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-- This file: -- http://angg.twu.net/LATEX/2021-1-C2-critical-points.lua.html -- http://angg.twu.net/LATEX/2021-1-C2-critical-points.lua -- (find-angg "LATEX/2021-1-C2-critical-points.lua") -- Author: Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com> -- -- (defun l () (interactive) (find-LATEX "2021-1-C2-critical-points.lua")) -- -- Used by: (find-LATEX "2021-1-C2-integral-figuras.tex") -- Superseded by: (find-LATEX "2021pict2e.lua") -- -- See: (find-LATEXgrep "grep --color=auto -nH --null -e 2021-1-C2-critical-points 20*.tex") -- «.Points» (to "Points") -- «.Points-test» (to "Points-test") -- -- «.f_do_slide_8» (to "f_do_slide_8") -- «.f_parabola_preferida» (to "f_parabola_preferida") -- «.Partition» (to "Partition") -- «.Partition» (to "Partition") -- -- «.Partition-tests» (to "Partition-tests") -- «.CriticalPoints-tests» (to "CriticalPoints-tests") -- «.Approxer» (to "Approxer") -- «.Approxer-tests» (to "Approxer-tests") -- «.Piecewisify» (to "Piecewisify") -- «.Piecewisify-tests» (to "Piecewisify-tests") require "edrxpict" -- (find-LATEX "edrxpict.lua") -- ____ _ _ -- | _ \ ___ (_)_ __ | |_ ___ -- | |_) / _ \| | '_ \| __/ __| -- | __/ (_) | | | | | |_\__ \ -- |_| \___/|_|_| |_|\__|___/ -- -- «Points» (to ".Points") -- A class for sequences of points. -- Copied from: (find-LATEX "edrxpict.lua" "Points") -- Points = Class { type = "Points", fromfx = function (a, b, n, f) local ps = Points {} for i=0,n do local x = a + (b-a)*(i/n) table.insert(ps, v(x,f(x))) end return ps end, fromFt = function (a, b, n, F) local ps = Points {} for i=0,n do local t = a + (b-a)*(i/n) table.insert(ps, v(F(t))) end return ps end, __tostring = function (li) return li:tostring(" ") end, __index = { tostring = function (ps, sep) return mapconcat(tostring, ps, sep or "") end, add = function (ps, ...) for _,p in ipairs({...}) do table.insert(ps, p) end return ps end, copy = function (ps) return Points(shallowcopy(ps)) end, polyunder = function (ps) local x0, x1 = ps[1][1], ps[#ps][1] return ps:copy():add(v(x1,0), v(x0,0)) end, pict = function (ps, pre) return (pre or "")..ps:tostring() end, -- line = function (ps) return ps:pict"\\polyline" end, poly = function (ps) return ps:pict"\\polygon" end, fill = function (ps) return ps:pict"\\polygon*" end, }, } -- «Points-test» (to ".Points-test") --[[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "edrxpict.lua" ps = Points.fromfx(2, 3, 5, function (x) return 10*x end) = ps = ps:polyunder() = ps:polyunder():pict"\\polyline" = ps:polyunder():pict"\\polygon" = ps:polyunder():pict"\\polygon*" = Points{v(1,2), v(3,4)}:polyunder():pict"\\polygon*" = ps:line() = ps:poly() = ps:fill() -- (find-pict2epage 9 "2.4 Extensions") --]] -- «f_do_slide_8» (to ".f_do_slide_8") -- (c2m211somas2p 8 "imagens-de-intervalos") -- (c2m211somas2a "imagens-de-intervalos") f_do_slide_8 = function (x) if x <= 3 then return x+3 end if 3 < x and x < 8 then return 9-x end if 8 <= x then return x-7 end end -- «f_parabola_preferida» (to ".f_parabola_preferida") -- (c2m211somas1p 6 "exercicio-1") -- (c2m211somas1a "exercicio-1") f_parabola_preferida = function (x) return 4 - (x-2)^2 end --[[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "2021-1-C2-critical-points.lua" f = f_do_slide_8 = f(0) = f(2) = f(3) = f(4) = f(7) = f(8) = f(9) f = f_parabola_preferida = f(0), f(1), f(2), f(3), f(4) --]] -- «Partition» (to ".Partition") -- Partition = Class { type = "Partition", new = function (a, b) return Partition {points={a,b}} end, __index = { a = function (ptn) return ptn.points[1] end, b = function (ptn) return ptn.points[#ptn.points] end, N = function (ptn) return #ptn.points - 1 end, ai = function (ptn, i) return ptn.points[i] end, bi = function (ptn, i) return ptn.points[i+1] end, bminusa = function (ptn) return ptn:b() - ptn:a() end, splitn = function (ptn, N) local points = {} local Delta = ptn:bminusa() for k=0,N do table.insert(points, ptn:a() + Delta*(k/N)) end return Partition {points=points} end, }, } -- «Partition-tests» (to ".Partition-tests") --[[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "2021-1-C2-critical-points.lua" ptn = Partition.new(2, 10) PPV(ptn) PPV(ptn:splitn(4)) ptn = Partition.new(2, 10):splitn(4) for i=1,ptn:N() do print(i, ptn:ai(i), ptn:bi(i)) end --]] CriticalPoints = Class { type = "CriticalPoints", new = function (f, allcriticalpoints) return CriticalPoints {f=f, allcriticalpoints=allcriticalpoints} end, __index = { criticalpointsin = function (cp, a, b) local A = {} for _,x in ipairs(cp.allcriticalpoints) do if a < x and x < b then table.insert(A, x) end end return A end, infin = function (cp, a, b) local inf = cp.f(a) local add = function (x) inf = min(inf, cp.f(x)) end add(b) for _,x in ipairs(cp:criticalpointsin(a, b)) do add(x) end return inf end, supin = function (cp, a, b) local sup = cp.f(a) local add = function (x) sup = max(sup, cp.f(x)) end add(b) for _,x in ipairs(cp:criticalpointsin(a, b)) do add(x) end return sup end, method = function (cp, method, a, b) return cp[method](cp, a, b) end, }, } -- «CriticalPoints-tests» (to ".CriticalPoints-tests") --[[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "2021-1-C2-critical-points.lua" cpf = CriticalPoints.new(f_do_slide_8, {3,8}) = cpf:supin(7, 9) = cpf:infin(7, 9) = cpf:method("supin", 7, 9) --]] -- (find-es "tex" "pict2e") -- TODO: add support for using different colours for filling and -- contour -- Rect0 = Class { type = "Rect0", new = function (a, b, y) return Rect0 {a=a, b=b, y=y} end, __index = { corners = function (r0) local a, b, y = r0.a, r0.b, r0.y return pformat("(%s,%s)(%s,%s)(%s,%s)(%s,%s)", a,y, b,y, b,0, a,0) end, pict = function (r0, what) str = "" corners = r0:corners() if what:match"c" then str = str .. "\\polygon*" .. corners .. "%\n" end if what:match"a" then str = str .. "\\polygon" .. corners .. "%\n" end return str end, }, } --[[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "2021-1-C2-critical-points.lua" r0 = Rect0.new(1, 2, 3) = r0:pict("a") = r0:pict("c") = r0:pict("ac") --]] -- «Approxer» (to ".Approxer") -- Approxer = Class { type = "Approxer", __index = { pict = function (ap, N, method, what) bigstr = "" local cp = CriticalPoints.new(ap.f, ap.allcps) local pt = Partition.new(ap.a, ap.b):splitn(N or ap.N) for i=1,pt:N() do local ai,bi = pt:ai(i), pt:bi(i) local y = cp:method(method or ap.method, ai, bi) local pict = Rect0.new(ai, bi, y):pict(what or ap.what) bigstr = bigstr .. pict end return bigstr end, }, } -- «Approxer-tests» (to ".Approxer-tests") --[[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "2021-1-C2-critical-points.lua" appr = Approxer { f = f_do_slide_8, allcps = {3,8}, a = 2, b = 10, N = 4, method = "supin", what = "ac", } = appr:pict() = appr:pict(2, "infin", "c") --]] -- criticalpointsin = function (cp, a, b) -- local A = {} -- for _,x in ipairs(cp.allcriticalpoints) do -- if a < x and x < b then table.insert(A, x) end -- end -- return A -- end, -- infin = function (cp, a, b) -- local inf = cp.f(a) -- local add = function (x) inf = min(inf, cp.f(x)) end -- add(b) -- for _,x in ipairs(cp:criticalpointsin(a, b)) do add(x) end -- return inf -- end, -- supin = function (cp, a, b) -- local sup = cp.f(a) -- local add = function (x) sup = max(sup, cp.f(x)) end -- add(b) -- for _,x in ipairs(cp:criticalpointsin(a, b)) do add(x) end -- return sup -- end, -- method = function (cp, method, a, b) -- return cp[method](cp, a, b) -- end, -- «Piecewisify» (to ".Piecewisify") -- Piecewisify = Class { type = "Piecewisify", new = function (f, ...) return Piecewisify({f=f}):setpoints(...) end, __index = { addpoint = function (pwi, p) if type(p) ~= "number" then PP("Not a number:", p); error() end pwi.points:add(p) return pwi end, addlistofpoints = function (pwi, A) for _,p in ipairs(A) do pwi:addpoint(p) end return pwi end, addpoints = function (pwi, ...) for _,o in ipairs({...}) do if type(o) == "number" then pwi:addpoint(o) elseif type(o) == "table" then pwi:addlistofpoints(o) else PP("not a point or a list of points:", o); error() end end return pwi end, setpoints = function (pwi, ...) pwi.points = SetL.new() return pwi:addpoints(...) end, -- See: (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "SetL") -- pointsin = function (pwi, a, b) local A = {} for _,x in ipairs(pwi.points:ks()) do if a < x and x < b then table.insert(A, x) end end return A end, -- eps = 1/32768, delta = 1/128, hasjump = function (pwi, x0, x1) local y0,y1 = pwi.f(x0), pwi.f(x1) return math.abs(y1-y0) > pwi.delta end, hasjumpl = function (pwi, x) return pwi:hasjump(x - pwi.eps, x) end, hasjumpr = function (pwi, x) return pwi:hasjump(x, x + pwi.eps) end, -- xy = function (pwi, x, y) return pformat("(%s,%s)", x, y or pwi.f(x)) end, xyl = function (pwi, xc) return pwi:xy(xc - pwi.eps) end, xyr = function (pwi, xc) return pwi:xy(xc + pwi.eps) end, jumps_and_xys = function (pwi, xc) local xyl, xyc, xyr = pwi:xyl(xc), pwi:xy(xc), pwi:xyr(xc) local jumpl = pwi:hasjumpl(xc) and "l" or "" local jumpr = pwi:hasjumpr(xc) and "r" or "" local jumps = jumpl..jumpr return jumps, xyl, xyc, xyr end, piecewise_m = function (pwi, xc) -- "m" is for "middle" local jumps, xyl, xyc, xyr = pwi:jumps_and_xys(xc) if jumps == "" then str = xyc elseif jumps == "l" then str = format("%so %sc", xyl, xyc) elseif jumps == "r" then str = format("%sc %so", xyc, xyr) elseif jumps == "lr" then str = format("%so %sc %so", xyl, xyc, xyr) end return str end, piecewise = function (pwi, a, b, method, sep) local method, sep = method or "piecewise_m", sep or "--" local f = function (x) return pwi[method](pwi, x) end local str = pwi:xyr(a) -- for _,x in ipairs(pwi.points:ks()) do -- if a < x and x < b then -- str = str..sep..f(x) -- end -- end for _,x in ipairs(pwi:pointsin(a, b)) do str = str..sep..f(x) end str = str..sep..pwi:xyl(b) return str end, pw = function (pwi, a, b) return pictpiecewise(pwi:piecewise(a, b)) end, -- See: (find-LATEX "edrxpict.lua" "Piecewise") -- (find-LATEX "edrxpict.lua" "Piecewise" "pictpiecewise =") -- piecewise_pol1 = function (pwi, xc) -- for polygons local jumps, xyl, xyc, xyr = pwi:jumps_and_xys(xc) if jumps == "" then return xyc else return format("%s%s", xyl, xyr) end end, piecewise_pol = function (pwi, a, b) local a0, b0 = pwi:xy(a, 0), pwi:xy(b, 0) return a0..pwi:piecewise(a, b, "piecewise_pol1", "")..b0 end, pol = function (pwi, a, b, star) return "\\polygon"..(star or "")..pwi:piecewise_pol(a, b) end, -- inforsup = function (pwi, maxormin, a, b) local y = pwi.f(a) local consider = function (x) y = maxormin(y, pwi.f(x)) end consider(a + pwi.eps) for _,x in ipairs(pwi:pointsin(a, b)) do consider(x - pwi.eps) consider(x) consider(x + pwi.eps) end consider(b - pwi.eps) consider(b) return y end, inf = function (pwi, a, b) return pwi:inforsup(min, a, b) end, sup = function (pwi, a, b) return pwi:inforsup(max, a, b) end, max = function (pwi, a, b) return max(pwi.f(a), pwi.f(b)) end, min = function (pwi, a, b) return min(pwi.f(a), pwi.f(b)) end, zero = function (pwi) return 0 end, method = function (pwi, mname, a, b) return pwi[mname](pwi, a, b) end, rct = function (pwi, mname1, mname2, a, b) local y1 = pwi:method(mname1, a, b) local y2 = pwi:method(mname2 or "zero", a, b) return pformat("(%s,%s)(%s,%s)(%s,%s)(%s,%s)", a,y1, a,y2, b,y2, b,y1) end, rects = function (pwi, ptn, mname1, mname2, star) local str = "" for i=1,ptn:N() do local ai,bi = ptn:ai(i), ptn:bi(i) local rct = pwi:rct(mname1, mname2, ai, bi) str = str .. format("\\polygon%s%s\n", star or "*", rct) end return str end, }, } -- «Piecewisify-tests» (to ".Piecewisify-tests") --[[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "2021-1-C2-critical-points.lua" f_parabola_2 = function (x) if x <= 4 then return f_parabola_preferida(x) end if x < 5 then return 2 end if x == 5 then return 3 end if x < 6 then return 1 end return 0 end pwi = Piecewisify {f = f_parabola_2} pwi:setpoints(2, 3, seq(0, 1, 0.25)) pwi = Piecewisify.new(f_parabola_2, seq(0, 4, 0.25), 5, 6) pwi = Piecewisify.new(f_parabola_2, seq(0, 4, 1 ), 5, 6) = pwi.points:ksc(" ") = pwi:piecewise_m(2) = pwi:piecewise_m(4) = pwi:piecewise_m(5) = pwi:piecewise_m(6) = pwi:piecewise(0, 7) = pwi:pw(0, 7) = pwi:piecewise_pol(0, 7) = pwi:pol(0, 7) = pwi:pol(0, 7, "*") = pwi:sup(0.5, 2.5) = pwi:inf(0.5, 2.5) = pwi:rct("sup", "inf", 0.5, 2.5) = pwi:rects(Partition.new(0, 2):splitn(4), "sup") = pwi:rects(Partition.new(0, 2):splitn(4), "sup", "inf") --]] --[[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "2021-1-C2-critical-points.lua" dirichlet_incl_Q = SetL.new() dirichlet_incl = function (x) if dirichlet_incl_Q:has(x) then return x end return x+1 end for _,x in ipairs(seq(0, 1, 1/16)) do dirichlet_incl_Q:add(x) end pwid = Piecewisify.new(dirichlet_incl, seq(0, 1, 1/16)) = dirichlet_incl(0.25) = dirichlet_incl(0.2) --]]