Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
;; This file: (find-angg ".emacs.custom")
;; (find-angg ".emacs" ".emacs.custom")
;; (find-enode "Saving Customizations")
;; (find-enode "Saving Customizations" "custom-file")

 ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
 ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
 ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
 ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
 '(canlock-password "9ea3d6ab441ededa5760d05aba1cf44d2912255a")
   '(((:application vc-git) vc-git-connection-default-profile)
     ((:application eshell) eshell-connection-default-profile)
     ((:application tramp :protocol "kubernetes")
     ((:application tramp :protocol "flatpak")
     ((:application tramp)
   '((vc-git-connection-default-profile (vc-git--program-version))
     (eshell-connection-default-profile (eshell-path-env-list))
      (tramp-remote-path "/app/bin" tramp-default-remote-path "/bin"
			 "/usr/bin" "/sbin" "/usr/sbin"
			 "/usr/local/bin" "/usr/local/sbin"
			 "/local/bin" "/local/freeware/bin"
			 "/local/gnu/bin" "/usr/freeware/bin"
			 "/usr/pkg/bin" "/usr/contrib/bin" "/opt/bin"
			 "/opt/sbin" "/opt/local/bin"))
      (tramp-config-check . tramp-kubernetes--current-context-data)
      (tramp-extra-expand-args 97
				(car tramp-current-connection))
				(car tramp-current-connection))
				(car tramp-current-connection))))
      (tramp-remote-path "/app/bin" tramp-default-remote-path "/bin"
			 "/usr/bin" "/sbin" "/usr/sbin"
			 "/usr/local/bin" "/usr/local/sbin"
			 "/local/bin" "/local/freeware/bin"
			 "/local/gnu/bin" "/usr/freeware/bin"
			 "/usr/pkg/bin" "/usr/contrib/bin" "/opt/bin"
			 "/opt/sbin" "/opt/local/bin"))
      (tramp-process-attributes-ps-args "-acxww" "-o"
					"-o" "state=abcde" "-o"
      (tramp-process-attributes-ps-format (pid . number)
					  (euid . number)
					  (user . string)
					  (egid . number) (comm . 52)
					  (state . 5) (ppid . number)
					  (pgrp . number)
					  (sess . number)
					  (ttname . string)
					  (tpgid . number)
					  (minflt . number)
					  (majflt . number)
					  (time . tramp-ps-time)
					  (pri . number)
					  (nice . number)
					  (vsize . number)
					  (rss . number)
					  (etime . tramp-ps-time)
					  (pcpu . number)
					  (pmem . number) (args)))
      (tramp-process-attributes-ps-args "-o"
					"-o" "stat=abcde" "-o"
      (tramp-process-attributes-ps-format (pid . number)
					  (user . string)
					  (group . string) (comm . 52)
					  (state . 5) (ppid . number)
					  (pgrp . number)
					  (ttname . string)
					  (time . tramp-ps-time)
					  (nice . number)
					  (etime . tramp-ps-time)
      (tramp-process-attributes-ps-args "-acxww" "-o"
      (tramp-process-attributes-ps-format (pid . number)
					  (euid . number)
					  (user . string)
					  (egid . number)
					  (group . string) (comm . 52)
					  (state . string)
					  (ppid . number)
					  (pgrp . number)
					  (sess . number)
					  (ttname . string)
					  (tpgid . number)
					  (minflt . number)
					  (majflt . number)
					  (time . tramp-ps-time)
					  (pri . number)
					  (nice . number)
					  (vsize . number)
					  (rss . number)
					  (etime . number)
					  (pcpu . number)
					  (pmem . number) (args)))
      (shell-file-name . "/bin/sh") (shell-command-switch . "-c"))
      (path-separator . ":") (null-device . "/dev/null"))))
 '(org-enable-table-editor nil)
 '(org-fold-core-style 'overlays)
   '(0x0 auctex bind-key cask casual-suite clhs company-mode compat ct
	 dap dap-mode dape dash dash-docs dash-functional debian-el
	 eat editorconfig elfeed elpy engrave-faces envrc envrc-mode
	 evil faceup flycheck flymake geiser geiser-guile
	 geiser-racket gnu-elpa-keyring-update gnuplot helpful ht
	 hydra idlwave imgbb inspector lsp-mode lsp-ui lua-mode magit
	 magit-section mov mpdel multi-mode org pdf-tools peg
	 racket-mode rainbow-mode rcirc-color s scribble-mode seq sicp
	 sly subed-record telega uniline use-package verilog-mode
	 vterm w3m which-key windower xr yasnippet yeetube))
   '((c-intro-and-ref :vc-backend Git :url
     (dired-hacks :vc-backend Git :url
     (lean4-mode :vc-backend Git :url
     (emacs-libpq :vc-backend Git :url
     (subed :vc-backend Git :url "https://github.com/sachac/subed")
     (lsp-mode :vc-backend Git :url
   '((org-html-postamble) (eval ispell-change-dictionary "en_US")
     (org-list-description-max-indent . 5)
     (eval progn
		 (when buffer-file-name
		   (locate-dominating-file buffer-file-name
		 (and (boundp 'plzoo-project-find-file)
	     (when plzoo-root-directory
	       (setq tags-file-name
		     (concat plzoo-root-directory "TAGS"))
	       (add-to-list 'compilation-search-path
	       (if (not plzoo-project-find-file)
		   (setq compile-command
			 (concat "make -C " plzoo-root-directory))))
	     (setq plzoo-executable
		   (concat plzoo-root-directory "all"))))
     (Package . Maxima) (Syntax . Common-Lisp) (Base . 10)
     (TeX-master . t) (TeX-command-default . "CJKLaTeX")
     (TeX-master . "lshort2e") (backup-by-copying . t)
     (sql-product . SQLite)
     (sql-sqlite-options . "/tmp/music.sqlitedb") (sh-indentation . 2)
     (folded-file . t) (encoding . raw-text-unix)
     (modes org-mode emacs-lisp-mode lua-mode)
     (ee-charset-indicator . "\321")))
   '("--osd-level=2" "--osd-fractions" "--geometry=400x300+520+100")))
 ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
 ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
 ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
 ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
 '(comint-highlight-prompt ((t (:foreground "LightSteelBlue"))))
 '(dired-ignored ((t (:inherit shadow :foreground "DarkSalmon"))))
 '(emacs-wiki-link-face ((t (:foreground "lime green" :underline "lime green" :weight bold))))
 '(erc-input-face ((t (:foreground "orange"))))
 '(fixed-pitch ((t nil)))
 '(fixed-pitch-serif ((t nil)))
 '(lazy-highlight ((((type tty pc) (class color)) (:background "yellow" :foreground "black"))))
 '(makefile-shell-face ((t (:foreground "goldenrod"))))
 '(makefile-space ((((class color)) (:background "DeepPink4"))))
 '(makefile-space-face ((((class color)) (:background "DeepPink4"))) t)
 '(makefile-targets-face ((t (:inherit font-lock-function-name-face))))
 '(markup-meta-face ((t (:stipple nil :foreground "gray60" :inverse-video nil :box nil :strike-through nil :overline nil :underline nil :slant normal :weight normal :height 90 :width normal :foundry "unknown" :family "Monospace"))))
 '(markup-meta-hide-face ((t (:inherit markup-meta-face :foreground "gray50" :height 0.8))))
 '(org-headline-done ((t (:foreground "red3"))))
 '(outline-1 ((t (:foreground "OrangeRed"))))
 '(outline-2 ((t (:foreground "Goldenrod2"))))
 '(outline-3 ((t (:foreground "LimeGreen"))))
 '(outline-4 ((t (:foreground "Dodger Blue"))))
 '(sh-heredoc ((t (:foreground "gold1"))))
 '(sly-mode-line ((t (:inherit nil :weight bold)))))

;; '(comint-highlight-prompt ((((min-colors 88) (background dark)) (:foreground "LightSteelBlue"))))
;; '(makefile-shell-face ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) (:foreground "goldenrod"))))
;; '(sh-heredoc ((((min-colors 88) (class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "gold1" :weight bold))))

;; Local Variables:
;; mode: emacs-lisp
;; End: