Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
 * This file:
 *   http://anggtwu.net/MAXIMA/zpts1.mac.html
 *   http://anggtwu.net/MAXIMA/zpts1.mac
 *          (find-angg "MAXIMA/zpts1.mac")
 * Author: Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com>
 * This file extends qdraw with a pseudo-command "zpts",
 * that plots complex points.
 * (find-es "maxima" "2024.1-intro-complex")
 * (defun e () (interactive) (find-angg "MAXIMA/zpts1.mac"))
 * (find-es "maxima" "seq")
 * (find-es "maxima" "seqn")
 * (find-es "maxima" "create_list")
 * (find-angg "MAXIMA/myqdraw1.mac")

/* load_qdraw(); */
myqdraw0([lists])   := apply('qdraw, flatten([lists]));
myqdraw ([lists])   := block([], myqdraw_body : lists, apply('myqdraw0, lists));

seq     (a,b)       := makelist(i, i, a, b);
seqn    (a,b,n)     := makelist(a + (b-a)*k/n, k, 0, n);

ztoxy   (z)         := [realpart(z), imagpart(z)];
xytoz   (x,y)       := x + %i*y;
zflatten([zs])      := map('ztoxy, flatten(zs));
zpts    (zs,[opts]) := apply('pts, append([zflatten(zs)], opts));

* (eepitch-maxima)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-maxima)
** (find-angg "MAXIMA/zpts1.mac")
load       ("~/MAXIMA/zpts1.mac")$


        create_list(10*a+b, a, [1,2,3], b, [4,5,6]);
        create_list([x,y],  y, [2,1,0], x, [0,1,2]);
        create_list(x+%i*y, y, [2,1,0], x, [0,1,2]);
as_33 : create_list(x+%i*y, y, seqn(2,0,2), x, seqn(0,2,2));
as_55 : create_list(x+%i*y, y, seqn(2,0,4), x, seqn(0,2,4));
as    : as_33;

myqdraw(xr(-4,4), yr(-4,4),
        pts(map('ztoxy, as), ps(2), pc(red)),

myqdraw(xr(-8,8), yr(-8,8),
        zpts(makelist(z^2, z, as_55), ps(4), pc(red)),
        zpts(as_55,                   ps(2), pc(yellow)),


 * Local Variables:
 * coding:  utf-8-unix
 * End: