Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
# This file:
#   http://angg.twu.net/GNUPLOT/a.dem.html
#   http://angg.twu.net/GNUPLOT/a.dem
#           (find-angg "GNUPLOT/a.dem")
# Author: Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com>

# Polygons as individual objects first,
# then "splot with polygons"
# The vertices of an icosahedron are circular permutations of (0, ±1, ±ϕ)
# where    ϕ = (1 + √5) / 2    is the golden ratio.

phi = (1.0 + sqrt(5.)) / 2.

array v1 = [0., 1., phi]
array v2 = [0., 1., -phi]
array v3 = [0., -1., phi]
array v4 = [0., -1., -phi]
array v5 = [ 1., phi, 0.]
array v6 = [ 1., -phi, 0.]
array v7 = [ -1., phi, 0.]
array v8 = [ -1., -phi, 0.]
array v9  = [ phi, 0., 1.]
array v10 = [ -phi, 0., 1.]
array v11 = [ phi, 0., -1.]
array v12 = [ -phi, 0., -1.]

# define one point per vertex
do for [i=1:12] {
    eval( sprintf("set label %d 'v%d' at v%d[1], v%d[2], v%d[3]", i,i,i,i,i ))

seq1 = "v5 v7 v10 v3 v9 v5"
n = 1
do for [i=1:5] {
    vert1 = word(seq1,i)
    vert2 = word(seq1,i+1)
    eval( sprintf("set obj %d polygon from v1[1], v1[2], v1[3] to %s[1],%s[2],%s[3] to %s[1],%s[2],%s[3]", n, vert1, vert1, vert1, vert2, vert2, vert2) )
    n = n+1

set for [o=1:n] obj o polygon depthorder fs transparent solid 0.8 fc "gray75"
set pm3d depthorder border lc "black" lw 2

set xrange [-2:2]; set yrange [-2:2]; set zrange [-2:2]
set view equal xyz
set view 30,30,1.5
unset border
unset tics
unset key
unset label
undefine v*
undefine seq*

set title "Faces of an icosahedron drawn as 20 individual objects"
splot -10
pause -1 "Hit return to continue"

# reset

#: * (eepitch-shell)
#: * (eepitch-kill)
#: * (eepitch-shell)
#: gnuplot a.dem

# (find-node "(gnuplot)load")
# (find-node "(gnuplot)labels" "set label")
# (find-node "(gnuplot)object")
# (find-node "(gnuplot)New_plot_styles_and_style_options")
# (find-node "(gnuplot)New_plot_styles_and_style_options" "pm3d")
# (find-node "(gnuplot)New_commands_and_command_options" "set view")
# (find-node "(gnuplot)polygons")
# (find-node "(gnuplot)Plotting")
# (find-node "(gnuplot)Plotting" "splot")
# (find-node "(gnuplot)Plotting" "splot" "can plot surfaces and contours")
# (find-node "(gnuplot)3D_plots")
# (find-node "(gnuplot)PM3D_plots")
# (find-node "(gnuplot)PM3D_plots" "set pm3d depthorder")
# (find-node "(gnuplot)pm3d")

# Local Variables:
# mode: gnuplot
# End: