Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
;; (find-sh "cd ~/books/ && find * | sort")
;; (find-sh "cd ~/books/__etc/ && find * | sort")

;; «.adichie»		(to "adichie")
;; «.alexievich»	(to "alexievich")
;; «.aleksievitch»	(to "aleksievitch")
;; «.baldwin»		(to "baldwin")
;; «.balo»		(to "balo")
;; «.barker»		(to "barker")
;; «.basbaum»		(to "basbaum")
;; «.bauman»		(to "bauman")
;; «.berger»		(to "berger")
;; «.berenstein»	(to "berenstein")
;; «.berlim»		(to "berlim")
;; «.berman»		(to "berman")
;; «.bourdieu»		(to "bourdieu")
;; «.brandao»		(to "brandao")
;; «.carroll»		(to "carroll")
;; «.carson»		(to "carson")
;; «.carson-sappho»	(to "carson-sappho")
;; «.coetzee»		(to "coetzee")
;; «.damasio»		(to "damasio")
;; «.debroy»		(to "debroy")
;; «.dodsworth»		(to "dodsworth")
;; «.dukes»		(to "dukes")
;; «.eco»		(to "eco")
;; «.eidelsztein»	(to "eidelsztein")
;; «.ehrenreich»	(to "ehrenreich")
;; «.fairclough»	(to "fairclough")
;; «.freire»		(to "freire")
;; «.gates»		(to "gates")
;; «.graham-stephens»	(to "graham-stephens")
;; «.goffman»		(to "goffman")
;; «.goldstein»		(to "goldstein")
;; «.hine»		(to "hine")
;; «.hornbacher»	(to "hornbacher")
;; «.hooks»		(to "hooks")
;; «.grossman»		(to "grossman")
;; «.gurdjieff»		(to "gurdjieff")
;; «.harari»		(to "harari")
;; «.hari»		(to "hari")
;; «.historia-da-africa»  (to "historia-da-africa")
;; «.hochschild»		(to "hochschild")
;; «.ignatiev»			(to "ignatiev")
;; «.jung»			(to "jung")
;; «.kagan»			(to "kagan")
;; «.kahneman»			(to "kahneman")
;; «.kazantzakis»		(to "kazantzakis")
;; «.klein»			(to "klein")
;; «.kopenawa»			(to "kopenawa")
;; «.kropotkin»			(to "kropotkin")
;; «.lacan»			(to "lacan")
;; «.lacqueur»			(to "lacqueur")
;; «.leary»			(to "leary")
;; «.leguin»			(to "leguin")
;; «.levi-strauss»		(to "levi-strauss")
;; «.levi-strauss-strant»	(to "levi-strauss-strant")
;; «.levi-strauss-morava»	(to "levi-strauss-morava")
;; «.lindqvist»			(to "lindqvist")
;; «.livjacob»			(to "livjacob")
;; «.lukianoff-haidt»		(to "lukianoff-haidt")
;; «.maturana-varela»		(to "maturana-varela")
;; «.mauss»			(to "mauss")
;; «.mycorrhizal-ecology»	(to "mycorrhizal-ecology")
;; «.narby»		(to "narby")
;; «.nodari-amaral»	(to "nodari-amaral")
;; «.odisseia»		(to "odisseia")
;; «.patai-corral»	(to "patai-corral")
;; «.pinkflag»		(to "pinkflag")
;; «.pirsig»		(to "pirsig")
;; «.plinio-marcos»	(to "plinio-marcos")
;; «.quinet»		(to "quinet")
;; «.racter»		(to "racter")
;; «.redfield»		(to "redfield")
;; «.ross»		(to "ross")
;; «.roth»		(to "roth")
;; «.safatle»		(to "safatle")
;; «.sandman»		(to "sandman")
;; «.smith»		(to "smith")
;; «.snyder»		(to "snyder")
;; «.stein»		(to "stein")
;; «.stoltenberg»	(to "stoltenberg")
;; «.strugatskys»	(to "strugatskys")
;; «.tarot»		(to "tarot")
;; «.thunberg»		(to "thunberg")
;; «.twain»		(to "twain")
;; «.wilson»		(to "wilson")
;; «.wohlleben»		(to "wohlleben")
;; «.costura»			(to "costura")
;; «.anthropology-of-landscape»	(to "anthropology-of-landscape")
;; «.ancientknowledge»		(to "ancientknowledge")
;; «.gobook»			(to "gobook")

;; «adichie»  (to ".adichie")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "adichie")
(code-pdf-page "hibiscoroxo" "~/books/__etc/adichie__hibisco_roxo.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "hibiscoroxo" "~/books/__etc/adichie__hibisco_roxo.pdf" 1)
;; (find-hibiscoroxopage)
;; (find-hibiscoroxopage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-hibiscoroxopage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-hibiscoroxotext "")

;; «alexievich»  (to ".alexievich")
;; «aleksievitch»  (to ".aleksievitch")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "alexievich")
;; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Svetlana_Alexievich
;; https://img.travessa.com.br/capitulo/COMPANHIA_DAS_LETRAS/VOZES_DE_TCHERNOBIL_A_HISTORIA_ORAL_DO_DESASTRE_NUCLEAR-9788535927085.pdf
(code-pdf-page "aleksievitchvtch" "$S/https/img.travessa.com.br/capitulo/COMPANHIA_DAS_LETRAS/VOZES_DE_TCHERNOBIL_A_HISTORIA_ORAL_DO_DESASTRE_NUCLEAR-9788535927085.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "aleksievitchvtch" "$S/https/img.travessa.com.br/capitulo/COMPANHIA_DAS_LETRAS/VOZES_DE_TCHERNOBIL_A_HISTORIA_ORAL_DO_DESASTRE_NUCLEAR-9788535927085.pdf")
;; (find-aleksievitchvtchpage)
;; (find-aleksievitchvtchtext)

;; «baldwin»  (to ".baldwin")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "baldwin")
(code-pdf-page "gtiotm" "~/books/__etc/baldwin__go_tell_it_on_the_mountain.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "gtiotm" "~/books/__etc/baldwin__go_tell_it_on_the_mountain.pdf" 1)
;; (find-gtiotmpage)
;; (find-gtiotmpage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-gtiotmpage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-gtiotmtext "")

;; «balo»  (to ".balo")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "balo")
;; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_birds_of_Egypt
;; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flight_feather#Wing_formula
;; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bird%27s_wing
;; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bird_anatomy
;; http://angg.twu.net/tmp/bird_anatomy_for_artists.pdf
(code-pdf-page "birdanatomy" "~/books/__etc/bird_anatomy_for_artists.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "birdanatomy" "~/books/__etc/bird_anatomy_for_artists.pdf" 1)
;; (find-birdanatomypage)
;; (find-birdanatomypage        7  "Contents")
;; (find-birdanatomypage (+ 2  69) "Index")
;; (find-birdanatomypage (+ 2  76) "wing formula")
;; (find-birdanatomypage (+ 2  81) "aspect ratio")
;; (find-birdanatomytext "")

;; «barker»  (to ".barker")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "barker")
;; https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23268743.2013.863656
(code-pdf-page "barkerpsf" "~/books/__etc/barker__the_problem_of_sexual_fantasies.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "barkerpsf" "~/books/__etc/barker__the_problem_of_sexual_fantasies.pdf" 1)
;; (find-barkerpsfpage)
;; (find-barkerpsfpage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-barkerpsfpage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-barkerpsftext "")

;; «basbaum»  (to ".basbaum")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "basbaum")
;; https://rbtxt.wordpress.com/manual_do_artista_etc/
;; https://rbtxt.files.wordpress.com/2020/04/manual_do_artista_etc.pdf

;; «bauman»  (to ".bauman")
(code-xpdf      "baumancons" "~/books/__etc/bauman__consuming_life.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "baumancons" "~/books/__etc/bauman__consuming_life.pdf")
(code-xpdf      "baumanliqm" "~/books/__etc/bauman__liquid_modernity.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "baumanliqm" "~/books/__etc/bauman__liquid_modernity.pdf")
(code-xpdf      "baumanamb"  "~/books/__etc/bauman__modernity_and_ambivalence.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "baumanamb"  "~/books/__etc/bauman__modernity_and_ambivalence.pdf")
;; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radicalization
;; (find-baumanconspage        5  "Contents")
;; (find-baumanconspage (+ 6 158) "Index")
;; (find-baumanconspage (+ 6   1) "no worse deprivation")
;; (find-baumanconspage (+ 6   1) "Introduction")
;; (find-baumanconstext "")
;; (find-baumanliqmpage        3  "Contents")
;; (find-baumanliqmpage (+ 4 202) "Afterthought")
;; (find-baumanliqmpage (+ 4 225) "Index")
;; (find-baumanliqmtext "")
;; (find-baumanambpage      1  "Contents")
;; (find-baumanambpage (+ 1 1) "Index")
;; (find-baumanambtext "")

;; «berger» (to ".berger")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "berger")
(code-pdf       "waysofseeing" "~/books/__etc/berger__ways_of_seeing.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "waysofseeing" "~/books/__etc/berger__ways_of_seeing.pdf" 1)
;; (find-waysofseeingpage)
;; (find-waysofseeingpage         1  "Contents")
;; (find-waysofseeingpage (+ -23 45) "the social presence of a woman")
;; (find-waysofseeingtext "")

;; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pDE4VX_9Kk
;; 10:00 a subsstitute for what the paintings lost when cameras

;; «berenstein»  (to ".berenstein")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "berenstein")
;; http://nadiaberenstein.com/blog Flavor added
;; https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/u/0/#search/thesis/FMfcgxwDrlVnQPgLLnlTlnpZMTdkVwQf
;;   Here is my dissertation. my favorite parts are the second half of
;; chapter 2, chapter 4, and chapter 7, and the more personal parts of
;; the introduction. The PDF is bookmarked to the start of each
;; chapter in the bookmarks menu.

(code-pdf-page "flavoradded" "~/books/__etc/berenstein__flavor_added_dissertation_copy_for_sharing.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "flavoradded" "~/books/__etc/berenstein__flavor_added_dissertation_copy_for_sharing.pdf" 48)
;; (find-flavoraddedpage)
;; (find-flavoraddedpage        11 "Contents")
;; (find-flavoraddedtext        11 "Contents")
;; (find-flavoraddedpage (+ 48   1) "Chapter 1: Flavor by Formula")
;; (find-flavoraddedpage (+ 48  77) "Chapter 2: A Flavor You Can't Forget")
;; (find-flavoraddedpage (+ 48 146) "Chapter 3: Assembling the Human Instrument")
;; (find-flavoraddedpage (+ 48 212) "Chapter 4: Fresh, Easy, New")
;; (find-flavoraddedpage (+ 48 277) "Chapter 5: Designing Flavors for Mass Consumption")
;; (find-flavoraddedpage (+ 48 332) "Chapter 6: The Sniffing Machine")
;; (find-flavoraddedpage (+ 48 384) "Chapter 7: The Creative Flavorist at Work")
;; (find-flavoraddedpage (+ 48 457) "Bibliography")
;; (find-flavoraddedtext "")

;; «berlim»  (to ".berlim")
;; http://ufrr.br/editora/index.php/ebook
;; http://ufrr.br/editora/index.php/editais?download=452
(code-pdf-page "berlimnevoa" "~/books/Literatura de Circunstncia vol 2 - Ebook.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "berlimnevoa" "~/books/Literatura de Circunstncia vol 2 - Ebook.pdf")
;; (find-berlimnevoapage)
;; (find-berlimnevoatext)
;; (find-berlimnevoapage (+ 1 130) "A névoa")
;; (find-berlimnevoatext (+ 1 130) "A névoa")
;; https://www.revista-pub.org/post/brasil2029
(code-pdf-page "berlimbalada" "~/books/Brasil2029-2ed.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "berlimbalada" "~/books/Brasil2029-2ed.pdf")
;; (find-berlimbaladapage)
;; (find-berlimbaladatext)
;; (find-berlimbaladapage 13 "Juliana Berlim")
;; (find-berlimbaladatext 13 "Juliana Berlim")

;; «berman» (to ".berman")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "berman")
(code-pdf       "tudoqueesolido" "~/books/__etc/berman__tudo_que_e_solido_desmancha_no_ar.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "tudoqueesolido" "~/books/__etc/berman__tudo_que_e_solido_desmancha_no_ar.pdf" 1)
;; (find-tudoqueesolidopage)
;; (find-tudoqueesolidopage        5  "Contents")
;; (find-tudoqueesolidopage (+ 30 85) "Marx")
;; (find-tudoqueesolidotext "")

;; «bourdieu»  (to ".bourdieu")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "bourdieu")
(code-pdf-page "boutroling" "~/books/__etc/bourdieu__a_economia_das_trocas_linguisticas.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "boutroling" "~/books/__etc/bourdieu__a_economia_das_trocas_linguisticas.pdf" 1)
;; (find-boutrolingpage)
;; (find-boutrolingpage        5  "Contents")
;; (find-boutrolingpage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-boutrolingtext "")

;; «brandao»  (to ".brandao")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "brandao")
;; https://ozigurate.com.br/2020/08/27/lilith-deusa-mesopotamica-primeira-mulher-de-adao/
(code-pdf-page "gilgamesh" "~/books/__etc/brandao__a_epopeia_de_gilgamesh.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "gilgamesh" "~/books/__etc/brandao__a_epopeia_de_gilgamesh.pdf" 1)
;; (find-gilgameshpage)
;; (find-gilgameshpage        2  "Contents")
;; (find-gilgameshpage       48  "Tabuinha 1")
;; (find-gilgameshpage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-gilgameshtext "")

;; «carroll»  (to ".carroll")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "carroll")
(code-pdf-page "lnap" "~/books/__etc/carroll__liber_null_and_psychonaut.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "lnap" "~/books/__etc/carroll__liber_null_and_psychonaut.pdf" 1)
;; (find-lnappage)
;; (find-lnappage        7  "Contents")
;; (find-lnappage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-lnaptext "")

;; «carson»  (to ".carson")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "carson")

;; «carson-sappho»  (to ".carson-sappho")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "carson-sappho")
;; (find-LATEX "catsem-ab.bib" "bib-CarsonSappho")
(code-pdf-page "ifnotwinter" "~/books/__etc/carson__if_not_winter_fragments_of_sappho.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "ifnotwinter" "~/books/__etc/carson__if_not_winter_fragments_of_sappho.pdf" 16)
;; (find-ifnotwinterpage)
;; (find-ifnotwinterpage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-ifnotwinterpage (+ 16 26) "Fragment 16")
;; (find-ifnotwintertext "")

(code-xpdf "unlost0" "~/books/__etc/carson__economy_of_the_unlost__000_frontmatter.pdf")
(code-xpdf "unlost1" "~/books/__etc/carson__economy_of_the_unlost__001_chapter_1.pdf")
(code-xpdf "unlost2" "~/books/__etc/carson__economy_of_the_unlost__002_chapter_2.pdf")
(code-xpdf "unlost3" "~/books/__etc/carson__economy_of_the_unlost__003_chapter_3.pdf")
(code-xpdf "unlost4" "~/books/__etc/carson__economy_of_the_unlost__004_chapter_4.pdf")
(code-xpdf "unlost5" "~/books/__etc/carson__economy_of_the_unlost__005_backmatter.pdf")
;; (find-unlost0page           1  "Contents")
;; (find-unlost1page           1  "Index")
;; (find-unlost2page (+  -44  45) "Index")
;; (find-unlost3page (+  -72  73) "Index")
;; (find-unlost4page (+  -99 100) "Index")
;; (find-unlost5page (+ -119 120) "Contents")

;; <carson-rome>
;; Anne Carson: "The Fall of Rome - A Traveller's Guide" (first part)
;; https://canlit.ca/full-issue/?issue=106
;; https://canlit.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/CL106-Full-Issue.pdf
(code-pdf-page "carsonrome" "$S/https/canlit.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/CL106-Full-Issue.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "carsonrome" "$S/https/canlit.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/CL106-Full-Issue.pdf" 2)
;; (find-carsonromepage)
;; (find-carsonrometext)
;; (find-carsonromepage (+ 2 76) "Anne Carson")
;; (find-carsonrometext (+ 2 76) "Anne Carson")

;; «coetzee»  (to ".coetzee")
;; (find-angg ".emacs.papers" "coetzee")
;; http://gigapedia.org/items/35571/the-lives-of-animals
;; ~/books/__etc/coetzee__the_lives_of_animals.tgz
;; http://gigapedia.org/items/119322/waiting-for-the-barbarians--penguin-great-books-of-the-20th-century-
;; ~/books/__etc/coetzee__waiting_for_the_barbarians.rtf
(code-xpdf      "coetzeewb" "~/books/__etc/coetzee__waiting_for_the_barbarians.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "coetzeewb" "~/books/__etc/coetzee__waiting_for_the_barbarians.pdf")
;; (find-coetzeewbpage      1  "Contents")
;; (find-coetzeewbpage (+ 1 1) "Index")
;; (find-coetzeewbtext "")

;; «damasio»  (to ".damasio")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "damasio")
(code-pdf-page "damasioedd" "~/books/__etc/damasio__o_erro_de_descartes.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "damasioedd" "~/books/__etc/damasio__o_erro_de_descartes.pdf" 1)
;; (find-damasioeddpage)
;; (find-damasioeddpage        5  "Contents")
;; (find-damasioeddpage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-damasioeddtext "")

;; «debroy»  (to ".debroy")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "debroy")
(code-pdf-page "debroy" "~/books/__etc/debroy__the_bhagavad_gita.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "debroy" "~/books/__etc/debroy__the_bhagavad_gita.pdf" 1)
;; (find-debroypage)
;; (find-debroypage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-debroypage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-debroytext "")

;; «dodsworth»  (to ".dodsworth")
;; https://editoradraco.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/conto-alexey-quarentena1.pdf
;; "Amor em Antares"
(code-pdf-page "dodsworthaa" "$S/https/editoradraco.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/conto-alexey-quarentena1.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "dodsworthaa" "$S/https/editoradraco.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/conto-alexey-quarentena1.pdf")
;; (find-dodsworthaapage)
;; (find-dodsworthaatext)

;; «dukes»  (to ".dukes")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "dukes")
(code-pdf-page "ssotbme" "~/books/__etc/dukes__ssotbme_revised_an_essay_on_magic.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "ssotbme" "~/books/__etc/dukes__ssotbme_revised_an_essay_on_magic.pdf" 1)
;; (find-ssotbmepage)
;; (find-ssotbmepage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-ssotbmepage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-ssotbmetext "")

;; «eco»  (to ".eco")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "eco")
(code-pdf-page "ecorolereader" "~/books/__etc/eco__the_role_of_the_reader.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "ecorolereader" "~/books/__etc/eco__the_role_of_the_reader.pdf" 1)
;; (find-ecorolereaderpage)
;; (find-ecorolereaderpage 2 "Contents")
;; (find-ecorolereaderpage 8 "0.2.2. Model Readers for closed texts")
;; (find-ecorolereadertext "")

(code-pdf-page "thenameoftherose" "~/books/__etc/eco__the_name_of_the_rose.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "thenameoftherose" "~/books/__etc/eco__the_name_of_the_rose.pdf" 1)
;; (find-thenameoftherosepage)
;; (find-thenameoftherosepage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-thenameoftherosepage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-thenameoftherosetext "")
;; (find-thenameoftherosepage 19 "ad modum avis volantis")
;; (find-thenameoftherosetext 19 "ad modum avis volantis")

(code-pdf-page "ilnomedellarosa" "~/books/__etc/eco__il_nome_della_rosa.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "ilnomedellarosa" "~/books/__etc/eco__il_nome_della_rosa.pdf" 1)
;; (find-ilnomedellarosapage)
;; (find-ilnomedellarosapage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-ilnomedellarosapage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-ilnomedellarosatext "")
;; (find-ilnomedellarosapage 20 "ad modum avis volantis")
;; (find-ilnomedellarosatext 20 "ad modum avis volantis")

;; «eidelsztein»  (to ".eidelsztein")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "eidelsztein")
(code-pdf-page "eidelgrafo" "~/books/__etc/eidelsztein__o_grafo_do_desejo.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "eidelgrafo" "~/books/__etc/eidelsztein__o_grafo_do_desejo.pdf" 1)
;; (find-eidelgrafopage)
;; (find-eidelgrafopage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-eidelgrafopage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-eidelgrafotext "")

;; «ehrenreich»  (to ".ehrenreich")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "ehrenreich")
(code-pdf-page "brightsided" "~/books/__etc/ehrenreich__bright-sided.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "brightsided" "~/books/__etc/ehrenreich__bright-sided.pdf" 1)
;; (find-brightsidedpage)
;; (find-brightsidedpage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-brightsidedpage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-brightsidedtext "")

;; «fairclough»  (to ".fairclough")
(code-djvu       "faircloughcda" "~/books/__etc/fairclough__critical_discourse_analysis_the_critical_study_of_language.djvu")
(code-djvutotext "faircloughcda" "~/books/__etc/fairclough__critical_discourse_analysis_the_critical_study_of_language.djvu")
(code-xpdf       "faircloughlg"  "~/books/__etc/fairclough__language_and_globalization.pdf")
(code-pdftotext  "faircloughlg"  "~/books/__etc/fairclough__language_and_globalization.pdf")
(code-xpdf       "faircloughnl"  "~/books/__etc/fairclough__new_labour_new_language_.pdf")
(code-pdftotext  "faircloughnl"  "~/books/__etc/fairclough__new_labour_new_language_.pdf")
(code-djvu       "faircloughdlm" "~/books/__etc/chouliaraki_fairclough__discourse_in_late_modernity.djvu")
(code-djvutotext "faircloughdlm" "~/books/__etc/chouliaraki_fairclough__discourse_in_late_modernity.djvu")
;; (find-faircloughnlpage         6  "Contents")
;; (find-faircloughnlpage (+ 11 177) "Index")
;; (find-faircloughnltext "")
;; (find-faircloughlgpage        6  "Contents")
;; (find-faircloughlgpage (+ 9 159) "Index")
;; (find-faircloughlgtext "")
;; (find-faircloughcdapage         3  "Contents")
;; (find-faircloughcdapage (+ 10 263) "Index")
;; (find-faircloughcdatext "")
;; (find-faircloughdlmpage        3  "Contents")
;; (find-faircloughdlmpage (+ 6 166) "Index")
;; (find-faircloughdlmtext "")

;; «freire» (to ".freire")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "freire")
;; https://www.facebook.com/livrosmarxistas/photos/a.1427329500851890.1073741828.1426466737604833/1730656860519151/
;; https://www.pensador.com/melhores_frases_paulo_freire_patrono_educacao_brasileira/
(code-pdf       "freirepesp" "~/books/__etc/freire__pedagogia_da_esperanca.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "freirepesp" "~/books/__etc/freire__pedagogia_da_esperanca.pdf" 1)
(code-pdf       "freirepopr" "~/books/__etc/freire__pedagogia_do_oprimido.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "freirepopr" "~/books/__etc/freire__pedagogia_do_oprimido.pdf" 1)
;; (find-freirepesppage)
;; (find-freirepesptext "")
;; (find-freirepoprpage)
;; (find-freirepoprtext "")

;; https://libcom.org/library/pedagogy-oppressed

;; «gates»  (to ".gates")
;; http://gigapedia.com/items/13698/business---the-speed-of-thought
(code-xpdf      "batstot" "~/books/__etc/gates__business_at_the_speed_of_thought.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "batstot" "~/books/__etc/gates__business_at_the_speed_of_thought.pdf")
;; (find-batstotpage      3  "Contents")
;; (find-batstotpage (+ 1 1) "Index")
;; (find-batstottext "")

;; «graham-stephens»  (to ".graham-stephens")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "graham-stephens")
;; and missed the point. Here's two modern viewpoints on it:
;; https://embraceasd.com/weak-theory-of-mind/
;; https://neuroclastic.com/2018/09/11/aspergers-and-empathy/
(code-pdf-page "philpsycho" "~/books/__etc/graham_stephens__philosophical_psychopathology.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "philpsycho" "~/books/__etc/graham_stephens__philosophical_psychopathology.pdf" 1)
;; (find-philpsychopage)
;; (find-philpsychopage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-philpsychopage (+ 2 163) "Autism and the \"Theory of Mind\" Debate")
;; (find-philpsychotext (+ 2 163) "Autism and the \"Theory of Mind\" Debate")
;; (find-philpsychopage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-philpsychotext "")

;; «goffman»  (to ".goffman")
;; http://gigapedia.com/items/268216/stigma--notes-on-the-management-of-spoiled-identity
;; http://gigapedia.com/items/52501/the-goffman-reader--blackwell-readers-
(code-xpdf      "stigma" "~/books/__etc/goffman__stigma.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "stigma" "~/books/__etc/goffman__stigma.pdf")
(code-xpdf      "goffmanreader" "~/books/__etc/lemert_branaman_eds__the_goffman_reader.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "goffmanreader" "~/books/__etc/lemert_branaman_eds__the_goffman_reader.pdf")
;; (find-goffmanreaderpage         5  "Contents")
;; (find-goffmanreaderpage (+ 69 109) "10. Social life as ritual")
;; (find-goffmanreadertext "")

;;  Estigma: p.16, p.26, p.38, p.43, p.81, p.86, p.87, p.89, 92, 101,
;;    104, 110, 111-113, 121, 131, 134, __151__ (overachiever), 152
;;    (desviante intragrupal)
;; (find-stigmapage   1 "Contents")
;; (find-stigmapage   9 "bears a stigma but does not seem to be impressed")
;; (find-stigmatext     "bears a stigma but does not seem to be impressed")
;; (find-stigmapage  76 "Cinderella syndrome")
;; (find-stigmatext     "Cinderella syndrome")
;; (find-stigmapage  78 "James Berry")
;; (find-stigmatext     "James Berry")
;; (find-stigmapage 116 "license to deviate")
;; (find-stigmatext     "license to deviate")
;; (find-stigmapage 117 "in-group deviant")
;; (find-stigmatext     "in-group deviant")
;; (find-stigmatext "")

;; «goldstein»  (to ".goldstein")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "goldstein")
(code-pdf-page "laughteroop" "~/books/__etc/goldstein__laughter_out_of_place_race_class_violence_and_sexuality_in_a_rio_shantytown.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "laughteroop" "~/books/__etc/goldstein__laughter_out_of_place_race_class_violence_and_sexuality_in_a_rio_shantytown.pdf" 48)
;; (find-laughterooppage)
;; (find-laughterooppage         9  "Contents")
;; (find-laughterooppage (+ 48   1) "Introduction")
;; (find-laughterooppage (+ 48 259) "7. What's So Funny about Rape?")
;; (find-laughterooppage (+ 48 341) "Index")
;; (find-laughterooptext "")

;; «hine»  (to ".hine")
(code-pdf-page "hinechaos" "~/books/__etc/hine__condensed_chaos.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "hinechaos" "~/books/__etc/hine__condensed_chaos.pdf" 1)
;; (find-hinechaospage)
;; (find-hinechaospage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-hinechaospage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-hinechaostext "")

;; «hornbacher»  (to ".hornbacher")
;; http://gigapedia.org/items/97164/wasted---a-memoir-of-anorexia-and-bulimia
(code-xpdf      "wasted" "~/books/__etc/hornbacher__wasted.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "wasted" "~/books/__etc/hornbacher__wasted.pdf" 4)
;; (ee-page-parameters "wasted" 4)
;; (find-wastedpage      4  "Contents")
;; (find-wastedpage (+ 4 9) "1. Childhood")
;; (find-wastedtext "")

;; «hooks»  (to ".hooks")
;; http://gigapedia.com/items/3023/where-we-stand--class-matters
;; http://gigapedia.com/items/156842/we-real-cool--black-men-and-masculinity
(code-xpdf      "wherewestand" "~/books/__etc/hooks__where_we_stand__class_matters.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "wherewestand" "~/books/__etc/hooks__where_we_stand__class_matters.pdf")
(code-xpdf      "werealcool" "~/books/__etc/hooks__we_real_cool__black_men_and_masculinity.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "werealcool" "~/books/__etc/hooks__we_real_cool__black_men_and_masculinity.pdf")
;; (find-wherewestandpage      6  "Contents")
;; (find-wherewestandpage (+ 9 1) "Introduction")
;; (find-wherewestandtext "")
;; (find-werealcoolpage       7  "Contents")
;; (find-werealcoolpage (+ 16 1) "Chapter 1")
;; (find-werealcooltext "")

;; «grossman»  (to ".grossman")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "grossman")
;; https://www.facebook.com/jorgealexandremoreiraescritor/photos/a.1660258227369867/2621992451196435/?type=3&theater on killing
;; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_Killing
;; https://www.terra.com.br/vida-e-estilo/saude/fezes-entranhas-e-sangue-confissoes-de-um-ex-funcionario-de-abatedouro,8d00e6ceaad1ac2336be7d0f5dc66ed7xijbfjb5.html
;; https://www.quora.com/How-did-ancient-warriors-handle-PTSD/answer/Jon-Bourgetti achilles in vietnam
(code-pdf-page "onkilling" "~/books/__etc/grossman__on_killing.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "onkilling" "~/books/__etc/grossman__on_killing.pdf" 1)
;; (find-onkillingpage)
;; (find-onkillingpage         7  "Contents")
;; (find-onkillingpage (+ 38   1) "1.")
;; (find-onkillingpage (+ 29 354) "Index")
;; (find-onkillingtext "")

;; «gurdjieff»  (to ".gurdjieff")
;; http://gigapedia.com/items/54791/in-search-of-the-miraculous
;; http://gigapedia.com/items/23715/meetings-with-remarkable-men--1991-09
;; http://gigapedia.com/items/54726/beelzebub--039-s-tales-to-his-grandson--all-and-everything--1st-series--all-and-everything-series-1-
(code-pdf-page "ouspenskym" "~/books/__etc/ouspensky__in_search_of_the_miraculous.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "ouspenskym" "~/books/__etc/ouspensky__in_search_of_the_miraculous.pdf")
;; (find-ouspenskympage      1  "Contents")
;; (find-ouspenskympage (+ 1 1) "Index")
;; (find-ouspenskymtext         "whoever of them awakens first")
;; (find-ouspenskymtext         "to steal if necessary")

(code-xpdf "gurdjieffm" "~/books/__etc/gurdjieff__meetings_with_remarkable_men.pdf")
;; (find-gurdjieffmpage      1  "Contents")
;; (find-gurdjieffmpage (+ 1 1) "Index")
(code-xpdf "gurdjieffb" "~/books/__etc/gurdjieff__beelzebub_s_tales_to_his_grandson.pdf")
;; (find-gurdjieffbpage      1  "Contents")
;; (find-gurdjieffbpage (+ 1 1) "Index")

;; «harari»  (to ".harari")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "harari")
(code-pdf-page "harari21" "~/books/__etc/harari__21_licoes_para_o_seculo_21.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "harari21" "~/books/__etc/harari__21_licoes_para_o_seculo_21.pdf" 1)
;; (find-harari21page)
;; (find-harari21page        5  "Contents")
;; (find-harari21page (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-harari21text "")

(code-pdf-page "hararihd" "~/books/__etc/harari__homo_deus.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "hararihd" "~/books/__etc/harari__homo_deus.pdf" 1)
;; (find-hararihdpage)
;; (find-hararihdpage        5  "Contents")
;; (find-hararihdpage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-hararihdtext "")

(code-pdf-page "hararisap" "~/books/__etc/harari__sapiens_uma_breve_historia_da_humanidade.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "hararisap" "~/books/__etc/harari__sapiens_uma_breve_historia_da_humanidade.pdf" 1)
;; (find-hararisappage)
;; (find-hararisappage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-hararisappage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-hararisaptext "")

;; «hari»  (to ".hari")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "hari")
(code-pdf-page "chasingthedream" "~/books/__etc/hari__chasing_the_scream_the_first_and_last_days_of_the_war_on_drugs.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "chasingthedream" "~/books/__etc/hari__chasing_the_scream_the_first_and_last_days_of_the_war_on_drugs.pdf" 1)
;; (find-chasingthedreampage)
;; (find-chasingthedreampage        5  "Contents")
;; (find-chasingthedreampage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-chasingthedreamtext "")

(code-pdf-page "lostconnections" "~/books/__etc/hari__lost_connections_uncovering_the_real_causes_of_depression_and_the_unexpected_solutions.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "lostconnections" "~/books/__etc/hari__lost_connections_uncovering_the_real_causes_of_depression_and_the_unexpected_solutions.pdf" 1)
;; (find-lostconnectionspage)
;; (find-lostconnectionspage        9  "Contents")
;; (find-lostconnectionspage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-lostconnectionstext "")

;; «historia-da-africa»  (to ".historia-da-africa")
;; http://www.unesco.org/new/pt/brasilia/about-this-office/single-view/news/general_history_of_africa_collection_in_portuguese_pdf_only/

;; «hochschild» (to ".hochschild")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "hochschild")
(code-pdf       "stritol" "~/books/__etc/hochschild__strangers_in_their_own_land.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "stritol" "~/books/__etc/hochschild__strangers_in_their_own_land.pdf" 1)
;; (find-stritolpage)
;; (find-stritolpage         8  "Contents")
;; (find-stritolpage (+ 15   3) "1.")
;; (find-stritolpage (+ 15 339) "Index")
;; (find-stritoltext "")

;; «ignatiev»  (to ".ignatiev")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "ignatiev")
(code-pdf-page "irishwhite" "~/books/__etc/ignatiev__how_the_irish_became_white.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "irishwhite" "~/books/__etc/ignatiev__how_the_irish_became_white.pdf" 1)
;; (find-irishwhitepage)
;; (find-irishwhitepage        5  "Contents")
;; (find-irishwhitepage (+ 8   6) "1. Something in the air")
;; (find-irishwhitetext "")

;; «jung» (to ".jung")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "jung")
(code-pdf       "jungsot" "~/books/__etc/jung_adler_hull__symbols_of_transformation.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "jungsot" "~/books/__etc/jung_adler_hull__symbols_of_transformation.pdf" 0)
;; (find-jungsotpage)
;; (find-jungsotpage       13  "Contents")
;; (find-jungsotpage (+ 0 776) "Index")
;; (find-jungsottext "")

(code-pdf       "jungtaatcu" "~/books/__etc/jung__the_archetypes_and_the_collective_unconscious.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "jungtaatcu" "~/books/__etc/jung__the_archetypes_and_the_collective_unconscious.pdf" 1)
;; (find-jungtaatcupage)
;; (find-jungtaatcupage         8  "Contents")
;; (find-jungtaatcupage (+ 36 421) "Index")
;; (find-jungtaatcutext "")

;; «kagan» (to ".kagan")
;; "The Three Cultures: Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, and the Humanities in the 21st Century"
(code-pdf-page "threecultures" "~/books/__etc/kagan__the_three_cultures.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "threecultures" "~/books/__etc/kagan__the_three_cultures.pdf")
;; (find-threeculturespage         7  "Contents")
;; (find-threeculturespage (+ 14 301) "Index")
;; (find-threeculturestext "")

;; (find-fline "~/books/__etc/snow__the_two_cultures.tgz")

;; «kahneman»  (to ".kahneman")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "kahneman")
(code-pdf-page "thifastandslow" "~/books/__etc/kahneman__thinking_fast_and_slow.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "thifastandslow" "~/books/__etc/kahneman__thinking_fast_and_slow.pdf" 1)
;; (find-thifastandslowpage)
;; (find-thifastandslowpage        4  "Contents")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-thifastandslowtext "")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage 15 "The distinction between fast and slow thinking")
;; (find-thifastandslowtext 15 "The distinction between fast and slow thinking")

;; The distinction between fast and slow thinking has been explored by
;; many psychologists over the last twenty-five years. For reasons
;; that I explain more fully in the next chapter, I describe mental
;; life by the metaphor of two agents, called System 1 and System 2,
;; which respectively produce fast and slow thinking. I speak of the
;; features of intuitive and deliberate thought as if they were traits
;; and dispositions of two characters in your mind. In the picture
;; that emerges from recent research, the intuitive System 1 is more
;; influential than your experience tells you, and it is the secret
;; author of many of the choices and judgments you make. Most of this
;; book is about the workings of System 1 and the mutual influences
;; between it and System 2.

;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0   8) "Introduction")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0  18) "Part I. Two Systems")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0  20) "1. The Characters of the Story")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0  30) "2. Attention and Effort")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0  36) "3. The Lazy Controller")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0  45) "4. The Associative Machine")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0  53) "5. Cognitive Ease")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0  63) "6. Norms, Surprises, and Causes")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0  69) "7. A Machine for Jumping to Conclusions")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0  77) "8. How Judgments Happen")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0  84) "9. Answering an Easier Question")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0  92) "Part II. Heuristics and Biases")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0  94) "10. The Law of Small Numbers")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0 103) "11. Anchors")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0 112) "12. The Science of Availability")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0 119) "13. Availability, Emotion, and Risk")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0 126) "14. Tom W's Specialty")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0 134) "15. Linda: Less is More")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0 143) "16. Causes Trump Statistics")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0 100) "17. Regression to the Mean")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0 100) "18. Taming Intuitive Predictions")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0 100) "Part III. Overconfidence")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0 100) "19. The Illusion of Understanding")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0 100) "20. The Illusion of Validity")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0 100) "21. Intuitions Vs. Formulas")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0 100) "22. Expert Intuition: When Can We Trust It?")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0 100) "23. The Outside View")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0 100) "24. The Engine of Capitalism")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0 100) "Part IV. Choices")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0 100) "25. Bernoulli's Errors")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0 100) "26. Prospect Theory")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0 100) "27. The Endowment Effect")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0 100) "28. Bad Events")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0 100) "29. The Fourfold Pattern")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0 100) "30. Rare Events")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0 100) "31. Risk Policies")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0 100) "32. Keeping Score")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0 100) "33. Reversals")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0 100) "34. Frames and Reality")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0 100) "Part V. Two Selves")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0 100) "35. Two Selves")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0 100) "36. Life as a Story")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0 100) "37. Experienced Well-Being")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0 100) "38. Thinking About Life")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0 100) "Conclusions")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0 100) "Appendix A: Judgment Under Uncertainty")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0 100) "Appendix B: Choices, Values, and Frames")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0 100) "Acknowledgments")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0 100) "Notes")
;; (find-thifastandslowpage (+ 0 100) "Index")

;; «kazantzakis»  (to ".kazantzakis")
;; http://gigapedia.com/items/299128/the-odyssey--a-modern-sequel--touchstone-books-
(code-xpdf      "kazantzakisod" "~/books/__etc/kazantzakis__the_odyssey_a_modern_sequel.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "kazantzakisod" "~/books/__etc/kazantzakis__the_odyssey_a_modern_sequel.pdf")
;; (find-kazantzakisodpage       2  "Contents")
;; (find-kazantzakisodpage (+ 53 1) "Index")
;; (find-kazantzakisodtext "")

;; «klein»  (to ".klein")
;; http://gigapedia.com/items/63080/no-logo--el-poder-de-las-marcas--spanish-
;; http://gigapedia.com/items/177745/the-shock-doctrine--the-rise-of-disaster-capitalism
;; http://gigapedia.com/items/28153/no-logo--taking-aim-at-the-brand-bullies

(code-xpdf      "nologo1" "~/books/__etc/klein__no_logo__rar_version.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "nologo1" "~/books/__etc/klein__no_logo__rar_version.pdf")
;; (find-nologo1page       12  "Contents")
;; (find-nologo1page (+ 0 105) "4. The branding of learning")
;; (find-nologo1page (+ 0 447) "Reading List")
;; (find-nologo1text "")
;; Wilson, William Julius. When Work Disappears: The World of the New Urban Poor. Knopf, 1996.

;; (find-nologo1page 72 "winning")
;; (find-nologo1text 72 "winning")

(code-xpdf      "nologo2" "~/books/__etc/klein__no_logo.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "nologo2" "~/books/__etc/klein__no_logo.pdf")
;; (find-nologo2page       10  "Contents")
;; (find-nologo2page (+ 0 297) "Reading List")
;; (find-nologo2text "")
(code-xpdf      "nologoes" "~/books/__etc/klein__no_logo__el_poder_de_las_marcas.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "nologoes" "~/books/__etc/klein__no_logo__el_poder_de_las_marcas.pdf")
;; (find-nologoespage      4  "Contents")
;; (find-nologoespage (+ 1 1) "Index")
;; (find-nologoestext "")

(code-xpdf      "shockdoctrine" "~/books/__etc/klein__the_shock_doctrine.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "shockdoctrine" "~/books/__etc/klein__the_shock_doctrine.pdf")
;; (find-shockdoctrinepage        5  "Contents")
;; (find-shockdoctrinepage (+ 3   6) "Introduction")
;; (find-shockdoctrinepage (+ 3 538) "Introduction")
;; (find-shockdoctrinetext "")

;; «kopenawa» (to ".kopenawa")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "kopenawa")
;; http://www.rau.ufscar.br/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Vol8no2_12_kopenawa.pdf
;; http://www.rau.ufscar.br/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Vol8no2_13_EVC.pdf
;; http://angg.twu.net/tmp/O_recado_da_mata.pdf
(code-pdf       "fallingsky" "~/books/__etc/kopenawa_albert__the_falling_sky.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "fallingsky" "~/books/__etc/kopenawa_albert__the_falling_sky.pdf" 19)
;; (find-fallingskypage)
;; (find-fallingskypage         6  "Contents")
;; (find-fallingskypage         8  "Foreword by Jean Malaurie")
;; (find-fallingskypage        10   "Maps")
;; (find-fallingskypage (+ 19   1) "Setting the Scene")
;; (find-fallingskypage (+ 19  11) "Words Given")
;; (find-fallingskypage (+ 19  15) "i. becoming other")
;; (find-fallingskypage (+ 19  17) "1. Drawn Words")
;; (find-fallingskypage (+ 19  27) "2. The First Shaman")
;; (find-fallingskypage (+ 19  34) "3.The Xapiri's Gaze")
;; (find-fallingskypage (+ 19  55) "4. The Animal Ancestors")
;; (find-fallingskypage (+ 19  75) "5. The Initiation")
;; (find-fallingskypage (+ 19  97) "6. Spirits' Houses")
;; (find-fallingskypage (+ 19 113) "7. Image and Skin")
;; (find-fallingskypage (+ 19 129) "8. The Sky and the Forest")
;; (find-fallingskypage (+ 19 153) "ii. metal smoke")
;; (find-fallingskypage (+ 19 155) "9. Outsider Images")
;; (find-fallingskypage (+ 19 168) "10. First Contacts")
;; (find-fallingskypage (+ 19 186) "11. The Mission")
;; (find-fallingskypage (+ 23 205) "12. Becoming a White Man?")
;; (find-fallingskypage (+ 23 221) "13. The Road")
;; (find-fallingskypage (+ 23 240) "14. Dreaming the Forest")
;; (find-fallingskypage (+ 23 261) "15. Earth Eaters")
;; (find-fallingskypage (+ 23 282) "16. Cannibal Gold")b
;; (find-fallingskypage (+ 19 299) "iii. the falling sky")
;; (find-fallingskypage (+ 23 299) "17. Talking to White People")
;; (find-fallingskypage (+ 23 316) "18. Stone Houses")
;; (find-fallingskypage (+ 23 326) "19. Merchandise Love")
;; (find-fallingskypage (+ 23 341) "20. In the City")
;; (find-fallingskypage (+ 23 357) "21. From One War to Another")
;; (find-fallingskypage (+ 23 370) "22. The Flowers of Dream")
;; (find-fallingskypage (+ 23 381) "23. The Spirit of the Forest")
;; (find-fallingskypage (+ 23 401) "24. The Shamans' Death")
;; (find-fallingskypage (+ 23 412) "Words of Omama")
;; (find-fallingskypage (+ 23 424) "How This Book Was Written")
;; (find-fallingskypage (+ 23 459) "Appendix A. Ethnonym, Language, and Orthography")
;; (find-fallingskypage (+ 23 462) "Appendix B. The Yanomami in Brazil")
;; (find-fallingskypage (+ 23 469) "Appendix C. Watoriki")
;; (find-fallingskypage (+ 23 476) "Appendix D. The Haximu Massacre")
;; (find-fallingskypage (+ 23 489) "Notes")
;; (find-fallingskypage (+ 23 575) "Ethnobiological Glossary")
;; (find-fallingskypage (+ 23 587) "Geographic Glossary")
;; (find-fallingskypage (+ 23 595) "References")
;; (find-fallingskypage (+ 23 609) "Acknowledgments")
;; (find-fallingskypage (+ 23 611) "Index")
;; (find-fallingskytext "")

;; https://documentacao.socioambiental.org/documentos/A_QUEDA_DO_CEU.pdf
(code-pdf-page "aquedadoceu" "$S/https/documentacao.socioambiental.org/documentos/A_QUEDA_DO_CEU.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "aquedadoceu" "$S/https/documentacao.socioambiental.org/documentos/A_QUEDA_DO_CEU.pdf")
;; (find-aquedadoceupage)
;; (find-aquedadoceutext)
;; (find-aquedadoceupage 9 "Sumário")
;; (find-aquedadoceutext 9 "Sumário")

;; http://www.rau.ufscar.br/index.php/2017/03/01/volume-8-numero-2-2016-dossie-antropologia-do-golpe/
;; http://www.ihu.unisinos.br/159-noticias/entrevistas/570809-o-incomparavel-olhar-yanomami-de-davi-kopenawa-entrevista-especial-com-jose-antonio-kelly-luciani
;; http://www.ihu.unisinos.br/78-noticias/560073-a-medicina-tradicional-yanomami-ganha-o-mundo
;; http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20150402-the-worst-place-on-earth?p=1

;; «kropotkin»  (to ".kropotkin")
;; http://gigapedia.com/items/253085/the-great-french-revolution-1789-1793-volume-2
(code-xpdf      "kropotkinfrev" "~/books/__etc/kropotkin__the_great_french_revolution_1789-1793.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "kropotkinfrev" "~/books/__etc/kropotkin__the_great_french_revolution_1789-1793.pdf")
;; (find-kropotkinfrevpage      1  "Contents")
;; (find-kropotkinfrevtext "")

;; «lacan» (to ".lacan")
;; https://lacanempdf.blogspot.com/2018/02/inventando-o-sexo-corpo-e-genero-dos.html

;; «lacqueur» (to ".lacqueur")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "lacqueur")
(code-pdf       "lacqueur" "~/books/__etc/laqueur__inventando_o_sexo.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "lacqueur" "~/books/__etc/laqueur__inventando_o_sexo.pdf" 1)
;; (find-lacqueurpage)
;; (find-lacqueurpage         9  "Contents")
;; (find-lacqueurpage (+ -3  13) "1.")
;; (find-lacqueurpage (+ -5 151) "4.")
;; (find-lacqueurtext "")

;; «leary»  (to ".leary")
;; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy_leary
;; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Works_by_Timothy_Leary
;; http://gigapedia.com/items/127218/game-of-life
;; http://gigapedia.com/items/131399/high-priest--second-edition--leary--timothy-
;; http://gigapedia.com/items/131404/politics-of-self-determination--self-mastery-series-
;; http://gigapedia.com/items/131412/the-psychedelic-experience--a-manual-based-on-the-tibetan-book-of-the-dead--citadel-underground-
;; http://gigapedia.com/items/131411/what-does-woman-want-
(code-xpdf "learygol" "~/books/__etc/leary__game_of_life.pdf")
;; (find-learygolpage      1  "Contents")
;; (find-learygolpage (+ 1 1) "Index")
(code-xpdf      "learyhp" "~/books/__etc/leary__high_priest.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "learyhp" "~/books/__etc/leary__high_priest.pdf")
;; (find-learyhppage      1  "Contents")
;; (find-learyhppage (+ 1 1) "Index")
;; (find-learyhptext "")
(code-xpdf      "learyposd" "~/books/__etc/leary__politics_of_self-determination.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "learyposd" "~/books/__etc/leary__politics_of_self-determination.pdf")
;; (find-learyposdpage      1  "Contents")
;; (find-learyposdpage (+ 1 1) "Index")
;; (find-learyposdtext "")
(code-xpdf      "learype" "~/books/__etc/leary__the_psychedelic_experience.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "learype" "~/books/__etc/leary__the_psychedelic_experience.pdf")
;; (find-learypepage      1  "Contents")
;; (find-learypepage (+ 1 1) "Index")
;; (find-learypetext "")
(code-xpdf      "learywdww" "~/books/__etc/leary__what_does_woman_want.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "learywdww" "~/books/__etc/leary__what_does_woman_want.pdf")
;; (find-learywdwwpage      1  "Contents")
;; (find-learywdwwpage (+ 1 1) "Index")
;; (find-learywdwwtext "")

;; «leguin»  (to ".leguin")
;; http://gigapedia.org/items/48559/buffalo-gals-and-other-animal-presences
;; ~/books/__etc/leguin__buffalo_gals_and_other_animal_presences.doc
;; ~/books/__etc/leguin__buffalo_gals_and_other_animal_presences.rtf
(code-xpdf      "buffalogals" "~/books/__etc/leguin__buffalo_gals_and_other_animal_presences.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "buffalogals" "~/books/__etc/leguin__buffalo_gals_and_other_animal_presences.pdf")
;; (find-buffalogalspage      1  "Contents")
;; (find-buffalogalspage (+ 1 1) "Index")
;; (find-buffalogalstext  "")

;; file:///home/edrx/books/__etc/le_guin__dispossessed/index.html
;; (find-fline "~/books/__etc/le_guin__dispossessed.txt")

;; Vea said, "But tell us about Anarres - what's it really like? Is it
;; so wonderful there really?"

;; He was sitting on the arm of the chair, and Vea was curled up on
;; the hassock at his knees, erect and supple, her soft breasts
;; staring at him with their blind eyes, her face smiling, complacent,
;; flushed.

;; Something dark turned over in Shevek's mind, darkening everything.
;; His mouth was dry. He finished the glassful the waiter had just
;; poured him. "I don't know," he said; his tongue felt half
;; paralyzed. "No. It is not wonderful. It is an ugly world. Not like
;; this one. Anarres is all dust and dry hills. All meager, all dry.
;; And the people aren't beautiful. They have big hands and feet, like
;; me and the waiter there. But not big bellies. They get very dirty,
;; and take baths together, nobody here does that. The towns are very
;; small and dull, they are dreary. No palaces. Life is dull, and hard
;; work. You can't always have what you want, or even what you need,
;; because there isn't enough. You Urrasti have enough. Enough air,
;; enough rain, grass, oceans, food, music, buildings, factories,
;; machines, books, clothes, history. You are rich, you own. We are
;; poor, we lack. You have, we do not have. Everything is beautiful,
;; here. Only not the faces. On Anarres nothing is beautiful, nothing
;; but the faces. The other faces, the men and women. We have nothing
;; but that, nothing but each other. Here you see the jewels, there
;; you see the eyes. And in the eyes you see the splendor, the
;; splendor of the human spirit. Because our men and women are free -
;; possessing nothing, they are free. And you the possessors are
;; possessed. You are all in jail. Each alone, solitary, with a heap
;; of what he owns. You live in prison, die in prison. It is all I can
;; see in your eyes - the wall, the wall!"

;; <leguin>
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "leguin")
(code-pdf-page "notimetospare" "~/books/__etc/leguin__no_time_to_spare_thinking_about_what_matters.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "notimetospare" "~/books/__etc/leguin__no_time_to_spare_thinking_about_what_matters.pdf" 1)
;; (find-notimetosparepage)
;; (find-notimetosparepage        3  "Contents")
;; (find-notimetosparepage 107  "About anger")
;; (find-notimetosparetext "")

;; «lindqvist»  (to ".lindqvist")
(code-xpdf      "lettherightonein" "~/books/__etc/lindqvist__let_the_right_one_in.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "lettherightonein" "~/books/__etc/lindqvist__let_the_right_one_in.pdf")
;; (find-lettherightoneinpage      1  "Contents")
;; (find-lettherightoneinpage (+ 1 1) "Index")
;; (find-lettherightoneintext "")

;; «levi-strauss»  (to ".levi-strauss")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "levi-strauss")
(code-pdf-page "almlevistrauss" "~/books/__etc/almeida__simetria_e_entropia_sobre_a_nocao_de_estrutura_de_levi_strauss.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "almlevistrauss" "~/books/__etc/almeida__simetria_e_entropia_sobre_a_nocao_de_estrutura_de_levi_strauss.pdf" 1)
;; (find-almlevistrausspage)
;; (find-almlevistrausspage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-almlevistrausspage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-almlevistrausstext "")

;; «levi-strauss-strant»  (to ".levi-strauss-strant")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "levi-strauss-strant")
;; (to "quinet")
(code-pdf-page  "strant" "~/books/__etc/levi-strauss__structural_anthropology.pdf")
(code-pdf-text8 "strant" "~/books/__etc/levi-strauss__structural_anthropology.pdf" 1)
;; (find-strantpage)
;; (find-strantpage (+ 22 175) "Quesalid")
;; (find-stranttext (+ 22 175) "Quesalid")
;; (find-strantpage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-strantpage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-stranttext "")

;; «levi-strauss-morava»  (to ".levi-strauss-morava")
;; Jack Morava: "On the Canonical Formula of C. Levi-Strauss"
;; https://arxiv.org/abs/0306174
;; https://arxiv.org/pdf/math/0306174.pdf
(code-pdf-page "moravalevistrauss" "$S/https/arxiv.org/pdf/math/0306174.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "moravalevistrauss" "$S/https/arxiv.org/pdf/math/0306174.pdf")
;; (find-moravalevistrausspage)
;; (find-moravalevistrausstext)

;; <moravalevistrauss2>
;; Jack Morava: "On the Canonical Formula of C. Levi-Strauss 2"
;; https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.12813
;; https://arxiv.org/pdf/2002.12813.pdf
(code-pdf-page "moravalevistrauss2" "$S/https/arxiv.org/pdf/2002.12813.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "moravalevistrauss2" "$S/https/arxiv.org/pdf/2002.12813.pdf")
;; (find-moravalevistrauss2page)
;; (find-moravalevistrauss2text)

;; «livjacob»  (to ".livjacob")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "livjacob")
;; https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/u/0/#search/in%3Aanywhere/FMfcgxwGCQbNftPxQWWzmttWLBvVHRQd
;; A defesa está confirmada para o dia 09 às 14h no
;; miniauditório da pós (11 andar da UERJ, final do corredor
;; indo em direção ao banheiro masculino).
(code-pdf-page "livjacobtese" "~/books/__etc/liv_jacob_tese_versao_defesa.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "livjacobtese" "~/books/__etc/liv_jacob_tese_versao_defesa.pdf" 1)
;; (find-livjacobtesepage)
;; (find-livjacobtesepage       10  "Contents")
;; (find-livjacobtesepage (+ 0 11) "APAIXONADAMENTE COMO PERI")
;; (find-livjacobtesepage (+ 0 20) "1. ANTES O MUNDO ERA VASTO")
;; (find-livjacobtesepage (+ 0 20) "1.1. Cobertos e descobertos: as visões primeiras")
;; (find-livjacobtesepage (+ 0 39) "1.2. Relatos selvagens")
;; (find-livjacobtesepage (+ 0 56) "1.3. Doces bárbaros sob as ruínas do romantismo")
;; (find-livjacobtesepage (+ 0 70) "1.4. O legado de Macunaíma")
;; (find-livjacobtesepage (+ 0 86) "2. HORROR E ALTERIDADES ÀS MARGENS")
;; (find-livjacobtesepage (+ 0 86) "2.1. O índio na literatura contemporânea brasileira e a escrita indígena de si")
;; (find-livjacobtesepage (+ 0 96) "2.2. Viramundo")
;; (find-livjacobtesepage 98 "convertido no vocativo")
;; (find-livjacobtesetext 98 "convertido no vocativo")
;; (find-livjacobtesepage (+ 0 101) "2.2.1. Visões do Inferno")
;; (find-livjacobtesepage 104 "\no horror, o horror")
;; (find-livjacobtesetext 104 "\no horror, o horror")
;; (find-livjacobtesepage 107 "Alguns dos barcos citados")
;; (find-livjacobtesetext 107 "Alguns dos barcos citados")
;; (find-livjacobtesepage (+ 0 111) "2.2.2. Encontro das águas")
;; (find-livjacobtesepage (+ 0 119) "3. ÍNDIO QUER UM LIVRO, SE NÃO DER PAU VAI COMER")
;; (find-livjacobtesepage (+ 0 119) "3.1. Literatura indígena: um universo em expansão")
;; (find-livjacobtesepage (+ 0 123) "3.2. Oralidade, tradução, tradição e grafismos")
;; (find-livjacobtesepage (+ 0 142) "3.3. Um passado negro para um futuro branco?")
;; (find-livjacobtesepage (+ 0 160) "3.4. Metamorfoses ameríndias")
;; (find-livjacobtesepage (+ 0 175) "4. OUTROS TRÓPICOS, NÃO MENOS TRISTES")
;; (find-livjacobtesepage (+ 0 175) "4.1. Reflexões sobre a literatura indígena norte-americana")
;; (find-livjacobtesepage (+ 0 188) "4.2. Reflexões sobre a literatura indígena hispano-americana")
;; (find-livjacobtesepage (+ 0 207) "O FUTURO NÃO É MAIS COMO ERA ANTIGAMENTE")
;; (find-livjacobtesepage (+ 0 217) "REFERÊNCIAS")

;; (find-livjacobtesetext "")

(code-pdf-page "livsamsa" "~/books/__etc/liv_jacob__o_sonho_de_gregor_samsa.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "livsamsa" "~/books/__etc/liv_jacob__o_sonho_de_gregor_samsa.pdf" 1)
;; (find-livsamsapage)
;; (find-livsamsapage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-livsamsapage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-livsamsatext "")

;; «lukianoff-haidt»  (to ".lukianoff-haidt")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "lukianoff-haidt")
(code-pdf-page "thecoddling" "~/books/__etc/lukianoff_haidt__the_coddling_of_the_american_mind_how_good_intentions_and_bad_ideas_are_setting_up_a_generation_for_failure.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "thecoddling" "~/books/__etc/lukianoff_haidt__the_coddling_of_the_american_mind_how_good_intentions_and_bad_ideas_are_setting_up_a_generation_for_failure.pdf" 1)
;; (find-thecoddlingpage)
;; (find-thecoddlingpage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-thecoddlingpage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-thecoddlingtext "")

;; «maturana-varela»  (to ".maturana-varela")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "maturana-varela")
(code-pdf-page "treeofknowledge" "~/books/__etc/maturana_varela__the_tree_of_knowledge.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "treeofknowledge" "~/books/__etc/maturana_varela__the_tree_of_knowledge.pdf" 1)
;; (find-treeofknowledgepage)
;; (find-treeofknowledgepage        4  "Contents")
;; (find-treeofknowledgepage (+ -5 11) "Preface")
;; (find-treeofknowledgepage (+ -5 15) "1. Knowing how we know")
;; (find-treeofknowledgetext "")

;; «mauss»  (to ".mauss")
;; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcel_Mauss
;; Em Português: "Ensaio sobre a dádiva"
(code-xpdf       "maussgift" "~/books/__etc/mauss__the_gift.pdf")
(code-pdftotext  "maussgift" "~/books/__etc/mauss__the_gift.pdf")
(code-djvu       "maussgift" "~/books/__etc/mauss__the_gift.djvu")
(code-djvutotext "maussgift" "~/books/__etc/mauss__the_gift.djvu")
;; (find-maussgiftpage      13  "Contents")
;; (find-maussgiftpage (+ 6 63) "Conclusions")
;; (find-maussgiftpage (+ 6 83) "Notes")
;; (find-maussgifttext "")
(code-djvu      "mausssacr" "~/books/__etc/hubert_mauss__sacrifice__its_nature_and_functions.djvu")
(code-pdftotext "mausssacr" "~/books/__etc/hubert_mauss__sacrifice__its_nature_and_functions.djvu")
;; (find-mausssacrpage      3  "Contents")
;; (find-mausssacrpage (+ 1 1) "Index")
;; (find-mausssacrtext "")

;; «mycorrhizal-ecology»  (to ".mycorrhizal-ecology")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "mycorrhizal-ecology")
(code-pdf-page "mycorrhizaleco" "~/books/__etc/heijden_sanders__mycorrhizal_ecology.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "mycorrhizaleco" "~/books/__etc/heijden_sanders__mycorrhizal_ecology.pdf" 1)
;; (find-mycorrhizalecopage)
;; (find-mycorrhizalecopage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-mycorrhizalecopage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-mycorrhizalecotext "")

;; «narby»  (to ".narby")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "narby")
(code-pdf-page "cosmicserpent" "~/books/__etc/narby__the_cosmic_serpent.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "cosmicserpent" "~/books/__etc/narby__the_cosmic_serpent.pdf" 1)
;; (find-cosmicserpentpage)
;; (find-cosmicserpentpage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-cosmicserpentpage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-cosmicserpenttext "")

;; «nodari-amaral»  (to ".nodari-amaral")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "nodari-amaral")
;; http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S2179-89662018000402461&lng=en
(code-pdf-page "nodariamaral" "~/books/__etc/nodari_amaral__a_questao_indigena_do_manifesto_antropofago.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "nodariamaral" "~/books/__etc/nodari_amaral__a_questao_indigena_do_manifesto_antropofago.pdf" 1)
;; (find-nodariamaralpage)
;; (find-nodariamaralpage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-nodariamaralpage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-nodariamaraltext "")

;; «odisseia»  (to ".odisseia")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "odisseia")
(code-pdf-page "odisseiads1" "~/books/__etc/odisseia__donaldo_schuler_vol_1.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "odisseiads1" "~/books/__etc/odisseia__donaldo_schuler_vol_1.pdf" 1)
(code-pdf-page "odisseiads2" "~/books/__etc/odisseia__donaldo_schuler_vol_2.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "odisseiads2" "~/books/__etc/odisseia__donaldo_schuler_vol_2.pdf" 1)
(code-pdf-page "odisseiads3" "~/books/__etc/odisseia__donaldo_schuler_vol_3.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "odisseiads3" "~/books/__etc/odisseia__donaldo_schuler_vol_3.pdf" 1)
;; (find-odisseiads1page)
;; (find-odisseiads1page        6  "Sumário")
;; (find-odisseiads1page (+ -1 13) "Canto 1")
;; (find-odisseiads1page (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-odisseiads1text "")

;; (find-odisseiads2page           6  "Sumário")
;; (find-odisseiads2page (+  -84 179) "Canto 11")
;; (find-odisseiads3page           6  "Sumário")
;; (find-odisseiads3page (+ -168 348) "A epopéia das auroras")

;; «patai-corral» (to ".patai-corral")
(code-xpdf     "pataicorral" "~/books/__etc/patai_corral__theorys_empire_an_anthology_of_dissent.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "pataicorral" "~/books/__etc/patai_corral__theorys_empire_an_anthology_of_dissent.pdf" 13)
;; (find-pataicorralpage         6  "contents")
;; (find-pataicorraltext         6  "contents")
;; (find-pataicorralpage (+ 13   1) "introduction")
;; (find-pataicorraltext (+ 13   1) "introduction")
;; (find-pataicorralpage (+ 13 552) "38. staying for an answer")
;; (find-pataicorraltext (+ 13 552) "38. staying for an answer")
;; (find-pataicorralpage (+ 13 562) "39. what is social construction?")
;; (find-pataicorraltext (+ 13 562) "39. what is social construction?")
;; (find-pataicorralpage)
;; (find-pataicorraltext)

;; «pinkflag»  (to ".pinkflag")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "pinkflag")
(code-pdf-page "pinkflag" "~/books/__etc/wilson__wire_s_pink_flag.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "pinkflag" "~/books/__etc/wilson__wire_s_pink_flag.pdf" 1)
;; (find-pinkflagpage)
;; (find-pinkflagpage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-pinkflagpage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-pinkflagtext "")
;; (find-pinkflagpage 83 "The title words are absent")
;; (find-pinkflagtext 83 "The title words are absent")

;; «pirsig»  (to ".pirsig")
;; (find-TH "zamm-13")
;; http://gigapedia.org/items/98826/lila--an-inquiry-into-morals
;; http://gigapedia.org/items/21698/zen-and-the-art-of-motorcycle-maintenance--an-inquiry-into-values
(code-xpdf "lila" "~/books/__etc/pirsig__lila_an_inquiry_into_morals.pdf")
;; (find-lilapage      1  "Contents")
;; (find-lilapage (+ 1 1) "Index")
(code-xpdf      "zamm" "~/books/__etc/pirsig__zen_and_the_art_of_motorcycle_maintenance.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "zamm" "~/books/__etc/pirsig__zen_and_the_art_of_motorcycle_maintenance.pdf")
;; (find-zammpage (+ 1   3) "Chapter 1")
;; (find-zammpage (+ 1  69) "Chapter 6")
;; (find-zammpage (+ 1  76) "Chapter 6" "A motorcycle may be divided")
;; (find-zammtext                       "A motorcycle may be divided")
;; (find-zammpage (+ 1 146) "Chapter 13")
;; (find-zammpage (+ 1 149) "Chapter 13" "the Church of Reason lecture")
;; (find-zammtext                        "the Church of Reason lecture")
;; (find-zammpage (+ 1 149) "Chapter 13" "The real university is not\na material object")
;; (find-zammtext                        "The real university is not\na material object")
;; (find-zammpage (+ 1 151) "Chapter 13" "cleavage")
;; (find-zammtext                        "cleavage")
;; (find-zammpage (+ 1 340) "Chapter 28")
;; (find-zammpage (+ 1 348) "Chapter 28" "And yet here was one of the most\nambiguous, inscrutable styles")
;; (find-zammtext                        "And yet here was one of the most\nambiguous, inscrutable styles")
;; (find-zammpage (+ 1 358) "Chapter 28" "The mythos-over-logos argument")
;; (find-zammtext                        "The mythos-over-logos argument")
;; (find-zammpage (+ 1 359) "Chapter 28" "To go outside the mythos is\nto become insane.")
;; (find-zammtext                        "To go outside the mythos is\nto become insane.")
;; (find-zammpage (+ 1 363) "Chapter 29")
;; (find-zammpage (+ 1 369) "Chapter 29" "Rhetoric can be subdivided")
;; (find-zammtext                        "Rhetoric can be subdivided")
;; (find-zammtext)

;; «plinio-marcos»  (to ".plinio-marcos")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "plinio-marcos")
;; https://www.teatronaescola.com/index.php/banco-de-pecas/item/abajur-lilas-de-plinio-marcos
(code-pdf-page "abajurlilas" "~/books/__etc/plinio_marcos__abajur_lilas.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "abajurlilas" "~/books/__etc/plinio_marcos__abajur_lilas.pdf" 1)
;; (find-abajurlilaspage)
;; (find-abajurlilaspage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-abajurlilaspage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-abajurlilastext "")

;; «quinet»  (to ".quinet")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "quinet")
;; (to "levi-strauss-strant")
(code-pdf-page  "quinetcond" "~/books/__etc/quinet__as_4+1_condicoes_da_analise.pdf")
(code-pdf-text8 "quinetcond" "~/books/__etc/quinet__as_4+1_condicoes_da_analise.pdf" 1)
;; (find-quinetcondpage)
;; (find-quinetcondtext "")
;; (find-quinetcondpage   5 "Sumário")
;; (find-quinetcondpage   7 "Introdução")
;; (find-quinetcondpage  13 "I. As funções das entrevistas preliminares")
;; (find-quinetcondpage  35 "II. O divã ético")
;; (find-quinetcondpage  43     "A vergonha")
;; (find-quinetcondtext  43     "A vergonha")
;; (find-quinetcondpage  49 "III. Que tempo para a análise?")
;; (find-quinetcondpage  73 "IV. Capital e libido")
;; (find-quinetcondpage  95 "V. O ato psicanalítico e o fim de análise")
;; (find-quinetcondpage 111 "Notas")

;; «racter»  (to ".racter")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "racter")
;; http://www.ubu.com/historical/racter/index.html
;; http://ubutext.memoryoftheworld.org/racter/racter_policemansbeard.pdf
;; (find-fline "$S/http/ubutext.memoryoftheworld.org/racter/")
(code-pdf-page "racter" "$S/http/ubutext.memoryoftheworld.org/racter/racter_policemansbeard.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "racter" "$S/http/ubutext.memoryoftheworld.org/racter/racter_policemansbeard.pdf")
;; (find-racterpage)
;; (find-ractertext)

;; «redfield»  (to ".redfield")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "redfield")
(code-pdf-page "redfield" "~/books/__etc/redfield__nature_and_culture_in_the_iliad_the_tragedy_of_hector.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "redfield" "~/books/__etc/redfield__nature_and_culture_in_the_iliad_the_tragedy_of_hector.pdf" 1)
;; (find-redfieldpage)
;; (find-redfieldpage         5  "Contents")
;; (find-redfieldpage (+ 14   3) "Introduction")
;; (find-redfieldtext "")

;; «ross»  (to ".ross")
(code-xpdf      "ross68" "~/books/__etc/ross__may_68_and_its_afterlives.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "ross68" "~/books/__etc/ross__may_68_and_its_afterlives.pdf" 11)
;; (ee-page-parameters "ross68" 11)
;; (find-ross68page         8  "Contents")
;; (find-ross68page (+ 11   1) "Introduction")
;; (find-ross68page (+ 11  19) "1. The Police Conception of History")
;; (find-ross68page (+ 11  19) "    Sociology and the Police")
;; (find-ross68page (+ 11  27) "    Matraquage")
;; (find-ross68page (+ 11  40) "    Algerian France")
;; (find-ross68page (+ 11  65) "2. Forms and Practices")
;; (find-ross68page (+ 11  65) "    The Critique of Specialization")
;; (find-ross68page (+ 11  80) "    Vietnam Is in Our Factories")
;; (find-ross68page (+ 11  90) "    Entering the Tiger's Lair")
;; (find-ross68page (+ 11 113) "    The Illusions of Representation")
;; (find-ross68page (+ 11 120)        "not how to write history")
;; (find-ross68page (+ 11 138) "3. Different Windows, Same Faces")
;; (find-ross68page (+ 11 138) "    Reprisals and Trials")
;; (find-ross68page (+ 11 158) "    Anti-Third-Worldism and Human Rights")
;; (find-ross68page (+ 11 169) "    Philosophers on Television")
;; (find-ross68page (+ 11 182) "4. Consensus and Its Undoing")
;; (find-ross68page (+ 11 217) "    List of Abbreviations")
;; (find-ross68page (+ 11 219) "    Bibliography")
;; (find-ross68page (+ 11 233) "    Index")
;; (find-ross68text "")

;; (find-ross68page (+ 11 42) "bodies floating in the Seine")
;; (find-ross68text (+ 11 42) "bodies floating in the Seine")

;; «roth» (to ".roth")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "roth")
(code-pdf       "rothprofd" "~/books/__etc/roth__o_professor_do_desejo.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "rothprofd" "~/books/__etc/roth__o_professor_do_desejo.pdf" 1)
;; (find-rothprofdpage)
;; (find-rothprofdpage        1  "Contents")
;; (find-rothprofdpage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-rothprofdtext "")

;; «safatle»  (to ".safatle")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "safatle")
(code-pdf-page  "safatleclam" "~/books/__etc/safatle__entre_clameur_des_luttes_et_silence_de_l_analyste.pdf")
(code-pdf-text  "safatleclam" "~/books/__etc/safatle__entre_clameur_des_luttes_et_silence_de_l_analyste.pdf" -548)
(code-pdf-text8 "safatleclam" "~/books/__etc/safatle__entre_clameur_des_luttes_et_silence_de_l_analyste.pdf" -548)
;; (find-safatleclampage)
;; (find-safatleclamtext "")
;; (find-safatleclampage (+ -548 554) "Amilcar")
;; (find-safatleclamtext (+ -548 554) "Amilcar")

;; «sandman»  (to ".sandman")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "sandman")
;; (find-fline "~/books/Sandman/" "sandman_completo.pdf")
(code-pdf-page "sandmanport" "~/books/Sandman/sandman_completo.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "sandmanport" "~/books/Sandman/sandman_completo.pdf")
;; (find-sandmanportpage)
;; (find-sandmanportpage 95)
;; (find-sandmanportpage 121)
;; (find-sandmanportpage 149)
;; (find-sandmanportpage 175)
;; (find-sandmanportpage 202)
;; (find-sandmanportpage 237 "Historias na areia")
;; (find-sandmanportpage 261 "The doll's house")
;; (find-sandmanportpage 286 "The doll's house")
;; (find-sandmanportpage 311 "The doll's house")
;; (find-sandmanportpage 336 "The doll's house")
;; (find-sandmanportpage 383 "The doll's house")
;; (find-sandmanportpage 384  "Homens de boa fortuna")
;; (find-sandmanportpage 409 "The doll's house")
;; (find-sandmanportpage 434 "The doll's house part 7")
;; (find-sandmanportpage 459 "Calliope")
;; (find-sandmanportpage 488 "A dream of a thousand cats")
;; (find-sandmanportpage 514 "A midsummer night's dream")
;; (find-sandmanportpage 539 "Façade")
;; (find-sandmanportpage 570 "Estação das brumas")
;; (find-sandmanportpage 602 "Estação das brumas cap 1")
;; (find-sandmanportpage 631 "Estação das brumas cap 2")
;; (find-sandmanportpage 659 "Estação das brumas cap 3")
;; (find-sandmanportpage 718 "Estação das brumas cap 5")
;; (find-sandmanportpage 748 "Estação das brumas cap 6")
;; (find-sandmanportpage 777 "Estação das brumas cap 7")
;; (find-sandmanportpage 806 "Thermidor")
;; (find-sandmanportpage 825   "very well, citizen")
;; (find-sandmanportpage 836 "Augustus")
;; (find-sandmanporttext)

;; «smith»  (to ".smith")
;; (find-fline "~/books/__etc/smith__just_kids.tgz")
;; (find-sh0 "rm -Rv ~/usrc/just_kids/; mkdir ~/usrc/just_kids/")
;; (find-sh0 "tar -C ~/usrc/just_kids/ -xvzf ~/books/__etc/smith__just_kids.tgz")
;; (find-fline "~/usrc/just_kids/")
(code-c-d "justkids" "~/usrc/just_kids/OEBPS/")
;; (find-justkidsfile "")
;; (find-justkidsw3m "003-TOC.html")

;; «snyder» (to ".snyder")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "snyder")
(code-pdf       "snyderpow" "~/books/__etc/snyder__the_practice_of_the_wild.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "snyderpow" "~/books/__etc/snyder__the_practice_of_the_wild.pdf" 7)
;; (find-snyderpowpage)
;; (find-snyderpowpage        3  "Contents")
;; (find-snyderpowpage (+ 7 18) "The World Is Watching")
;; (find-snyderpowtext (+ 7 18) "The World Is Watching")
;; (find-snyderpowpage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-snyderpowpage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-snyderpowtext "")

;; «stein» (to ".stein")
;; Gertrude Stein
;; (find-booksfile "__etc/stein__the_autobiography_of_alice_b_toklas.txt")
;; This story reminds me of Miss Etta Cone, a distant connection of
;; Gertrude Stein, who typed Three Lives. When I first met her in
;; Florence she confided to me that she could forgive but never
;; forget. I added that as for myself I could forget but not forgive.
;; Gertrude Stein's mother in this ease was evidently unable to do
;; either.

;; «stoltenberg»  (to ".stoltenberg")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "stoltenberg")
(code-xpdf      "stoltenberg" "~/books/__etc/stoltenberg__refusing_to_be_a_man.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "stoltenberg" "~/books/__etc/stoltenberg__refusing_to_be_a_man.pdf")
;; (find-stoltenbergpage         7  "Contents")
;; (find-stoltenbergpage (+ 33   2) "Rapist Ethics")
;; (find-stoltenbergpage (+ 33 184) "About the essays")
;; (find-stoltenbergtext)
;; (find-stoltenbergtext "CONTENTS")
;; (find-stoltenbergtext "tunnel vision")
;; (find-stoltenbergtext "That's the way men are")
;; (find-stoltenbergtext "never do it again")
;; (find-stoltenbergtext "how men treat other men")
;; (find-stoltenbergtext "reciprocity")

;; «strugatskys»  (to ".strugatskys")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "strugatskys")
;; https://revistacult.uol.com.br/home/o-stalker-de-tarkovski/
;; https://factordaily.com/tarkovsky-stalker-roadside-picnic/
;; https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10223588406407935&set=a.4738288624844&type=3
;; https://www.depauw.edu/sfs/abstracts/a31.htm#d31
(code-pdf-page "roadsidepic" "~/books/__etc/strugatsky_strugatsky_leguin_bormashenko__roadside_picnic.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "roadsidepic" "~/books/__etc/strugatsky_strugatsky_leguin_bormashenko__roadside_picnic.pdf" 1)
;; (find-roadsidepicpage)
;; (find-roadsidepicpage        5  "Foreword")
;; (find-roadsidepicpage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-roadsidepictext "")

;; «tarot»  (to ".tarot")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "tarot")
(code-pdf-page "78degrees" "~/books/__etc/pollack__seventy-eight_degrees_of_wisdom_a_book_of_tarot.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "78degrees" "~/books/__etc/pollack__seventy-eight_degrees_of_wisdom_a_book_of_tarot.pdf" 16)
;; (find-78degreespage)
;; (find-78degreespage         9  "Contents")
;; (find-78degreespage (+ 16   3) "Introduction")
;; (find-78degreespage (+ 16  12) "1 The Four Card Pattern")
;; (find-78degreespage (+ 16  20) "2 The Overview")
;; (find-78degreespage (+ 16  24) "3 The Opening Trumps: Symbols and Archetypes")
;; (find-78degreespage (+ 16  43) "4 The Worldly Sequence")
;; (find-78degreespage (+ 16  70) "5 Turning Inwards")
;; (find-78degreespage (+ 16 110) "6 The Great Journey")
;; (find-78degreespage (+ 16 145) "Introduction")
;; (find-78degreespage (+ 16 161) "7 Wands")
;; (find-78degreespage (+ 16 184) "8 Cups")
;; (find-78degreespage (+ 16 208) "9 Swords")
;; (find-78degreespage (+ 16 232) "10 Pentacles")
;; (find-78degreespage (+ 16 263) "Introduction")
;; (find-78degreespage (+ 16 276) "11 Types of Readings")
;; (find-78degreespage (+ 16 324) "12 How to Use Tarot Readings")
;; (find-78degreespage (+ 16 342) "13 W hat We Learn from Tarot Readings")
;; (find-78degreespage (+ 16 350) "Bibliography")
;; (find-78degreespage (+ 16 352) "Index")
;; (find-78degreestext "")

;; «thunberg»  (to ".thunberg")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "thunberg")
;; https://www.climatechangenews.com/2019/03/25/leaders-told-to-bring-plans-not-speeches-to-un-climate-summit/
;; http://theconversation.com/with-15-other-children-greta-thunberg-has-filed-a-un-complaint-against-5-countries-heres-what-itll-achieve-124090
;; https://www.unicef.org/press-releases/16-children-including-greta-thunberg-file-landmark-complaint-united-nations
;; https://earthjustice.org/sites/default/files/files/2019.09.23%20CRC%20communication%20Sacchi%20et%20al%20v.%20Argentina%20et%20al_0.pdf
;; (find-fline "$S/https/earthjustice.org/sites/default/files/files/")
;; (find-pdf-page "$S/https/earthjustice.org/sites/default/files/files/2019.09.23 CRC communication Sacchi et al v. Argentina et al_0.pdf")
;; (find-pdf-text "$S/https/earthjustice.org/sites/default/files/files/2019.09.23 CRC communication Sacchi et al v. Argentina et al_0.pdf")

;; «twain»  (to ".twain")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "twain")
(code-xpdf "nancyjackson" "~/books/__etc/twain__how_nancy_jackson_married_kate_wilson_and_other_tales.pdf")
;; (find-nancyjacksonpage      1  "Contents")
;; (find-nancyjacksonpage (+ 1 1) "Index")

;; «wilson»  (to ".wilson")
;; http://angg.twu.net/tmp/Robert_Anton_Wilson_-_Cosmic_Trigger_I_-_The_Final_Secret_Of_The_Illuminati_v0.9.pdf
(code-pdf-page "cosmictrigger09" "~/books/__etc/Robert_Anton_Wilson_-_Cosmic_Trigger_I_-_The_Final_Secret_Of_The_Illuminati_v0.9.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "cosmictrigger09" "~/books/__etc/Robert_Anton_Wilson_-_Cosmic_Trigger_I_-_The_Final_Secret_Of_The_Illuminati_v0.9.pdf")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page)
;; (find-cosmictrigger09text)
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page        10  "Contents")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page        12  "Preface")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page        21  "Forewords")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page        26  "Prologue")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29   3) "PROLOGUE: Thinking About the Unthinkable")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29  17) "PART ONE: The Sirius Connection")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29  19)   "INTRODUCTORY FABLES")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29  20)   "The Door to Chapel Perilous")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29  27)   "Did a leprechaun leave the Simonton pancakes?")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29  31)   "The Kennedy Assassination and the Net")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29  33)   "A visit to Millbrook")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29  40)   "The Queen of Space")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09text (+ 29  40)   "The Queen of Space")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29  43)   "The 23 Enigma")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29  47)   "The heresy hunt begins")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29  50)   "Multiple realities")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29  61)   "Jim Garrison and the Illuminati")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29  64)   "Operation Mindfuck")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29  66)   "The Horrible Secrets of the Wicked Aleister Crowley")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29  71)   "A Discordian signal from Aldous Huxley, deceased")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29  74)   "The Net or the Network")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29  76)   "The Lady of Guadalupe")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29  79)   "Sirius Rising")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29  88)   "The Holy Guardian Angel")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29  91)   "and other weird critters")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29  93)   "Starseed")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29  96)   "Magick, Technology or Both?")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29  98)   "Those mysterious Sufis")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29 102)   "A message from Cosmic Central")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29 106)   "Our Lady of Space speaks again")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29 114)   "A visit to CMF")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29 120)   "The prospects of immortality")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29 126)   "Stopping the biological clock")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29 130)   "Appearances and Disappearances")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29 133)   "A lesson in Karma")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29 135)   "Witchcraft")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29 137)   "Nikola Tesla, secular shaman")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29 140)   "Other starry signals")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29 142)   "The footsteps of the Illuminati")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29 146)   "Dope and divinity")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29 148)   "The horrors begin")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29 152)   "Ishtar's Walk: a guided tour of Hell")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29 159)   "Mystery Babalon")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29 166)   "Leary emerges from darkness and Sirius rises again")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29 170)   "The Horus Hawk and Uri Geller")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29 177)   "The Mothman Prophecies")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29 178)   "Doggiez from Sirius")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29 181) "PART TWO: Models and Metaphors")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29 183)   "FURTHER FABLES AND ALLEGORIES")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29 184)   "The Sirius Evidence")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29 189)   "ERP and Bell's Theorem")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29 197)   "Tunnel-Realities and Imprints")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29 209)   "The Octave of Energy")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29 214)   "The law of acceleration")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29 219) "PART THREE: Trigger")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29 221)   "A FINAL FABLE")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29 221)   "Sirius Rises Again")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29 223)   "Blood of the Gods?")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29 227)   "The Dark Companion")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29 229)   "Via Dolorosa")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 29 241) "AFTERWORDS by Saul-Paul Sirag")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 22 251) "NOTES")
;; (find-cosmictrigger09page (+ 22 257) "INDEX")

;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "wilson")
(code-pdf-page "cosmictrigger" "~/books/__etc/wilson__cosmic_trigger.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "cosmictrigger" "~/books/__etc/wilson__cosmic_trigger.pdf" 25)
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage)
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage        10  "Contents")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage        12  "Preface")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage        21  "Forewords")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage        26  "Prologue")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25   3) "PROLOGUE: Thinking About the Unthinkable")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25  17) "PART ONE: The Sirius Connection")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25  19)   "INTRODUCTORY FABLES")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25  20)   "The Door to Chapel Perilous")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25  27)   "Did a leprechaun leave the Simonton pancakes?")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25  31)   "The Kennedy Assassination and the Net")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25  33)   "A visit to Millbrook")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25  40)   "The Queen of Space")
;; (find-cosmictriggertext (+ 25  40)   "The Queen of Space")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25  43)   "The 23 Enigma")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25  47)   "The heresy hunt begins")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25  50)   "Multiple realities")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25  61)   "Jim Garrison and the Illuminati")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25  64)   "Operation Mindfuck")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25  66)   "The Horrible Secrets of the Wicked Aleister Crowley")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25  71)   "A Discordian signal from Aldous Huxley, deceased")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25  74)   "The Net or the Network")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25  76)   "The Lady of Guadalupe")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25  79)   "Sirius Rising")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25  88)   "The Holy Guardian Angel")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25  91)   "and other weird critters")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25  93)   "Starseed")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25  96)   "Magick, Technology or Both?")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25  98)   "Those mysterious Sufis")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25 102)   "A message from Cosmic Central")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25 106)   "Our Lady of Space speaks again")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25 114)   "A visit to CMF")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25 120)   "The prospects of immortality")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25 126)   "Stopping the biological clock")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25 130)   "Appearances and Disappearances")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25 133)   "A lesson in Karma")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25 135)   "Witchcraft")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25 137)   "Nikola Tesla, secular shaman")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25 140)   "Other starry signals")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25 142)   "The footsteps of the Illuminati")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25 146)   "Dope and divinity")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25 148)   "The horrors begin")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25 152)   "Ishtar's Walk: a guided tour of Hell")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25 159)   "Mystery Babalon")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25 166)   "Leary emerges from darkness and Sirius rises again")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25 170)   "The Horus Hawk and Uri Geller")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25 177)   "The Mothman Prophecies")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25 178)   "Doggiez from Sirius")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25 181) "PART TWO: Models and Metaphors")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25 183)   "FURTHER FABLES AND ALLEGORIES")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25 184)   "The Sirius Evidence")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25 189)   "ERP and Bell's Theorem")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25 197)   "Tunnel-Realities and Imprints")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25 210)   "The Octave of Energy")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25 214)   "The law of acceleration")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25 219) "PART THREE: Trigger")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25 221)   "A FINAL FABLE")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25 221)   "Sirius Rises Again")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25 223)   "Blood of the Gods?")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25 227)   "The Dark Companion")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25 229)   "Via Dolorosa")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 25 241) "AFTERWORDS by Saul-Paul Sirag")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 22 251) "NOTES")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 22 257) "INDEX")
;; (find-cosmictriggerpage (+ 1 189) "Index")
;; (find-cosmictriggertext "")

;; <wilson>
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "wilson")
(code-pdf-page "cosmictrigger1" "~/books/__etc/wilson__cosmic_trigger_volume_1.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "cosmictrigger1" "~/books/__etc/wilson__cosmic_trigger_volume_1.pdf" 25)
;; (find-cosmictrigger1page)
;; (find-cosmictrigger1page       10  "Contents")
;; (find-cosmictrigger1page (+ 25 1) "Index")
;; (find-cosmictrigger1text "")

;; «wohlleben»  (to ".wohlleben")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "wohlleben")
(code-pdf-page "hiddenlifeoftrees" "~/books/__etc/wohlleben__the_hidden_life_of_trees.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "hiddenlifeoftrees" "~/books/__etc/wohlleben__the_hidden_life_of_trees.pdf" 1)
;; (find-hiddenlifeoftreespage)
;; (find-hiddenlifeoftreestext "")
;; (find-hiddenlifeoftreespage   5 "Contents")
;; (find-hiddenlifeoftreestext   5 "Contents")
;; (find-hiddenlifeoftreespage 199 "were spiked with stable and radioactive isotopes")
;; (find-hiddenlifeoftreestext 199 "were spiked with stable and radioactive isotopes")

;; «costura» (to ".costura")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "costura")
;; http://www.armarinhosweb.com.br/blog/livros-corte-costura-baixar-gratis-grande-livr/
(code-pdf       "gldc" "~/books/__etc/o-grande-livro-da-costura.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "gldc" "~/books/__etc/o-grande-livro-da-costura.pdf" 1)
;; (find-gldcpage)
;; (find-gldcpage          1  "Capa")
;; (find-gldcpage          4  "Índice")
;; (find-gldcpage (+  -1   7) "Equipamento de costura")
;; (find-gldcpage (+  -1  43) "Moldes, tecidos, forros e entretelas")
;; (find-gldcpage (+  -1  81) "Para que a roupa assente bem")
;; (find-gldcpage (+  -1 107) "Como traçar seus próprios moldes")
;; (find-gldcpage (+  -1 123) "Preparação para costurar")
;; (find-gldcpage (+  -1 135) "Pontos básicos")
;; (find-gldcpage (+  -1 157) "Costuras")
;; (find-gldcpage (+  -1 172)   "Corte princesa")
;; (find-gldcpage (+  -1 173) "Pinças e pregas")
;; (find-gldcpage (+  -1 181) "Pregueados e plissados")
;; (find-gldcpage (+  -1 194) "Franzidos, casas de abelha e babados")
;; (find-gldcpage (+   0 207) "Decotes")
;; (find-gldcpage (+   0 227) "Golas")
;; (find-gldcpage (+   0 245) "Linha da cintura, coses e cintos")
;; (find-gldcpage (+   0 269) "Mangas e punhos")
;; (find-gldcpage (+   0 289) "Bolsos")
;; (find-gldcpage (+   0 305) "Bainhas e outros arremates para beiradas")
;; (find-gldcpage (+   0 331) "Zíperes")
;; (find-gldcpage (+   0 339) "Botões e outros tipos de fechamento")
;; (find-gldcpage (+   0 365) "Estilo alfaiate")
;; (find-gldcpage (+   0 389) "Confecção para a família")
;; (find-gldcpage (+   0 401) "A costura na decoração")
;; (find-gldcpage (+   0 425) "Projetos")
;; (find-gldcpage (+ -17 505) "Índice")
;; (find-gldctext "")

;; «anthropology-of-landscape»  (to ".anthropology-of-landscape")
;; (find-books "__etc/__etc.el" "anthropology-of-landscape")
;; Christopher Tilley & Kate Cameron-Daum:
;; "An Anthropology of Landscape - The Extraordinary in the Ordinary"
;; https://www.uclpress.co.uk/collections/anthropology/products/84038
;; https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/1537609/1/An-Anthropology-of-Landscape.pdf
(code-pdf-page "anthlandscape" "$S/https/discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/1537609/1/An-Anthropology-of-Landscape.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "anthlandscape" "$S/https/discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/1537609/1/An-Anthropology-of-Landscape.pdf" 22)
;; (find-anthlandscapepage)
;; (find-anthlandscapetext)
;; (find-anthlandscapepage        17  "Contents")
;; (find-anthlandscapetext        17  "Contents")
;; (find-anthlandscapepage (+ 22   1) "1 The anthropology of landscape: materiality, embodiment, contestation and emotion")
;; (find-anthlandscapepage (+ 22  23) "Part I: The heathland as taskscape")
;; (find-anthlandscapepage (+ 22  25) "2 Managing the Pebblebed heathlands")
;; (find-anthlandscapepage (+ 22  84) "3 Bushes that move: the Royal Marines")
;; (find-anthlandscapepage (+ 22 125) "4 Environmentalists: the giving and the taking away")
;; (find-anthlandscapepage (+ 22 152) "5 Quarrying pebbles")
;; (find-anthlandscapepage (+ 22 163) "Part II: The landscape as leisurescape")
;; (find-anthlandscapepage (+ 22 165) "6 Introduction: the public and the heathland")
;; (find-anthlandscapepage (+ 22 175) "7 Modes of movement through the landscape: cycling and horse riding")
;; (find-anthlandscapepage (+ 22 213) "8 The cry of the Commons: walking through furze")
;; (find-anthlandscapepage (+ 22 234) "9 Art in and from the landscape")
;; (find-anthlandscapepage (+ 22 262) "10 Fishing and the watery pursuit of `pets'")
;; (find-anthlandscapepage (+ 22 273) "11 Model aircraft flyers: spirals and loops in the sky")
;; (find-anthlandscapepage (+ 22 287) "12 Conclusions")
;; (find-anthlandscapepage (+ 22 300) "References")
;; (find-anthlandscapepage (+ 22 321) "Index")

;; «ancientknowledge»  (to ".ancientknowledge")
;; Eleanor Robson: "Ancient Knowledge Networks - A Social Geography of
;; Cuneiform Scholarship in First-Millennium Assyria and Babylonia"
;; https://www.uclpress.co.uk/collections/anthropology/products/125022
;; https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10085697/1/Ancient-Knowledge-Networks.pdf
(code-pdf-page "ancientknowledge" "$S/https/discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10085697/1/Ancient-Knowledge-Networks.pdf")
(code-pdf-text "ancientknowledge" "$S/https/discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10085697/1/Ancient-Knowledge-Networks.pdf" 25)
;; (find-ancientknowledgepage)
;; (find-ancientknowledgetext)
;; (find-ancientknowledgepage 8 "Contents")
;; (find-ancientknowledgetext 8 "Contents")
;; (find-ancientknowledgepage (+ 25 1) "Introduction")
;; (find-ancientknowledgetext (+ 25 1) "Introduction")

;; «gobook»  (to ".gobook")
;; https://www.gobook.eu/
;; https://www.gobook.eu/pdf/A%20Go%20guide%20by%20a%20beginner%20-%20colour%20version.pdf

;; ~/books/__etc/bowring__the_tale_of_genji_student_guide.pdf
;; ~/books/__etc/bulis__doctor_who_twilight_of_the_gods.pdf
;; ~/books/__etc/byant__handbook_of_death_and_dying.pdf

;; ~/books/__etc/graver__beckett_waiting_for_godot_student_guide.pdf

;; hellblazer_181.cbr

;; ~/books/__etc/saraceni__the_language_of_comics.pdf

(code-xpdf "strangerstudg" "~/books/__etc/mccarthy__camus_the_stranger_student_guide.pdf")
;; (find-strangerstudgpage      1  "Contents")
;; (find-strangerstudgpage (+ 1 1) "Index")

;; http://gigapedia.org/items/96641/anais-nin--039-s-narratives
(code-xpdf "anaisninsnarr" "~/books/__etc/salvatore__anais_nin_s_narratives.pdf")
;; (find-anaisninsnarrpage         9  "Contents")
;; (find-anaisninsnarrpage (+ 21 285) "Index")

(code-xpdf "ulyssesstudg" "~/books/__etc/sherry__joyce_ulysses_student_guide.pdf")
;; (find-ulyssesstudgpage      1  "Contents")
;; (find-ulyssesstudgpage (+ 1 1) "Index")

;; http://gigapedia.org/items/205917/memory-and-abuse--remembering-and-healing-the-effects-of-trauma
;; ~/books/__etc/whitfield__memory_and_abuse.rar

;; http://gigapedia.com/items/23097/the-curry-secret--indian-restaurant-cookery-at-home--right-way-s--
(code-xpdf      "currysecret" "~/books/__etc/dhillon__the_curry_secret_indian_restaurant_cookery_at_home.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "currysecret" "~/books/__etc/dhillon__the_curry_secret_indian_restaurant_cookery_at_home.pdf")
;; (find-currysecretpage      1  "Contents")
;; (find-currysecretpage (+ 1 1) "Index")
;; (find-currysecrettext)

;; Trash:
(code-xpdf "oprofeta" "~/books/__etc/gibran__o_profeta.pdf")
;; (find-oprofetapage      1  "Contents")
;; (find-oprofetapage (+ 1 1) "Index")

;; Parody:
;;   http://rsidd.online.fr/profit/

(code-xpdf      "sofia" "~/books/__etc/gaarder__mundo_de_sofia.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "sofia" "~/books/__etc/gaarder__mundo_de_sofia.pdf")
;; (find-sofiapage  1 "Contents")
;; (find-sofiapage 17 "Index")
;; (find-sofiatext)
;; http://www.sophiesworld.org/

;; http://gigapedia.com/items/177007/mutual-causality-in-buddhism-and-general-systems-theory--the-dharma-of-natural-system--buddhist-studies-series-
;; (find-s h "D=/tmp/mcibud/; mkdir -p -v $D && tar -C $D -xvzf ~/books/__etc/macy__mutual_causality_in_buddhism_and_general_systems_theory.tgz")
;; (find-fline "/tmp/mcibud/")

;; http://gigapedia.com/items/259740/talking-about-a-revolution--interviews-with-michael-albert--noam-chomsky--barbara-ehrenreich--bell-hooks--peter-kwong--winona-laduke--manning-marable--urvashi-vaid--and-howard-zinn
(code-xpdf "tarevolution" "~/books/__etc/albert_chomsky_zinn__talking_about_a_revolution.pdf")
;; (find-tarevolutionpage      1  "Contents")
;; (find-tarevolutionpage (+ 1 1) "Index")

;; http://gigapedia.com/items/349667/critical-perspectives-on-bell-hooks--critical-social-thought-
;; ~/books/__etc/davidson_yancy__critical_perspectives_on_bell_hooks_critical_social_thought.tgz

;; "Freud as philosopher: metapsychology after Lacan", by Richard Boothby:
;;   http://books.google.co.in/books?id=xiKi9dAfJEAC
;; Jacques Lacan: "Mon Enseignement"
;;   http://www.ecole-lacanienne.net/documents/1967-00-00.doc

;; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_and_Class_Consciousness
;; http://www.marxists.org/archive/lukacs/works/history/lukacs3.htm

;; http://gigapedia.com/items/397303/la-commune-en-images--1871-
(code-xpdf "commune1871" "~/books/__etc/maspero__la_commune_en_images.pdf")
;; (find-commune1871page      1  "Contents")
;; (find-commune1871page (+ 1 1) "Index")

;; http://gigapedia.com/items/182302/erving-goffman--key-sociologists-
;; http://gigapedia.com/items/57572/frame-analysis--an-essay-on-the-organization-of-experience
;; http://gigapedia.com/items/340842/goffman--039-s-legacy
;; http://gigapedia.com/items/275080/a-theory-of-social-interaction
;; http://gigapedia.com/items/139817/madness--heresy--and-the-rumor-of-angels--the-revolt-against-the-mental-health-system
;; http://gigapedia.com/items/408342/renewing-italian-socialism--nenni-to-craxi
;; http://gigapedia.com/items/166432/erving-goffman

;; http://gigapedia.com/items/316323/the-two-cultures--canto-
;; http://gigapedia.com/items/346406/the-three-cultures--natural-sciences--social-sciences--and-the-humanities-in-the-21st-century

;; <coetzee>
;; ~/books/__etc/coetzee__a_espera_dos_barbaros.doc
;; ~/books/__etc/coetzee__a_espera_dos_barbaros.pdf
(code-xpdf      "coetzeebarbpt" "~/books/__etc/coetzee__a_espera_dos_barbaros.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "coetzeebarbpt" "~/books/__etc/coetzee__a_espera_dos_barbaros.pdf")
;; (find-coetzeebarbptpage      1  "Contents")
;; (find-coetzeebarbptpage (+ 1 1) "Index")
;; (find-coetzeebarbpttext "")

;; <finley>
(code-xpdf      "elmundodeodiseo" "~/books/__etc/finley__el_mundo_de_odiseo.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "elmundodeodiseo" "~/books/__etc/finley__el_mundo_de_odiseo.pdf")
;; (find-elmundodeodiseopage 3 "Contents")
;; (find-elmundodeodiseopage 6 "1. Homero y los griegos")
;; (find-elmundodeodiseotext "")

(code-xpdf      "finleypitaw" "~/books/__etc/finley__politics_in_the_ancient_world.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "finleypitaw" "~/books/__etc/finley__politics_in_the_ancient_world.pdf")
;; (find-finleypitawpage         7  "Contents")
;; (find-finleypitawpage (+ 10 146) "Index")
;; (find-finleypitawtext "")

;; <hessel>
(code-djvu       "hesselfr" "~/books/__etc/hessel__indignez_vous.djvu")
(code-djvutotext "hesselfr" "~/books/__etc/hessel__indignez_vous.djvu")
(code-xpdf       "hesselen" "~/books/__etc/hessel__time_for_outrage.pdf")
(code-pdftotext  "hesselen" "~/books/__etc/hessel__time_for_outrage.pdf")
;; (find-hesselfrpage      1  "Contents")
;; (find-hesselfrpage (+ 1 1) "Index")
;; (find-hesselfrtext "")
;; (find-hesselenpage      1  "Contents")
;; (find-hesselenpage (+ 1 1) "Index")
;; (find-hesselentext "")

(code-xpdf      "tatrom201102" "~/books/__etc/tattoo_romanian__2011-02.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "tatrom201102" "~/books/__etc/tattoo_romanian__2011-02.pdf")
;; (find-tatrom201102page      11  "back")
;; (find-tatrom201102page      45  "belly")
;; (find-tatrom201102text "")

(code-xpdf      "privtuc" "~/books/__etc/ribeiro_jr__a_privataria_tucana.pdf")
(code-pdftotext "privtuc" "~/books/__etc/ribeiro_jr__a_privataria_tucana.pdf")
;; (find-privtucpage   7 "Contents")
;; (find-privtucpage 321 "16. Como o PT sabotou o PT")
;; (find-privtucpage 342 "Indice remissivo")
;; (find-privtuctext "")

;; https://marxismo21.org/leandro-konder-2/
;; https://arararevista.com/a-obra-de-caio-f-abreu-esta-disponivel-para-download/

;; joyce ulysses
;; http://m.joyceproject.com/

;; http://apib.info/files/2019/09/Tese-Mestrado-Eloy-Terena.pdf

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;; mode:   emacs-lisp
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