Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
# This file:
#   http://angg.twu.net/.bashrc
#   http://angg.twu.net/.bashrc.html
#           (find-angg ".bashrc")
# I don't use bash much - this is just a minimal port of some
# settings and definitions from my .zshrc:
#   http://angg.twu.net/.zshrc
#   http://angg.twu.net/.zshrc.html
#           (find-angg ".zshrc")
# Author: Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com>
# Public domain.

# «.prompt»		(to "prompt")
# «.aliases»		(to "aliases")
# «.eev»		(to "eev")
# «.eet»		(to "eet")
# «.makepage»		(to "makepage")
# «.makepagefromtar»	(to "makepagefromtar")
# «.makeindexhtmls»	(to "makeindexhtmls")

# «prompt»  (to ".prompt")
# (find-es "bash" "prompt")
# (find-bashnode "Bourne Shell Variables" "PS1")
# (find-bashnode "Interactive Shell Behavior" "PS1")
# (find-bashnode "Controlling the Prompt")
# (find-bashnode "Controlling the Prompt" "'\\u'")
# (find-bashnode "Controlling the Prompt" "'\\h'")
# (find-bashnode "Controlling the Prompt" "'\\w'")
# (find-bashnode "Controlling the Prompt" "'\\$'")
# export PS1='$PWD[\u]# '
export PS1='\u@\h:\w\$ '
export PS1='$PWD# '
export PS1="\$PWD(\\u)# "
export PS1="\$PWD(\\u:sc)# "

# «aliases»  (to ".aliases")
alias l='less'
alias laf='ls -laF'
alias ls='ls -aF'
alias w='which'
alias Pwd=/bin/pwd

# (find-angg "e/")
export ES=$HOME/e

# (find-fline "/etc/skel/.bashrc")

# (find-bashnode "Bourne Shell Builtins" "`umask'")
umask 022

# «eev»  (to ".eev")
# Beginning of the eev block:
# See: (find-eev "eev-rctool" "new_block_bashrc")
#      (find-eev-update-links)
export EEVTMPDIR ;: ${EEVTMPDIR:=~/.eev}
export EE        ;: ${EE:=$EEVTMPDIR/ee.sh}
function ee () { set -v; . $EE$*; set +v; }
export EEVDIR    ;: ${EEVDIR:=~/eev-current}
export EEVRCDIR  ;: ${EEVRCDIR:=$EEVDIR/rcfiles}
export EEG       ;: ${EEG:=$EEVTMPDIR/ee.eeg}
export EEGDB     ;: ${EEGDB:=$EEVTMPDIR/ee.gdb}
export EETEX     ;: ${EETEX:=$EEVTMPDIR/ee.tex}
export EEC       ;: ${EEC:=$EEVTMPDIR/ee.c}
export EETMPC    ;: ${EETMPC:=$EEVTMPDIR/tmp.c}
export EEAOUT    ;: ${EEAOUT:=$EEVTMPDIR/ee.aout}
function eegcc () {
  cat $EETMPC - > $EEC
  gcc $* -o $EEAOUT $EEC
alias eec=$EEAOUT
# To define $S and psne uncomment the line below (or copy it,
# uncommented, to outside of the eev block):
#   if [ -e $EEVTMPDIR/psne.sh ]; then . $EEVTMPDIR/psne.sh; fi
# (find-eevtmpfile "psne.sh")
# End of the eev block.

if [ -e $EEVTMPDIR/psne.sh ]; then . $EEVTMPDIR/psne.sh; fi

# «pdsc»
# (find-angg ".zshrc" "pdsc")
# (find-es "bash" "pdsc")
function perldsc () {
  perl -e '
    $_ = $dsc = $ARGV[0];
    (($path, $name, $ver, $build) =
        m%^(.*/)?(.*?)_(.*?)(-[0-9.a-z]+)?\.dsc$% )
            || die "\"$ARGV[0]\": not a dsc\n";
function dscdir () { perldsc 'print"/usr/src/$name-$ver\n"' $*; }
function pdsc () {
  D=$(dscdir $*) && {
    rm -Rv $D
    cd /usr/src/
    dpkg-source -sn -x $1
    cd $D

# «eet»  (to ".eet")
# (find-angg ".emacs" "eet")
export EETMP=/tmp/ee.sh
alias eet='set -v;. $EETMP;set +v'

# «makepage»  (to ".makepage")
# (find-angg ".zshrc" "makepage")
# (find-es "bash" "pipe_stdout_stderr")
function makepage () {
  # rm -Rfv ~/public_html/
  rm -Rf ~/public_html/
  mkdir  ~/public_html/
  cd     ~/public_html/
  tar -xvzf ~/edrx.tgz
  touch $(find .* * -type f)
  make -f TH/Makefile page edrx.tgz    2>&1 | tee ~/om
  (cd ~/slow_html/; cp -dPpvRl * ~/public_html/)
# «makepagefromtar»  (to ".makepagefromtar")
# (find-es "page" "upload-rsync")
function makepagefromtar () {
  gzip -c9 < ~/edrx.tar > ~/edrx.tgz
  laf edrx.tar edrx.tgz

# «makeindexhtmls»  (to ".makeindexhtmls")
# (find-angg ".zshrc" "makeindexhtmls")
function makeindexhtmls () {
  for i in $(find ~/public_html -type d | sort); do
    if [[ ! -e $i/index.html ]]; then
      cd $i; pwd; tclsh ~/TCL/lstoindexhtml > index.html

# (find-angg ".zshrc" "a")
# TO DO: Add 'a' and 'w' here?

# (find-angg "bin/emacs-default")
# (find-sh "xlsfonts")
# (find-sh "xlsfonts | grep -v ^- | sort")
function emacs_default1 () {
  case $TERM in
    xterm) emacs_default -fg bisque -bg black -fn ${EMACSFONT:-fixed} \
                         -geometry +120+0 $* &;;
    *)     emacs_default -nw $*
function ae () { emacs_default1 ~/TODO; }

#  Local Variables:
#  coding:               raw-text-unix
#  ee-anchor-format:     "«%s»"
#  End: