Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
% (find-angg "LATEX/2019barr1.tex")
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% (defun u () (interactive) (find-latex-upload-links "2019barr1"))
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% http://angg.twu.net/LATEX/2019barr1.pdf
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% https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgxwBVWJTPqxSMKgQQxBTSDdqCLjz

I have read your article in the latest Tugboat with interest and I have
some questions and comments.  The first diagram I would do using
 rather than 4 morphisms, but that's my preference.  (Incidentally, the
opening and closing come from NRoff, but I would likely do it with
braces today.)  An alternative way to make that square would be
 \node 1a(0,400)[LA]
 \node 1b(400,400)[A]
 \node 2a(0,0)[B]
 \node 2b(400,0)[RB]
 \arrow/|->/[1b`1a;] %%% alternately \arrow/<-|/[1a`1b;]
   which is nearly self documenting.

In your second diagram, I fail to see where in your specification the
dashed arrow in the middle is specified, nor where sizes are.  Here
is how I would do that:
 \node 1(0,500)[A]
 \node 2a(-300,0)[FA]
 \node 2b(0,0)[\phantom A]
 \node 2c(300,0)[GA]
 But I wonder how you would specify additional diagonal arrows.  For
example, how would you do
 \node 1(0,500)[A]
 \node 2x(-800,0)[HA]
 \node 2a(-300,0)[FA]
 \node 2b(0,0)[\phantom A]
 \node 2c(300,0)[GA]
 \node 2y(800,0)[KA]

And what would you do with the following, taken from a recent paper of
 \node 1a(-500,500)[C]
 \node 1b(0,500)[X]
 \node 1c(500,500)[C]
 \node 2(0,0)[Y]
 \arrow/@{->}@<-3pt>/[2`1b;\ell ]
 \arrow|r|[2`1c;g\ell ]
 or (horrors) taken from a paper I copy-edited for TAC:
 \node 1(1000,800)[Y]
 \node 21(0,0)[X]
 \node 22(2000,0)[Z]
 \node aa(300,400)[]
 \node ab(450,400)[]
 \node ba(1550,400)[]
 \node bb(1700,400)[]
 \node c(1000,150)[]
 \node f(1000,-200)[]
 \node d(1100,25)[]
 \node e(1100,-75)[]


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