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--- flua-comp.lua - compile a flua program into an engine file in C --- and a bytecode file in Nasm. -- -- Copyright (C) 2001 Eduardo Ochs. -- Author: Eduardo Ochs <edrx@mat.puc-rio.br> -- Version: 0.02 (2001apr29). -- -- This program was copylefted to prevent against patent psychopaths; -- if you want a version with any other license you'll have to write -- it yourself. More formally, -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as -- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the -- License, or (at your option) any later version. -- Flua is an experimental Forth-like language, built on top of Lua, C -- and Nasm. It is an implementation of the ideas of my (old) "Crim" -- project. -- -- Related files: -- (find-flua "flua.lua") -- (find-flua "flua-prims.lua") -- (find-flua "flua-demos.lua") -- (find-flua "flua-lua.lua") -- (find-flua "inc.lua") -- «.nasmnames» (to "nasmnames") -- «.xprims_structs» (to "xprims_structs") -- «.asm» (to "asm") -- «.lbl_glbl_tolbl» (to "lbl_glbl_tolbl") -- «.add_xxxprims» (to "add_xxxprims") -- «.strings» (to "strings") -- «.build_engine_strings» (to "build_engine_strings") -- «.skeleton_files» (to "skeleton_files") -- «.basic_parsing» (to "basic_parsing") -- «.getword» (to "getword") -- «.getrestofline» (to "getrestofline") -- «.getupto» (to "getupto") -- «.f» (to "f") -- «.tick» (to "tick") -- «.gtick» (to "gtick") -- «.dbstuff» (to "dbstuff") -- «.cnword» (to "cnword") -- «.c1word» (to "c1word") -- «.lua_code_in_flua» (to "lua_code_in_flua") -- «.getluaargs» (to "getluaargs") -- «.immed_lua» (to "immed_lua") -- «.word:lua» (to "word:lua") -- «.word:nasm» (to "word:nasm") -- «.word:dbstuff» (to "word:dbstuff") -- «.word:function» (to "word:function") -- «.tmplabels» (to "tmplabels") -- «.word:lbl:» (to "word:lbl:") -- «.word:tolbl» (to "word:tolbl") -- «.word:if» (to "word:if") -- «.word:then» (to "word:then") -- «.word:else» (to "word:else") --%%%%% --% --% «nasmnames» (to ".nasmnames") --% --%%%%% function nasmify(str) return gsub(str, "([^0-9A-Za-z_])", function (c) return format("x%02x", strbyte(c)) end) end function names2cname(arr) if getn(arr) == 0 then print("Tried to cname an empty array") end local cname = {} foreachi(arr, function(_, name) if not strfind(name, "[^0-9A-Za-z_]") then %cname[1] = name end end) return cname[1] or nasmify(arr[1]) end -- px(names2cname(split("TIMES *"))) -- px(names2cname(split("/ *"))) --%%%%% --% --% «xprims_structs» (to ".xprims_structs") --% --%%%%% -- We define this separately because SFprims uses it in a weird way. function basic_assert_used(xprims, cname) if not xprims.cname2usedp[cname] then xprims.cname2usedp[cname] = "used" tinsert(xprims.cnames_used, cname) xprims.cname2n[cname] = getn(xprims.cnames_used) end end function new_xprims_struct(opcode_first, opcode_step, use_all) local xprims = {} xprims.cnames = {} xprims.cname2code = {} xprims.cname2usedp = {} xprims.cnames_used = {} xprims.use_all = use_all xprims.assert_used = basic_assert_used xprims.add_cname_code = function(self, cname, code) if not self.cname2code[cname] then tinsert(self.cnames, cname) end self.cname2code[cname] = code if self.use_all then self:assert_used(cname) end end xprims.cname2n = {} xprims.n = function(self) return getn(self.cnames_used) end xprims.opcode_first = opcode_first xprims.opcode_step = opcode_step xprims.opcode = function(self, cname) if not self.cname2n[cname] then printf("No opcode for %s\n", cname) end return self.opcode_first + (self.cname2n[cname] - 1) * self.opcode_step end xprims.opcode_last = function(self) return self.opcode_first + (self:n() - 1) * self.opcode_step end xprims.forall_used = function(self, f) foreachi(self.cnames_used, function (i, cname) %f(cname, %self.cname2code[cname], %self.cname2n[cname]) end) end return xprims end Hprims = new_xprims_struct(0, 1) FIPprims = new_xprims_struct(65535, -1, "use_all") Fprims = new_xprims_struct(4095, -1) -- the "4096" will be adjusted later SFprims = new_xprims_struct(255, -1) -- and also some fields of SFprims function SFprims:assert_used(SFcname) Fprims:assert_used(strsub(SFcname, 2)) -- use the "F_xxx" from the "SF_xxx" basic_assert_used(SFprims, SFcname) end action = {} --%%%%% --% --% «asm» (to ".asm") --% --%%%%% function nasm(nbytes, ...) strings.nasmbytecode = strings.nasmbytecode .. call(format, arg) -- call(printf, arg) end function db_prim(symbol) nasm(1, "\tdb %s\n", symbol) end function dhl_prim(symbol) nasm(2, "\tdhl %s\n", symbol) end function db_forth(symbol) nasm(2, "\tdhl %s\n", symbol) end -- «lbl_glbl_tolbl» (to ".lbl_glbl_tolbl") function lbl(labelname) nasm(0, "%s:\n", labelname) end function glbl(labelname) nasm(0, " global %s\n", labelname) nasm(0, "%s:\n", labelname) end function tolbl(labelname) nasm(2, format("\tdw %s -_f0\n", labelname)) end --%%%%% --% --% «add_xxxprims» (to ".add_xxxprims") --% --%%%%% function foreach2(arr, f) local i=1 while i<=getn(arr) do f(arr[i], arr[i+1]) i=i+2 end end function add_Hprims(...) foreach2(arg, function(names_str, code) local cname = "H_"..names2cname(split(names_str)) Hprims:add_cname_code(cname, code) foreachi(split(names_str), function(i, name) local cname = %cname action[name] = function () Hprims:assert_used(%cname) db_prim(%cname) end action["H_"..name] = action[name] action[name..":"] = action[name] end) end) end Fprims.name2cname = {} function add_Fprims(...) foreach2(arg, function(names_str, code) local cname = "F_"..names2cname(split(names_str)) Fprims:add_cname_code(cname, code) foreachi(split(names_str), function(i, name) local cname = %cname Fprims.name2cname[name] = cname action[name] = function () Fprims:assert_used(%cname) dhl_prim(%cname) end action["F_"..name] = action[name] end) end) end function add_FIPprims(...) foreach2(arg, function(names_str, code) local cname = "FIP_"..names2cname(split(names_str)) FIPprims:add_cname_code(cname, code) end) end function add_SFprims(names_str, mark_as_used) foreachi(split(names_str), function(i, name) local Fcname = Fprims.name2cname[name] local SFcname = "S"..Fcname SFprims:add_cname_code(SFcname, Fcname) -- too skeletal? if %mark_as_used then SFprims:assert_used(SFcname) end action[name] = function () SFprims:assert_used(%SFcname) db_prim(%SFcname) end action["SF_"..name] = action[name] end) end --%%%%% --% --% «strings» (to ".strings") --% --%%%%% strings = {} strings.nasmbytecode = "" strings.Cextras1="" -- «build_engine_strings» (to ".build_engine_strings") function build_engine_strings() strings.Hprims="" strings.Fprims="" strings.SFprims="" strings.FIPprims="" strings.Cdefs="" strings.Cdefs_LAST="" Hprims:forall_used(function (cname, code, n) strings.Hprims = strings.Hprims .. format("case %s: %s\n", cname, code) strings.Cdefs = strings.Cdefs .. format("#define %-16s 0x%02X\n", cname, Hprims:opcode(cname)) end) FIPprims:forall_used(function (cname, code, n) strings.FIPprims = strings.FIPprims .. format("case %s: %s\n", cname, code) strings.Cdefs = strings.Cdefs .. format("#define %-16s 0x%02X\n", cname, FIPprims:opcode(cname)) end) SFprims:forall_used(function (cname, code, n) --strings.SFprims = strings.SFprims .. format("(SF) %s: %s\n", cname, code) strings.SFprims = strings.SFprims .. format("%s, ", code) strings.Cdefs = strings.Cdefs .. format("#define %-16s 0x%02X\n", cname, SFprims:opcode(cname)) end) Fprims.opcode_first = SFprims:opcode_last() * 256 - 1 Fprims:forall_used(function (cname, code, n) strings.Fprims = strings.Fprims .. format("case %s: %s\n", cname, code) strings.Cdefs = strings.Cdefs .. format("#define %-16s 0x%04X\n", cname, Fprims:opcode(cname)) end) strings.Cdefs_LAST = format("#define %-16s 0x%02X\n", "H_LAST", Hprims:opcode_last()) .. format("#define %-16s 0x%04X\n", "FIP_LAST", FIPprims:opcode_last()) .. format("#define %-16s 0x%02X\n", "SF_LAST", SFprims:opcode_last()) .. format("#define %-16s 0x%04X\n", "F_LAST", Fprims:opcode_last()) end -- dump_engine_strings(): for debugging. function dump_engine_strings() printf("\n/* Cdefs: */\n%s", strings.Cdefs) printf("\n/* Cdefs_LAST: */\n%s", strings.Cdefs_LAST) printf("\n/* Cextras1: */\n%s", strings.Cextras1) printf("\n/* Hprims: */\n%s", strings.Hprims) printf("\n/* FIPprims: */\n%s", strings.FIPprims) printf("\n/* Fprims: */\n%s", strings.Fprims) printf("\n/* SFprims: */\n%s", strings.SFprims) printf("\n/* nasmbytecode: */\n%s", strings.nasmbytecode) -- print(strings.nasmbytecode) end --%%%%% --% --% «skeleton_files» (to ".skeleton_files") --% --%%%%% function process_skeleton(skelstr, delim1, delim2, f) local rest, result = skelstr, "" local pre, d1, post, mid, d2 while 1 do pre, d1, post = split_at_first(rest, delim1) if not post then break end mid, d2, rest = split_at_first(post, delim2) -- result = result .. pre .. "/* [lua" .. mid .. "lua] */" .. dostring(mid) result = result .. pre .. f(mid) end return result .. rest end function process_C_skeleton(fnamein, fnameout) local str = process_skeleton(readfile(fnamein), "/**[lua", "lua]**/", function (mid) return "/*[lua" .. mid .. "lua]*/" .. dostring(mid) end) if fnameout then writefile(fnameout, str) end return str end function process_nasm_skeleton(fnamein, fnameout) local str = process_skeleton(readfile(fnamein), "\n;;; lua:", "\n", function (mid) return "\n;; lua:" .. mid .. "\n" .. dostring(mid) end) if fnameout then writefile(fnameout, str) end return str end --%%%%% --% --% «basic_parsing» (to ".basic_parsing") --% --%%%%% rest = "" word = "" restofline = "" -- «getword» (to ".getword") function getword() local _, tmprest _, _, word, tmprest = strfind(rest, "^%s*([^%s]+)(.*)") if word then if DBG then printf("getword: %q\n", word) end rest = tmprest return word end end -- «getrestofline» (to ".getrestofline") function getrestofline() local _ restofline, _, rest = split_at_first(rest, "\n", rest, "", "") return restofline end -- «getupto» (to ".getupto") function getupto(delim, canthave) local _, inner, tmprest inner, delim, tmprest = split_at_first(rest, delim) if not inner then printf("getupto(%q, %q), when rest = %q: no closing delim!\n", delim, canthave, rest) end if canthave and strfind(inner, canthave) then printf("getupto(%q, %q), when rest = %q: captured too much!\n", delim, canthave, rest) end if DBG then printf("getupto: inner=%q, delim=%q\n", inner, delim) end rest = tmprest return inner end -- «f» (to ".f") function f(str) local oldrest = rest rest = str while getword() do action[word]() end rest = oldrest end -- «tick» (to ".tick") function tick(name) local nasmname = "ADR_" .. nasmify(name) lbl(nasmname) action[name] = function () db_forth(%nasmname .. " -_f0") end end -- «gtick» (to ".gtick") function gtick(name) local nasmname = "ADR_" .. nasmify(name) glbl(nasmname) action[name] = function () db_forth(%nasmname .. " -_f0") end end -- «dbstuff» (to ".dbstuff") function dbstuff(...) local dbs, len = {}, 0 local i, obj, rest, _, str, c for i = 1, getn(arg) do obj = arg[i] if type(obj) == "string" then rest = obj while rest ~= "" do _, _, str, c, rest = strfind(rest, "^([ -&(-~]*)(.?)(.*)") if str ~= "" then tinsert(dbs, "'" .. str .. "'") len = len + strlen(str) end if c ~= "" then tinsert(dbs, strbyte(c)) len = len + 1 end end elseif type(obj) == "number" then tinsert(dbs, obj) len = len + 1 else error("weird type for db!") end end nasm(len, format("\tdb %s\n", join(dbs, ","))) end -- «cnword» (to ".cnword") function cnword(wordname, heads, cname) cname = cname or wordname tick(wordname) f(heads) nasm(4, format(" extern %s\n\tdd %s\n", cname, cname)) end -- «c1word» (to ".c1word") function c1word(name, cname) cnword(name, "C1:", cname) end --%%%%% --% --% «lua_code_in_flua» (to ".lua_code_in_flua") --% --%%%%% -- «word:lua» (to ".word:lua") -- The "lua" word implements a way (the simplest possible, I think) to -- execute lua code from Flua; for example, in Flua, -- -- lua <luacode> end; -- -- executes dostring(<luacode>>) immediately. Newlines are allowed in -- <luacode>. -- action["lua"] = function() dostring(getupto("end;")) end -- «getluaargs» (to ".getluaargs") function getluaargs() return getupto(");", "\n") end -- «immed_lua» (to ".immed_lua") function immed_lua(str) foreachi(split(str), function (i, funname) action[funname.."("] = function() dostring(%funname.."("..getluaargs()..")") end end) end -- «word:nasm» (to ".word:nasm") -- «word:dbstuff» (to ".word:dbstuff") immed_lua("nasm dbstuff") -- immed_lua implements a simple way to call Lua functions from Flua -- code... An example: running immed_lua("nasm dbstuff") is equivalent -- to running: -- -- action["nasm("] = function() dostring("nasm("..getluaargs()..")") end -- action["dbstuff("] = function() dostring("dbstuff("..getluaargs()..")") end -- -- and after that things like the following Flua block will work -- (i.e., making "f" run that block will add a definition for the word -- "2" to the nasm bytecode; a stack diagram for "2" is at the right): -- -- % 2 CON: nasm( 4, "\tdd 2\n"); -- 2 ( -- 2 ) -- -- Note that the word "nasm(" is executed "immediately" (in the Forth -- sense of "immediate"!), by Lua; action["nasm("]() will call -- getluaargs() to parse everything up to the ");", and then execute -- 'nasm(4, "\tdd 2\n")' with dostring. -- «word:function» (to ".word:function") action["function"] = function() local funname = getword() local body = getupto("end;") -- We define the function <funname> (callable from Lua): dostring(format("function %s %s end", funname, body)) -- Now we define the word "funname(", that calls the function <funname>. action[funname.."("] = function() dostring(%funname.."("..getluaargs()..")") end end -- The word "function" provides a way to actually define Lua (and -- Flua!) functions from inside Flua code. A slightly artificial -- example: in this block of flua code -- -- function printf (...) write(call(format, arg)) end; -- printf( "%s: %q\n", "rest", rest); -- -- the first line will work exactly as -- -- function printf (...) write(call(format, arg)) end -- action["printf("] = function() -- dostring("printf("..getluaargs()..")") -- end -- -- redefining the "printf" function of inc.lua, and the second line -- will execute immediately (in the Forth sense) -- -- printf("%s: %q\n", "rest", rest) -- -- as the "getluaargs()" will have returned [["%s: %q\n", "rest", rest]]. -- -- Note that in action["function"] "getupto" is called without the -- "canthave" argument; a call to "function" allows newlines before -- the "end;", while an invocation of a word created with immed_lua -- will complain if a newline is found before the ");". --%%%%% --% --% «tmplabels» (to ".tmplabels") --% --%%%%% function d2n(stack, depth) -- convert depth to n (top is depth=1) return getn(stack)-((depth or 1)-1) -- to do: check bounds end function newstack() local stack = {} local s_push, s_pop, s_pick, s_pock, s_pluck s_push = function (value) tinsert(%stack, value) end -- s_pop is currently a copy of s_pluck s_pick = function (depth) return %stack[d2n(%stack, depth)] end s_pock = function (depth, value) %stack[d2n(%stack, depth)] = value end s_pluck = function (depth) return tremove(%stack, d2n(%stack, depth)) end -- return stack, s_push, s_pop, s_pick, s_pock, s_pluck return stack, s_push, s_pluck, s_pick, s_pock, s_pluck end -- (find-node "(lua)tremove") -- (find-node "(lua)tinsert") ntmplabels = 0 tmplabelstack, tmplabelpush, tmplabelpop = newstack() function tmplabelname(str) local labelname, _ if str == ">" then -- push a new tmplabel on the stack ntmplabels = ntmplabels + 1 labelname = "LBL_"..ntmplabels tmplabelpush(labelname) return labelname else _, _, n = strfind(str, "^<([0-9]*)$") if n then -- pop some tmplabel from the stack return tmplabelpop(tonumber(n)) end end return "LBL_"..nasmify(str) end function gettmplabelname() return tmplabelname(getword()) end -- «word:lbl:» (to ".word:lbl:") -- «word:tolbl» (to ".word:tolbl") action["lbl:"] = function() lbl(gettmplabelname()) end action["tolbl"] = function() tolbl(gettmplabelname()) end -- «word:if» (to ".word:if") -- «word:then» (to ".word:then") -- «word:else» (to ".word:else") -- «words:if_then_else» (to ".words:if_then_else") -- (find-flua "flua-demos.lua" "flua_demo4") -- -- Some standard Forth control words. Note that we are not defining -- 0BRANCH and BRANCH now; the "user" will have to define them as Flua -- words, primitive or not -- and will have to follow the conventions -- of lbl and tolbl: the destination is stored as dw labelname-_f0. -- action["if"] = function() f("0BRANCH tolbl >") end action["else"] = function() f(" BRANCH tolbl > lbl: <2") end action["then"] = function() f("lbl: <") end -- -- Local Variables: -- coding: no-conversion -- ee-anchor-format: "«%s»" -- ee-charset-indicator: "Ñ" -- ee-comment-format: "-- %s\n" -- End: