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-- This file: -- http://anggtwu.net/LEAN/luatree2.lean.html -- http://anggtwu.net/LEAN/luatree2.lean -- (find-angg "LEAN/luatree2.lean") -- Author: Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com> -- -- (defun l1 () (interactive) (find-angg "LEAN/luatree1.lean")) -- (defun l2 () (interactive) (find-angg "LEAN/luatree2.lean")) -- variable (s head fname content : String) -- variable (strs : List String) import Lean /- Trees as Lua expressions, -- like this: {[0]="a", "b", "c"} -/ namespace LuaTree open String def q s := "\"" ++ s ++ "\"" -- quote def zq s := "[0]=\"" ++ s ++ "\"" -- zero/quote def br s := "{" ++ s ++ "}" -- bracket def ac s := ", " ++ s -- add comma def acs (strs : List String) : String := join (List.map ac strs) def zacs (head : String) (strs : List String) : String := br ((zq head) ++ (acs strs)) def zconcat := zacs #eval zconcat "a" [ "b", "c"] #eval zconcat "a" [q "b", q "c"] /- IO -- See: (find-angg "luatree/luatree.lua") -/ def mkfilepath (fname : String) : System.FilePath := System.mkFilePath [fname] def readfile (fname : String) : IO String := IO.FS.readFile (mkfilepath fname) def writefile (fname content : String) : IO Unit := IO.FS.writeFile (mkfilepath fname) content def getoutput (cmd : String) (args : Array String) : IO String := do let out â啇 IO.Process.output { cmd := cmd, args := args } return out.stdout def luatreescript := "/home/edrx/luatree/luatree.lua" def luatreetmpfile := "/tmp/o1.lua" def luatreerun (luaexpr : String) : IO String := do writefile luatreetmpfile luaexpr return (â啇 getoutput luatreescript #[luatreetmpfile]) def luatreeprint (luaexpr : String) : IO Unit := do IO.println (â啇 luatreerun luaexpr) /- LT: structure and class -/ inductive LT where | s (s : String) : LT | t (h : String) (l : List LT) : LT deriving Repr partial def toLuaExpr0 : LT â啋 String | .s s => q s | .t h l => zconcat h (List.map toLuaExpr0 l) class ToLT (伪 : Type) where toLT : 伪 â啋 LT toLuaExpr : 伪 â啋 String := fun o => toLuaExpr0 (toLT o) printTree : 伪 â啋 IO Unit := fun o => do IO.print (â啇 luatreerun (toLuaExpr o)) /- LT: basic instances -/ export ToLT (toLT toLuaExpr printTree) instance : ToLT String where toLT str := LT.s str instance : ToLT Int where toLT n := LT.s (toString n) instance : ToLT Nat where toLT n := LT.s (toString n) instance {伪} [ToLT 伪] : ToLT (List 伪) where toLT as := (LT.t "[]" (List.map toLT as)) instance {伪} [ToLT 伪] : ToLT (Array 伪) where toLT as := (LT.t "#[]" (Array.map toLT as).toList) #eval toLT [2, 3] #eval toLuaExpr [2, 3] #eval printTree [2, 3] open Lean partial def toLT_fromName (name : Name) : LT := match name with | .anonymous => LT.s ".anon" | .str pre str => LT.t ".str" [toLT_fromName pre, toLT str] | .num _ _ => LT.s ".n" def fromTSyntax (_ : TSyntax ks) : String := ".r" instance : ToLuaTree Name where toLuaTree := fromName instance : ToLuaTree Syntax where toLuaTree := fromSyntax instance : ToLuaTree (TSyntax ks) where toLuaTree := fromTSyntax #check `(1 + "42") #check toLuaTree `(1 + "42") --#eval toLuaTree `(1 + "42") #eval do IO.print (â啇 luatreerun (toLuaTree `Lean.Name)) #check Lean.Syntax partial def toLuaTreeName2 (name : Name) : String := let _ : ToLuaTree Name := â煥toLuaTreeName2â煩 match name with | .anonymous => "(.anon)" | .str pre str => zconcat ".str" [toLuaTree pre, q str] | .num pre i => "(.n)" instance : ToLuaTree Name := â煥toLuaTreeName2â煩 end LuaTree