Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and the conversion rules are here. |
/* * This file: * http://anggtwu.net/MAXIMA/2025-1-leithold-reta.mac.html * http://anggtwu.net/MAXIMA/2025-1-leithold-reta.mac * (find-angg "MAXIMA/2025-1-leithold-reta.mac") * Author: Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com> * * (defun e () (interactive) (find-angg "MAXIMA/2025-1-leithold-reta.mac")) * (c2m251carrop 4 "caso-particular-fig") * (c2m251carroa "caso-particular-fig") * * «.topdf_dimensions» (to "topdf_dimensions") * «.mylabel» (to "mylabel") */ /* (find-myqdraw "myqdraw3.mac") * (find-myqdraw "topdf1.mac" "topdf-modes") */ load_myqdraw(); /* «topdf_dimensions» (to ".topdf_dimensions") * See: (find-es "maxima" "leo-dimensions") */ topdf_dimensions () := [xmax-xmin,ymax-ymin]*120; topdf_dimensions () := [xmax-xmin,ymax-ymin]*80; topdf_terminalpdf() := more(font="Arial", font_size=16, dimensions=topdf_dimensions(), terminal=pdf, file_name=topdf_abc()); /* «mylabel» (to ".mylabel") */ mylabel_(P,text,[opts]) := myapply_fl('label, [text,P[1],P[2]], opts)$ mylabel(P,adj,text,[opts]) := [label_align(adj[1]), mylabel_(P+adj[2],text,[opts])]$ tow(P,Q,t) := P+t*(Q-P); define_other_points() := ( P2:[x2,y2], P1:[x1,y1], R:[x2,y1], P0 : tow(P1,P2, -0.2), P3 : tow(P1,P2, 1.2), PH : tow(P1,R, 0.5), PV : tow(P2,R, 0.5) )$ define_labels_abstract() := ( P1_label : "P1=(x1,y1)", P2_label : "P2=(x2,y2)", R_label : "R=(x2,y1)", PH_label : "Δx=x2-x1", PV_label : "Δy=y2-y1" )$ define_labels_concrete() := ( P1_label : concat("P1=(", x1, ",", y1, ")"), P2_label : concat("P2=(", x2, ",", y2, ")"), R_label : concat( "R=(", x2, ",", y1, ")"), PH_label : concat( "Δx=", x2, "-", x1), PV_label : concat( "Δy=", y2, "-", y1) )$ leithold_reta() := [ pts([P0, P3], pt(0), pj(2), pc(orange)), /* diagonal */ pts([P1,R,P2], ps(1), pj(2), pc(orange)), /* _| */ mylabel(P1, P1_adj, P1_label), mylabel(P2, P2_adj, P2_label), mylabel(R, R_adj, R_label), mylabel(PH, PH_adj, PH_label), mylabel(PV, PV_adj, PV_label) ]$ /* * (eepitch-maxima) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-maxima) ** (find-fline "~/LATEX/2025-1-C2/" "ict_") load("2025-1-leithold-reta.mac"); [topdf_a,topdf_b,topdf_c,topdf_n] : ["~/LATEX/", "2025-1-C2/", "ict", 0]; myqdrawp_to_new_pdf(); myqdrawp_to_screen(); [xmin,ymin, xmax,ymax] : [-1,-1,12,10]; [x1,y1] : [3,2]; [x2,y2] : [7,8]; P1_adj : ['r,[-.1,.1]]; P2_adj : ['r,[-.1,.1]]; R_adj : ['l,[ .1,-.1]]; PH_adj : ['c,[0,-.3]]; PV_adj : ['l,[.2,0]]; define_other_points(); define_labels_abstract(); myqdrawp(xyrange(), leithold_reta()); ** (find-fline "~/LATEX/2025-1-C2/") define_other_points(); define_labels_concrete(); myqdrawp(xyrange(), leithold_reta()); [x1,y1] : [4,3]; [x2,y2] : [8,6]; define_other_points(); define_labels_abstract(); myqdrawp(xyrange(), leithold_reta()); define_other_points(); define_labels_concrete(); myqdrawp(xyrange(), leithold_reta()); topdf_dimensions () := [xmax-xmin,ymax-ymin]*90; [x1,y1] : [2,2]; [x2,y2] : [6,6]; [xmin,ymin, xmax,ymax] : [0,0, 8,8]; [topdf_a,topdf_b,topdf_c,topdf_n] : ["~/LATEX/", "2025-1-C2/", "ict", 4]; define_other_points(); define_labels_abstract(); ** myqdraw (xyrange(), leithold_reta()); myqdrawp(xyrange(), leithold_reta(), cut(all)); * (ee-kill-buffer "ict_002.pdf") * (ee-kill-buffer "ict_004.pdf") (find-2a '(find-fline "~/LATEX/2025-1-C2/ict_002.pdf") '(find-fline "~/LATEX/2025-1-C2/ict_004.pdf")) (find-fline "~/LATEX/2025-1-C2/") ** Leit1p17 ** file:///home/edrx/tmp/leithold-pt-cap1.pdf */