Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and the conversion rules are here. |
-- This file: -- http://anggtwu.net/blogme3/videoindex.lua.html -- http://anggtwu.net/blogme3/videoindex.lua -- (find-angg "blogme3/videoindex.lua") -- Author: Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com> -- Version: 2021oct11 require "re" -- Uses: (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "Re") -- Used by: (find-TH "emacsconf2021") VideoIndex_gram = [=[ symbol <- { [-A-Za-z0-9]+ } nbsps <- { " " * } timestr <- ( '"' { [0-9:]+ } '"') descriptionstr <- ( '"' { ( '\\' / '\"' / [^"] ) * } '"') sexp <- ( '(' symbol " " nbsps timestr nbsps descriptionstr ')' ) ]=] VideoIndex = Class { type = "VideoIndex", new = function (T) return VideoIndex(T or {}) end, parse = Re({grammar = VideoIndex_gram}):c('top <- sexp'), __index = { hash = "fpsF_M55W4o", hashes = { ["2021ffll"] = "h1CEL2fmkyc", ["2021orgfornonusers"] = "Eh5Wz9Vh_XM", ["2021workshop1"] = "HuqJFPD871E", ["2021workshop2"] = "hqqIlZBXNhk", ["2021workshop3"] = "r83inf9s8zo", ["2021workshop4"] = "lhpHHjBUxv8", ["2021workshop5"] = "VzRsterVSXs", ["2021workshop6"] = "-gi15-liGaU", ["2022eevmake0"] = "Iql5C-yQk5c", ["2022findeevangg"] = "FoAzpGzFCSE", ["2022findelispintro"] = "WowDSciGs1A", ["eev2019"] = "86yiRG8YJD0", ["eev2020"] = "hOAqBc42Gg8", ["eev2021"] = "qM0Luz78qGw", ["eev2021b"] = "QUMo7vgkHJI", ["eev2021pe"] = "OW6WRnSQwc0", ["eev2022kla"] = "KRobfwXd7Cw", ["eev2022py"] = "QeqCYQSlz-I", ["eev2023repls"] = "IDBQo_YYfA8", ["eev2023replsb"] = "s3enXsuXyNg", ["eev2024"] = "ZQ4mUSRcqJc", ["eevnav"] = "kxBjiUo88_U", ["oficina20210"] = "OW6WRnSQwc0", ["oficina2021a"] = "acFPMuZ5Jf4", ["oficina2021b"] = "XbuDnkfizYs", ["testbls"] = "fpsF_M55W4o", ["2022pict2elua"] = "hiHsUhGVLGM", ["2022eevwconfig"] = "Rm29XSdGCXw", ["2022eevwconfigpt1"] = "bdLbocmo3r8", ["2022eevwconfigpt2"] = "ZAAxrJX-Am8", ["2022yttranscript"] = "SW3Tx-lHX3o", ["2022tikz"] = "d7nIzpXcV6c", ["2024git"] = "lsVvokjqMY0", ["2024luaso"] = "zUW-6atPvUQ", -- ["cae0"] = "XxnfW90kbZU", ["caev"] = "JoAQ6TsFlto", ["caes"] = "sZq2PgbLN5k", ["c2m211somas1d"] = "pCD1p9FZYdI", ["2021saptleg"] = "OofZQYkNVhg", ["2021sapt"] = "OofZQYkNVhg", ["calceasy"] = "kuOxDh3egN0", ["c3m211cn"] = "mrNyBAMOyqo", ["c3m211cn2"] = "usBNtNyZRCA", ["c3cd"] = "nxsIK0tPWAI", ["visaud"] = "vVNpWTYR4wE", ["slogans"] = "qwTqIBlu9CM", ["2024algpergs"] = "FjhyhTxN_-o", ["2024lean4of0"] = "vBkxGIrv2Q0", ["2024convite"] = "wVwxugy15cU", ["2024lean4of0a2"] = "MXUJ8YLp5dU", ["2024trywithasexp"] = "BzovupjRhQM", ["2024bashtest"] = "hok5wH4XBYg", ["2024pianoroll"] = "8vhynSPXJos", }, symboltohash = function (vli, symbol) local stem = symbol:match("find%-(.*)video") return vli.hashes[stem] end, parse = function (vli, str, sethash) str = str:gsub("^[^(]*", "") local f, s1, time, s2, descr = VideoIndex.parse(str) vli.f, vli.s1, vli.time, vli.s2, vli.descr = f, s1, time, s2, descr if vli.f and sethash then vli.hash = vli:symboltohash(f) end return vli end, nbsp = function (vli, s) return (s:gsub(" ", " ")) end, timeurl = function (vli) return youtube_make_url(vli.hash, vli.time) end, timehtml = function (vli) return format('<a href="%s">%s<a>', vli:timeurl(), vli.time) end, descrhtml = function (vli) return vli.descr end, html = function (vli) return vli:nbsp(vli.s1) .. vli:timehtml() .. " " .. vli:nbsp(vli.s2) .. vli:descrhtml() end, videolines = function (vli, bigstr) local htmllines = {} for _,li in ipairs(splitlines(bigstr)) do vli:parse(li, "sethash") if vli.f then table.insert(htmllines, vli:html()) end end return htmllines end, videolinesconcat = function (vli, bigstr, sep) return table.concat(vli:videolines(bigstr), sep or "\n") end, }, } if def then def [[ videolines 1Q body VideoIndex.new():videolinesconcat(body, BR()) ]] end --[==[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "videoindex.lua" bigstr = [=[ (find-eev2021pevideo "4:32" "1. Um pouco de contexto") (find-eev2021pevideo "5:19" "1.1.1. hackers felizes") ]=] strs = splitlines(bigstr) PPV(strs) vli = VideoIndex.new():parse(strs[1], "s") PPV(vli) = vli:html() vli = VideoIndex.new() lis = vli:videolines(bigstr) = table.concat(lis, "\n") --]==]