Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
-- This file:
--   http://anggtwu.net/LUA/Caepro5-blogme.lua.html
--   http://anggtwu.net/LUA/Caepro5-blogme.lua
--          (find-angg "LUA/Caepro5-blogme.lua")
-- Author: Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com>
-- Used by:
--   (find-TH "tmp")
-- (defun e () (interactive) (find-angg "LUA/Caepro5-blogme.lua"))

-- «.Local»		(to "Local")
-- «.Local-tests»	(to "Local-tests")

-- (find-TH "tmp")

-- Path.prependtopath   "~/blogme3/?.lua"

-- (find-angg "LUA/Caepro5.lua" "gram" "caepropat")
-- (find-blogme3 "defs-2022.lua" "load_caepro5")
-- (find-blogme3 "defs-2022.lua" "load_caepro5" "caeproR")
-- (find-angg "LUA/Caepro5.lua" "Enrichen")

-- loadblogme3()
-- require "defs-2022"    -- (find-blogme3 "defs-2022.lua")
-- load_caepro5()         -- (find-blogme3 "defs-2022.lua" "load_caepro5")

local B,C,P,R,S,V = lpeg.B,lpeg.C,lpeg.P,lpeg.R,lpeg.S,lpeg.V
local Cb,Cc,Cf,Cg = lpeg.Cb,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.Cf,lpeg.Cg
local Cp,Cs,Ct    = lpeg.Cp,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Ct
local Carg,Cmt    = lpeg.Carg,lpeg.Cmt

Local_setcolor = function (color)
    return function (str)
        return COLOR(color, str)

Local_pat    = C(caepropat) 
Local_patR   = C(caepropat) / function (a,o) return Local.fromR(a,o) end
Local_other1 = R("09","AZ","az")^1 + P(1)
Local_other2 = ((-caepropat) * Local_other1)^1
Local_other3 = Local_other2 / "<%0>"
Local_other3 = Local_other2 / function (str) return Local.htmlizerest(str) end
Local_line0  = Cs((Local_patR + Local_other3)^0)
Local_line   = (#P"* "   * (Local_line0 / Local_setcolor("red")))
             + (#P"** "  * (Local_line0 / Local_setcolor("green")))
             + (#P"*** " * (Local_line0 / Local_setcolor("violet")))
             + Local_line0

--  _                    _ 
-- | |    ___   ___ __ _| |
-- | |   / _ \ / __/ _` | |
-- | |__| (_) | (_| (_| | |
-- |_____\___/ \___\__,_|_|
-- «Local»  (to ".Local")

Local = Class {
  type = "Local",
  from = function (abbrev, o)
      local lo = Local {abbrev=abbrev, o=o}
      lo.e     = Enrichen.from0(lo.o):adds0()
      lo.urlp  = lo.e.o.urlp
      lo.url   = lo:pdf1ize(lo.urlp)
      return lo
  htmlizerest  = function (str) return "<"..str..">" end,
  htmlizerest  = function (str) return htmlizeline(str) end,
  htmlizeline  = function (str) return Local_line:match(str) end,
  htmlizelines = function (str) return (str:gsub("[^\n]+", Local.htmlizeline)) end,
  fromR = function (abbrev, o) return Local.from(abbrev, o):R() end,
  __index = {
    pdf0    = "http://anggtwu.net/LATEX/2022-2-C2-C3-ajuda.pdf",
    pdf0pat = "http://anggtwu.net/LATEX/2022%-2%-C2%-C3%-ajuda.pdf",
    pdf1    = "2023aug16.pdf",
    pdf1ize = function (lo, url) return (url:gsub(lo.pdf0pat, lo.pdf1)) end,
    R       = function (lo) return HREF(lo.url, lo.abbrev) end,

-- «Local-tests»  (to ".Local-tests")
* (eepitch-lua51)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-lua51)
 require "defs-2022"    -- (find-blogme3 "defs-2022.lua")
 load_caepro5()         -- (find-blogme3 "defs-2022.lua" "load_caepro5")
dofile "Caepro5-blogme.lua"

= package
= keys(package.loaded)
= PPV(keys(package.loaded))

-- (find-angg "LUA/Caepro5.lua" "Enrichen-tests")
= Enrichen.from0(caepropat:match "2aT1"):adds0()
= Enrichen.from0(caepropat:match "2aT1"):adds0().o.gsexp
= Enrichen.from0(caepropat:match "2aT1"):adds0().o.urlp

-- (find-fline "~/ORG/indice-caepro.org")
bigstr = ee_readfile "~/ORG/indice-caepro.org"
= Local.htmlizelines(bigstr)

lpeg.treem  = function (pat, str) return trees(pat:match(str or "")) end

subj = "__2aT1__"
= (C(2) * Local_pat  * C(2)):treem(subj)
= (C(2) * Local_patR * C(2)):treem(subj)
= (C(2) * Local_patR * C(2)):match(subj)
= (P(2) * Local_patR * P(2)):Cs():match(subj)
= ((Local_patR + Local_other3)^1):Cs():match(subj)
subj = "2aT1_2aT1"
subj = "_2022-500-linhas-etel#2&"
= Local_line:match(subj)
= Local.htmlizeline(subj)

ab = "2aT1"
ab = "2022-500-linhas-etel#2"
lo = Local.from(ab, caepropat:match(ab))
= lo
= lo.o
= lo.e
= lo.urlp
= lo.url
= lo:R()

ptb = nil
= C(2)
= PrintFunction.from(C)

= R("foo", "bar")


-- def [[ R   2 url,body HREF(url, nilify(body) or url)                ]]

-- Local Variables:
-- coding:  utf-8-unix
-- End: