Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
This is the `INSTALL' file of GNU eev.
Author and version: Eduardo Ochs, 2008nov04.
This file in the Public Domain.
Latest version: <http://angg.twu.net/eev-current/INSTALL>
      htmlized: <http://angg.twu.net/eev-current/INSTALL.html>
    See also:   <http://angg.twu.net/eev-current/README.html>

For a (very recent) way of trying eev without installing it,
please see: <http://article.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.eev.devel/52>
or: <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/eev/2007-09/msg00002.html>.
In short, you will have to download eev-current with

    mkdir ~/eev-current/       ;# or any other dir
    cd    ~/eev-current/
    wget http://angg.twu.net/eev-current.tar.gz
    tar -xvzf eev-current.tar.gz

  and then run:

   (add-to-list 'load-path "~/eev-current/")
   (require 'eev-all)
   (eev-mode 1)

Then you'll be able to do:

  `M-h M-e', i.e.: (eek "M-h M-e")
   to get help on the keybindings of eev-mode,

   to update eev or to patch the rcfiles with eev-rctool,

   (find-eevnode "Top")
   to access a(n embarassingly preliminary) conversion of
   http://angg.twu.net/eev-article.html to info format.

Installation and uninstallation

Note: eev is never installed "globally"; you unpack it somewhere - at,
say, ~/eev-current/ - and then you use the installation script,
eev-rctool, to create a directory for storing temporary script files -
typically ~/.eev/ - and to patch some rcfiles. Take a look at the
comments in eev-rctool for more details.

This is the quick way of installing eev: first unpack it,

  mkdir ~/eev-current/       ;# or any other dir
  cd    ~/eev-current/
  wget http://angg.twu.net/eev-current.tar.gz
  tar -xvzf eev-current.tar.gz

and now install it: this is the quick way, if you trust its way of
changing rcfiles:

  cd  ~/eev-current/
  ./eev-rctool prepare
  ./eev-rctool install_rc

it keeps backups of the old rcfiles and so you can revert the
installation with:

  cd  ~/eev-current/
  ./eev-rctool uninstall_rc

You will see something like this for this installation part,

  /home/beth/eev-current$ ./eev-rctool prepare
    Creating dir: /home/beth/.eev/
    Creating:     /home/beth/.eev/README
    Creating:     /home/beth/.eev/tmp.tex
    Creating:     /home/edrx/.eev/psne.sh
    Creating dir: /home/beth/.eev/backup/
    Creating:     /home/beth/.eev/backup/do_install.sh
    Creating:     /home/beth/.eev/backup/do_uninstall.sh
    Backup:  /home/beth/.bashrc  ->  /home/beth/.eev/backup/.bashrc.backup
    Backup:  /home/beth/.zshrc  ->  /home/beth/.eev/backup/.zshrc.backup
    Creating:     /home/beth/.eev/backup/.emacs.new
    Creating:     /home/beth/.eev/backup/.bashrc.new
    Creating:     /home/beth/.eev/backup/.zshrc.new
    Creating:     /home/beth/.eev/backup/.gdbinit.new
    Creating:     /home/beth/.eev/backup/.tclshrc.new
  /home/beth/eev-current$ ./eev-rctool install_rc
    Running: /home/beth/.eev/backup/do_install.sh
    Install: /home/beth/.emacs  <-  /home/beth/.eev/backup/.emacs.new
    Install: /home/beth/.bashrc  <-  /home/beth/.eev/backup/.bashrc.new
    Install: /home/beth/.zshrc  <-  /home/beth/.eev/backup/.zshrc.new
    Install: /home/beth/.gdbinit  <-  /home/beth/.eev/backup/.gdbinit.new
    Install: /home/beth/.tclshrc  <-  /home/beth/.eev/backup/.tclshrc.new

and like this for the unistallation:

  /home/beth/eev-current$ ./eev-rctool uninstall_rc
    Running: /home/beth/.eev/backup/do_uninstall.sh
    Remove:  /home/beth/.emacs
    Restore: /home/beth/.bashrc  <-  /home/beth/.eev/backup/.bashrc.backup
    Restore: /home/beth/.zshrc  <-  /home/beth/.eev/backup/.zshrc.backup
    Remove:  /home/beth/.gdbinit
    Remove:  /home/beth/.tclshrc

eev-rctool has some options for diff'ing the old files and the new
ones, for using other directories, and for lots of other things. Run
"./eev-rctool help" for help, or, even better, look at its code...

Please note: 1) the code for this "new installer" is not super-clean
yet, and it may have some bugs, 2) it installs things in a way
slightly different from the old way: it uses eev.el, eev-glyphs.el and
eev-compose.el instead of eev-dev.el, glyphs.el and compose.el, the
code that it puts in .bashrc and .zshrc doesn't source
rcfiles/.bashrc-psne and rcfiles/.zshrc-psne, it puts less stuff in
.emacs, etc.

Eev considered harmless

There's a long article in the eev mailing list discussing the
installation in details and how it used to be ugly and vaguely nasty
and how nice it is nice now:


What changes after installing the eev support into these rcfiles

Not much: several new environment variables will be defined, all with
names starting with EE; bash, zsh, tclsh and gdb will have a new
command each, `ee'; and Emacs will be in eev-mode by default.


  (find-eev "eev-rctool" "new_block_emacs")
  (find-eev "eev-rctool" "new_block_bashrc")
  (find-eev "eev-rctool" "new_block_zshrc")
  (find-eev "eev-rctool" "new_block_tclshrc")
  (find-eev "eev-rctool" "new_block_gdbinit")

Eev-mode is a global minor mode whose only function is to set up some
keybindings; the full list of these keybindings is at:

  (find-eev "eev.el" "eev-mode-map")

[TODO: Explain how to redefine the keymap.]
[TODO: Suggest putting 

  (setq debug-on-error nil)
  (setq eval-expression-debug-on-error nil)
  (setq pop-up-windows nil)

in .emacs; eev-newbie sets this.]

  (find-eev "eev.el" "eev-newbie")

Technical notes on eev-rctool
Notes (2007dec21): for some technical notes on the innards of
eev-rctools and what will change in it soon, run:

  (find-eev     "eev-rctool" "notes")
  (find-eevsh "./eev-rctool notes")

Te quickest way to update the installed version of eev is to run the
e-script generated by this function:

