Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
Tcl: set tcl_prefix ""

# From this point on all the lines that start with the "null prefix"
# (i.e., all lines!) will be treated as Tcl commands...

# This is my "gdbk" demo, converted to eeg3 format.
# Edrx, 2001may15.

# (find-angg ".zshrc" "demo")
# (find-angg "README")
# (find-angg "EXPECT/eeg3")
# (find-angg "EEG/gdbk.eeg")
# (find-angg "EEG/gdbk.eeg3")
# (find-es "eeg" "escripts_demo_1")


# A block with ways to test this eegscript (ignore this block)

proc comment {args} {}
comment {
  cp ~/EEG/gdbk.eeg3 $EEG
  eeg3 -c 'showactions; exit' echo > ~/o
  less -S $EEG ~/o
  cp ~/EEG/gdbk.eeg3 $EEG
  # eeg3 screen emacs -nw $ES/anatocc.e; set +v; return
  eeg3 -c 'showactions; exit' screen emacs -nw $ES/anatocc.e; set +v; return
  cp ~/EEG/gdbk.eeg3 $EEG
  eeg3 screen /usr/src/emacs-21.0.93/src/emacs -nw $ES/anatocc.e; set +v;return
  # Run the demo in the standard way
  # (find-angg ".zshrc" "demo")
  demo gdbk; set +v;return
  # Test the ability of running quickly over some parts
  EEGQUICK="e1 sh e2" demo gdbk; set +v;return
# (find-node "(expect)debug")
# (find-node "(expect)interpreter")
proc cls {} { send_user "\033\[2J" }
proc S {} { stty sane }

# setwait 0
# append_action "setwait 0; stty sane; debug 1"

# The eegscript itself

proc isquick {tag} { expr "[lsearch [getenv EEGQUICK] $tag]!=-1" }
proc setwait-eegquick {tag} { setwait [expr "![isquick $tag]"] }

setwait-eegquick e1
# setwait 1
# setwait 0

msg \
{Next key: C-s (isearch-forward)
Will start an interactive search.
Keyboard input will appear at the last line of the screen (the
"minibuffer") but the cursor will be pointing to the matching

ks C-s d l o p e n ret

msg \
{Next key: M-e (end-of-line-then-eval-last-sexp)
Will follow the "to" hyperlink.}
k M-e

msg {Arrows move.}
ks down down down down down

msg \
{M-0 ... M-9 form a number that some commands use as a repetition
count.  The next command is M-5 down.}
ks M-5 down

msg \
{C-l (recenter) adjusts the display to place the cursor in the middle.}
k C-l

msg \
{F3 (ee-default-strbounded, will work as eev-bounded now)
Will save the block between the delimiters to a temporary
script file (~/bin/ee.sh).}

k f3

setwait 1

msg \
{We will now switch to a shell with C-a c.
This C-a c is not an Emacs command; we are now running Emacs under
a program called "screen", that makes a single terminal act as
many, and screen will interpret C-a c as its command to create a
new shell "window" and switch to it;  I hope you have tried the
demo of "screen" before this one, because if you haven't you may
become somewhat puzzled.}

k C-a c

# We are now in a shell!

l {exec zsh}

setwait-eegquick sh

msg \
{Now the command "ee" will execute the saved block.
It is not exactly a command, it is a shell alias:}

l {alias ee}
l {echo $EE}
l {cat $EE}

msg {Let's run "ee" now.}
l ee
msg {It wrote two C programs, "x.c"...}
l {cat x.c}
msg {and "so.c"...}
l {cat so.c}
msg \
{and compiled "so.c" into a shared library and "x.c" into an
executable file, "x":}
l {laf}
msg \
{then "x" was ran, and it called a function that was
defined in so.c. Let's run "x" again and then clear
the screen and run "ee" again, and you'll see how "ee"
did all that in a single blow.}
l {./x}
k C-l
l {ee}

msg \
{As we compiled everything with "-g" it will be possible to run
gdb (a debugger) on "x". Emacs provides a fantastic debugging
environment, so we will switch back to Emacs... We'll use the
key sequence C-a 0 for that; screen interprets it as "go to the
window 0".}

setwait 1

k C-a 0

msg {Go to the "gdbk-gdb" hyperlink (using "C-s (gdbk-").}
k C-s ( g d b k - ret

msg \
{Now execute the hyperlink with M-e; this will 1) save everything
between the delimiters another temporary file, ~/bin/ee.generic
(this step would have been skipped if the first argument to
`gdbk-gdb' were not `t'), and 2) invoke gdb, inside Emacs, on
/tmp/x, adding support for some convenient keys.}
k M-e

msg \
{GDB also supports an "ee" command; it will make it execute the
commands stored in ~/bin/ee.generic, that were "br main" and "run".}
l {ee}

msg {Now single-step several times (10, to be precise) with M-s and M-n.}
ks M-n M-n M-n M-s M-n
ks M-n M-n M-n M-n M-n

setwait-eegquick e2

msg {Now kill the gdb window, with M-k enter.}
ks M-k enter

msg {Kill the buffer visiting x.c, with M-k enter.}
ks M-k enter

msg \
{Leave Emacs with C-x C-c (save-buffers-kill-emacs), and after
that leave the shell with C-d; screen will notice that all
programs it was running have finished, and will finish too.}
k C-x C-c

setwait 1

k C-d