This is the `README' file of vtutil4 (version 0.02). Author and version: Eduardo Ochs, 2007oct16. Location on the web: htmlized: (find-angg "vtutil4/README") (find-angg "vtutil4/") vtutil-0.02: utilities to modify VT fonts, to set the current font, and to take VT screenshots. Same as what is described below, but ported to Lua-5.1, and running on Debian Etch. I have not tested the part that takes VT screenshots lately. # (find-anggfile ".zshrc" "alias iso=") # (find-anggfile "vtutil/") # (find-anggfile "vtutil4/Makefile") # (find-anggfile "vtutil4/Makefile-old") # (find-vtutil4file "") # (find-vtutil4file "Makefile") # (find-vtutil4file "") # (find-vtutil4file "vtfontlib.lua" "Loadpcfont =") # (find-vtutil4file "vtfontlib.lua") # (find-vtutil4file "vtutil51.lua") ;;; _ _ _ ;;; | | _| |__ _ __ ___ __ _ _ _ ___ ___| |_ ;;; | |/ / '_ \| '__/ _ \/ _` | | | |/ _ \/ __| __| ;;; | <| |_) | | | __/ (_| | |_| | __/\__ \ |_ ;;; |_|\_\_.__/|_| \___|\__, |\__,_|\___||___/\__| ;;; |_| # (find-fline "/etc/inittab" "kb::kbrequest") kb::kbrequest:/home/edrx/vtutil4/ ;;; ___ _ _ _ __ __ ;;; / _ \| | __| | ___| |_ _ _ / _|/ _| ;;; | | | | |/ _` | / __| __| | | | |_| |_ ;;; | |_| | | (_| | \__ \ |_| |_| | _| _| ;;; \___/|_|\__,_| |___/\__|\__,_|_| |_| Everything above this line was written in 2007 - the text below is very old. ------------------------------------------- vtutil-0.01 - utilities to modify VT fonts, to set the current font, and to take VT screenshots. Tested on Linux only - more specifically, on Debian Potato. The files ega0.8, ega1.8, ega0.16 and ega1.16 were surgically extracted from the (IIRC) EGA.CPI file of M$-DOG in 1994 or 1995; they are non-free. The "ega0"s correspond to codepage 437 fonts, and the "ega1"s are codepage 850 fonts. All the other files in this package are intented to be under the GPL licence, but I haven't had the time to fix the headers. There is no "install" target in the makefile; this is because this package is meant to be run from the directory where it was unpacked. A plain "make" will generate all the automatically-generated files and do nothing else. A "make clean" will leave only the files from the .tar.gz. All the other actions (including screenshots, setting the font and the keymap, etc) are invoked through "make" targets, so read the makefile. You'll need a version of Lua that supports regexps and loading ".so"s - check my package of Lua for Debian. It is possible to build and install the package on other OSs and distros, even without super-user permissions. BUGS AND MAIN MISSING FEATURES: * The PIO_FONTX ioctl in pio_fontx.c is always issued on STDIN. That must be made more flexible. * There should be instructions for compiling and installing my version of Lua. Currently people need to look for the instructions in my home page. * There should be a way to draw the cursor in the screenshot. * It is possible to use free fonts instead of the M$-DOG ones. I need to discover how to do it and stop distributing the non-free fonts. * Long-term project: extend the system to let it modify BDF fonts (for X). Eduardo Ochs 2001aug23