Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
--- flua.lua - top level stuff: compile a demo to an engine file in C
--- and a bytecode file in Nasm.
-- Copyright (C) 2001 Eduardo Ochs.
-- Author:     Eduardo Ochs <edrx@mat.puc-rio.br>
-- Version:    0.02 (2001apr29).
-- This program was copylefted to prevent against patent psychopaths;
-- if you want a version with any other license you'll have to write
-- it yourself. More formally,
-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
-- License, or (at your option) any later version.

-- Flua is an experimental Forth-like language, built on top of Lua, C
-- and Nasm. It is an implementation of the ideas of my (old) "Crim"
-- project.
-- Related files:
-- (find-flua "flua-comp.lua")
-- (find-flua "flua-demos.lua")
-- (find-flua "flua-lua.lua")
-- (find-flua "inc.lua")

-- «.command_line»	(to "command_line")

DBG = getenv("DBG")

-- dofile("flua-demos.lua")

-- (find-flua "inc.lua")
-- (find-flua "flua-comp.lua")
-- (find-flua "flua-prims.lua")
-- (find-flua "flua-lua.lua")
-- (find-flua "flua-demos.lua")

action["%"]  = function()  tick(getword()) end
action["g%"] = function() gtick(getword()) end
action["\\"] = function() local _; _, _, rest = strfind(rest, "\n(.*)"); end
action["--"] = action["\\"]

action[":"]  = function()  tick(getword()); f("COL:") end
action["g:"] = function() gtick(getword()); f("COL:") end
action[":RSR"] = function() gtick(getword()); f("RSR:") end

--% Run the demo selected by arg[2] (if arg[1] is "do_demo(arg[2])")

function do_demo(demoname)
  demodir = ""
  enginefile   = format("%s%s.engine.c",     demodir, demoname)
  bytecodefile = format("%s%s.bytecode.asm", demodir, demoname)
  Cskelfile    = "skel.engine.c"
  nasmskelfile = "skel.bytecode.asm"

  -- getglobal("flua_" .. demoname)()
  f(readfile(demoname .. ".flua"))

  -- dump_engine_strings()

  process_C_skeleton(Cskelfile, enginefile)
  printf("Wrote engine file:   %s\n", enginefile)

  process_nasm_skeleton(nasmskelfile, bytecodefile)
  printf("Wrote bytecode file: %s\n", bytecodefile)

-- «command_line»  (to ".command_line")
-- (find-flua "Makefile")
-- (find-flua "flua-demos.lua" "flua_demo1")
-- (find-flua "flua-demos.lua" "flua_demo2")
-- (find-flua "flua-demos.lua" "flua_demo3")
-- (find-flua "flua-demos.lua" "flua_demo4")
-- (find-flua "flua-demos.lua" "flua_demo5")

ignore_this = [[
cd ~/LUA/flua-0.03/
lua -f flua.lua 'do_demo(arg[2])' demo1


-- Local Variables:
-- coding:               no-conversion
-- ee-anchor-format:     "«%s»"
-- ee-charset-indicator: "Ñ"
-- End: