Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
-- process.lua: process files, lines, and heads.
--   all the lines in a file (by heads)
-- This file:
--   http://angg.twu.net/dednat5/process.lua.html
--   http://angg.twu.net/dednat5/process.lua
--                    (find-dn5 "process.lua")
-- Author: Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com>
-- Version: 2011apr09
-- License: GPL3

-- untabify        (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "untabify")
-- parse_pattern   (find-blogme4 "eval.lua" "parse_pattern")
-- ProcessLine     (find-dn4 "dednat4.lua" "abbrev-head")
-- ProcessBlock    (find-dn4 "dednat4.lua" "lua-head")
-- ProcessFile     (find-dn4 "dednat4.lua" "process")
-- ProcessWord     uses subj and pos; used by trees and dforth
-- Head
-- heads           (find-dn4 "dednat4.lua" "heads")
-- registerhead
-- AbbrevHead
-- LuaHead

-- «.registerhead»	(to "registerhead")
-- «.main-loop»		(to "main-loop")
-- «.abbrev-head»	(to "abbrev-head")
-- «.lua-head»		(to "lua-head")

require "prefixes"  -- (find-dn5 "prefixes.lua")

-- «registerhead» (to ".registerhead")
-- (find-dn4 "dednat4.lua" "heads")
heads = {}
registerhead = function (headstr)
    return function (head)
        head.headstr = headstr
        addabbrev(headstr, head, heads)
registerhead "" {}
headstrfor_ = function (lstr) return longestprefix(lstr, 1, heads) or "" end
headfor_    = function (lstr) return heads[headstrfor_(lstr)] end
headstrfor  = function (lstr) return lstr and headstrfor_(lstr) end
headfor     = function (lstr) return lstr and headfor_(lstr) end
fname  = "<none>"    -- used in error messages
flines = {}          -- like "subj", but is an array of strings
nline  = 1           -- like "pos"
linehead    = function (n) return headfor   (flines[n or nline]) end
lineheadstr = function (n) return headstrfor(flines[n or nline]) end
nextheadstr = function ()  return lineheadstr(nline + 1) end
set_nline  = function (nline_) nline = nline_; linestr = flines[nline] end
set_flines = function (flines_, fname_)
    fname  = fname_ or "<none>"
    flines = flines_
    allsegments = {}   -- (find-dn5 "segments.lua")
use_bigstr = function (bigstr, fname) set_flines(splitlines(bigstr), fname) end
use_fname  = function (fname) use_bigstr(readfile(fname), fname) end

-- «main-loop»  (to ".main-loop")
processlines = function ()
    while nline <= #flines do
      local head = linehead()
      if head.action then head.action() end
      set_nline(nline + 1)
process_bigstr = function (bstr, fn) use_bigstr(bstr, fn) processlines() end
process_fname  = function (fname)    use_fname(fname)     processlines() end

-- Two trivial heads:

-- «abbrev-head»  (to ".abbrev-head")
-- (find-dn4 "dednat4.lua" "abbrev-head")
-- (find-dn5 "prefixes.lua")
registerhead "%:*" {
  action = function ()
      local abbrev, expansion = linestr:match("^%%:*(.-)*(.-)*")
      addabbrev(abbrev, expansion)

-- «lua-head»  (to ".lua-head")
-- (find-dn4 "dednat4.lua" "lua-head")
lualinebody = function () return untabify(linestr):match("^%%L ?(.*)") end
registerhead "%L" {
  action = function ()
      local chunkname = fname..":%L:"..nline
      local lualines  = { lualinebody() }     -- get body of first line
      while nextheadstr() == "%L" do          -- when the next line is also %L
        set_nline(nline + 1)                     -- advance pointer
        table.insert(lualines, lualinebody())    -- add its body to the chunk
      local luacode = table.concat(lualines, "\n")
      assert(loadstring(luacode, chunkname))()

-- dump-to: tests
* (eepitch-lua51)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-lua51)
ee_dofile "process.lua"
ee_dofile "diags.lua"
ee_dofile "forth.lua"
foo [[
%L PP(abbrevs)
%L PP(abbrevs)
%L print("hlo"
%L .."bye")
linestr = "%L print('foo')"

-- (find-dn4 "dednat4.lua" "processfile")
-- dodemo = function (bigstr)
--     bigstr = bigstr:gsub("!", "*")
--     fname = "demo"
--     set_flines(bigstr)  -- now nline = 1
--     processlines()
--   end

foo_ = function (bigstr) process_bigstr(bigstr, "<foo>") end
foo  = function (bigstr) foo_(bigstr:gsub("!", "*")) end

-- dump-to: tests
* (eepitch-lua51)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-lua51)
ee_dofile "process.lua"
foo [[
%L PP(abbrevs)
%L PP(abbrevs)
%L print("hlo"
%L .."bye")
linestr = "%L print('foo')"

* (eepitch-lua51)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-lua51)
ee_dofile "process.lua"
ee_dofile "trees.lua"
foo [[

%L print("hello")


foo [[

foo [[
%:    1  2  3
%:    =======
%:     1+2+3
%:  --------app
%:  f(1+2+3)
%:  ^f(1+2+3)


-- Local Variables:
-- coding:             raw-text-unix
-- ee-anchor-format:   "«%s»"
-- End: