Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
# This file:
#   https://github.com/edrx/pict2e-lua/
#   https://github.com/edrx/pict2e-lua/#introduction
#       http://angg.twu.net/pict2e-lua/README.org.html
#       http://angg.twu.net/pict2e-lua/README.org
#               (find-angg "pict2e-lua/README.org")
#               (find-angg "pict2e-lua/")
# Author: Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com>
# Some eev-isms:
# (defun c  () (interactive) (eek "C-c C-e h h"))
# (defun o  () (interactive) (find-angg "pict2e-lua/README.org"))
# (defun bl () (interactive) (find-TH   "pict2e-lua"))
# (defun v  () (interactive) (brg     "~/pict2e-lua/README.html"))
# (defun cv () (interactive) (c) (v))
# (defun m  () (interactive) (magit-status "~/pict2e-lua/"))
# (require 'ox-md)
# (org-md-export-to-markdown)
# (org-html-export-to-html)
# (find-mygitrepo-links "pict2e-lua")
# (find-orgnode "Table of Contents")
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil
#+OPTIONS: org-html-postamble:nil

* (eepitch-shell)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-shell)
cd ~/pict2e-lua/
rm -v *~
rm -v *.html

# (find-fline   "~/pict2e-lua/")
# (magit-status "~/pict2e-lua/")
# (find-gitk    "~/pict2e-lua/")
#   (s)tage all changes
#   (c)ommit -> (c)reate
#   (P)ush -> (p)ushremote
#   https://github.com/edrx/pict2e-lua

#+TITLE: Pict2e-lua: a Lua library that generates Pict2e code

* Introduction

# https://github.com/edrx/emlua/#introduction
# (find-angg "emlua/README.org")
# (find-TH "2022eev-svg")
# (find-TH "dednat6")
# (find-angg "LUA/Pict2e1.lua" "Pict2e-methods")
# (find-angg "LUA/Pict2e1.lua" "PictBounds-methods")
# (find-angg "LUA/Pict2e1.lua" "Show")

This is a Lua library that I am using to draw complex drawings in
LaTeX. It is a rewrite of some old modules that I wrote for [[http://angg.twu.net/dednat6/tug-slides.pdf][dednat6]];
these old modules could generate figures for Calculus (like [[http://angg.twu.net/2022eev-svg.html][these
ones]]) and for Heyting Algebras (like the ones [[http://angg.twu.net/math-b.html#zhas-for-children-2][here]]) using [[https://ctan.org/pkg/pict2e?lang=en][pict2e]] as
the back-end - my laptop is quite slow, so I prefer to use pict2e
instead of Tikz.

These old modules for Dednat6 were hard to use - I had to control by
hand the order of some nested blocks and indentation of the generated
code - so I decided to rewrite them using better classes. You can see
some nice methods of these new classes [[http://angg.twu.net/LUA/Pict2e1.lua.html#Pict2e-methods][here]] and [[http://angg.twu.net/LUA/Pict2e1.lua.html#PictBounds-methods][here]], but the nicest
thing of my Pict2e objects is that they can call methods from the [[http://angg.twu.net/LUA/Pict2e1.lua.html#Show][Show]]
class to save their LaTeX code to a file, compile the .tex file, and
report if the compilation went well - and if the compilation worked we
can make Emacs display the PDF by typing a single key. See the
screenshot below:

@@html:<a href="2022-pict2e-lua.png"><IMG SRC="2022-pict2e-lua-small.png"></a>@@

Future versions of this package will support [[https://github.com/edrx/emlua/#introduction][emlua]], and use it to make
Emacs display the new PDF as sson as it gets ready; and they will also
support generating both pict2e and [[http://angg.twu.net/2022eev-svg.html][SVG]]. Recompiling the .tex file and
displaying the new PDF takes 6 seconds in my machine, but displaying a
new SVG should take less than 0.5 seconds...

...but /this/ version is made to be very easy to test. To be honest,
this library is /not interesting in itself/ - but I think that it is
quite interesting as an example of a library that is being developed
using [[http://angg.twu.net/emacsconf2021.html][test blocks]], and that can be installed and tested using test
blocks. This is explained, with detailed instructions, here:


* (eepitch-shell)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-shell)
cp -v ~/IMAGES/2022-pict2e-lua.png .
cp -v ~/IMAGES/2022-pict2e-lua-small.png .
cp -v ~/LUA/Pict2e1.lua   .
cp -v ~/LUA/Pict2e1-1.lua .
cp -v ~/LUA/lua50init.lua edrxlib.lua
cp -v ~/LATEX/2022pict2e.tex .
cp -v ~/LATEX/edrx21.sty .
cp -v ~/LATEX/edrx21chars.tex .
cp -v ~/LATEX/edrx21defs.tex .
cp -v ~/LATEX/edrxaccents.tex .

git add .gitignore
git add README.org README.html README.md
git add Pict2e1.lua Pict2e1-1.lua edrxlib.lua
git add 2022-pict2e-lua.png
git add 2022-pict2e-lua-small.png
git add 2022pict2e.tex
git add edrx21.sty
git add edrx21chars.tex
git add edrx21defs.tex
git add edrxaccents.tex

* (setenv "LUA_INIT" "@/tmp/pict2e-lua/edrxlib.lua")
* (eepitch-shell)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-shell)
# (find-fline "/tmp/pict2e-lua/")
rm -Rfv /tmp/pict2e-lua/
mkdir   /tmp/pict2e-lua/
cd      /tmp/pict2e-lua/
git clone https://github.com/edrx/pict2e-lua .

# (code-c-d "pict2elua" "/tmp/pict2e-lua/" :anchor)
# (find-pict2elua "Pict2e1.lua")
# (find-pict2elua "Pict2e1-1.lua")


# Local Variables:
# coding:               utf-8-unix
# modes:                (org-mode fundamental-mode)
# org-html-postamble:   nil
# End: