Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
This is the `EMACS' file of GNU eev.
Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are
permitted provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved.
Author and version: Eduardo Ochs, 2004nov16 12:53
Portions of this file are quotes taken from the transcription of a
speech by Richard Stallman.
Latest version: <http://angg.twu.net/eev-current/EMACS>
      htmlized: <http://angg.twu.net/eev-current/EMACS.html>
    See also:   <http://angg.twu.net/eev-current/README.html>

These are some notes that I've put together for a workshop on Emacs
and Eev.  They are too messy.  You have been warned.

A Quick And Not-So-Gentle Introduction To Emacs

Some people think that Emacs is just a text editor that is too complex
and has too many features; and the "official" short description of
Emacs says: "GNU Emacs is the extensible self-documenting text editor".

I think that calling Emacs a text editor is a bit misleading -- that
doesn't point people to the right direction.  I prefer the following:

    Emacs is a Lisp environment that is sometimes used as an editor.

The purpose of this tutorial is to explain Emacs starting from the
Lisp side.  This is the way I have explained Emacs to people over the
years, and, from my experience, it is an approach that works very

I'll suppose that you have already installed eev.el in your machine --
see <http://angg.twu.net/eev-current/INSTALL.html> for installation

Lisp Expressions and Evaluation

Emacs has a key sequence that executes the Lisp expression that comes
just before the cursor (the cursor is called "point" in Emacs
terminology): C-x C-e, that is, control-x control-e.

[insert figure here: evaluating (+ 1 2), answer in the echo area].

[explain the term "sexp"]

Eev implements another key sequence for evaluating sexps: M-e. Until
eev-0.94.0 M-e worked as just a shortcut for C-e C-x C-e, that is, as
`end-of-line' followed by `eval-last-sexp'. The current function
associated to M-e, `eek-eval-sexp-eol', accepts a "prefix modifier"
that changes its behaviour:

      M-e: evaluate and show the result
  M-0 M-e: just highlight
  M-1 M-e: show the sexp as a string
  M-2 M-e: show the sexp as Lisp object (after `read')
  M-3 M-e: evaluate and do not show the result

M-E (that is, Meta-Shift-e; `eek-eval-last-sexp') is similar to M-e
but doesn't move the point to the end of the current line before
operating on the sexp before point. M-e is more useful than M-E, so it
got a key sequence that is easier to type.

More about evaluation:

                      evaluating numbers and strings	 
		           gives back the same	
		           numbers and strings	
3                               ----------->         3
-220.9                          ----------->         -220.9
-0220.900                       ----------->         -220.9
"abc"                           ----------->         "abc"
"a AA  b c"                     ----------->         "a AA  b c"

                        symbols work as variables:    
			 evaluating a symbol you  
			get the value currently   
			stored in its "value cell"
buffer-file-name                ----------->         "/tmp/screenshots.e"

                            evaluating lists	    
			 means applying a function
			    ("+" in this case)	    
			    on some arguments        
(+ 1 2 3)                       ----------->         6
(+ (+ 1 2) (+ 3 4))             ----------->         10
   |-----| |-----|
   the outer "+" receives
  the results of evaluating
      these lists             
                               look at the result:
                              lists are values too
(list 1 (+ 2 3) (list 4 5))     ----------->         (1 5 (4 5))
                              and note that the
                            first symbol of a list -
                         the one that gives the name of
                         the function, like "list" - is 
			   not evaluated as a variable

Buffers and windows

[Exercises with split windows]


C-x 2	-- split-window-vertically      (find-enode "Split Window")
C-x o   -- other-window 		(find-enode "Other Window")
C-x 0   -- delete-window 		(find-enode "Change Window")
C-x 1   -- delete-other-windows		(find-enode "Change Window")

C-x b   -- switch-to-buffer		(find-enode "Select Buffer")
C-x k   -- kill-buffer			(find-enode "Kill Buffer")
C-x C-s -- save-buffer			(find-enode "Saving")
C-x C-b	-- list-buffers			(find-enode "List Buffers")

C-x C-c -- save-buffers-kill-emacs	(find-enode "Saving")
C-x C-f -- find-file 			(find-enode "Visiting")
					(find-enode "Dired")

[RET works differently in text modes, in buffer-menu-mode and in
 dired-mode. Explain modes.]

C-g     -- keyboard-quit		(find-enode "Quitting")
M-x     -- execute-extended-command	(find-enode "M-x")
	    more about the minibuffer:	(find-enode "Minibuffer")
tab	-- for completion:		(find-enode "Completion")
	   for indentation:		(find-enode "Indentation")
	   in programming modes:	(find-enode "Basic Indent")

Variables, setq and quote

(setq a 10)
(setq a 22)
(* a a)

(set (quote a) 10)
(set       'a  10)
(quote (+ 4 5 (+ 6 7)))
      '(+ 4 5 (+ 6 7))
(list (quote +) 4 5 (list (quote +) 6 7))
(list       '+  4 5 (list       '+  6 7))


(defun square (a) (* a a))
(defun square (a) "I fooled you")
(square 5)

(* 5 5)
"I fooled you"

(symbol-function  'square)
(find-efunctionpp 'square)

 (lambda (a) (* a a))
((lambda (a) (* a a)) 5)
              (square 5)

(fset 'square (lambda (a) (* a a)))
(fset 'square (lambda (a) "I fooled you"))
(fboundp 'square)
(fmakunbound 'square)
(square 5)

(find-efunctiondescr 'lambda)
(find-efunctiondescr 'function)


(eq    "foo" (concat "f" "oo"))
(equal "foo" (concat "f" "oo"))

(assoc "a" '(("a" "b") ("c" "d")))
(find-elnode "Association Lists")

(defun f () (find-file "/etc/fstab"))

(eek "f o o b a r <left> <left> <left> !")
(eek "foobar    3*<left>               !")
(eesteps '("foobar" "3*<left>" "!"))

(find-efunction   'find-evariable)
(find-efunctionpp 'find-evariable)

Sexps that create new buffers
KIlling buffers with M-k

(list 5 6 7
      8 9
      (f 10
	 11 23 45)

echo foo
rm -Rfv  ~/tmp/foo
mkdir -p ~/tmp/foo/
cd        ~/tmp/foo/
touch bla
ls -l


% (eelatex-bounded)
% (find-efunction 'eelatex)
% (find-efunction 'eebd-function-is)
% eebd-function-is
% ee-once
% (find-sh "set | grep -a ^EE")

% (eelatex-bounded)
{\sl Hello}


Links on Lisp:

Early changelogs:
(find-eetcfile "")
(find-eetcfile "ONEWS.4")

(find-elnode "Evaluation")
(find-elnode "Lisp Data Types")
(find-elnode "Lists as Boxes")

(find-elinode "List Processing")

(code-ps "rootsoflisp" "$S/http/www.paulgraham.com/lib/paulgraham/jmc.ps")
(find-rootsoflisppage 1)

(code-ps "onlisp" "$S/http/www.paulgraham.com/lib/paulgraham/onlisp.ps.Z")
(find-onlisppage 11)

;; (find-enode "Point")

Quotes from <http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/emacs-paper.html>

    Editing Other Things

    Interactiveness is useful in many activities aside from editing text.
    For example, reading and replying to mail from other users ought to be
    interactive.  Many of these activities occasionally involve text
    editing: for example, editing the text of a reply.  If a special
    editor is implemented for the purpose, it can easily be much more work
    to write than all the rest of the system.  It is easier to write the
    other interactive system within the framework of an extensible editor.


    An EMACS system actually implements two different languages, the
    editing language and the programming language.  The editing language
    contains the commands users use for changing text.  These commands are
    implemented by programs written in the programming language.  When we
    speak of the _interpreter_, we mean the one which implements the
    programming language.  The editing language is implemented by the
    _command dispatcher_.


    An on-line extensible system must be able to accept and then
    execute new code while it is running.  This eliminates most
    popular programming languages except Lisp, APL and Snobol.  At the
    same time, Lisp's interpreter and its ability to treat functions
    as data are exactly what we need.


    The most basic kind of question that a user might want to ask is,
    "What does this command do?"  He can inquire about either a
    function name or a command character.  A library contains a
    documentation string for each function in it, and this is used to
    answer the question.  When the question is about a command
    character, the dispatch table is used to find the function object
    which is currently the definition of that character.  Then the
    library system is used to find the name of the function, and then,
    from that, the documentation string.

    The ability to ask what a certain command does only helps users
    who know what commands to ask about.  Other users need to ask,
    "What commands might help me now?"  EMACS attempts to answer this
    by listing all the functions whose names contain a given
    substring.  Since the function names tend to summarize what the
    functions do (such as `Forward Word' or `Indent for Comment') and
    follow systematic conventions, this is usually enough.  The list
    also contains the first line of each function's own documentation,
    and how to invoke the function with one or two characters, if that
    is possible.

    The documentation for a function is usually just a string of text,
    but it can also contain programs to be executed to print the
    documentation, interspersed with text to be printed
    literally.  This comes in handy when the description of one
    function refers to another function which is usually accessed as a
    one or two character command.  It is better to tell the user the
    short command, which he would actually use, than the name of the
    function which defines it.  But exactly which command--if any--runs
    the function in question depends on the user's customization.  What
    we do is to use a program, in the middle of the documentation
    string, which searches the dispatch table and prints the command
    which would invoke the desired function.  Another application of
    this facility is for functions which simply load a library and
    call a function in it.  The documentation string for such functions
    is a program to load the library and print the documentation of
    the function which would be called.

    To help users remember how to ask these questions, we make it
    simple and standard.  A special character, called the Help
    character, is used.  This character is only used for asking for
    help, and is always available.  Help is normally followed by
    another character which specifies the type of inquiry.  If the user
    does not remember these characters, he can type Help again to see
    a list of them.  To close the remaining loophole of confusion,
    EMACS prints a message about the Help character each time it
    starts up.

    Help is also available in the middle of typing a command.  For
    example, if you start to type the Replace String command and
    forget what arguments are required, type Help.  The documentation
    of the Replace String function will be printed to tell you what to
    do next.  Because questions are answered based on the data
    structures as they are at the moment, many changes in EMACS
    require no extra effort to update the documentation.  It is only
    necessary to update the documentation of each function whose
    definition is changed.  The format for EMACS library source files
    encourages this by requiring a documentation string for every
    function, between the function name and its definition.


    Research Through Development of Installed Tools

    The conventional wisdom has it that when a program intended for
    multiple users is to be written, specifications should be designed
    in advance.  It this is not done, the result will be inferior.
    The place to try anything new is in a research project which users
    will not see.
    Some people know better than this, but they have been silenced.

    The development of EMACS followed a path that most authorities
    would say is a direct route to disaster.  It was the continuous
    deformation of TECO into something which is totally unlike TECO,
    from the typical user's point of view.   And during the whole
    process, TECO and programs containing TECO were the only text
    editors we had on ITS.(8) Indeed, there are ways in which EMACS
    shows the results of not having been completely thought out in
    advance: such as, in being based on TECO rather than Lisp.  But it
    is still reliable enough to be widely used and imitated.  The
    disaster which would have been forecast has not occurred.
    Instead, a new and powerful way of constructing editors has been
    explored and shown to be good.
    I believe that this is no accident.  EMACS could not have been
    reached by a process of careful design, because such processes
    arrive only at goals which are visible at the outset, and whose
    desirability is established on the bottom line at the
    outset.  Neither I nor anyone else visualized an extensible editor
    until I had made one, nor appreciated its value until he had
    experienced it.  EMACS exists because I felt free to make
    individually useful small improvements on a path whose end was not
    in sight.
    While there was no overall goal, each small change had a specific
    purpose in terms of improving the text editor in general use, and
    each step had to be individually well designed and reliable.  This
    helped to keep things on the right track.  Research projects with
    no users tend to improve the state of the art of writing research
    projects, rather than the state of the art of writing usable
    system tools.
    The individual commands of EMACS benefited from a stage of
    unregulated experimentation also.  When the display processor and
    the capability for extension were created, many users began to
    write extensions, which developed into the complete editing
    environments of which EMACS is the most recent.  Each command in
    EMACS benefits from the experimentation by many different users
    customizing their editors in different ways since that time.  This
    experimentation was possible only because a programmable display
    editor existed.
    New implementations of EMACS can now be carefully designed,
    because they have the advantage of hindsight based on the original
    EMACS.  However, the implementor must carefully restrict his
    careful design to the parts of the editor that are already well
    understood.  To go beyond the original EMACS, he must experiment.
    But why isn't such a program of exploration doomed to be
    sidetracked by a blind alley, which will be unrecognized until too
    late? It is the extensibility, and a flexibility of mind, which
    solves this problem: many alleys will be tried at once, and blind
    alleys can be backed out of with minimal real loss.

    The programmable editor is an outstanding opportunity to learn to
    program! A beginner can see the effect of his simple program on
    the text he is editing; this feedback is fast and in an easily
    understood form.  Educators have found display programming to be
    very suited for children experimenting with programming, for just
    this reason (see LOGO).
    Programming editor commands has the additional advantage that a
    program need not be very large to be tangibly useful in editing.  A
    first project can be very simple.  One can thus slide very smoothly
    from using the editor to edit into learning to program with it.
    When large numbers of nontechnical workers are using a
    programmable editor, they will he tempted constantly to begin
    programming in the course of their day-to-day lives.  This should
    contribute greatly to computer literacy, especially because many
    of the people thus exposed will be secretaries taught by society
    that they are incapable of doing mathematics, and unable to
    imagine for a moment that they can learn to program.  But that
    won't stop them from learning it if they don't know that it is
    programming that they are learning! According to Bernard
    Greenberg, this is already happening with Multics EMACS.

;; Local Variables:
;; mode:                      text
;; coding:                    raw-text-unix
;; ee-anchor-format:          "«%s»"
;; ee-comment-prefix:         ";;"
;; sentence-end-double-space: t
;; End: