") ;; (find-sfardpage (+ 35 2) "Liberia") ;; (find-sfardtext (+ 35 2) "Liberia") ;; (find-sfardpage (+ 35 11) "Index") ;; (find-sfardpage (+ 35 19) "For what value of parameter q") ;; (find-sfardtext (+ 35 19) "For what value of parameter q") ;; (find-sfardpage (+ 35 31) "concep-" "tual mappings") ;; (find-sfardtext (+ 35 31) "concep-" "tual mappings") ;; (find-sfardpage (+ 35 137) "3. Visual Mediation in Mathematical Communication") ;; (find-sfardtext (+ 35 137) "3. Visual Mediation in Mathematical Communication") ;; (find-sfardpage (+ 35 154) "134 divided by 29 is 134 /29") ;; (find-sfardtext (+ 35 154) "134 divided by 29 is 134 /29") ;; (find-sfardpage (+ 35 156) "Figure 6.1. A realization tree") ;; (find-sfardtext (+ 35 156) "Figure 6.1. A realization tree") ;; (find-sfardpage (+ 35 170) "number in conjunction with the expression the same") ;; (find-sfardtext (+ 35 170) "number in conjunction with the expression the same") ;; (find-sfardpage (+ 35 175) "the need for closure") ;; (find-sfardtext (+ 35 175) "the need for closure") ;; (find-sfardpage (+ 35 176) "4.2 Challenges of Saming") ;; (find-sfardtext (+ 35 176) "4.2 Challenges of Saming") ;; (find-sfardpage (+ 35 181) "{x: x < 3 and x > 5}") ;; (find-sfardtext (+ 35 181) "{x: x < 3 and x > 5}") ;; (find-sfardpage (+ 35 205) "x = number" "halting signal") ;; (find-sfardtext (+ 35 205) "x = number" "halting signal") ;; (find-sfardpage (+ 35 206) "it becomes the default choice for the tasks that immediately follow") ;; (find-sfardtext (+ 35 206) "it becomes the default choice for the tasks that immediately follow") ;; (find-sfardpage (+ 35 207) "4. Routines and Creativity") ;; (find-sfardtext (+ 35 207) "4. Routines and Creativity") ;; (find-sfardtext "") ;; «sloughter» (to ".sloughter") ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/202138/yet-another-calculus-text---a-short-introduction-with-infinitesimals (code-xpdf "sloughter" "~/books/__analysis/sloughter__yet_another_calculus_text_a_short_introduction_with_infinitesimals.pdf") (code-pdftotext "sloughter" "~/books/__analysis/sloughter__yet_another_calculus_text_a_short_introduction_with_infinitesimals.pdf") ;; (find-sloughterpage 5 "Contents") ;; (find-sloughterpage (+ 6 140) "Index") ;; (find-sloughtertext "") ;; http://cfsv.synechism.org/cfsv.pdf (code-pdf-page "cfsv" "$S/http/cfsv.synechism.org/cfsv.pdf") (code-pdf-text "cfsv" "$S/http/cfsv.synechism.org/cfsv.pdf") ;; (find-cfsvpage) ;; (find-cfsvtext) ;; «spivak» (to ".spivak") ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/107053/calculus (code-djvu "spivakcalculus" "~/books/__analysis/spivak__calculus.djvu") (code-djvutotext "spivakcalculus" "~/books/__analysis/spivak__calculus.djvu") ;; (find-spivakcalculuspage 11 "Contents") ;; (find-spivakcalculuspage (+ 13 3) "1 Basic Properties of Numbers") ;; (find-spivakcalculuspage (+ 13 21) "2 Numbers of Various Sorts") ;; (find-spivakcalculuspage (+ 13 39) "3 Functions") ;; (find-spivakcalculuspage (+ 13 56) "4 Graphs") ;; (find-spivakcalculuspage (+ 13 90) "5 Limits") ;; (find-spivakcalculuspage (+ 13 113) "6 Continuous Functions") ;; (find-spivakcalculuspage (+ 13 120) "7 Three hard theorems") ;; (find-spivakcalculuspage (+ 13 122) "Intermediate Value Theorem") ;; (find-spivakcalculuspage (+ 13 131) "8 Least Upper Bounds") ;; (find-spivakcalculuspage (+ 13 147) "9 Derivatives") ;; (find-spivakcalculuspage (+ 13 166) "10 Differentiation") ;; (find-spivakcalculuspage (+ 13 185) "11 Signification of the Derivative") ;; (find-spivakcalculuspage (+ 13 190) "Mean Value Theorem") ;; (find-spivakcalculuspage (+ 13 202) "Problems") ;; (find-spivakcalculuspage (+ 13 227) "12 Inverse Functions") ;; (find-spivakcalculuspage (+ 13 250) "13 Integrals") ;; (find-spivakcalculuspage (+ 13 282) "14 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus") ;; (find-spivakcalculuspage (+ 13 289) "area") ;; (find-spivakcalculuspage (+ 13 300) "15 The Trigonomtric Functions") ;; (find-spivakcalculuspage (+ 13 321) "16 Pi is irrational") ;; (find-spivakcalculuspage (+ 13 327) "17 Planetary motion") ;; (find-spivakcalculuspage (+ 13 336) "18 The Logarithm and Exponential Functions") ;; (find-spivakcalculuspage (+ 13 365) "Theorem 2 (the substitution formula)") ;; (find-spivakcalculuspage (+ 13 359) "19 Integration in Elementary Terms") ;; (find-spivakcalculuspage (+ 13 397) "Appendix. The Cosmopolitan Integral") ;; (find-spivakcalculuspage (+ 13 405) "20 Approximation by Polynomial Functions") ;; (find-spivakcalculuspage (+ 13 435) "21 e is Transcendental") ;; (find-spivakcalculuspage (+ 13 445) "22 Infinite Sequences") ;; (find-spivakcalculuspage (+ 13 464) "23 Infinite Series") ;; (find-spivakcalculuspage (+ 13 491) "24 Uniform Convergence and Power Series") ;; (find-spivakcalculuspage (+ 13 517) "25 Complex Numbers") ;; (find-spivakcalculuspage (+ 13 532) "26 Complex Functions") ;; (find-spivakcalculuspage (+ 13 546) "27 Complex Power Series") ;; (find-spivakcalculuspage (+ 13 571) "28 Fields") ;; (find-spivakcalculuspage (+ 13 578) "29 Construction of the Real Numbers") ;; (find-spivakcalculuspage (+ 13 591) "30 Uniqueness of the Real Numbers") ;; (find-spivakcalculuspage (+ 13 609) "Answers to Selected Problems") ;; (find-spivakcalculuspage (+ 13 659) "Index") ;; (find-spivakcalculustext "") ;; http://gigapedia.org/items/15222/calculus-on-manifolds--a-modern-approach-to-classical-theorems-of-advanced-calculus (code-djvu "spivakcman" "~/books/__analysis/spivak__calculus_on_manifolds.djvu") (code-djvutotext "spivakcman" "~/books/__analysis/spivak__calculus_on_manifolds.djvu") ;; (find-spivakcmanpage 9 "Contents") ;; (find-spivakcmanpage (+ 12 11) "Functions and continuity") ;; (find-spivakcmanpage (+ 12 34) "Inverse functions") ;; (find-spivakcmanpage (+ 12 40) "Implicit functions") ;; (find-spivakcmanpage (+ 12 141) "Index") ;; (find-spivakcmantext "") (code-pdf "spivakdiff5" "~/books/__analysis/spivak__differential_geometry_5.pdf") (code-pdftotext "spivakdiff5" "~/books/__analysis/spivak__differential_geometry_5.pdf" 1) ;; (find-spivakdiff5page) ;; (find-spivakdiff5page 3 "Contents") ;; (find-spivakdiff5page (+ 8 1) "Index") ;; (find-spivakdiff5page (+ 8 393) "Index") ;; (find-spivakdiff5page (+ 8 459) "Index") ;; (find-spivakdiff5page (+ 8 461) "Index") ;; (find-spivakdiff5text "") ;; «stanley» (to ".stanley") (code-djvu "stanley1" "~/books/__analysis/stanley__enumerative_combinatorics_vol_1.djvu") (code-djvutotext "stanley1" "~/books/__analysis/stanley__enumerative_combinatorics_vol_1.djvu") (code-xpdf "stanley2" "~/books/__analysis/stanley__enumerative_combinatorics_vol_2.pdf") (code-pdftotext "stanley2" "~/books/__analysis/stanley__enumerative_combinatorics_vol_2.pdf") ;; (find-stanley1page 8 "Contents") ;; (find-stanley1page (+ 10 296) "Index") ;; (find-stanley1text "") ;; (find-stanley2page 9 "Contents") ;; (find-stanley2page (+ 12 561) "Index") ;; (find-stanley2text "") ;; «steinbruch-winterle» (to ".steinbruch-winterle") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "steinbruch-winterle") (code-pdf-page "steinbruch" "~/books/__analysis/steinbruch_winterle__geometria_analitica.pdf") (code-pdf-text "steinbruch" "~/books/__analysis/steinbruch_winterle__geometria_analitica.pdf" 1) ;; (find-steinbruchpage) ;; (find-steinbruchpage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-steinbruchpage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-steinbruchtext "") ;; «steinmetz» (to ".steinmetz") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "steinmetz") ;; (find-books "__wacs/__wacs.el") ;; (to "usiskin") ;; Steinmetz2025 (code-pdf-page "steinmetz2025" "~/tmp/steinmetz__raciocinio_logico_na_aprendizagem_da_matematica.pdf") (code-pdf-text "steinmetz2025" "~/tmp/steinmetz__raciocinio_logico_na_aprendizagem_da_matematica.pdf" 1) (code-pdf-text8 "steinmetz2025" "~/tmp/steinmetz__raciocinio_logico_na_aprendizagem_da_matematica.pdf" 1) ;; (find-steinmetz2025page) ;; (find-steinmetz2025text "") ;; (find-steinmetz2025page 30 "O sinal de igualdade") ;; (find-steinmetz2025text 30 "O sinal de igualdade") ;; (find-steinmetz2025page 30 "Aqui ‘2 + 3’ é o problema e ‘5’ é o resultado") ;; (find-steinmetz2025text 30 "Aqui ‘2 + 3’ é o problema e ‘5’ é o resultado") ;; (find-steinmetz2025page 31 "O sinal ‘=’ conecta um problema a um resultado ou") ;; (find-steinmetz2025text 31 "O sinal ‘=’ conecta um problema a um resultado ou") ;; (find-steinmetz2025page 32 "bidirecional") ;; (find-steinmetz2025text 32 "bidirecional") ;; (find-steinmetz2025page 33 "Uma cadeia de inferências lógicas precisa ser auditável e esclarecedora") ;; (find-steinmetz2025text 33 "Uma cadeia de inferências lógicas precisa ser auditável e esclarecedora") ;; (find-steinmetz2025page 38 "Generalização equivocada") ;; (find-steinmetz2025text 38 "Generalização equivocada") ;; (find-steinmetz2025page 39 "se x = 6, então 4x = 46") ;; (find-steinmetz2025text 39 "se x = 6, então 4x = 46") ;; «stewart» (to ".stewart") ;; (find-angg ".emacs.papers" "stewart") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "stewart") ;; file:///home/edrx/books/__analysis/stewart__calculus_7th_ed.pdf ;; http://angg.twu.net/ tmp/stewart__calculus_7th_ed.pdf (code-pdf-page "stewart7" "~/books/__analysis/stewart__calculus_7th_ed.pdf") (code-pdf-text "stewart7" "~/books/__analysis/stewart__calculus_7th_ed.pdf" 1226) (code-pdf-text "stewart7" "~/books/__analysis/stewart__calculus_7th_ed.pdf" 32) ;; (find-stewart7page) ;; (find-stewart7text "") ;; (find-stewart7page 1373 "Special functions") ;; (find-stewart7page 1376 "Table of integrals") ;; (find-stewart7page 7 "Contents") ;; (find-stewart7text 7 "Contents") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1) "A Preview of Calculus") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 9) "1 Functions and Limits") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 10) "1.1 Four Ways to Represent a Function") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 10) "dependent variable") ;; (find-stewart7text (+ 32 10) "dependent variable") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 16) "Piecewise") ;; (find-stewart7text (+ 32 16) "Piecewise") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 23) "1.2 Mathematical Models: A Catalog of Essential Functions") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 36) "1.3 New Functions from Old Functions") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 44) "1.4 The Tangent and Velocity Problems") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 50) "1.5 The Limit of a Function") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 62) "1.6 Calculating Limits Using the Limit Laws") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 72) "1.7 The Precise Definition of a Limit") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 81) "1.8 Continuity") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 93) "Review") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 97) "Principles of Problem Solving") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 103) "2 Derivatives") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 104) "2.1 Derivatives and Rates of Change") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 112) "33-38 ... State such an f and a ***") ;; (find-stewart7text (+ 32 112) "State such an f and a") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 114) "Early Methods for Finding Tangents") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 114) "2.2 The Derivative as a Function") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 117) "The symbol dydx, which was introduced by Leibniz") ;; (find-stewart7text (+ 32 117) "The symbol dydx, which was introduced by Leibniz") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 126) "2.3 Differentiation Formulas") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 140) "Building a Better Roller Coaster") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 140) "2.4 Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 148) "2.5 The Chain Rule") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 156) "Where Should a Pilot Start Descent?") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 157) "2.6 Implicit Differentiation") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 163) "Families of Implicit Curves") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 164) "2.7 Rates of Change in the Natural and Social Sciences") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 176) "2.8 Related Rates") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 183) "2.9 Linear Approximations and Differentials") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 185) "Differentials") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 185) "dx is an independent variable") ;; (find-stewart7text (+ 32 185) "dx is an independent variable") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 189) "Laboratory project: Taylor polynomials") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 190) "Review") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 194) "Problems Plus") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 197) "3 Applications of Differentiation") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 198) "3.1 Maximum and Minimum Values") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 206) "The Calculus of Rainbows") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 208) "3.2 The Mean Value Theorem") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 213) "3.3 How Derivatives Affect the Shape of a Graph") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 223) "3.4 Limits at Infinity; Horizontal Asymptotes") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 237) "3.5 Summary of Curve Sketching") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 244) "3.6 Graphing with Calculus and Calculators") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 250) "3.7 Optimization Problems") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 262) "The Shape of a Can") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 263) "3.8 Newton's Method") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 269) "3.9 Antiderivatives") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 275) "Review") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 279) "Problems Plus") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 283) "4 Integrals") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 284) "4.1 Areas and Distances") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 289) "upper sums") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 295) "4.2 The Definite Integral") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 303) "Properties of the definite integral") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 305) "Comparison properties of the integral") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 309) "Area Functions") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 310) "4.3 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 321) "4.4 Indefinite Integrals and the Net Change Theorem") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 329) "Newton, Leibniz, and the Invention of Calculus") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 330) "4.5 The Substitution Rule") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 337) "Review") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 341) "Problems Plus") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 343) "5 Applications of Integration") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 344) "5.1 Areas Between Curves") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 351) "The Gini Index") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 352) "5.2 Volumes") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 353) "Definition of volume") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 363) "5.3 Volumes by Cylindrical Shells") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 368) "5.4 Work") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 373) "5.5 Average Value of a Function") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 376) "Calculus and Baseball") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 378) "Review") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 380) "Problems Plus") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 383) "6 Inverse Functions:") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 384) "6.1 Inverse Functions") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 391) "6.2. Exponential Functions and Their Derivatives") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 421) "Their Derivatives 391 Function") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 429) "Functions 404 Function") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 437) "Functions 410 Exponential Functions") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 446) "6.5 Exponential Growth and Decay") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 453) "6.6 Inverse Trigonometric Functions") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 461) "Where to Sit at the Movies") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 462) "6.7 Hyperbolic Functions") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 469) "6.8 Indeterminate Forms and l'Hospital's Rule") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 480) "The Origins of l'Hospital's Rule") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 480) "Review") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 485) "Problems Plus") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 487) "7 Techniques of Integration") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 488) "7.1 Integration by Parts") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 492) "7.1. Exercises") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 495) "7.2 Trigonometric Integrals") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 502) "7.3 Trigonometric Substitution") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 507) "Exercises") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 508) "7.4 Integration of Rational Functions by Partial Fractions") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 518) "7.5 Strategy for Integration") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 523) "7.5. Exercises") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 524) "7.6 Integration Using Tables and Computer Algebra Systems") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 529) "Patterns in Integrals") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 530) "7.7 Approximate Integration") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 543) "7.8 Improper Integrals") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 549) "Comparison theorem") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 553) "Review") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 557) "Problems Plus") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 561) "8 Further Applications of Integration") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 562) "8.1 Arc Length") ;; (find-stewart7text (+ 32 562) "8.1 Arc Length") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 569) "Arc Length Contest") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 569) "8.2 Area of a Surface of Revolution") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 575) "Rotating on a Slant") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 576) "8.3 Applications to Physics and Engineering") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 586) "Complementary Coffee Cups") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 587) "8.4 Applications to Economics and Biology") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 592) "8.5 Probability") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 599) "Review") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 601) "Problems Plus") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 603) "9 Differential Equations") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 604) "9.1 Modeling with Differential Equations") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 609) "9.2 Direction Fields and Euler's Method") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 618) "9.3 Separable Equations") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 624) "9.3. Exercises") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 627) "How Fast Does a Tank Drain?") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 628) "Which Is Faster, Going Up or Coming Down?") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 629) "9.4 Models for Population Growth") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 640) "9.5 Linear Equations") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 646) "9.6 Predator-Prey Systems") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 653) "Review") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 657) "Problems Plus") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 659) "10 Parametric Equations and Polar Coordinates") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 660) "10.1 Curves Defined by Parametric Equations") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 668) "Running Circles around Circles") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 669) "10.2 Calculus with Parametric Curves") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 677) "Bézier Curves") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 678) "10.3 Polar Coordinates") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 688) "Families of Polar Curves") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 689) "10.4 Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 694) "10.5 Conic Sections") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 702) "10.6 Conic Sections in Polar Coordinates") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 709) "Review") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 712) "Problems Plus") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 713) "11 Infinite Sequences and Series") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 714) "11.1 Sequences") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 727) "Logistic Sequences") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 727) "11.2 Series") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 738) "11.3 The Integral Test and Estimates of Sums") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 746) "11.4 The Comparison Tests") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 751) "11.5 Alternating Series") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 756) "11.6 Absolute Convergence and the Ratio and Root Tests") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 763) "11.7 Strategy for Testing Series") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 765) "11.8 Power Series") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 770) "11.9 Representations of Functions as Power Series") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 777) "11.10 Taylor and Maclaurin Series") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 779) "nth-degree Taylor polynomial") ;; (find-stewart7text (+ 32 779) "nth-degree Taylor polynomial") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 787) "Multiplication and Division of Power Series") ;; (find-stewart7text (+ 32 787) "Multiplication and Division of Power Series") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 791) "An Elusive Limit") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 791) "How Newton Discovered the Binomial Series") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 792) "11.11 Applications of Taylor Polynomials") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 801) "Radiation from the Stars") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 802) "Review") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 805) "Problems Plus") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 809) "12 Vectors and the Geometry of Space") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 810) "12.1 Three-Dimensional Coordinate Systems") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 815) "12.2 Vectors") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 824) "12.3 The Dot Product") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 832) "12.4 The Cross Product") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 840) "The Geometry of a Tetrahedron") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 840) "12.5 Equations of Lines and Planes") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 850) "Putting 3D in Perspective") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 851) "12.6 Cylinders and Quadric Surfaces") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 858) "Review") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 861) "Problems Plus") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 863) "13 Vector Functions") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 864) "13.1 Vector Functions and Space Curves") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 871) "13.2 Derivatives and Integrals of Vector Functions") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 877) "13.3 Arc Length and Curvature") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 886) "13.4 Motion in Space: Velocity and Acceleration") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 896) "Kepler's Laws") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 897) "Review") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 900) "Problems Plus") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 901) "14 Partial Derivatives") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 902) "14.1 Functions of Several Variables") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 907) "Level Curves") ;; (find-stewart7text (+ 32 907) "Level Curves") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 907) "contour lines") ;; (find-stewart7text (+ 32 907) "contour lines") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 916) "14.2 Limits and Continuity") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 924) "14.3 Partial Derivatives") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 928) "shows the plane y=1 intersecting the surface") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 939) "14.4 Tangent Planes and Linear Approximations") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 943) "we define the differential dx") ;; (find-stewart7text (+ 32 943) "we define the differential dx") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 948) "14.5 The Chain Rule") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 951) "intermediate variables") ;; (find-stewart7text (+ 32 951) "intermediate variables") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 957) "14.6 Directional Derivatives and the Gradient Vector") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 970) "14.7 Maximum and Minimum Values") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 980) "Designing a Dumpster") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 980) "Quadratic Approximations and Critical Points") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 981) "14.8 Lagrange Multipliers") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 988) "Rocket Science") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 990) "Hydro-Turbine Optimization") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 991) "Review") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 995) "Problems Plus") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 997) "15 Multiple Integrals") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 998) "15.1 Double Integrals over Rectangles") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1006) "15.2 Iterated Integrals") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1012) "15.3 Double Integrals over General Regions") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1021) "15.4 Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1027) "15.5 Applications of Double Integrals") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1037) "15.6 Surface Area [o pt-br não tem essa seção]") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1041) "15.7 Triple Integrals") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1051) "Volumes of Hyperspheres") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1051) "15.8 Triple Integrals in Cylindrical Coordinates") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1056) "The Intersection of Three Cylinders") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1057) "15.9 Triple Integrals in Spherical Coordinates") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1063) "Roller Derby") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1064) "15.10 Change of Variables in Multiple Integrals") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1073) "Review") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1077) "Problems Plus") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1079) "16 Vector Calculus") ;; (find-stewart7text (+ 32 1079) "Vector Calculus") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1080) "16.1 Vector Fields") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1084) "Gradient fields") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1087) "16.2 Line Integrals") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1099) "16.3 The Fundamental Theorem for Line Integrals") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1108) "16.4 Green's Theorem") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1115) "16.5 Curl and Divergence") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1116) "If F is conservative, then curl F 0") ;; (find-stewart7text (+ 32 1116) "If F is conservative, then curl F 0") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1118) "the curl vector is associated with rotations") ;; (find-stewart7text (+ 32 1118) "the curl vector is associated with rotations") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1119) "If div F 0, then F is said to be incompressible") ;; (find-stewart7text (+ 32 1119) "If div F 0, then F is said to be incompressible") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1120) "Vector Forms of Green's Theorem") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1121) "16.5 Exercises") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1121) "Exercises 21 and 22") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1123) "16.6 Parametric Surfaces and Their Areas") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1134) "16.7 Surface Integrals") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1143) "Gauss's Law") ;; (find-stewart7text (+ 32 1143) "Gauss's Law") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1146) "16.8 Stokes' Theorem") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1152) "Three Men and Two Theorems") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1152) "16.9 The Divergence Theorem") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1159) "16.10 Summary") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1160) "Review") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1163) "Problems Plus") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1165) "17 Second-Order Differential Equations") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1166) "17.1 Second-Order Linear Equations") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1172) "17.2 Nonhomogeneous Linear Equations") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1180) "17.3 Applications of Second-Order Differential Equations") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1188) "17.4 Series Solutions") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 32 1193) "Review") ;; (find-stewart7text (+ 32 1193) "Review") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 1226 1) "Appendixes") ;; (find-stewart7text (+ 1226 1) "Appendixes") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 1226 2) "A. Numbers, Inequalities, and Absolute Values") ;; (find-stewart7text (+ 1226 2) "Numbers, Inequalities, and Absolute Values") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 1226 10) "B. Coordinate Geometry and Lines") ;; (find-stewart7text (+ 1226 10) "Coordinate Geometry and Lines") ;; (find-stewart7page (+ 1226 16) "C. Graphs of Second-Degree Equations") ;; (find-stewart7text (+ 1226 16) "Graphs of Second-Degree Equations") ;; 7,33-40 stewart7-cap0 ;; 7,41-134 stewart7-cap1 ;; 7-8,135-228 stewart7-cap2 ;; 8,229-314 stewart7-cap3 ;; 8,315-374 stewart7-cap4 ;; 9,375-414 stewart7-cap5 ;; 9,415-518 stewart7-cap6 ;; 10,519-592 stewart7-cap7 ;; 10,593-634 stewart7-cap8 ;; 10-11,635-690 stewart7-cap9 ;; 11,691-744 stewart7-cap10 ;; 11,745-840 stewart7-cap11 ;; 12,841-894 stewart7-cap12 ;; 12,895-932 stewart7-cap13 ;; 12-13,933-1028 stewart7-cap14 ;; 13,1029-1110 stewart7-cap15 ;; 13-14,1111-1196 stewart7-cap16 ;; 14,1197-1226 stewart7-cap17 ;; «stewart-pt» (to ".stewart-pt") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "stewart-pt") (code-pdf-page "stewart71pt" "~/books/__analysis/stewart__calculo_7a_ed_vol_1.pdf") (code-pdf-text8 "stewart71pt" "~/books/__analysis/stewart__calculo_7a_ed_vol_1.pdf" 27) ;; (find-stewart71ptpage) ;; (find-stewart71pttext "") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 1 5) "Sumário") ;; (find-stewart71pttext (+ 1 5) "Sumário") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 1) "UMA APRESENTAÇÃO DO CÁLCULO") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 9) "1 Funções e Modelos") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 10) "1.1 Quatro Maneiras de Representar uma Função") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 10) "variável dependente") ;; (find-stewart71pttext (+ 27 10) "variável dependente") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 14) "Teste da Reta Vertical") ;; (find-stewart71pttext (+ 27 14) "Teste da Reta Vertical") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 15) "Funções Definidas por Partes") ;; (find-stewart71pttext (+ 27 15) "Funções Definidas por Partes") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 15) "círculo cheio" "círculo vazio") ;; (find-stewart71pttext (+ 27 15) "círculo cheio" "círculo vazio") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 22) "1.2 Modelos Matemáticos: Uma Lista de Funções Essenciais") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 34) "1.3 Novas Funções a Partir de Conhecidas") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 38) "função composta") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 42) "1.4 Calculadoras Gráficas e Computadores") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 48) "1.5 Funções Exponenciais") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 55) "1.6 Funções Inversas e Logaritmos") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 66) "Revisão") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 69) "Princípios da Resolução de Problemas") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 75) "2 Limites e Derivadas") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 76) "2.1 Os problemas da Tangente e da Velocidade") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 79) "2.1 Exercícios") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 80) "2.2 O Limite de uma Função") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 88) "2.2 Exercícios") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 91) "2.3 Cálculos Usando Propriedades dos Limites") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 97) "Teorema do confronto") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 98) "2.3 Exercícios") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 100) "2.4 A Definição Precisa de um Limite") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 104) "Limites à esquerda e à direita") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 109) "2.5 Continuidade") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 119) "2.6 Limites no Infinito; Assíntotas Horizontais") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 131) "2.7 Derivadas e Taxas de Variação") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 131) "inclinação da reta secante") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 131) "Definição: a reta tangente...") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 133) "Definição: a derivada...") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 138) "33-38 ... Diga o que são f e a ***") ;; (find-stewart71pttext (+ 27 138) "Diga o que são f e a") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 139) "Projeto Escrito - Métodos Iniciais para Encontrar Tangentes") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 140) "2.8 A Derivada como uma Função") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 150) "Revisão") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 154) "Problemas Quentes") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 157) "3 Regras de Derivação") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 158) "3.1 Derivadas de Funções Polinomiais e Exponenciais") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 166) "Projeto Aplicado - Construindo uma Montanha-Russa Melhor") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 166) "equação diferencial") ;; (find-stewart71pttext (+ 27 166) "equação diferencial") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 167) "3.2 As Regras do Produto e do Quociente") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 169) "A Regra do Quociente") ;; (find-stewart71pttext (+ 27 169) "A Regra do Quociente") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 173) "3.3 Derivadas de Funções Trigonométricas") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 179) "3.4 A Regra da Cadeia") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 179) "equação diferencial") ;; (find-stewart71pttext (+ 27 179) "equação diferencial") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 181) "pela derivada da função de dentro") ;; (find-stewart71pttext (+ 27 181) "pela derivada da função de dentro") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 188) "Projeto Aplicado - Onde um Piloto Deve Iniciar a Descida?") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 188) "3.5 Derivação Implícita") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 192) "Derivadas de Funções Trigonométricas Inversas") ;; (find-stewart71pttext (+ 27 192) "Derivadas de Funções Trigonométricas Inversas") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 195) "Exercício 77") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 196) "Projeto Aplicado - Famílias de Curvas Implícitas") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 196) "3.6 Derivadas de Funções Logarítmicas") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 201) "3.7 Taxas de Variação nas Ciências Naturais e Sociais") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 213) "3.8 Crescimento e Decaimento Exponenciais") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 213) "equação diferencial") ;; (find-stewart71pttext (+ 27 213) "equação diferencial") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 220) "3.9 Taxas Relacionadas") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 226) "3.10 Aproximações Lineares e Diferenciais") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 228) "Diferenciais") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 231) "Projeto Aplicado - Polinômios de Taylor") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 232) "3.11 Funções Hiperbólicas") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 238) "Revisão") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 241) "Problemas Quentes") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 247) "4 Aplicações de Derivação") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 248) "4.1 Valores Máximo e Mínimo") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 256) "Projeto Aplicado - O Cálculo do Arcos-Íris") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 257) "4.2 O Teorema do Valor Médio") ;; (find-stewart71pttext (+ 27 257) "O Teorema do Valor Médio") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 258) "teorema da existência") ;; (find-stewart71pttext (+ 27 258) "teorema da existência") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 262) "4.3 Como as Derivadas Afetam a Forma de um Gráfico") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 272) "4.4 Formas Indeterminadas e Regra de l’Hôspital") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 280) "Projeto Escrito - As Origens da Regra de l’Hôspital") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 280) "4.5 Resumo do Esboço de Curvas") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 283) "discriminante") ;; (find-stewart71pttext (+ 27 283) "discriminante") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 287) "4.6 Representação Gráfica com Cálculo e Calculadoras") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 294) "4.7 Problemas de Otimização") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 304) "Projeto Aplicado - A Forma de uma Lata") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 305) "4.8 Método de Newton") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 310) "4.9 Primitivas") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 317) "Revisão") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 320) "Problemas Quentes") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 325) "5 Integrais") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 326) "5.1 Áreas e Distâncias") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 329) "somas superiores") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 331) "pontos amostrais") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 331) "notação de somatório") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 337) "5.2 A Integral Definida") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 337) "Definição de integral definida") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 337) "pontos amostrais arbitrários") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 343) "Propriedades da Integral Definida") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 346) "5.2 Exercícios") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 349) "Projeto de Descoberta - Funções Área") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 350) "5.3 O Teorema Fundamental do Cálculo") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 351) "TFC1") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 352) "TFC1, demonstração") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 354) "TFC2") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 354) "velocidade") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 357) "5.3 Exercícios") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 360) "5.4 Integrais Indefinidas e o Teorema da Variação Total") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 360) "é um número" "é uma função") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 361) "Tabelas de Integrais Indefinidas") ;; (find-stewart71pttext (+ 27 361) "Tabelas de Integrais Inde" "nidas") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 361) "primitiva mais geral sobre um dado intervalo") ;; (find-stewart71pttext (+ 27 361) "primitiva mais geral sobre um dado intervalo") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 368) "Projeto Escrito - Newton, Leibniz e a Invenção do Cálculo") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 369) "5.5 A Regra da Substituição") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 372) "Regra da Substituição para as Integrais Definidas") ;; (find-stewart71pttext (+ 27 372) "Regra da Substituição para as Integrais De" "nidas") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 372) "DEMONSTRAÇÃO Seja F uma primitiva de f") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 374) "Exercícios") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 376) "Revisão") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 379) "Problemas Quentes") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 381) "6 Aplicações de Integração") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 382) "6.1 Áreas entre as Curvas") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 388) "Projeto Aplicado - O Índice de Gini") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 389) "6.2 Volumes") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 395) "pirâmide de base quadrada") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 396) "Figura 15") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 397) "Exercícios") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 399) "6.3 Volumes por Cascas Cilíndricas") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 404) "6.4 Trabalho") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 409) "6.5 Valor Médio de uma Função") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 410) "O Teorema do Valor Médio para Integrais") ;; (find-stewart71pttext (+ 27 410) "O Teorema do Valor Médio para Integrais") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 412) "Projeto Aplicado - Cálculos e Beisebol") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 413) "Projeto Aplicado - Onde Sentar-se no Cinema") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 413) "Revisão") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 415) "Problemas Quentes") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 419) "7 Técnicas de Integração") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 420) "7.1 Integração por Partes") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 423) "7.1 Exercícios") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 425) "7.2 Integrais Trigonométricas") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 431) "7.3 Substituição Trigonométrica") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 438) "7.4 Integração de Funções Racionais por Frações Parciais") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 439) "sistema") ;; (find-stewart71pttext (+ 27 439) "sistema") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 440) "método alternativo") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 445) "7.4 Exercícios") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 447) "7.5 Estratégias para Integração") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 452) "7.6 Integração Usando Tabelas e Sistemas de Computação Algébrica") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 457) "Projeto de Descoberta - Padrões em Integrais") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 458) "7.7 Integração Aproximada") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 470) "7.8 Integrais Impróprias") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 477) "7.8 Exercícios") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 479) "Revisão") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 483) "Problemas Quentes") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 487) "8 Mais Aplicações de Integração") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 488) "8.1 Comprimento de Arco") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 494) "Projeto de Descoberta - Torneio de Comprimento de Arcos") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 495) "8.2 Área de uma Superfície de Revolução") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 500) "trombeta" "de Gabriel") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 500) "Projeto de Descoberta - Rotação em Torno de uma Reta Inclinada") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 501) "8.3 Aplicações à Física e à Engenharia") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 510) "Projeto de Descoberta - Xícaras de Café Complementares") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 511) "8.4 Aplicações à Economia e à Biologia") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 515) "8.5 Probabilidade") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 521) "Revisão") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 523) "Problemas Quentes") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 525) "Apêndices") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 544) "completar os quadrados") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 582) "I. Respostas para os exercícios ímpares") ;; (find-stewart71ptpage (+ 27 617) "Índice remissivo") ;; ;; file:///home/edrx/books/__analysis/stewart__calculo_7a_ed_vol_1.pdf ;; 6-8,36-101 stewart71pt-cap1.pdf ;; 6-8,102-182 stewart71pt-cap2.pdf ;; 6-8,184-272 stewart71pt-cap3.pdf ;; 6-8,274-350 stewart71pt-cap4.pdf ;; 6-8,352-407 stewart71pt-cap5.pdf ;; 6-8,408-445 stewart71pt-cap6.pdf ;; 6-8,446-512 stewart71pt-cap7.pdf ;; 6-8,514-551 stewart71pt-cap8.pdf ;; 6-8,552-608 stewart71pt-apsAH.pdf ;; StewPtCap1 ;; StewPtCap2 ;; StewPtCap3 ;; StewPtCap4 ;; StewPtCap5 ;; StewPtCap6 ;; StewPtCap7 ;; StewPtCap8 ;; StewPtApsAH ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "stewart-pt") (code-pdf-page "stewart72pt" "~/books/__analysis/stewart__calculo_7a_ed_vol_2.pdf") (code-pdf-text8 "stewart72pt" "~/books/__analysis/stewart__calculo_7a_ed_vol_2.pdf" -489) ;; (find-stewart72ptpage) ;; (find-stewart72pttext "") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage 6 "Sumário") ;; (find-stewart72pttext 6 "Sumário") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 525) "9 Equações Diferenciais") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 526) "9.1 Modelagem com Equações Diferenciais") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 526) "é uma equação diferencial porque") ;; (find-stewart72pttext (+ -489 526) "é uma equação diferencial porque") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 528) "solução de uma equação diferencial") ;; (find-stewart72pttext (+ -489 528) "solução de uma equação diferencial") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 531) "9.2 Campos de Direções e Método de Euler") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 538) "9.3 Equações Separáveis") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 546) "Projeto Aplicado - Quão Rapidamente um Tanque Esvazia?") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 547) "Projeto Aplicado - O Que É Mais Rápido, Subir ou Descer?") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 548) "9.4 Modelos para Crescimento Populacional") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 557) "9.5 Equações Lineares") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 561) "9.5 Exercícios") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 563) "9.6 Sistemas Predador-Presa") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 569) "Revisão") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 572) "Problemas Quentes") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 575) "10 Equações Paramétricas e Coordenadas Polares") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 576) "10.1 Curvas Definidas por Equações Paramétricas") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 576) "O parâmetro t não representa o tempo") ;; (find-stewart72pttext (+ -489 576) "O parâmetro t não representa o tempo") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 583) "Projeto de Laboratório - Rolando Círculos ao Redor de Círculos") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 584) "10.2 Cálculo com Curvas Parametrizadas") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 586) "Comprimento de arco") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 587) "O Teorema do Valor Médio") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 591) "Projeto de Laboratório - Curvas de Bézier") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 592) "10.3 Coordenadas Polares") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 601) "Projeto de Laboratório - Famílias de Curvas Polares") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 602) "10.4 Áreas e Comprimentos em Coordenadas Polares") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 606) "10.5 Seções Cônicas") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 613) "10.6 Seções Cônicas em Coordenadas Polares") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 619) "Revisão") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 621) "Problemas Quentes") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 623) "11 Sequências e Séries Infinitas") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 624) "11.1 Sequências") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 633) "11.1 Exercícios") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 635) "Projeto de Laboratório - Sequências Logísticas") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 636) "11.2 Séries") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 645) "11.3 O Teste da Integral e Estimativas de Somas") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 651) "11.3 Exercícios") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 652) "11.4 Os Testes de Comparação") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 657) "11.5 Séries Alternadas") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 661) "11.6 Convergência Absoluta e os Testes da Razão e da Raiz") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 662) "O Teste da Razão") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 664) "O Teste da Raiz") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 665) "11.6 Exercícios") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 667) "11.7 Estratégia para Testes de Séries") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 669) "11.8 Séries de Potência") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 671) "raio de convergência") ;; (find-stewart72pttext (+ -489 671) "raio de convergência") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 674) "11.9 Representações de Funções como Séries de Potências") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 679) "11.10 Séries de Taylor e Maclaurin") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 681) "Figura 1") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 681) "polinômio de Taylor de n-ésimo grau") ;; (find-stewart72pttext (+ -489 681) "polinômio de Taylor de n-ésimo grau") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 683) "em duas colunas") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 685) "em colunas") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 691) "Projeto de Laboratório - Um Limite Elusivo") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 691) "Projeto Escrito - Como Newton Descobriu a Série Binomial") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 692) "11.11 Aplicações dos Polinômios de Taylor") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 700) "Projeto Aplicado - Radiação Proveniente das Estrelas") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 701) "Revisão") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 703) "Problemas Quentes") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 707) "12 Vetores e a Geometria do Espaço") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 708) "12.1 Sistemas de Coordenadas Tridimensionais") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 713) "12.2 Vetores") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 721) "12.3 O Produto Escalar") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 727) "12.4 O Produto Vetorial") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 734) "Projeto de Descoberta - A Geometria de um Tetraedro") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 735) "12.5 Equações de Retas e Planos") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 743) "Projeto de Laboratório - Colocando 3D em Perspectiva") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 744) "12.6 Cilindros e Superfícies Quádricas") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 750) "Revisão") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 752) "Problemas Quentes") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 755) "13 Funções Vetoriais") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 756) "13.1 Funções Vetoriais e Curvas Espaciais") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 763) "13.2 Derivadas e Integrais de Funções Vetoriais") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 768) "13.3 Comprimento de Arco e Curvatura") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 776) "13.4 Movimento no Espaço: Velocidade e Aceleração") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 785) "Projeto Aplicado - Leis de Kepler") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 786) "Revisão") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 789) "Problemas Quentes") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 791) "14 Derivadas Parciais") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 792) "14.1 Funções de Várias Variáveis") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 796) "Curvas de Nível") ;; (find-stewart72pttext (+ -489 796) "Curvas de Nível") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 804) "14.2 Limites e Continuidade") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 811) "14.3 Derivadas Parciais") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 820) "14.3 Exercícios") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 821) "10. Um mapa de contorno...") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 823) "14.4 Planos Tangentes e Aproximações Lineares") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 827) "diferencial dz") ;; (find-stewart72pttext (+ -489 827) "diferencial dz") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 827) "diferenciação total") ;; (find-stewart72pttext (+ -489 827) "diferenciação total") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 831) "14.5 A Regra da Cadeia") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 833) "A Regra da Cadeia (versão geral)") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 835) "Diferenciação Implícita") ;; (find-stewart72pttext (+ -489 835) "Diferenciação Implícita") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 838) "homogênea de n-ésimo grau") ;; (find-stewart72pttext (+ -489 838) "homogênea de n-ésimo grau") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 839) "14.6 Derivadas Direcionais e o Vetor Gradiente") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 841) "O Vetor Gradiente") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 850) "14.7 Valores Máximo e Mínimo") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 851) "Teste da segunda derivada") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 856) "14.7 Exercícios") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 858) "Projeto Aplicado - Projeto de uma Caçamba") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 859) "Projeto de Descoberta - Aproximações Quadráticas e Pontos Críticos") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 860) "14.8 Multiplicadores de Lagrange") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 866) "Projeto Aplicado - Ciência dos Foguetes") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 867) "Projeto Aplicado - Otimização de uma Turbina Hidráulica") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 868) "Revisão") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 871) "Problemas Quentes") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 873) "15 Integrais Múltiplas") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 874) "15.1 Integrais Duplas sobre Retângulos") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 877) "aproximações do volume") ;; (find-stewart72pttext (+ -489 877) "aproximações do volume") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 882) "15.2 Integrais Iteradas") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 887) "15.3 Integrais Duplas sobre Regiões Gerais") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 895) "15.4 Integrais Duplas em Coordenadas Polares") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 901) "15.5 Aplicações de Integrais Duplas") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 910) "15.6 Área de Superfície") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 913) "15.7 Integrais Triplas") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 922) "Projeto de Descoberta - Volumes de Hiperesferas") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 922) "15.8 Integrais Triplas em Coordenadas Cilíndricas") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 926) "Projeto de Laboratório - A Intersecção de Três Cilindros") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 927) "15.9 Integrais Triplas em Coordenadas Esféricas") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 933) "Projeto Aplicado - Corrida na Rampa") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 933) "15.10 Mudança de Variáveis em Integrais Múltiplas") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 941) "Revisão") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 944) "Problemas Quentes") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 947) "16 Cálculo Vetorial") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 948) "16.1 Campos Vetoriais") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 954) "16.2 Integrais de Linha") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 963) "16.3 O Teorema Fundamental das Integrais de Linha") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 971) "16.4 Teorema de Green") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 977) "16.5 Rotacional e Divergente") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 983) "16.6 Superfícies Parametrizadas e suas Áreas") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 993) "16.7 Integrais de Superfície") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 1003) "16.8 Teorema de Stokes") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 1007) "Projeto Aplicado - Três Homens e Dois Teoremas") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 1008) "16.9 O Teorema do Divergente") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 1013) "16.10 Resumo") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 1014) "Revisão") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 1016) "Problemas Quentes") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 1019) "17 Equações Diferenciais de Segunda Ordem") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 1020) "17.1 Equações Lineares de Segunda Ordem") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 1026) "17.2 Equações Lineares Não Homogêneas") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 1032) "17.3 Aplicações de Equações Diferenciais de Segunda Ordem") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 1034) "subamortecimento") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 1034) "CASO III" "(subamortecimento)") ;; (find-stewart72pttext (+ -489 1034) "CASO III" "(subamortecimento)") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 1039) "17.4 Soluções em Séries") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ -489 1043) "Revisão") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ 555 1) "Apêndices") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ 555 2) "A Números, Desigualdades e Valores Absolutos") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ 555 9) "B Geometria Analítica e Retas") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ 555 14) "C Gráficos de Equações de Segundo Grau") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ 555 21) "D Trigonometria") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ 555 30) "E Notação de Somatória (Ou Notação Sigma)") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ 555 35) "F Demonstrações dos Teoremas") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ 555 44) "G O Logaritmo Definido como uma Integral") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ 555 51) "H Números Complexos") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ 555 58) "I Respostas para os Exercícios Ímpares") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ 645 1) "Índice Remissivo") ;; (find-stewart72ptpage (+ 653 1) "Página de referência") ;; file:///home/edrx/books/__analysis/stewart__calculo_7a_ed_vol_2.pdf ;; 6-9,384-457 stewart72pt-cap15.pdf ;; 6-9,458-529 stewart72pt-cap16.pdf ;; 6-9,530-555 stewart72pt-cap17.pdf ;; 6-9,606-612 stewart72pt-apH.pdf ;; (find-fline "/tmp/") ;; (find-linsfile "tmp/" "stewart") ;; 6-9,36-84 stewart72pt-cap9.pdf ;; 6-9,86-133 stewart72pt-cap10.pdf ;; 6-9,134-217 stewart72pt-cap11.pdf ;; 6-9,218-264 stewart72pt-cap12.pdf ;; 6-9,266-301 stewart72pt-cap13.pdf ;; 6-9,302-383 stewart72pt-cap14.pdf ;; 6-9,384-456 stewart72pt-cap15.pdf ;; 6-9,458-529 stewart72pt-cap16.pdf ;; 6-9,530-555 stewart72pt-cap17.pdf ;; StewPtCap9 ;; StewPtCap10 ;; StewPtCap11 ;; StewPtCap12 ;; StewPtCap13 ;; StewPtCap14 ;; StewPtCap15 ;; StewPtCap16 ;; StewPtCap17 ;; StewPtApendiceH ;; «stewart8» (to ".stewart8") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "stewart8") (code-pdf-page "stewart8" "~/books/__analysis/stewart__calculus_8th_ed.pdf") (code-pdf-text "stewart8" "~/books/__analysis/stewart__calculus_8th_ed.pdf" 32) ;; (find-stewart8page) ;; (find-stewart8page 1 "Contents") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 1) "1. A preview of Calculus") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-stewart8text "") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 1) "A Preview of Calculus") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 10) "1.1 Four Ways to Represent a Function") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 19) "1.1 Exercises") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 23) "1.2 Mathematical Models: A Catalog of Essential Functions") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 33) "1.2 Exercises") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 36) "1.3 New Functions from Old Functions") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 42) "1.3 Exercises") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 45) "1.4 The Tangent and Velocity Problems") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 49) "1.4 Exercises") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 50) "1.5 The Limit of a Function") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 62) "1.6 Calculating Limits Using the Limit Laws") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 70) "1.6 Exercises") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 72) "1.7 The Precise Definition of a Limit") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 82) "1.8 Continuity") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 94) "Review") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 98) "Principles of Problem Solving") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 106) "2.1 Derivatives and Rates of Change") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 117) "Writing Project - Early Methods for Finding Tangents") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 113) "2.1 Exercises") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 113) "2.1 Exercises" "State such an f and an a ***") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 117) "2.2 The Derivative as a Function") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 130) "2.3 Differentiation Formulas") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 144) "Applied Project - Building a Better Roller Coaster") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 144) "2.4 Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 152) "2.5 The Chain Rule") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 161) "Applied Project - Where Should a Pilot Start Descent?") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 161) "2.6 Implicit Differentiation") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 168) "Laboratory Project - Families of Implicit Curves") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 169) "2.7 Rates of Change in the Natural and Social Sciences") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 181) "2.8 Related Rates") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 188) "2.9 Linear Approximations and Differentials") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 194) "Laboratory Project - Taylor Polynomials") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 195) "Review") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 200) "Problems Plus") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 204) "3.1 Maximum and Minimum Values") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 213) "Applied Project - The Calculus of Rainbows") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 215) "3.2 The Mean Value Theorem") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 221) "3.3 How Derivatives Affect the Shape of a Graph") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 231) "3.4 Limits at Infinity; Horizontal Asymptotes") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 244) "3.5 Summary of Curve Sketching") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 251) "3.6 Graphing with Calculus and Calculators") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 258) "3.7 Optimization Problems") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 270) "Applied Project - The Shape of a Can") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 271) "Applied Project - Planes and Birds: Minimizing Energy") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 272) "3.8 Newton's Method") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 278) "3.9 Antiderivatives") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 285) "Review") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 289) "Problems Plus") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 294) "4.1 Areas and Distances") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 306) "4.2 The Definite Integral") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 319) "Discovery Project - Area Functions") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 320) "4.3 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 330) "4.4 Indefinite Integrals and the Net Change Theorem") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 339) "Writing Project - Newton, Leibniz, and the Invention of Calculus") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 340) "4.5 The Substitution Rule") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 348) "Review") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 352) "Problems Plus") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 356) "5.1 Areas Between Curves") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 364) "Applied Project - The Gini Index") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 366) "5.2 Volumes") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 377) "5.3 Volumes by Cylindrical Shells") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 383) "5.4 Work") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 389) "5.5 Average Value of a Function") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 392) "Applied Project - Calculus and Baseball") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 393) "Review") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 395) "Problems Plus") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 400) "6.1 Inverse Functions") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 408) "6.2 Exponential Functions and Their Derivatives") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 438) "6.2* The Natural Logarithmic Function") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 421) "6.3 Logarithmic Functions") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 447) "6.3* The Natural Exponential Function") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 428) "6.4 Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 455) "6.4* General Logarithmic and Exponential Functions") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 466) "6.5 Exponential Growth and Decay") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 473) "Applied Project - Controlling Red Blood Cell Loss During Surgery") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 474) "6.6 Inverse Trigonometric Functions") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 483) "Applied Project - Where to Sit at the Movies") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 484) "6.7 Hyperbolic Functions") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 491) "6.8 Indeterminate Forms and l'Hospital's Rule") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 503) "Writing Project - The Origins of l'Hospital's Rule") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 503) "Review") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 508) "Problems Plus") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 512) "7.1 Integration by Parts") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 519) "7.2 Trigonometric Integrals") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 526) "7.3 Trigonometric Substitution") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 533) "7.4 Integration of Rational Functions by Partial Fractions") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 543) "7.5 Strategy for Integration") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 548) "7.6 Integration Using Tables and Computer Algebra Systems") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 553) "Discovery Project - Patterns in Integrals") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 554) "7.7 Approximate Integration") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 567) "7.8 Improper Integrals") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 577) "Review") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 580) "Problems Plus") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 584) "8.1 Arc Length") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 590) "Discovery Project - Arc Length Contest") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 591) "8.2 Area of a Surface of Revolution") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 597) "Discovery Project - Rotating on a Slant") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 598) "8.3 Applications to Physics and Engineering") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 608) "Discovery Project - Complementary Coffee Cups") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 609) "8.4 Applications to Economics and Biology") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 613) "8.5 Probability") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 621) "Review") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 623) "Problems Plus") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 626) "9.1 Modeling with Differential Equations") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 631) "9.2 Direction Fields and Euler's Method") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 639) "9.3 Separable Equations") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 648) "Applied Project - How Fast Does a Tank Drain?") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 649) "Applied Project - Which Is Faster, Going Up or Coming Down?") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 650) "9.4 Models for Population Growth") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 660) "9.5 Linear Equations") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 667) "9.6 Predator-Prey Systems") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 674) "Review") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 677) "Problems Plus") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 680) "10.1 Curves Defined by Parametric Equations") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 688) "Laboratory Project - Running Circles Around Circles") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 689) "10.2 Calculus with Parametric Curves") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 697) "Laboratory Project - Bézier Curves") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 698) "10.3 Polar Coordinates") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 708) "Laboratory Project - Families of Polar Curves") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 709) "10.4 Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 714) "10.5 Conic Sections") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 722) "10.6 Conic Sections in Polar Coordinates") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 729) "Review") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 732) "Problems Plus") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 734) "11.1 Sequences") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 747) "Laboratory Project - Logistic Sequences") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 747) "11.2 Series") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 759) "11.3 The Integral Test and Estimates of Sums") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 767) "11.4 The Comparison Tests") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 772) "11.5 Alternating Series") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 777) "11.6 Absolute Convergence and the Ratio and Root Tests") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 784) "11.7 Strategy for Testing Series") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 786) "11.8 Power Series") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 792) "11.9 Representations of Functions as Power Series") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 799) "11.10 Taylor and Maclaurin Series") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 813) "Laboratory Project - An Elusive Limit") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 813) "Writing Project - How Newton Discovered the Binomial Series") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 814) "11.11 Applications of Taylor Polynomials") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 823) "Applied Project - Radiation from the Stars") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 824) "Review") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 827) "Problems Plus") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 832) "12.1 Three-Dimensional Coordinate Systems") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 838) "12.2 Vectors") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 847) "12.3 The Dot Product") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 854) "12.4 The Cross Product") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 863) "Discovery Project - The Geometry of a Tetrahedron") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 863) "12.5 Equations of Lines and Planes") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 873) "Laboratory Project - Putting 3D in Perspective") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 874) "12.6 Cylinders and Quadric Surfaces") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 881) "Review") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 884) "Problems Plus") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 888) "13.1 Vector Functions and Space Curves") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 895) "13.2 Derivatives and Integrals of Vector Functions") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 901) "13.3 Arc Length and Curvature") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 910) "13.4 Motion in Space: Velocity and Acceleration") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 920) "Applied Project - Kepler's Laws") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 921) "Review") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 924) "Problems Plus") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 928) "14.1 Functions of Several Variables") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 943) "14.2 Limits and Continuity") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 951) "14.3 Partial Derivatives") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 967) "14.4 Tangent Planes and Linear Approximations") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 976) "Applied Project - The Speedo LZR Racer") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 977) "14.5 The Chain Rule") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 986) "14.6 Directional Derivatives and the Gradient Vector") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 999) "14.7 Maximum and Minimum Values") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 1010) "Applied Project - Designing a Dumpster") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 1010) "Discovery Project - Quadratic Approximations and Critical Points") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 1011) "14.8 Lagrange Multipliers") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 1019) "Applied Project - Rocket Science") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 1020) "Applied Project - Hydro-Turbine Optimization") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 1021) "Review") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 1025) "Problems Plus") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 1028) "15.1 Double Integrals over Rectangles") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 1041) "15.2 Double Integrals over General Regions") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 1050) "15.3 Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 1056) "15.4 Applications of Double Integrals") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 1066) "15.5 Surface Area") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 1069) "15.6 Triple Integrals") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 1080) "Discovery Project - Volumes of Hyperspheres") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 1080) "15.7 Triple Integrals in Cylindrical Coordinates") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 1084) "Discovery Project - The Intersection of Three Cylinders") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 1085) "15.8 Triple Integrals in Spherical Coordinates") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 1092) "Applied Project - Roller Derby") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 1092) "15.9 Change of Variables in Multiple Integrals") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 1101) "Review") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 1105) "Problems Plus") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 1108) "16.1 Vector Fields") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 1115) "16.2 Line Integrals") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 1127) "16.3 The Fundamental Theorem for Line Integrals") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 1136) "16.4 Green's Theorem") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 1143) "16.5 Curl and Divergence") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 1151) "16.6 Parametric Surfaces and Their Areas") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 1162) "16.7 Surface Integrals") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 1174) "16.8 Stokes' Theorem") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 1180) "Writing Project - Three Men and Two Theorems") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 1181) "16.9 The Divergence Theorem") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 1187) "16.10 Summary") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 1188) "Review") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 1191) "Problems Plus") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 1194) "17.1 Second-Order Linear Equations") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 1200) "17.2 Nonhomogeneous Linear Equations") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 1208) "17.3 Applications of Second-Order Differential Equations") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 1216) "17.4 Series Solutions") ;; (find-stewart8page (+ 32 1221) "Review") ;; (find-stewart8text "") ;; «stitz-zeager» (to ".stitz-zeager") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "stitz-zeager") ;; (find-es "metapost" "stitz-zeager") ;; https://stitz-zeager.com/ ;; https://stitz-zeager.com/Precalculus4.pdf (code-pdf-page "stitzz4" "$S/https/stitz-zeager.com/Precalculus4.pdf") (code-pdf-text "stitzz4" "$S/https/stitz-zeager.com/Precalculus4.pdf" 14) ;; (find-stitzz4page) ;; (find-stitzz4text) ;; (find-stitzz4page 3 "Table of Contents") ;; (find-stitzz4text 3 "Table of Contents") ;; (find-stitzz4page 12 "The Rule of Four") ;; (find-stitzz4text 12 "The Rule of Four") ;; (find-stitzz4page (+ 14 6) "1.1.2 Algebraic Representations of Functions") ;; (find-stitzz4text (+ 14 6) "1.1.2 Algebraic Representations of Functions") ;; (find-stitzz4page (+ 14 369) "5.3 Function Composition") ;; (find-stitzz4text (+ 14 369) "5.3 Function Composition") ;; ;; https://stitz-zeager.com/ch_0_links.pdf (code-pdf-page "stitzz40" "$S/https/stitz-zeager.com/ch_0_links.pdf") (code-pdf-text "stitzz40" "$S/https/stitz-zeager.com/ch_0_links.pdf") ;; (find-stitzz40page) ;; (find-stitzz40text) ;; «swokowski» (to ".swokowski") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "swokowski") (code-pdf-page "swokowski" "~/books/__analysis/swokowski__calculus_with_analytic_geometry.pdf") (code-pdf-text "swokowski" "~/books/__analysis/swokowski__calculus_with_analytic_geometry.pdf" 1) ;; (find-swokowskipage) ;; (find-swokowskipage 6 "Contents") ;; (find-swokowskipage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-swokowskitext "") ;; «swokowski-atag» (to ".swokowski-atag") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "swokowski-atag") (code-pdf-page "swokowskiatag" "~/books/__analysis/swokowski_cole__algebra_and_trigonometry_with_analytic_geometry_classic_edition.pdf") (code-pdf-text "swokowskiatag" "~/books/__analysis/swokowski_cole__algebra_and_trigonometry_with_analytic_geometry_classic_edition.pdf" 18) ;; (find-swokowskiatagpage) ;; (find-swokowskiatagpage 8 "CONTENTS") ;; (find-swokowskiatagtext 8 "CONTENTS") ;; (find-swokowskiatagpage (+ 1 18) "Fundamental" "Concepts of Algebra") ;; (find-swokowskiatagtext (+ 1 18) "Fundamental" "Concepts of Algebra") ;; (find-swokowskiatagpage 8 "Contents") ;; (find-swokowskiatagpage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-swokowskiatagtext "") ;; «swokowski-precalc» (to ".swokowski-precalc") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "swokowski-precalc") (code-pdf-page "swokowskiprecalc" "~/books/__analysis/swokowski_cole__precalculus_functions_and_graphs.pdf") (code-pdf-text "swokowskiprecalc" "~/books/__analysis/swokowski_cole__precalculus_functions_and_graphs.pdf" 1) ;; (find-swokowskiprecalcpage) ;; (find-swokowskiprecalcpage 12 "Contents") ;; (find-swokowskiprecalctext 12 "Contents") ;; (find-swokowskiprecalcpage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-swokowskiprecalcpage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-swokowskiprecalctext "") ;; «temple» (to ".temple") ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/257995/structure-of-lebesgue-integration-theory (code-djvu "templebint" "~/books/__analysis/temple__the_structure_of_the_lebesgue_integration_theory.djvu") (code-djvutotext "templebint" "~/books/__analysis/temple__the_structure_of_the_lebesgue_integration_theory.djvu") ;; (find-templebintpage 7 "Contents") ;; (find-templebintpage (+ -2 182) "Index") ;; (find-templebinttext "") ;; «thomas» (to ".thomas") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "thomas") ;; Check the authors... ;; http://www.aw.com/thomas_br/ ;; (brg "~/books/__analysis/thomas_weir_hass_giordano__calculus_11th_ed.pdf") ;; (find-xpdfpage "~/books/__analysis/thomas_weir_hass_giordano__calculus_11th_ed__p347.pdf") (code-c-d "thomas11-1" "~/books/__analysis/thomas_weir_hass_giordano__calculus_11th_ed.txt") (code-pdf-page "thomas11-1" "~/books/__analysis/thomas_weir_hass_giordano__calculus_11th_ed.pdf") (code-pdf-text "thomas11-1" "~/books/__analysis/thomas_weir_hass_giordano__calculus_11th_ed.pdf") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 0 1) "1 Preliminaries") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 12 73) "2 Limits and Continuity") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 23 147) "3 Differentiation") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 25 159) "3.2" "Differentiation rules") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 26 171) "3.3" "The derivative as a rate of change") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 28 183) "3.4" "Derivatives of trigonometric functions") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 30 190) "3.5" "The chain rule and parametric equations") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 30 198) "differentiating with a parameter") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 32 205) "3.6" "Implicit differentiation") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 32 206) "folium" "Descartes") ;; (find-thomas11-1file "" "folium" "Descartes") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 34 213) "3.7 Related Rates") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 35 221) "3.8 Linearization and Differentials") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 35 225) "Differentials") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 36 231) "Exercises 3.8") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 39 244) "4 Applications of Derivatives") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 50 307) "4.8 Antiderivatives") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 50 312) "Indefinite integrals") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 54 325) "5 Integration") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 58 343) "5.3 The definite integral") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 58 344) "Notation and existence of the definite integral") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 58 347) "Rules satisfied by definite integrals") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 58 353) "Using properties and known values to find other integrals") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 60 356) "5.4 The fundamental theorem of calculus") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 60 358) "Fundamental theorem, part 1") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 60 361) "Fundamental theorem, part 2 (the evaluation theorem)") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 61 368) "5.5 Indefinite integrals and the substitution rule") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 61 369) "Example 1") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 61 370) "Theorem 5: The substitution rule") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 61 370) "Example 2") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 61 371) "Example 3") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 63 376) "5.6 Substitution and area between curves") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 63 376) "Theorem 6: Substitution in definite integrals") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 66 396) "6 Applications of Definite Integrals") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 78 466) "7 Transcendental Functions") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 78 466) "7.1" "Inverse functions and their derivatives") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 78 468) "DEFINITION Inverse Function") ;; (find-thomas11-1text (+ 78 468) "DEFINITION Inverse Function") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 92 553) "8 Techniques of Integration") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 93 561) "8.2 Integration by parts") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 104 619) "8.8 Improper") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 104 620) "Type I Improper Integrals") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 104 623) "Type II Improper Integrals") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 104 626) "An Incorrect Calculation" "discontinuity") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 108 642) "9 Further Applications of Integration") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 108 642) "9.1 Slope Fields and Separable Differential Equations") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 108 652) "9.2 First-order Linear Differential Equations") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 112 659) "9.3 Euler's Method") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 114 665) "9.4 Graphical solutions") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 119 685) "10 Conic Sections and Polar Coordinates") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 135 746) "11 Infinite Sequences and Series") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 153 848) "12 Vectors and the Geometry of Space") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 165 906) "13 Vector-Valued Functions and Motion in Space") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 178 965) "14 Partial Derivatives") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 178 976) "14.2 Limits and Continuity in Higher Dimensions") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 178 980) "two-path test") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 178 982) "No limit at a point") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 179 984) "14.3 Partial Derivatives") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 179 986) "Figure 14.5: figures 14.13 and 14.14 combined") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 180 994) "Exercises 14.3") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 181 996) "14.4 The chain rule") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 183 1005) "14.5 Directional derivatives and gradient vectors") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 184 1015) "14.6 Tangent planes and differentials") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 186 1027) "14.7 Extreme values and saddle points") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 187 1038) "14.8 Lagrange Multipliers") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 189 1049) "14.9 Partial derivatives with constrained variables") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 189 1056) "14.10 Taylor's formula for two variables") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 194 1063) "Additional and advances exercises") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 195 1067) "15 Multiple Integrals") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ 207 1143) "16 Integration in Vector Fields") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ -49 1501) "15-1 First-Order Differential Equations") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ -108 1601) "16 Second-Order Differential Equations") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ -108 1602) "constant coefficient") ;; (find-thomas11-1page (+ -277 1801) "A-1 Appendices") ;; (find-thomas11-1text "") ;; (find-thomas11-1file "" "") ;; file:///home/edrx/books/__analysis/thomas_weir_hass_giordano__calculus_11th_ed.pdf ;; 750-803 thomas11-cap9.pdf ;; (code-djvu "thomas11-1sol" "~/books/__analysis/thomas_wier_hass_giordano__calculus_11th_ed_solution_manual.djvu") ;; (find-thomas11-1solpage 1 "Chapter 1 Preliminaries") ;; (find-thomas11-1solpage 67 "Chapter 2 Limits and Continuity") ;; (find-thomas11-1solpage 121 "Chapter 3 Differentiation") ;; (find-thomas11-1solpage 197 "Chapter 4 Applications of Derivatives") ;; (find-thomas11-1solpage 293 "Chapter 5 Integration") ;; (find-thomas11-1solpage 361 "Chapter 6 Applications of Definite Integrals") ;; (find-thomas11-1solpage 425 "Chapter 7 Transcendental Functions") ;; (find-thomas11-1solpage 493 "Chapter 8 Techniques of Integration") ;; (find-thomas11-1solpage 585 "Chapter 9 Further Applications of Integration") ;; (find-thomas11-1solpage 619 "Chapter 10 Conic Sections and Polar Coordinates") ;; (find-thomas11-1solpage 697 "Chapter 11 Infinite Sequences and Series") ;; (find-thomas11-1solpage 779 "Chapter 12 Vectors and the Geometry of Space") ;; (find-thomas11-1solpage 825 "Chapter 13 Vector-Valued Functions and Motion in Space") ;; (find-thomas11-1solpage 863 "Chapter 14 Partial Derivatives") ;; (find-thomas11-1solpage 941 "Chapter 15 Multiple Integrals") ;; (find-thomas11-1solpage 997 "Chapter 16 Integration in Vector Fields") ;; «thompson-gardner» (to ".thompson-gardner") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "thompson-gardner") ;; (find-LATEX "catsem-ab.bib" "bib-ThompsonGardner") ;; Silvanus P. Thompson / Martin Gardner: "Calculus Made Easy" (1910/1998) ;; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silvanus_P._Thompson ;; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calculus_Made_Easy ;; https://news.ycombinator.com/from?site=calculusmadeeasy.org ;; https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27991120 Calculus Made Easy (1910) ;; https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18250034 Calculus Made Easy (1910) (calculusmadeeasy.org) ;; https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14161876 Calculus Made Easy (1914) [pdf] (code-pdf-page "sthompsong" "~/books/__analysis/thompson_gardner__calculus_made_easy.pdf") (code-pdf-text "sthompsong" "~/books/__analysis/thompson_gardner__calculus_made_easy.pdf" 9) ;; (find-sthompsongpage) ;; (find-sthompsongpage 8 "CONTENTS") ;; (find-sthompsongtext 8 "CONTENTS") ;; (find-sthompsongpage (+ 9 1) "Preface to the 1998 Edition") ;; (find-sthompsongpage (+ 9 10) "1. What Is a Function?") ;; (find-sthompsongpage (+ 9 15) "interval") ;; (find-sthompsongtext (+ 9 15) "interval") ;; (find-sthompsongpage (+ 9 15) "did not use the modern") ;; (find-sthompsongtext (+ 9 15) "did not use the modern") ;; (find-sthompsongpage (+ 9 18) "2. What Is a Limit?") ;; (find-sthompsongpage (+ 9 30) "3. What Is a Derivative?") ;; (find-sthompsongpage (+ 9 36) "Publisher's Note on the Third Edition") ;; (find-sthompsongpage (+ 9 38) "Prologue") ;; (find-sthompsongpage (+ 9 39) "Terrors") ;; (find-sthompsongpage (+ 9 41) "II. On Different Degrees of Smallness") ;; (find-sthompsongpage (+ 9 45) "III. On Relative Growings") ;; (find-sthompsongpage (+ 9 51) "IV. Simplest Cases") ;; (find-sthompsongpage (+ 9 59) "V. Next Stage. What to Do with Constants") ;; (find-sthompsongpage (+ 9 66) "VI. Sums, Differences, Products, and Quotients") ;; (find-sthompsongpage (+ 9 79) "VII. Successive Differentiation") ;; (find-sthompsongpage (+ 9 83) "VIII. When Time Varies") ;; (find-sthompsongpage (+ 9 94) "IX. Introducing a Useful Dodge") ;; (find-sthompsongpage (+ 9 103) "X. Geometrical Meaning of Differentiation") ;; (find-sthompsongpage (+ 9 116) "XI. Maxima and Minima") ;; (find-sthompsongtext (+ 9 116) "MAXIMA AND MINIMA") ;; (find-sthompsongpage (+ 9 129) "FIG. 30") ;; (find-sthompsongtext (+ 9 129) "FIG. 30") ;; (find-sthompsongpage (+ 9 132) "XII. Curvature of Curves") ;; (find-sthompsongpage (+ 9 139) "XIII. Partial Fractions and Inverse Functions") ;; (find-sthompsongpage (+ 9 150) "of Organic Growth") ;; (find-sthompsongpage (+ 9 175) "xv. How to Deal with Sines and Cosines") ;; (find-sthompsongpage (+ 9 184) "XVI. Partial Differentiation") ;; (find-sthompsongpage (+ 9 191) "XVII. Integration") ;; (find-sthompsongpage (+ 9 198) "Differentiating") ;; (find-sthompsongpage (+ 9 210) "XIX. On Finding Areas by Integrating") ;; (find-sthompsongpage (+ 9 227) "XX. Dodges, Pitfalls, and Triumphs") ;; (find-sthompsongpage (+ 9 235) "XXI. Finding Solutions") ;; (find-sthompsongpage (+ 9 249) "XXII. A Little More about Curvature of Curves") ;; (find-sthompsongpage (+ 9 263) "Curve") ;; (find-sthompsongpage (+ 9 276) "Table of Standard Forms") ;; (find-sthompsongpage (+ 9 279) "Epilogue and Apologue") ;; (find-sthompsongpage (+ 9 281) "Answers to Exercises") ;; (find-sthompsongpage (+ 9 296) "Calculus, by Martin Gardner") ;; (find-sthompsongpage (+ 9 326) "Index") ;; (find-sthompsongpage (+ 9 330) "About the Authors") ;; (find-sthompsongtext "") ;; «thompson» (to ".thompson") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "thompson") ;; (find-es "math" "silvanus-thompson") ;; Silvanus P. Thompson: "Calculus Made Easy" (1910, Gutenberg Project) ;; https://calculusmadeeasy.org/ ;; https://avidemia.com/calculus-made-easy/ ;; https://www.gutenberg.org/files/33283/33283-pdf.pdf ;; https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/33283 Calculus Made Easy by Silvanus P. Thompson (code-pdf-page "sthompson" "$S/https/www.gutenberg.org/files/33283/33283-pdf.pdf") (code-pdf-text "sthompson" "$S/https/www.gutenberg.org/files/33283/33283-pdf.pdf" 11) (code-pdf-page "sthompson" "~/usrc/silvanus/33283-t.pdf") (code-pdf-text "sthompson" "~/usrc/silvanus/33283-t.pdf" 11) ;; (find-sthompsonpage (+ 11 1) "I. To deliver you from the Preliminary Terrors") ;; (find-sthompsonpage (+ 11 5) "as to become x + dx") ;; (find-sthompsontext (+ 11 5) "as to become x + dx") ;; (find-sthompsonpage (+ 11 3) "II. On Different Degrees of Smallness") ;; (find-sthompsonpage (+ 11 9) "III. On Relative Growings") ;; (find-sthompsonpage (+ 11 10) "triangle (Fig. 4)") ;; (find-sthompsontext (+ 11 10) "triangle (Fig. 4)") ;; (find-sthompsonpage (+ 11 11) "ladder") ;; (find-sthompsontext (+ 11 11) "ladder") ;; (find-sthompsonpage (+ 11 13) "the existence of some kind of relation") ;; (find-sthompsontext (+ 11 13) "the existence of some kind of relation") ;; (find-sthompsonpage (+ 11 14) "explicit function") ;; (find-sthompsontext (+ 11 14) "explicit function") ;; (find-sthompsonpage (+ 11 14) "dependent variable") ;; (find-sthompsontext (+ 11 14) "dependent variable") ;; (find-sthompsonpage (+ 11 14) "z = F (x, y) (explicit function)") ;; (find-sthompsontext (+ 11 14) "z = F (x, y) (explicit function)") ;; (find-sthompsonpage (+ 11 17) "IV. Simplest Cases") ;; (find-sthompsonpage (+ 11 18) "discarded") ;; (find-sthompsontext (+ 11 18) "discarded") ;; (find-sthompsonpage (+ 11 23) "Case of a fractional power") ;; (find-sthompsontext (+ 11 23) "Case of a fractional power") ;; (find-sthompsonpage (+ 11 24) "Exercises I") ;; (find-sthompsonpage (+ 11 25) "V. Next Stage. What to do with Constants") ;; (find-sthompsonpage (+ 11 34) "VI. Sums, Differences, Products and Quotients") ;; (find-sthompsonpage (+ 11 48) "VII. Successive Differentiation") ;; (find-sthompsonpage (+ 11 52) "VIII. When Time Varies") ;; (find-sthompsonpage (+ 11 66) "IX. Introducing a Useful Dodge") ;; (find-sthompsontext (+ 11 66) "INTRODUCING A USEFUL DODGE") ;; (find-sthompsonpage (+ 11 72) "Exercises VI") ;; (find-sthompsontext (+ 11 72) "Exercises VI") ;; (find-sthompsonpage (+ 11 75) "X. Geometrical Meaning of Differentiation") ;; (find-sthompsonpage (+ 11 91) "XI. Maxima and Minima") ;; (find-sthompsonpage (+ 11 106) "Fig. 30") ;; (find-sthompsontext (+ 11 106) "Fig. 30") ;; (find-sthompsonpage (+ 11 109) "XII. Curvature of Curves") ;; (find-sthompsonpage (+ 11 118) "XIII. Other Useful Dodges") ;; (find-sthompsonpage (+ 11 128) "Differential of an Inverse Function") ;; (find-sthompsontext (+ 11 128) "Differential of an Inverse Function") ;; (find-sthompsonpage (+ 11 131) "XIV. On true Compound Interest and the Law of Organic Growth") ;; (find-sthompsonpage (+ 11 162) "XV. How to deal with Sines and Cosines") ;; (find-sthompsonpage (+ 11 172) "XVI. Partial Differentiation") ;; (find-sthompsonpage (+ 11 177) "Exercises XV") ;; (find-sthompsonpage (+ 11 180) "XVII. Integration") ;; (find-sthompsonpage (+ 11 189) "XVIII. Integrating as the Reverse of Differentiating") ;; (find-sthompsonpage (+ 11 204) "XIX. On Finding Areas by Integrating") ;; (find-sthompsonpage (+ 11 224) "XX. Dodges, Pitfalls, and Triumphs") ;; (find-sthompsonpage (+ 11 232) "XXI. Finding some Solutions") ;; (find-sthompsonpage (+ 11 249) "Table of Standard Forms") ;; (find-sthompsonpage (+ 11 252) "Answers to Exercises.") ;; (find-sthompsontext (+ 11 252) "Answers to Exercises.") ;; «thrainer» (to ".thrainer") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "thrainer") ;; https://epub.jku.at/obvulihs/content/titleinfo/5120954 (code-pdf-page "thrainerlego" "~/books/__analysis/thrainer__drawing_algebraic_curves_with_lego-linkages.pdf") (code-pdf-text "thrainerlego" "~/books/__analysis/thrainer__drawing_algebraic_curves_with_lego-linkages.pdf" 1) ;; (find-thrainerlegopage) ;; (find-thrainerlegopage 5 "Contents") ;; (find-thrainerlegopage (+ 8 1) "Introduction") ;; (find-thrainerlegotext "") ;; «trench» (to ".trench") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "trench") ;; https://aimath.org/textbooks/approved-textbooks/trench-de/ (code-pdf-page "trench" "~/books/__analysis/trench__elementary_differential_equations_with_boundary_value_problems.pdf") (code-pdf-text "trench" "~/books/__analysis/trench__elementary_differential_equations_with_boundary_value_problems.pdf" 1) ;; (find-trenchpage) ;; (find-trenchpage 5 "Contents") ;; (find-trenchtext "") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 1) "Chapter 1 Introduction") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 5) "1.2 First Order Equations") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 16) "1.3 Direction Fields for First Order Equations") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 30) "Chapter 2 First Order Equations") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 30) "2.1 Linear First Order Equations") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 45) "2.2 Separable Equations") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 52) "2.2 Exercises") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 55) "2.3 Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions of Nonlinear Equations") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 62) "2.4 Transformation of Nonlinear Equations into Separable Equations") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 73) "2.5 Exact Equations") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 83) "2.6 Integrating Factors") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 84) "Theorem 2.6.1") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 91) "2.6 Exercises") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 96) "3.1 Euler's Method") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 109) "3.2 The Improved Euler Method and Related Methods") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 119) "3.3 The Runge-Kutta Method") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 129) "Chapter 4 Applications of First Order Equations") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 130) "4.1 Growth and Decay") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 140) "4.2 Cooling and Mixing") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 151) "4.3 Elementary Mechanics") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 162) "4.4 Autonomous Second Order Equations") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 179) "4.5 Applications to Curves") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 194) "5.1 Homogeneous Linear Equations") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 210) "5.2 Constant Coefficient Homogeneous Equations") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 221) "5.3 Nonhomogeneous Linear Equations") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 229) "5.4 The Method of Undetermined Coefficients I") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 238) "5.5 The Method of Undetermined Coefficients II") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 248) "5.6 Reduction of Order") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 255) "5.7 Variation of Parameters") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 268) "Chapter 6 Applications of Linear Second Order Equations") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 268) "6.1 Spring Problems I") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 279) "6.2 Spring Problems II") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 290) "6.3 The RLC Circuit") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 296) "6.4 Motion Under a Central Force") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 307) "7.1 Review of Power Series") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 319) "7.2 Series Solutions Near an Ordinary Point I") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 334) "7.3 Series Solutions Near an Ordinary Point II") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 342) "7.4 Regular Singular Points Euler Equations") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 347) "7.5 The Method of Frobenius I") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 364) "7.6 The Method of Frobenius II") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 378) "7.7 The Method of Frobenius III") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 393) "8.1 Introduction to the Laplace Transform") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 405) "8.2 The Inverse Laplace Transform") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 413) "8.3 Solution of Initial Value Problems") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 419) "8.4 The Unit Step Function") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 431) "8.5 Constant Coefficient Equations with Piecewise Continuous Forcing Functions") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 440) "8.6 Convolution") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 452) "8.7 Constant Cofficient Equations with Impulses") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 465) "9.1 Introduction to Linear Higher Order Equations") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 475) "9.2 Higher Order Constant Coefficient Homogeneous Equations") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 487) "9.3 Undetermined Coefficients for Higher Order Equations") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 497) "9.4 Variation of Parameters for Higher Order Equations") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 507) "10.1 Introduction to Systems of Differential Equations") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 515) "10.2 Linear Systems of Differential Equations") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 521) "10.3 Basic Theory of Homogeneous Linear Systems") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 530) "10.4 Constant Coefficient Homogeneous Systems I") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 542) "10.5 Constant Coefficient Homogeneous Systems II") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 556) "10.6 Constant Coefficient Homogeneous Systems II") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 568) "10.7 Variation of Parameters for Nonhomogeneous Linear Systems") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 580) "Chapter 11 Boundary Value Problems and Fourier Expansions") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 580) "11.1 Eigenvalue Problems for y00 + y = 0") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 587) "11.2 Fourier Series I") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 603) "11.3 Fourier Series II") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 618) "12.1 The Heat Equation") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 630) "12.2 The Wave Equation") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 649) "12.3 Laplace's Equation in Rectangular Coordinates") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 666) "12.4 Laplace's Equation in Polar Coordinates") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 676) "13.1 Boundary Value Problems") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 687) "13.2 Sturm-Liouville Problems") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 705) "Answers to selected exercises") ;; (find-trenchpage (+ 10 787) "Index") ;; «tu» (to ".tu") ;; Loring W. Tu: "An Introduction to Manifolds" ;; https://sites.icmc.usp.br/grossi/other/tu.pdf (code-pdf-page "tuimanifolds" "$S/https/sites.icmc.usp.br/grossi/other/tu.pdf") (code-pdf-text "tuimanifolds" "$S/https/sites.icmc.usp.br/grossi/other/tu.pdf") ;; (find-tuimanifoldspage) ;; (find-tuimanifoldstext) ;; «usiskin» (to ".usiskin") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "usiskin") ;; (to "maria-laura") ;; (to "steinmetz") (code-pdf-page "usiskinwisa" "~/books/__analysis/usiskin__what_is_school_algebra.pdf") (code-pdf-text "usiskinwisa" "~/books/__analysis/usiskin__what_is_school_algebra.pdf" 1) ;; (find-usiskinwisapage) ;; (find-usiskinwisapage (+ -6 9) "rule for multiplying fractions first in English, then" "in algebra") ;; (find-usiskinwisatext (+ -6 9) "rule for multiplying fractions first in English, then" "in algebra") ;; (find-usiskinwisapage (+ -6 10) "What happens to the value of 1/x as x gets" "larger and larger?") ;; (find-usiskinwisatext (+ -6 10) "What happens to the value of 1/x as x gets" "larger and larger?") ;; (find-usiskinwisatext "") ;; «usnavy-prec» (to ".usnavy-prec") ;; https://archive.org/details/US_Navy_Training_Course_-_Pre-calculus_and_Introduction_to_Probability ;; https://archive.org/download/US_Navy_Training_Course_-_Pre-calculus_and_Introduction_to_Probability/US_Navy_Training_Course_-_Pre-calculus_and_Introduction_to_Probability.pdf ;; https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32873005 The case for ending calculus requirements for science majors (quillette.com) (code-pdf-page "usnavyprec" "$S/https/archive.org/download/US_Navy_Training_Course_-_Pre-calculus_and_Introduction_to_Probability/US_Navy_Training_Course_-_Pre-calculus_and_Introduction_to_Probability.pdf") (code-pdf-text "usnavyprec" "$S/https/archive.org/download/US_Navy_Training_Course_-_Pre-calculus_and_Introduction_to_Probability/US_Navy_Training_Course_-_Pre-calculus_and_Introduction_to_Probability.pdf") ;; (find-usnavyprecpage) ;; (find-usnavyprectext) ;; «venturi» (to ".venturi") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "venturi") ;; https://www.geometriaanalitica.com.br/ ;; https://www.geometriaanalitica.com.br/copia-av ;; https://www.geometriaanalitica.com.br/copia-indice1 (code-pdf-page "venturiga" "~/books/__analysis/venturi__algebra_vetorial_e_geometria_analitica.pdf") (code-pdf-text "venturiga" "~/books/__analysis/venturi__algebra_vetorial_e_geometria_analitica.pdf" 1) (code-pdf-page "venturicq" "~/books/__analysis/venturi__conicas_e_quadricas.pdf") (code-pdf-text "venturicq" "~/books/__analysis/venturi__conicas_e_quadricas.pdf" 1) ;; (find-venturigapage) ;; (find-venturigapage 5 "Contents") ;; (find-venturigapage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-venturigatext "") ;; (find-venturigatext) ;; (find-venturigapage 20 "1. NOÇÕES PRELIMINARES") ;; (find-venturigapage 20 "1.1. Elementos primitivos") ;; (find-venturigapage 20 "1.2. Ponto e reta impróprios") ;; (find-venturigapage 25 "2. RELAÇÕES SEGMENTÁRIAS NO ESPAÇO UNIDIMENSIONAL") ;; (find-venturigapage 25 "2.1. Reta orientada") ;; (find-venturigapage 25 "2.2. Medida algébrica de um segmento") ;; (find-venturigapage 26 "2.3. Razão simples de três pontos") ;; (find-venturigapage 27 "2.4. Divisão áurea") ;; (find-venturigapage 29 "2.5. Abscissas na reta") ;; (find-venturigapage 29 "2.6. Distância entre dois pontos") ;; (find-venturigapage 30 "2.7. Razão simples de três pontos") ;; (find-venturigapage 35 "3. SISTEMAS DE COORDENADAS NO ESPAÇOBIDIMENSIONAL") ;; (find-venturigapage 35 "3.1. Sistema cartesiano ortogonal") ;; (find-venturigapage 36 "3.2. Sistema cartesiano oblíquo") ;; (find-venturigapage 36 "3.3. Pares ordenados: operaçõese igualdade") ;; (find-venturigapage 37 "3.4. Distância entre dois pontos") ;; (find-venturigapage 39 "3.5. Ponto que divide um segmento numa razão dada") ;; (find-venturigapage 39 "3.6. Baricentro de um triângulo") ;; (find-venturigapage 41 "3.7. Sistema polar") ;; (find-venturigapage 44 "3.8. Passagem do sistema polar para o sistema cartesiano ortogonal") ;; (find-venturigapage 51 "4. SISTEMAS DE COORDENADAS NO ESPAÇO TRIDIMENSIONAL") ;; (find-venturigapage 51 "4.1. Sistema cartesiano ortogonal") ;; (find-venturigapage 52 "4.2. Distância entre dois pontos") ;; (find-venturigapage 53 "4.3. Ponto que divide um segmento numa razão dada") ;; (find-venturigapage 53 "4.4. Baricentro do triângulo") ;; (find-venturigapage 57 "4.5. Sistema cilíndrico") ;; (find-venturigapage 60 "4.6. Sistema esférico") ;; (find-venturigapage 51 "5. VETORES") ;; (find-venturigapage 51 "5.1. Sinopse histórica") ;; (find-venturigapage 64 "5.2. Grandezas escalares e vetoriais") ;; (find-venturigapage 64 "5.3. Definições, etimologia e notações") ;; (find-venturigapage 67 "5.4. Paralelismo de vetores") ;; (find-venturigapage 68 "5.5. Multiplicação de um vetor por um escalar") ;; (find-venturigapage 70 "5.6. Coplanaridade de vetores") ;; (find-venturigapage 70 "5.7. Adição de vetores") ;; (find-venturigapage 72 "5.8. Subtração de vetores") ;; (find-venturigapage 77 "5.9. Combinação linear de vetores") ;; (find-venturigatext 77 "Combinação linear de vetores") ;; (find-venturigapage 77 "5.10. Expressão cartesiana de um vetor") ;; (find-venturigapage 79 "5.11. Condição de paralelismo de dois vetores") ;; (find-venturigapage 84 "5.12. Condição de coplanaridade de vetores") ;; (find-venturigatext 84 "Condição de coplanaridade de vetores") ;; (find-venturigapage 87 "5.13. Combinação linear de quatro vetores") ;; (find-venturigapage 89 "5.14. Ângulo de dois vetores") ;; (find-venturigapage 90 "5.15. Multiplicação interna ou escalar") ;; (find-venturigapage 97 "5.16. Expressão Cartesiana do produto escalar") ;; (find-venturigapage 104 "5.17. Multiplicação vetorial ou externa") ;; (find-venturigapage 111 "5.18. Área de um paralelogramo e de um triângulo") ;; (find-venturigapage 115 "5.19. Multiplicação Mista") ;; (find-venturigapage 121 "5.20. Dupla mltiplicação vetorial") ;; (find-venturigapage 128 "6. VETORES: APLCAÇÕES GEOMÉTRICAS CLÁSSICAS") ;; (find-venturigapage 128 "6.1. Projeção de um vetor sobre o outro vetor") ;; (find-venturigapage 132 "6.2. Projeção de um ponto sobre um plano") ;; (find-venturigapage 135 "6.3. Distância de ponto a plano") ;; (find-venturigapage 137 "6.4. Distância de ponto a reta") ;; (find-venturigapage 139 "6.5. Distância entre duas retas") ;; (find-venturigapage 142 "6.6. Área de um triângulo") ;; (find-venturigapage 144 "6.7. Área da projeção ortogonal de um triângulo sobre um plano") ;; (find-venturigapage 145 "6.8. Área da projeção não ortogonal de um triângulo sobre um plano") ;; (find-venturigapage 148 "6.9. Cossenos diretores de um vetor") ;; (find-venturigapage 157 "7. O PLANO NO E3") ;; (find-venturigapage 157 "7.1. Equação do plano") ;; (find-venturigapage 160 "7.2. Pertinência de um ponto a plano") ;; (find-venturigapage 160 "7.3. Interseção de um ponto a plano com os eixos cordenados") ;; (find-venturigapage 160 "7.4. Equação de um plano com os eixos coordenados") ;; (find-venturigapage 164 "7.5. Equação do plano que passa por um ponto e ortogonal a um vetor") ;; (find-venturigapage 166 "7.6. Casos particulares da equação geral do plano") ;; (find-venturigapage 171 "7.7. Paralelismo e ortogonalidade de dois planos") ;; (find-venturigapage 176 "7.8. Equação do feixe de dois planos") ;; (find-venturigapage 179 "7.9. Distância de um PO a um plano a") ;; (find-venturigapage 182 "7.10. Equação dos planos bissetores") ;; (find-venturigapage 183 "7.11. Ângulo de dois planos") ;; (find-venturigapage 187 "8. A RETA NO E3") ;; (find-venturigapage 187 "8.1. Equações da reta") ;; (find-venturigapage 187 "Equações paramétricas da reta") ;; (find-venturigatext 187 "Equações paramétricas da reta") ;; (find-venturigapage 198 "8.2. Posições relativas de duas retas") ;; (find-venturigapage 199 "8.3. Condições de paralelismo e ortogonalidade de duas retas") ;; (find-venturigapage 202 "8.4. Condição de coplanaridade de duas retas") ;; (find-venturigapage 205 "8.5. Interseção de reta e plano") ;; (find-venturigapage 206 "8.6. Interseção de duas retas") ;; (find-venturigapage 210 "8.7. Condições de paralelismo e ortogonalidade de reta e plano") ;; (find-venturigapage 216 "8.8. Distância de um ponto a uma reta") ;; (find-venturigapage 218 "8.9. Distância entre duas retas reversas") ;; (find-venturigapage 220 "8.10. Ângulo de duas retas") ;; (find-venturigapage 221 "8.11. Ângulo de uma reta com um plano") ;; (find-venturigapage 224 "APÊNDICE - RECR ANDO") ;; (find-venturicqpage) ;; (find-venturicqpage 5 "Contents") ;; (find-venturicqpage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-venturicqtext "") ;; «vilches-correa» (to ".vilches-correa") ;; (find-sh "locate -i vilches") ;; «whitehead» (to ".whitehead") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "whitehead") (code-pdf-page "troua" "~/books/__analysis/whitehead__a_treatise_on_universal_algebra_with_applications.pdf") (code-pdf-text "troua" "~/books/__analysis/whitehead__a_treatise_on_universal_algebra_with_applications.pdf" 1) ;; (find-trouapage) ;; (find-trouapage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-trouapage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-trouatext "") ;; «whittaker-watson» (to ".whittaker-watson") (code-djvu "whittakerwatson" "~/books/__analysis/whittaker_watson__a_course_of_modern_analysis.djvu") (code-djvutotext "whittakerwatson" "~/books/__analysis/whittaker_watson__a_course_of_modern_analysis.djvu") (code-djvu "whittakerwatson" "~/books/__analysis/whittaker_watson__a_course_of_modern_analysis_2.djvu") (code-djvutotext "whittakerwatson" "~/books/__analysis/whittaker_watson__a_course_of_modern_analysis_2.djvu") ;; (find-whittakerwatsonpage 4 "Contents") ;; (find-whittakerwatsonpage (+ 1 595) "Index") ;; (find-whittakerwatsonpage 5 "Contents") ;; (find-whittakerwatsonpage (+ 3 595) "Index") ;; (find-whittakerwatsontext "") ;; «wilkes» (to ".wilkes") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "wilkes") (code-pdf-page "wilkesburn" "~/books/__analysis/wilkes__burn_math_class_and_reinvent_mathematics_for_yourself.pdf") (code-pdf-text "wilkesburn" "~/books/__analysis/wilkes__burn_math_class_and_reinvent_mathematics_for_yourself.pdf" 1) ;; (find-wilkesburnpage) ;; (find-wilkesburnpage 4 "Contents") ;; (find-wilkesburnpage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-wilkesburntext "") ;; «williams-leatham» (to ".williams-leatham") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "williams-leatham") (code-pdf-page "vitaldirs" "~/books/__analysis/williams_leatham__vital_directions_for_mathematics_education_research.pdf") (code-pdf-text "vitaldirs" "~/books/__analysis/williams_leatham__vital_directions_for_mathematics_education_research.pdf" 10) ;; (find-vitaldirspage) ;; (find-vitaldirspage 8 "Contents") ;; (find-vitaldirspage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-vitaldirstext "") ;; (find-vitaldirspage (+ 10 151) "The False Dichotomy in Mathematics") ;; (find-vitaldirstext (+ 10 151) "The False Dichotomy in Mathematics") ;; «witte-witte» (to ".witte-witte") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "witte-witte") (code-pdf-page "wittestat" "~/books/__analysis/witte_witte__statistics.pdf") (code-pdf-text "wittestat" "~/books/__analysis/witte_witte__statistics.pdf" 1) ;; (find-wittestatpage) ;; (find-wittestatpage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-wittestatpage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-wittestattext "") ;; «yuriko» (to ".yuriko") ;; (find-es "ead" "portal-da-obmep") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "yuriko") (code-pdf-page "yurikores1" "~/books/__analysis/yuriko__resolucao_de_problemas_na_sala_de_aula_1.pdf") (code-pdf-text8 "yurikores1" "~/books/__analysis/yuriko__resolucao_de_problemas_na_sala_de_aula_1.pdf" 1) ;; (find-yurikores1page) ;; (find-yurikores1text "") ;; (find-yurikores1page 8 "Sumário") ;; (find-yurikores1text 8 "Sumário") ;; (find-yurikores1page 10 "1 Geometria e construções com régua e compasso") ;; (find-yurikores1page 10 "1.1. Atividade Básica de Construção Geométrica") ;; (find-yurikores1page 13 "1.2. Problema 1") ;; (find-yurikores1page 15 "1.3. Problema 2 – Construindo Triângulos") ;; (find-yurikores1page 18 "1.4. Problema 3 – BQ – OBMEP 2012 – Questão 35 – Nível 1") ;; (find-yurikores1page 20 "1.5. Problema 4 – Recortes do Retângulo") ;; (find-yurikores1page 25 "1.6. Problema 5 – Dividindo uma torta") ;; (find-yurikores1page 27 "1.7. Problema 6 – BQ – OBMEP 2012 – Questão 36 – Nível 1") ;; (find-yurikores1page 29 "1.8. Problema 7 – BQ – OBMEP 2012 – Questão 37 – Nível 1") ;; (find-yurikores1page 31 "1.9. Problema 8 – Questão 12 – Nível 1 – 1ª Fase – OBMEP 2012") ;; (find-yurikores1page 33 "1.10. Problema 9 – Questão 8 – Nível 3 – 1ª Fase – OBMEP 2012") ;; (find-yurikores1page 34 "2 Contagem e Combinatória") ;; (find-yurikores1page 35 "2.1. Problema 1 – BQ – OBMEP 2012 – Nível 1 – Questão 21 (Parte 1)") ;; (find-yurikores1page 37 "2.2. Problema 2 – BQ – OBMEP 2012 – Nível 1 – Questão 21 (Parte 2)") ;; (find-yurikores1page 39 "2.3. Problema 3 – Questão 13 – Nível 1 – 1ª Fase – OBMEP 2012") ;; (find-yurikores1page 40 "2.4. Problema 4 – BQ – OBMEP 2012 – 1 – Questão 21 – Nível 1 – Variação") ;; (find-yurikores1page 41 "2.5. Problema 5 – OBMEP 2012 – 1ª Fase – Questão 18 – Nível 3") ;; (find-yurikores1page 42 "2.6. Problema 6 – Questão 16 – Nível 2 – 1ª Fase – OBMEP 2012") ;; (find-yurikores1page 44 "2.7. Problema 7 – BQ – obmep 2012 – Questão 26 – Nível 1") ;; (find-yurikores1page 46 "3 Lógica e Álgebra") ;; (find-yurikores1page 46 "3.1. Problema 1 – Questão 20 – Nível 1 – 1ª Fase – OBMEP 2012") ;; (find-yurikores1page 51 "3.2. Problema 2 – Questão 19 – Nível 1 – 1ª Fase – OBMEP 2012") ;; (find-yurikores1page 53 "3.3. Problema 3 – Adaptado de PIC OBMEP – Apostila 2 (p. 12-13)") ;; (find-yurikores1page 54 "3.4. Problemas 4 e 5 e o Modelo de Barras") ;; (find-yurikores1page 56 "3.5. Problema 6 – OBMEP 2012 – 1ª Fase – Questão 11 – Nível 1") ;; (find-yurikores1page 60 "3.6. Problema 7 – Questão 9 – Nível 1 – 1ª Fase – OBMEP 2012") ;; (find-yurikores1page 61 "3.7. Problema 8 – OBMEP 2012 – 1ª Fase – Questão 10 – Nível 2") ;; (find-yurikores1page 63 "3.8. Problema 9 – Questão 7 – Nível 2 – 1ª Fase – OBMEP 2012") ;; (find-yurikores1page 64 "ANEXO A") ;; (find-yurikores1page 64 "Aparente contradição") ;; (find-yurikores1page 65 "Anexo B") ;; (find-yurikores1page 65 "1. Conhecendo o significado da Geometria Dinâmica como recurso didático") ;; (find-yurikores1page 67 "2. Conhecendo a linguagem da Geometria Dinâmica: objetos livres, objetos dependentes (condicionados e vinculados)") ;; (find-yurikores1page 70 "3. Outras Construções Básicas") ;; (find-yurikores1page 74 "4. Atividades de Construção e Exploração") ;; (find-yurikores1page 77 "Referências Bibliográficas") ;; (find-yurikores1page 78 "ANEXO C") ;; (find-yurikores1page 79 "1. Compasso Colapsante (p. 12)") ;; (find-yurikores1page 80 "2. Problema 4 – Recortes do Retângulo") ;; (find-yurikores1page 83 "3. Problema 6 – BQ – OBMEP 2012 – Questão 36, Nível 1 (p. 27)") ;; (find-yurikores1page 85 "4. Variação Exploratória do Problema 6 (p. 29)") ;; (find-yurikores1page 87 "5. Problema 7 – BQ – OBMEP 2012 – Problema 37 – Nível 1 (p. 30)") ;; «zeidler» (to ".zeidler") (code-xpdf "zeidler1" "~/books/__analysis/zeidler__quantum_field_theory_i__basics_in_mathematics_and_physics.pdf") (code-pdftotext "zeidler1" "~/books/__analysis/zeidler__quantum_field_theory_i__basics_in_mathematics_and_physics.pdf") (code-xpdf "zeidler2" "~/books/__analysis/zeidler__quantum_field_theory_ii__quantum_electrodynamics.pdf") (code-pdftotext "zeidler2" "~/books/__analysis/zeidler__quantum_field_theory_ii__quantum_electrodynamics.pdf") ;; (find-zeidler1page 12 "Contents") ;; (find-zeidler1page (+ 23 1) "Prologue") ;; (find-zeidler1page (+ 8 995) "Index") ;; (find-zeidler1text "") ;; (find-zeidler2page 23 "Contents") ;; (find-zeidler2page (+ 32 384) "6.6.2 The Noether Theorem") ;; (find-zeidler2page (+ 24 1069) "Index") ;; (find-zeidler2text "") ;; «zill» (to ".zill") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "zill") (code-pdf-page "zill" "~/books/__analysis/zill__a_first_course_in_differential_equations.pdf") (code-pdf-text "zill" "~/books/__analysis/zill__a_first_course_in_differential_equations.pdf" 1) ;; (find-zillpage) ;; (find-zillpage 11 "Contents") ;; (find-zillpage (+ 50 1) "Index") ;; (find-zillpage (+ 50 46) "Index") ;; (find-zilltext "") (code-pdf-page "zills" "~/books/__analysis/zill__a_first_course_in_complex_analysis_with_applications.pdf") (code-pdf-text "zills" "~/books/__analysis/zill__a_first_course_in_complex_analysis_with_applications.pdf" 1) ;; (find-zillspage) ;; (find-zillspage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-zillspage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-zillstext "") ;; «zill-cullen» (to ".zill-cullen") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "zill-cullen") (code-pdf-page "zillc" "~/books/__analysis/zill_cullen__differential_equations_with_boundary-value_problems.pdf") (code-pdf-text "zillc" "~/books/__analysis/zill_cullen__differential_equations_with_boundary-value_problems.pdf" 21) ;; (find-zillcpage) ;; (find-zillcpage 10 "Contents") ;; (find-zillctext 10 "Contents") ;; (find-zillcpage 16 "Preface") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 1) "1 INTRODUCTION TO DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 2) "1.1 Definitions and Terminology") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 6) "EXPLICIT AND IMPLICIT SOLUTIONS") ;; (find-zillctext (+ 21 6) "EXPLICIT AND IMPLICIT SOLUTIONS") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 7) "particular solution") ;; (find-zillctext (+ 21 7) "particular solution") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 13) "1.2 Initial-Value Problems") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 19) "1.3 Differential Equations as Mathematical Models") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 32) "CHAPTER 1 IN REVIEW") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 34) "2 FIRST-ORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 35) "2.1 Solution Curves Without a Solution") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 35) "2.1.1 Direction Fields") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 37) "2.1.2 Autonomous First-Order DEs") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 44) "2.2 Separable Variables") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 50) "Exercises 2.2") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 53) "2.3 Linear Equations") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 53) "nonhomogeneous") ;; (find-zillctext (+ 21 53) "nonhomogeneous") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 60) "Exercises 2.3") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 62) "2.4 Exact Equations") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 66) "Integrating factors") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 68) "Exercises 2.4") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 70) "2.5 Solutions by Substitutions") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 75) "2.6 A Numerical Method") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 80) "CHAPTER 2 IN REVIEW") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 82) "3 MODELING WITH FIRST-ORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 83) "3.1 Linear Models") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 94) "3.2 Nonlinear Models") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 105) "3.3 Modeling with Systems of First-Order DEs") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 113) "CHAPTER 3 IN REVIEW") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 117) "4 HIGHER-ORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 118) "4.1 Preliminary Theory--Linear Equations") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 118) "4.1.1 Initial-Value and Boundary-Value Problems") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 120) "4.1.2 Homogeneous Equations") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 125) "4.1.3 Nonhomogeneous Equations") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 130) "4.2 Reduction of Order") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 133) "4.3 Homogeneous Linear Equations with Constant Coefficients") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 140) "4.4 Undetermined Coefficients--Superposition Approach") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 150) "4.5 Undetermined Coefficients--Annihilator Approach") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 150) "FACTORING OPERATORS") ;; (find-zillctext (+ 21 150) "FACTORING OPERATORS") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 157) "4.6 Variation of Parameters") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 162) "4.7 Cauchy-Euler Equation") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 169) "4.8 Solving Systems of Linear DEs by Elimination") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 174) "4.9 Nonlinear Differential Equations") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 178) "CHAPTER 4 IN REVIEW") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 181) "5 MODELING WITH HIGHER-ORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 182) "5.1 Linear Models: Initial-Value Problems") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 182) "5.1.1 Spring/Mass Systems: Free Undamped Motion") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 186) "5.1.2 Spring/Mass Systems: Free Damped Motion") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 189) "5.1.3 Spring/Mass Systems: Driven Motion") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 192) "5.1.4 Series Circuit Analogue") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 199) "5.2 Linear Models: Boundary-Value Problems") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 207) "5.3 Nonlinear Models") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 216) "CHAPTER 5 IN REVIEW") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 219) "6 SERIES SOLUTIONS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 220) "6.1 Solutions About Ordinary Points") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 220) "6.1.1 Review of Power Series") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 223) "6.1.2 Power Series Solutions") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 231) "6.2 Solutions About Singular Points") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 241) "6.3 Special Functions") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 241) "6.3.1 Bessel's Equation") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 248) "6.3.2 Legendre's Equation") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 253) "CHAPTER 6 IN REVIEW") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 255) "7 THE LAPLACE TRANSFORM") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 256) "7.1 Definition of the Laplace Transform") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 262) "7.2 Inverse Transforms and Transforms of Derivatives") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 262) "7.2.1 Inverse Transforms") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 265) "7.2.2 Transforms of Derivatives") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 270) "7.3 Operational Properties I") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 271) "7.3.1 Translation on the s-Axis") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 274) "7.3.2 Translation on the t-Axis") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 282) "7.4 Operational Properties II") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 282) "7.4.1 Derivatives of a Transform") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 283) "7.4.2 Transforms of Integrals") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 287) "7.4.3 Transform of a Periodic Function") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 292) "7.5 The Dirac Delta Function") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 295) "7.6 Systems of Linear Differential Equations") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 300) "CHAPTER 7 IN REVIEW") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 303) "8 SYSTEMS OF LINEAR FIRST-ORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 304) "8.1 Preliminary Theory--Linear Systems") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 311) "8.2 Homogeneous Linear Systems") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 312) "8.2.1 Distinct Real Eigenvalues") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 315) "8.2.2 Repeated Eigenvalues") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 320) "8.2.3 Complex Eigenvalues") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 326) "8.3 Nonhomogeneous Linear Systems") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 326) "8.3.1 Undetermined Coefficients") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 329) "8.3.2 Variation of Parameters") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 334) "8.4 Matrix Exponential") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 337) "CHAPTER 8 IN REVIEW") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 339) "9 NUMERICAL SOLUTIONS OF ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 340) "9.1 Euler Methods and Error Analysis") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 345) "9.2 Runge-Kutta Methods") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 350) "9.3 Multistep Methods") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 353) "9.4 Higher-Order Equations and Systems") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 358) "9.5 Second-Order Boundary-Value Problems") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 362) "CHAPTER 9 IN REVIEW") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 363) "10 PLANE AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 364) "10.1 Autonomous Systems") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 370) "10.2 Stability of Linear Systems") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 378) "10.3 Linearization and Local Stability") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 388) "10.4 Autonomous Systems as Mathematical Models") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 395) "CHAPTER 10 IN REVIEW") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 397) "11 ORTHOGONAL FUNCTIONS AND FOURIER SERIES") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 398) "11.1 Orthogonal Functions") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 403) "11.2 Fourier Series") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 408) "11.3 Fourier Cosine and Sine Series") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 416) "11.4 Sturm-Liouville Problem") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 423) "11.5 Bessel and Legendre Series") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 424) "11.5.1 Fourier-Bessel Series") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 427) "11.5.2 Fourier-Legendre Series") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 430) "CHAPTER 11 IN REVIEW") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 432) "12 BOUNDARY-VALUE PROBLEMS IN RECTANGULAR COORDINATES") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 433) "12.1 Separable Partial Differential Equations") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 437) "12.2 Classical PDEs and Boundary-Value Problems") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 443) "12.3 Heat Equation") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 445) "12.4 Wave Equation") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 450) "12.5 Laplace's Equation") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 455) "12.6 Nonhomogeneous Boundary-Value Problems") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 461) "12.7 Orthogonal Series Expansions") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 466) "12.8 Higher-Dimensional Problems") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 469) "CHAPTER 12 IN REVIEW") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 471) "13 BOUNDARY-VALUE PROBLEMS IN OTHER COORDINATE SYSTEMS") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 472) "13.1 Polar Coordinates") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 477) "13.2 Polar and Cylindrical Coordinates") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 483) "13.3 Spherical Coordinates") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 486) "CHAPTER 13 IN REVIEW") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 488) "14 INTEGRAL TRANSFORMS") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 489) "14.1 Error Function") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 490) "14.2 Laplace Transform") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 498) "14.3 Fourier Integral") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 504) "14.4 Fourier Transforms") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 510) "CHAPTER 14 IN REVIEW") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 511) "15 NUMERICAL SOLUTIONS OF PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 512) "15.1 Laplace's Equation") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 517) "15.2 Heat Equation") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 522) "15.3 Wave Equation") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 21 526) "CHAPTER 15 IN REVIEW") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 547 1) "I Gamma Function") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 547 3) "II Matrices") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 547 21) "III Laplace Transforms") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 571 1) "Answers for Selected Odd-Numbered Problems") ;; (find-zillcpage (+ 601 1) "Index") ;; file:///home/edrx/books/__analysis/zill_cullen__differential_equations_with_boundary-value_problems.pdf ;; 8,10-14,55-102 ZillCullenEngCap2 ;; 8,10-14,103-137 ZillCullenEngCap3 ;; 8,10-14,138-201 ZillCullenEngCap4 ;; «zill-cullen-pt» (to ".zill-cullen-pt") ;; (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "zill-cullen-pt") (code-pdf-page "zillcpt" "~/books/__analysis/zill_cullen__equacoes_diferenciais.pdf") (code-pdf-text "zillcpt" "~/books/__analysis/zill_cullen__equacoes_diferenciais.pdf" 15) ;; (find-zillcptpage) ;; (find-zillcptpage 10 "Sumário") ;; (find-zillcptpage (+ 15 1) "Index") ;; (find-zillcptpage (+ 15 6) "Soluções explícitas e implícitas") ;; (find-zillcptpage (+ 15 9) "parâmetros, solução particular") ;; (find-zillcptpage (+ 15 38) "2. Equações diferenciais de primeira ordem") ;; (find-zillcptpage (+ 15 44) "2.2. Variáveis separáveis") ;; (find-zillcptpage (+ 15 50) "Exercícios") ;; (find-zillcptpage (+ 15 60) "2.4. Equações exatas") ;; (find-zillcptpage (+ 15 66) "Fator de integração") ;; (find-zillcptpage (+ 15 67) "Exercícios") ;; (find-zillcptpage (+ 15 68) "2.5. Equações lineares") ;; (find-zillcptpage (+ 15 77) "2.5. Exercícios") ;; (find-zillcptpage (+ 15 94) "3. Aplicações de equações diferenciais de primeira ordem") ;; (find-zillcptpage (+ 15 141) "4. Equações diferenciais lineares de ordem superior") ;; (find-zillcptpage (+ 15 173) "4.3. Equações lineares homogêneas com coeficientes constantes") ;; (find-zillcptpage (+ 15 182) "4.4. Coeficientes indeterminados - abordagem por superposição") ;; (find-zillcptpage (+ 15 195) "4.5. Operadores diferenciais") ;; (find-zillcptpage (+ 15 196) "Exemplo 1: ...pode ser fatorado...") ;; (find-zillcptpage (+ 15 197) "Exemplo 2: ...não se fatora com números reais") ;; (find-zillcptpage (+ 15 197) "Exemplo 3: ...operador anulador...") ;; (find-zillcptpage (+ 15 201) "4.6. Coeficientes indeterminados - abordagem por anuladores") ;; (find-zillcptpage (+ 15 209) "4.7. Variação dos parâmetros") ;; (find-zillcptpage (+ 15 225) "5. Aplicações de" "segunda ordem: modelos vibratórios") ;; (find-zillcptpage (+ 15 236) "5.2. Movimento amortecido") ;; (find-zillcptpage (+ 15 233) "subamortecido") ;; (find-zillcpttext "") ;; file:///home/edrx/books/__analysis/zill_cullen__equacoes_diferenciais.pdf ;; 7,10,53-108 ZillCullenCap2 ;; 7,10-12,156-239 ZillCullenCap4 (code-xpdf "jost" "~/books/__analysis/jost__compact_riemann_surfaces.pdf") (code-pdftotext "jost" "~/books/__analysis/jost__compact_riemann_surfaces.pdf") ;; (find-jostpage 18 "Contents") ;; (find-jostpage (+ 15 273) "Index") ;; (find-jostpage (+ 15 273) "Index") ;; (find-josttext "") ;; (find-needhamtext "") ;; https://www.matematicapremio.com.br/30-livros-de-matematica-para-download-em-pdf-ufmg/ ;; https://www.cs.jhu.edu/~misha/ReadingSeminar/Papers/Moler03.pdf Nineteen Dubious Ways to Compute the Exponential of a Matrix, Twenty-Five Years Later ;; ;; Local Variables: ;; mode: emacs-lisp ;; coding: utf-8-unix ;; End: