Eev Interface

(find-eevfile "INTERFACE")


`M-e' follows a hyperlink.

Lines with expressions like "(find-xxx ...)" are hyperlinks. You can follow a hyperlink by placing the cursor anywhere in a such line and typing `M-e'.

`M-k' kills the new window.

For most kinds of hyperlinks and most situations following a hyperlink will open a new file or buffer using the current window. Typing `M-k' will kill the new file or buffer and take you back to where you were.

Hyperlinks are text.

Hyperlinks are made of plain text. There are no special attributes assigned to regions of text saying that these regions are hyperlinks and those others are not. Following a hyperlink means asking Emacs to interpret the rightmost part of a line as an expression in Lisp and executing it. Some Lisp expressions work as hyperlinks when executed. Other expressions will have other effects. In fact, any action that Emacs can do can be invoked through Lisp expressions.

Saving and executing blocks of text

`M-x eev' sends a series of commands to a shell.

`M-x eev' saves the currently selected region of text in a temporary script file. This temporary script file is not executed automatically; one needs to go to a shell and type `ee'.

`ee' in a shell runs this series of commands.

The installation of eev instructs some shells -- bash, zsh, tcsh -- to treat the `ee' command specially: `ee' becomes a shell function that will "source" the temporary script file (instead of just executing it), and will do that in verbose mode. What that means is that when you run `ee' you will see each command displayed before it is run (because of the verbose mode), and commands that change the state of the shell, like `cd' and `set', will work as expected (because of the source-ing). Except for some minor details, marking a block of commands, saving them with `eev', and running them with `ee' is equivalent to typing each of these commands by hand at the shell prompt.

`M-x eelatex' saves a block of text as LaTeX code. Then running `ee' in a shell will make latex process that block and will display the result.

`M-x eelatex' saves the currently selected region in a temporary TeX file, adding some headers to it (like \documentclass{xxx}, \begin{document} and \end{document}) and puts some commands into the temporary script file so that the next `ee' command in a shell will run `latex' on that temporary TeX file, and, if there were no errors, will run `xdvi' on the resulting .dvi file.

`M-x eev-bounded' is like `M-x eev', but sends the block of text around the cursor, up to the preceding and the next "delimiter lines" -- lines containing just "#".

`M-x eelatex-bounded' is like `M-x eelatex' but uses the block of text delimited by lines containing "%".

`' runs again the last `eexxx-bounded' function.

`Shift-' shows which of the `eexxx-bounded' functions is presently the default.

(oops! not implemented...)


Emacs displays some characters as coloured "glyphs".

This is implemented in the file `glyphs.el', and it's explained there.

Type `C-q C-o' to get a "". Type `M-, < <' and `M-, > >' to get "«" and "»".

`C-q C-o' is the way the ask Emacs to insert the char 15