Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
-- This file:
--   http://anggtwu.net/LUA/Re2.lua.html
--   http://anggtwu.net/LUA/Re2.lua
--          (find-angg "LUA/Re2.lua")
-- Author: Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com>
-- This file implements a :pm(...) "method" for re.lua that lets us
-- compare the syntax of Lua patterns, lpeg, and re. See this test
-- block:
--   (find-angg "LUA/ELpeg1.lua" "lpeg.pm-tests")
-- The long story
-- ==============
-- In 2012 I had a project that needed a "precedence parser" that
-- could parse arithmetical expressions. At that point I (still)
-- couldn't wrap my mind around "pure" lpeg, so I tried to learn
-- re.lua instead, and I wrote this class:
--   (find-angg "LUA/Re.lua")
--   (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "Re")
--   (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "re_expand_INFIX")
--   (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "math-grammar")
-- that allowed me to use a preprocessor on patterns for re.lua. Using
-- that was very clumsy, though.
-- In 2022 I tried to learn lpegrex. It was much more powerful that
-- re.lua, but after a while I realized that it had the same defects
-- as re.lua:
--   1. it didn't have some features that I needed,
--   2. it didn't let us explore the lpeg patterns that it generated
--      from its input string,
--   3. I couldn't modify parts of its code from a REPL,
--   4. it was hard to explore, hack, and extend (IMO),
--   5. its docs weren't very clear (IMO),
--   6. its developer was too busy to help me =(.
-- In 2023 I wrote ELpeg1.lua, that was an attempt to write a
-- hacker-friendly version of (the back-end parts of) re.lua and
-- lpegrex.lua, without the front-end part that parses a grammar given
-- as a string. In dec/2023 I mentioned ELpeg1.lua in my presentation
-- at the EmacsConf2023, and I wrote :pm(...) methods for re.lua and
-- lpegrex.lua to let me compare their input languages. See:
--   (find-angg "LUA/LpegRex3.lua")
-- (defun r2 () (interactive) (find-angg "LUA/Re2.lua"))
-- (defun r1 () (interactive) (find-angg "LUA/Re.lua"))
-- (defun rq () (interactive) (find-es "lpeg" "re-quickref"))
-- (find-lpegremanual "")
-- (find-lpegremanual "#ex")

-- «.Re»	(to "Re")
-- «.Re-tests»	(to "Re-tests")
-- «.basic-1»	(to "basic-1")

re = require "re"

--  ____      
-- |  _ \ ___ 
-- | |_) / _ \
-- |  _ <  __/
-- |_| \_\___|
-- «Re»  (to ".Re")

Re = Class {
  type = "Re",
  from = function (str) return Re {str=str} end,
  __index = {
    defs = {},
    compile = function (r)           return re.compile(r.str, r.defs) end,
    find    = function (r,subj,init) return re.find(subj, r:compile(), init) end,
    match   = function (r,subj)      return re.match(subj, r:compile()) end,
    gsub    = function (r,subj,repl) return re.gsub(subj, r:compile(), repl) end,
    pm      = function (r,subj)      return PP(r:match(subj)) end,

rre = Re.from

-- «Re-tests»  (to ".Re-tests")
-- See: (find-angg "LUA/Re.lua" "Re-tests")
* (eepitch-lua51)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-lua51)
dofile "Re2.lua"

print(re.find ("the number 423 is odd", "[0-9]+"))           --> 12  14
print(re.match("the number 423 is odd", "({%a+} / .)*"))     --> the  number  is  odd
print(re.match("the number 423 is odd", "s <- {%d+} / . s")) --> 423
print(re.gsub ("hello World", "[aeiou]", "."))               --> h.ll. W.rld

= Re.from "[0-9]+"            :find  "the number 423 is odd"
= Re.from "({%a+} / .)*"      :match "the number 423 is odd"
= Re.from "s <- {%d+} / . s"  :match "the number 423 is odd"
= Re.from "[aeiou]"           :gsub ("hello World", ".")

  Re.from "({%a+} / .)*"      :pm "the number 423 is odd"
  Re.from "s <- {%d+} / . s"  :pm "the number 423 is odd"

rre       "({%a+} / .)*"      :pm "the number 423 is odd"
rre       "s <- {%d+} / . s"  :pm "the number 423 is odd"

rre             "[io]"                              :pm  "i42"
rre            "{[io]}"                             :pm  "i42"
rre            "{[io]}       {[0-9]+}"              :pm  "i42"
rre    "'('     {[io]}       {[0-9]+} ')'"          :pm "(i42) 2+3;"
rre "{  '('     {[io]}       {[0-9]+} ')'  }"       :pm "(i42) 2+3;"
rre "{  '('     {[io]}       {[0-9]+} ')'  } {.*}"  :pm "(i42) 2+3;"
rre "{| '('     {[io]}       {[0-9]+} ')' |} {.*}"  :pm "(i42) 2+3;"
rre "{| '(' {:a: [io]:} {:b: [0-9]+:} ')' |} {.*}"  :pm "(i42) 2+3;"


-- (find-lpegremanual "")
--   ( p )          grouping
--   'string'       literal string
--   "string"       literal string
--   [class]        character class
--   .              any character
--   {}             position capture
--   {       p  }   simple capture
--   {:      p :}   anonymous group capture
--   {:name: p :}   named group capture
--   {~      p ~}   substitution capture
--   {|      p |}   table capture
--   p ?            optional match
--   p *            zero or more repetitions
--   p +            one or more repetitions
--   p^num          exactly n repetitions
--   p^+num         at least n repetitions
--   p^-num         at most n repetitions
--   p -> 'string'  string capture
--   p -> "string"  string capture
--   p -> num       numbered capture

-- «basic-1»  (to ".basic-1")
* (eepitch-lua51)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-lua51)
dofile "Re2.lua"
string.pm = function (spat,subj) PP(subj:match(spat)) end
( ".b(.)(d)" )   :pm "abcd"
("(.b(.)(d))")   :pm "abcd"

rre "   . {.} 'c' {'d'}      "  :pm "abcd"
rre " { . {.} 'c' {'d'}    } "  :pm "abcd"
rre "   . {.} 'c' {'d'} {}   "  :pm "abcd"
rre " { . {.} 'c' {'d'} {} } "  :pm "abcd"

rre " { 'a' { 'b' } } "         :pm "ab"

rre "      'a'          'b'        " :pm "abc"   --> 3
rre "      'a'          'b'    {}  " :pm "abc"   --> 3
rre " {}   'a'          'b'    {}  " :pm "abc"   --> 1 3
rre " {    'a'          'b'     }  " :pm "abc"   --> 'ab'
rre " {|   'a'          'b'    |}  " :pm "abc"   --> {}
rre " {| { 'a'          'b'  } |}  " :pm "abc"   --> {1='ab'}
rre " {| { 'a' } {      'b'  } |}  " :pm "abc"   --> {1='a', 2='b'}
rre " {| { 'a' } {:     'b' :} |}  " :pm "abc"   --> {1='a', 2='b'}
rre " {| { 'a' } {:foo: 'b' :} |}  " :pm "abc"   --> {1='a', 'foo'='b'}
rre "            {:foo: 'a' :}     " :pm "abc"   --> 2
rre " {|         {:foo: 'a' :} |}  " :pm "abc"   --> {'foo'='a'}
rre " {          {:foo: 'a' :}  }  " :pm "abc"   --> 'a'

rre " {  { 'a' }        'b'     }  " :pm "abc"   --> 'ab' 'a'
rre " {  { 'a' } {      'b'  }  }  " :pm "abc"   --> 'ab' 'a' 'b'
rre " {  { 'a' } {|     'b' |}  }  " :pm "abc"   --> 'ab' 'a' 'b'
rre " {  { 'a' } {|    {'b'}|}  }  " :pm "abc"   --> 'ab' 'a' {1='b'}
rre " {  { 'a' } {|    {'b'}|}  }  " :pm "abc"   --> 'ab' 'a' {1='b'}

rre " {| {:foo: 'a'       :}   |}  " :pm "abc"   --> 'a'
rre " {| {:foo: ''->'bar' :}   |}  " :pm "abc"   --> {'foo'='bar'}

rre   [[ {| { 'a' } {:B: 'b' :}
            { 'c' } {:D: 'd' :} |} ]] :pm "abcd" --> {1='a', 2='c', 'B'='b', 'D'='d'}

rre " {~ 'a'->'AA' 'b' 'c'->'AA' ~} " :pm "abc"  --> 'AAbCC'

rre " ( ''->'a' ''->'b' ''->'c' ''->'d' ) -> 3 " :pm "abcd" --> 'c'


-- %name   pattern defs[name] or a pre-defined pattern
-- name    non terminal
-- <name>  non terminal

-- Local Variables:
-- coding:  utf-8-unix
-- End: