Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
-- This file:
--   http://anggtwu.net/SUBTITLES/2020-find-here-links.lua.html
--   http://anggtwu.net/SUBTITLES/2020-find-here-links.lua
--          (find-angg "SUBTITLES/2020-find-here-links.lua")
-- Author: Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com>
-- (defun l () (interactive) (find-angg "SUBTITLES/2020-find-here-links.lua"))
-- (defun l () (interactive) (find-SUBS "2020-find-here-links.lua"))
-- (defun b () (interactive) (find-TH   "2020-find-here-links"))
-- (defun p () (interactive) (find-TH   "2020-find-here-links"))
-- (defun R () (interactive) (ee-recompile-SUBTITLES-0))
-- (defun r () (interactive) (ee-recompile-SUBTITLES-3))
-- (defun r () (interactive) (ee-recompile-SUBTITLES-1))
--  (define-key eev-mode-map (kbd "M-r") 'r)
-- Skel: (find-subs-links "eevfherel")
-- Old:  (find-editeevsubtitles-links-1 "eevfherel")
--       (find-efunction 'find-editeevsubtitles-links-1)
-- Yttr: (find-yttranscript-links       "eevfherel" "8jtiBlaDor4")
-- Info: (find-1stclassvideo-links      "eevfherel")
-- Play: (find-eevfherelvideo "0:00")
-- I use the code below to generate the subtitles in .vtt.

ee_dofile "~/LUA/Subtitles.lua" -- (find-angg "LUA/Subtitles.lua")

-- (find-angg "LUA/Subtitles.lua")

** Run the .lua and tell it to
** write the .vtt - by default in /tmp/
* (eepitch-lua51)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-lua51)
dofile "2020-find-here-links.lua"
sts = Subtitles.fromsexps(subs_bigstr):addtime("24:08")
-- sts.lang = "pt-BR"
= sts
outfname = "$S/http/anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2020-find-here-links.vtt"
outfname =                           "/tmp/2020-find-here-links.vtt"
out = sts:vtt().."\n\n"
ee_writefile(outfname, out)
-- (find-fline                       "/tmp/2020-find-here-links.vtt")

** Test the .vtt
** (find-eevfherelvideo "0:00")

** Select /tmp/ or ee-eevvideosdir
** (find-eevvideosfile "")
** (find-eevvideosfile ""   "2020-find-here-links.mp4")
** (find-eevvideossh0 "cp -v 2020-find-here-links.mp4 /tmp/")
** (code-video "eevfherelvideo"                           "/tmp/2020-find-here-links.mp4")
** (code-video "eevfherelvideo" "$S/http/anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2020-find-here-links.mp4")
** (find-eevfherelvideo "0:00")

** Upload the 2020-find-here-links.vtt
** to http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/
* (eepitch-shell)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-shell)
cd /tmp/
scp    2020-find-here-links.vtt $LINP/eev-videos/
scp    2020-find-here-links.vtt $LINS/eev-videos/
Scp-np 2020-find-here-links.vtt $TWUP/eev-videos/
Scp-np 2020-find-here-links.vtt $TWUS/eev-videos/

** Upload the subtitles to youtube
** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jtiBlaDor4

** Check that the "psne subtitles" thing works
** (find-1stclassvideo-links "eevfherel")


* (eepitch-lua51)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-lua51)
dofile "2020-find-here-links.lua"
for li in subs_bigstr:gmatch("([^\n]+)") do
  local time,text = li:match('^.-"(.-)".-"(.*)"%)$')
  text = text:gsub("\\(.)", "%1")
  if time then print("  "..time.."  "..text) end


subs_bigstr = [==[
(find-eevfherelvideo "00:00" " ")

(find-eevfherelvideo "00:01" "Hi! My name is Eduardo Ochs,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "00:03" "this person here...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "00:06" "and the title of this")
(find-eevfherelvideo "00:08" "video is: How to create hyperlinks to")
(find-eevfherelvideo "00:10" "here with find-here-links.")
(find-eevfherelvideo "00:12" "I'm going to suppose that everyone")
(find-eevfherelvideo "00:15" "knows what is Emacs and what is eev,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "00:16" "at least vaguely... and")
(find-eevfherelvideo "00:18" "one of the main ideas of eev")
(find-eevfherelvideo "00:20" "is that when you are taking executable")
(find-eevfherelvideo "00:23" "notes of something that you're doing")
(find-eevfherelvideo "00:27" "if you find something interesting you")
(find-eevfherelvideo "00:29" "want to to be able to")
(find-eevfherelvideo "00:31" "create a hyperlink to that something...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "00:34" "and usually you're going to be doing")
(find-eevfherelvideo "00:37" "doing things with Emacs, so if you")
(find-eevfherelvideo "00:40" "find something interesting this")
(find-eevfherelvideo "00:42" "is going to be in an Emacs buffer,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "00:44" "usually...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "00:45" "and you want to create a hyperlink to")
(find-eevfherelvideo "00:47" "that Emacs buffer, and to")
(find-eevfherelvideo "00:49" "some position in that buffer.")

1. The tutorials
(find-eevfherelvideo "00:53" "Ok, let me start. All the tutorials")
(find-eevfherelvideo "00:57" "in eev have headers, like these")
(find-eevfherelvideo "01:02" "headers here... sorry, the header is all")
(find-eevfherelvideo "01:05" "this thing here,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "01:05" "but the headers always have a")
(find-eevfherelvideo "01:08" "part like this, that recommends other")
(find-eevfherelvideo "01:10" "tutorials...")

(find-eevfherelvideo "01:12" "we are going to use a bit of this")
(find-eevfherelvideo "01:14" "tutorial here,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "01:16" "that is not a real tutorial, it's an index")
(find-eevfherelvideo "01:19" "of the basic keys of eev and of Emacs,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "01:21" "with hyperlinks to the documentation...")

(find-eevfherelvideo "01:24" "we are going to use these two sections in it...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "01:30" "and we are also going to use a bit of")
(find-eevfherelvideo "01:33" "this tutorial here, that is")
(find-eevfherelvideo "01:36" "about `find-here-links', and that explains")
(find-eevfherelvideo "01:39" "these ideas of switching between")
(find-eevfherelvideo "01:41" "tasks and notes, creating hyperlinks to")
(find-eevfherelvideo "01:45" "important things, and so on...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "01:49" "and we are going to use a bit of this")
(find-eevfherelvideo "01:51" "tutorial here, about refining hyperlinks.")

(find-eevfherelvideo "01:54" "Let me start with the two sections of")
(find-eevfherelvideo "01:56" "the tutorial that is not a real tutorial,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "01:59" "it's just and index of keys -")
(find-eevfherelvideo "02:01" "these two sections...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "02:01" "I've copied them here...")

(find-eevfherelvideo "02:04" "and we are going to start with the")
(find-eevfherelvideo "02:09" "beginner's way of creating \"hyperlinks to")
(find-eevfherelvideo "02:11" "here\", except that we are going to start with")
(find-eevfherelvideo "02:13" "this thing here, that is very simple.")

(find-eevfherelvideo "02:17" "So: there's a sequence of keys, `M-h M-2',")
(find-eevfherelvideo "02:19" "that just duplicates the current line.")
(find-eevfherelvideo "02:23" "Remember that the key for help for keys")
(find-eevfherelvideo "02:26" "in eev is `M-h M-k',")
(find-eevfherelvideo "02:30" "and if you type `M-h M-k M-h M-2'")
(find-eevfherelvideo "02:34" "you get a buffer like this,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "02:36" "with lots of links...")

(find-eevfherelvideo "02:38" "this one is exactly this link here,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "02:41" "and one of the other links")
(find-eevfherelvideo "02:45" "is the link to the source code of this")
(find-eevfherelvideo "02:47" "function...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "02:49" "no, sorry, for the description of")
(find-eevfherelvideo "02:51" "that function...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "02:53" "and it says that it just duplicates the")
(find-eevfherelvideo "02:55" "current line without")
(find-eevfherelvideo "02:56" "any changes to the kill ring.")

(find-eevfherelvideo "03:02" "There's an example")
(find-eevfherelvideo "03:05" "in the tutorial (find-refining-intro),")
(find-eevfherelvideo "03:08" "in the introduction about refining")
(find-eevfherelvideo "03:10" "hyperlinks...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "03:12" "and this example has an executable part,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "03:15" "here... it says \"try blablablah\" -")
(find-eevfherelvideo "03:18" "try these two sexps...")

(find-eevfherelvideo "03:22" "Let's suppose that we execute this.")
(find-eevfherelvideo "03:26" "The effect of executing this is exactly")
(find-eevfherelvideo "03:28" "the same as")
(find-eevfherelvideo "03:30" "marking a region and typing `M-w',")
(find-eevfherelvideo "03:33" "which copies that to the kill ring...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "03:38" "and in this line here of the example...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "03:43" "well, this is a sequence of keys and this")
(find-eevfherelvideo "03:45" "sexp executes that sequence of keys...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "03:48" "and what it does is: it goes down,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "03:52" "it duplicates this line, and then it runs")
(find-eevfherelvideo "03:55" "`M-h M-y', which is something")
(find-eevfherelvideo "03:57" "that I'm going to explain soon.")

(find-eevfherelvideo "04:00" "So: `M-h M-2' just duplicates")
(find-eevfherelvideo "04:02" "the current line... you can use it")
(find-eevfherelvideo "04:04" "with the cursor at any point,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "04:07" "and it does not change the top of the")
(find-eevfherelvideo "04:09" "kill ring... it is still \"Tools for\",")
(find-eevfherelvideo "04:13" "that we have killed 30 seconds ago.")

(find-eevfherelvideo "04:19" "So, the first most basic key is this one,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "04:26" "and I've demonstrated - without explaining -")
(find-eevfherelvideo "04:29" "what is this other key, that is going")
(find-eevfherelvideo "04:32" "to be very important later...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "04:34" "but it's not something that beginners")
(find-eevfherelvideo "04:35" "learn in the first 30 minutes, say.")

2. The beginner's way
2.1. The 3-window setting - and going back from it
(find-eevfherelvideo "04:40" "When I explain these things to")
(find-eevfherelvideo "04:42" "beginners")
(find-eevfherelvideo "04:43" "I usually start by explaining things in")
(find-eevfherelvideo "04:46" "a three-window setting...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "04:49" "I'm going to use this figure here to")
(find-eevfherelvideo "04:51" "explain what these things are,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "04:52" "and let me just tell a story about")
(find-eevfherelvideo "04:56" "what I mean by \"beginners\".")

(find-eevfherelvideo "04:58" "I sometimes teach Emacs to people that")
(find-eevfherelvideo "05:02" "have never tried Emacs before,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "05:04" "and I've had an opportunity to teach")
(find-eevfherelvideo "05:06" "a mini-course on LaTeX in which I could")
(find-eevfherelvideo "05:10" "choose the editor that I would force the")
(find-eevfherelvideo "05:12" "students to use...")

(find-eevfherelvideo "05:14" "and I wanted to use Emacs,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "05:19" "and my excuse for using Emacs was that")
(find-eevfherelvideo "05:23" "if you are going to learn LaTeX then")
(find-eevfherelvideo "05:25" "most of the time when you want to learn")
(find-eevfherelvideo "05:27" "how to do something, and you look")
(find-eevfherelvideo "05:28" "at the internet how to do that something...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "05:31" "the answer is usually going to be, like,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "05:34" "uh, use the package such and such...")

(find-eevfherelvideo "05:38" "and the easiest way of using these things")
(find-eevfherelvideo "05:42" "and to learn how to use all these")
(find-eevfherelvideo "05:44" "packages is to install a full distribution")
(find-eevfherelvideo "05:47" "of TeX and LaTeX in your system...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "05:50" "and then you're going to get about 4000")
(find-eevfherelvideo "05:53" "packages,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "05:54" "and then you're going to need a way")
(find-eevfherelvideo "05:56" "to navigate by these packages,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "05:59" "look at their documentation, look at")
(find-eevfherelvideo "06:00" "the examples, try the examples, and so on...")

(find-eevfherelvideo "06:03" "and Emacs and eev are the perfect thing for")
(find-eevfherelvideo "06:06" "that. So, I've had the opportunity to give")
(find-eevfherelvideo "06:10" "this course, and so I taught Emacs and eev")
(find-eevfherelvideo "06:14" "to, say 10 people, and I got a lot of")
(find-eevfherelvideo "06:16" "feedback... and it was very useful to me -")
(find-eevfherelvideo "06:19" "and they liked it!")

(find-eevfherelvideo "06:23" "So... this is one trick that is mainly")
(find-eevfherelvideo "06:27" "meant for people that don't know")
(find-eevfherelvideo "06:29" "the keys of Emacs -")
(find-eevfherelvideo "06:31" "when we don't want to force them")
(find-eevfherelvideo "06:33" "to memorize many things at once.")

(find-eevfherelvideo "06:38" "I will need to switch to a smaller font...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "06:40" " ")
(find-eevfherelvideo "06:47" "I'm going to explain these two sequences")
(find-eevfherelvideo "06:49" "of keys: `M-h M-3' switches to a certain")
(find-eevfherelvideo "06:51" "configuration with three windows,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "06:54" "and `M-h M-1' goes back to the configuration")
(find-eevfherelvideo "06:59" "that we had before.")

(find-eevfherelvideo "07:01" "If I type `M-h M-3' here - now -")
(find-eevfherelvideo "07:03" "I get this configuration with three")
(find-eevfherelvideo "07:06" "windows, in which")
(find-eevfherelvideo "07:08" "this thing here is the target buffer,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "07:11" "this thing here is the Emacs hyperlinks buffer,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "07:15" "and this thing here is the buffer with notes...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "07:21" "and if I type `M-h M-1' I go back to the")
(find-eevfherelvideo "07:26" "original window configuration, and the")
(find-eevfherelvideo "07:29" "original window configuration can be")
(find-eevfherelvideo "07:31" "anything... for example,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "07:33" "if I run this sexp here I get this")
(find-eevfherelvideo "07:36" "very weird window configuration, and if I")
(find-eevfherelvideo "07:39" "type `M-h M-3' I get this one,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "07:42" "and if I type `M-h M-1'")
(find-eevfherelvideo "07:45" "I go back to my weird configuration")
(find-eevfherelvideo "07:48" "that I had before.")

(find-eevfherelvideo "07:52" "So, in the window configuration with")
(find-eevfherelvideo "07:55" "three windows")
(find-eevfherelvideo "07:59" "if I want to create a hyperlink to \"here\" -")
(find-eevfherelvideo "08:02" "to this file, where is the script for this video...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "08:06" "well, at this moment")
(find-eevfherelvideo "08:10" "I want to create a hyperlink to \"here\",")
(find-eevfherelvideo "08:13" "but when I create this configuration with three")
(find-eevfherelvideo "08:16" "windows it is no longer practical to refer")
(find-eevfherelvideo "08:19" "to this thing as \"here\",")
(find-eevfherelvideo "08:20" "because sometimes my cursor is")
(find-eevfherelvideo "08:24" "going to be here, sometimes here...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "08:26" "so I need another terminology.")

(find-eevfherelvideo "08:28" "This thing becomes the \"target")
(find-eevfherelvideo "08:32" "buffer\", and I want to")
(find-eevfherelvideo "08:33" "to create a hyperlink that points to")
(find-eevfherelvideo "08:37" "this \"target buffer\", and copy it to my")
(find-eevfherelvideo "08:40" "\"notes\".")

(find-eevfherelvideo "08:42" "So this is a hyperlink that points to")
(find-eevfherelvideo "08:45" "that \"target buffer\" here... and...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "08:52" "I can copy it to my \"notes\".")

2.2. Copying one link
(find-eevfherelvideo "08:56" "But let me explain how I teach this")
(find-eevfherelvideo "08:58" "to beginners.")
(find-eevfherelvideo "09:03" "Besides teaching them how to use `M-h M-3'")
(find-eevfherelvideo "09:06" "and `M-h M-1',")
(find-eevfherelvideo "09:08" "I also teach them how to use `M-h M-w',")
(find-eevfherelvideo "09:11" "which is copy the current line...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "09:15" "`ee-copy-this-line-to-the-kill-ring'.")

(find-eevfherelvideo "09:17" "So, my cursor is here, and if I type `M-h M-w'")
(find-eevfherelvideo "09:23" "I get this message in the echo area...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "09:26" "\"Copied the current line to the kill ring -")
(find-eevfherelvideo "09:28" "use C-y to paste\"...")

(find-eevfherelvideo "09:31" "and I can go to my buffer with notes,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "09:34" "I can copy this thing with C-y,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "09:36" "and now I can return to the previous")
(find-eevfherelvideo "09:40" "configuration.")

(find-eevfherelvideo "09:44" "So, this is what I teach to the students")
(find-eevfherelvideo "09:46" "in the first moment,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "09:48" "when I give these mini-courses, or when")
(find-eevfherelvideo "09:50" "I'm teaching Emacs to")
(find-eevfherelvideo "09:52" "someone who have never used Emacs before...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "09:54" "I mean, Emacs and eev, sorry.")

(find-eevfherelvideo "09:56" "We get the target buffer,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "10:00" "we copy the right line to the")
(find-eevfherelvideo "10:03" "kill ring with `M-h M-w',")
(find-eevfherelvideo "10:06" "and then we paste that line with `C-y'.")

(find-eevfherelvideo "10:09" "When people know a few more keys")
(find-eevfherelvideo "10:12" "they can also use `C-w' or `M-w',")
(find-eevfherelvideo "10:15" "and remember that in Emacs the terminology")
(find-eevfherelvideo "10:18" "is very different")
(find-eevfherelvideo "10:19" "from cut, copy, and paste...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "10:22" "and here are hyperlinks to the")
(find-eevfherelvideo "10:25" "keys in Emacs that corresponds to cut,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "10:27" "copy, and paste.")

2.3. Duplicating and refining
(find-eevfherelvideo "10:31" "Ok, next step.")
(find-eevfherelvideo "10:35" "I've mentioned briefly that we can use")
(find-eevfherelvideo "10:37" "`M-h M-y' to refine a hyperlink")
(find-eevfherelvideo "10:39" "in a certain way.")
(find-eevfherelvideo "10:42" "We saw this tutorial here,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "10:43" "in which I copied this \"Tools for\"")
(find-eevfherelvideo "10:46" "to the kill ring,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "10:50" "and then with this sexp here I")
(find-eevfherelvideo "10:53" "duplicated this line, and then I refined")
(find-eevfherelvideo "10:56" "it in a certain way")
(find-eevfherelvideo "10:58" "by adding the top of the kill ring as a")
(find-eevfherelvideo "11:02" "string at the end of the sexp...")

(find-eevfherelvideo "11:05" "So this is what we are going to do now.")
(find-eevfherelvideo "11:13" "Just let me show an example")
(find-eevfherelvideo "11:16" "without that much clutter in the screen...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "11:19" "suppose that I've")
(find-eevfherelvideo "11:20" "copied this thing to the kill ring with `M-w',")
(find-eevfherelvideo "11:23" "then I can duplicate this line and use")
(find-eevfherelvideo "11:26" "`M-h M-y'.")

(find-eevfherelvideo "11:30" "So, at this stage what we are going to do")
(find-eevfherelvideo "11:33" "is that we are going to you to switch to the")
(find-eevfherelvideo "11:36" "three-window setting with `M-h M-3'...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "11:39" "and then I'm going to find the right")
(find-eevfherelvideo "11:41" "hyperlink, I'm going to duplicate it,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "11:43" "I'm going to refine it by adding the string")
(find-eevfherelvideo "11:45" "at the end of the sexp...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "11:48" "i'm going to copy the two lines to the")
(find-eevfherelvideo "11:52" "kill ring, and I'm going to copy")
(find-eevfherelvideo "11:54" "them to the \"notes\" buffer.")

(find-eevfherelvideo "11:56" "Let me demonstrate this. Suppose that I")
(find-eevfherelvideo "11:59" "want to create a hyperlink to this")
(find-eevfherelvideo "12:01" "string here, so `M-h M-3'...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "12:05" "then this is the hyperlink that I want to use,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "12:10" "but I'm going to duplicate it,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "12:12" "refine it, and then I'm going to copy")
(find-eevfherelvideo "12:14" "these two lines to my notes...")

(find-eevfherelvideo "12:16" "so, this hyperlink here")
(find-eevfherelvideo "12:20" "points exactly to this string in this")
(find-eevfherelvideo "12:24" "file, with the script for my video...")

(find-eevfherelvideo "12:27" "Let me go back to the previous window")
(find-eevfherelvideo "12:29" "setting, and let me use a bigger font again...")

3. Using a single window
(find-eevfherelvideo "12:36" "Obviously all these things can be done")
(find-eevfherelvideo "12:38" "using a single window, I'm not doing")
(find-eevfherelvideo "12:41" "that just because it's simpler to explain")
(find-eevfherelvideo "12:43" "that to newcomers by using")
(find-eevfherelvideo "12:45" "the three window setting...")

(find-eevfherelvideo "12:49" "but I can just type `M-h M-h' to")
(find-eevfherelvideo "12:51" "get a buffer with hyperlinks,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "13:00" "I can duplicate this line,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "13:02" "I can refine this line,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "13:04" "I can copy these two lines")
(find-eevfherelvideo "13:06" "to the kill ring,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "13:07" "I can go to my buffer with notes,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "13:10" "and I can copy these to my notes...")

(find-eevfherelvideo "13:12" "and then suppose that I delete")
(find-eevfherelvideo "13:15" "the links that are not very relevant...")

(find-eevfherelvideo "13:21" "and I can go back")
(find-eevfherelvideo "13:26" "to the buffer where I was before -")
(find-eevfherelvideo "13:29" "usually by using `M-K' twice.")

(find-eevfherelvideo "13:33" "`M-K' is similar to `kill-this-buffer',")
(find-eevfherelvideo "13:36" "but it doesn't kill the buffer,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "13:38" "it just buries the buffer")
(find-eevfherelvideo "13:40" "at the bottom of the pile of buffers")
(find-eevfherelvideo "13:43" "associated to a certain window.")

(find-eevfherelvideo "13:48" "This hyperlink here is just to")
(find-eevfherelvideo "13:51" "remember me that I copied this diagram")
(find-eevfherelvideo "13:54" "from this tutorial, in this position...")

4. Advanced usage: anchors
(find-eevfherelvideo "14:00" "Ok, next step.")
(find-eevfherelvideo "14:03" "This is something very advanced")
(find-eevfherelvideo "14:04" "that only makes sense to people that")
(find-eevfherelvideo "14:07" "have been using eev for at least some hours,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "14:10" "and they have created their own anchors,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "14:13" "and they want to create hyperlinks to")
(find-eevfherelvideo "14:16" "those anchors.")

4.1. Creating anchors
(find-eevfherelvideo "14:18" "Let me start by")
(find-eevfherelvideo "14:22" "showing the part of the tutorial that")
(find-eevfherelvideo "14:24" "explains what anchors are.")
(find-eevfherelvideo "14:26" "There's this section here that explains")
(find-eevfherelvideo "14:28" "that this thing here")
(find-eevfherelvideo "14:30" "is what we are going to call an \"anchor\"...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "14:33" "and this string inside the green")
(find-eevfherelvideo "14:38" "double angle brackets is what we call a \"tag\".")

(find-eevfherelvideo "14:43" "And when we run a sexp like this")
(find-eevfherelvideo "14:47" "this sexp searches for this tag wrapped")
(find-eevfherelvideo "14:50" "in the green double angle brackets...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "14:54" "so this sexp here")
(find-eevfherelvideo "14:57" "searches for this string,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "15:00" "this sexp here searches for this string,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "15:05" "this sexp - sorry, this sexp here")
(find-eevfherelvideo "15:08" "searches for this string here,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "15:09" "and this sexp here")
(find-eevfherelvideo "15:12" "searches for this string here...")

(find-eevfherelvideo "15:15" "so if I execute `M-e' several times here")
(find-eevfherelvideo "15:18" "I get this behavior, which is not very")
(find-eevfherelvideo "15:22" "useful...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "15:23" "but in many cases I have an index in the")
(find-eevfherelvideo "15:25" "beginning of the file,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "15:26" "which is full of lines that are")
(find-eevfherelvideo "15:30" "of this form: a dot, an anchor with a dot,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "15:33" "and then a tag pointing to this anchor here,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "15:36" "so these two anchors")
(find-eevfherelvideo "15:39" "point to one another...")

(find-eevfherelvideo "15:40" "if I type `M-e' in each one")
(find-eevfherelvideo "15:44" "I go to the other one,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "15:48" "and the tutorial also explains how to")
(find-eevfherelvideo "15:50" "create these pairs, made of an")
(find-eevfherelvideo "15:55" "an index and a section...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "15:58" "a \"section anchor\" - well, whatever...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "16:02" "it's by using `M-A'. If I use `M-A'...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "16:06" "sorry, if I use `M-A' in this line here")
(find-eevfherelvideo "16:10" "it duplicates the line and it converts")
(find-eevfherelvideo "16:12" "this line into this thing here...")

(find-eevfherelvideo "16:15" "and it also explains how to use `M-B',")
(find-eevfherelvideo "16:22" "that creates something like this")
(find-eevfherelvideo "16:25" "block here...")

(find-eevfherelvideo "16:29" "and my files with notes are full of blocks")
(find-eevfherelvideo "16:33" "formatted in this way, but I move this line")
(find-eevfherelvideo "16:35" "to the beginning of the file -")
(find-eevfherelvideo "16:37" "to the index.")

(find-eevfherelvideo "16:46" "So, again, this part of the tutorial")
(find-eevfherelvideo "16:48" "explains what anchors are and how to")
(find-eevfherelvideo "16:50" "create anchors...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "16:52" "but it only explains how to use `to',")
(find-eevfherelvideo "16:56" "which is this thing here.")

4.2. The option :anchor for `code-c-d'
(find-eevfherelvideo "17:02" "But let's see a more realistic example.")
(find-eevfherelvideo "17:04" "most of the source files in eev have")
(find-eevfherelvideo "17:07" "anchors.")
(find-eevfherelvideo "17:09" "Here's an example... oops, sorry -")
(find-eevfherelvideo "17:12" "here's an example.")
(find-eevfherelvideo "17:18" "Here I have the one of the source files...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "17:22" "that defines \"many hyperlinks to")
(find-eevfherelvideo "17:24" "temporary buffers generated by templates\".")

(find-eevfherelvideo "17:27" "It's called eev-tlinks.el, and")
(find-eevfherelvideo "17:30" "here we have an index...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "17:34" "and each line of this index points")
(find-eevfherelvideo "17:37" "to the corresponding definition...")

(find-eevfherelvideo "17:47" "So, this sexp here is equivalent to this")
(find-eevfherelvideo "17:50" "sexp here, and note that when I've reduced")
(find-eevfherelvideo "17:54" "the name by dropping this \"file\"")
(find-eevfherelvideo "17:55" "at the end of the function...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "17:59" "this reduced sexp points to an anchor,")

(find-eevfherelvideo "18:03" "So, if I execute this it searches")
(find-eevfherelvideo "18:06" "for this string, wrapped as an anchor.")

(find-eevfherelvideo "18:12" "Not all functions created by `code-c-d'")
(find-eevfherelvideo "18:15" "behave in that way - only the functions")
(find-eevfherelvideo "18:18" "that have this extra argument here,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "18:20" "`:anchor'... and one of the tutorials")
(find-eevfherelvideo "18:22" "explains how this thing...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "18:26" "how this extra argument works.")
(find-eevfherelvideo "18:28" "I'm not going to explain this in details,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "18:31" "but the thing is that if we execute...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "18:34" "if you... ok, let me give the short")
(find-eevfherelvideo "18:36" "explanation.")

(find-eevfherelvideo "18:38" "If we execute this then... sorry -")
(find-eevfherelvideo "18:42" "then this function is going to produce a")
(find-eevfherelvideo "18:46" "certain string, and then is going to")
(find-eevfherelvideo "18:49" "interpret that string as Lisp code,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "18:50" "and this string is a series of")
(find-eevfherelvideo "18:54" "definition of functions.")

(find-eevfherelvideo "18:57" "So this sexp here is like a button")
(find-eevfherelvideo "19:00" "that defines several new functions...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "19:04" "and this sexp here shows the code that")
(find-eevfherelvideo "19:07" "this sexp produces, but this one does not")
(find-eevfherelvideo "19:10" "execute the code - it just shows the code.")

(find-eevfherelvideo "19:13" "The code is here. So, we can see that it")
(find-eevfherelvideo "19:16" "has a `setq', and then a series of")
(find-eevfherelvideo "19:21" "`defun's that define functions, and")
(find-eevfherelvideo "19:24" "it also has this `defun' at the end,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "19:27" "that defines `find-eev', without...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "19:33" "it's not `find-eevfile', it's just")
(find-eevfherelvideo "19:35" "`find-eev'...")

(find-eevfherelvideo "19:37" "and `find-eev' without the suffix \"file\"")
(find-eevfherelvideo "19:41" "at the end uses another function,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "19:44" "called `find-anchor',")
(find-eevfherelvideo "19:47" "to point to this file here")
(find-eevfherelvideo "19:52" "in the position specified by the")
(find-eevfherelvideo "19:54" "pos-spec-list.")

(find-eevfherelvideo "19:57" "Ok, so this explains how the function")
(find-eevfherelvideo "20:00" "`find-eev' was defined,")

4.3. Shrinking hyperlinks
(find-eevfherelvideo "20:04" "and this tutorial also explains how to")
(find-eevfherelvideo "20:06" "shrink this hyperlink to something like")
(find-eevfherelvideo "20:09" "this hyperlink here...")

(find-eevfherelvideo "20:11" "It explains what is my meaning")
(find-eevfherelvideo "20:16" "of the term \"shrinking\"")
(find-eevfherelvideo "20:18" "in the context of eev, and it has a demo")
(find-eevfherelvideo "20:24" "here...")

(find-eevfherelvideo "20:27" "it explains that we can shrink the")
(find-eevfherelvideo "20:29" "hyperlink at the current line")
(find-eevfherelvideo "20:30" "with `M-h M--'...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "20:34" "if we execute `M-h M--' in this line")
(find-eevfherelvideo "20:38" "here it shrinks it in a certain way...")

(find-eevfherelvideo "20:43" "and if we type `M-h M--' in this line")
(find-eevfherelvideo "20:49" "here it does nothing.")

(find-eevfherelvideo "20:51" "So, here it shrinks - it deletes the")
(find-eevfherelvideo "20:54" "\"file\", and it reformats the rest...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "20:57" "and here it does nothing... and whatever.")

4.4. The preceding tag
(find-eevfherelvideo "21:07" "And we also have an advanced key that")
(find-eevfherelvideo "21:10" "lets us copy to the kill ring")
(find-eevfherelvideo "21:12" "the preceding tag.")

(find-eevfherelvideo "21:14" "Let me explain what is that.")
(find-eevfherelvideo "21:18" "Remember that `M-h M-w' copies")
(find-eevfherelvideo "21:21" "the current line to the kill ring...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "21:24" "remember that after copying it to the")
(find-eevfherelvideo "21:26" "key ring we can insert it with C-y...")

(find-eevfherelvideo "21:34" "There's a variant of `M-h M-w'")
(find-eevfherelvideo "21:39" "that works like this. When we invoke `M-h M-w'")
(find-eevfherelvideo "21:42" "with a numeric argument - usually as this:")
(find-eevfherelvideo "21:46" "`M-1 M-h M-w' - then")
(find-eevfherelvideo "21:49" "instead of copying the current line it")
(find-eevfherelvideo "21:51" "just copies the the tag")
(find-eevfherelvideo "21:53" "of the previous anchor, so if the cursor")
(find-eevfherelvideo "21:57" "is here the previous anchor is here...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "22:00" "the preceding anchor is this one, and the")
(find-eevfherelvideo "22:02" "preceding tag is this one...")

(find-eevfherelvideo "22:03" "and it also explains in the echo area")
(find-eevfherelvideo "22:08" "what it does. So let's try it here...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "22:11" "`M-1 M-h M-w'... ta-da!")
(find-eevfherelvideo "22:15" "It flashes this string for a fraction of")
(find-eevfherelvideo "22:18" "a second")
(find-eevfherelvideo "22:19" "and it says \"Copied blablah...\" it says")
(find-eevfherelvideo "22:22" "this string here... \"to the kill ring.\"")

(find-eevfherelvideo "22:24" "If I type `C-y' here")
(find-eevfherelvideo "22:28" "I see copies of that hyperlink...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "22:32" "of that string... and if I use `M-h M-y'")
(find-eevfherelvideo "22:36" "here I refine this hyperlink to include")
(find-eevfherelvideo "22:40" "this thing here.")

(find-eevfherelvideo "22:44" "In this example the refined hyperlink")
(find-eevfherelvideo "22:45" "is not very useful,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "22:48" "but here is a demo that makes more sense.")

(find-eevfherelvideo "22:55" "Let me go back to this source file here.")
(find-eevfherelvideo "22:58" "If I type `M-1 M-h M-w' here then it")
(find-eevfherelvideo "23:02" "copies this string here to the kill ring.")

(find-eevfherelvideo "23:07" "Let me switch to the three-window")
(find-eevfherelvideo "23:09" "setting, and to a smaller font...")

(find-eevfherelvideo "23:14" "I'm going to take this hyperlink here,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "23:18" "I'm going to duplicate this line,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "23:21" "refine it,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "23:22" "and then shrink it,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "23:25" "and then this is a hyperlink")
(find-eevfherelvideo "23:27" "that points to this file here,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "23:32" "eev-tlinks.el,")
(find-eevfherelvideo "23:35" "to this anchor, with this tag...")

(find-eevfherelvideo "23:39" "so if I execute this sexp here")
(find-eevfherelvideo "23:44" "this thing opens eev-tlinks.el")
(find-eevfherelvideo "23:47" "and goes to this anchor.")

(find-eevfherelvideo "23:52" "Let me go back to the")
(find-eevfherelvideo "23:56" "one window setting, let me go back...")
(find-eevfherelvideo "24:01" "yeah, yeah, that's it! That's all that")
(find-eevfherelvideo "24:04" "I wanted to show in this video.")
(find-eevfherelvideo "24:05" "So that's it! Bye! =)")

(find-eevfherelvideo "24:07" " ")


unrevised_bigstr = [==[
(find-eevfherelvideo "00:00" " ")


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