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-- This file: -- http://angg.twu.net/sheavesforchildren/zhas.lua -- http://angg.twu.net/sheavesforchildren/zhas.lua.html -- (find-angg "sheavesforchildren/zhas.lua") -- -- (find-lua51manualw3m "") -- (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "ierusalimschy") -- (find-pil2page 8 "Contents") -- (find-pil2text 8 "Contents") -- 2014jun20 -- A class for calculating with ZHAs. -- Includes drawing tools, quick ways to compute and/or/imp/not/etc, -- and a quick way to apply modalities. -- «.ZHA» (to "ZHA") -- «.ZHA-tests» (to "ZHA-tests") coy = coroutine.yield cow = coroutine.wrap -- «ZHA» (to ".ZHA") ZHA = Class { type = "ZHA", specN = function (spec) local copydigit = function (s) return s:sub(1, 1):rep(#s) end return (spec:gsub("[1-9][LRV]+", copydigit)) end, fromspec = function (spec) local z = ZHA {spec = spec} z.specN = ZHA.specN(spec) z.maxy = #spec - 1 local relL, relR = 0, 0 local minx, maxx = 0, 0 for y=1,z.maxy do local a, deltaL, deltaR = z:yaction(y) relL = relL + deltaL relR = relR + deltaR minx = min(relL, minx) maxx = max(relR, maxx) end z.x0 = - minx z.L = {[0] = z.x0} z.R = {[0] = z.x0} z.maxx = - minx + maxx for y=1,z.maxy do local a, deltaL, deltaR = z:yaction(y) z.L[y] = z.L[y-1] + deltaL z.R[y] = z.R[y-1] + deltaR end return z end, fromspeclr = function (spec) return ZHA.fromspec(spec):calclrminmax() end, -- __index = { yC = function (z, y) return z.spec :sub(y+1, y+1) end, yN = function (z, y) return tonumber(z.specN:sub(y+1, y+1)) end, yaction = function (z, y) if z:yC(y) == "L" then return "L", -1, -1 end if z:yC(y) == "R" then return "R", 1, 1 end if z:yC(y) == "V" then return "V", 0, 0 end if z:yN(y) == z:yN(y-1)+1 then return "+", -1, 1 end if z:yN(y) == z:yN(y-1)-1 then return "-", 1, -1 end end, -- -- Coordinates, both (x,y) and (l,r) xytol = function (z, x, y) return (y - (x - z.x0)) / 2 end, xytor = function (z, x, y) return (y + (x - z.x0)) / 2 end, xytolr0 = function (z, x, y) return z:xytol(x, y), z:xytor(x, y) end, xytolr = function (z, x, y) return z:xytol(x, y)..z:xytor(x, y) end, lrtoxy0 = function (z, l, r) return r - l + z.x0, l + r end, lrtolr0 = function (z, lr) return tonumber(lr:sub(1, 1)), tonumber(lr:sub(2, 2)) end, lrtoxy = function (lr) local l, r = tonumber(lr:sub(1, 1)), tonumber(lr:sub(2, 2)) return lrtoxy0(l, r) end, -- -- Compute minl[], maxl[], minr[], maxr[], lrtop calclrminmax = function (z) z.minl, z.minr, z.maxl, z.maxr = {}, {}, {}, {} local minmax = function (a, b, c) return min((a or b), b), max(b, (c or b)) end local lrminmax = function (l, r) z.minl[r], z.maxl[r] = minmax(z.minl[r], l, z.maxl[r]) z.minr[l], z.maxr[l] = minmax(z.minr[l], r, z.maxr[l]) end for y=0,z.maxy do lrminmax(z:xytolr0(z.L[y], y)) lrminmax(z:xytolr0(z.R[y], y)) end z.lrtop = z:xytolr(z.L[z.maxy], z.maxy) return z end, -- -- Drawing (in ascii) lrline = function (z, y, f) f = f or function (lr) return lr end s = string.rep(" ", z.L[y]) .. f(z:xytolr(z.L[y], y)) for x=z.L[y]+2,z.R[y],2 do s = s .. " " .. f(z:xytolr(x, y)) end return s end, odotline = function (z, y) return string.rep(" ", z.L[y]).."o"..string.rep(".o", z:yN(y) - 1) end, drawf = function (z, f) for y=z.maxy,0,-1 do print(z:lrline(y, f)) end return z end, drawL = function (z, str) z:drawf(L(str)); return z end, drawE = function (z, str) local f = L(str) z:drawf(function (P) return Eq(P, f(P)) end) return z end, -- -- Less or equal (e.g., for testing adjunctions) le = function (z, Plr, Qlr) local Pl, Pr = z:lrtolr0(Plr) local Ql, Qr = z:lrtolr0(Qlr) return Pl <= Ql and Pr <= Qr end, le11 = function (z, Plr, Qlr) return z:le(Plr, Qlr) and "11" or "00" end, -- -- And, Or, Implies, Not lrand = function (z, Plr, Qlr) local Pl, Pr = z:lrtolr0(Plr) local Ql, Qr = z:lrtolr0(Qlr) return min(Pl, Ql)..min(Pr, Qr) end, lror = function (z, Plr, Qlr) local Pl, Pr = z:lrtolr0(Plr) local Ql, Qr = z:lrtolr0(Qlr) return max(Pl, Ql)..max(Pr, Qr) end, lrimp = function (z, Plr, Qlr) local Pl, Pr = z:lrtolr0(Plr) local Ql, Qr = z:lrtolr0(Qlr) if Pl <= Ql and Pr <= Qr then return z.lrtop end if Pl > Ql and Pr > Qr then return Qlr end if Pl <= Ql then return z.maxl[Qr]..Qr end if Ql <= Pl then return Ql..z.maxr[Ql] end return "??" end, lrnot = function (z, Plr) return z:lrimp(Plr, "00") end, -- -- Modalities topmostbelowlr0 = function (z, l, r) if z.maxr[l] <= r then return l..min(z.maxr[l], r) else return min(z.maxl[r], l)..r end end, topmostbelowlr = function (z, lr) return z:topmostbelowlr0(z:lrtolr0(lr)) end, modality0 = function (z, lstr, rstr, l, r) local newl = tonumber(lstr:sub(l+1, l+1)) local newr = tonumber(rstr:sub(r+1, r+1)) return z:topmostbelowlr0(newl, newr) end, modality = function (z, lstr, rstr, lr) return z:modality0(lstr, rstr, z:lrtolr0(lr)) end, -- -- Drawing the contour and cuts (in LaTeX) lrtopcoords = function (z, dl, dr, l, r) -- return format("(%3.1f,%3.1f)", l, r) -- return format("(%3.1f,%3.1f)", dl+l, dr+r) local newl,newr = dl+l, dr+r local x,y = z:lrtoxy0(newl, newr) return format("(%3.1f,%3.1f)", x, y) end, -- outerangles0 = function (z) local left, right = {}, {} local l,r = 0,0 while true do l = z.maxl[r] table.insert(left, {l=l, r=r}); print("left", l, r) r = z.minr[l + 1] if not r then break end table.insert(left, {l=l, r=r}); print("left", l, r) end local l,r = 0,0 while true do r = z.maxr[l] table.insert(right, {l=l, r=r}); print("right", l, r) l = z.minl[r + 1] if not l then break end table.insert(right, {l=l, r=r}); print("right", l, r) end return left, right end, leftcut0 = function (z, l) return z.minr[l+1], z.maxr[l] end, rightcut0 = function (z, l) return z.minl[r+1], z.maxr[l] end, -- outerangles = function (z) local path = {} local corner = function (dl, dr, l, r) -- table.insert(path, format("(%f,%f)", l, r)) table.insert(path, z:lrtopcoords(dl, dr, l, r)) end corner(-0.5, -0.5, 0, 0) local ltop, rtop = z:lrtolr0(z.lrtop) local left, right = z:outerangles0() for _,lr in ipairs(left) do corner(0.5, -0.5, lr.l, lr.r) end corner(0.5, 0.5, ltop, rtop) for i=#right,1,-1 do local lr = right[i] corner(-0.5, 0.5, lr.l, lr.r) end corner(-0.5, -0.5, 0, 0) return " \\draw[outer] "..table.concat(path, " -- ")..";\n" end, leftcut = function (z, l) local r1, r2 = z.minr[l+1], z.maxr[l] return " \\draw[cut] "..z:lrtopcoords(0.5, -0.5, l, r1).." -- ".. z:lrtopcoords(0.5, 0.5, l, r2)..";\n" end, rightcut = function (z, r) local l1, l2 = z.minl[r+1], z.maxl[r] return " \\draw[cut] "..z:lrtopcoords(-0.5, 0.5, l1, r).." -- ".. z:lrtopcoords( 0.5, 0.5, l2, r)..";\n" end, -- genpoints = function (z) return cow(function () for y=z.maxy,0,-1 do for x=z.L[y],z.R[y],2 do local l,r = z:xytolr0(x,y) coy(z, x, y, l, r) end end end) end, }, } -- Make (f*g)(a, b, c) behave as f(g(a, b, c)) -- See: (find-LATEX "2014-1-GA-P2-gab.lua") debug.setmetatable (print, { __mul = function (f, g) return function (...) return f(g(...)) end end, }) -- Lambda eval = function (str) return assert(loadstring(str))() end expr = function (str) return eval("return "..str) end L00 = function (args, body) return string.format("function (\%s) return \%s end", args, body) end L0 = function (str) local args, body = str:match("^\%s*(\%S+)\%s+(.*)$") return L00(args, body) end L = function (str) return expr(L0(str)) end -- Shorthands for some operations Le = function (P, Q) return z:le11 (P, Q) end Or = function (P, Q) return z:lror (P, Q) end And = function (P, Q) return z:lrand(P, Q) end Imp = function (P, Q) return z:lrimp(P, Q) end Not = function (P) return z:lrnot(P) end Top = function () return z.lrtop end Eq = function (P, Q) return P==Q and '11' or '00' end -- Elementary J-operators -- (find-books "__cats/__cats.el" "fourman") -- (find-slnm0753page (+ 14 329) "2.18 Elementary J-operators") Jo = function (P) return function (Q) return Or(P, Q) end end Ji = function (P) return function (Q) return Imp(P, Q) end end Jb = function (R) return function (Q) return Imp(Imp(Q, R), R) end end Jf = function (P, Q) return function (R) return And(Or(P, R), Imp(Q, R)) end end Jand = function (J1, J2) return function (P) return And(J1(P), J2(P)) end end Jor = function (J1, J2) return function (P) return Or(J1(P), J2(P)) end end -- The generic J-operator: Jm = function (lstr, rstr) return function (Q) return z:modality(lstr, rstr, Q) end end -- M = L "P z:modality('1133556', '02244', P)" -- M = Jm("1133556", "02244") --[[ -- «ZHA-tests» (to ".ZHA-tests") -- (find-books "__cats/__cats.el" "slnm0753") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "zhas.lua" z = ZHA.fromspec "123LL432L1" z = ZHA.fromspeclr("123LL432L1"):drawf() z:drawL "P Not(P) " z:drawL "P Not(Not(P)) " z:drawL "P Eq(P, Not(Not(P)))" z:drawL "P And(P, '21')" z:drawL "P Imp(P, '21')" z:drawL "P Imp('21', P)" z:drawL "P Le('21', P)" z:drawL "P Le(P, '21')" -- Test my definition of "implies": -- For every Q and R the two "draw"s below -- should draw the same down-set. Q, R = "20", "11" Q, R = "20", "00" z:drawL "P Le(And(P, Q), R)" z:drawL "P Le(P, Imp(Q, R))" * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "zhas.lua" z = ZHA.fromspeclr("1234567654321"):drawf() My = Jm("0123456", "0123456") My = Jm("0133456", "0144456") z:drawf(L "P Eq(P, My(P))") z:drawL "P Eq(P, My(P))" z:drawE "P My(P) " -- (find-books "__cats/__cats.el" "fourman") -- (find-slnm0753page (+ 14 329) "2.18 Elementary J-operators") -- (find-slnm0753page (+ 14 329) "(i) J_a p = a v p") -- (find-slnm0753page (+ 14 330) "(ii) J^a p = a -> p") z:drawE "P Jo'25' (P)" z:drawE "P Jo'41' (P)" z:drawE "P Ji'25' (P)" z:drawE "P Ji'41' (P)" -- (find-slnm0753page (+ 14 331) "(i) J_a v J_b = J_avb") z:drawE "P Jor(Jo'41', Jo'25')(P)" z:drawE "P Jo(Or('41', '25'))(P)" -- (find-slnm0753page (+ 14 331) "(ii) J^a v J^b = J_a&b") z:drawE "P Jor(Ji'41', Ji'25')(P)" z:drawE "P Ji(And('41', '25'))(P)" -- (find-slnm0753page (+ 14 331) "(iii) J_a & J_b = J_a&b") z:drawE "P Jand(Jo'41', Jo'25')(P)" z:drawE "P Jo(And('41', '25'))(P)" -- (find-slnm0753page (+ 14 331) "(iv) J^a & J^b = J^avb") z:drawE "P Jand(Ji'41', Ji'25')(P)" z:drawE "P Ji(Or('41', '25'))(P)" -- (find-slnm0753page (+ 14 331) "(v) J_a & J^a = bot") z:drawE "P Jand(Jo'41', Ji'41')(P)" -- (find-slnm0753page (+ 14 331) "(vi) J_a v J^a = top") z:drawE "P Jor(Jo'41', Ji'41')(P)" -- (find-slnm0753page (+ 14 331) "(vii) J_a v K = K o J_a") z:drawE "P Jor(Jo'41', My)(P)" z:drawE "P My(Jo'41'(P))" -- (find-slnm0753page (+ 14 331) "(viii) J^a v K = J_a o K") z:drawE "P Jor(Ji'41', My)(P)" z:drawE "P Ji'41'(My(P))" -- (find-slnm0753page (+ 14 331) "(ix) J_a v B_a = B_a") z:drawE "P Jor(Jo'41', Jb'41')(P)" z:drawE "P Jb'41'(P)" -- (find-slnm0753page (+ 14 331) "(x) J^a v B_b = B_a->b") z:drawE "P Jor(Ji'41', Jb'25')(P)" z:drawE "P Jb(Imp('41', '25'))(P)" z:drawE "P Jand(Jb'44', Jb'22')(P)" z:drawE "P Jand(Jand(Jb'44', Jb'22'), Jb'00')(P)" z:drawE "P Ji(Or('41', '25'))(P)" z:drawE "P Ji(Or('41', '25'))(P)" z:drawE "P Jb('23')(P)" z:drawE "P Jb('41', '25')(P)" z:drawE "P Jand(Jo'41', Jo'25')(P) " z:drawE "P Jo(And('41', '25'))(P) " z:drawf(L "P Eq(P, Jo'41'(P)) ") z:drawf(L "P Eq(P, Jo'25'(P)) ") z:drawf(L "P Eq(P, And(Jo'41'(P), Jo'25'(P)))") z:drawf(L "P Eq(P, Jo(And('41', '25'))(P)) ") z:drawf(L "P Eq(P, Ji'41'(P)) ") z:drawf(L "P Eq(P, Ji'25'(P)) ") z:drawf(L "P Eq(P, And(Ji'41'(P), Ji'25'(P)))") z:drawf(L "P Eq(P, Jo(And('41', '25'))(P)) ") -- M = Jm("1133556", "02244") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "zhas.lua" z = ZHA.fromspeclr("123LLLRRRLL21"):drawf() = z:outerangles() = z:outerangles().. z:leftcut(0).. z:leftcut(2).. z:leftcut(3).. z:rightcut(0).. z:rightcut(1).. z:rightcut(2) for z,x,y,l,r in z:genpoints() do -- print(x,y,l,r) printf("\\draw[color=red] (%d,%d) -- (%d,%d);\n", x, y, x, y+1); end for z,x,y,l,r in z:genpoints() do printf("\\draw (%d,%d) node {\\scriptsize %d%d};\n", x, y, l, r); end draw = function (str) print(" \\draw "..str..";") end do draw(z:outerangles()) draw(z:leftcut(0)) draw(z:leftcut(2)) draw(z:leftcut(3)) draw(z:rightcut(0)) draw(z:rightcut(1)) draw(z:rightcut(2)) end #* # (defun c () (interactive) (eev-bounded) (find-zsh0 "ee")) # (defun cc () (interactive) (eev-bounded) (find-zsh "ee")) # (defun d () (interactive) (find-xpdfpage "/tmp/tikz/test1.pdf")) # (find-angg ".emacs.papers" "tikz") mkdir /tmp/tikz/ cd /tmp/tikz/ cat > test1.tex <<'%%%' \documentclass{book} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{luacode} \begin{document} \tikzset{axis/.style=very thick} \tikzset{tick/.style=thick} \tikzset{grid/.style=gray,very thin} \tikzset{outer/.style=gray,very thin} \tikzset{cut/.style=very thick} % Hello:% \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.33] % \clip (-2-0.4, -3-0.4) rectangle (4+0.4, 5+0.4); % \draw[step=1cm,grid] (-2,-3) grid (4,5); % \draw[axis] (-10,0) -- (10,0); % \draw[axis] (0,-10) -- (0,10); % \foreach \x in {-10,...,10} \draw[tick] (\x,-0.2) -- (\x,0.2); % \foreach \y in {-10,...,10} \draw[tick] (-0.2,\y) -- (0.2,\y); % \draw[outer] (5.0,-1.0) -- (-1.0,5.0) -- (2.0,8.0) -- (0.0,10.0) -- (3.0,13.0) -- (8.0,8.0) -- (5.0,5.0) -- (8.0,2.0) -- (5.0,-1.0); % \draw[color=red] (5,0) -- (5,1); \draw[cut] (4.0,0.0) -- (7.0,3.0); \draw[cut] (2.0,2.0) -- (5.0,5.0); \draw[cut] (1.0,3.0) -- (7.0,9.0); \draw[cut] (6.0,0.0) -- (0.0,6.0); \draw[cut] (7.0,1.0) -- (1.0,7.0); \draw[cut] (5.0,5.0) -- (2.0,8.0); % \draw (3,12) node {\scriptsize 75}; \draw (2,11) node {\scriptsize 74}; \draw (4,11) node {\scriptsize 65}; \draw (1,10) node {\scriptsize 73}; \draw (3,10) node {\scriptsize 64}; \draw (5,10) node {\scriptsize 55}; \draw (2,9) node {\scriptsize 63}; \draw (4,9) node {\scriptsize 54}; \draw (6,9) node {\scriptsize 45}; \draw (3,8) node {\scriptsize 53}; \draw (5,8) node {\scriptsize 44}; \draw (7,8) node {\scriptsize 35}; \draw (2,7) node {\scriptsize 52}; \draw (4,7) node {\scriptsize 43}; \draw (6,7) node {\scriptsize 34}; \draw (1,6) node {\scriptsize 51}; \draw (3,6) node {\scriptsize 42}; \draw (5,6) node {\scriptsize 33}; \draw (0,5) node {\scriptsize 50}; \draw (2,5) node {\scriptsize 41}; \draw (4,5) node {\scriptsize 32}; \draw (1,4) node {\scriptsize 40}; \draw (3,4) node {\scriptsize 31}; \draw (5,4) node {\scriptsize 22}; \draw (2,3) node {\scriptsize 30}; \draw (4,3) node {\scriptsize 21}; \draw (6,3) node {\scriptsize 12}; \draw (3,2) node {\scriptsize 20}; \draw (5,2) node {\scriptsize 11}; \draw (7,2) node {\scriptsize 02}; \draw (4,1) node {\scriptsize 10}; \draw (6,1) node {\scriptsize 01}; \draw (5,0) node {\scriptsize 00}; % \end{tikzpicture}% :bye \end{document} %%% lualatex test1.tex #* z = ZHA.fromspeclr("123LLLRRRLL21"):drawf() = leftcut(z, 0) = leftcut(z, 2) = leftcut(z, 3) = rightcut(z, 0) = rightcut(z, 1) = rightcut(z, 2) PP(z) M = Jm("11335567", "022445") z:drawE("P M(P)") z = ZHA.fromspeclr("12LLLRRRLL1"):drawf() M = Jm("1133556", "02244") z:drawf(L "P Eq(P, M(P))") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "zhas.lua" z = ZHA.fromspeclr("12LLLRRRLL1"):drawf() = z:topmostbelowlr("13") = z:topmostbelowlr("61") = z:topmostbelowlr("43") M = L "P z:modality('1133556', '02244', P)" z:drawf(L "P M(P)") z:drawf(L "P M(P)==P and '11' or '00'") z:drawf(L "P Eq(M(P), P)") * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "zhas.lua" z = ZHA.fromspeclr("123LL432L1"):drawf() z = ZHA.fromspeclr "123454321" z:calclrminmax() PP(z) for y=z.maxy,0,-1 do print(z:lrline(y)) end f = function (Q) return z:lrimp(Q, "22") end f = L "Q z:lrimp(Q, '22')" f = L "Q And(Q, '22')" for y=z.maxy,0,-1 do print(z:lrline(y, f)) end for y=z.maxy,0,-1 do print(z:lrline(y, L "Q And(Q, '22')")) end for y=z.maxy,0,-1 do print(z:lrline(y, L "Q And(Q, '11')")) end for y=z.maxy,0,-1 do print(z:lrline(y, L "Q Imp(Q, '22')")) end for y=z.maxy,0,-1 do print(z:lrline(y, L "Q Imp('22', Q)")) end z:drawf(L "Q Imp(Q, '22')") f = L "Q And(Or(Q, '31'), Or(Q, '13'))" for y=z.maxy,0,-1 do print(z:lrline(y, f)) end f = L "Q And(Or(Q, '11'), Or(Q, '33'))" for y=z.maxy,0,-1 do print(z:lrline(y, f)) end z = ZHA.fromspeclr("12LLLRRR1"):drawf() = z:topmostbelowlr("13") -- Old: * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "zhas.lua" z = ZHA{spec="1V21"} PP(z) PP(z:calcLR()) = z.str = ZHA{spec="1V21"}:calcLR().str = ZHA{spec="1234R3RLL21"}:calcLR().str z=ZHA{spec="1234R3RLL21"}:calcLR() PP(z) = z.ystr[4] = z.ystr[4]:gsub("()%.", function (a) print(a) return "!" end) = z:slashstr("/____", [=[\\___]=]) = z:slashstr("////_", [=[\\\\_]=]) = z:ddstr() slashize = tonumber "k" = tonumber "l" = tonumber "r" = tonumber "v" o/ / / / / / / /o/ Xo o\o o.o\o/ o.oXo o/o\o \o/o.o oXo.o.o o/o\o.o /o.o\o o.o\ o\ \ \ \ \ \_ /o /o\o <o.o\o \o.oXo >o/o\o /o/o.o /oXo.o.o /o/o\o.o o.o\o o.o o \o. .o\o. o.o\o/ .o.oXo. .o/o\o \o/o.o\ .oXo.o.o o/o\o.o. /o.o\o. .o.o\ .o. --]] --[====[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) ZPic = Class { type = "ZPic", new = function (zha, lower) end, globaldefs = function () return [[ \newdimen\mypictureunit \setbox0=\hbox{\rm0} \mypictureunit=.085\wd0 ]] end, __index = { params4 = function (p) local sh,sv,dh,dv = 7*p.zha.maxx+12, 7*p.zha.maxy+12, -6, 0 return format("(%d,%d)(%d,%d)", sh, sv, dh, dv) end, params = function (zha) local sh,sv,dh,dv,lv = 7*maxx+12, 7*maxy+12, -6, 0, (lower or 0)*7 return format("(%d,%d)(%d,%d)[%3.1f]", sh, sv, dh, dv, lv) end, dagpic0 = function (p,sh,sv,dh,dv,lower,body) local template = [[ \ensuremath{% \unitlength=!UNITLENGTH \lower!LOWER\unitlength\hbox{% \begin{picture}(!SH,!SV)(!DH,!DV) !BODY \end{picture}% }}]] local A = { UNITLENGTH="0.85ex", SH=sh, SV=sv, DH=dh, DV=dv, LOWER=lower, BODY=body } return (template:gsub("!([A-Z]+)", A)) end, }, } = foo(2,3,4,5,6,7) = ZPic {} = ZPic {} :dagpic0(2,3,4,5,6,7) params dagpictureheader0 = function (maxx, maxy, lower) local sh = 7*maxx + 12 local sv = 7*maxy + 12 local dh = -6 local dv = 0 local lv = (lower or 0)* 7 return format("(%d,%d)(%d,%d)[%3.1f]", sh, sv, dh, dv, lv) end bdagpictureheader = function (maxx, maxy, lower) return "\\bdagpicture"..dagpictureheader0(maxx, maxy, lower) end dc = function (x, y) local h = 7*x local v = 7*y return format("(%d,%d)", h, v) end dagputheader = function (x, y) return format("\\dagput(%d,%d)", 7*x, 7*y) end --]====] -- Local Variables: -- coding: raw-text-unix -- End: