Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
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Notes on [Seely87], a.k.a.:

``Categorical Semantics for Higher Order Polymorphic Lambda Calculus'', available at:

\url{https://www.jstor.org/stable/2273831} and



These notes are at:






I wrote these notes mostly to test if the conventions above
are good enough.



% (find-books "__cats/__cats.el" "seely-plc")
% (find-seelyplcpage (+ -967 972) "1.1.2. Operators")
% (find-seelyplctext (+ -967 972) "1.1.2. Operators")

1.1.2: Operators

%:   ---   ----
%:   *∈1   ⊤∈Ω
%:   ^o1   ^oT
%:   σ∈Ω  τ∈Ω    σ∈Ω  τ∈Ω   
%:   --------    --------   
%:    σ∧τ∈Ω       σ⊸τ∈Ω     
%:    ^oand       ^oimp     
%:   σ∈Ω         σ∈Ω     
%:   --------    --------
%:   Σα∈A·σ∈Ω    Πα∈A·σ∈Ω
%:   ^oSigma     ^oPi
%:   σ∈A  τ∈B        σ∈A×B         σ∈A×B     
%:   ---------(×I)   ------(×E)    ------(×E)
%:   〈σ,τ〉∈A×B       π_1σ∈A        π_2σ∈B    
%:   ^oxI            ^oxE1         ^oxE2
%:   σ∈Ω             τ∈A  σ∈Ω^A
%:   -----------     ----------
%:   [α∈A:σ]∈Ω^A      σ(τ)∈Ω
%:   ^obrI            ^obrE
  \ded{o1} \qquad \ded{oT} \\ \\
  \ded{oand} \qquad \ded{oimp} \\ \\
  \ded{oSigma} \qquad \ded{oPi} \\ \\
  \ded{oxI} \qquad \ded{oxE1} \qquad \ded{oxE2} \\ \\
  \ded{obrI} \qquad \ded{obrE} \\


% (find-seelyplcpage (+ -967 972) "1.1.4. Terms")
% (find-seelyplctext (+ -967 972) "1.1.4. Terms")

1.1.4: Terms

%:  ---(⊤I)
%:  *∈⊤
%:  ^tstar
%:  a∈τ                  b∈σ  a∈σ⊸τ
%:  --------------(⊸I)   ----------(⊸E)
%:  (λx∈σ·a)∈(σ⊸τ)         a(b)∈τ
%:  ^tlambda                ^tapp
%:  a∈σ  b∈τ       a∈σ∧τ         a∈σ∧τ
%:  --------(∧I)   ------(∧E)    ------(∧E)
%:  〈a,b〉∈σ∧τ      π_1a∈σ        π_2a∈τ
%:  ^tpair         ^tpi1         ^tpi2
%:  --------------------------(ΣI)
%:  I_{Σα·σ,τ}∈(σ[τ/α]⊸Σα∈A·σ)
%:  ^tSigmaI
%:  a∈(σ⊸ρ)
%:  ----------------------(ΣE)
%:  (𝐛Vα∈A·a)∈((Σα∈A·σ)⊸ρ)
%:  ^tSigmaE
%:  a∈σ
%:  -----------------(ΠI)
%:  (Λα∈A·a)∈(Πα∈A·σ)
%:  ^tPiI
%:  τ∈A  a∈(Πα∈A·σ)
%:  ---------------(ΠE)
%:  a\{τ\}∈σ[τ/α]
%:  ^PiE
  \ded{tstar} \\ \\
  \ded{tlambda} \qquad \ded{tapp} \\ \\
  \ded{tpair} \qquad \ded{tpi1} \qquad \ded{tpi2} \\ \\
  \ded{tSigmaI} \\ \\
  \ded{tSigmaE} \\ \\
  \ded{tPiI} \\ \\
  \ded{PiE} \\


% (find-seelyplcpage (+ -967 972) "1.1.4. Terms")
% (find-seelyplctext (+ -967 972) "1.1.4. Terms")

Decyphering $(ΣI)$:

$(ΣI)$ If $α$ is an indeterminate of order $A$, $σ∈Ω$, $τ∈A$, then
$I_{Σα·σ,τ} ∈ σ[τ/α]⊸Σα∈A·σ$. When clear from the context, we shall
denote this term by $I_τ$, or even by $I$; in particular, if
$b∈σ[τ/α]$, then $I(b)∈Σα∈A·σ$.
%:  P(τ)
%:  ---------(∃I)
%:  ∃α∈A.P(α)
%:  ^dei1
%:  --------------(∃I)
%:  P(τ)⊸∃α∈A.P(α)
%:  ^dei2
%:  --------------(∃I)
%:  P[α:=τ]⊸∃α∈A.P
%:  ^dei3
%:  -------------------(ΣI)
%:  I_τ∈(σ[τ/α]⊸Σα∈A·σ)
%:  ^dei5
%:            -----------------(ΣI)
%:  b∈σ[τ/α]  I∈(σ[τ/α]⊸Σα∈A·σ)
%:  ---------------------------(⊸E)
%:  I(b)∈Σα∈A·σ
%:  ^dei6
  \ded{dei1} \\ \\
  \ded{dei2} \\ \\
  \ded{dei3} \\ \\
  \ded{dei5} \\ \\
  \ded{dei6} \\

% (find-seelyplcpage (+ -967 972) "1.1.4. Terms")
% (find-seelyplctext (+ -967 972) "1.1.4. Terms")

Decyphering $(ΣE)$:

$(ΣE)$ If $a∈σ⊸ρ$, $α$ an indeterminate of order $A$ which is not free
in $p$ nor in the type of any free variable in $a$, then

%:          [P]^1
%:           :
%:  ∃α∈A.P   Q
%:  ----------(∃E)
%:      Q


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make -f 2019.mk STEM=2020seelyplc veryclean
make -f 2019.mk STEM=2020seelyplc pdf

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