Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
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% (find-dn6 "preamble6.lua" "preamble0")
\usepackage{proof}   % For derivation trees ("%:" lines)
\input diagxy        % For 2D diagrams ("%D" lines)
\xyoption{curve}     % For the ".curve=" feature in 2D diagrams
\usepackage{edrx15}               % (find-LATEX "edrx15.sty")
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% «.prawitz-original»		(to "prawitz-original")
% «.prawitz-proper-sub»		(to "prawitz-proper-sub")
% «.quantifier-judgments»	(to "quantifier-judgments")
% «.quantifier-diagrams»	(to "quantifier-diagrams")
% «.names-for-adjunctions»	(to "names-for-adjunctions")
% «.fol-quantifier-rules»	(to "fol-quantifier-rules")
% «.dotted»			(to "dotted")
% «.ex-intro»			(to "ex-intro")
% «.ex-elim»			(to "ex-elim")
% «.prawitz»			(to "prawitz")
% «.prawitz-2»			(to "prawitz-2")
% «.ex-elim-bad»		(to "ex-elim-bad")
% «.notes-dtt»			(to "notes-dtt")

% (eedn4-51-bounded)


Index of the slides:
% To update the list of slides uncomment this line:
% then rerun LaTeX on this file, and insert the contents of "tmp.los"
% below, by hand (i.e., with "insert-file"):
% (find-fline "tmp.los")
% (insert-file "tmp.los")
\tocline {Prawitz's example: original version} {2}
\tocline {Prawitz's example: proper subtrees} {3}
\tocline {Quantifiers: judgment rules} {4}
\tocline {Quantifiers: diagrammatic rules} {5}
\tocline {Dotted diagrams} {6}
\tocline {Names for some adjunctions} {7}
\tocline {Rules for the quantifiers} {8}
\tocline {Introduction of the existential} {9}
\tocline {Elimination of the existential} {10}
\tocline {A derivation from Prawitz} {11}
\tocline {A derivation from Prawitz (2)} {12}
\tocline {Wild notes about exist-elim} {13}
\tocline {Notes about DTT} {14}

% --------------------
% «prawitz-original»  (to ".prawitz-original")
% (s "Prawitz's example: original version" "prawitz-original")
\myslide {Prawitz's example: original version} {prawitz-original}

In [Prawitz], this example of a translation (from natural language)

is used to introduce Natural Deduction:


An informal derivation of $∀x.∃y.(Pxy\&Qxy)$ from the two assumptions

(1) $∀x.∀y.Pxy$

(2) $∀x.∀y.(Pxy→Qxy)$

may run somewhat as follows:

From (1), we obtain:

(3) $∃y.Pay$

Let us therefore assume

(4) $Pab$.

From (2), we have:

(5) $Pab→Qab$

and from (4) and (5)

(6) $Qab$.

Hence, from (4) and (6), we obtain

(7) $Pab\&Qab$

and from (7) we get

(8) $∃y.(Pay\&Qay)$

Now, (8) is obtained from assumption (4), but the argument is
independent of the particular value of the parameter $b$ that
satisfies (4). In view of (3), we therefore have:

(9) (8) is independent of the assumption (4).

Because of (9), (8) depends only on (1) and (2) and thus holds on
these assumptions for any arbitrary value of $a$. Hence, the desired

(10) $∀x.∃y.(Pxy\&Qxy)$.


The corresponding natural deduction is given below; the numerals refer
to steps in the informal argument above (rather than to the way the
assumptions are discharged).

%:                                 \R2{∀x∀y(Pxy→Qxy)} 
%:                                 ------------------ 
%:                                     ∀y(Pay→Qay)  
%:                                     -----------  
%:                          \L4{Pab}   \R5{Pab→Qab}   
%:                          -------------------------   
%:                \L4{Pab}      \R6{Qab}        
%:                ----------------------        
%:  \L1{∀x∃yPxy}      \R7{Pab&Qab}           
%:  ------------     ----------------        
%:   \L3{∃yPay}      \R8{∃y(Pay&Qay)}           
%:   --------------------------------
%:        \R9{∃y(Pay&Qay)}
%:       ---------------------
%:       \R{10}{∀x∃y(Pxy&Qyx)}
%:       ^prawitz-p19-LR
$$\def\N#1{\text{\tiny (#1)}}
  \def\R#1#2{#2\hbox to 0pt{\;\;{\tiny (#1)}\hss}}
  \def\L#1#2{\hbox to 0pt{\hss{\tiny (#1)}\;\;}#2}

% --------------------
% «prawitz-proper-sub»  (to ".prawitz-proper-sub")
% (s "Prawitz's example: proper subtrees" "prawitz-proper-sub")
\myslide {Prawitz's example: proper subtrees} {prawitz-proper-sub}

We will use the same letters for free and bound variables, and

we'll often abbreviate `$Pab$' and `$Qab$' as just `$P$' and `$Q$'.

In our notation, with all discharges indicated, that tree becomes:

%:                                          [a]^2  ∀a.∀b.P→Q 
%:                                          ----------------(∀𝐫E)
%:                                    [b]^1   ∀b.P→Q  
%:                                    --------------(∀𝐫E) 
%:                              [P]^1     P→Q    
%:                              -------------
%:                        [P]^1      Q           
%:                        ------------           
%:  [a]^2  ∀a.∃b.P            P&Q                
%:  --------------(∀𝐫E)     ------(∃𝐫I)      
%:         ∃b.P             ∃b.P&Q               
%:         -----------------------(∃𝐫E);1        
%:               ∃b.P&Q                      
%:              ---------(∀𝐫I);2             
%:              ∀a.∃b.P&Q                    
%:              ^prawitz-blaa-1               

Definition: a subtree of an ND derivation is {\und{improper}}

when it contains a bar that discharges hypotheses (say, ``$(∃𝐫E);1$''

but it doesn't contain all of the leaves associated to that discharge

(in that case, $[P]^1$, $[P]^1$, and $[b]^1$).

% A subtree of a ND tree is {\sl improper} if
% it includes a bar with a discharge marker - say, ``4'' -,
% but it doesn't include some of the leaves marked ``4''
% in the original tree.


It is easy to attribute a meaning (a ``semantics'') for proper
subtrees in

which all the hypotheses and the conclusion have the same free

For example, this subtree,

%:  ∃b.Pab  ∀b.Pab→Qab
%:  ==================
%:      ∃b.Pab&Qab
%:      ^prx-1

corresponds to this inclusion between subsets of $A$:

$$\sst{b}{\text{$∃b.Pab$ \;\;and\;\; $∀b.Pab→Qab$}}$$
$$\subseteq \sst{b}{\text{$∃b.Pab\&Pqb$}}$$

But how do we attribute a semantics for proper subtrees where the sets

of free variables of the hypotheses and the conclusion are not all equal?

Even worse: how can we interpret hypotheses like `$b$' (or `$f(a)$'),

that are {\sl terms} (values for variables), instead of ``truths''?

This seems to make no sense in ``subset semantics''...


To understand this we need to introduce other translations.

% --------------------
% «quantifier-judgments»  (to ".quantifier-judgments")
% (s "Quantifiers: judgment rules" "quantifier-judgments")
\myslide {Quantifiers: judgment rules} {quantifier-judgments}

In [Jacobs], sec.\ 4.1, the rules for the quantifiers for first-order logic

are stated in terms of ``judgments'', as below:

(his notation is very different, though -)
%:                       [b]^2  Pa
%:                          :::::
%:  a,b;Pa|-Qab              Qab
%:  ------------(∀𝐫I)       ------(∀𝐫I);2
%:  a;Pa|-∀b.Qab            ∀b.Qab
%:  ^41.-FaI                ^41.-FaI-nd
%:                                 Pa      
%:                                 : 
%:  a|-b  a;Pa|-∀b.Qab       b   ∀b.Qab        
%:  -----------------(∀𝐫E)   ----------(∀𝐫E)      
%:      a;Pa|-Qab                Qab           
%:      ^41.-FaE                 ^41.-FaE-nd
%:                                      b  Pa
%:                                      ::::
%:  a|-b   a;Pa|-Qab                    Qab
%:  ----------------(∃𝐫I)              ------(∃𝐫I)
%:      a;Pa|-∃b.Qab                   ∃b.Qab
%:      ^41.-ExI                       ^41.-ExI-nd
%:                                        Pa     [b]^1  [Qab]^1   Ra                                    
%:                                         :        :::::::::::::::     
%:  a;Pa|-∃b.Qab  a,b;Qab,Ra|-Sa        ∃b.Qab          Sa               
%:  ----------------------------(∃𝐫E)   ------------------(∃𝐫E);1   
%:      a;Pa,Ra|-Sa                            Sa                     
%:      ^41.-ExE                               ^41.-ExE-nd       
  \ded{41.-FaI} && \ded{41.-FaE} \\ \\
  \ded{41.-ExI} && \ded{41.-ExE} \\ \\

Each judgment of the form `$a;Pa \vdash Qa$' can be

understood as an inclusion $\sst{a}{Pa} \subseteq \sst{a}{Qa}$.

Judgments of the form $a \vdash b$ are functions $A \to B$

(or sections of a dependent projections, as we will see later).


In $(∀𝐫E)$ and $(∃𝐫I)$ there seems to be a missing `$b$' in

one of the hypotheses/conclusions; that $b$ is taken to be

the image of $a$ by $a \vdash b$.


Here's how to translate the ``judgment rules'' to Natural Deduction...

  \ded{41.-FaI-nd} \qquad \ded{41.-FaE-nd} \\ \\ \\
  \ded{41.-ExI-nd} \qquad \ded{41.-ExE-nd} \\ \\

in the ND form the free variables of each subtree are not shown -

they must be inferred.

% --------------------
% «quantifier-diagrams»  (to ".quantifier-diagrams")
% (s "Quantifiers: diagrammatic rules" "quantifier-diagrams")
\myslide {Quantifiers: diagrammatic rules} {quantifier-diagrams}

Now let's draw these rules in a diagrammatic form:

    \ded{41.-FaI} \\ \\
    \ded{41.-FaE} \\ \\
    \ded{41.-ExI} \\ \\
    \ded{41.-ExE} \\ \\
    & &
    \ded{41.-FaI-nd} \qquad \ded{41.-FaE-nd} \\ \\ \\
    \ded{41.-ExI-nd} \qquad \ded{41.-ExE-nd} \\ \\

%D diagram quant-rules-dotted
%D 2Dx     100      +25    +20      +25    +20      +25     +20   +10 +15 +10
%D 2D  100     <--- aiP             aeP        <--- eiP              eeP  
%D 2D  +15     <--- aib         ∀E   v         <--- eib              
%D 2D  +15 aiQ ---> aiFbQ  aeQ <--- aeFbQ  eiQ ---> eiEbQ   eeQ <--- eeEbQ
%D 2D  +15     ∀I_1            <--- aeb        ∃I               \    eeb  eeR 
%D 2D  +15                                                       --> eeS     
%D 2D	   							      
%D 2D  +10 aiab |-> aia    aeab |-> aea    eiab |-> eia     eeab |-> eea 
%D 2D
%D (( aiP .tex= P		     
%D    aib .tex= [b]^1		     
%D    aiQ .tex= Q		     
%D    aiFbQ .tex= ∀b.Q	     
%D    aiab .tex= a,b
%D    aia  .tex= a
%D    aiP aiQ .>		     
%D    aib aiQ .>   		     
%D    aiQ aiFbQ .> .plabel= b ∀𝐫I_1
%D    aiab aia |->                 
%D ))
%D (( aeP  .tex= P		   
%D    aeQ  .tex= Q		   
%D    aeFbQ .tex= ∀b.Q	   
%D    aeb  .tex= b		   
%D    aeab .tex= a,b		   
%D    aea  .tex= a		   
%D    aeP aeFbQ .>		   
%D    aeFbQ aeQ .> .plabel= a ∀𝐫E
%D    aeb aeQ .>		   
%D    aeab aea |->               
%D ))
%D (( eiP .tex= P
%D    eib .tex= b
%D    eiQ .tex= Q
%D    eiEbQ .tex= ∃b.Q
%D    eiab .tex= a,b		   
%D    eia  .tex= a		   
%D    eiP eiQ .> eib eiQ .> eiQ eiEbQ .> .plabel= b ∃𝐫I
%D    eiab eia |->
%D ))
%D (( eeP   .tex= P
%D    eeEbQ .tex= ∃b.Q
%D    eeQ   .tex= Q
%D    eeR   .tex= R
%D    eeS   .tex= S
%D    eeb   .tex= b
%D    eeab  .tex= a,b eea .tex= a
%D    eeP eeEbQ .> eeEbQ eeQ .> .plabel= a ∃𝐫E eeQ eeS .> eeR eeS .>
%D    eeEbQ eeb .> .plabel= l ∃𝐫E eeb eeS .>
%D    eeab eea |->
%D ))
%D enddiagram

Each proposition will be draw over (the list of) is free variables. We
draw `$b$' over `$a$' for reasons that will be become clear later
(briefly: in the system with dependent types the type for $b$ will be
$B_a$, which depends on $a$).



Let's translate the example from [Prawitz] to diagrammatic form.

We get a DAG over $a,b \mto b \mto *$, and we can translate the

notion of ``proper subtree'' into a corresponding notion for DAGs.


A sub-DAG is ``proper'' when it is made of a subset of the vertices

and arrows of the original DAG (ignore the base $a,b \mto b \mto *$ -

think of it as being just the shadow of what's above it) such that:


$$ If an arrow $(\aa \to \bb) ∈ D'$ then the vertices $\aa$ and $\bb$
belong to $D'$;

$$ $D'$ has exactly one final node (its conclusion);

$$ If $(\aa \mto \cc)$ and $(\bb \mto \cc)$ belong to $D$, and if
    $(\aa \mto \cc) ∈ D'$,

    then $(\bb \mto \cc) ∈ D'$;

$$ If $D'$ contains a discharging arrow then it contains all the

    discharged nodes.

% --------------------
% «dotted»  (to ".dotted")
% (s "Dotted diagrams" "dotted")
\myslide {Dotted diagrams} {dotted}

%:                                          [a]^2  ∀a.∀b.P→Q 
%:                                          ----------------(∀𝐫E)
%:                                    [b]^1   ∀b.P→Q  
%:                                    --------------(∀𝐫E) 
%:                              [P]^1     P→Q                    A            
%:                              -------------                    -[𝐫v]^3  
%:                        [P]^1      Q                           a            
%:                        ------------                           -            
%:  [a]^2  ∀a.∃b.P            P&Q                       A        B            
%:  --------------(∀𝐫E)     ------(∃𝐫I)                -[𝐫v]^3  -[𝐫v]^1  
%:         ∃b.P             ∃b.P&Q                      a        b            
%:         -----------------------(∃𝐫E);1               ----------            
%:               ∃b.P&Q                                   𝐫W[P]       
%:              ---------(∀𝐫I);2                          -----[𝐫v]^2     
%:              ∀a.∃b.P&Q                                   P         
%:              ^prawitz-bla-1                              ^prawitz-bla-P
$\ded{prawitz-bla-1} \kern-1em \ded{prawitz-bla-P}$

%D diagram prawitz-bla-diag1
%D 2Dx     100   +40       +40          +50 
%D 2D  115                {b}          {a}
%D 2D  100      P→Q <-- ∀b.P→Q <--- ∀a,∀b.P→Q  
%D 2D          / 
%D 2D  +20    /            b           [a]^2                
%D 2D        v                              
%D 2D  +20 Q <-- P <---- ∃b.P <----- ∀a.∃b.P   
%D 2D	     \   |				    
%D 2D	      \  |				    
%D 2D	       v v				    
%D 2D  +40      P&Q --> ∃b.P&Q ---> ∀a.∃b.P&Q  
%D 2D	   				    
%D 2D	   				    
%D 2D  +20      a,b |----> a |--------> *      
%D 2D
%D ((   P→Q ∀b.P→Q ∀a,∀b.P→Q    #   0 1 2
%D    Q  P  ∃b.P   ∀a.∃b.P      # 3 4 5 6
%D      P&Q ∃b.P&Q ∀a.∃b.P&Q    #   7 8 9
%D    @ 0 @ 1 <. .plabel= a ∀𝐫E
%D    @ 1 @ 2 <. .plabel= a ∀𝐫E
%D    @ 0 @ 3 .>
%D    @ 3 @ 4 <. @ 4 @ 5 <. .plabel= b ∃𝐫E
%D               @ 5 @ 6 <. .plabel= b ∀𝐫E
%D    @ 3 @ 7 .> @ 4 @ 7 .>
%D    @ 7 @ 8 .> .plabel= a ∃𝐫I
%D    @ 8 @ 9 .> .plabel= a ∀𝐫I_2
%D ))
%D (( P→Q b <.  ∃b.P b .> .plabel= l ∃𝐫E ∀b.P→Q [a]^2 <. ∃b.P [a]^2 <.
%D (( a,b a |-> a * |->
%D ))
%D enddiagram

% --------------------
% «names-for-adjunctions»  (to ".names-for-adjunctions")
% (s "Names for some adjunctions" "names-for-adjunctions")
\myslide {Names for some adjunctions} {names-for-adjunctions}

%D diagram names-for-adjunctions
%D 2Dx     100        +30   +30        +30
%D 2D 100  eq0 =====> eq1   aw0 =====> aw1
%D 2D       -          -     -          -    
%D 2D       |   <-->   |     |   <-->   |    
%D 2D       v          v     v          v    
%D 2D +30  eq2 <===== eq3   aw2 <===== aw3
%D 2D                        -          - 
%D 2D                        |   <-->   | 
%D 2D                        v          v 
%D 2D +30                   aw4 =====> aw5
%D 2D                                        
%D 2D +20  eq4 |----> eq5   aw6 |----> aw7   
%D (( eq0 .tex= P          eq1 .tex= (b{=}b')&P
%D    eq2 .tex= Q          eq3 .tex= Q
%D    @ 0 @ 1 =>
%D    @ 0 @ 2 |-> @ 1 @ 3 |->
%D    @ 2 @ 3 <=
%D    @ 0 @ 3 harrownodes nil 20 nil |-> sl^ .plabel= a =^\fl
%D    @ 0 @ 3 harrownodes nil 20 nil <-| sl_ .plabel= b =^\sh
%D ))
%D (( eq4 .tex= a,b      eq5 .tex= a,b,b'
%D    @ 0 @ 1 |->
%D ))
%D (( aw0 .tex= P   aw1 .tex= ∃b.P
%D    aw2 .tex= Q   aw3 .tex= Q
%D    aw4 .tex= R   aw5 .tex= ∀b.R
%D    @ 0 @ 1 =>
%D    @ 2 @ 3 <=
%D    @ 4 @ 5 => 
%D    @ 0 @ 2 |-> @ 1 @ 3 |->
%D    @ 2 @ 4 |-> @ 3 @ 5 |->
%D    @ 0 @ 3 harrownodes nil 20 nil |-> sl^ .plabel= a ∃^\fl
%D    @ 0 @ 3 harrownodes nil 20 nil <-| sl_ .plabel= b ∃^\sh
%D    @ 2 @ 5 harrownodes nil 20 nil <-| sl^ .plabel= a ∀^\fl
%D    @ 2 @ 5 harrownodes nil 20 nil |-> sl_ .plabel= b ∀^\sh
%D ))
%D (( aw6 .tex= a,b              aw7 .tex= a
%D    @ 0 @ 1 |->
%D ))
%D enddiagram



%D diagram names-for-adjunctions-2
%D 2Dx      100    +30     +30       +30     +30     +30
%D 2D  100 a,b <== a      (a;a) <=== a{}    P&Q <=== P
%D 2D       -      -        -         -      -       -
%D 2D       | <->  |        |   <->   |      |  <->  |
%D 2D       v      v        v         v      v       v
%D 2D  +30  c ==> b|->c   (b;c) ===> b,c     R ===> Q→R
%D 2D
%D ((  a,b a c b|->c  
%D    @ 0 @ 1 <=
%D    @ 0 @ 2 |-> @ 1 @ 3 |->
%D    @ 2 @ 3 =>
%D    @ 0 @ 3 harrownodes nil 20 nil <-| sl^ .plabel= a |->^\fl
%D    @ 0 @ 3 harrownodes nil 20 nil |-> sl_ .plabel= b |->^\sh
%D ))
%D (( (a;a) a{} (b;c) b,c
%D    @ 0 @ 1 <=
%D    @ 0 @ 2 |-> @ 1 @ 3 |->
%D    @ 2 @ 3 =>
%D    @ 0 @ 3 harrownodes nil 20 nil <-| sl^ .plabel= a ×^\fl
%D    @ 0 @ 3 harrownodes nil 20 nil |-> sl_ .plabel= b ×^\sh
%D ))
%D (( P&Q P R Q→R
%D    @ 0 @ 1 <=
%D    @ 0 @ 2 |-> @ 1 @ 3 |->
%D    @ 2 @ 3 =>
%D    @ 0 @ 3 harrownodes nil 20 nil <-| sl^ .plabel= a →^\fl
%D    @ 0 @ 3 harrownodes nil 20 nil |-> sl_ .plabel= b →^\sh
%D ))
%D enddiagram

% --------------------
% «fol-quantifier-rules»  (to ".fol-quantifier-rules")
% (s "Rules for the quantifiers" "fol-quantifier-rules")
\myslide {Rules for the quantifiers} {fol-quantifier-rules}

%:  a,b;P|-Q
%:  ---------(∀𝐫I)
%:  a;P|-∀b.Q
%:  ^41-FaI
%:                                  a;P|-∀b.Q             
%:                                  ---------(∀^\fl)
%:  a|-b  a;P|-∀b.Q           a|-b  a,b;P|-Q        
%:  ---------------(∀𝐫E)  :=  --------------𝐫s      
%:      a;P|-Q                    a;P|-Q            
%:      ^41-FaE                   ^41-FaE2
%:                                              ------------          
%:                                              a;∃b.Q|-∃b.Q
%:                                              ------------(∃^\sh)
%:                                        a|-b   a,b;Q|-∃b.Q
%:                                        ------------------𝐫s
%:  a|-b   a;P|-Q                a;P|-Q      a;Q|-∃b.Q
%:  ----------------(∃𝐫I)  :=    ---------------------∘
%:      a;P|-∃b.Q                       a;P|-∃b.Q
%:      ^41-ExI                         ^41-ExI2
%:                                              a,b;Q,R|-S        
%:                                             ----------(→^\sh)  
%:                                             a,b;Q|-R→S         
%:                                             -----------(∃^\sh) 
%:                                   a;P|-∃b.Q  a;∃b.Q|-R→S       
%:                                   ----------------------𝐫s      
%:  a;P|-∃b.Q  a,b;Q,R|-S                a;P|-R→S                 
%:  ---------------------(∃𝐫E)  :=       --------(→^\fl)          
%:      a;P,R|-S                         a;P,R|-S                  
%:      ^41-ExE                          ^41-ExE2

  \ded{41-FaI} & := & (∀^\sh)    \\ \\
  \ded{41-FaE} & := & \ded{41-FaE2}    \\ \\
  \ded{41-ExI} & := & \ded{41-ExI2}    \\ \\
  \ded{41-ExE} & := & \ded{41-ExE2}    \\ \\

% --------------------
% «ex-intro»  (to ".ex-intro")
% (s "Introduction of the existential" "ex-intro")
\myslide {Introduction of the existential} {ex-intro}

%D diagram 41-exi-cat
%D 2Dx        100      +30     +30
%D 2D  100    P			 
%D 2D	      -			 
%D 2D	      |			 
%D 2D	      v			 
%D 2D  +30   {Q} <==== Q ==> {∃b.Q} 
%D 2D	      -        -        -	 
%D 2D	      |  <-|   |  <-|   |	 
%D 2D	      v        v        v	 
%D 2D  +30 {}∃b.Q <= ∃b.Q <== ∃b.Q{}
%D 2D	   			 
%D 2D  +20   {}a |--> a,b |--> a{}  
%D 2D
%D ((   P	            # 0	   
%D     {Q}    Q  {∃b.Q}  # 1 2 3
%D   {}∃b.Q ∃b.Q ∃b.Q{}  # 4 5 6
%D     {}a   a,b   a{}   # 7 8 9
%D    @ 0 @ 1 |-> .plabel= r a;Pa|-Qab
%D    @ 0 @ 4 |-> .slide= -8pt .plabel= l a;Pa|-∃b.Qab
%D    @ 1 @ 2 <= @ 2 @ 3 =>
%D    @ 1 @ 4 |-> @ 2 @ 5 |-> @ 3 @ 6 |->
%D    @ 4 @ 5 <= @ 5 @ 6 <=
%D    @ 1 @ 5 harrownodes nil 20 nil <-|
%D    @ 2 @ 6 harrownodes nil 20 nil <-| .plabel= a ∃^\sh
%D    @ 7 @ 8 |-> .plabel= a a|-b @ 8 @ 9 |->
%D ))
%D enddiagram

%:                                          a;Pa
%:                                           :
%:  a|-b   a;Pa|-Qab                       a;Qab
%:  ----------------(∃𝐫I)                --------
%:    a;Pa|-∃b.Qab                       a;∃b.Qab
%:     ^41-ExI-sc                         ^41-ExI-nd
$$\ded{41-ExI-sc} \qquad \ded{41-ExI-nd}$$

% --------------------
% «ex-elim»  (to ".ex-elim")
% (s "Elimination of the existential" "ex-elim")
\myslide {Elimination of the existential} {ex-elim}

%D diagram 41-ExE-cat
%D 2Dx                100     +30     +30      +30
%D 2D  100                            P ====> P&R	      
%D 2D	                              -        -	     
%D 2D	                 a;Pa|-∃b.Qab |        |	     
%D 2D	                              v        |	     
%D 2D  +30            Q&R <== Q ==> ∃b.Q  |->  | a;Pa,Ra|-Sa
%D 2D	          a,b; -      -       -        |	     
%D 2D           Qab,Ra |  |-> |  |->  |        |
%D 2D	          |-Sa v      v       v        v	     
%D 2D  +30            {}S => R→S <= R→S{} <=== S	     
%D 2D	                                                     
%D 2D  +20          {}a,b == a,b |--> a ====== a{}           
%D 2D
%D ((           P  P&R   #     0 1
%D    Q&R  Q  ∃b.Q       # 2 3 4
%D    {}S R→S R→S{} S    # 5 6 7 8
%D    @ 0 @ 1 => 
%D    @ 0 @ 4 |-> .plabel= l a;Pa|-∃b.Qab
%D    @ 1 @ 8 |-> .plabel= r a;Pa,Ra|-Sa
%D    @ 2 @ 3 <=  @ 3 @ 4 =>
%D    @ 2 @ 5 |-> .plabel= l a,b;Qab,Ra|-Sa
%D    @ 3 @ 6 |-> @ 4 @ 7 |->
%D    @ 5 @ 6 => @ 6 @ 7 <= @ 7 @ 8 <=
%D    @ 2 @ 6 harrownodes nil 20 nil |-> .plabel= a →^\sh
%D    @ 3 @ 7 harrownodes nil 20 nil |-> .plabel= a ∃^\fl
%D    @ 0 @ 8 harrownodes   9 18 nil |-> .plabel= a →^\fl
%D ))
%D (( {}a,b a,b   a  a{}
%D    @ 0 @ 1 = @ 1 @ 2 |-> @ 2 @ 3 =
%D ))
%D enddiagram


%:                             a;Ra
%:                            ------
%:     a;Pa     [a,b;Qab]^1   a,b;Ra
%:       :                :::::
%:   a;∃b.Qab             a,b;Sa
%:   ---------------------------(∃𝐫E);1
%:              a;Sa
%:              ^41-ExE-nd
%:  a;Pa|-∃b.Qab  a,b;Qab,Ra|-Sa
%:  ---------------------(∃𝐫E)
%:      a;Pa,Ra|-Sa
%:      ^41-ExE-sc

In Natural Deduction:


In Sequent Calculus:




% --------------------
% «prawitz»  (to ".prawitz")
% (s "A derivation from Prawitz" "prawitz")
\myslide {A derivation from Prawitz} {prawitz}

Prawitz, p.19:

%:                      ∀x∀y(Pxy→Pyx) 
%:                      ------------- 
%:                       ∀y(Pay→Pya)  
%:                       -----------  
%:                  Pab     Pab→Pba   
%:                  ---------------   
%:             Pab      Pba        
%:             ------------        
%:  ∀x∃yPxy      Pab&Pba           
%:  -------     -----------        
%:   ∃yPay      ∃y(Pab&Pba)           
%:   ----------------------
%:        ∃y(Pay&Pya)
%:       -------------
%:       ∀x∃y(Pxy&Pyx)
%:       ^prawitz-p19

%:                                          [a]^3  ∀x∀y(Pxy→Pyx) 
%:                                          --------------------(∀𝐫E)
%:                                    [b]^1   ∀y(Pay→Pya)  
%:                                    -------------------(∀𝐫E) 
%:                            [Pab]^2     Pab→Pba   
%:                            -------------------   
%:                   [Pab]^2      Pba        
%:                   ----------------        
%:  [a]^3  ∀x∃yPxy         Pab&Pba           
%:  ----------------(∀𝐫E)  -----------(∃𝐫I);1        
%:      ∃yPay              ∃y(Pay&Pya)           
%:      ------------------------------(∃𝐫E);2
%:        ∃y(Pay&Pya)
%:       -------------(∀𝐫I);3
%:       ∀x∃y(Pxy&Pyx)
%:       ^prawitz-p19-dnc

%:                                           ∀x∀y(Pxy→Pyx) 
%:                                           -----------------(∀𝐫E)
%:                                            a;∀y(Pay→Pya)  
%:                                            ---------------(∀𝐫E) 
%:                                [a,b;Pab]^2  a,b;Pab→Pba   
%:                                -------------------------   
%:                   [a,b;Pab]^2           a,b;Pba        
%:                   -----------------------------
%:  ∀x∃yPxy           a,b;Pab&Pba           
%:  -------(∀𝐫E)     -------------(∃𝐫I);1        
%:  a;∃yPay          a;∃y(Pay&Pya)           
%:  ------------------------------(∃𝐫E);2
%:        a;∃y(Pay&Pya)
%:        -------------(∀𝐫I);3
%:        ∀x∃y(Pxy&Pyx)
%:        ^prawitz-p19-dnc2

% --------------------
% «prawitz-2»  (to ".prawitz-2")
% (s "A derivation from Prawitz (2)" "prawitz-2")
\myslide {A derivation from Prawitz (2)} {prawitz-2}

%:                                           ∀a.∀b.P→Q 
%:                                           -----------------(∀𝐫E)
%:                                            a;∀b.P→Q  
%:                                            ---------------(∀𝐫E) 
%:                                [a,b;P]^2  a,b;P→Q   
%:                                -------------------------   
%:                   [a,b;P]^2           a,b;Q        
%:                   -----------------------------
%:  ∀a.∃b.P           a,b;P&Q           
%:  -------(∀𝐫E)     -------------(∃𝐫I);1        
%:  a;∃b.P            a;∃b.P&Q           
%:  ------------------------------(∃𝐫E);2
%:        a;∃b.P&Q
%:        -------------(∀𝐫I);3
%:        ∀a.∃b.P&Q
%:        ^prawitz-p19-dnc3

%:                                                  [a]^3   a|->(b|->(p|->q))
%:                                                  -----------------(∀𝐫E)
%:                                          [a;b]^1     a;b|->(p|->q)  
%:                                          ---------------------(∀𝐫E) 
%:                                [a,b;p]^2    a,b;p|->q   
%:                                ----------------------(→𝐫E)   
%:                   [a,b;p]^2           a,b;q        
%:                   -------------------------(&𝐫I)
%:  a|->b,q           a,b;p,q           
%:  -------(∀𝐫E)     --------(∃𝐫I);1        
%:  a;b,q            a;b,p,q           
%:  -------------------------(∃𝐫E);2
%:        a;b,p,q
%:        ---------(∀𝐫I);3
%:        a|->b,p,q
%:        ^prawitz-p19-dnc3b

%:                                ∀a.∀b.P→Q 	        
%:                                ---------(∀𝐫E)
%:  ∀a.∃b.P          [a,b;P]^2     a;∀b.P→Q     
%:  -------(∀𝐫E)     ::::::::::::::::::::::     
%:  a;∃b.P            a;∃b.P&Q           
%:  ------------------------------(∃𝐫E);2
%:        a;∃b.P&Q
%:        -------------(∀𝐫I);3
%:        ∀a.∃b.P&Q
%:        ^prawitz-p19-dnc4

% --------------------
% «ex-elim-bad»  (to ".ex-elim-bad")
% (s "Wild notes about exist-elim" "ex-elim-bad")
\myslide {Wild notes about exist-elim} {ex-elim-bad}

What do I know about the $(∃𝐫E^\vee)$ rule from ND?

%D diagram ExE-foo
%D 2Dx     100    +35    +35    +40
%D 2D  100 a0 <== a1 ==> a2 ==> a3
%D 2D      -      -      -      -
%D 2D      |  |-> |  |-> |  |-> |
%D 2D      v      v      v      v
%D 2D  +25 b0 ==> b1 <== b2 <== b3
%D 2D
%D 2D  +20 c0 === c1 |-> c2 === c3
%D 2D
%D (( a0 .tex= P&Q   a1 .tex= P   a2 .tex= ∃b.P   a3 .tex= (∃b.P)&Q
%D    b0 .tex= R     b1 .tex= Q→R b2 .tex= Q→R    b3 .tex= R
%D    c0 .tex= a,b   c1 .tex= a,b c2 .tex= a      c3 .tex= a
%D    a0 a1 <= sl_ a0 a1 |-> sl^ .plabel= a π
%D    a1 a2 => sl_ a1 a2 |-> sl^ .plabel= a {◻}
%D    a2 a3 => sl_ a2 a3 <-| sl^ .plabel= a π
%D    b0 b1 => b1 b2 <= b2 b3 <=
%D    a0 b0 |-> a1 b1 |-> a2 b2 |-> a3 b3 |->
%D    a0 b1 harrownodes nil 20 nil |->
%D    a1 b2 harrownodes nil 20 nil |->
%D    a2 b3 harrownodes nil 20 nil |->
%D    c0 c1 = c1 c2 |-> c2 c3 =
%D ))
%D enddiagram


We do have a map $P\&Q \mto (∃b.P)\&Q$:

%D diagram foo-Frob
%D 2Dx       100   +50   +30 +15
%D 2D  100  a0 ============> a2
%D 2D	     ^          ----> ^
%D 2D	     |         /      |
%D 2D	     -        - Frob  -
%D 2D  +25  b0 ==> b1 <----| b2
%D 2D	     -        - |-->  -
%D 2D	     |         \      |
%D 2D	     v          ----> v
%D 2D  +25  c0 <============ c2
%D 2D
%D 2D  +15  a,b |------> a
%D 2D
%D (( a0 .tex= P                     a2 .tex=  ∃b.P
%D    b0 .tex= P&Q b1 .tex= ∃b.(P&Q) b2 .tex= (∃b.P)&Q
%D    c0 .tex= Q                     c2 .tex=    Q
%D    a0 a2 => sl_ a0 a2 |-> sl^ .plabel= a {\co◻}
%D    a0 b1 harrownodes 15 20 nil |-> 
%D    a0 b0 <-|  a2 b1 <-| a2 b2 <-|
%D    b0 b1  => sl_
%D    b0 b1 |-> sl^ .plabel= a {\co◻}  
%D    b1 b2 |-> sl^ .plabel= a {♮}
%D    b1 b2 <-| sl_ .plabel= b 𝐫{Frob}
%D    b0 c0 |-> b1 c2 |-> b2 c2 |->
%D    c0 b1 harrownodes 15 20 nil |-> 
%D    c0 c2 <= sl_ c0 c2 |-> sl^ .plabel= a {◻}
%D    a,b a |->
%D ))
%D enddiagram

$$\cdiag{foo-Frob} \qquad \cdiag{ExE-foo2}$$

I don't know how to universalize the $R$, though...

Ah, make the adjunction arrows bidirectional,

and start with a pair of objects...


...and then?

%D diagram ExE-foo2
%D 2Dx     100    +45
%D 2D  100 a0 |-> a1
%D 2D      -      - 
%D 2D      |  |-> | 
%D 2D      v      v 
%D 2D  +25 b0 <== b1
%D 2D
%D 2D  +20 c0 |-> c1
%D 2D
%D (( a0 .tex= P&Q   a1 .tex= (∃b.P)&Q
%D    b0 .tex= R     b1 .tex= R
%D    c0 .tex= a,b   c1 .tex= a
%D    a0 a1 |-> .plabel= a {\co◻;♮}
%D    b0 b1 <= sl_ b0 b1 |-> sl^ .plabel= a {◻}
%D    a0 b0 |-> a1 b1 |->
%D    a0 b1 harrownodes nil 20 nil |->
%D    c0 c1 |->
%D ))
%D enddiagram
% $$\diag{ExE-foo2}$$

% --------------------
% «notes-dtt»  (to ".notes-dtt")
% (s "Notes about DTT" "notes-dtt")
\myslide {Notes about DTT} {notes-dtt}

Dependent types (or: ``dependent spaces''):

$a,b,c \vdash D$


Spaces of witnesses:

$a,b,c \vdash 𝐫W[P(a,b,c)]$



$a \vdash b$



%:  a|-b  a,b,c|-D
%:  --------------
%:     a,c|-D
%:     ^2008may12-subst


Arbitrary base maps

The category of display maps

Witnesses of equality

Vertical maps


Ideas about display maps:

One-step projections

Generalized projections

The category with just the projections is a poset

Sections (monics, inverse to projections)

Diagonal maps


We know how to attribute a semantics to proper trees

in propositional ND, but what about ND for (intuitionistic,

typed) first-order logic? Then each hypothesis, and the

conclusion, may have a different set of free variables -

and, worse, of the two hypotheses for the $(∀𝐫E)$ rule,

%:  b(a)  ∀b.P(a,b)
%:  ----------------(∀𝐫E)
%:      P(a,b(a))
%:      ^hyps-for-fae

one is a value for a variable (as a term), the other is

is a proposition...


Conjecture: my categorical inter-fiber semantics for ND can

be extented to a semantics for DTT.

Conjecture: in my semantics for inter-fiber ND trees, each

ND tree corresponds to a structure that can convert

sections (one for each hypothesis, and compatible somehow)

into a section corresponding to the final conclusion.


%  __  __       _        
% |  \/  | __ _| | _____ 
% | |\/| |/ _` | |/ / _ \
% | |  | | (_| |   <  __/
% |_|  |_|\__,_|_|\_\___|
% <make>

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# (find-LATEXfile "2019planar-has-1.mk")
make -f 2019.mk STEM=2008natded-utf8 veryclean
make -f 2019.mk STEM=2008natded-utf8 pdf

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cp -v ~/LATEX/2008natded.tex /tmp/o
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# (find-fline "/tmp/o2")

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