Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
-- This file:
--   http://anggtwu.net/SUBTITLES/2020-list-packages-eev-nav.lua.html
--   http://anggtwu.net/SUBTITLES/2020-list-packages-eev-nav.lua
--          (find-angg "SUBTITLES/2020-list-packages-eev-nav.lua")
-- Author: Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com>
-- (defun st () (interactive) (find-angg "SUBTITLES/2020-list-packages-eev-nav.lua"))
-- Skel: (find-editeevsubtitles-links-1 "eevnav")
--       (find-efunction 'find-editeevsubtitles-links-1)
-- Yttr: (find-yttranscript-links       "eevnav" "kxBjiUo88_U")
-- Info: (find-1stclassvideo-links      "eevnav")
-- Play: (find-eevnavvideo "0:00")
--   Title: How to install eev with M-x list-packages and how to navigate its tutorials
--   MP4:   http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2020-list-packages-eev-nav.mp4
--   YT:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxBjiUo88_U
--   Page:  http://anggtwu.net/2020-list-packages-eev-nav.html
--   Comment: If you are learning Emacs start by this video!
--   Date:    2020oct04
--   Length:  12:41
-- I use the code below to generate the subtitles in .vtt.

ee_dofile "~/LUA/Subtitles.lua" -- (find-angg "LUA/Subtitles.lua")

-- (find-angg "LUA/Subtitles.lua")

** Run the .lua and tell it to
** write the .vtt - by default in /tmp/
* (eepitch-lua51)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-lua51)
dofile "2020-list-packages-eev-nav.lua"
sts = Subtitles.fromsexps(subs_bigstr):addtime("12:41")
-- sts.lang = "pt-BR"
= sts
outfname = "$S/http/anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2020-list-packages-eev-nav.vtt"
outfname =                           "/tmp/2020-list-packages-eev-nav.vtt"
out = sts:vtt().."\n\n"
ee_writefile(outfname, out)
-- (find-fline                       "/tmp/2020-list-packages-eev-nav.vtt")

** Test the .vtt
** (find-eevnavvideo "0:00")

** Select /tmp/ or ee-eevvideosdir
** (find-eevvideosfile "")
** (find-eevvideosfile ""   "2020-list-packages-eev-nav.mp4")
** (find-eevvideossh0 "cp -v 2020-list-packages-eev-nav.mp4 /tmp/")
** (code-video "eevnavvideo"                           "/tmp/2020-list-packages-eev-nav.mp4")
** (code-video "eevnavvideo" "$S/http/anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2020-list-packages-eev-nav.mp4")
** (find-eevnavvideo "0:00")

** Upload the 2020-list-packages-eev-nav.vtt
** to http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/
* (eepitch-shell)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-shell)
cd /tmp/
Scp-np 2020-list-packages-eev-nav.vtt $TWUP/eev-videos/
Scp-np 2020-list-packages-eev-nav.vtt $TWUS/eev-videos/

** Upload the subtitles to youtube
** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxBjiUo88_U

** Check that the "psne subtitles" thing works
** (find-1stclassvideo-links "eevnav")


subs_bigstr = [==[
% (find-eevnavvideo "00:01" "Hi! My name is Eduardo Ochs, and I'm the")
% (find-eevnavvideo "00:03" "author of an Emacs package called eev.")
% (find-eevnavvideo "00:05" "In this video I'm going to suppose")
% (find-eevnavvideo "00:07" "that you know what is Emacs and what is")
% (find-eevnavvideo "00:09" "eev, and I'm going to show how to install")
% (find-eevnavvideo "00:11" "eev and how to navigate it")
% (find-eevnavvideo "00:12" "using just the three basic keys.")

% (find-eevnavvideo "00:15" "So let me start Emacs here,")
% (find-eevnavvideo "00:17" "and let me load my notes...")
% (find-eevnavvideo "00:23" "So, part 0 of this video is about")
% (find-eevnavvideo "00:25" "installation and part 1")
% (find-eevnavvideo "00:26" "is about navigation.")
% (find-eevnavvideo "00:30" "The first step is to run")
% (find-eevnavvideo "00:33" "`M-x package-initialize'.")

% (find-eevnavvideo "00:37" "It takes a few seconds, and then we")
% (find-eevnavvideo "00:39" "have to run `M-x list-packages'...")
% (find-eevnavvideo "00:44" "and we have to wait a bit, because for")
% (find-eevnavvideo "00:46" "a few seconds the mode line is going")
% (find-eevnavvideo "00:48" "to say \"Package Menu:_Loading_\",")
% (find-eevnavvideo "00:50" "and we have to wait until it")
% (find-eevnavvideo "00:52" "says just \"Package Menu\".")
% (find-eevnavvideo "00:54" "And note that when we do that we")
% (find-eevnavvideo "00:57" "are in this listing of the")
% (find-eevnavvideo "00:58" "the packages... the built-in packages,")
% (find-eevnavvideo "01:01" "the available packages, and so on...")
% (find-eevnavvideo "01:03" "but note that we now we are in line")
% (find-eevnavvideo "01:07" "257, which means that we are in")
% (find-eevnavvideo "01:10" "the middle of this buffer here...")
% (find-eevnavvideo "01:12" "so if we scroll up")
% (find-eevnavvideo "01:16" "we see lots of packages that are")
% (find-eevnavvideo "01:19" "available but not installed,")
% (find-eevnavvideo "01:20" "and eev is one of these packages.")

% (find-eevnavvideo "01:24" "So, if I click on eev here")
% (find-eevnavvideo "01:27" "and I click on Install here")
% (find-eevnavvideo "01:34" "and I say yes, then Emacs is going to")
% (find-eevnavvideo "01:37" "install eev...")
% (find-eevnavvideo "01:41" "and it just does that. It just installs")
% (find-eevnavvideo "01:44" "eev, but it doesn't change any defaults,")
% (find-eevnavvideo "01:46" "it doesn't change anything.")
% (find-eevnavvideo "01:48" "The thing is that I wanted to")
% (find-eevnavvideo "01:51" "make eev both beginner-friendly and")
% (find-eevnavvideo "01:54" "old-timer friendly and the old-timers")
% (find-eevnavvideo "01:56" "hate having their defaults changed,")
% (find-eevnavvideo "01:58" "so I found a way to")
% (find-eevnavvideo "02:02" "to make it easy to activate eev,")
% (find-eevnavvideo "02:05" "and easy to enter the tutorial...")

% (find-eevnavvideo "02:08" "and this allows people to")
% (find-eevnavvideo "02:12" "install eev and just play with it")
% (find-eevnavvideo "02:15" "during five minutes in one day,")
% (find-eevnavvideo "02:17" "and five minutes another another week,")
% (find-eevnavvideo "02:19" "and so on...")

% (find-eevnavvideo "02:20" "but they're going to have it")
% (find-eevnavvideo "02:24" "installed but not active by default...")
% (find-eevnavvideo "02:28" "and so to activate eev and to enter the")
% (find-eevnavvideo "02:31" "tutorial")
% (find-eevnavvideo "02:33" "we have to type `M-x eev-beginner',")
% (find-eevnavvideo "02:37" "and what happens is that the mode line")
% (find-eevnavvideo "02:41" "is going to say \"(Fundamental eev)\" -")
% (find-eevnavvideo "02:44" "which means that the minor mode eev")
% (find-eevnavvideo "02:48" "is on, and we are going to enter the main")
% (find-eevnavvideo "02:51" "tutorial, which is here...")
% (find-eevnavvideo "02:51" "(find-eev-quick-intro) - and")
% (find-eevnavvideo "02:54" "if you read the tutorial you're going to")
% (find-eevnavvideo "02:56" "learn how to install eev")
% (find-eevnavvideo "02:58" "in a way that's not the one that we")
% (find-eevnavvideo "03:01" "just did,")
% (find-eevnavvideo "03:03" "so you can ignore this section...")
% (find-eevnavvideo "03:06" "and then you have a section about how")
% (find-eevnavvideo "03:09" "Emacs deals with lisp expressions, and how")
% (find-eevnavvideo "03:11" "you can execute lisp expressions")
% (find-eevnavvideo "03:13" "from anywhere...")

% (find-eevnavvideo "03:16" "and then you have a section that")
% (find-eevnavvideo "03:18" "explains how some of these")
% (find-eevnavvideo "03:20" "elisp expressions can be")
% (find-eevnavvideo "03:22" "used as used as hyperlinks.")
% (find-eevnavvideo "03:26" "But let me go back here.")
% (find-eevnavvideo "03:31" "At any point we can type")
% (find-eevnavvideo "03:33" "`M-x eev-beginner',")
% (find-eevnavvideo "03:35" "and we'll go back to this tutorial.")

% (find-eevnavvideo "03:38" "And the trick is that to navigate")
% (find-eevnavvideo "03:42" "eev you just need to remember two keys,")
% (find-eevnavvideo "03:46" "but let me just show something for")
% (find-eevnavvideo "03:48" "the beginners that are watching this,")
% (find-eevnavvideo "03:50" "that is that sometimes Emacs is going")
% (find-eevnavvideo "03:54" "to take you to some situation that you")
% (find-eevnavvideo "03:56" "don't know what that is,")
% (find-eevnavvideo "03:57" "and you don't know how to")
% (find-eevnavvideo "03:59" "leave... for example, if you")
% (find-eevnavvideo "04:01" "type a complex sequence of keys,")
% (find-eevnavvideo "04:04" "for example this one,")
% (find-eevnavvideo "04:05" "then Emacs is going to show here")
% (find-eevnavvideo "04:08" "the part of the sequence of keys that")
% (find-eevnavvideo "04:10" "you have typed, and it's not very")
% (find-eevnavvideo "04:12" "obvious how to quit that.")

% (find-eevnavvideo "04:15" "I can quit it with control-g, but")
% (find-eevnavvideo "04:19" "that's just because I know how to use")
% (find-eevnavvideo "04:22" "Emacs... if you don't know how to do that")
% (find-eevnavvideo "04:23" "the main trick is that you can go to the")
% (find-eevnavvideo "04:26" "\"File\" menu, and \"Quit\".")
% (find-eevnavvideo "04:27" "Yeah, in this case it didn't work because")
% (find-eevnavvideo "04:33" "it combines this sequence of keys here")
% (find-eevnavvideo "04:35" "with the sequence of keys")
% (find-eevnavvideo "04:38" "that I was in the middle of...")

% (find-eevnavvideo "04:41" "but if we choose \"Quit\" again we exit")
% (find-eevnavvideo "04:47" "Emacs, and we can enter Emacs again,")
% (find-eevnavvideo "04:51" "and now if you type `M-x eev-beginner'")
% (find-eevnavvideo "04:55" "you are going to get eev mode activated")
% (find-eevnavvideo "04:58" "and we are going to go to the")
% (find-eevnavvideo "05:01" "main tutorial.")

% (find-eevnavvideo "05:05" "But I promised that I was going to")
% (find-eevnavvideo "05:08" "explain some things about")
% (find-eevnavvideo "05:10" "the main keys and then")
% (find-eevnavvideo "05:12" "the navigation.")
% (find-eevnavvideo "05:15" "Here are the main keys.")
% (find-eevnavvideo "05:18" "You can navigate")
% (find-eevnavvideo "05:21" "through all the tutorials by just")
% (find-eevnavvideo "05:23" "learning these three keys.")
% (find-eevnavvideo "05:26" "`M-e' is to")
% (find-eevnavvideo "05:29" "execute the elisp hyperlink in the")
% (find-eevnavvideo "05:32" "current line,")
% (find-eevnavvideo "05:33" "and it works like this: when you type")
% (find-eevnavvideo "05:36" "`M-e' Emacs goes to the end of the line")
% (find-eevnavvideo "05:37" "and then it finds the elisp expression")
% (find-eevnavvideo "05:42" "before point, which in this case is this,")
% (find-eevnavvideo "05:44" "and then it executes it")
% (find-eevnavvideo "05:47" "as a small elisp program. So if we")
% (find-eevnavvideo "05:51" "type `M-e' in this line")
% (find-eevnavvideo "05:54" "it is going to execute this")
% (find-eevnavvideo "05:57" "expression here,")
% (find-eevnavvideo "05:58" "and it's going to take me to section 2")
% (find-eevnavvideo "06:01" "of the main tutorial,")

% (find-eevnavvideo "06:03" "and if I execute this elisp expression")
% (find-eevnavvideo "06:07" "here I'm going to go to the section 3")
% (find-eevnavvideo "06:09" "of the main tutorial.")
% (find-eevnavvideo "06:12" "Let's try this. If I type `M-e' here")
% (find-eevnavvideo "06:15" "I go to the section 3 of the main")
% (find-eevnavvideo "06:18" "tutorial, that explains how to use")
% (find-eevnavvideo "06:20" "these hyperlinks.")

% (find-eevnavvideo "06:24" "But")
% (find-eevnavvideo "06:29" "you can forget practically everything")
% (find-eevnavvideo "06:32" "and you just need to remember `M-e'")
% (find-eevnavvideo "06:34" "and `M-j', and `M-j' is a")
% (find-eevnavvideo "06:37" "key that you can use to jump to lots of")
% (find-eevnavvideo "06:40" "places...")
% (find-eevnavvideo "06:41" "if you type just `M-j' you're going to")
% (find-eevnavvideo "06:44" "jump to this mysterious buffer here")
% (find-eevnavvideo "06:49" "and the important thing is that it has a")
% (find-eevnavvideo "06:51" "header that is beginner-friendly")
% (find-eevnavvideo "06:53" "and it has something here that is")
% (find-eevnavvideo "06:55" "totally beginner-unfriendly,")
% (find-eevnavvideo "06:57" "and that we need to ignore for this")
% (find-eevnavvideo "06:59" "moment.")

% (find-eevnavvideo "07:01" "And this header here has some")
% (find-eevnavvideo "07:04" "important hyperlinks...")
% (find-eevnavvideo "07:08" "these two hyperlinks here go to another")
% (find-eevnavvideo "07:11" "tutorial, one that is a kind of an index")
% (find-eevnavvideo "07:13" "of the main keys of Emacs, but it starts")
% (find-eevnavvideo "07:16" "with an index of the main keys of eev...")
% (find-eevnavvideo "07:21" "so if I execute this I go to this")
% (find-eevnavvideo "07:24" "tutorial, that is called")
% (find-eevnavvideo "07:26" "find-emacs-keys-intro, and it's")
% (find-eevnavvideo "07:30" "section 1 - note that this thing here is a")
% (find-eevnavvideo "07:33" "kind of copy of the the instructions that")
% (find-eevnavvideo "07:36" "I showed in my notes, so this thing")
% (find-eevnavvideo "07:38" "explains `M-e', `M-j' and `M-k'.")

% (find-eevnavvideo "07:44" "Note that these things are hyperlinks...")
% (find-eevnavvideo "07:49" "for example, this hyperlink here")
% (find-eevnavvideo "07:52" "explains in details how `M-j' works,")
% (find-eevnavvideo "07:54" "and explains what this header means.")

% (find-eevnavvideo "08:03" "Here you have explanations of other keys,")
% (find-eevnavvideo "08:05" "and in the other sections of this tutorial")
% (find-eevnavvideo "08:08" "you have explanations for some of the main")
% (find-eevnavvideo "08:14" "concepts of Emacs, and some of the")
% (find-eevnavvideo "08:16" "main keys... and if you")
% (find-eevnavvideo "08:19" "follow a hyperlink like this one")
% (find-eevnavvideo "08:23" "it is going to open the manual of Emacs")
% (find-eevnavvideo "08:29" "in a section called \"Quitting\".")

% (find-eevnavvideo "08:33" "You can navigate this manual")
% (find-eevnavvideo "08:37" "using these buttons here.")
% (find-eevnavvideo "08:40" "It is in a mode called \"Info\".")
% (find-eevnavvideo "08:45" "So... most of the entries about")
% (find-eevnavvideo "08:50" "Emacs keys have hyperlinks")
% (find-eevnavvideo "08:53" "that point to the")
% (find-eevnavvideo "08:55" "to the Emacs manual...")
% (find-eevnavvideo "08:58" "for example, here you will find an")
% (find-eevnavvideo "09:00" "explanation of how to quit")
% (find-eevnavvideo "09:02" "complex commands, so")
% (find-eevnavvideo "09:05" "it explains that if you type a")
% (find-eevnavvideo "09:07" "mysterious sequence like this and you")
% (find-eevnavvideo "09:09" "don't know how to exit")
% (find-eevnavvideo "09:11" "you just have to type `C-g',")
% (find-eevnavvideo "09:15" "and well... whatever.")

% (find-eevnavvideo "09:21" "And... that's it. Just let me show")
% (find-eevnavvideo "09:31" "very quickly one of the things that")
% (find-eevnavvideo "09:34" "the tutorial explains...")
% (find-eevnavvideo "09:35" "it is one of the things that are considered")
% (find-eevnavvideo "09:38" "one of the killer features of eev... uh,")
% (find-eevnavvideo "09:44" "no, no, let me explain one thing")
% (find-eevnavvideo "09:47" "before that. If we type `M-j' we go")
% (find-eevnavvideo "09:49" "to this page here, and these three lines")
% (find-eevnavvideo "09:52" "explain how we can use")
% (find-eevnavvideo "09:55" "`M-j' with numeric prefixes.")

% (find-eevnavvideo "09:59" "So if we type `M-2 M-j' we go straight")
% (find-eevnavvideo "10:03" "to this tutorial that explains the keys,")
% (find-eevnavvideo "10:06" "and if we type `M-5 M-j' we go")
% (find-eevnavvideo "10:09" "to the main tutorial...")
% (find-eevnavvideo "10:12" "and in section 6 of this tutorial")
% (find-eevnavvideo "10:22" "we have explanations about something")
% (find-eevnavvideo "10:24" "called `eepitch', that is a way to control")
% (find-eevnavvideo "10:26" "shells, and things that look like shells,")
% (find-eevnavvideo "10:28" "from Emacs.")
% (find-eevnavvideo "10:31" "Here we have a short example.")
% (find-eevnavvideo "10:36" "If I type f8 six times here")
% (find-eevnavvideo "10:39" "the first three `f8's will set up a target")
% (find-eevnavvideo "10:42" "buffer here, running your shell,")

% (find-eevnavvideo "10:43" "and the other three `f8's are going to")
% (find-eevnavvideo "10:46" "send these commands to the shell.")
% (find-eevnavvideo "10:49" "So we have a shell running inside Emacs,")
% (find-eevnavvideo "10:52" "and instead of having to remember the")
% (find-eevnavvideo "10:54" "commands, or having to")
% (find-eevnavvideo "10:56" "type the commands by hand we have the")
% (find-eevnavvideo "10:58" "commands here, stored in our notes,")
% (find-eevnavvideo "11:00" "or in our tutorials, and we can send them")
% (find-eevnavvideo "11:02" "straight to the shell, and the shell")
% (find-eevnavvideo "11:05" "is going to think that we have just")
% (find-eevnavvideo "11:08" "typed those commands by hand...")
% (find-eevnavvideo "11:12" "it's going to behave as if we have typed")
% (find-eevnavvideo "11:15" "those common commands by hand.")

% (find-eevnavvideo "11:19" "That's it for the moment, that's")
% (find-eevnavvideo "11:22" "what I wanted to show in this")
% (find-eevnavvideo "11:24" "tutorial... ah, sorry - I forgot")
% (find-eevnavvideo "11:26" "to explain what is `M-k'!")
% (find-eevnavvideo "11:29" "`M-k' is a way to go back. If you follow a")
% (find-eevnavvideo "11:32" "hyperlink it _usually_ opens a new buffer")
% (find-eevnavvideo "11:34" "and _usually_ you can go back from a new")
% (find-eevnavvideo "11:39" "buffer...")
% (find-eevnavvideo "11:40" "this is explained here - you can go back")
% (find-eevnavvideo "11:45" "by killing the new buffer, which")
% (find-eevnavvideo "11:48" "corresponds to closing a new window")
% (find-eevnavvideo "11:51" "in the browser")
% (find-eevnavvideo "11:53" "or deleting the site that you")
% (find-eevnavvideo "11:57" "just visited, so the browser")
% (find-eevnavvideo "11:58" "is going to take you to")
% (find-eevnavvideo "12:01" "what you were visiting before that...")
% (find-eevnavvideo "12:04" "but technically what `M-k' does")
% (find-eevnavvideo "12:07" "is that it runs a function called")
% (find-eevnavvideo "12:11" "`ee-kill-this-buffer', that kills the")
% (find-eevnavvideo "12:14" "current buffer, and makes Emacs display")
% (find-eevnavvideo "12:17" "the buffer that you were visiting")
% (find-eevnavvideo "12:18" "before that one.")

% (find-eevnavvideo "12:22" "That's what I wanted to show in this")
% (find-eevnavvideo "12:24" "tutorial, so... that's it!")
% (find-eevnavvideo "12:26" "Thanks for watching!")
% (find-eevnavvideo "12:33" "Oops, sorry I usually define so many keys")
% (find-eevnavvideo "12:36" "in my ~/.emacs, and they're not available")
% (find-eevnavvideo "12:39" "in this demo. That's it!")


unrevised_bigstr = [==[

(find-eevnavvideo "00:00" " ")

-- Local Variables:
-- coding:  utf-8-unix
-- End: