Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
#!/usr/bin/env lua50
-- This is the `blogme.lua' file of BlogMe.
-- Copyright 2005 Eduardo Ochs <edrx@mat.puc-rio.br>
-- Author:        Eduardo Ochs <edrx@mat.puc-rio.br>
-- Version:       2005jul24
-- License: GPL (I'll add the complete headers later)
-- Latest: http://angg.twu.net/blogme/blogme.lua
-- The documentation was moved to the file README.

-- Add the curent directory to LUA_PATH (if in standalone mode).
-- (find-es "lua5" "require")
-- luapath_append  = function (path) LUA_PATH = LUA_PATH..";"..path end
-- luapath_prepend = function (path) LUA_PATH = path..";"..LUA_PATH end
LUA_PATH = LUA_PATH or os.getenv("LUA_PATH") or "?;?.lua"
if not library then
  local _, __, arg0path = string.find(arg[0], "^(.*)/[^/]*$")
  if arg0path then LUA_PATH = LUA_PATH..";"..arg0path.."/?" end

require "edrxlib.lua"

# Notes about using 0-based string positions:
# (eechannel-xterm "LUA")
= strfind("abcde", "cd()", 2+1)  -- 2+1 4 4+1
= strfind("abcde", "cd()", 3+1)  -- nil
= strsub("abcde", 2+1, 4)        -- "cd"

----------[ The "hard part" of the kernel starts here ]----------

--;; The basic parsers (culminating at "{}:eval")

subj = ""			-- will be changed later
pos = 0				-- all my positions will be 0-based
val = nil
b,e = 0, 0			-- beginning and end of the text inside []s

substring = function (b, e) return strsub(subj, b+1, e) end

parser = {}
parse = function (tag) return parser[tag]() end

parsepat = function (patstr)
    local _, __, e = string.find(subj, patstr, pos+1)
    if _ then pos = e-1; return true end
parser["_*"] = function () return parsepat("^[ \t\n]*()") end
parser["w+"] = function () return parsepat("^[^ \t\n%[%]]+()") end
parser["{}"] = function () return parsepat("^%b[]()") end

parser["w+:string"] = function ()
    local b = pos
    if parse("w+") then val = substring(b, pos); return true end

parser["(w+:string|{}:eval)+:concat"] = function ()
    local empty, result = true, nil
    while parse("w+:string") or parse("{}:eval") do
      if empty then result = val; empty = false  else result = result .. val end
    if not empty then val = result; return true end
parser["bigword"] = parser["(w+:string|{}:eval)+:concat"]
parser["_*bigword"] = function () parse("_*"); return parse("bigword") end

-- heads = {}
-- head_do = function (head) return heads[head]() end

functionp = function (obj) return type(obj) == "function" end
head_do = function (head)
    local f, g = _G[head], _GETARGS[head]
    if functionp(f) and functionp(g) then return f(g())
    else print("Bad head:", head)
         printpos("pos:", pos)	-- printpos is defined below
         printpos("b:", b)
         printpos("e:", e)

-- Parsing "{}:eval" is so confusing.
--  [ head args ]
-- /\pos               instant 0
--  /\b         /\pos  instant 1
--  /\pos      /\e     instant 2
--       /\pos         instant 3
parser["{}:eval"] = function ()
    local oldb, olde = b, e
    b = pos+1
    if parse("{}") then
      e = pos-1
      pos = b
      val = head_do(val)
      b, e, pos = oldb, olde, e+1
      return true
    b, e = oldb, olde

----------[ the "hard part" of the kernel ends here ]----------

--;; Two parsers for "all the other bigwords"

parser["(_*bigword)*:list"] = function ()
    local blist = {}
    while parse("_*bigword") do tinsert(blist, val) end
    val = blist
    return true
parser["bigwordlist"] = parser["(_*bigword)*:list"]

parser["(_|w)+"] = function () return parsepat("^[^%[%]]+()") end
parser["(_|w)+:string"] = function ()
    local b = pos
    if parse("(_|w)+") then val = substring(b, pos); return true end
parser["((_|w)+:string|{}:eval)+:concat"] = function ()
    local empty, result = true, nil
    while parse("(_|w)+:string") or parse("{}:eval") do
      if empty then result = val; empty = false  else result = result .. val end
    if not empty then val = result; return true end
parser["bigwords:concat"] = parser["((_|w)+:string|{}:eval)+:concat"]
parser["rest:eval"]       = parser["((_|w)+:string|{}:eval)+:concat"]
parser["_*rest:eval"] = function () parse("_*"); return parse("rest:eval") end

--;; vparse: parse and return val
--;; pparse: parse a string and print the result (for debugging)

vparse = function (tag) if parse(tag or "rest:eval") then return val end end
pparse = function (str, tag) subj, pos = str, 0; print(vparse(tag)) end -- dbg

--;; functions to parse the rest (for head_do)

vword = function () return vparse("_*bigword") end
vrest = function () return vparse("_*rest:eval") end
vrest_a = function () return vparse("bigwordlist") end

vargs1_ = function () return vrest() end
vargs2_ = function () return vword(), vrest() end
vargs3_ = function () return vword(), vword(), vrest() end
vargs4_ = function () return vword(), vword(), vword(), vrest() end

vargs1 = function () return vrest() or "" end
vargs2 = function () return vword(), vrest() or "" end
vargs3 = function () return vword(), vword(), vrest() or "" end
vargs4 = function () return vword(), vword(), vword(), vrest() or "" end

vargs1_a = function () return vrest_a() end
vargs2_a = function () return vword(), vrest_a() end
vargs3_a = function () return vword(), vword(), vrest_a() end
vargs4_a = function () return vword(), vword(), vword(), vrest_a() end

nop = function () end

--;; setgetargs, setstubs - simple tools for defining heads

setgetargs = function (argf, headnames)
    headnames = split(headnames)
    for i=1,getn(headnames) do _GETARGS[headnames[i]] = argf end

setstubs = function (headnames)
    headnames = split(headnames)
    for i=1,getn(headnames) do
      local name = headnames[i]
      _G[name] = function (str) return "("..name.." "..str..")" end
      _GETARGS[name] = vargs1

--;; eval, expr and lambda

eval = function (body) return assert(loadstring(body))() end
expr = function (body) return assert(loadstring("return "..body))() end
slambda = function (arglist, body)           -- here body is made of statements
    return assert(loadstring(
      "return function ("..arglist..")\n"..body.."\nend"))()
lambda = function (arglist, body)            -- here body is an expression
    return assert(loadstring(
      "return function ("..arglist..")\nreturn "..body.."\nend"))()

--;; undollar, map, join, smash, nonvoids

-- undollar = lambda("str", [[string.gsub(str, "%$([a-z]+)", "\"..%1..\"")]])
undollar = function (str)
    str = string.gsub(str, "%$([a-z]+)", "\"..%1..\"")
    str = string.gsub(str, "%$(%b())",   "\"..%1..\"")
    str = string.gsub(str, "%$(%b[])", function (s)
        return "]]..("..strsub(s, 2, -2)..")..[["
    return str

map = function (f, arr)
    local brr = {}
    for i=1,getn(arr) do tinsert(brr, f(arr[i])) end
    return brr
join = function (arr, sep)
    local str, n = {}, getn(arr)
    if n==0 then return "" end
    str = arr[1]
    for i=2,n do str = str .. sep .. arr[i] end
    return str

smash = function (obj) if obj=="" then return nil else return obj end end
nonvoids = function (arr)
    local brr = {}
    for i=1,getn(arr) do
      if not(smash(obj)) then tinsert(brr, arr[i]) end
    return brr

--;; def - a higher-level tool for defining heads

restspecs = {
  ["1"]=vargs1,    ["2"]=vargs2,    ["3"]=vargs3,    ["4"]=vargs4,
  ["1L"]=vargs1_a, ["2L"]=vargs2_a, ["3L"]=vargs3_a, ["4L"]=vargs4_a
-- (find-luafile "src/lib/lstrlib.c" "case 's' : res = isspace(c)")
-- (find-node "(libc)Classification of Characters" "int isspace")
def = function (str)
    local _, __, name, restspec, arglist, body =
      -- string.find (str, "^%s*([^%s]+)%s+([^%s]+)%s+([^%s]+)%s(.*)")
      string.find (str, "^%s*(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s(.*)")
    _G[name] = lambda(arglist, undollar(body))
    _GETARGS[name] = restspecs[restspec] or _G[restspec]
      or error("Bad restspec: "..name)

--;; printpos, checkbrackets

blogme_input_fname = "?"

printpos = function (str, pos)
    printf("%s (progn (find-fline \"%s\") (goto-char %d))\n",
           str, blogme_input_fname, pos+1)

checkbrackets = function ()
    local opens, neopens, necloses = {}, 0, 0
    for i=0,strlen(subj)-1 do
      local c = substring(i, i+1)
      if c == "[" then tinsert(opens, i)
      elseif c == "]" then
        if getn(opens)>0 then
          necloses = necloses + 1
          printpos("Extra close:", i+1)
    for i=1,getn(opens) do
      neopens = neopens + 1
      printpos("Extra open:", opens[i]+1)
    return neopens+necloses

----------[ the "soft part" of the kernel ends here ]----------

--;; Html functions

_P = P       -- P is a debugging function that I use; here we backup it as _P

J = function (str) return str end     -- join / identity
setgetargs(vargs1, "J")

-- (find-angg "TH/Htmllib.tcl")
-- (find-angg "TH/index-old.th")

def [[ HREF   2 url,str   "<a href=\"$url\">$str</a>" ]]
def [[ H1     1 str       "<h1>$str</h1>\n"           ]]
def [[ H2     1 str       "<h2>$str</h2>\n"           ]]
def [[ H3     1 str       "<h3>$str</h3>\n"           ]]
def [[ H4     1 str       "<h4>$str</h4>\n"           ]]
def [[ H5     1 str       "<h5>$str</h5>\n"           ]]
def [[ H6     1 str       "<h6>$str</h6>\n"           ]]

def [[ UL     1  str       "<ul>\n$str</ul>\n"        ]]
def [[ LI     1  str       "<li>$str\n"               ]]
def [[ LIST1  1L arr       UL(join(map(LI, nonvoids(arr)), ""))]]
def [[ LIST2  1L arr       UL(join(map(LI, nonvoids(arr)), ""))]]
def [[ LIST3  1L arr       UL(join(map(LI, nonvoids(arr)), ""))]]
def [[ HLIST1 2L head,arr  H2(head)..LIST1(arr)       ]]
def [[ HLIST2 2L head,arr  head.."\n"..LIST2(arr)     ]]
def [[ HLIST3 2L head,arr  head.."\n"..LIST3(arr)     ]]

def [[ BF     1 str        "<strong>$str</strong>"              ]]
def [[ IT     1 str        "<i>$str</i>"                        ]]
def [[ RM     1 str        "</i>$str<i>"                        ]]
def [[ TT     1 str        "<code>$str</code>"                  ]]
def [[ EM     1 str        "<em>$str</em>"                      ]]
def [[ PRE    1 str        "<pre>$str</pre>"                    ]]
def [[ NAME   2 tag,str    "<a name=\"$tag\">$str</a>"          ]]
def [[ COLOR  2 color,str  "<font color=\"$color\">$str</font>" ]]

def [[ IMG    2 url,alt    "<img src=\"$url\" alt=\"$alt\" border=0 >\n" ]]
def [[ IMAGE  2 url,alt    HREF(url, "<br>"..IMG(url,alt))               ]]

def [[ P      1 str        "\n\n<p>$str" ]]

def [[ TITLE  1 str        "<title>$str</title>\n"   ]]
def [[ HEAD   1 str        "<head>\n$str</head>\n"   ]]
def [[ BODY   1 str        "<body>\n$str\n</body>\n" ]]
def [[ HTML   1 str        "<html>\n$str</html>\n"   ]]

-- (find-angg "TH/Htmllib.tcl")
-- (find-angg "TH/index-old.th")

metastr = ""	      -- keywords, etc; addmeta, addkeywords are missing
TITLEDHTML = lambda("title, body",
setgetargs(vargs2, "TITLEDHTML")

--;; entities and quoting (Q)

entities_string = [[
  Æ AElig  Á Aacute  Acirc  À Agrave Å Aring  à Atilde Ä Auml  
  Ç Ccedil É Eacute Ê Ecirc  È Egrave Ë Euml   Í Iacute Ï Iuml  
  Ó Oacute Ô Ocirc  Ò Ograve Õ Otilde Ö Ouml   Ú Uacute Û Ucirc 
  Ù Ugrave Ü Uuml   á aacute â acirc  æ aelig  à agrave å aring 
  ã atilde ä auml   ç ccedil é eacute ê ecirc  è egrave ë euml  
  í iacute î icirc  ì igrave ï iuml   ó oacute ô ocirc  ò ograve
  õ otilde ö ouml   ß szlig  ú uacute û ucirc  ù ugrave ü uuml  
  ª ordf   « laquo  ° deg    º ordm   » raquo
  & amp  > gt  < lt
]] .. " \" quot "

reset_entities = function ()
    entities = {}
    entities_chars = ""
    entities_re = "[]"

add_entities = function (entstr)
    local e = split(entstr)
    for i=1,getn(e)-1,2 do
      entities[e[i]] = "&"..e[i+1]..";"
      entities_chars = entities_chars..e[i]
    entities_re = "(["..entities_chars.."])"


encode_entities = function (str)
    return string.gsub(str, entities_re, function (c) return entities[c] end)

Q = encode_entities
setgetargs(vargs1, "Q")

--;; heads with strange evaluation strategies (quoting, usually)

SHOWTHIS   = function () print(substring(b, e)); return "" end
_G["#"]    = function () return "" end
_G["'"]    = function () parse("_*"); return substring(pos, e) end
_G["lua:"] = function () return eval(substring(pos, e)) or "" end
_G["<"]    = function () return "[" end
_G[">"]    = function () return "]" end

setgetargs(nop, "SHOWTHIS # ' lua: < >")

--;; snarf urls (fake for the moment)

-- (find-angg "TH/")
-- (find-angg "TH/Htmllib.tcl" "local_remote_urls")

tosnarf_prefix = "/home/edrx/snarf/"
tosnarf = function (str)
    local _, __, p, rest = string.find(str, "^([a-z]+)://(.*)")
    if _ and (p == "http" or p == "ftp" or p == "file") then
      return tosnarf_prefix..p.."/"..rest

R = lambda("url, body", [[HREF(url, smash(body) or url)]])
L = lambda("url, body", [[HREF(tosnarf(url) or url, smash(body) or url)]])
LR = lambda("url, body", [[L(url, body).." ("..R(url,"rmt")..")"]])
A0L = R

relativepathto_prefix = ""
relativepathto = function (str) return relativepathto_prefix .. str end
section = function (str) return (smash(str) and "#"..str) or "" end

MYL = function (fname, text)
    return HREF(relativepathto(fname), smash(text) or fname)
MYURL = function (url, name)
    return relativepathto(smash(name) and url or url.."#"..name)
AURL = function (astem, name)
    return relativepathto(astem..".html"..section(name))

-- str = "foo#bar#plic"
-- PP(split(str, "#"))
-- str = "foo"
-- P(string.find(str, "^([^#]*)#?(.*)"))

bef_aft_hash = function (str)
    local _, __, bef, aft = string.find(str or "", "^([^#]*)#?(.*)")
    return {bef, aft}
vargshash2 = function () return bef_aft_hash(vword()), vrest() or "" end

AL = function (anggurl, text)
    return L(AURL(anggurl[1], anggurl[2]), smash(text) or anggurl[1])
ES = function (target, text)
    return L(relativepathto("e/"..target[1]..".e.html"..section(target[2])),
             smash(text) or target[1])

nbytes = function (fname)
    local f = io.open(fname)
    if f then return f:seek("end"), f:close() end
MYLBYTES = function (fname, txt)
    local size = nbytes(fname)
    return MYL(fname, txt.." ("..(size or "??").." bytes)")

-- procj AL1 {anggurl text} {	# experimental version
--   foreach {astem name} $anggurl {}
--   L1 [AURL $astem $name] [or $text $astem]
-- }
-- beforehash = function (str)
-- afterhash

-- (find-angg "TH/Generate" "link_functions")
-- (find-zsh "cd ~/LUA/; lua blogme.lua")
-- (find-fline "index.blogme")

localhack = lambda("", [["\n(Local hack not implemented)"]])
localhack = function () return "" end

-- HTMLIZE = lambda("title, body",
--   [[TITLEDHTML(Q(title), H3(Q(title)).."\n"..body..localhack())]])

HTMLIZE = function (title, body)
    return TITLEDHTML(Q(title), H3(Q(title)).."\n"..body..localhack())

setgetargs(vargs2, "R L LR A0L MYL HTMLIZE MYLBYTES")
setgetargs(vargshash2, "AL ES")


BR   = function () return "\n<br>\n" end
RULE = function () return "\n\n<hr size=1>\n\n" end
setgetargs(vargs1, "IFL IFR BR RULE ANAME")

--;; blogme

htmlize = function (title, body)
    blogme_output = HTMLIZE(title, body)
    return ""
setgetargs(vargs2, "htmlize")

blogme_test = function (infname, outfname)
    blogme_input_fname  = infname
    blogme_output_fname = outfname
    blogme_input = readfile(blogme_input_fname)
    subj, pos = blogme_input, 0
    if checkbrackets(blogme_fname) > 0 then
    if blogme_output_fname then
      writefile(blogme_output_fname, blogme_output)

-- pparse("[AL foo]")

if not library then
  local i = 1
  local infname, outfname
  while i <= arg.n do
    local a, b = arg[i], arg[i+1]
    if     a == "-o" then outfname = b; i = i+2
    elseif a == "-i" then blogme_test(b, outfname); i = i+2
    elseif a == "-p" then relativepathto_prefix = b; i = i+2
    elseif a == "-e" then assert(loadstring(b))(); i = i+2
    elseif a == "-remote" then LR = R; i = i+1
    else print("Unrecognized option: " .. a); os.exit(1)

-- blogme_test("index.blogme", "index.html")

-- (find-fline "index.blogme")
-- (find-fline "math.blogme")
-- (find-zsh "cd ~/LUA/; lua blogme.lua")
-- (find-zsh "cd ~/LUA/; lua blogme.lua -o ~/TH/L/index-b.html -i index.blogme")
-- (find-zsh "cd ~/LUA/; lua blogme.lua -o ~/TH/L/math-b.html -i math.blogme")
-- (find-w3m "~/LUA/index.html")

-- Bad head: <a href="http://www.gnu.org/gnu/linux-and-gnu.html">GNU/</a>
-- pos, b, e
-- 14491
-- 14440
-- 14491

pparse2 = function (str, tag)
    print(" 0123456789012345678901234567890123456")
    pparse(str, tag)
  end --dbg

-- pparse("foo [R ftp://a [R http://foo/bar   ab   cd ] ] bar")
-- pparse2("foo [R ftp://a bbb] bar")
-- pparse2("foo [R ftp://a [R http://boo bbb eee]] bar")
-- pparse2("foo [SHOWTHIS ftp://a bbb] bar")
-- pparse2("foo [lua: print(\"Hi!\")] bar")

-- (find-zsh "cd ~/LUA/; lua blogme.lua")
-- 012345678901234567890123

-- pparse(readfile "index.blogme")
-- pparse("[HTMLIZE titl body]")

-- Local Variables:
-- coding:             raw-text-unix
-- modes:              (fundamental-mode lua-mode)
-- ee-anchor-format:   "\n%s = function"
-- End: