Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
This is the `NEWS' file of GNU eev.
Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
are permitted provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved.
Author and version: Eduardo Ochs, 2006feb01.
Please use eev-current instead of eev-0.95.0, 0.95.0 is several months
old and -current is almost becoming 0.95.1.
Latest version: <http://angg.twu.net/eev-current/NEWS>
      htmlized: <http://angg.twu.net/eev-current/NEWS.html>
    See also:   <http://angg.twu.net/eev-current/README.html>


* Now eev has a mailing list at Savannah:
  <http://lists.nongnu.org/mailman/listinfo/eev> (to subscribe, etc),
  <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/eev> (for the archive).

* Lots of changes in the documentation, mainly at the file `README'.
  The concepts have become clearer.  See: (find-eev "README")

* Installation: the installation procedure involves changing some of
  your rcfiles (.emacs, .bashrc, .zshrc, etc), but now "make
  preinstall" creates the modified files in a temporary directory and
  creates scripts there to install the new versions and also to go
  back to the previous versions. Do "make install" to install the new
  versions and "make uninstall" to uninstall.

* Highlighting:

** F3 now highlights temporarily the bounded region.
   See: (find-eevfile "doc/shot-f3.png")
** M-0 M-e highlight the previous sexp instead of executing it.
   See below for other prefix arguments affecting M-e.

* Many kew kinds of elisp hyperlinks. Here are just a few of them:

** (find-sh COMMAND)  runs COMMAND and shows its output in a buffer.
** (find-sh0 COMMAND) runs COMMAND and shows its output in the echo
** (find-epp OBJECT)  pretty-prints OBJECT and shows it in a buffer.
** (find-epp0 OBJECT) pretty-prints OBJECT in a compact way and shows
   it in the echo area.
** (find-efunctionpp SYMBOL) pretty-prints the internal representation
   of the function given by SYMBOL.
** (find-estring STRING) shows STRING in a buffer.
** (find-eimage0 FNAME) displays the image FNAME in the current buffer,
   "inlined" - i.e., in place of the sexp.

** Background processes:
*** (eebg-xdvi DVIFILE) starts "xdvi DVIFILE" as a background process.
*** (eebg-gv PSORPDFFILE) starts "gv DVIFILE" as a background process.
*** (eebg-channel-xterm CHANNEL) starts a xterm "listening on CHANNEL".
    See: (find-eevfile "doc/shot-f9.png")

* Keyboard changes:

** eev doesn't change the global keymap anymore. All of eev's key
   sequences are now in `eev-mode-map', and there's a global minor
   mode, `eev-mode', whose only function is to make the `eev-mode-map'
   keymap active. Loading eev.el turns on eev-mode. If you define your
   own version of `eev-mode-map' before loading eev.el then eev.el
   will use your map without modifying it in any way.

** Keys for executing sexps (M-e and M-E):

*** M-e (`eek-eval-sexp-eol') now accepts a prefix argument:

**** M-0 M-e just highlights the sexp temporarily.
**** M-1 M-e shows the text of the sexp in the echo area.
**** M-2 M-e shows the sexp as a list object in the echo area.
**** M-3 M-e executes the sexp without showing the result in the echo area.
**** M-4 M-e executes the sexp with debugging on.
**** M-5 M-e executes the sexp with `debug-on-error' on.
**** M-8 M-e executes the sexp and pretty-prints its output in a buffer.
**** M-9 M-e executes an `(interactive ...)' clause in a useful way.

*** M-E (`eek-eval-last-sexp') acts like M-e, but without moving point to
    end-of-line first.

** Keys for getting rid of unwanted bufers (M-k and M-K):
   M-k now runs `kill-this-buffer' instead of `kill-buffer'.
   `kill-buffer' always asked for a confirmation, while
   `kill-this-buffer' usually only asks when the buffer is modified
   and is associated to a file. M-K runs `bury-buffer'.

** Keys for generating temporary buffers with lists of hyperlinks:
   M-h M-k (`find-ekey-links')      - for an Emacs key sequence
   M-h M-f (`find-efunction-links') - for Elisp function
   M-h M-v (`find-evariable-links') - for an Elisp variable
   M-h M-i (`find-einfo-links')     - for Info nodes
   M-h M-m (`find-manpage-links')   - manpage for command at point
   M-h m   (`find-last-manpage-links') - current manpage
   M-h f   (`find-file-links')      - for the current file
   M-h M-d (`find-debpkg-links')    - for a Debian package

** Keys for refining hyperlinks:
   M-h 2 or M-h M-2 (`eemklinks-duplicate-this-line') and
   M-h M-y ('eemklinks-yank-pos-spec'). These are better illustrated
   by an example; see the documentation for the function `eesteps' for
   how to run it.

     (eesteps '(
       (find-enode "Lisp Eval")
       (search-forward "`defvar'")
       "C-SPC C-SPC 8*<left>"
       "M-h M-i"
       (search-forward "find-enode")
       "M-h M-2"
       "M-h M-y"
       "C-SPC C-SPC <down>"
       "C-x b *scratch*"

* `eesteps': support for programming a series of Emacs actions and
  executing them one by one; by default the key to execute the next
  action is <f12>. See: (find-eev "eev-dev.el" "eesteps")

* Support for running external programs and sending them input one
  line at a time without having to switch out from Emacs. There's a
  "commented screenshot" showing this in action:

    (find-eevfile "doc/shot-f9.png")

  and here are some links to relevant files and functions:

    (find-eev "eegchannel")
    (find-eev "eev-dev.el" "eechannel-do-this-line")

* Support for running programs inside Emacs and sending commands to
  them one line at a time. See:

    (find-efunctiondescr 'eepitch-this-line)

Note: this file is incomplete - as all the documentation of eev - but
I've been delaying the release for too long!

About the htmlization of this file: I find the default colors of
outline-mode ugly, so I changed changed them...
  (find-eev "htmlize-eev.el" "htmlize-eev-files")
  (require 'htmlize-eev)

* Foo
** bar
*** plic
**** bletch

Local variables:
mode: outline
coding: raw-text-unix
paragraph-separate: "[ 	]*$"