Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and the conversion rules are here. |
-- This file: -- http://anggtwu.net/SUBTITLES/2024-trying-eev-with-a-sexp.lua.html -- http://anggtwu.net/SUBTITLES/2024-trying-eev-with-a-sexp.lua -- (find-angg "SUBTITLES/2024-trying-eev-with-a-sexp.lua") -- Author: Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com> -- -- (defun l () (interactive) (find-angg "SUBTITLES/2024-trying-eev-with-a-sexp.lua")) -- (defun l () (interactive) (find-SUBS "2024-trying-eev-with-a-sexp.lua")) -- (defun b () (interactive) (find-TH "2024-trying-eev-with-a-sexp")) -- (defun p () (interactive) (find-TH "2024-trying-eev-with-a-sexp")) -- (defun R () (interactive) (ee-recompile-SUBTITLES-0)) -- (defun r () (interactive) (ee-recompile-SUBTITLES-3)) -- (defun r () (interactive) (ee-recompile-SUBTITLES-1)) -- (define-key eev-mode-map (kbd "M-r") 'r) -- -- Skel: (find-subs-links "2024trywithasexp") -- Old: (find-editeevsubtitles-links-1 "2024trywithasexp") -- (find-efunction 'find-editeevsubtitles-links-1) -- Yttr: (find-yttranscript-links "2024trywithasexp" "BzovupjRhQM") -- Info: (find-1stclassvideo-links "2024trywithasexp") -- Play: (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "0:00") -- -- I use the code below to generate the subtitles in .vtt. -- ee_dofile "~/LUA/Subtitles.lua" -- (find-angg "LUA/Subtitles.lua") --[[ -- (find-angg "LUA/Subtitles.lua") ** Run the .lua and tell it to ** write the .vtt - by default in /tmp/ * * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "2024-trying-eev-with-a-sexp.lua" sts = Subtitles.fromsexps(subs_bigstr):addtime("3:56") -- sts.lang = "pt-BR" = sts outfname = "$S/http/anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2024-trying-eev-with-a-sexp.vtt" outfname = "/tmp/2024-trying-eev-with-a-sexp.vtt" out = sts:vtt().."\n\n" ee_writefile(outfname, out) -- (find-fline "/tmp/2024-trying-eev-with-a-sexp.vtt") ** Test the .vtt ** (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "0:00") ** Select /tmp/ or ee-eevvideosdir ** (find-eevvideosfile "") ** (find-eevvideosfile "" "2024-trying-eev-with-a-sexp.mp4") ** (find-eevvideossh0 "cp -v 2024-trying-eev-with-a-sexp.mp4 /tmp/") ** (code-video "2024trywithasexpvideo" "/tmp/2024-trying-eev-with-a-sexp.mp4") ** (code-video "2024trywithasexpvideo" "$S/http/anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2024-trying-eev-with-a-sexp.mp4") ** (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "0:00") ** Upload the 2024-trying-eev-with-a-sexp.vtt ** to http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/ * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd /tmp/ scp 2024-trying-eev-with-a-sexp.vtt $LINP/eev-videos/ scp 2024-trying-eev-with-a-sexp.vtt $LINS/eev-videos/ Scp-np 2024-trying-eev-with-a-sexp.vtt $TWUP/eev-videos/ Scp-np 2024-trying-eev-with-a-sexp.vtt $TWUS/eev-videos/ ** Upload the subtitles to youtube ** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzovupjRhQM ** Check that the "psne subtitles" thing works ** (find-1stclassvideo-links "2024trywithasexp") --]] --[[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "2024-trying-eev-with-a-sexp.lua" for li in subs_bigstr:gmatch("([^\n]+)") do local time,text = li:match('^.-"(.-)".-"(.*)"%)$') text = text:gsub("\\(.)", "%1") if time then print(" "..time.." "..text) end end --]] subs_bigstr = [==[ % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "0:00" "Hi! My name is Eduardo Ochs.") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "0:02" "I'm the author of an Emacs package") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "0:04" "called eev, that apparently makes") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "0:08" "very little sense to people in developed") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "0:10" "countries, but Brazilians usually") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "0:12" "understand it very quickly...") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "0:14" "anyway, the documentation and the") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "0:17" "tutorials of eev are full of \"try it\"s,") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "0:20" "and the idea is that people are going to") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "0:22" "learn eev by trying the \"try it\"s...") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "0:24" "and here is how to try eev very quickly.") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "0:27" "The details about this presentation") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "0:30" "are in this link here,") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "0:33" "and I'm going to start by discussing") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "0:36" "this part of my homepage here...") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "0:39" "so, this is my homepage, and it has a") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "0:43" "section about eev that is a bit below the") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "0:46" "half of the homepage, and it has this") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "0:49" "link: \"trying eev with a sexp\",") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "0:52" "that goes to this page...") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "0:54" "and the idea is that you just have to") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "1:00" "mark this region here, copy it with") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "1:03" "contrl-C, then you start an Emacs...") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "1:09" "by the way, most systems can install either") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "1:13" "a Graphical Emacs, also called a GUI Emacs,") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "1:17" "and a Terminal Emacs...") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "1:19" "the Terminal Emacs is much harder to use,") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "1:21" "so please use the graphical Emacs.") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "1:23" "Here is a Graphical Emacs. I'm going to") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "1:26" "maximize its window, and we have to go") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "1:30" "to a read-write buffer... my suggestion") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "1:32" "is to click here, on \"Buffers\",") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "1:35" "and select \"*scratch*\"...") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "1:37" "then we paste this thing here") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "1:39" "to this buffer using either") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "1:43" "the paste button here,") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "1:47" "or the \"Paste (C-y)\" here") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "1:49" "in the edit menu... and now we go") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "1:52" "to this position here, after") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "1:55" "the last parenthesis and we type") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "1:59" "ctrl-e ctrl-x ctrl-e...") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "2:01" "and it takes a few seconds,") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "2:08" "and it installs eev, and it goes") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "2:12" "to the main tutorial...") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "2:14" "and now if you execute the") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "2:18" "instructions in the sections 2 and 3") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "2:20" "three you're going to learn a lot") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "2:24" "about the first half of eev, that is") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "2:27" "elisp hyperlinks, and if you go") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "2:30" "to the section 6... let me go there,") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "2:37" "and let me use a smaller font here...") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "2:40" "then you can learn a lot about") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "2:44" "the part of eev that is useful to") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "2:47" "most people, that is how to control") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "2:49" "external programs [with eepitch]...") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "2:51" "the tutorial explains everything,") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "2:54" "and then tells people to run") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "2:56" "this example here, that just creates") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "2:58" "a target buffer running a shell...") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "3:01" "and then we can type f8 and send") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "3:04" "some commands to that target...") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "3:07" "and then it has some other examples here,") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "3:10" "including an example that creates") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "3:12" "two different targets and alternates") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "3:16" "between these two targets...") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "3:20" "And that's it! That's how to try eev") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "3:22" "in just a few minutes.") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "3:27" "And here is the the page that") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "3:30" "I was showing before... it has a section") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "3:33" "about how to uninstall eev...") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "3:35" "for most people just turning off eev-mode") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "3:41" "is enough, this is explained here... but") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "3:46" "a few people would prefer to uninstall eev.") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "3:51" "Everything is explained here.") % (find-2024trywithasexpvideo "3:53" "So, that's it! Bye!") ]==] unrevised_bigstr = [==[ ]==] -- Local Variables: -- coding: utf-8-unix -- End: