Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
;; This file:
;;   http://anggtwu.net/.emacs.lean.el.html
;;   http://anggtwu.net/.emacs.lean.el
;;          (find-angg ".emacs.lean.el")
;; Author: Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com>
;; (defun ele () (interactive) (find-angg ".emacs.lean.el"))
;; (find-angg ".emacs" "lean4")
;; (find-angg ".emacs.templates" "find-leanrstdoc-links")
;; (load (buffer-file-name))

;; Main:
;; «.ee-leandoc-:lean4»		(to "ee-leandoc-:lean4")
;;  «.ee-rstdoc-:lean4»		(to "ee-rstdoc-:lean4")
;; «.ee-leandoc-:tpil4»		(to "ee-leandoc-:tpil4")
;;  «.ee-rstdoc-:tpil4»		(to "ee-rstdoc-:tpil4")
;; «.ee-leandoc-:leanmeta»	(to "ee-leandoc-:leanmeta")
;;  «.ee-rstdoc-:leanmeta»	(to "ee-rstdoc-:leanmeta")
;; «.ee-leandoc-:fplean4»	(to "ee-leandoc-:fplean4")
;;  «.ee-rstdoc-:fplean4»	(to "ee-rstdoc-:fplean4")
;; «.ee-leandoc-:leanref»	(to "ee-leandoc-:leanref")
;;  «.ee-rstdoc-:leanref»	(to "ee-rstdoc-:leanref")
;; «.ee-leandoc-:leanmaths»	(to "ee-leandoc-:leanmaths")
;;  «.ee-rstdoc-:leanmaths»	(to "ee-rstdoc-:leanmaths")
;; «.ee-leandoc-:mechprf»	(to "ee-leandoc-:mechprf")
;;  «.ee-rstdoc-:mechprf»	(to "ee-rstdoc-:mechprf")
;; «.lt2021leo»			(to "lt2021leo")
;; «.lt2021leom»		(to "lt2021leom")
;; «.lt2021sebastianleo»	(to "lt2021sebastianleo")

;;;  _                       __  __                         _ 
;;; | |    ___  __ _ _ __   |  \/  | __ _ _ __  _   _  __ _| |
;;; | |   / _ \/ _` | '_ \  | |\/| |/ _` | '_ \| | | |/ _` | |
;;; | |__|  __/ (_| | | | | | |  | | (_| | | | | |_| | (_| | |
;;; |_____\___|\__,_|_| |_| |_|  |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_|\__,_|_|
;; «ee-leandoc-:lean4»  (to ".ee-leandoc-:lean4")
(setq ee-leandoc-:lean4
 '(:kw         "lean4"
   :kill       "ldk"
   :base-web   "https://lean-lang.org/lean4/doc/"
   :git-repo   "https://github.com/leanprover/lean4"
   :usrc       "~/bigsrc/"
   :base-rst   "~/bigsrc/lean4/doc/"
   :base       "whatIsLean"
   :rst        ""
;; (find-2a nil '(find-leanrstdoc-links ee-leandoc-:lean4))
;; (find-2a nil '(find-leanprint-links  ee-leandoc-:lean4))
(code-pdf-page  "lean4" "$S/https/lean-lang.org/lean4/doc/print.pdf")
(code-pdf-text8 "lean4" "$S/https/lean-lang.org/lean4/doc/print.pdf")
;; (find-lean4page)
;; (find-lean4text)

;; «ee-rstdoc-:lean4»  (to ".ee-rstdoc-:lean4")
;; Skels: (find-rstdoc-links :lean4)
;;   See: (find-es "lean" ":lean4")
;;   Try: (find-lean4doc  "whatIsLean")
;;        (find-lean4docw "whatIsLean")
;;        (find-lean4docr "whatIsLean.md")
;;        (find-lean4docrfile "")
;;        (find-lean4doc  "metaprogramming-arith")
;;        (find-lean4docr "metaprogramming-arith.lean")
;;        (find-lean4docr "metaprogramming-arith.md")
;;        (find-lean4docrfile "" "metaprogramming-arith")
(setq ee-rstdoc-:lean4
      '(:base      "whatIsLean"
        :base-web  "https://lean-lang.org/lean4/doc/"
        :base-html "file:///home/edrx/snarf/https/lean-lang.org/lean4/doc/"
        :base-rst  "~/bigsrc/lean4/doc/"
        :rst       ""
        :res       ("#.*$" "\\?.*$"
                    "\\.html$" "\\.txt$" "\\.rst$" "\\.md$" "\\.lean$"
                    "^file://+" "^/" "^home/edrx/" "^~/" "^snarf/" "^https:?/+"
        :kill      ldk

;; (find-code-rstdoc :lean4)
        (code-rstdoc :lean4)

;;;  _____ _                                     ____                 
;;; |_   _| |__   ___  ___  _ __ ___ _ __ ___   |  _ \ _ __ _____   __
;;;   | | | '_ \ / _ \/ _ \| '__/ _ \ '_ ` _ \  | |_) | '__/ _ \ \ / /
;;;   | | | | | |  __/ (_) | | |  __/ | | | | | |  __/| | | (_) \ V / 
;;;   |_| |_| |_|\___|\___/|_|  \___|_| |_| |_| |_|   |_|  \___/ \_/  
;; «ee-leandoc-:tpil4»  (to ".ee-leandoc-:tpil4")
(setq ee-leandoc-:tpil4
 '(:kw         "tpil4"
   :kill       "tpk"
   :rst        ".md"
   :base-web   "https://lean-lang.org/theorem_proving_in_lean4/"
   :git-repo   "https://github.com/leanprover/theorem_proving_in_lean4"
   :git-subdir ""
   :base       "introduction"
;; (find-2a nil '(find-leanrstdoc-links 'ee-leandoc-:tpil4))
;; (find-2a nil '(find-leanprint-links  'ee-leandoc-:tpil4))
(code-pdf-page  "tpil4" "$S/https/lean-lang.org/theorem_proving_in_lean4/print.pdf")
(code-pdf-text8 "tpil4" "$S/https/lean-lang.org/theorem_proving_in_lean4/print.pdf")
;; (find-tpil4page)
;; (find-tpil4text)

;; «ee-rstdoc-:tpil4»  (to ".ee-rstdoc-:tpil4")
;; Skels: (find-rstdoc-links :tpil4)
;;   See: (find-es "lean" ":tpil4")
;;   Try: (find-tpil4doc  "introduction")
;;        (find-tpil4docw "introduction")
;;        (find-tpil4docr "introduction")
;;        (find-tpil4docrfile "")
(setq ee-rstdoc-:tpil4
      '(:base      "introduction"
        :base-web  "https://lean-lang.org/theorem_proving_in_lean4/"
        :base-html "file:///home/edrx/snarf/https/lean-lang.org/theorem_proving_in_lean4/"
        :base-rst  "~/usrc/theorem_proving_in_lean4/"
        :rst       ".md"
        :res       ("#.*$" "\\?.*$"
                    "\\.html$" "\\.txt$" "\\.rst$" "\\.md$" "\\.lean$"
                    "^file://+" "^/" "^home/edrx/" "^~/" "^snarf/" "^https:?/+"
        :kill      tpk

;; (find-code-rstdoc :tpil4)
        (code-rstdoc :tpil4)

;;;  __  __      _                              
;;; |  \/  | ___| |_ __ _ _ __  _ __ ___   __ _ 
;;; | |\/| |/ _ \ __/ _` | '_ \| '__/ _ \ / _` |
;;; | |  | |  __/ || (_| | |_) | | | (_) | (_| |
;;; |_|  |_|\___|\__\__,_| .__/|_|  \___/ \__, |
;;;                      |_|              |___/ 
;; «ee-leandoc-:leanmeta»  (to ".ee-leandoc-:leanmeta")
(setq ee-leandoc-:leanmeta
 '(:kw         "leanmeta"
   :kill       "lmk"
   :rst        ".lean"
   :base-web   "https://leanprover-community.github.io/lean4-metaprogramming-book/"
   :git-repo   "https://github.com/leanprover-community/lean4-metaprogramming-book"
   :git-subdir "lean/"
   :base       "main/01_intro"
;; (find-2a nil '(find-leanrstdoc-links 'ee-leandoc-:leanmeta))
;; (find-2a nil '(find-leanprint-links  'ee-leandoc-:leanmeta))
(code-pdf-page  "leanmeta" "$S/https/leanprover-community.github.io/lean4-metaprogramming-book/print.pdf")
(code-pdf-text8 "leanmeta" "$S/https/leanprover-community.github.io/lean4-metaprogramming-book/print.pdf")
;; (find-leanmetapage)
;; (find-leanmetatext)

;; «ee-rstdoc-:leanmeta»  (to ".ee-rstdoc-:leanmeta")
;; Skels: (find-rstdoc-links :leanmeta)
;;   See: (find-es "lean" ":leanmeta")
;;   Try: (find-leanmetadoc  "main/01_intro")
;;        (find-leanmetadocw "main/01_intro")
;;        (find-leanmetadocr "main/01_intro")
;;        (find-leanmetadocrfile "")
;;        (find-leanmetapage)
;;        (find-leanmetatext)
(setq ee-rstdoc-:leanmeta
      '(:base      "main/01_intro"
        :base-web  "https://leanprover-community.github.io/lean4-metaprogramming-book/"
        :base-html "file:///home/edrx/snarf/https/leanprover-community.github.io/lean4-metaprogramming-book/"
        :base-rst  "~/usrc/lean4-metaprogramming-book/lean/"
        :rst       ".lean"
        :res       ("#.*$" "\\?.*$"
                    "\\.html$" "\\.txt$" "\\.rst$" "\\.md$" "\\.lean$"
                    "^file://+" "^/" "^home/edrx/" "^~/" "^snarf/" "^https:?/+"
        :kill      lmk

;; (find-code-rstdoc :leanmeta)
        (code-rstdoc :leanmeta)

;;;  _____                 _   _                   _ 
;;; |  ___|   _ _ __   ___| |_(_) ___  _ __   __ _| |
;;; | |_ | | | | '_ \ / __| __| |/ _ \| '_ \ / _` | |
;;; |  _|| |_| | | | | (__| |_| | (_) | | | | (_| | |
;;; |_|   \__,_|_| |_|\___|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|\__,_|_|
;; «ee-leandoc-:fplean4»  (to ".ee-leandoc-:fplean4")
(setq ee-leandoc-:fplean4
 '(:kw         "fplean4"
   :kill       "fpk"
   :rst        ".md"
   :base-web   "https://lean-lang.org/functional_programming_in_lean/"
   :git-repo   "https://github.com/leanprover/fp-lean"
   :git-subdir "functional-programming-lean/src/"
   :base       "introduction"
;; (find-2a nil '(find-leanrstdoc-links 'ee-leandoc-:fplean4))
;; (find-2a nil '(find-leanprint-links  'ee-leandoc-:fplean4))
(code-pdf-page  "fplean4" "$S/https/lean-lang.org/functional_programming_in_lean/print.pdf")
(code-pdf-text8 "fplean4" "$S/https/lean-lang.org/functional_programming_in_lean/print.pdf")
;; (find-fplean4page)
;; (find-fplean4text)

;; «ee-rstdoc-:fplean4»  (to ".ee-rstdoc-:fplean4")
;; Skels: (find-rstdoc-links :fplean4)
;;   See: (find-es "lean" ":fplean4")
;;   Try: (find-fplean4doc  "introduction")
;;        (find-fplean4docw "introduction")
;;        (find-fplean4docr "introduction")
;;        (find-fplean4docrfile "")
(setq ee-rstdoc-:fplean4
      '(:base      "introduction"
        :base-web  "https://lean-lang.org/functional_programming_in_lean/"
        :base-html "file:///home/edrx/snarf/https/lean-lang.org/functional_programming_in_lean/"
        :base-rst  "~/usrc/fp-lean/functional-programming-lean/src/"
        :rst       ".md"
        :res       ("#.*$" "\\?.*$"
                    "\\.html$" "\\.txt$" "\\.rst$" "\\.md$" "\\.lean$"
                    "^file://+" "^/" "^home/edrx/" "^~/" "^snarf/" "^https:?/+"
        :kill      fpk

;; (find-code-rstdoc :fplean4)
        (code-rstdoc :fplean4)

(code-c-d "fplean4"    "~/usrc/fp-lean/")
(code-c-d "fplean4doc" "$S/https/lean-lang.org/functional_programming_in_lean/")
;; (find-fplean4file  "")
;; (find-fplean4docfile "")

;;;  ____       __                              
;;; |  _ \ ___ / _| ___ _ __ ___ _ __   ___ ___ 
;;; | |_) / _ \ |_ / _ \ '__/ _ \ '_ \ / __/ _ \
;;; |  _ <  __/  _|  __/ | |  __/ | | | (_|  __/
;;; |_| \_\___|_|  \___|_|  \___|_| |_|\___\___|
;; «ee-leandoc-:leanref»  (to ".ee-leandoc-:leanref")
(setq ee-leandoc-:leanref
 '(:kw         "leanref"
   :kill       "lrk"
   :base-web   "https://leanprover.github.io/reference/"
   :base-rst   "$S/https/leanprover.github.io/reference/_sources/"
   :base       "index"
   :rst        ".rst.txt"
;; (find-2a nil '(find-leanrstdoc-links 'ee-leandoc-:leanref))

;; «ee-rstdoc-:leanref»  (to ".ee-rstdoc-:leanref")
;; Skels: (find-rstdoc-links :leanref)
;;   See: (find-es "lean" ":leanref")
;;   Try: (find-leanrefdoc  "index")
;;        (find-leanrefdocw "index")
;;        (find-leanrefdocr "index")
;;        (find-leanrefdoc  "using_lean#using-lean-with-emacs")
;;        (find-leanrefdocw "using_lean#using-lean-with-emacs")
;;        (find-leanrefdocr "using_lean#using-lean-with-emacs")
;;        (find-leanrefdocrfile "")
(setq ee-rstdoc-:leanref
      '(:base      "index"
        :base-web  "https://leanprover.github.io/reference/"
        :base-html "file:///home/edrx/snarf/https/leanprover.github.io/reference/"
        :base-rst  "$S/https/leanprover.github.io/reference/_sources/"
        :rst       ".rst.txt"
        :res       ("#.*$" "\\?.*$"
                    "\\.html$" "\\.txt$" "\\.rst$" "\\.md$" "\\.lean$"
                    "^file://+" "^/" "^home/edrx/" "^~/" "^snarf/" "^https:?/+"
        :kill      lrk

;; (find-code-rstdoc :leanref)
        (code-rstdoc :leanref)

;;;  __  __       _   _           _         _                     
;;; |  \/  | __ _| |_| |__  ___  (_)_ __   | |    ___  __ _ _ __  
;;; | |\/| |/ _` | __| '_ \/ __| | | '_ \  | |   / _ \/ _` | '_ \ 
;;; | |  | | (_| | |_| | | \__ \ | | | | | | |__|  __/ (_| | | | |
;;; |_|  |_|\__,_|\__|_| |_|___/ |_|_| |_| |_____\___|\__,_|_| |_|
;; «ee-leandoc-:leanmaths»  (to ".ee-leandoc-:leanmaths")
(setq ee-leandoc-:leanmaths
 '(:kw         "leanmaths"
   :kill       "lmak"
   :base-web   "https://leanprover-community.github.io/mathematics_in_lean/"
   :git-repo   "https://github.com/avigad/mathematics_in_lean_source"
   :base-rst   "~/bigsrc/mathematics_in_lean_source/MIL/"
   :base       "index"
   :rst        ".lean"
;; (find-2a nil '(find-leanrstdoc-links 'ee-leandoc-:leanmaths))

;; «ee-rstdoc-:leanmaths»  (to ".ee-rstdoc-:leanmaths")
;; Skels: (find-rstdoc-links :leanmaths)
;;   See: (find-es "lean" ":leanmaths")
;;   Try: (find-leanmathsdoc  "index")
;;        (find-leanmathsdocw "index")
;;        (find-leanmathsdocr "index")
;;        (find-leanmathsdocrfile "")
;;        (find-leanmathsdoc  "C02_Basics#calculating")
;;        (find-leanmathsdocw "C02_Basics#calculating")
;;        (find-leanmathsdocr "C02_Basics/S01_Calculating")
(setq ee-rstdoc-:leanmaths
      '(:base      "index"
        :base-web  "https://leanprover-community.github.io/mathematics_in_lean/"
        :base-html "file:///home/edrx/snarf/https/leanprover-community.github.io/mathematics_in_lean/"
        :base-rst  "~/bigsrc/mathematics_in_lean_source/MIL/"
        :rst       ".lean"
        :res       ("#.*$" "\\?.*$"
                    "\\.html$" "\\.txt$" "\\.rst$" "\\.md$" "\\.lean$"
                    "^file://+" "^/" "^home/edrx/" "^~/" "^snarf/" "^https:?/+"
        :kill      lmak

;; (find-code-rstdoc :leanmaths)
        (code-rstdoc :leanmaths)

;;;  __  __           _       ____        __ 
;;; |  \/  | ___  ___| |__   |  _ \ _ __ / _|
;;; | |\/| |/ _ \/ __| '_ \  | |_) | '__| |_ 
;;; | |  | |  __/ (__| | | | |  __/| |  |  _|
;;; |_|  |_|\___|\___|_| |_| |_|   |_|  |_|  
;; «ee-leandoc-:mechprf»  (to ".ee-leandoc-:mechprf")
(setq ee-leandoc-:mechprf
 '(:kw         "mechprf"
   :kill       "mpk"
   :base-web   "https://hrmacbeth.github.io/math2001/"
 ;;:base-rst   "$S/https/hrmacbeth.github.io/math2001/_sources/"
   :git-repo   "https://github.com/hrmacbeth/math2001"
   :git-subdir "Math2001/"
   :base       "index"
   :rst        ".rst.txt"
;; (find-2a nil '(find-leanrstdoc-links 'ee-leandoc-:mechprf))

;; «ee-rstdoc-:mechprf»  (to ".ee-rstdoc-:mechprf")
;; Skels: (find-rstdoc-links :mechprf)
;;   See: (find-es "lean" ":mechprf")
;;   Try: (find-mechprfdoc  "index")
;;        (find-mechprfdocw "index")
;;        (find-mechprfdocr "index")
;;        (find-mechprfdocrfile "")
(setq ee-rstdoc-:mechprf
      '(:base      "index"
        :base-web  "https://hrmacbeth.github.io/math2001/"
        :base-html "file:///home/edrx/snarf/https/hrmacbeth.github.io/math2001/"
        :base-rst  "~/usrc/math2001/Math2001/"
        :rst       ".rst.txt"
        :res       ("#.*$" "\\?.*$"
                    "\\.html$" "\\.txt$" "\\.rst$" "\\.md$" "\\.lean$"
                    "^file://+" "^/" "^home/edrx/" "^~/" "^snarf/" "^https:?/+"
        :kill      mpk

;; (find-code-rstdoc :mechprf)
        (code-rstdoc :mechprf)

;; «lt2021leo»  (to ".lt2021leo")
;; "Lean 4 - an overview"
;; https://leanprover-community.github.io/lt2021/schedule.html
;; https://leanprover-community.github.io/lt2021/slides/leo-LT2021.pdf
(code-pdf-page "lt2021leo" "$S/https/leanprover-community.github.io/lt2021/slides/leo-LT2021.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "lt2021leo" "$S/https/leanprover-community.github.io/lt2021/slides/leo-LT2021.pdf")
;; (find-lt2021leopage)
;; (find-lt2021leotext)

;; «lt2021leom»  (to ".lt2021leom")
;; "Lean 4 - metaprogramming"
;; https://leanprover-community.github.io/lt2021/schedule.html
;; https://leanprover-community.github.io/lt2021/slides/leo-LT2021-meta.pdf
(code-pdf-page "lt2021leom" "$S/https/leanprover-community.github.io/lt2021/slides/leo-LT2021-meta.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "lt2021leom" "$S/https/leanprover-community.github.io/lt2021/slides/leo-LT2021-meta.pdf")
;; (find-lt2021leompage)
;; (find-lt2021leomtext)

;; «lt2021sebastianleo»  (to ".lt2021sebastianleo")
;; (find-youtubedl-links "/sda5/videos/" "Lean_Together_2021_-_Metaprogramming_in_Lean_4" "hxQ1vvhYN_U" ".webm" "lt2021sebastianleo")
(code-video "lt2021sebastianleovideo" "/sda5/videos/Lean_Together_2021_-_Metaprogramming_in_Lean_4-hxQ1vvhYN_U.webm")
;; (find-lt2021sebastianleovideo)
;; (find-lt2021sebastianleovideo "0:00")

;; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeGvhfW1v9M Lean Together 2021: An overview of Lean 4

;; Local Variables:
;; coding:  utf-8-unix
;; End: